Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management: Faculty in Charge: Dr. Mayank Joshipura
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management: Faculty in Charge: Dr. Mayank Joshipura
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management: Faculty in Charge: Dr. Mayank Joshipura
Portfolio Management
We will invest 25% in schemes of funds managed by other teams and 75% fund will be
actively managed by us; this is as per the guidelines given for the portfolio management
We invest 100% of our total assets in large-cap equity securities of companies exercising the
predominant part of their economic activity in India. The entire money shall remain invested
entirely at any point in time.
We shall rebalance the portfolio every Friday if there is any material change triggering a
rebalance following our investment philosophy. Similarly, any event that can have a
significant adverse impact on the share price or future earning potential will eventually
trigger a liquidation.
We would be using NIFTY 100 as a benchmark for our portfolio. The aforesaid benchmark's
composition is such that it is most suited for comparing the scheme's performance.
We want to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in a maximum of 30 equity-
related funds. This will lead to higher volatility of our portfolio as it makes our fund a little
concentrated. Because of the same reason, the portfolio's liquidity risk is expected to be
higher compared to a regular diversified equity scheme.
However, we will diversify the portfolio by selecting stocks in different sectors such that the
risk is reduced.
The long-term nature of the fund, with its concentrated nature, would require us to employ
and actively engage highly skilled talent for a longer period. To deliver on the returns
promised any compromise on this front would lead to a detrimental result. Hence, we
deemed it necessary to keep our fixed component at 0.5% of AUM and a variable
component 0.25% of profits due to asset appreciation, which will be enforced only if the
fund surpasses the stated benchmark.