Study of Mixing Behavior of CSTR Using CFD: Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering April 2014
Study of Mixing Behavior of CSTR Using CFD: Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering April 2014
Study of Mixing Behavior of CSTR Using CFD: Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering April 2014
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3 authors, including:
Akhilesh Khapre
National Institute of Technology Raipur
All content following this page was uploaded by Akhilesh Khapre on 24 July 2015.
Vol. 31, No. 01, pp. 119 - 129, January - March, 2014
(Submitted: July 8, 2012 ; Revised: March 13, 2013 ; Accepted: March 20, 2013)
Abstract - The continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) is a widely used equipment in chemical related
industries. The flow behaviour of fluid inside the reactor may either change from dispersion to ideal or ideal
to dispersion mixing state. It is studied using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation software
ANSYS Fluent. The mixing behaviour is predicted in terms of age distribution function, I ( θ). For the CSTR
without impeller and baffles, I ( θ) is found by the tracer injection method. It is measured and predicted by the
impeller swept volume method for the CSTR in the presence of impeller and baffles. The predicted results are
found to be in good agreement with the literature experimental data. Effect of rpm of the impeller, Reynolds
number and viscosity of the process fluid on the mixing characteristics has been investigated.
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); CSTR; Age distribution function; Laminar flow.
N = 2428.2 Re −1.215 ⎜ ⎟ (5)
N d m2 ρ ⎛d⎞
Rem = = 269.8 Re −0.215 ⎜ ⎟ (6) Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the CSTR: (1) Inlet;
μ ⎝D⎠ (2) Reactor Tank; (3) Baffles; (4) Impeller; (5) Outlet.
Table 2: Parameters used for the CSTR without stirrer and baffles.
Sr. No. D (m) d (m) µ (cp) ρ (kg/m3) V* (l/hr) τ (min) Type of Flow
1 0.099 0.002 1 1000 0.621 72.6 Dispersion
2 0.099 0.002 1 1000 1.028 44.86 Dispersion
3 0.099 0.002 1 1000 1.563 29.33 Dispersion
4 0.099 0.002 1 1000 1.922 24.84 Ideal
5 0.250 0.002 7.75 1141 12.82 57.44 Dispersion
6 0.250 0.002 7.75 1141 12.30 61.07 Dispersion
7 0.250 0.002 7.75 1141 17.42 42.27 Ideal
Table 3: Parameters used for the CSTR with stirrer and baffles.
Sr. No. D (m) d (m) µ (cp) ρ (kg/m3) V* (l/hr) τ (min) N (rpm) Type of Flow
1 0.099 0.0072 9.2 1150 2.653 20.46 50 Dispersion
2 0.099 0.0072 9.2 1150 2.653 20.46 70 Dispersion
3 0.099 0.0072 9.2 1150 2.524 18.11 80 Ideal
4 0.099 0.0072 9.2 1150 2.524 18.11 90 Ideal
5 0.172 0.002 9.8 1183 12.24 19.58 20 Dispersion
6 0.172 0.002 9.8 1183 12.56 19.04 30 Dispersion
7 0.172 0.002 9.8 1183 12.56 19.04 35 Ideal
8 0.250 0.0088 19.7 1179 16.42 44.83 12 Dispersion
9 0.250 0.0088 19.7 1179 16.50 44.60 20 Dispersion
10 0.250 0.0088 19.7 1179 16.50 44.60 25 Ideal
11 0.250 0.0088 19.7 1179 16.50 44.60 40 Ideal
In ANSYS FLUENT, the default method of as the stirrer. The stationary zone includes the rest of
solution of the equations is in a stationary reference the control volume comprised of baffles, tank and
frame. However, some problems can be solved fluid inside the CSTR. The geometry and mesh are
advantageously in a moving reference frame where prepared in the ANSYS workbench and shown in
the whole computational domain moves, called a Figure 2 (a) and (b). The complicated CSTR geometry
single reference frame approach. But for more is meshed using an unstructured tetrahedral mesh.
complex problems, it is necessary to use Multiple There are three ways, namely coarse, medium and
Reference Frame (MRF) with the combination of fine mesh, to develop an unstructured mesh. The fine
stationary and moving reference frame. Here, the unstructured mesh is used finally to make sure of the
computational domain is divided into moving and stability and accuracy of the computed results. The
stationary zones with well defined interfaces be- unstructured tetrahedral mesh with 735231, 814782
tween the zones. The quantities such as velocity, and 874273 cells, covering the whole volume of the
pressure etc. are exchanged across the interface tanks with 0.099 m, 0.172 m and 0.250 m diameter,
between the zones. The transient behaviour of respectively, was used in the simulation work. As
moving part systems can be captured by a sliding expected, a dense mesh at the inlet, outlet of the tank
mesh approach under the MRF model. The moving and nearer to the stirrer surface are observed in
zone includes stirrer and rotates with the same speed Figure 2 (b).
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122 D. Rajavathsavai, A. Khapre and B. Munshi
(a) (b)
GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND SOLUTION from the solution of the species transport equation.
