APDCL - Instant Bill Payment
APDCL - Instant Bill Payment
APDCL - Instant Bill Payment
✓ Thank you!
Your payment has been successfully received as shown. Please quote your Payment ID for any queries
pertaining to this transaction. For any assistance please call our 24 Hours Customer Contact Centre. Thank
you for using CESC online bill payment service.
Transaction Details
Unique Id 070APDCL90046312812032021103648
Kindly Note:
Please note that the acknowledgement for all successful transaction will be displayed. You may, if you so desire, print or save the
transaction details.
However, The possibility of the link getting disconnected during the retun path from the bank after successful bill payment cannot be
ruled out in which case the Online Payment Receipt cannot be generated instantaneously. If this occurs, please do not attempt to pay
the bill again immediately and wait for 2 working days by when the receipt should normally get generated.