OB Study Guide
OB Study Guide
OB Study Guide
OB Study Guide
Alison Harding OB Lecture Series ‘09 Block 3, SCC Nursing Program T (623) 234.0472 E katali@me.com
OB Green = Very Important Bold = Important
Nageles Rule [to find the estimated date of confinement]
+ 7 days, - 3 months (don’t include the month you are in), + 1 year
Ex. November 7th, 2008 [the 14th and August plus 1 year, August 14th 2009]
Early – fetal head compression (just monitor; when baby gets really low, most benign)
Variable – cord compression (u, v, w shapes on fetal monitor), get Mommy on 8-10 L O2
and reposition Mommy on left side
Late De-cels – placental/uteral insufficiency [O2]; HR drops and no re-oxygenation
happens to baby and HR still decreases after contraction has ended
RN Closely Monitor
1. Pulmonary function 2. daily weights 3. I & O 4. S/S of pulmonary edema
Procardia/Nifedipine – Ca+ channel blocker; relaxes smooth muscle including the uterus
by blocking calcium entry
***NEVER, EVER give MgSO4 and Procardia together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Research has demonstrated that a gain of 48 hours to several days is best outcome
that can be expected with the use of tocolytics
■ Best reason to use tocolytic therapy is to achieve sufficient time to
administer glucocorticoids in an effort to accelerate fetal lung maturity and
reduce severity of respiratory complications in preterm infants
Pregnancy At Risk
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
-Excessive vomiting in the first trimester that leads to dehydration (5% weight loss),
acidosis, starvation, and ultimately death of mother and fetus.
HCG- hormone that is a biological marker in pregnancy tests; with hyperemesis, the
levels are found to be really high, these are the Mommy’s with bad morning sickness
Estrogen also can contributes to the hyperemesis
-NPO (1st until hydration resolved; usually 48 hours)
-IV Hydration
-Gradual diet – clear, full, soft, regular [or modified]
-Anti emetic
-TPN if necessary
-Reglan, phergan, unisom, B6
*Small frequent meals/snacks
*Increase protein and decrease fat (peanut butter and crackers)
-Can never feel full because they will throw up
-Morning/afternoon – don’t do well; evening or late night best time to get in a meal
[around 6-7 pm] tend to do better to get in calories by having a small meal
Nursing Responsibility
-Strict I & Os [have them keep a diary of food]
-Monitor fetus at all times
-Emotional support – well being of baby and include rest of family
-Any defect of ovulation
-Inadequate nutrition (anorexia, bulimia, drug use)
-Ultrasound [will show Moler pregnancy]
-Evacuation of the mole – D&C [dilate and clean]
-Type and Cross for possible transfusion
-Emotional support and bereavement care
-*Follow up for at least one year following; Beta – HCG levels from blood, need to see
decline of HCG
-20% end up with chorio carcinoma because of the proliferative cells, which could lead to
-CXR (lungs) 75% is the site of metasis
-Don’t get pregnant for 1 year because could have cancer, follow ups is so important
-Weekly for 3 weeks (want to see drastic drop in HCG levels), then monthly for 6
months, then Q 2 months x 3
-IF HCG still increased, D & C [again], tissue biopsy, chemo and possible hysterectomy
-Don’t have them take pill contraceptives [will feed bad tissue with hormones], for birth
control use condom
-Expulsion of the fetus prior to viability, 20 weeks gestation
-24 – 25 weekers can survive in NICU
-23 and under – probably won’t make it…
-20 weeks and less than 500 grams
-15% of all 1st pregnancies, end up in miscarriage (80% of those happen under 12 weeks)
Complete abortion – everything comes out fetus and tissue all comes out
Incomplete abortion – heavy bleeding, haven’t seen any thing expelled from fetus
(will have to D & C)
-Missed abortion – could or not have bleeding, products of conception that remain in
uterus, no cervical dilation, fetus is not alive 12 – 16 weeks, ultrasound confirm, give
uterus time to rest before Mommy gets pregnant again
-Habitual abortion – 3 – 6 abortions consecutively, for known reason, although common
cause is Mommy with HTN and hx of abruptio placenta
-Ultrasound, lab work (H/H, CBC, Type and Cross), observe cervix and if dilated – bed
rest, abstinence from sex, IV/ transfusion, D & C – dilation and curettage (if point of no
return), if beyond 12 weeks induction of labor by oxytocin, pit, and prostaglandins may
be used [missed abs common], emotional support and bereavement care [guilt,
punishment, give support [support groups], fetal heart tones (120 – 16- bpm) is best
indication for fetal well being
Risk Factors
-Use of IUD (intra uterine device)
-PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
-Hemorrhage, shock, peritonitis
-Pelvic examination
-Blood replacement
