WWW2E - Gimmicks Jan2021
WWW2E - Gimmicks Jan2021
WWW2E - Gimmicks Jan2021
ATHLETIC FEAT You start with:
➠ Body -1, Look +1, Real +1, Work -1
LOOK ➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice,
and subtract -1 from another.
❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒
WORK You are a hero You are a villain
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the
opposite Role.
HEAT You can use the Move of the same
When you debut your wrestler, generate name by spending 2 Momentum. WANTS
Heat with your competition. Ask 1 question Pick the desire that most drives you.
When you deliberately act against
per other player. When answered, gain +1 When you have a match that satisfies
your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel
Heat with that player’s wrestler. your Want, take an Advance and pick a
Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat
➠ Who trained with me in the dojo? with who you turn on (or away from). new Want.
➠ ❒ A New Championship Title!
➠ Who cares about this company even more than me? ❒ Join a Group!
❒ Revenge!
➠ ❒ Domination!
➠ Who do I have amazing chemistry with in the ring? ❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
➠ ❒ A Record-Breaking Title Run!
➠ Who is trying to steal my spotlight? You can also change Wants anytime
(without taking an Advance).
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you or You start and reset to Audience +2
your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, you need to hit your On a Botch, choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
Finisher twice, choose one: ➠ You rush through the mess to the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
➠ It makes you both look strong get the win (lose -1 Audience.
(gain +1 Heat with each other). ➠ You let them counter you to +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ They almost had you (they save the moment, BOOKING
gain +1 Audience). them to win the match. +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Carry The Company: You are the designated face of the
promotion. When a title match is announced, roll +Real.
On a 10+, pick 2, on a 7-9, pick 1: On a Botch, A+2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
➠ Place yourself into or out of the management doubts
match (the title remains on the line). your judgment this +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
➠ BOOK the finish of the match. time. Your opponent
picks one from the Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
➠ Replace the title with a different stake list to their own 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
for the match.
❒ Fighting Spirit: Once per match, when your opponent clearly
has the upper hand and presses the attack, narrate how you ignore ADVANCEMENT
the pain and take control of the match. This works as the Interrupt GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
Move , without needing to spend Momentum. If you have higher ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
+Body than your opponent, also gain +1 Momentum.
➠ You take the Top Spot
❒ Amazing Entrance: A lot of money is spent on this. Roll ➠ You drop a Championship to a worthy contender
+Audience when you make your first full entrance in an Episode.
On a 10+ gain +1 Heat with your opponent plus the 7-9 result; ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
on a 7-9, gain the Momentum On a Botch, lose -1 Audience You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
you start each Episode with (+3 due to an embarrassing spend them when you’d like.
if you are in the Top Spot). technical problem.
❒ Strong Style: When you work stiff without intent to injure, SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
roll +Real for the Wrestling Move . If you hit on a 10+ without ❒ Gain +1 Audience
spending Momentum, gain an extra +1 Momentum. If you Botch,
you injure them anyway.
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ : ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
INJURY ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured, you ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
can opt out of any match, except title matches. You and your this one). They debut in the next Episode.
opponent both start a title match with +1 Momentum. ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (choose
INJURY from Luminary, Manager or Veteran). Erase all Injury
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 2 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
WRESTLING You start with:
➠ Body 0, Look +1, Real -2, Work -1
LOOK ➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean, gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 7-9, they make you work On a Botch, choose one: Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
for it, choose one: ➠ An authority figure calls Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ They obviously allow you to the match in your favor on a the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
get the win (gain +1 Heat with technicality (lose -1 Audience).
them). ➠ There’s a last-minute change +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ They push you to look better from backstage, BOOKING your
(you both gain +1 Momentum). opponent to win. +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Picture Perfect: You were born to do this. Take +1 Look (Max +3) +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Special Snowflake: When you go to an authority figure to
save you from the consequences of your actions, roll +Real. On a
10+, they cover for you and you pick 1; on a 7-9 they cover for you A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
You are the badass that everyone loves. Whether you’re sticking it to “the man” or telling it like it is, the
audience identifies with your rejection of conformity. How do keep your rebellion from going too far?
You start with: BODY
➠ Body -2, Look 0, Real +1, Work -1 WRESTLING
➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice. LOOK
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you You start and reset to Audience +1
or your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, it’s not so easy, choose one: On a Botch, you’re Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ It’s rough but does the job (you both screwed out of victory the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
gain +1 Momentum). by an authority
➠ You win via countout, disqualification figure, BOOKING your +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
or interference (gain +1 Heat with your opponent to win the
opponent). match.
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Anything You Need To Do To Win: You can use both the
Babyface and Heel Role Moves. +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Twitch The Curtain: When you air your legit grievances on
camera, you can roll +Real for any Move you make outside of the
ring for the rest of the Episode. At the end of the Episode, if you
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
haven’t gained any Audience, you lose -1 Audience. Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
❒ Rules? What Rules?: When you break the rules in a match
to your own advantage, roll +Look. On a 10+, you get away with it, ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
BOOK the finish of the match on the fly.
On a 7-9, choose: you get away On a Botch you are BOOKED ADVANCEMENT
with it and gain +1 Momentum, to lose the match by DQ
or you don’t and gain +1 Heat (and gain +1 Momentum).
with your opponent. ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
❒ Mouth of the People: When you speak truth to power or ➠ You take the Top Spot
act as the fans have been demanding, roll +Audience. On a 10+ ➠ You win a match with all the odds stacked against you
pick 2; on a 7-9, pick 1: ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
➠ You get a big pop (gain +1 Momentum). On a Botch, it’s not
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
➠ Book yourself into a match what they actually
spend them when you’d like.
