Slater: Form DR-1 Organization - For Comm
Slater: Form DR-1 Organization - For Comm
Slater: Form DR-1 Organization - For Comm
e-mail sPp9@SP_R&_.C0_M
01 Advocate forlagainstcandldste(s) Advocate forlagainst ballot issue(&)
t~WuT~LTLo7eW:r:_n1iN r n
e-mail s .cam
STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION : By flung this document the committee affirms the following:
1. The commltttje end all persons connected with the committee understand that they are subjectto the laws In Iowa Code chapters t38A and 68B and the adminiQmtNe
rules in Chapter 351 of the Iowa Administrative Code.
2, Thai Iowa Code section 68A.d02 and rule 351-.d . g roqulra the filing of dlacrosuoa report&. The failure to file thooo ropone on or before the requited dug dates aublecto
the candidate or 0,airperaon (in the ®es of commirtoes other than a Csndidata'o committee) to the automatic aesessmant of e civil ponarty end the pogeil io imposition of
other criminal and cMl sanctions pursuant to lows Code section 868.32A().
3. Mat Iowa Code section 09&&06 and rules 961 .-4,38 through 4.45 require the placement of Mwords *paidusing for Dy and the name of" committee of air petal
rnslerlata except for those Msme oxemptod by statute or rule . A commritee filing this statement forpurposes of the ehorier'peid for by and who have not aoesed
the VSO ahall notify the Board that the S7SO threshold wilt not be crowed.
4. That Iowa Code xectlon bIfA,603 and rules 361-4.44 through 4 .62 pronIbit the remot of corporate contributions by all oommltied 9 except for atatttride and local bauoi
15eue PACs
5 A candidate and a eondldate'g Committee may only expend campaign funds as permitted by Iowa Code sections 68A.301 through 63A.303 and rule 351-4.25.
e . That the Commigeeilikontinue a file d reports until all advlty has ceased, oommlhee funds spent, debts resolved, end a final report and a siewment of
dlsaolutlons been fled .