-Culdocentesis (back in the day, now use ultrasound)
-Laparoscopy/Laparotomy (small key holes in abdomen)
-Methrotrexate – give if un-ruptured and it measures less than 0.35 cm, then can give
Methr – will spot for week or 2
-Return weekly up to 12 weeks for Beta HCG draw (to watch for decline)
-If it ruptures, the pt will go to OR to matter what
Placenta Previa
-Placenta implantation in the lower uterine segment
-Abnorm implanted placenta, in the lower uterine segment
-Classified into three types by the degree the cervical os is being covered
*Marginal aka low laying is the most common and all of these are delivered by c-sect
Predisposing Factors
-Prior history of placenta previa
-Multiple pregnancies
-History of multiple births or closely spread pregnancies
-Prior uterine scars [by c-sect]
-After age of 35
-Quiet onset bright red bleeding
-Abdomen soft, palpable
-Labor pains-cramping
-Come in to get FHT and stat ultrasound
-Stable VS, even after blood loss
-Unless complete [type 3], loss lots of blood – hypovolemia shock
-Shock, anemia
**Vaginal bleeding = NO SVE & bright red blood and pregnancy does NOT go together
Nursing Responsibility
-Late 2nd to 3rd trimester, is when this happens [30 -32 weeks, if late 3rd trimester
hospital and deliver baby]
-Bed rest
-Monitor blood loss (pad count) Q hr
-Perineal care
-Education re: s/s of labor, condition, degree of placenta previa and what is going on
-Have current lab date eg T/S [Type and Cross]
-Emotional support
-Find FHT
-Doppler and stat ultrasound
-Monitor VS
-Watch for hypovolemia (16 to 18 gauge)
-If “complete” placenta previa, c-sect and baby coming out
-Prepare for emergency c-sect
-Celestone-Bethamentone for fetal lung maturity to Mom IM; need 48 to 72 hrs at least
for it to work
Cause of P-previa: PIH, trauma, cig smoking, drug use, cocaine, induction via pit,
maternal malnutrition, uterine fibroids, any maternal vascular disease, vena cava
syndrome (Mommy never to lay on back!) [Type and Cross and H&H]
Placenta Abruptio
-Premature separation of the placenta
-1-200 births
-Leading cause of maternal death extend of detachment or degree – D/C
-Trauma leading cause of abruptio
-Dark venous blood
-Abdomen rigid, hard
-Severe pain, extreme
-Sudden onset-trauma, fall, lifted
-Shock, hemorrhage (IV)
Nursing Responsibility
-Prepare for emergency C/S
-Time between abruption and delivery of baby
-FHT, ultrasound, IV (fluid replacement), extremely late decals [reposition Mommy on
left side and 8 to 10 L of O2, uterine irritability, tonicity]; fetal monitor with previa = late
Amniotic Fluid
Purpose (sticky and white normally)
1. cushions fetus
2. regulates temperature
3. equalizes pressure
4. allows fetus to move freely
-Oligohydraminos-absence of or small amount [causes renal issues in fetus]
-Polyhydraminos-too much fluid [causes baby can have IUGR]
-Hospitalized – pre term, NICU, lungs, intubation (will be in NICU until Mommy
expected date of delivery)
-Limit sterile vaginal exam
-Bed rest
-Trendelenberg position- to get pressure off perineum
-Daily CBC
-Fetal well being tests – NST, which is FHT with fetal movement: baseline FHR,
fetus must keep FHT 15 bpm above baseline for 15 seconds, twice in 20 mins for 40
mins total [then the result is considered a ‘reactive NST’]
- Fetal well being tests – BPP, which is bio physical profile done the 3rd trimester,
more specific ultrasound, HR, breathing, body movement, fetal tone, amniotic fluid
volume and each of these gets 2 points and you want a score of 8 to 10 pts; done
weekly every 3 to 4 days
-Medication – Celestone (if anticipate delivery, give X 2 more) for fetal lung
-L/S ratio – premie lung maturity; 2 to 1 check fetal lung development
-Cervical cultures for Gonorrhea Clamedia for STDs, Gram Beta Strep in first trimester
-GBS lies dormant in vagina, but will flare up with pregnancy/stress
-Bed rest, hydration, progesterone [helps endometrium attach to placenta]
-Trendelenberg position
-Antibiotics (triple abx on board before delivery)
-Prevent/inhibit cramping and contractions (eg tocolytics [to inhibit contractions])
-Shirodkar suture/cerclage [page 743]
-Draw baby’s blood and give antibiotic for 48 – 72 hours
-Cerclage = purse string around the cervix to strengthen it
Preterm Labor
-Onset of labor between 20 and 37 completed weeks of pregnancy
-Etiology unknown (dehydration)
-Spontaneous contractions
-Bed rest ***
-Hydration ***
-Empty bladder
-Tocolysis – Terbutaline, MgSo4 [Mag sulfate FDA approved anticoagulant] – these are
used to inhibit uterine contractions by relaxing smooth muscle of the uterus
-Educate Mommy that normally – contractions go from front to back and belly gets hard;
let them know how pre-term labor feels and the differences
-Braxton Hicks – have Mommy drink water and lay on left side (will go away)
Mild Preeclampsia