➠ Put something big on the line in an wanted to hear. You
upcoming match. can’t roll +Audience BANKED ADVANCES
for the rest of the SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
➠ Someone you’re confronting beats you Episode.
down for what you’re saying (gain +1 ❒ Gain +1 Audience
Heat with them). ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
❒ including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who did it. this one). They debut in the next Episode.
While injured, when you make the Run-In Move on them, you
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
pick any 7-9 result instead of them.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
pick Anointed, Jobber or Manager). Erase all Injury
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
ATHLETIC FEAT You start with:
➠ Body -1, Look 0, Real -1, Work 0
LOOK ➠ Then subtract -1 from one stat of your choice,
and add +2 to another.
❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒
WORK You are a hero You are a villain
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the
opposite Role.
You can use the Move of the same
When you debut your wrestler, generate
name by spending 2 Momentum.
Heat with your competition. Ask 1 question
When you deliberately act against
per other player. When answered, gain +1
Heat with that player’s wrestler. your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel Pick the desire that most drives you.
Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat When you have a match that satisfies
➠ Who has sung my praises to get me with who you turn on (or away from). your Want, take an Advance and pick a
on the roster? new Want.
➠ ❒ A Championship Title!
➠ Who thinks I’m completely overrated? ❒ Join a Group!
➠ ❒ Revenge!
❒ Domination!
➠ With whom do I have an old rivalry that can now be restarted?
❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
➠ ❒ Prove You Belong on this Roster!
➠ Who’s spot am I threatening to take now that I’m here? You can also change Wants anytime
➠ (without taking an Advance).
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
✗ You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean, gain +1 Audience.
On a 7-9, they sandbag you. On a Botch, it’s sloppy. Choose: Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
You still win, but choose one: ➠ You win the match but Creative Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ You power through (gain +1 changes something about your the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
Heat with each other) presentation or moveset
➠ You punish them (they take ➠ Let them counter you, BOOKING +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
an injury). you to lose.
PICK 2 +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ 10-Year Veteran: You’ve been wrestling longer than most of
the “top talent” in this company. You start and reset to Audience
+2 instead of Audience +1. +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ seen it all: You’ve wrestled in every kind of venue and against
every kind of opponent there is. When you‘re in a match with a
stipulation, gain +1 Momentum at the beginning of the match.
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Hungry: You want this so bad you can taste it. When you know 0 ❒ Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
you’re BOOKED to lose a match and you go for a win anyway, roll end of an Episode, you’re fired!
+Work. On a 10+ you win the match instead, and pick one from ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
the 7-9 list. On a 7-9 you win, but your opponent picks:
➠ You take an injury. On a Botch, you lose
➠ Lose -1 Heat with your the match anyway, lose ADVANCEMENT
opponent. -1 Audience for looking
like a chump (and gain GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
➠ Get pulled out of this feud ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
by Creative. +1 Momentum).
➠ You take the Top Spot
❒ Reputation: When you appear on camera for the first time in
an Episode, roll +Real. On a 10+, they’ve all heard of you, pick 2. ➠ You headline a show in the Main Event
On a 7-9 there’s a vocal minority, pick 1: ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
➠ Gain Momentum equal to your On a Botch, they’ve You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
starting Momentum. heard of you...and
spend them when you’d like.
➠ Add a stipulation to any match. think you suck. Lose -1
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. Audience. BANKED ADVANCES
❒ ❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
INJURY time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While you’re
injured, you can still wrestle but Creative will not BOOK you ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
to win. If you win a match anyway, gain +1 Heat with your ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
opponent. this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (no
restriction). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
You are the quintessential entertainer. You bring comedy to the ring and grease the wheels backstage. You may not have many
championships, but you move a lot of merch and you always get a pop from the crowd. Is that enough for you?
ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg | updated 1-2021
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
2d6. On a 10+, you pull off a win! Choose whether you or your You start and reset to Audience +2
opponent gains +1 Audience. On a Botch, you still get the Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, they obviously stall for win, but choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
you, choose one: ➠ It’s complete nonsense the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
➠ They make you look bad (gain (lose -1 Audience).
+1 Heat with them). ➠ Your opponent refuses +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ You ham it up along with them to sell it (lose -1 Heat with
(you both gain +1 Momentum). each other). +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Funny Is Money: Take +1 Look (max +3). You can still Work
the Audience even after you’ve Botched a roll for it. A+2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Surprisingly talented: When you roll +Work for the Wrestling
Move and hit it with a 10+, gain +1 Heat with your opponent. +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Comic Relief: When you insert yourself into a tense situation, Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
(on or off-camera) roll +Real. On a 10+ it’s perfectly timed, pick 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
2; on a 7-9, pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Momentum. On a Botch, it was the ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
➠ Add or remove a stipulation to or absolute worst thing
from a match you could have done in
➠ Gain a concession you’ve wanted. that moment (and gain
+1 Momentum). ADVANCEMENT
➠ Gain +1 Heat with someone. GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
❒ Celebrity promo: When you carry a guest star or non-wrestling ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
celebrity through a segment, roll +Look. On a 10+ it goes great!
