Chandigarh Delhi: Bus Booking

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Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

Powered by
Boarding point phone number
N/A redBus support
Phone No. 18001035395

Bus Booking
Ticket ID: 36M5JAE5

Chandigarh Delhi
Yolo Bus
Volvo A/C Semi Sleeper (2+2)

Board ing Point: 6h 01m Drop Point:

09 :18 PM d uration 03:19 AM

T ue, 0 9 Feb Wed, 10 Feb

HP Pet rol Pump Opp Sect 4 3 ISBT Kas hmiri Gat e, Met ro St at ion Gat e
ne ar HP Pe trol Pum p, Opposite Se ctor No.6
43 ISBT,ne ar HP Pe trol Pum p, Opposite Ne ar Kashm iri Gate 6,Kashm iri Gate
Se ctor 43 ISBT Me tro Station , Gate No. 6
Contact: N/A Contact: N/A

T raveller Det ails

T raveller Gender, Age Seat number

Shivam Male, 32 years 5

Total Fare: ₹419.0

(Inclusive of all taxes)

No te: It is reco mmended to carry printo ut o f the ticket. Certain Bus Operato rs do n't accept E- T icket.

Import ant Inf ormat ion

It is recommended to carry printout of the attached e-ticket. Certain Bus Operators might not
accept the e-ticket.

Passengers are required to carry the valid ID proof at the time of boarding the bus.

Cancel your booking by clicking here.

Happy journey!
Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

Cont act Inf ormat ion

Need further help on this order?
Get in touch with our customer support by clicking here.

Cancellat ion Policy

T ime Cancellatio n % Cancellatio n
Amo unt

Before 10th Jan 08:30 PM 0% 0

After 10th Jan 08:30 PM & Before 8th Feb 20% 79.81
08:30 PM

After 8th Feb 08:30 PM & Before 9th Feb 50% 199.53
08:30 AM

After 9th Feb 08:30 AM & Before 9th Feb 80% 319.24
08:30 PM

Any cancellation of tickets can incur cancellation charg es based on the bus operator
policy. Please refer cancellation amounts in above table.
Cancellation charg es are calculated based on service start d ate + time at: 09-02-2021
08:30 PM
Cancellation charg es are computed on a per seat basis.Above cancellation fare is
calculated based on seat fare of Rs. 399.05
Partial cancellation is not allowed for this ticket. Ticket cannot be cancelled after
service start time.
The customers will receive refund s after d ed ucting the cashbacks, offer d iscounts and
non-refund able charg es as per the bus operator’s policy.

T erms & condit ions

Amaz on is only an intermed iary bus ticket booking platform and it d oes not operate bus services of its own,
neither d oes it d irectly liaise with any bus operator for these booking s. In ord er to provid e a comprehensive choice
of bus operators, d eparture times and prices to customers, it has tied up with red Bus, which in-turn has tied up
with many bus operators and service provid ers. Amaz on’s ad vice to customers is to choose bus operators they
are aware of and whose service they are comfortable with.

This site is for consumer use only. Any travel ag ent/tour operator/consolid ator/ag g reg ator, by whatsoever name
referred to, should not use this site for ind ivid ual/ g roup booking s. In the event that any booking s by travel
ag ents/tour operators/consolid ators/ag g reg ators throug h the Amaz on site are d etected , Amaz on reserves the
rig ht to cancel such booking s immed iately, without any notice to such travel ag ents/tour
operators/ag g reg ators/consolid ators, and /or to withhold payments/commissions thereto. The various d iscounts

Happy journey!
Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

and offers mentioned on the site are applicable to the consumers for the purposes of end use of the consumers

