Awd Program
Awd Program
Awd Program
d AWd pRograM p
Volume I
updated 02/22/2020
This brings us to the present day, and the purpose for this
publication. First and foremost: We normally reject (and despise)
movement programs or manifestos, as people tend not to follow
them, or follow them at their leisure or convenience. However, due
to the more obscure nature of our work, some operatives more
autonomous than others, and because of the internet speeding up
the process of recruitment and spread of information, this is is a
necessary formality. The fact that this piece had to be written is
not a reflection on Atomwaffen Division itself, but a reflection
on how white men have (and are) indeed lost, as Tommasi said.
White men just have not retained the discipline to carry out a
successful movement, and this is something that just cannot be
restored without a total break away from everything that
conditions us to be docile consumers. To “fight back” simply
cannot happen while we allow these conveniences exist in our lives
and everyone’s fridges are full. Sounding Defeatist? It’s
realistic. To successfully break away from System conditioning and
becoming truly free (or an “Outlaw”) is the intention of
Atomwaffen Division for the individuals who are involved. Without
further ado, the program is not only mandatory reading for
recruits, but mandatory understanding.
For those who know the AWD nucleus, the ones who preserve AWD,
there are perks that come with responsibility. AWD is structured
in such a way, so it can offer something to the novice,the
accomplished, and anything in between. Someone involved with our
program is rewarded based on whatever groundwork they lay down.
Ideas have to be tested in the real world in order to ascertain
their truthful/usefulness. Our program offers no step-by-step life
plan (as conditions are subject to change). All Beginners must
read foundational Fascist texts and of course, SIEGE. One must not
just read it, but understand it well enough to be able to answer
random questions about its key principles in an informal Q&A
session. In order to adapt to ever-changing conditions, many of
the other sources provided will be from other schools of
philosophy or ideological variations (often opposed). These other
materials are not valuable based on the merit of philosophical
content but on their strategic substance. As is with the law of
the universe, we must all become adaptable. It is no longer 1933,
and going back will get you nowhere. It’s a dog eat dog world out
there, and one must be willing to tear anything and everything
apart limb from limb! The operative must divorce himself from the
dogma that holds him in the past. At that point he must be ready
to strike out alone and forge his own way. The man that is
strongest alone is the prime recruit!
Religious Devotion
We are not part of the “movement”, and nor does it reflect our
aims as a collective. So to answer this question bluntly: we have
done literally NOTHING for them and we will extend no resource for
them by in large (as they surely would not show each other that
same courtesy, let alone us). We will waste NO time on those that
are unwilling to learn. That question in and of itself is a
product of egotism and materialistic thinking. This narrative only
proves to make a willing target for the entire opposition
(including the US Government, particularly the alphabet agencies).
This formula goes as follows in repetition: Announce protest in
public (far enough ahead for the street-level opposition to
organize), Showing the entire public an incredible set of
weaknesses in organizing efforts, and getting into street-wide
brawls/riots. All while this is taking place, the feds are
waiting, taking tabs on speakers and participants, then the
ADL/SPLC are writing down license plate numbers and doxxing the
idiots not smart enough to wear a fucking mask. Ask yourself, is
all of this worth it? In the long run? The money and resources
spent toward these ends could be better put toward: property,
munitions, or overall proper networking. Push aside these
delusions of grandeur. If you are living a healthy lifestyle,
holding yourself as an example of your race and eventually (if not
already) having children, then you already have done far more for
the future of your race than any of these “movements”.
Proper Opsec/Infosec
As an operative of the Atomwaffen Division, it is your
responsibility to practice and maintain proper operational
security (OPSEC)and Informational Security (Infosec). This means
NO social media, this also means keeping friends/family in check:
making sure that they don’t put your photos on social media. If
these things are a problem, then it is necessary to distance
yourself from these types of people, as they serve only to
compromise you, whether or not they realize it. This means
clandestine operations, not out in the open. This means gauging
strategy; the risk vs reward variable of operations. This means
keeping your communications and electronics encrypted and secure.
This means being careful about the words you say and to WHOM you
say them to. Do not ALLOW for anyone to say anything that you
wouldn’t want to be questioned about. Think about it like this:
“is this something I want read back to me in court?”
Outlined in this program, is your rules of conduct. This is
necessary where people should understand these fundamentals, yet
disturbing that too many don’t. We normally do not care about
personal extracurricular activities, though you should be living
an Aryan life and participating with your comrades in preparation
to the end. If you do not fit our standards, plain and simple, we
don’t want you. We believe in quality over quantity. We are not
interested in having “formal debates” or “diversity of thought”
within this organization, as this is not some “think-tank” or an
online forum/board. We have a strong sense of Camaraderie. The
recruit must be willing to bring something to the table, as our
collective goals are for the long term.(Simply being white and
existing is not enough). Any questions about this can however be
asked during the vetting process.
Recruit Requirements:
• Fully White/European ancestry
(No Niggers,Kikes,Mestizos or any other racial mongrel)
• Race Treason will NOT be tolerated.
(Whether fraternizing, consorting or procreating)