Ereprint CTAIJ 4585
Ereprint CTAIJ 4585
Ereprint CTAIJ 4585
The effect of impeller type on the mixing time of the non-Newtonian fluids in
stirred tanks
4 3,301
3 authors:
Pariya Noeparvar
University of Canterbury
All content following this page was uploaded by Hani Taleshi on 24 February 2016.
chemical technology
An Indian Journal
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CTAIJ 11(4) 2016 [123-132]
In the following paper, experimental data represent mixing time in a stirred Mixing time;
tank. Electrical conductivity methods are used to obtain results of mixing Concave impeller;
time. Weight percent of CMC solution, which indicates pseudo plastic Speed;
behavior of the fluid, was deemed 0.5%. What is more, it was used as Aeration;
continuous phase and air as the dispersed phase. The effect of blade angle Non-Newtonian fluids.
and length were investigated with 7 concave impellers. The experimental
results demonstrate that the mixing time will decrease by increasing rota-
tion speed. The impeller No. 6 is favorable to reduce mixing time in con-
stant power consumption because of the maximum angle between the other
impellers. Consequently, an equation to predict mixing time by using four
independent parameters is suggested; moreover, this equation can be uti-
lized as a predictor relation in comparison with the experimental data.
2016 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA
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The power law shows the behavior of the pseudo 1
plastic fluid (Eq. 1): W 3
0.0638 (V ) 2 (4)
1.622 T
K n (1)
Where , K, and n are shear stress, power law Where W , T, and V are shear stress at the wall,
constant or consistency index, shear rate and power tank diameter, fluid density and tank volume, respec-
law exponent or flow behavior index, respectively. tively. It is worth to note that the contribution of the
In which relates the shear stress in the fluid to the pressure can be ignored compared to the torque. Thus
shear rate being exerted on it. Dynamic viscosity the estimated shear stress on the wall is calculated
relation is indicated by Eq. 2: by Eq. 5[8]:
A K n1 1
(2) W (5)
1.622 T 3
Where A is apparent viscosity of the fluid[8]. Bird By respecting Eq. 2, the Reynolds number should
et al. predict an equation for the shear rate on the be considered by Eq. 6[8-10]:
wall of a baffled tank as a function of the torque on ND 2 ND 2
Re (6)
the mixer shaft as shown by Eq.3: K n1
v Where Re, N and D are Reynolds number, impeller
R dS Rpbaff dA (3)
S r W A
rotational speed and impeller diameter, respectively.
Where , R, r, S, P baff, and A are torque on the shaft, If an analogy is used between the pressure loss
tank radius, radius, wall area, pressure on the baffles characteristic of the Non-Newtonian fluid and the
and area of baffles, respectively. The shear stress power characteristic of a stirrer, Eq. 7 is achieved[3, 8, 9]:
on the wall in a tank can be estimated by assuming N 2 n D 2 n n
the constant shear rate on the wall and applying the Re 8 (7)
K 6n 2
appropriate integration limits followed by Eq. 4:
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Equipment and method The aqueous solution in this research is of 0.5%
Geometric characteristics and experimental sys- in weigh of CMC. The 0.5% solution and measure-
tem of the tank are shown in Figure 1 and TABLE 1, ments of viscosities
include the values of K=0.66
respectively. and n=o.66 105.18 g of CMC should be solved in
Figure 2 illustrates the shape of a concave im- water based on of the stirred tank volume. A con-
peller and the specifications of seven impellers are ductivity meter was used to measure mixing time
indicated by TABLE 2. and conductivity. A multi meter was also consid-
In the event of two phases, gas flow rate and ered to change the electrical conductivity data to digi-
distributed inside the liquid phase are measured by tal ones. 30 ml of saturated KCl solution was uti-
rotameter and gas sparger with the diameter of 7.5 lized as a tracer acted as a pulse at each step. The
cm with 31 holes each (1 mm diameter), respec- mixing time should be taken to inject the tracer until
tively. The behavior of the non-Newtonian fluid can the contents of the tank reaches the favored degree
be determined by Rheometer; subsequently a shear of homogeneous is recorded. The degree of homog-
stress is provided by exerting a shear rate on the enous is explained by the Eq. 8:
solution. Based on these data, K and n in the Eq. 1 Y (C i C 0 ) /(C C 0 ) (8)
are achieved. TABLE 3 shows the results of Rhe- Where C i , C 0 , C and Y are initial, final, moment
ometer data in different weight percent solutions. concentration of bulk mixture and degree of unifor-
TABLE 1 : Tank geometric characteristics
Geometric characteristics
30Cm Tank internal diameter (T)
30Cm Liquid height (H)
3T Agitator diameter (D)
10 T Baffles width (B)
100 T Baffles thickness (h)
0.5 T Distance between agitator and bottom of tank (C1)
0.5 T Distance between agitator and liquid level (C)
- Distance between two agitator (C)
- Distance between upper agitator and liquid surface (C2)
- Distance between lower agitator and liquid surface (C1)
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126 The effect of impeller type on the mixing time of the non-Newtonian fluids in stirred tanks CTAIJ, 11(4) 2016
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TABLE 2 : specifications of seven impellers (m)
Impeller 1 Impeller 2 Impeller 3 Impeller 4 Impeller 5 Impeller 6 Impeller 7
Blade height (w) 0.025 0.0 25 0.025 0.0125 0.0375 0.050 0.025
Differences between blades (B-C) 0.00375 0.00 625 0.0125 0.00625 0.00625 0 0
Blades angle (Degree) 40 40 40 25 50 55 40
Blades thickness(t) 0.002 0.0 02 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Impeller diameter (D) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
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TABLE 4 : Reynolds number at different speed for the 0.5 weight percent solution
N(rpm) N(rps) Re W W
100 1.66 69.5 5.326 121.592 2706.2
200 3.33 175.57 21.434 489.33 22313.7
300 5 301.7 48.325 1103.259 76477
400 6.66 441.4 85.739 1957.42 182313
500 8.33 594.4 134.128 3062.14 359148
600 10 757.9 193.3 4413 624802
Figure 3 : Mixing time versus rotation speed for 7 impellers at Q=0 lit/hr
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128 The effect of impeller type on the mixing time of the non-Newtonian fluids in stirred tanks CTAIJ, 11(4) 2016
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impeller and causes to lead the rotation of the fluid 200, 400 and 600 rpm are shown for each of the
in axial and radial directions. individual impellers in Figures 6, 7 and 8.