As set out above, since Amaz on is merely acting as an intermed iary connecting the consumer with the ticketing
inventory available on red Bus, Amaz on is not responsible for fulfilment of any bus service related terms, which
includ es:
1. Provid ing customer support and information in case of any d elays / inconvenience d uring the bus rid e.
2. The amenities provid ed on the bus, i.e., the bus seats, charg ing point, AC etc. not being up to the assured
stand ard s or customer expectation.
3. The bus operator canceling the trip for any reasons whatsoever, includ ing unavoid able reasons such as
malfunction of the bus, land slid es, or other reasons attributable to weather cond itions or any other natural
4. The bag g ag e of the customer g etting lost / stolen / d amag ed .
5. The bus operator chang ing a customer's seat at the last minute to accommod ate another passeng er’s
req uirements.
6. The bus not d eparting / reaching on time.
7. Misbehavior, includ ing profane behavior by the bus operator's employees.
8. The customer waiting at the wrong board ing point (please call the bus operator to find out the exact
board ing point if you are not a reg ular traveler on that bus or route).
9. The bus operator chang ing the board ing point and /or using a pick-up vehicle at the board ing point to take
customers to the bus d eparture point.
10. The bus breaking d own d uring the journey and bus operator not arrang ing for an alternate in reasonable
11. Any other service or safety related concern not mentioned above which is the responsibility of the bus operator

Lug g ag e policy

Please note below g eneral policy for lug g ag e for your journey. This policy is subjected to chang e d epend ing upon
the lug g ag e policy of each bus operator:
1. Each passeng er is allowed to carry one bag of up to 10 kg s and one personal item such as a laptop bag ,
hand bag , or briefcase of up to 5 kg s.
2. Passeng ers should not carry any g ood s like weapons, inflammable, firearms, ammunition, d rug s, liq uor,
smug g led g ood s etc. and any other articles that are prohibited und er law.
3. Bus operator reserves the rig ht to d eny board ing or charg e ad d itional amount in case passeng er is travelling
with extra lug g ag e than what is mentioned above.

Service related
1. The d eparture time mentioned on the ticket are only tentative timing s. However the bus will not leave the
source before the time that is mentioned on the ticket.
2. Passeng ers are req uired to furnish the following at the time of board ing the bus:
a. A copy of the ticket (A printed copy of the ticket/the printed copy of the ticket email wherever acceptable).
b. A valid id entity proof.
c. Booking SMS (M-ticket).
Failing to d o so, they may not be allowed to board the bus.

Happy journey!
Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

3. Amenities for this bus as shown on Amaz on have been config ured and provid ed to Amaz on by red Bus. Please
note that Amaz on provid es this information in g ood faith to help passeng ers to make an informed d ecision.
The liability of the amenity not being mad e available lies with the bus operator and not with Amaz on.
4. In case a booking confirmation e-mail and SMS g ets d elayed or fails because of technical reasons or as a
result of incorrect e-mail ID/Phone number provid ed by the user etc., a ticket will be consid ered 'booked ' as
long as the ticket shows up on the ord er d etails pag e of Amaz on.
5. G rievances and claims related to the bus journey should be reported to customer support team of red Bus
within 10 d ays of your travel.

