SVKM'S Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies School of Business Management Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
SVKM'S Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies School of Business Management Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
SVKM'S Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies School of Business Management Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management
Trimester 4
Group Project
Asset Allocation
Minimum Maximum
Investment Process
The other portion will be invested in sustainable growth companies that will ensure stable year on
year returns. These companies will be selected on the basis of a thorough bottom-up approach. Thus,
we will be diversifying the investments across sectors as well as reducing the risk.
Since our investment universe will consist of stocks in the Nifty 500 and our investments will not be
concentrated in any company, our benchmark will be the Nifty 500 index.
The portfolio weights will be checked every fortnight to ensure that they align with the investment
mandate of the fund. If there is a discrepancy, the rebalancing of assets will be carried out to get back
to the target weights.
Exit Load 1.5% (1st year), 1.25% (2nd year), 1% (3rd year)
< 25,000 0%