-Characterized by: HTN with proteinuria
-Increased BP
-Proteinuria- + 1 and + 2 on dip stick
-Edema (of hands and face)
-Wt gain [“normal” 2nd trimester = 2.2 lbs]
Severe Preeclampsia
-Characterized by BP 160/110 on two occasions
-Proteinuria which is > 5 g/L in 24 hours, oliguria which is < 400 mL/24 hours
-Other symptoms like headache, blurred vision, scotomata (seeing stars in eyes), pitting
edema, N/V, epigastric pain
Labs – increased serum creatinine
-Characterized by
-Convulsions [can give MgSO4 for this]
Treating Preeclampsia
-Home management
-Bed rest
-Check BP, UA daily
-Bi weekly NSTs
-24 hour urine collection
-Check fetal movement
-Hospital Management
-High protein, low sodium diet
-24 hour urine collection for protein and creatinine
-Fetal well being tests BPP, NST
-Anti-convulsant therapy – MgSO4
-Anti hypertensive eg aldomet, Procardia, Labetelol [beta blocker] they are
very common and safe antihypertensives
Gestational Diabetes
-Carbohydrate intolerance with onset first recognized during pregnancy
Lack of maternal glycemic control before conception and in first trimester of
pregnancy may be responsible for fetal congenital malformations
Maternal insulin requirements increase as pregnancy progresses and may
quadruple by term as a result of insulin resistance created by placental hormones,
insulinase, and cortisol
Poor glycemic control before and during pregnancy can lead to maternal
complications such as miscarriage, infection, and dystocia caused by fetal
Careful glucose monitoring, insulin administration when necessary, and dietary
counseling are used to create a normal intrauterine environment for fetal growth
and development in pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus
Because gestational diabetes mellitus is asymptomatic in most cases, many
women undergo routine screening during pregnancy
Maternal Risks [page 688] need to have blood glucose level the same at ALL times
-Maternal hypotension causes IUGR
-Polyhydraminos – increase of 2000 cc amniotic fluid from hyperglycemia
-Hyperglycemia – dystocia [difficult labor dysfunction, uncoordinated]
-Large placenta
-16 to 18 weeks AFP, tube screen
Fetal Risks
-Fetal demise d/t DKA
-Macrosomia- big juicy babies, perineal laceration or c-sect
-Shoulder displacment
-IUGR because of maternal hypotension
-Premie, respiratory distress [under developed lungs and check L/S ratio]
->30 years, obesity, family history of diabetes or previous deliveries of large, juicy babies
-Blood drawn
-50 g random glucose test at 24 – 28 weeks; results > 140 require further testing
-Three hour GTT [glucose tol test]
-Normal blood glucose level is 60 to 120
-Educate pt to avoid caffeine before test
-Fasting >95 blood sugar (draw fasting bs)
Screening sugar levels:
-1st hour >180
-2nd hour >155 to 165
-3rd hour >140 to 145
~Gestational Diabetes if 2 or more valves are high
Postpartum Complications
Postpartum Hemorrhage
-A blood loss greater than 500 mL in the first 24 hours after vaginal delivery
-A blood loss greater than 1000 mL in the first 24 hours after C/S
Postpartum hemorrhage is most common and most serious type of excessive
obstetric blood loss
-Uterine atony [uterus forgets to contract]
-Retained Placental Fragments
-Increased, thready and weak pulses
-Decreased blood pressure
-Increased shallow respirations
-Pale clammy skin
-Increasing anxiety
Medical Management
-LOTS AND LOTS of fluid
*Early recognition is critical
-1st = massage fundus and empty bladder
-Pitocin (10 -40 units in 1000 D5W)
-Methergine IM QID (this is to wake up uterus, can’t give to HTN pt)
-Prostaglandin administration – hemoabate, then
-Bimanual compression – literally go in vagina with knuckles and a 4 x 4, press against
uterus and clean out uterus
-Blood replacement
-Hysterectomy is worst case scenario
-Pad change every 3 hours
Nursing Considerations
-Fundal massage
-Measure fundal height, consistency and lochia Q 4 hours
-Offer bedpan Q 4 hours
-Position pt in supine
-VS Q 15 mins
-O2 by face mask if RDS
-Don’t ever leave to, stay at bedside
-Incomplete return of the uterus to its pre-pregnant size and shape
-Late post partum hemorrhage 1 – 2 weeks after childbirth [about 3 to 6 weeks for it to
-Excessive blood loss
-Lochia fails to progress from rubra-serosa-alba
-Lochia Rubra persists after 2 weeks
-Methergin or hemobate
-Frequent voiding
-Lots of fluids
-D & C if necessary
Risk factors
-Placental fragments still left in uterus
-Monitor signs of bleeding
-Warm, moist soaks while maintaining legs elevated
-Obtain clotting times
-Increase fluid intake
-Generalized petchie
-Heavy vaginal bleeding
Definition - Refers to an infection of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. Bacteria
gains access to the uterus thru the vagina and enters the uterus either at the time of birth
or during the post-partum period.