Gain +1 Momentum, and you BOOK the celebrity’s upcoming match
➠ You take the Top Spot
(announce it now, if there’s not already one on the card). ➠ You win a match with serious stakes, surprising everyone
On a 7-9, you get added into On a Botch, their match ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
their match; choose whether is scrubbed and you You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
you’re BOOKED against them to destroy your promotion’s
spend them when you’d like.
lose or with them as their tag relationship with that guest.
team partner to win. BANKED ADVANCES
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
INJURY time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured,
if you roll on +Body or +Work (whichever is lower) while ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
wrestling, choose whether you check another Injury box, or ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
the ref calls an audible and ends the match in a no contest. this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
pick Anointed). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
ATHLETIC FEAT You start with:
➠ Body +1, Look -2, Real -1, Work 0
LOOK ➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean, gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 7-9, you aren’t on the same On a Botch, it’s too real! Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
page as your opponent, and someone You suffer a DQ loss, Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
gets their bell rung. Choose which lose -1 Audience and
one of you takes an injury, and gain injure your opponent.
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
+1 Heat with each other. +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Shoot Fighter: As long as you have a higher +Work than your
opponent, they have to spend 2 Momentum to Interrupt instead +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
of 1. You can choose to compare +Real if you have Martial Arts
Training or +Body if you have You Know It’s Fake, Right? instead
of +Work, on a match-by-match basis. +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Martial Arts Training: You use your real skills, when you
want to. Take +1 Real (max +3).
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ You know it’s fake, right?: Take +1 Body (max +3). Whenever Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
you make a Move that involves physically dominating your opponent
to get what you want, you can roll +Body instead of the usual stat. ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
❒ Stare Down: You are known for your intensity. Whenever you
stare someone down outside the ring, roll +Heat with them. On a ADVANCEMENT
10+ pick 2, on a 7-9 pick 1: GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
➠ You drive the rest of the On a Botch, they no-sell it
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
and take advantage to take
➠ Gain +1 Heat with them. control of the segment ➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ They gain +1 Heat with you. (you gain +1 Momentum). ➠ You win a match with your shoot skills and no injuries
❒ Stretcher: Your job is to break in fresh meat. Whenever you ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
injure someone, roll +Real. On a 10+ pick 2, on a 7-9 pick 1: You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
➠ You decide who they face next. On a Botch, that was not spend them when you’d like.
➠ You gain their respect. the plan, you’re in real
➠ You gain +1 Heat with each other. trouble.
❒ : ❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
INJURY ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. When injured, the ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
+Stat you compare for Shoot Fighter needs to be 2 higher than this one). They debut in the next Episode.
your opponents for the Move to apply. ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
INJURY pick Jobber, Luchador, Manager or Provocateur). Erase
all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
You’re not the best in the ring or the best looking, but you know how to get a pop through
naked aggression and rampant bloodshed. Some in the business look down on you, but
you’re a legend in the making for your diehard fans. How long can that fact be ignored?
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body 0, Look 0, Real -1, Work -1
➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice. LOOK
❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒
You are a hero You are a villain WORK
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the
opposite Role.
HEAT You can use the Move of the same
name by spending 2 Momentum. WANTS
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat
When you deliberately act against Pick the desire that most drives
with your competition. Ask 1 question per other
your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel you. When you have a match that
player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that
Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat satisfies your Want, take an Advance
player’s wrestler.
with who you turn on (or away from). and pick a new Want.
➠ Who is jealous of my devoted fan base? ❒ A Championship Title!
➠ ❒ Join a Group!
➠ Who is willing to make me bleed? ❒ Revenge!
❒ Domination!
❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
➠ Who has returned from an injury I gave them? ❒ Raise the Bar for Violence!
➠ You can also change Wants anytime
➠ Who can take everything I can dish out? (without taking an Advance).
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean (or bloody). Choose whether You start and reset to Audience +1
you or your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, they make you work for it, choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ They stand up to your assault On a Botch, you still get the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
before going down (you both gain the win, but choose one:
+1 Momentum). ➠ It looks bad (you lose -1 +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ Sacrifice your body to make it Audience).
happen, take an injury (and you ➠ You go too hard (you
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
gain +1 Heat with them). injure your opponent).
❒ Tables and Ladders and Chairs, Oh My: Spend 1 Momentum
✗ +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
to add the Hardcore Stipulation Move to any match you’re booked
in: no disqualification, no count outs, and weapons allowed.
PICK 1 A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ High Pain Tolerance: You can take it. Take +1 Body (Max +3)
❒ What A Weirdo: You have sideshow charisma! Take +1 Look 0 ❒ Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
end of an Episode, you’re fired!
(Max +3)
❒ Master of Hardcore: You know how to bleed right. When
you’re in a Hardcore Match, and you would take an injury, roll
+Body. On a 10+, you and your opponent both gain +1 Momentum. ADVANCEMENT
On a 7-9, you choose who gains On a Botch, it’s legit, check GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
+1 Momentum. an Injury box. ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
❒ Red Means Green: When you’re covered in blood, substitute ➠ You take the Top Spot
+Look for any other stat. ➠ You take multiple injuries and still finish the match
❒ Are you not entertained: When you suffer gross injury, ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
endure humiliation or go down in the face of overwhelming odds,
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
roll +Real. On a 10+ gain +1 Momentum and pick 1, on a 7-9 pick 1:
➠ Gain +1 Audience. On a Botch, they are spend them when you’d like.
➠ Creative books you a revenge not entertained, lose -1 BANKED ADVANCES
match. Audience (and gain +1 SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. Momentum).
