Awd Program

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In Hoc Signo Vinces

d AWd pRograM p
Volume I
updated 02/22/2020

On a bright and sunny typically Californian day in the year of

1974, a young American revolutionary by the name of Joseph Tommasi
declared the statement “The White race has lost”. The questionable
and seemingly defeatist position that Mr. Tommasi and his
organization, the National Socialist Liberation Front, is one of
the many factors that lead to the black listing of him, James
Mason, and many others formerly involved in Rockwell’s American
Nazi Party. After the death of Rockwell, the movement experienced
its downfall due to incompetency and over saturation of
intellectual mumbo jumbo as an excuse to be inactive and to “tone
down” their message, turning the American Nazi Party (now called
the National Socialist White People’s Party at this point) into a
conservative movement with a Swastika. This, in turn, created
splinter groups from disenchanted or other “black listed”
individuals who amounted to absolutely nothing.

There’s a reason why we remember Rockwell, Tommasi, and Matt

Koehl. And there’s a reason why we don’t remember any of the
splinter groups, such as the White Workers Party and many other
insignificant failures. We remember those who stand out because of
their victories and their failures. We remember the mistakes, the
failings, and the minor successes. We remember the powerful and
riveting speeches by Rockwell, the sadistic lone-wolf actions
carried out by Tommasi, and we especially remember Matt Koehl for
his inability to run a competent Party.

This brings us to the present day, and the purpose for this
publication. First and foremost: We normally reject (and despise)
movement programs or manifestos, as people tend not to follow
them, or follow them at their leisure or convenience. However, due
to the more obscure nature of our work, some operatives more
autonomous than others, and because of the internet speeding up
the process of recruitment and spread of information, this is is a
necessary formality. The fact that this piece had to be written is
not a reflection on Atomwaffen Division itself, but a reflection
on how white men have (and are) indeed lost, as Tommasi said.
White men just have not retained the discipline to carry out a
successful movement, and this is something that just cannot be
restored without a total break away from everything that
conditions us to be docile consumers. To “fight back” simply
cannot happen while we allow these conveniences exist in our lives
and everyone’s fridges are full. Sounding Defeatist? It’s
realistic. To successfully break away from System conditioning and
becoming truly free (or an “Outlaw”) is the intention of
Atomwaffen Division for the individuals who are involved. Without
further ado, the program is not only mandatory reading for
recruits, but mandatory understanding.

We are not a membership organization

or “movement”
To those still within the framework of this “movement” or
“mass-strategy” program, this may be a bit hard to comprehend
however it will become clear once the dogma has been removed once
and for all. Anyone on Earth can be “Atomwaffen Division”, for the
premise is an operation that exists to antagonize within the
framework of the group, with varied networks and resources. On the
ground level: Anyone with the appropriate self-determination can
print their own fliers. Anyone can assemble a uniform, patch or
mask. This cannot be stopped,and there is no reason to stop it.
Atomwaffen Division has no “membership list” or “card carrying
official membership”, therefore the operative is not a “member”.

We engage in lone wolf/small cell/leaderless resistance

activity only, which leaves responsibility and discretion to the
level of the operative, alone. No one needs to know what we’re
doing since we will never reveal that. Everything we do is only on
a need to know basis; from onlookers to the operative alike. We
are not interested in public alliances with any of the “movements”
out there, as we dare declare our self-reliance upon our own
foundation. We have nothing to prove to anyone, we have (and will
continue to) infiltrate all aspects of society. We can be your
neighbor, mailman, secretary, best friend, etc. We are everywhere,
and we are no one.
AWD is creating the type of man
capable surviving the Kali Yuga

For those who know the AWD nucleus, the ones who preserve AWD,
there are perks that come with responsibility. AWD is structured
in such a way, so it can offer something to the novice,the
accomplished, and anything in between. Someone involved with our
program is rewarded based on whatever groundwork they lay down.
Ideas have to be tested in the real world in order to ascertain
their truthful/usefulness. Our program offers no step-by-step life
plan (as conditions are subject to change). All Beginners must
read foundational Fascist texts and of course, SIEGE. One must not
just read it, but understand it well enough to be able to answer
random questions about its key principles in an informal Q&A
session. In order to adapt to ever-changing conditions, many of
the other sources provided will be from other schools of
philosophy or ideological variations (often opposed). These other
materials are not valuable based on the merit of philosophical
content but on their strategic substance. As is with the law of
the universe, we must all become adaptable. It is no longer 1933,
and going back will get you nowhere. It’s a dog eat dog world out
there, and one must be willing to tear anything and everything
apart limb from limb! The operative must divorce himself from the
dogma that holds him in the past. At that point he must be ready
to strike out alone and forge his own way. The man that is
strongest alone is the prime recruit!

