Ese Lesson Plan
Ese Lesson Plan
Ese Lesson Plan
Student Name Briona Haffizulla
School Name Bethune Elementary
Grade Level(s) Second Grade
Class Size Two students.
WIDA Standards (visit; then see Page 3) Select all that apply
WS1: For Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting.
WS2: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language
Arts. WS3: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of
WS4: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
WS5: Information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social
Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do. Align outcomes with the standards identified above.)
Through direct instruction and guided practice, the students will be able to add and
subtract numbers within 20 using the fact family method.
Instructional Materials and Technology (List everything needed in order to implement this lesson.)
Video on fact families :
Blank fact family worksheet
A pair of dice
Writing tools: Pencils, erasers
Alternative: Clear plastic sheets for the worksheets, dry erase markers, dry eraser.
(This allows the worksheets to be reused)
Entry Event (Describe your opening activity that will activate prior knowledge and engage students.)
To begin, the teacher will review some of the what has been gone over in class. This will include
asking the students questions based on fact families to gauge what information they are able to
Direct Instruction (Describe how will you present the concept/skill to students.)
The students will review what they have been working on in class by viewing a short video
on fact families. While the video plays, the teacher will pause the video frequently to review
the steps in solving fact families. Using the numbers given in the video, the teacher will
demonstrate, with student help, how to complete a fact family for a set of three numbers.
Experiential Learning (Describe the activities the students will complete with teacher support and/or peer collaboration to
reinforce concepts presented during direct instruction.)
After watching the video, the teacher will model one example of how the worksheet should
be completed. Then, working together, the students will work on the fact family worksheet
together. In order to complete the worksheet, each student will be given a die. Each
student will roll to produce one number. Those two numbers will then be added together to
produce a third, and final, number. Then, using these three numbers, the students will
complete the fact family houses.
Closure (Describe the reflection methods and reinforcement strategies you will use to conclude the lesson.)
Before leaving the group, the students will have a short discussion based on some of the
key components of fact families. They should be able to identify the largest number within
the group as well as identifying where it should be placed while completing the fact family.
ELL Strategies (List specific strategies you will use to support ELLs.)
For ELL students the teacher may want to use subtitles while playing the video.
The teacher may also want to use a fact family worksheet where the number, a
visual representation of the number, and the number written in word form are
Differentiated Instruction (Describe how you will tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.)
Below level students: For below level students the materials and the direct instruction
would stay the same. After our guided practice the teacher would pull those who are on a
lower level and still may be struggling for some one on one instruction.
On level students: Lesson plan can be implemented as written.
Above level students: For the above average students the teacher will still use the dame
materials and introduce the lesson in the same way. However, after they have completed
the activity, they may complete another activity with numbers within 100. If this proves to
still be too easy for the students, they can complete another activity using two- and three-
digit numbers. The students may choose to work with another student who is on the same
level or they may work alone.
21st Century Competencies (Describe how students will demonstrate 21 century competencies throughout the
lesson.) Use this section as a checklist for your lesson plan to be sure that all of these skills
are addressed through the lesson. Include in these boxes the sections of your lesson
that address these skills.
Critical Thinking: Collaboration: Creativity: Communication:
Using critical thinking, the The students will work in Students will need to
students will decide which pairs to complete the discuss what numbers they
numbers are to be used in worksheet. rolled as well as what third
their addition and number they produced.
subtraction sentences.
Integration of Literacy (Describe how you will integrate reading, writing, and oral language skills in the lesson.)
Reading: Writing: Oral Language:
The students will be given a short From the word prompt the student will Working in pairs the students will
word prompt to read, based on adding pull out the numbers, create their own converse with each other to produce
or subtracting. Example: Johnny has addition and subtraction sentences. the numbers which are needed to
four apples and 10 grapes, how many This will be done through guided complete the fact family worksheet.
pieces of fruit does he have in total? practice with the teacher.
This will be written on the board and
read to the students
Assessment (Describe how you will assess student attainment of the lesson objectives.)
Formative: Summative:
Throughout the lesson, the teacher will frequently check At the end of the lesson, the students will write one addition
for understanding by constantly asking questions and problem and one subtraction problem down on a sticky note
receiving student feedback. and turn it in to the teacher prior to leaving. The teacher will
also collect the worksheet once completed to gauge if the
students grasped the lesson on adding and subtracting within
Extension (Describe how you will re-teach, remediate, and enrich after lesson implementation.)
Re-Teach: Remediate: Enrichment:
To re-teach this lesson, more visual To remediate the lesson a center After the required activity is complete,
aid should be provided. This will be set up for the students will the students may play a fact family
includes finding more videos on the complete a fact family puzzle in game in which there are harder fact
topic as well as creating a fact family which the connect two numbers that family questions which will help to
anchor chart with the students so add to a whole number or two challenge the student.
that they may refer back to it as they numbers that create the difference
work. of a whole number. facts/number-fact-families
Reflection (Evaluate student learning outcomes and reflect upon your experiences. How would you modify this lesson?) This is
the ONLY section you complete after you have been observed.
In reality, I felt really awkward implementing this lesson plan at home. When I decided on this lesson plan, I had seen my
Cooperating Teacher do something similar and I just kind of tweaked it to be more interactive with the students.
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