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ : ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
BODY LOOK REAL WORK time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
INJURY ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with this one). They debut in the next Episode.
the wrestler you were working with. ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
INJURY pick Anointed, Call-Up, Jobber or Technician). Erase
all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
You’re a nobody to the fans, but critical to the franchise: you’re here to lose so that your
opponents look great. You aren’t famous, but you’re key to making others popular. It’s taken for
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granted that you’ll always be there to do the job. Is that enough for you?
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body 0, Look -2, Real 0, Work +1
➠ Then subtract -1 from any stat of your LOOK
choice, and add +1 to another.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
✗ Do The Job: You are always BOOKED to lose your matches.
When your opponent pins you for the win, roll 2d6: On a 10+, you You start and reset to Audience +1
make them look great, they gain +1 Audience.
On a 7-9, you do the job. Choose On a Botch, you don’t sell
Gain an Advance. If you end an Episode at
whether you gain +2 Momentum it right. You both lose -1 +4 ❒ +4, you can choose to repackage to any
or +1 Heat with them. Audience. other Gimmick (as the Repackage Advance).
If your opponent is another player’s wrestler, roll for this Move when they If you choose to stay a Jobber, reset to +1 at
make their Finishing Move (and apply the results of both). If they are an the beginning of the next Episode.
NPW, you roll at the end of the match.
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Career Wrestler: If you end an Episode with Audience +4,
you can change to any other Gimmick, per the changing Gimmick
rules. If you end an Episode with Audience 0, you aren’t fired— +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
instead, reset your Audience.
❒ Ham-n-Egger: Part of your appeal is how ordinary you are. A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
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When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. You gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 7-9, they make you work for On a Botch, you still get Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
it, choose one: the win, but the timing is Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ You have to resort to a boring off, choose one: the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
roll-up pin (gain +1 Heat with ➠ It looks terrible (you lose
them). -1 Audience). +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ You do another high spot to get ➠ Injure your opponent.
the pin (and gain +2 Momentum). ➠ Injure yourself. +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Amazing Athleticism: You make jaws drop with your astounding
moves! Take +1 Work (Max +3). +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ El Hijo De...: You inherited your mask from another popular
luchador. Take +1 Look (Max +3). A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Human Highlight Reel: The first time in an Episode that you Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
roll a 10+ (before spending Momentum) on a high-flying maneuver, 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
gain +1 Audience.
❒ Tradicional: You refuse to be seen without your mask.
Whenever your mask is at risk of being removed, roll +Work if it’s
your choice, or roll +Real if it’s someone else’s. Gain +1 Heat with
your foe, and on a 10+ pick 2, on a 7-9 pick 1: ADVANCEMENT
➠ You BOOK the next match of the feud. On a Botch, lose -1 GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
➠ You cover your face in time and flee. Audience, as your ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
➠ Someone comes to your aid in time mystique is lost.
➠ You take the Top Spot
to stop your unmasking.
➠ Your match gets the biggest pop of the night
❒ capitán del Parejas: Tag team wrestling is Lucha Libre. ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
➠ Spend 2 Momentum to add anyone you have Heat with to your side
at the top of a match (making a solo match a tag match, a tag match
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
a trio, etc). Creative chooses who comes out for the other team. spend them when you’d like.
➠ In addition, you can spend your Momentum on any of your BANKED ADVANCES
teammates rolls during any tag team match. SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
❒ : ❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
INJURY And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
When you get injured, check two Injury boxes. While injured,
when an opponent uses your injury against you to gain an
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
advantage, they gain +1 Momentum and you gain +1 Heat with ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
them. this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
pick Anointed or Monster). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
ATHLETIC FEAT You start with:
➠ Body -1, Look +1, Real +1, Work -2
LOOK ➠ Then add +1 to Look or Real.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean, gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +2
On a 7-9, it’s good enough, On a Botch, you still win, but
Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
gain +1 Momentum. they’re disappointed at your Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
lack of effort, lose -1 Audience.
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
❒ I’m The Draw: You’re a multimedia star. Whenever you would
lose Audience, choose: +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ Lose the Audience and Creative BOOKS you to win your next
match to get them back on your side. +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ Lose all your Momentum instead of losing the Audience. If you
have no Momentum you must choose the first option.
PICK 1 A+2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Merchandising: Your face is on everything. Gain +1 Momentum
when you first appear during an Episode. +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Nemesis: If you’re in the Top Spot, your agent demands a match Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
that ties in the antagonist from your latest movie (or TV show, or 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
comic book) to your storyline in the promotion. Work with Creative
to come up with the nature of this rival (including whether they ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
are a separate performer or played by an existing member of the
roster). You must be booked against them as the main event of the
next Episode. You start with +2 Heat with your nemesis. ADVANCEMENT
❒ High Expectations: You represent something extraordinarily GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
meaningful to your fans. When you change Role, roll +Real. On a ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
10+, it makes perfect sense to them, gain +1 Audience.
On a 7-9, they see the logic, but it On a Botch, they refuse ➠ You take the Top Spot
shakes them up. Your highest Heat to accept it. You must stay ➠ Your match showcasing your fame is the Main Event
opponent gains +1 Audience from in your current Role, and ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
your fans switching allegiance. lose -1 Audience.
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
❒ : spend them when you’d like.
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
INJURY time you spend an Advance.
When you get injured, check two Injury boxes. Your opponent And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
is BOOKED a DQ loss for “excessive punishment.” If you wrestle
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
while injured, your opponent can only take control of the
match from you if they Break Kayfabe (it can still pass to them ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
as a result of a Move). this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (can
choose Ace, Manager or Veteran). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 4 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
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You’re the sizzle on the steak. You don’t compete, but you have the charisma, the
talk, the walk and the ideas to keep your client in the spotlight - in and out of the
ring. Are you satisfied to be in charge of making others popular?
