Features of Quality Cba1 From JCT Website 1
Features of Quality Cba1 From JCT Website 1
Features of Quality Cba1 From JCT Website 1
The features of quality are the criteria used to assess the student’s work.
A piece of work that reflects these features to The report displays exceptional research in both its scope and
a very high standard. While not necessarily skills of enquiry.
perfect, the strengths of the work far outstrip
its flaws, which are minor. Suggestions for The report provides a thoroughly convincing and comprehensive
improvement are easily addressable by the account of how the person of commitment made a positive
student. difference to the world and how this was influenced by his/her
personal values/religious belief/worldview.
A piece of work that reflects these features The report displays very good research in both its scope and skills
very well. The student shows a clear of enquiry.
understanding of how to complete each area of
the task. Feedback might point to the necessity The report provides a convincing and comprehensive account of
to address some aspect of the work in need of how the person of commitment made a positive difference to the
further attention or polishing, but on the whole world and how this was influenced by his/her personal
the work is of a high standard. values/religious belief/worldview.
A piece of work that reflects most of these The report displays good research in both its scope and skills of
features well. It shows a good understanding of enquiry.
the task in hand and is free from significant
error. Feedback might point to areas needing The report provides a reasonably clear and coherent account of
further attention or correction, but the work is how the person of commitment made a positive difference to the
generally competent and accurate. world and how this was influenced by his/her personal
values/religious belief/worldview.
A piece of work that falls someway short of the The report displays limited research in both its scope and skills of
demands of the Classroom-Based Assessment enquiry.
and its associated features. Perhaps the
student has made a good attempt, but the task The report provides a very basic account of how the person of
has not been grasped clearly or is marred by commitment made a positive difference to the world but little
significant lapses. Feedback will draw attention evidence of how this was influenced by their chosen person’s
to fundamental errors that need to be values/religious belief/worldview.
There is little or no evidence of personal reflection on the learning
and what it means for the student.