Religious Devotion

Let us not misunderstand, we are not only in a dangerous

battle against the Jews but with our very own. So we must learn to
take responsibility for the sins of our race, in order to advance
ourselves further in our struggle. This is not a matter of
religion or politics as we know it, but a matter of survival
against our encroaching enemy. In regard to the question of
religion, once you put on your uniform or carry out your
activities, you cease to be yourself. To wear the mask of death is
to symbolically kick aside your ego, as you now represent another
entity, more primal. Religion in a conventional sense means fuck
all to the organization. We’re in this for life or death, whether
you believe in Jesus, Odin, Satan or any other deity. Our goals,
our purpose of being in this mortal world is to continue where our
predecessors failed. This society has left us all in the mud as it
is falling apart, your race is in peril, and our salvation comes
only through doomsday. In this pursuit of truth, the operative
must meditate upon the coming hardship and to always go against
the grain. It is In this mission that you must discover your
religious fanaticism. We will not tolerate reactionary dogma that
will contradict our collective mission. We want soldiers devoted
to projecting the Aryan spirit and uncompromising total victory
above all else.
The Manson Example

As already described, AWD provides knowledge, resources and

capabilities toward an autonomous lifestyle. We are interested in
dropping this System entirely, we do not need to be part of it or
poison ourselves or our living space with Jewish depravity. What
this means is; we want those who join us to make meaningful
organic connections; finding friends and making lifelong comrades
who they can comfortably band together with and leave behind the
filth that surrounds us all. This is not saying you need a cabin
in the woods with no electricity per-se, but what we advocate for
is moving toward self-reliance as soon as possible, and there is a
variety of ways to achieve this end. To move through this process
takes time and commitment. We have members with many useful handy
skills and resources that can help in this regard, and what we
expect out of you is to have something of this nature to
contribute. You are a product of your environment, and this is why
we want to create our own environment.

Total Environment, the Aryan way of living

On top of the obvious things such as eating healthy and being

in good shape, your own living space must reflect your inner
spirit and encourage productivity. To name an example: Going to a
thrift store, getting older classic European looking furniture or
wearing clothing that isn’t “the norm”/“fashionable” according to
the trends/mass media but because it is practical. Perhaps you are
an individual with a large library of information at your disposal
and the discipline to read books cover to cover, for your own
wisdom and insight. Maybe you live in an RV in the boonies,
changing places to acclimate to frontier living. The same can also
be said about pursuing careers or skilled trades. The majority of
university diplomas are useless expensive pieces of paper that
most often lands useless careers for the most useless people. This
is what total environment is, rejecting this garbage standard the
System wants you to live by (in a state of docile comfort and
incompetence) and being within a living space that reflects your
ambitions. You will spend the majority of your time living in this
environment, so this needs to be your environment as this does
have a real effect on you as a person and your mentality.

America is a sewer! We are proud traitors to the west!

America enjoys policing the world, and supporting monster-

states such as Israel while draining resources from third world
hell holes to fuel their rotten System. Commonly coined “Western
values” are synonymous with classical liberal abstractions to
pacify the masses. Why on Earth should we be “nationalists” to
this? This applies to the founding fathers and the constitution as
well. As respectable their actions (or noble their intentions)
might have been, despite how agreeable sentiments of the
constitution may be; we do not seek to resurrect any of it, as it
was nothing more than a failed experiment that led us to our
current paradigm. We believe in projecting ourselves forward and
creating a new culture, new standard, new way of life. Any
reflection of the old world is done while adapting to the time in
which we live. In other words, no “American Nationalists”. Nor are
we regular nationalists, as America is not a nation (of ethnic
identity): it is a country (a social foundation; a state). If
ever, America was a nation, it is because of these poisonous
values that it failed miserably. These civilizations are dead and
have been dead for years. After World War II, all that was left
was a gene pool, the white race. This is all that we have left and
we must start back from year zero. This is American Futurism.
Nationalism is dead, plain and simple.