G eneral terms
1. The bus booking s on the website https://www.amaz and correspond ing mobile application
and mobile website ("Amaz o") are powered by Ibibo G roup Pvt. Ltd . ("IGPL") and are broug ht to you by
Amaz on Pay (Ind ia) Private Limited ("Amaz o n").
2. These terms and cond itions ("T erms ") g overn the bus booking s mad e available to you by IG PL throug h
Amaz ("Bus Bo o kings ").
3. These Terms are in ad d ition to the Amaz Cond itions of Use and Sale and the User Ag reement for Amaz on
Pay to which you ag ree by using Amaz To the extent the Amaz Cond itions of Use and Sale are
inconsistent with these Terms, these Terms will prevail with respect to the Bus Booking s only. Notwithstand ing
anything contained herein, Amaz on reserves the rig ht to remove or withd raw the availability of Bus Booking s
from Amaz at any time and without any prior notice to you.
4. By availing or making the Bus Booking s, you will be d eemed to have accepted these Terms and expressly ag ree
a. Amaz on will not be liable or responsible for any loss or d amag e whatsoever that you may suffer, d irectly
or ind irectly, in connection with the Bus Booking s; and
b. Amaz on will not med iate any d isputes or d ifferences between you and IG PL or the concerned bus
5. You can make the Bus Booking s only if you: (a) have an account on Amaz; and (b) are 12 years or above.
6. The Bus Booking s inventory available with red Bus is provid ed to you on an as-is basis by Amaz on. Any
cancellations or mod ifications of Bus Booking s or chang es in bus sched ule will be in accord ance with red Bus
Terms of Service and Amaz on will not be responsible for any such cancellations, mod ifications or chang es.
7. To avail the Bus Booking s, you must be log g ed into your account on Amaz
8. For the purposes of availing the Bus Booking s, you warrant that:
i. You will provid e your complete information / d etails such as your name (as per your passport or any other
officially valid d ocument), your ad d ress, your e-mail ad d ress, mobile number etc.; and
ii. All information supplied by you is accurate, current and complete. In case such information is erroneous or
incorrect, for any reason whatsoever, you will be solely responsible for same.
9. Your information, such as your name (as per your passport or any other officially valid d ocument), your e-mail
ad d ress, mobile number, ag e, sex etc. provid ed to us to enable the Bus Booking will be shared with red Bus,
and red Bus will onward s share this information with the bus operators who will use these d etails with the
primary purpose of g enerating a booking / ticket ID, and to verify the id entity of the consumer board ing the
bus. Amaz on being an intermed iary d oes not d irectly liaise with or contact any bus operator. Therefore, once
the information has been shared with the bus operators by red Bus, the information is g overned by the d ata
policies of the bus operators, and Amaz on has no visibility or control over the use of this information by the
bus operators. By provid ing your consent for sharing of information with red Bus and the bus operators, you
are conveying your und erstand ing and acceptance of these d ata sharing terms and you acknowled g e that
Amaz on is in no manner responsible for the use of this information by the bus operators. For any q ueries in
relation to the use of your information by the bus operators, please contact the bus operators d irectly.

Happy journey!
Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

10. The Bus Booking s may not be available in certain g eog raphic locations and Amaz on will not be liable in any
manner for such unavailability of Bus Booking s. The availability of such Bus Booking s on Amaz d oes not
imply or warrant that these Bus Booking s will be available at any time in your particular g eog raphical
11. The availability of Bus Booking s and other ancillary services (such as ancillary services provid ed by bus
operators that are mad e available throug h Amaz is subject to availability and Amaz on will not be
responsible if at any time the selected Bus Booking and /or ancillary service is not available for any reason
12. All applicable payments, charg es, costs, taxes and levies in relation to the Bus Booking s, includ ing without
limitation sales tax, service tax, g ood s and services tax etc., will be payable by you.
13. In the event your payment for the transaction of Bus Booking s has not been completed for any reason
whatsoever, you will not be able to avail / make the Bus Booking s.
14. There may be contests, offers or promotions in relation to the Bus Booking s that will be g overned by its own
terms & cond itions. You must read and ag ree to such terms & cond itions before you participate.
15. Any q ueries in relation to the Bus Booking s should be ad d ressed d irectly to red Bus (IG PL) at 18001035395.
Amaz on will not be responsible and / or liable for hand ling , entertaining or resolving any q ueries or
g rievances in connection with your Bus Booking s.
16. By availing the Bus Booking s, you ag ree and consent to your information (includ ing sensitive personal
information) being d isclosed or shared with our affiliates/g roup companies (located either in Ind ia or
abroad ), or third parties/service provid ers includ ing red Bus and / or the bus operator for the purposes as set
out in these Terms and for provid ing you with other prod ucts, and /or services.
17. In ad d ition to other limitations and exclusions in Amaz's Cond itions of Use and Sale and User
Ag reement for Amaz on Pay, in no event will Amaz on or its d irectors, officers, employees, ag ents or other
representatives be liable for any ind irect, special, incid ental, conseq uential, or punitive d amag es, losses,
claims, costs and expenses, or d amag es of any kind , arising out of or related to Bus Booking s.
18. Amaz on will not be responsible or liable for any loss or d amag e whatsoever in connection with the Bus
Booking s includ ing in case of any d eficiency in services provid ed by any third party such as Bus operators.
19. Amaz on reserves the absolute rig ht to alter any of these Terms at any time without prior notice to you.
20. These Terms are g overned by the laws of Ind ia. Any d isputes arising out of and in connection with these Terms
will be subject to the exclusive jurisd iction of the courts at Bang alore.