Mommy had c/s, prolonged ROM, multiple sterile vag exams, prolonged labor, placental
-WBCs 20,000 to 30,000
-A rise in temperature 24 hours postpartum
-Starts 2 to 5th day post partum but before discharge
-Chills, malaise, loss of appetite
-Abdominal tenderness and strong after pains
-Lochia is dark brown and it smells, culture lochia if endometritis is suspected
-Will have delayed involution
-Antibiotics IV, broad spectrum [penicillin, gent]
-Anti pyretic
-Lots of fluid
-Frequent perineal care
-Positioning, sit or lay Fowler or Semi-Fowlers to promote drainage
-Decreased bladder sensitivity
-Frequent caths
-Frequent vaginal exams
-Increased bladder capacity
-Bladder trauma at birth
-Increased diuresis
-Over distention of the bladder
-Frequent urination of small amounts, burning, dysuria
-Elevated temperature (low grade – cystitis and high pyelonephritis)
-Flank pain/CVT (costoverterbral flank pain)
-Chills and N/V
-Infection of the breast connective tissue, primarily in women who are lactating
-Almost always uni-lateral
-From blocked milk duct and creates abscess
-Established after 2-3 weeks post partum
-Usual causative organisms are: Staph a, E coli, Strep
-Affected breast show localized pain, swelling, and redness
-Breast milk becomes scant
-Tender axillary lymph nodes
-Broad spectrum antibiotics
-Breastfeeding continued or pumping (Q 2 -3 hrs) to promote that abscess to drain
-Cold or ice compresses, supportive bra until pain subsides [45 minutes on 45 minutes
-Frozen cabbage leaves [45 on 45 off]
-Warm compresses right before mommy breastfeeds
Complications of Childbirth
Stress Factors = reduction of myometrial activity
Nursing Plan
-Comfort measures
-Relaxation/Breathing techniques
-Reassurance [always] and rapport [let her know what is going on every step of the way]
Midline straight down 1-2 cm
-Advantages: less blood loss, less painful, heals quickly
-Disadvantages: may extend to anus (mommy has a big baby, cut straight down and can
go down to anus)
Midiolateral about 3-5 cm, these are big, big babies (like 8.5 lb –ers)
-Advantages: more room
-Disadvantages: more painful, more blood loss, takes longer to heal
Precipitate Labor
Labor that is completed in less than three hours. More common with multiparous woman.
Poses risk of trauma to the fetus as well as trauma to the maternal soft tissue.
-Early preparation for labor
-Support the perineum in case of delivery [all RN in L&D are ready to delivery baby if
have to]
Risks for Mom – if mom is delivery too fast, uterine rupture is a risk, cervical – vaginal –
rectal lacerations
For neo-nate – hypoxia – caused by uterus placenta insufficiency by hypertonic
contractions/uterus, intra-cranial hemorrhage
Nursing considerations:
-Don’t leave mommy alone!