We are Crazed Men of Destiny

No, goody-two-shoes. The world has enough self-important

armchair tacticians and critics, and they’re not worth a damn! We
reject the over-use and imbalanced emphasis of intellectualism. We
do not care for self-repressing puritan types either, if they are
so timid and offended by every raunchy detail of life how can we
expect them to survive, let alone be reliable? If you are to
preserve your sanity in the midst of the madness, rigidity will do
you no good. How can one live like our ancestors without any fun
or experience in our lives? To make this point brief; we are
seeking soldiers of the last battalion, those who are willing to
embody the Kalki archetype within themselves instead of waiting
around for him. We seek men of character and experience, those
that are willing to test themselves and relish the struggle ahead.
We must all accept the fact that society hates us, and we are all
in this together, as fascists against the world! When the time
comes, our race needs to form a line of skilled workers and
predatory conquerors. It is time to drop the civil persona, and
time to face the world as the monster they see in you.

We’re not interested in illegal activities

The reality and conditions of revolution are totally

unpredictable. A revolutionary act doesn’t always mean to go full
Brenton Tarrant. As recent history has shown, doing something
illegal, in itself, will accomplish nothing other than putting you
at the mercy of the cops who arrest you, and by default it will
render you useless in a dungeon. We do not want that,and you most
certainly do not want that. As stated throughout this program, we
are doing the most revolutionary act by declaring “TO HELL WITH
THIS SYSTEM” and taking those words to form. Petty crimes will not
go anywhere, and the game will only change once the rule of law
and order is rendered futile in the face of revolt. Now it’s a
matter of nature taking its course, and just letting go. As
revolutionaries, our sole duty and our success is in continuance.
Many of us may spend the rest of our lives helping our comrades
and raising families with the possibility of collapse not coming
in the interim but that will be a life worth living in the end.

“What have you done for the movement?”

We are not part of the “movement”, and nor does it reflect our
aims as a collective. So to answer this question bluntly: we have
done literally NOTHING for them and we will extend no resource for
them by in large (as they surely would not show each other that
same courtesy, let alone us). We will waste NO time on those that
are unwilling to learn. That question in and of itself is a
product of egotism and materialistic thinking. This narrative only
proves to make a willing target for the entire opposition
(including the US Government, particularly the alphabet agencies).
This formula goes as follows in repetition: Announce protest in
public (far enough ahead for the street-level opposition to
organize), Showing the entire public an incredible set of
weaknesses in organizing efforts, and getting into street-wide
brawls/riots. All while this is taking place, the feds are
waiting, taking tabs on speakers and participants, then the
ADL/SPLC are writing down license plate numbers and doxxing the
idiots not smart enough to wear a fucking mask. Ask yourself, is
all of this worth it? In the long run? The money and resources
spent toward these ends could be better put toward: property,
munitions, or overall proper networking. Push aside these
delusions of grandeur. If you are living a healthy lifestyle,
holding yourself as an example of your race and eventually (if not
already) having children, then you already have done far more for
the future of your race than any of these “movements”.

“There is only the mind, the mind is everything. It is Buddha.

It is Christ. It is the Devil. It is God.”

On top of being American Futurists, it comes with the

territory that we are all adherents to Universal Order. This basic
philosophy means that every action that happens, everything that
is invented or done all begins with the mind, and how can you hope
to produce good results if your mind isn’t clear and goals
precise? We have removed all dogmas and System-think garbage that
pollutes the minds of the common lemming and we have chosen to go
back to our more instinctive nature. We have no use for
counteractive or reactionary attitudes, as it only clouds judgment
and detracts from the use of our full potential. Once you have
become fully aware and removed system-conditioning, all you have
left is the worldview, and this is what you must do. As Charles
Manson said; “Read the history books backwards, all it’s doing is
cluttering your mind.”
Atomwaffen Division vs. the Left / Right spectrum

All notions of left and right are a divide and conquer

technique that only gets people distracted with stupid conflicts
over the same trivial ideas that are spouted out by the system.
Ideas that encourage more complaining one way or the other and
never seeking to solve that petty issue. To extend legitimacy to
one side is to also extend that same legitimacy to the politicians
on the other side, as in the end: they are all exactly the same.
These things are all meaningless to us now, we hate the right wing
just as much as we hate the left wing. Essentially, it is
impossible to “punch right” only because these are arbitrary terms
that do not exist at all except for those who are still entranced
by the binary political puppet show put up by the beast system.
The only way that we are “RIGHT” is that everything else is WRONG.