Flow convection increases the Kinetic Energy At the presence of gas phase, different results
of Eddy resulting in mixing time decrease. Mixing occurred due to the complexity of two phase sys-
time, in terms of velocity, have a sharp slope at first tems and the effects of various parameters on the
and then decrease, so that at the speeds of 600 rpm distribution of bubbles. One of these parameters is
and higher. The mixing time was not significantly the preferable impeller which was tested in this
different and power consumption will increase in- study. In general, the effect of aeration on mixing
dependently at this operation speed, subsequently, time changes in 4 cases as below.
the fluid will behave as Newtonian fluids. It was 1. Mixing time initially increased, and then de-
observed that the impellers numbers 1, 2 and 7 will creased with aeration.
have the same result because of their equal blade 2. Mixing time increases with aeration.
height, angle; moreover, slight difference between 3. Mixing time initially decreased and then in-
them is due to the values in different blades for all creased with aeration.
rotation speeds. The impeller number 3 has the maxi- 4. Mixing time is independent of aeration.
mum blade difference but its blade height and angle As a rule of thumb it can be concluded that the
is the same with impeller numbers 1 and 2, so the first case occurs when the impeller is unable to ef-
blade difference only causes to mixing time becom- fect the gas distribution and causes the impeller
ing longer. The impeller numbers 5 and especially 6 power to reduce. There is a critical value for this
have the minimal mixing time in the constant power situation which after this, aeration helps the mixing
consumption due to the maximum angle and height (for example impellers No.2 and No.3). The second
between the blades. These impellers pump a higher case is a subset of the first one which the impeller
flow in a rotation, thereby creating holes in the back operates weaker in gas distribution or disturbance
of the blades. This causes the rotation speeds there- is not to that much that gas distribution is effective
fore increase whilst mixing time decreased. Hence (for example impeller No.4). The third case occurs
it was clear that with increasing the rotation speed, for the impellers which are larger in size because
mixing time was almost equal to that obtained by they reach to a maximum pneumatic mix suddenly
different impellers and is almost independent of the (for example impellers No.5 and No.6). The fourth
type of impeller. case depends on the operating conditions and such a
situation is usually observed at high speeds.
Effect of aeration The existence of gas phase in one hand causes
As gas is a dispersed phase, the effect of gas on the increase of pneumatic mixing in the system. That
mixing time is expressed in terms of gas flow rate. leads to shorter mixing time, but on the other hand
Effects of aeration on mixing time at the speeds of mechanical mixing can be reduced by gas, resulting
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CTAIJ, 11(4) 2016 Hani Taleshi Ahangari et al. 129
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in a higher mixing time. It is important to realize that ing by impeller and reach to the liquid surface. By
the two factors are most effective at any test. There- increasing the speed to 600 rpm, it was found that the
fore, a different trend is observed for each impeller gas flow rate has little effect on mixing time. At me-
at any speed. At low speeds, the impeller No. 4 is dium to high speeds due to the prominent role of the
weak in the gas distribution. A major part of bubbles rotation speed in creating turbulence flow, the gas flow
reduce the mechanical mixing power without break- rate does not significantly reduce mixing time.
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130 The effect of impeller type on the mixing time of the non-Newtonian fluids in stirred tanks CTAIJ, 11(4) 2016
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Figure 12 : Experimental and calculated mixing time in presence of gas at 200 rpm
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These bubbles decrease the impellers mechanical sult between them and Eq. 9 is appropriate for pre-
power without participating in flow patterns. dicting mixing time.
According to the experimental data and linear The authors would like to thank the technical
regressions, calculating mixing time is suggested staffs of Sahand University of Technology.
based on Eq. 9:
N 200
t 150 0.281 0.221
0.042 Q
0.04 L (9)
400 30 200
Where t, è, L and Q are mixing time, blade angle, Transport Phenomena Research Center and the
blade length and gas flow rate, respectively. management of Sahand University of Technology are
Figures 11 and 12 depict the difference between the funding sources for this project.
experimental mixing time and calculated mixing time.
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132 The effect of impeller type on the mixing time of the non-Newtonian fluids in stirred tanks CTAIJ, 11(4) 2016
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