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body -1, Look +2, Real 0, Work -2
➠ Then add +1 to one stat of your choice. LOOK
❒ Babyface VS Heel ❒ REAL
You are a hero You are a villain WORK REAL STIFF
Start with +1 Heat with wrestlers of the WORK
opposite Role. WRESTLING
When your client wrestles someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
✗ Meal Ticket: When you interfere on your client’s behalf to win
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
them a match, roll 2d6. On a 10+, you pull it off and they’re BOOKED You start and reset to Audience +1
to win! Choose whether you gain +1 Audience, or your client does.
On a 7-9: the ref notices your On a Botch, choose one:
Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
attempt, choose one: ➠ Your effort is hilariously the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
➠ Your client uses your obvious, losing you -1
distraction to get the win (they Audience (though your +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
gain +1 Momentum) client still wins the match).
➠ You interfere but their ➠ The ref tosses you out,
opponent still wins (gain +1 BOOKING a DQ loss for
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
Heat with your client). your client.
✗ Mouthpiece: When you speak for your client, they can roll on
❒ +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
your Stat instead of theirs for any Move they would normally make.
➠ If your client is an NPW: Gain +1 Momentum whenever
you speak for your client.
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll 2d6.
On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean, gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 7-9, they make you work On a Botch, you still get Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
for it, choose one: the win, but you can’t Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ They showcase your strength control your own strength. the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
(you both gain +1 Momentum). Choose whether you lose -1
➠ They’re unwilling to take your Audience, or you injure your +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
finisher and flee the ring (gain opponent.
+1 Heat with them). +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Prodigious size: You’re just plain enormous! Take +1 Body
(Max +3) +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Surprising agility: You’re light on your feet and capable of
more than people think! Take +1 Work (Max +3)
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Intimidating: When you are not in the ring, roll +Body instead
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
of +Look any time you can bring your imposing size to bear on the 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
❒ Not Of This World: Pick or create a signature match stipulation ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
that showcases your wrestling persona by changing the physical
environment of the match. You can add this stipulation to one ADVANCEMENT
match per Episode (even if the match already has one). Start the GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
match with +1 Momentum.
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
❒ Shoot Kill: When you really go after someone, in or out of ➠ You take the Top Spot
the ring, you can roll +Body instead of any other Stat if the fact
that you are larger and stronger is appropriate to the situation. ➠ A worthy opponent finally defeats you
On a Botch, you injure them, (This applies to Break Kayfabe, ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
in addition to any other Play Politics, Work Real You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
consequences. Stiff, and similar Moves). spend them when you’d like.
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
INJURY time you spend an Advance.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. When an And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
opponent uses your injury against you, they gain +1
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
Momentum. When you erase your last check, you can
demand, and be granted, a revenge match with anyone who ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
won a match against you while you were injured. Gain +1 Heat this one). They debut in the next Episode.
with them when the match is announced. ❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
INJURY choose Anointed, Jobber, Luchador, Manager or
Provocateur). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
You’re the sui generis, the strange one, the weirdo. Whether you’ve been saddled with this role or you’ve
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sought it out, you’re great at pushing boundaries. But will you go too far?
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body -2, Look +1, Real 0, Work -1
➠ Then add +1 to any stat of your choice. LOOK
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you or You start and reset to Audience +2
your opponent gains +1 Audience. Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
On a 7-9, they make you work for On a Botch, choose one: Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
it, choose one: ➠ You still win but it looks the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
➠ You get the win through guile terrible (lose -1 Audience).
instead (gain +1 Heat with them). ➠ Your opponent saves the +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ They help you play up your match by countering you,
unique approach (you both BOOKING themselves the win +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
gain +1 Momentum). (and they gain +1 Audience).
❒ Strangely Captivating: When you’re the sole focus of a A+2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
segment, roll +Look instead of +Real.
❒ Showstopper: Once per Episode, you can appear in any segment +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
(in ring or out) and turn it into something about you. When you
make your appearance, declare your agenda for the segment, and Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
continue on from there. If a player’s wrestler tries to buck your
plan, they Break Kayfabe .
➠ Gain +1 Momentum when you make your appearance.
❒ Mind Games: When you engage in bizarre, outlandish or
mysterious behavior to psych someone out, roll +Look. On a 10+
pick 2, on a 7-9 pick 1:
➠ You gain control (of the situation, or of the match). GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
➠ Gain +1 Heat with them. ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
➠ They gain +1 Heat with you. On a Botch, the crowd ➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ Someone surprises or ambushes thinks its silly, you lose ➠ Everyone is talking about you at the end of the show
them from out of nowhere. all Momentum.
➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
❒ Play To The Crowd: When you use your gimmick to highlight, You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
address or confront a real issue real people have in their lives, roll
+Real. On a 10+ you nail it, gain +1 Audience.
spend them when you’d like.
On a 7-9, choose whether it’s a hit On a Botch, you BANKED ADVANCES
backstage (gain +2 Momentum) completely mishandle SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
or whether someone comes out it. Lose -1 Audience and
❒ Gain +1 Audience
to take you to task over it (gain +1 you get booked in a
Heat with them). punitive match. ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ :
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
INJURY ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. While injured, you ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
can refuse to compete when you’re booked in a match. If you do this one). They debut in the next Episode.
so, gain +1 Heat with your prospective opponent.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (cannot
pick Anointed or Jobber). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
Whether you were an amateur sensation or a workhorse in the minor leagues, you have all the skills.