-Have her pant to buy some time or have her blow and distract her to decrease urge to
-Be sure to get sterile gloves prepared
-Support the perineum
-Look at monitor for baby’s well being (O2 like 8-10 L of oxygen for fetal distress)
First - perineal skin and the vaginal mucosa - extends through the skin and most common
Second – perineal skin, vaginal mucosa, fascia, muscles of the perineal body
Third – Perineal skin, vaginal mucosa, fascia, muscles of the perineal body involving the
anal sphincter
Fourth – a third degree laceration but goes thru the rectal mucosa
-Put mom in stir-up if see trickle of blood post partum to check sutures and pat to see
where it is coming from, can even come from vaginal laceration
Nursing Considerations
-Pain meds
-Epi foam and derma plast to put on pad for perineal care (front to back, wipe from front
to back and PAT dry)
Perineal Hematomas
Collection of blood in the subQ layer of perineal tissue characterized by: purplish
discolored area, swelling (2 to 8 cm), and feeling of pressure or tightness; usually from
vacuum out baby
-Mommy will say severe pain in her perineum and may not be able to close her legs
-VS (hypovolemia)
-Monitor for abnormal pain (use of vacuum and or forceps)
-Monitor mommy’s bottom
-Ice [15 minutes on 15 off]
-Pain meds
-I & O
-Cath mommy if she is unable to void
-Antibiotics (becomes infected, broad spectrum, prophylactic)
-If bubble is clear, it is just edema – leave alone; if black and blue, will have to do I & D
to evacuate hematoma so prepare for that
-Sacral nerve compression = severe back pain
-Increased risk of forceps and vacuum = increase risk of lacerations
-FHT are heard on lateral side on the abdomen
Nursing Plan
-Position change – knee chest
-Back rub
-Face, brow
-Manual rotation [there is risk involved like where cord is located; doctor goes in and
internally try to move the baby]
-External version [page 789; ultrasound and move baby from the outside]
Macrosomia (large gestational age babies, big juicy babies); maternal diabetes or post
term pregnancy – more than 42 weeks
-Shoulder dystocia – shoulders are too broad to be delivered thru the pelvic outlet
Nursing Responsibilities
-McRoberts maneuver – [page 811]
-Prep for c-sect
-Check infant shoulders after delivery
Cesarean Birth
Reasons for c-sect:
-Mal-presentation [breech, etc]
-Placenta previa or abruption
-Fetal distress
-Failure to progress [Mommy has been labor for 12 to 14 hrs]
-Prior uterine scar [doesn’t want to go to a VBAC]
Types of incision
-Classic or vertical
-Low transverse or prannestiel
Nursing Responsibilities
-Prepare client – shave, Foley, pre op meds [mommy – bicitra – neutralize stomach acid
so she won’t feel like throwing up or aspirate]
-Pre op and post op teaching [monitor vs, assess fundus, assess vaginal bleeding, assess
abd dressing, foley cath and urine output, turn/cough and deep breath] page 800
Nursing Plan
-Avoid cord compression
-Trendelenberg position
-Knee chest position
-NEVER press the cord back in; what you do is put pressure on baby’s coconut so baby’s
not putting pressure on cord and do NOT let this baby be delivered, will have to go to c-
-Placenta previa
-Cephalic Pelvic Disproportion [CPD]
-Small baby
-Multiple gestations
-Cord is felt on vaginal exam
-Presence of FHR with variable decals
-Ensure reassuring FHT
-Vaginal exam to push up presenting part (not the cord)
-8 to 10 L of O2
-Poss c-sect or rapid delivery
-Positioning like Trendelenberg position or Knee chest position
Dysfunctional Labor
-Hypertonia – seen in early labor; painful d/t uterine muscle cell anoxia [not enough
oxygenation; no normal resting phase that goes on – give analgesics, O2, positioning];
ineffective and doesn’t even allow cervix to dilate
-Hypotonia – seen in active labor; caused by medication, epidural, over stretching of
uterus, or mal-position (will have to rule out CPD – cephalic pelvic disproportion) – will
give pit to jump start uterus, ultrasound to check positioning, vacuum assisted birth and c-
sect is worst case
Dysfunctional labor occurs as a result of:
■ Hypertonic uterine dysfunction
■ Hypotonic uterine dysfunction
■ Inadequate voluntary expulsive forces-not doing what is supposed to do
Functional relations among uterine contractions, fetus, and mother’s pelvis are
altered by maternal positioning, which is why ultrasound done at bedside
Risk factors
-Mommy over 40
-Uterine abnormalities
-Fetal macrosomia
-Fetal mal presentation
-Multi fetal pregnancy
Uterine Rupture
May be as a result of VBAC, trauma, excess pitocin administration, fetal lie
-Symptoms: excruciating pain [sharp, abrupt, sudden], cessation of contractions [uterus
won’t contract anymore], drastic decrease in fetal heart rate [immediately], late decals,
may have bleeding or may not have bleeding
Treatment- emergency cesarean
-O2 and fluids
-Separation of scar from previous c/s
-Intensive uterine contractions
-Over stimulation of labor with Oxytocin
-Difficult forceps assisted birth
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Occurs when amniotic fluid gets into maternal circulation; leading cause of death during
labor or the first few hours post partum, first case was in 1926; leak in amniotic fluid and
goes to lungs; unpreventable situation; pt can’t breath; may have meconium; maternal
mortality rate is about 61% and if happens, permanent damage; baby will usually have
permanent hypoxia problems [like CP] about 50%; via the endocervical veins
-Respiratory distress – SOB, cyanosis
-Chest pain [abrupt onset]
-Acute hemorrhage
-Pale to bluish/cyanosis, dyspnea, respiratory distress
-Oxygen by mask or cannula [8 – 10 L]
-CPR if needed
-Avoid moving pt
-Death may be imminent if not caught on time
Over stimulation of the coagulation process triggered by underlying disease and vascular
