Transducer Beam Spread NDT UT
Transducer Beam Spread NDT UT
Transducer Beam Spread NDT UT
Beam spread occurs because the vibrating particle of the material (through
which the wave is traveling) do not always transfer all of their energy in the
direction of wave propagation. Recall that waves propagate through the
transfer of energy from one particle to another in the medium. If the
particles are not directly aligned in the direction of wave propagation, some
of the energy will get transferred off at an angle. (Picture what happens
when one ball hits another ball slightly off center). In the near field,
constructive and destructive wave interference fill the sound field with
fluctuation. At the start of the far field, however, the beam strength is
always greatest at the center of the beam and diminishes as it spreads
Numerous codes exist that can be used to standardize the method used for
the characterization of beam spread. American Society for Testing and
Materials ASTM E-1065, addresses methods for ascertaining beam shapes
in Section A6, Measurement of Sound Field Parameters. However, these
measurements are limited to immersion probes. In fact, the methods
described in E-1065 are primarily concerned with the measurement of
beam characteristics in water, and as such are limited to measurements of
the compression mode only. Techniques described in E-1065 include
pulse-echo using a ball target and hydrophone receiver, which allows the
sound field of the probe to be assessed for the entire volume in front of the