1982 Bookmatter EssentialsOfMedicalUltrasound
1982 Bookmatter EssentialsOfMedicalUltrasound
1982 Bookmatter EssentialsOfMedicalUltrasound
lines from the location of these two points to the point of intersection
of the beam axis and the surface of the transducer assembly.
C-Mode (Constant Range-Mode): A method of display of cross-
sectional echo data in which the plane imaged is at a constant range
from the transducer and is perpendicular to the interrogating beam.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): An electron beam tube designed for two-
dimensional display of signals as a function of their coordinates in
space, time, or both. It consists of an electron source (gun), a means
for deflecting the electron beam in the x and y directions, and a
phosphorous screen upon which the position of the electron beam is
visible. The brightness of the display can be modulated by varying
the current to the electron source, or the voltage on the grid of the
Cavitation (Acoustically Induced): A phenomenon produced by sound
in liquid or liquid-like media involving bubbles or cavities containing
gas or vapor.
Center Frequency: The frequency determined by (F 1 -F 2 )/2), where
F 1 and F2 are the frequencies used in defining bandwidth. Gener-
ally, the frequency at which the amplitude spectrum is a maximum.
Centroid of a Surface: The point whose coordinates are the mean
value of the coordinates of the surface.
Characteristic Acoustic Impedancet: The specific acoustic imped-
ance for plane waves in a lossless medium equal to the product (pc)
of the undisturbed density and the velocity of sound of the medium.
Compressional Wave: A wave motion which is characterized by
changes of density in the medium. See Longitudinal Wave as an
Contact Coupling: Acoustical coupling of a transducer by direct con-
tact with the skin, using liquid or gel to exclude air from the space
between the transducer and skin.
Continuous Wave (cw) Ultrasoundt: A wave of (almost) constant am-
plitude which persists for a large number of cycles. Defined in the
Canadian and US Ultrasound Therapy Product Standard as a
waveform in which the amplitude modulation factor is less than or
equal to 5%.
Coupling Methods: The method by which ultrasound is transmitted
from a transducer to the subject and vice versa. These methods in-
clude 1) Contact Coupling, 2) Immersion Coupling and 3) Liquid
Crystal: A colloquial term for the piezoelectric element of the trans-
ducer. Most piezoelectric elements are made of poly-crystaline
D Mode: A display method in which only moving targets are displayed
through their Doppler frequency shifts. If a scan is made it is
referred to as scanned D mode imaging.
and particle velocity are in phase, viz, in the far-field or the area of
the focus. Under such conditions, the intensity can be expressed as:
I = p 2/2pc, where P is the instantaneous acoustic pressure, p is the
density of the medium, and c is the velocity of sound in the medium.
Pulse Average Intensity: The time-average of instantaneous inten-
sity at a point in space, when averaged over the pulse duration.
(May be calculated approximately as the ratio of the temporal av-
erage intensity to the duty factor.)
Spatial-Average Intensity: The same as spatial average-temporal
average intensity. Generally, this parameter is used when speci-
fying the intensity for continuous wave (cw) ultrasound.
Spatial Average-Pulse Average Intensity (SAPA): The pulse aver-
age intensity averaged over the beam cross-sectional area. (May
be calculated as the ratio of acoustic power to the product of duty
factor and beam cross-sectional area.)
Spatial Average-Temporal Average Intensity (SATA): The tempo-
ral average intensity averaged over the beam cross-sectional
area. (May be calculated as the ratio of acoustic power to the beam
cross-sectional area.)
Spatial Peak-Pulse Average Intensity (SPPA): The value of the
pulse average intensity at the point in the acoustic field where the
pulse average intensity is a maximum, or is a local maximum
within a specified region.
Spatial Peak-Pulse Average Intensity (SPPA)t: The value of the
pulse average intensity at the point in the acoustic field where
the pulse average intensity is a maximum, or is a local maximum
within a specified region.
Spatial Peak-Temporal Peak Intensity (SPTP): The value of tem-
poral peak intensity at the point in the acoustic field where it is a
maximum, or is a local maximum within a specified region.
Temporal Average Intensity: The time-average of instantaneous
intensity at a point in space; equal to the mean value of the
instaneous intensity at the point considered. For non-auto-
scanning systems, the average is taken over one or more pulse rep-
etition periods. For auto-scanning systems, the instantaneous in-
tensity is averaged over one or more scan repetition periods for a
specified operating mode.