ALGORITHM This equation for a non-reacting mixture can be
expressed in the following form:
The flow prediction procedure is based on the
numerical solution of the three dimensional, time- ∂ ∂ ∂ ⎛ ∂ωk ⎞
dependent continuity and momentum equations. The
(ρωk ) +
∂x j
ρu j ωk = ) ⎜⎜ ρDeff
∂x j ⎝
∂x j ⎟⎠
general conservation of mass or continuity can be
written as follows (ANSYS FLUENT 12 Theory guide,
2009): where ωk is the mass fraction of the k th species and
Deff is the effective diffusivity of the species in the
∂ρ G
+ ∇. ( ρυ ) = 0 (7) mixture.
Lipowska (1974) used a step change of potassium
G chloride (KCl) concentration in the feed to find the
where υ is the velocity vector.
RTD of CSTR. But he did not specify the value of
The Navier Stokes equations is given as
concentration of KCl in the feed stream. Thus, it
becomes difficult to guess it exactly. Fortunately, the
∂ G GG G G
(ρυ ) + ∇. (ρυυ ) = −∇p + ∇. ( τ ) + ρg + F (8) expression for the RTD function, I ( θ ) (internal age
distribution function), for the moving impeller CSTR
is given as:
where p is the static pressure and τ is the stress
tensor (Eq. (9)); g and F are the gravitational body ⎡ ⎛V* ⎞ ⎤
I ( θ ) = exp ⎢ − ⎜ + 1⎟ θ⎥ (11)
force and external body forces respectively. The ⎜ ⎟
⎣⎢ ⎝ Q ⎠ ⎥⎦
stress tensor τ is given by:
where θ = t τ , τ is the holdup time of liquid in the
⎡ G G
2 G ⎤
τ = μ ⎢ ∇υ + ∇υT − ∇.υI ⎥
⎣ 3 ⎦
(9) tank, V * is the inlet volumetric flow rate, Q is the im-
peller pumping capacity.
where μ is the molecular viscosity, I is the unit Q = 2.3Nd m2 b cm3/sec (12)
tensor, and the second term on the right hand side is
the effect of volume dilatation. where N is the rpm of the impeller. According to
Simulation of mixing was carried out by intro-
Eq. (11), mixing is ideal when V * Q → 0 .
ducing a secondary liquid as an inert tracer into the
primary liquid in the vessel. The temporal and spatial In general, the expression of Q for impeller is
distributions of the tracer concentration were obtained (Mishra et al., 1998):
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Study of Mixing Behavior of CSTR Using CFD 123
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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 31, No. 01, pp. 119 - 129, January - March, 2014
126 D. Rajavathsavai, A. Khapre and B. Munshi
Figure 7: Plot of I ( θ) vs. θ for a CSTR with stirrer Figure 8: Plot of I ( θ) vs. θ for a CSTR with stirrer
and baffles and with D = 0.099 m, d = 0.0072 m, and baffles and with D = 0.172 m, d = 0.002 m,
µ = 9.2 cP and ρ = 1145 kg/m3. µ = 9.8 cP and ρ = 1163 kg/m3.
Figure 9: Plot of I ( θ) vs. θ for a CSTR with stirrer and baffles and with D = 0.250 m, d = 0.0088 m,
µ = 19.7 cP and ρ = 1179 kg/m3.
dispersion to an ideal mixing state with the increase Viscosity of the fluid has a certain effect on the
in N . A distinct dispersion flow happens at N equal hydrodynamic and mixing behavior of the liquid.
to 30 and 40 (these two curves are superimposed), The effect of viscosity of the liquid on I ( θ) at
and also at 50, whereas at N = 80 the mixing is very different impeller speeds is shown in Figure 12. The
near to the ideal mixing condition. This happens effect of viscosity on I ( θ) at high N is just the re-
naturally as it is well known that the amount of
verse of the effect observed at lower values of N .
mechanical energy imparted to the fluid increases
with an increase in N , and hence more mixing. Figure 12 (c) and (d) show that the mixing of the liquid
moves towards the ideal mixing state with an in-
crease in viscosity at rpm 50 and 70, whereas it
moves away from the ideal mixing line for rpm 25
and 12 as observed in Figure 12 (a) and (b). For a
particular Re, V * increases with viscosity. In addition to
this, the impeller does more mechanical work at
higher values of N , and it makes the viscous force
negligible. Thus, the increase of V * results in more
mixing of the liquid in CSTR. The mixing of liquid
therefore moves towards the ideal mixing condition
at higher impeller rotation. But at lower values of
N , the amount of energy transferred by the impeller
to the liquid is relatively low, and it becomes insuffi-
Figure 11: Effect of N on I ( θ) for a CSTR with cient to overcome the viscous force. Due to domina-
stirrer and baffles and with D = 0.250 m, d = 0.0066 tion of the viscous force at lower N, the mixing line
m, µ = 9.2 cP, ρ = 1145 kg/m3 and Re = 1.03. moves away from the ideal mixing line.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 12: Effect of viscosity of the liquid on I ( θ) for a CSTR with stirrer and baffles with D = 0.099 m,
d = 0.0066 m, Re = 1.03: (a) N = 10 rpm; (b) N = 25 rpm; (c) N = 50 rpm and (d) N = 70 rpm.
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128 D. Rajavathsavai, A. Khapre and B. Munshi
CONCLUSION ρ Density kg/m3
θ Dimensionless time (-)
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