Management by treating underlying cause; will see in L & D process and part of
-Abruptio Placentae
-Amniotic fluid embolism
-Dead fetus syndrome [retained in utero usually about 5 to 6 weeks]
-Severe Preeclampsia
-Assess vaginal bleeding
-Observe for clots
-Place pt in a left lateral side lying position
-Palpate fundus
-Low platelets, low fibrogin, low protrombin, and low Factors 5 and 6
-Bleeding from the nose
-Bleeding from IV site or other areas
HELLP Syndrome
-Elevated liver enzymes [AST more than 72 [5 and 40 is normal for AST] and increase in
LDH [norm 0 to 250] of more than 600]
-Low platelets [less than 100,000]
-Improve platelet count
-Close observation
-Prevent bruising or bleeding
-Once baby is out, HELLP is gone
-HELLP mommies are very sick
-Usually more than 34 weeks, but can be under 34 weeks
-Right upper quadrant pain or epigastric pain
Newborn Complications
Risk factors that causes newborn complications
-Prenatal or intrapartal, diabetes, narcotics analgesics, anesthesia, fetal asphyxia, difficult
or prolonged labor, multiple gestation, pre term baby, post term baby, congenital
anomalies, maternal infection, neonatal infection, SGA or large for gestational age
Preterm Newborn
Definition – gestational age (under 37 weeks of gestation) as well as weight less than
2500 grams (5lbs 8oz)
-Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) - decrease in surfactant in alveoli regardless of
birth weight
-Aspiration – don’t have an intact gag reflex, inability to suck, swallow and breathe
-Apnea of prematurity
-Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) – bleeding in or around ventricles
-Retinopathy of prematurity
-Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
-Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) - very common, acute inflammatory bowel d/o in pre
term or low birth weight babies; as soon as baby gets to NICU, get baby on breastmilk
and that will help NEC which leads to perf and peritonitis
-Neonatal sepsis
-Hypoglycemia – especially for macrocosmic babies
-Hyperbilirubenmia – some babies are just born with this
-12 to 15 bilirubin levels with bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus
-Delayed growth and development
Ballard assessment – assessment for premies and what they do before they go into the
NICU, neuro and physical assessment
-Periodic breathing – watch for retraction and color change, that is not normal, but
periodic breathing is normal
-Apnea –pause longer than 10 to 15 seconds
-Low birth weight
-Minimal subcutaneous fat deposits
-Head large in comparison to body
-Lanugo over body
-Minimal creases in the soles and palms (premies have minimal)
-Flat areola without breast buds
-Heels fully moveable to the ears – they are super flexible
-Inability to coordinate suck and swallow
-Skin is thin, smooth, skin and the smaller they are the more translucent
-Ear cartilage is very soft, in the unit, watch to make sure that they cartilage is in
-Eyes may still be close
-Un descended testies
-Weak grasp reflex
-Hypotonic muscle
Nursing Interventions
-Perform resuscitative measures
-Ensure thermoregulation - can’t not regulate their own temp, radiant warmers,
-Administer respiratory support measures – surfactant and oxygen
-Administer nutrition and fluids
-Administer medications as prescribed
-Minimize stimulation
-Provide for non nutritive sucking
-Keeps parents informed/educated about care of their pre term newborn
-Less than 34 weeks, going to establish IV and oral gavage (when they get to 34 weeks,
will start one PO 5 cc feed)
-Clustered nursing care, Q 4, 6, 8 hrs
-Provide non nutritive sucking
-Inform and keep parents up to date
-Blanket rolls, swaddling, secure holding
-Goal in NICU is meeting infants growth and development needs, anticipate and manage
complications in the NICU especially respiratory distress and sepsis (and cardiac system)
Discharge Planning
Home care needs of the infant’s parents are assessed
Information is provided about infant care
Referrals for appropriate resources
Referrals for home health assistance
-Bowel function
-Arterial blood gas
-Head U/S = ultrasound (for IVH)
-Eye exams
-Serum glucose
-Perinatal asphyxia – hypoxia
-Meconium aspiration
-Instability of body temperature
-Weight – below 10th percentile
-Reduced subQ fat
-Loose, dry skin
-Scalp hair sparse
-Wide skull sutures **inadequate bone growth (IUGR)
-Wide eyed and alert – prolonged fetal hypoxia that is their compensation
-Sign of meconium aspiration, hypoglycemia and hypothermia
-Decrease effectiveness of placenta – increase asphyxia – increase in meconium
passage in uterus – increase risk of meconium aspiration (MAS) – inhalation of
meconium into the lungs = meconium is a BIG fear
-Birth injury r/t shoulder dystocia
-First pregnancies; gravida 1
-Etiology is unknown why mommy goes post term
-Mommy had a previous post term, may happen again
-SGA or large birth weight
-What happens depends on the placenta
-Absence of vernix (younger they are the more vernix they have), minimal lanugo
-Dry, cracked skin r/t metabolism of fat to energy need in utero
-Hypoglycemia (metabolism of glycogen to meet energy needs in utero)
-Minimal subcutaneous fat because baby has to compensate on their own
-Skin and cord stained yellow/green (caused by meconium)
-Long fingernails, scratches on the face, trunk
Nursing Management
-Blood sugar levels
-Complete Blood Panel
-Obtain VS
-Complete blood count
-Increased consumption of calories = loss of weight
-Increased oxygen consumption – hypoxia - acidosis – pulmonary construction
-Utilization of fat for energy – lack of surfactant – RDS
-Increased glucose consumption – hypoglycemia
-Wrap and dry baby after ensuring airway, have to dry baby up!
