In continuation of the APSC Advt. No 08/2020 issued vide No.23PSC/E-3/2020-2021
dated 8th September, 2020 for Cornbined Competitive (Prel) Examination 2020 for recruitment to
the post of ACS Jr grade and other allied services and this office notification No.13PSC/Cornp-
8l20ll-12-Vo1-ll, dated Guwahati the 7tl' October 2020. this is for infbrmation to all concerned
that the last date of f,rlling up of online application is extended by 15 days, i.e till 25tr'October,
2020 midnight.
The other terms & conditions of the advt. will remain the sarne.
.loint Secretary,
Assam Public Service Commission
gil aw aharnagar, Khanapara. G uwahati -2 2