red Bus terms of Service

1. The 'Total Payable Amount' of the Bus Booking s d isplayed on Amaz includ es all charg es for the ticket(s)
and /or other ancillary services, convenience or internet hand ling fee and the applicable g overnment taxes.
2. You will be req uired to pay the entire amount appearing as the total price of the Bus Booking s prior to the
confirmation of your Bus Booking .
3. There will be no refund for 'no-shows' or any partially unused bus booking s.
4. Infants must be accompanied by an ad ult at least 18 years of ag e.
5. All Bus Booking s issued to the customer shall ad d itionally be g overned und er the terms and cond itions as
laid out by the respective Bus operator / supplier.

Amend ments
1. Any amend ments to the boking includ ing route chang e, d ate chang e, seat chang e and name chang e for the
travelers, G ST d etails are not allowed .
2. red Bus will assist you with cancellations to your bus Booking s in accord ance with Bus operator’s policy.

Happy journey!
Orde r # 403-3152298-9252312

Cancellations terms
1. Every booking mad e throug h Amaz is subject to cancellation charg es levied by the bus operator, which
may vary by Bus trip, journey d ate and the route.
2. Some booked fares may be non-refund able per the specific bus operator’ policy.
3. Online cancellations: First time cancellations can be mad e online by clicking the 'Cancel Ticket' button
available on 'Your Ord ers' section on Amaz Any subseq uent cancellations must be mad e offline by
calling red Bus customer support at 18001035395.
4. Only cancellation req uests mad e online throug h 'Your Ord ers' section on Amaz or via telephone throug h
our customer support shall be entertained . red Bus shall not be liable to entertain any cancellation req uests
mad e throug h any other med ium (such as SMS, e-mail etc.)

Refund s
1. Refund s for the cancellation(s) initiated throug h ‘Your ord ers’ section will be processed by Amaz on to
the orig inal method of payment, within 5 business d ays, after receipt of cancellation confirmation from
red Bus.
2. It is hereby clarified that when Bus Booking (s) are cancelled by you d irectly with the bus operator, the bus
operator will not process the refund for such Bus Booking (s) and the refund process must be initiated by you
either throug h 'Your Ord ers' section of Amaz or by contacting red Bus customer support.
3. Processing timelines for cancellation and refund req uests vary d epend ing on each bus operator.
4. The refund for your cancellation will be provid ed to you only after the respective bus-operator/service provid er
processes to us your elig ible refund . In case a bus operator ceases its bus operations, any refund owed by the
bus to the passeng er will be processed to you only after receiving the same from the bus operator.

No show
1. The bus operator reserves the rig ht of ad mission or board ing for a bus trip, in case the customer fails to
board for his/her itinerary. red Bus and /or Amaz on shall not be responsible or liable for such refusal of
ad mission or board ing .

1. As per the terms of Amaz, bus ticket booking is not enabled for business offering .
2. We assume that our users are not a G ST reg istered person. Accord ing ly, you can receive a G ST tax invoice as
an end customer, i.e. without your G STIN, as per the g eneral Amaz Cond itions of Use.
3. Bus operators are solely responsible for issuing G ST invoice for the bus booking amount. Contact bus
operators d irectly for G ST invoice for the bus booking amount.

Bus operator Terms and Cond itions

In ad d ition to the terms and cond itions mentioned hereund er, the respective operator's terms and cond itions will
also apply. Please visit the concerned bus operator's website for the complete terms and cond itions and the
specific terms of carriag e of such bus operator with which the Bus Booking has been mad e.

Happy journey!

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