For Instructions, See Bac Check One:: Flex (1
For Instructions, See Bac Check One:: Flex (1
For Instructions, See Bac Check One:: Flex (1
e -Mail P-Mail
INDICATE PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE - Check One flex [ Advocate foriagalnst candidate(s) --1 Advocate fa03g3inst ballot issue(s)
Comment or description : -,
All Candidates Enter:
Ullicu sought: Carlisle School B oard - Dist. 1
Political Party lit applicable) Year Standing fur Election; - .
County/Local Candidates and Local Ballot/Franchise Committees Enter:
Poll< Date of Election
Courtly __
Bank Account Name 1 1 Candidato name & Address or Parent Entity (PACs. it :applicable)
1 i Affiliate . or Spo nsor
All Campaign Expenses Paid from Personal Funds Jortn Judisch
STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION! Ey flllng thly document the committee affirms the following :
I The committee and all persons connected with the committee understand that they ere subject lit the laws to Iowa Cole chaptcts 69A and 68B and lho administrative
rules in Chapter 351 of the Iowa Administrative Code
7 1 hat Iowa Code %eclion 68A 407 and rule 351-11 9 require 1110 11 In it of dmClosuro roports and that the toulure to fife these reports on or before the required due dates
9ub)Ptlq the CAnaidato or chairfttr4011 (m the ease Of Comrndtevs olhcr than a c;.tndulalc s curnrndlr:r;) to tilt: iuhnttalic assrziwr,onl of a r;ivil punally and the possible
imposition of other criminal And dill nanc110n3
3 That Iowa Code section C8A 405 and rules 351-x1,38 through 4.43 require the placement of the words 'psid for by" and the name of the committee on all political
n,alelials uxr;upl fur IhUSC hunt, oxcmptud by statute or rule A commillea filing this statement for purposes of using the shorter 'paid for by" and who have not crossed
the $750 shall notify the Board that the $750 threshold will not be crossed,
4 That Iowa Code section 83A.503 and rules 351--4 .44 through 4 52 prohibit the reoaipi of corporate nontributions by all committees except for slstetvide and local hallot
issue PACs.
5 A candldatre and at cartdidalu s ;urn mitlou may unly expond campaign funds as permitted by Iowa code sections BOA 301 through 80A 303 and rule 3514 25
6. Trial the committee unit cnnlmue 10 file diRr:loaure ropnn9 hold all Acltvlly has c.Pa3ed, commdlee lundS splint, Gents maolved, and a final report and 8 statement of
dissolution (DR-3) has been fled