How do we recruit the lemmings/normies?

We don’t! In every society there will always be lemmings who

are too helpless to do anything about the situation. Even if we
did convince them,they would serve to be dead weight as they will
not take that mighty oath declared by Adolf Hitler “I FIGHT”. We
don’t need them, we are not interested in having dead weight
within our ranks. It has always, in every revolution, been a small
minority of crazy men who take back society by any means
necessary, as these nobler instincts only exist within a small
minority of modern white people, and a great many have had their
instincts perverted or neutered by the Jews, and we intend to find
these men of good character and set them on the correct path only.

Proper Opsec/Infosec
As an operative of the Atomwaffen Division, it is your
responsibility to practice and maintain proper operational
security (OPSEC)and Informational Security (Infosec). This means
NO social media, this also means keeping friends/family in check:
making sure that they don’t put your photos on social media. If
these things are a problem, then it is necessary to distance
yourself from these types of people, as they serve only to
compromise you, whether or not they realize it. This means
clandestine operations, not out in the open. This means gauging
strategy; the risk vs reward variable of operations. This means
keeping your communications and electronics encrypted and secure.
This means being careful about the words you say and to WHOM you
say them to. Do not ALLOW for anyone to say anything that you
wouldn’t want to be questioned about. Think about it like this:
“is this something I want read back to me in court?”

If fate decides for you to be publicly outed, arrested or any

other similar misfortune; at least make them work hard for it! If
you’re outed, you will almost always have plausible deniability,
and you must maintain a stubborn denial, depending on the
information released. There is always room for error, and
sometimes these things are out of our individual control. This is
among the hazards of our work, it is important to face the
possibility but protect this info as best as you can. If ever you
are a doxxed operative, this makes it even more crucial for you to
maintain proper OPSEC/INFOSEC measures, to cover your own ass. To
neglect this practice is not only to put yourself in harms way,
but also your comrades, your friends, and your family.

Keep Your Powder Dry

Don’t worry! The end is coming. Nothing you can do will

provoke it to come any faster, so I will say DON’T DO ANYTHING
STUPID. We as a collective are not responsible for unwarranted
and/or reckless actions taken by any live-wire (even vaguely)
associated to us. We cannot allow ourselves or each other to fall
victim to the system or its pigs. You may not live to see the day
of final victory, but perhaps your children will. You will
certainly preserve our kind and create the path that leads towards
that end. The future will always be unpredictable, so don’t cloud
up your mind with these heroic “lets gun it out with the system”
thoughts because it won’t go the way you think! Just remember,
Rome wasn’t destroyed in a day! We don’t want to be caught in the
cogs of the machine when it all breaks, the objective is to
outlast this madness. The System is in free fall, the machine is
already in overdrive. All you have to do is let go.

Outlined in this program, is your rules of conduct. This is
necessary where people should understand these fundamentals, yet
disturbing that too many don’t. We normally do not care about
personal extracurricular activities, though you should be living
an Aryan life and participating with your comrades in preparation
to the end. If you do not fit our standards, plain and simple, we
don’t want you. We believe in quality over quantity. We are not
interested in having “formal debates” or “diversity of thought”
within this organization, as this is not some “think-tank” or an
online forum/board. We have a strong sense of Camaraderie. The
recruit must be willing to bring something to the table, as our
collective goals are for the long term.(Simply being white and
existing is not enough). Any questions about this can however be
asked during the vetting process.
Recruit Requirements:
• Fully White/European ancestry
(No Niggers,Kikes,Mestizos or any other racial mongrel)
• Race Treason will NOT be tolerated.
(Whether fraternizing, consorting or procreating)


• Rifle carrying age
• Physically fit and/or willing to improve
• Maintaining mental fitness
(No Mental Defectives)
• Willing to educate/be educated
• Willing to hone discipline and
overall individual leadership skills
• Willing to participate and bring
something to the table


Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

Siege, James Mason
The American Futurist Manifesto,
The Turner Diaries, Arthur MacDonald
Terrorism and the State,
The Book of Revelation
( Page 713
Catechism of a Revolutionary,Sergey Nechayev
Siegekultur Articles, Various writers

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