-Reduce or eliminate heat lost thru drafts and contact with cold objects
-Postpone initial bath until temp has stabilized
-Dry infant immediately after birth and bathing
-Keep axillary temp between 97.6 and 99.2 F
Management complications
-If axillary temp is less than 97.6 F
-Put hat on infant’s head
-Wrap newborn with warm blankets
-Assess O2 and hypoglycemia status
-Re warm infant slowly (hypotension and apnea)
-Hypothermia is an early sign of sepsis
Definition – blood glucose less than 40 mg/dl in an term infant [30 to 80 mg/dl is normal
blood glucose in baby]; all stressed babies have a risk for being hypoglycemic
-Infants of diabetic mommy’s, SGA, premies, experiencing cold stress, hypothermia,
delayed feedings, respiratory distress
-Tremors, jitteriness
-Decreased muscle tone
-Weak cry
-Can lead to seizures
-Check blood glucose on all infants by one hour of age and 30 mins on infant’s with IDM
-Treat hypoglycemia by breast feeding immediately or administering D5W, D10W PO or
IV (Don’t attempt to feed po an infant who is lethargic at risk for aspiration)
-If treatment has been started, recheck blood glucose level before the next feeding
Neonatal sepsis
Definition – is a generalized infection that has spread through the blood stream
-Immature immune system (inability of the body to localize infection)
-Lack of IgM immunoglobin (protects against bacteria and does not cross the placenta)
-Manifests itself 24 hours after birth
-Prolonged ROM
-Difficult, long labor
-Resuscitation, invasive procedures
-Maternal infection (UTI and GBS)
-Beta hemolytic strep causes (meningitis and sepsis)
-Aspiration of amniotic fluid, formula or mucus
-Nosocomial infections
-HIV mommies
-Low birth weight babies
-Temperature instability (hypothermia)
-Feeding intolerance (weak suck and low intake)
-Behavioral changes ex. lethargy, pallor or seizures
-Respiratory distress (grunting, flaring, retractions)
-Tachycardia – apnea – bradycardia [because of compensation]
-Drainage [eyes, umbilical stump]
-Loose stool
-Abdominal distention
-Oral gavage –large residual
-Obtain cultures, blood urine, and CSF, before starting antibiotic therapy [complete septic
work up]
-Administer antibiotics
-Obtain VS and temp
-Observe for changes in physical assessment
-Will probably have fluid/electrolyte imbalance
[Usually will be poly-microbial, usually steph, E coli, Hem influenza, group B strep]
Definition – term refers to excessive bilirubin in the blood characterized by jaundice;
give yellow to their urine and brown to their stool
Lab Values
-Normal Values for Newborns
Birth to 24 hours = 6 mg/dl
Day 1 to 2 = 8 mg/dl
Day 3 to 5 = 12 mg/dl
-Un conjugated/indirect – fat soluble, physiologic jaundice [can turn into karnictus]
Most commonly seen in newborns; from trauma at birth
-Conjugated/direct – water soluble, pathologic in origin [this is the bad one!]
Suggests hepatic problems ex biliary astresia, tumors, damaged liver cells
-Conjugated hemolytic disease fo the newborn
-Un conjugated – 50 – 80% babies have this
**Look at eyeballs first! If below nipple line, not quite a concern as eyeballs
-Exchange transfusion – used to treat infants who has raised levels (above 20), used when
bili can’t be controlled by phototherapy (replacement of 75 to 80% infants blood of
recipients blood by donor blood)
Phototherapy Management
-Cover infant’s eyes and remove covers Q 2 hrs
-Change position q2hrs and assess skin
-Assess stools (green stools are indicative of bilirubin being excreted thru the stools)
-Increase fluid intake to prevent dehydration
-Assess temp Q 2 hrs (hyperthermia)
-Monitor bilirubin levels prescribed
-Tachypnea (more than ro RR/min)
-Nasal flaring
-Respiratory acidosis
-Retractions: sternal and subcostal
-High pitched cry
-Irritable (difficult to console)
-Decreased sleep pattern
-Vomiting and diarrhea
-Uncoordinated suck
-Position of infant on side (facilitates drainage)
-Burp them a lot to prevent aspiration, LOTS of patients
-Maintain sats
-Suction prn
-Decrease environmental stimuli and swaddle for comfort
-Obtain meconium and urine (drug screening)
-Monitor I & O and weight
-Administer meds eg methadone and Phenobarbital
-Control seizures
-Offer pacifier for non-nutritive sucking
-Assess: RR, weight, reflexes, CNS hyper-irritability
**There is no breastfeeding from addicted mommy to baby
*Education is key!