Temporal Peak Intensity: The peak value of the instantaneous in-
tensity at the point considered.
Interface: The surface forming the boundary between two media hav-
ing different properties.
Interference: The phenomenon in which two or more waves of the
same or harmonically related frequency(ies) add together or cancel
each other, according to their amplitudes and phases.
Analog scan converter, 244, 245 Cavitation, 36, 70, 71, 118, 119,
Aorta, 167, 168 200,201
Arteries, 176, 177 collapse cavitation (see
Aspiration, 294 Transient cavitation)
B stable, 70, 119, 202
transient, 70-90, 119, 202
Bandwidth, 240, 241 Central nervous system, 122, 123
Beams, 10, 11 Chest, 151-160
angle, 225 Chiropractors, 300 (see also
area, 186 Therapeutic ultrasound)
axis, 187 Consumer devices, 281
diameter, 14 Continuous wave, 183,222
divergence, 188 Contrast enhancement, 223
non-uniformity ratio (BNR), Coupling medium, 203, 227, 228
pattern, 12,240,241 D
spreading, 10-18
width,217 Dental scalers, 295
ultrasound, 10, 11 Diagnostic ultrasound, 77
Biological effects (see Ultrasound biological effect levels, 109, 110
biological effects) clinical applications, 141-180
Biological effects curve (see abdomen, 160-171
Threshold curve) breast, 159, 160
Biliary tract, 166-168 chest, 151-160
Biomacromolecules, 128-133 extremities, arteries and
Biparietal measurement, 226 veins, 178
Bladder, 176 head, 144-149
Blood flow stasis, 124, 125,201 neck, 149, 151
B-Mode (see Brightness mode pelvis, 171-178
operation) clinical significance, 142-144
Bragg diffraction theory, 27 coupling medium, 227
Brain, 144-146 distance measurement, 225
Breast, 159, 160 gain, 217
Brightness mode modulation, imaging, 145,218,220,230,
218-250 245-248,258-270
B-mode registration test, output levels, 110
264-270 quality assurance, 215-280
B-scanner (see B-scan equipment) receiver, 243, 244
B-scan equipment, 146,215-280 resolution, 217
scanning technique, 224-227
standards, 288-291
c surveys, 288-290
Calorimetry, 94-96 ultrasound image, 216
Cardiac mode (see Time-motion Diathermy (see Therapeutic
mode) ultrasound)
Carotid artery, 151 Digital caliper, 226
G Matching, 20
Measurement techniques (see
Gain (see Diagnostic ultrasound, Ultrasound measurement
gain) techniques)
Gall bladder, 165-167 Menieres disease, 293
Globe, 146-148 Miniature hydrophones (see
Gray bar, 230 Ultrasound measurement
Gray-scale (see Diagnostic techniques)
ultrasound, imaging) M-mode (see Motion-mode
Guidelines for safety, 282, 296, operation; time-motion
297 mode)
Quality assurance
Operators of ultrasound devices, diagnostic ultrasound, 215-280
297-300 A-mode test, 261-264
Optical measurement techniques analog scan converter test,
(see Ultrasound 258-260
measurement techniques) B-mode registration test,
Orbit, 149 264-270
Ovaries, 175, 176 equipment operation,
p gray-scale test, 260, 261
hardcopy care, 230-236
Pancreas, 164, 165 logic lock up, 225
Parathyroid, 149-151 potential hazards, 227-229
Patency evaluation, 178 routine preventive
Pelvis, 171-178 maintenance, 237-239
Pericardial effusion, 152-154 system performance testing,
Period, 3 239,250
Periosteal, 196-200 transducer axial resolution
Peritoneal space, 170, 171 test, 268-270
Phaco-emulsification, 294 warm-up procedure, 229, 230
Phantom, 250 therapeutic ultrasound,
Phonophoresis, 202 191-195
Physiotherapy, 300 (see also
Therapeutic ultrasound)
Piezoelectric Radiation force, 49-54, 69
materials, 8, 118 pressure, 49, 50
crystal, 193,216,281 torque, 49, 54,55,69, 70
element, 9, 10 Real-time (see Diagnostic
transducer, 117, 182 ultrasound, imaging)
Pleural space, 158 Receiver, 243
Polaroid images, 232, 233, 237, Reciprocity calibration, 101, 102
238 Reflection, 18-20
Power (see Acoustic power) reflecting target, 83-85
Preventive maintenance, 237-239 reflection coefficient, 19