Your wrestling ability stands out, but you’re continually fighting the assumption your only have one
dimension to you. Do you?
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
❒ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. You gain +1 Audience. You start and reset to Audience +1
On a 7-9, they make you work for On a Botch, choose one:
Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
it, choose one: ➠ It’s sloppy, but you win the Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
➠ You have to slap a real match (lose -1 Audience) the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
submission hold on them (gain ➠ You go overboard with
+2 Momentum) your hold, injuring your +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ They no-sell your finish and you opponent. The match ends
have to go back to the well (gain in a no contest. +3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
+1 Heat with them).
❒ Former Amateur Champion: You hold legit amateur wrestling +2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
accolades. Take +1 Real (Max +3).
❒ Technical Expert: You’re a student of the sport, and you’ve
learned well. Take +1 Work (Max +3).
A +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
❒ Excellence of Execution: You roll +Work for your Finishing Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
Move (instead of flat 2d6).
❒ Tweener: You use the opposite Role Move of anyone you’re ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
squaring off with (in or out of the ring). So, if you’re facing a Babyface,
you use the Heel Move , and if you’re facing a Heel, you use the
Babyface Move . You still choose whether you’re a Babyface or Heel ADVANCEMENT
in general and count as that choice for everything other than making GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
Role Moves.
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
❒ Sportsmanship: When you shake hands with another wrestler,
roll +Real. On a 10+, pick 2, on a 7-9, pick 1:
➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ You both gain +1 Momentum On a Botch, they ➠ You win a big match specifically via superior technique
➠ You gain +1 Heat with each other attack you before your ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
➠ You pick who attacks who (or if hands touch (and they You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
nobody does). gain +1 Momentum).
spend them when you’d like.
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
INJURY ❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. Whenever you lose ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
a match due to your injury, lose all Momentum. Whenever you this one). They debut in the next Episode.
push through your injury to win a match, gain +1 Momentum.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (no
restriction). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg | updated 1-2021
You are an established name. You work every night, whether to help out the new blood or to
keep a lock on your position on the card. You have a dedicated fan base, and you’re ready to
create an enduring legacy.
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body -1, Look 0, Real -1, Work +1
➠ Then add +1 to any stat of your choice. LOOK
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
✗ Finishing Move: When you’re BOOKED to win a match, roll
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you You start and reset to Audience +2
or your opponent gains +1 Audience.
On a 7-9, they make you work for it, On a Botch, you squeak Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
choose one: out a win by countout,
Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
➠ You use your veteran skills to force disqualification or
the win (gain +1 Heat with them) interference (Creative’s +4 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
➠ You let them look strong in defeat choice), and you lose -1
(they gain +1 Audience). Audience.
+3 ❒ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
❒ Ring General: Gain +1 Momentum when you start a match.
❒ Top Of The Card: You can make the Over Move even when A+2 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
you’re not in the Top Spot. You have as much Momentum to spend
as you start the Episode with due to your current Audience. When +1 ❒ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
you are in the Top Spot, you have 4 Momentum to spend instead of 3.
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the
❒ Respect The Business: When you Play Politics in order to 0 ❒ end of an Episode, you’re fired!
preserve wrestling tradition, you count as having 1 more Audience.
When you act to preserve wrestling tradition on camera, you can ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
roll +Look instead of any other Stat.
❒ Bury ‘em: When you go to management to stop another wrestler’s
push, roll +Real. On a 10+ you stage their next segment or BOOK ADVANCEMENT
their next match to their detriment. On a 7-9 pick 1: GAIN AN ADVANCE WHEN:
➠ You BOOK yourself to win next time On a Botch, it ➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
you wrestle them backfires, you
➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ Add a stipulation to their next match accelerate their
that’s designed to make them look bad. push instead. ➠ You lose to someone in order to make them a star
❒ Put ‘em Over: When you show vulnerability to an opponent ➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
in the ring in order to make them look good, roll +Work. On a 10+, You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
you both gain +1 Audience. On a Botch, you lose spend them when you’d like.
On a 7-9, one of you gains +1 -1 Audience and your
Audience and the other loses -1 opponent resents you BANKED ADVANCES
Audience, your opponents choice. for your pandering. SPEND AN ADVANCE TO:
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ :
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
When you get injured, check an Injury box. When injured,
you can pull out of any match you’re booked in without ❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
repercussions, but you gain +1 Momentum if you don’t. this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick (choose
from Ace, Luminary or Manager). Erase all Injury checks.
When you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
have 3 checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.
Promotions live, grow and change along with the roster.