-Position of infant on side (facilitates drainage)
-Burp them a lot to prevent aspiration, LOTS of patients
-Maintain sats
-Suction prn
-Decrease environmental stimuli and swaddle for comfort
-Obtain meconium and urine (drug screening)
-Monitor I & O and weight
-Administer meds eg methadone and Phenobarbital
-Control seizures
-Offer pacifier for non-nutritive sucking
-Assess: RR, weight, reflexes, CNS hyper-irritability
Metabolic Conditions
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
-An inherited disorder that affects the body’s protein utilization caused by abnormal
metabolism of the amino acid “phenylalanine”
-If the disease is not detected early the infant can loose 10 pts in IQ in the first month and
can lead to mental retardation
-Protein restricted diet
-Formula modified protein – hydrolysate and limited phenylalanine or free phenylalanine
-Obtain PKU after 48 hours of birth and no later than 7 days (infant’s need at least 24
hours of feeding to show adequate protein level)
-Normal levels are <2mg/dl, if greater than 4mg/dl, test need to be repeated
-S/S: FTT, vomiting, irritability, urine with musty odor, myoclonic or grand mal seizures,
eczema type rash
Metabolic Disorders
Galactosemia (Maple syrup disease)
Definition – is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by abnormal amounts
of galactose in the blood
-S/S: lethargy, hypotonia, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, and cirrhosis
-Cataracts and brain damage
-Child may die after 3 days if no treatment is started
-Beutier test is used to detect this disease (cord blood)
-Diet free of galactose
-Milk substitutes like casein hydrolysates (Nutramigen)
Definition – a problem where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid
hormones to meet metabolic needs
-Obtain T4 levels @ 2nd to 6th day after birth from a heel stick sample
-Measure height, weight, HC, and developmental milestones
-Hoarse cry
-Large, protruding tongue
-Hypotonia, puffy and pale
-Distended abdomen
-Prolonged jaundice
-Feeding problems
-Cold to touch
-Excessive sleepiness
-On thyroid medication for life
Anticipatory Grief
Experienced when told of the impending death of infant
Prepares and protects parents who are facing a loss
Parents who have an infant with a debilitating disease, but one that may not
threaten the life of the child, also may experience anticipatory grief
Loss of an infant
Health care professionals can help by:
Involving family in the infant’s care
Providing privacy
Answering questions
Preparing the family for the inevitability of the death
Growing emphasis on hospice and palliative care for infants and
their families
Key Points
Preterm infants are at risk for problems stemming from the immaturity of their
organ systems
Nurses who work with preterm and other high risk infants observe them for
respiratory distress and other early symptoms of physiologic disorders
Adaptation of parents to preterm or high risk infants differs from that of parents to
normal term infants
Nurses can facilitate the development of a positive parent-child relationship
Nurses’ skills in interpreting data, making decisions, and initiating therapy in
newborn intensive care units are crucial to ensuring infants’ survival
Parents need special instruction before they take home a high risk infant
Oxygen therapy
Developmental care
SGA infants are considered at risk because of fetal growth restriction
High incidence of nonreassuring fetal status among postmature infants is related
to progressive placental insufficiency that can occur in a postterm pregnancy
Specially trained nurses may transport high risk infants to and from special care
Parents need assistance coping with anticipatory loss and grief
Regardless of infant’s disorder or condition, care provider must remember that
infant belongs to a family that also has many needs
Infection in neonate may be acquired:
In utero
During birth
During resuscitation
From within the nursery
Nurse often is first to observe signs of newborn drug withdrawal
Providing high-quality perinatal care to a varied population with multiple
conditions is complicated by special needs of high risk, drug-dependent clients
Signs and symptoms of infant withdrawal vary in time of onset depending on type
and dose of drug involved
Most widespread use of postnatal testing for genetic disease is routine screening
of newborns for inborn errors of metabolism
Curative and rehabilitative problems of an infant with a congenital disorder are
often complex and require a multidisciplinary approach to care