❒ :
❒ :
❒ :
❒ :
❒ :
These are specific issues you
SUPPORTS face as a company, and that put
These are core elements your Promotion ❒ Devoted Following the future of your Promotion in
is built on, what differentiates you from ❒ Mainstream Appeal jeopardy. Pick 2:
the competition. Pick 2: ❒ Kid-Friendly ❒ Niche Fanbase
❒ Cultural Crossover Appeal ❒ Hostile Fanbase
REACH ❒ Dedicated Home Arena ❒ In Debt
This is the geographic area or ❒ Cable TV Deal ❒ Hostile Silent Partner
media market that you can reach ❒ Large War Chest ❒ Disgruntled Talent
with your shows. Pick your ❒ Social Media Expertise ❒ Green As Grass Roster
starting Reach: ❒ High-Concept Storylines ❒ Poor Facility Maintenance
❒ Local: You perform for a small ❒ Theatrical Presentation ❒ No Merch Production
audience that is mostly the same ❒ Strong Kayfabe ❒ No License to Operate
from show to show! ❒ Inclusive Culture ❒ Created as a Tax Writeoff
❒ Municipal: You perform in a city ❒ Combat Sport Focus ❒ Bad Sponsorship Deal
or multiple-city shared market! ❒ Diverse Roster ❒ Outlaw Federation
❒ Regional: You perform in a ❒ Motivated Roster ❒ Fractured Creative Vision
circuit or in a media market that ❒ Elite Production Staff
covers multiple cities! ❒ Bloated Roster
❒ Trustworthy Management ❒ Behind the Times
❒ National: Your shows can be ❒ Unbroken Title Lineage
located or broadcast anywhere ❒ Shock Value Booking
❒ ❒ Convoluted Lore
in the country!
❒ ❒ Theatrical...Pretensions
❒ International: You can
perform or be seen TIER & AUDIENCE ❒
anywhere in the world!
Your Tier tracks how your Audience grows over
time. Start at Tier 0.
ADVANCEMENT TIER When you Tier Up, the wrestler in the
WHEN YOU TIER UP, PICK ONE: Top Spot picks one. If nobody is in the
Your Tier Threshold is the total amount of
❒ Unlock Mythic Moments Audience your roster needs to accumulate
Top Spot, Creative picks one.
❒ Unlock Specialist Moves before Tiering Up. ➠ Add or remove a Support, reflecting the
❒ Unlock an Audience Move It is equal to Tier + (# of player wrestlers x 3): cause or effect of your new audience.
➠ ➠ Increase or decrease your Reach,
❒ Unlock an Audience Move TIER THRESHOLD reflecting expansion or consolidation
➠ of your audience.
❒ Add a new Championship At the top of an Episode where your roster’s ➠ Remove a Struggle, reflecting how your
❒ Add a new Championship total Audience exceeds the Tier Threshold: new fans helps manage that issue.
❒ Retire an old Championship ➠ Increase your Tier by 1. ➠ Add a Struggle, reflecting an
❒ Debut a new Main Event NPW ➠ The wrestler in the Top Spot picks a Tier Effect. unintended consequence of new eyes
on your product.
❒ Debut a new Main Event NPW ➠ All wrestlers reset their Audience.
❒ Retire a Main Event NPW ➠ If your Promotion has no Struggles, you
➠ Creative picks an Advance. must add one - nothing is perfect.
❒ Start an Invasion Angle ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg | updated 1-2021
The Basic Moves below can be made into Mythic Moments. Once unlocked, you can add an Audience Move to any
When a roll for one of these Moves is a 12+ before spending Episode whenever it makes sense. Good times to do so are:
Momentum, the player may spend all of their Momentum to ➠ As a Hard Move to reflect the crowd’s response to a Botch.
make it a Mythic Moment. ➠ When going into a venue or territory for the first time.
➠ If they have no Momentum, they cannot make a Mythic Moment. ➠ To reflect a change in Supports or Struggles.
➠ If they have a negative stat, they can still make a Mythic Moment
on a natural 12 on the dice. ❒ Bored Crowd: Why are these people even here? This
crowd is just not into the show.
Check off each Mythic Moment when it’s made. Each can only
be made once until the next Audience reset. ➠ Wrestlers start the Episode with no Momentum. If in the Top
Spot, make the Over Move but do not take unspent Momentum.
❒ Athletic Feat: You’ve exceeded human capacity to join the ➠ If you apply this Move mid-Episode, all wrestlers lose 1 Momentum.
pantheon of wrestling legends. Pick either: ➠ Any wrestler who manages to gain Audience in front of this crowd
➠ Your feat becomes imitated worldwide, by fans and other wrestlers. gains the Momentum for their new Audience score at the same
Gain +1 Audience. Your Audience Reset number permanently goes time, as the fans finally start cheering for something.
up by 1 (Max +3).
❒ Hostile Crowd: This audience is unhappy with what’s been
➠ You become immortalized in the highlight reels of your Promotion. going on in your Promotion. They’re looking for things to boo.
Describe exactly how that looks. Gain +1 Momentum when you make
your first appearance in every Episode from now on. ➠ When a wrestler gains Audience, they also have to spend 1
Momentum. If they can’t or won’t, they don’t gain the Audience.
❒ Break Kayfabe: Your action becomes the symbol of when ➠ When a wrestler Botches on any roll, including on the Wrestling
things changed. Pick either: Move, they lose 1 Momentum in addition to the standard effects.
➠ You BOOK all of your matches until the next Audience reset. Your ➠ If a wrestler hits a 10+ on Work The Audience, they’ve won the
Audience Reset number permanently goes up by 1 (Max +3). crowd over—temporarily. Ignore the other effects of this Audience
➠ You expose something backstage impossible to ignore. Creative must Move for the rest of their match or segment.
acknowledge this on-screen and you pick one Tier Effect to reflect
the change you demand. Gain +1 Audience.
❒ Indie Crowd: This die-hard crowd is more interested in
the wrestlers than the Promotion and your storylines.
❒ Cut a Promo: Your promo becomes part of professional ➠ Each wrestler’s Audience for this Episode is equal to their +Work.
wrestling canon. Pick 1: If in the Top Spot, add +1 Audience. If Work is 0 or negative Work,
➠ Simply referencing this promo counts for the Cheap Heat Move, for they have Audience +1. If they end the Episode with 0 Audience, it’s
everyone on the roster, forever. up to Creative whether they truly face being fired or not. Return
➠ Your promo goes viral, and everybody knows it even if they don’t know Audience scores to their pre-Episode position after the Episode.
you. Your Audience Reset number permanently goes up by 1 (Max +3). ➠ When a wrestler hits the Wrestling Move on a 10+, they gain
➠ This takes you to the next level of your craft. Take an Advanced Role an additional +1 Momentum in addition to the standard effects.
right now, without spending an Advance. ➠ When a wrestler Botches on any Move, the crowd turns on them.
❒ Work The Audience: They’ll never forget being in this crowd. Decide whether they ironically chant for someone else (and that
Pick either: wrestler gains +1 Momentum) or for themselves (and nobody can
make the Work The Audience Move for the rest of the show).
➠ Add an Audience Move of your choice to the rest of this Episode.
➠ You whip them into a real frenzy. Gain +1 Audience as they storm the ring! ❒ Old-School Crowd: Kayfabe is dead, but don’t tell this
crowd. They love babyfaces and hate heels.
❒ Run-In: You’ve perfectly captured a turning point in the storyline.
BOOK the result of your run-in on the fly. Then, gain +1 Heat with
➠ Each wrestler’s +Real is -1 from its usual rating (minimum -2).
each other and you pick 1: ➠ When a Babyface gains Audience, they take +1 Momentum as
the crowd erupts with euphoria. When a Heel gains Audience,
➠ It’s turned to a blood feud. You and your target can only wrestle each they take +1 Momentum as the crowd storms the ring with rage.
other until this thing is resolved.
➠ You’ve gained the upper hand. You can pick any stipulations you want ➠ If a Babyface and Heel gain Audience in the same match or segment,
the crowd riots and the Episode comes to a premature end!
for your opponent’s matches until the next Audience Reset (whether
you’re booked in them or not). ❒ Starstruck Crowd: This crowd is here to see the stars
➠ This is going to get settled tonight! Your big match is the new main they already love and pop for the spectacle.
event of the Episode. You and your opponent both gain +1 Audience, ➠ Whoever is in the Top Spot for this Episode can be joined but is
as the crowd gets exactly what they want. not bumped out of it.
❒ Wrestling: This move goes into your highlight reel. Keep control ➠ The max Momentum you can spend on a roll is equal to your
of the match, and pick 1: Audience (+5 if you’re in the Top Spot).
➠ You impress everyone. You are now BOOKED to win the match. ➠ When someone in the Top Spot makes their first appearance
(including the first appearance after gaining it in the Episode),
➠ You steal the show. Gain +1 Audience. they take +1 Momentum.
➠ You do the job. Your opponent gains +1 Audience. ➠ Whenever a wrestler Botches a Move, the crowd tunes out. In
➠ You upstage someone. Say who comes out to help your opponent. You addition to the effects of the Botch, you lose -1 Heat with whoever
gain +1 Heat with each other, and you’re BOOKED to lose the match. you’re working with (or the most appropriate wrestler if you’re
ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg | updated 1-2021 not in a match or are alone in a segment).
You start with: ATHLETIC FEAT
➠ Body , Look , Real , Work
➠ Stat Adjustment: LOOK
ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg | updated 1-2021 You can use the Move of the same
name by spending 2 Momentum.
When you deliberately act against
Pick the desire that most drives
When you debut your wrestler, generate Heat your role, it’s a Face Turn or a Heel
you. When you have a match that
with your competition. Ask 1 question per other Turn. Switch Roles, and gain +1 Heat
satisfies your Want, take an Advance
player. When answered, gain +1 Heat with that with who you turn on (or away from).
and pick a new Want.
player’s wrestler.
❒ A Championship Title!
➠ Q 1: ❒ Join a Group!
➠ ❒ Revenge!
➠ Q 2: ❒ Domination!
➠ ❒ Adulation of the Crowd!
❒ Unique Want:
➠ Q 3:
➠ You can also change Wants anytime
➠ Q 4: (without taking an Advance).
When you wrestle someone you have +4 Heat with, gain +1 Audience. If you don’t cross paths with someone in an Episode, lose -1 Heat.
✗ Finishing Move:
❒ This is how popular you are with the crowd!
You start and reset to Audience:
Top ❒ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
Spot the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make
the Over Move at the top of each Episode!
❒ :
➠ Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode
➠ You take the Top Spot
➠ Unique Trigger:
➠ You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one)
❒ :
You can spend Advances immediately, or bank them and
spend them when you’d like.
❒ Gain +1 Audience
❒ : ❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Pick another Move (from this Gimmick or any other,
including a Move that increases a Stat)
❒ Create a custom Move for this wrestler
❒ Gain a NPW Manager, Valet or Enforcer
BODY LOOK REAL WORK ❒ Form a Dedicated Tag Team
➠ Choose whether or not to erase an Injury check every
time you spend an Advance.
And once you’ve picked 3 of those:
❒ Transcend. Take an Advanced Role Option.
Injury Rules:
❒ Create a new wrestler to play (instead of, or alongside,
this one). They debut in the next Episode.
❒ Repackage. Pick an NPW to play for the next Episode.
INJURY Then return this wrestler with a new Gimmick. Erase
Draw in the number of Injury boxes for this Gimmick. When all Injury checks.
you spend an Advance, you can erase a check. If you have ___ ❒ Retire this wrestler from the business. You can make
checks, you can no longer compete. a new one, or take over an NPW to continue playing.