An Experimental Verification of Newtons Second La
An Experimental Verification of Newtons Second La
An Experimental Verification of Newtons Second La
2, 2504 (2013)
Departamento de Fı́sica, IGCE, UNESP, Caixa Postal 178, 13506-900, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
Recebido em 6/7/2012; Aceito em 11/2/2013; Publicado em 24/4/2013
Descrevemos nesse trabalho um procedimento experimental para investigar a validade da segunda lei de
Newton. A montagem experimental utilizada permite acelerar um carrinho sobre um trilho de ar por meio de
forças constantes e conhecidas. Mostramos também como determinar a aceleração a partir de velocidades médias
calculadas para intervalos de tempo sucessivos do movimento usando vários contadores eletrônicos conectados
a um único circuito oscilador a cristal. Dentro dos erros experimentais, os experimentos realizados mostram
claramente a proporcionalidade entre aceleração e força para uma massa constante e entre aceleração e o inverso
da massa para uma força constante.
Palavras-chave: segunda lei de Newton, medida de intervalo de tempo, medida de aceleração, velocidade média.
We describe an experimental procedure to probe the validity of Newton’s second law. The experimental
arrangement allows us to accelerate a glider on an air track by means of forces that are both steady and known.
We also show how to determine acceleration from average speeds calculated for successive time intervals of the
motion measured by using several electronic counters connected to a single-crystal oscillator circuit. Within
experimental errors, the experiments clearly show the proportionality between acceleration and force for a fixed
mass and between acceleration and inverse of mass for a fixed force.
Keywords: Newton’s second law, measurement of time interval, measurement of acceleration, average speed.
we change the mass of the system by loading the glider the S1 , S2 , . . . S5 outputs are LOW (L) and the state
with mass of different sizes or connecting another glider at each CL EN input is H due to the presence of the
to the original. NOT gate. Consequently, all counters are blocked be-
cause an H level on the CL EN input inhibits the clock’s
operation. When the clock’s input of the 4017 receives
the first pulse, the high state is transferred from S0 to
S1 and the first counter starts the timing. When the
second pulse arrives, the state at S1 changes from H to
L and S2 goes to H. Then, the first counter stops the
timing and the second starts. Finally, when the sixth
Figura 1 - A simplified drawing of the air track showing the han- pulse arrives, S5 goes from H to L and the fifth coun-
ging load and the glider loaded with metallic discs. ter stops the timing, while S0 goes to H again (shining
The acceleration can be determined from the ave- LED) because the S6 output is connected directly to
rage speeds calculated for successive time intervals of reset input.
the motion. For a question of availability and cost, we The pulses that arrive at the clock’s input of the
have measured time intervals by using electronic coun- 4017 are generated during the passage of posts trans-
ters in conjunction with a single-crystal oscillator cir- ported by the glider through a photogate. The glider
cuit operating at 1 kHz and a photogate [5]. The timing carries six posts, evenly spaced on a wooden ruler fixed
circuit is shown in Fig. 2. to it (Fig. 3).
4. Applications
4.1. Experiment 1 - Relation between accele-
ration and accelerating force for constant Figura 4 - Speed-versus-time curves for a system (glider + han-
total mass ging load), subject to a constant force. The dashed line refers to
the average speed v̄ whereas the solid line refers to the instanta-
The glider shown in Fig. 3 was loaded with four metal- neous speed v (t̄) at the midpoint of each time interval. Linear
fit: v = 23.28 + 30.99 × 10−3 t with t in ms.
lic discs having a mass of 50 g each and was connected
to a hanging load, also weighing 50 g, by a string pas- Proceeding in the same way with the remaining rows
sing over a small pulley. The system (glider + hanging in Table 1, we can determine the acceleration for the
load) with mass 1502 g was then released. At the end other runs. Figure 5 shows the acceleration a as a func-
of the run, the counters recorded the time intervals τ 1 , tion of the hanging load mass mhl . As expected, the
τ 2 , . . . τ 5 . Afterwards, one of the discs transported graph tells us that for a fixed mass, a is proportional
by the glider was transferred to the hanging load and to mhl or the acceleration force since the weight (acce-
the procedure above was repeated. We carried out the leration force) acting on the load is proportional to its
2504-4 Hessel et al.
mass. The fact that the straight line crosses the force mT when the acceleration force is kept constant. The
axis slightly to the right of the origin can be attributed slope of the straight line, equal to 9.53 × 104 dynes,
to the presence of friction forces. Using g = 976 cm/s2 , corresponds to the acceleration force. Within experi-
the mass of the system, (slope of straight line/g)−1 , is mental error, the agreement between this value and the
equal to 1518 g. This value is in reasonable agreement one calculated (100 g × 976 cm/s2 = 9.76 × 104 dynes)
with the value 1502 g measured. is very satisfactory.
Figura 5 - Acceleration of the system (glider + hanging load) as Figura 7 - Acceleration versus the inverses of the system’s mass
a function of the hanging load for a system of constant mass. for a constant acceleration force. Linear fit: a = −1.26 + 9.53 ×
Linear fit: a = −1.594 + 0.643 mhl . 104 m−1T .
[4] E.M. Rogers, Physics For The Inquiring Mind (Prin- [7] R. Hessel, C.S. de Oliveira, G.A. Santarine, D.R. Vol-
ceton University Press, New Jersey, 1973), p. 111. let e A.C. Perinotto, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de
[5] R. Hessel, C.S. de Oliveira, G.A. Santarine e D.R. Vol- Fı́sica 30, 1502 (2008).
let, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fı́sica 30, 1501
[8] B. Denardo, S. Wong and A. Lo, Am. J. Phys. 57, 528
(2008). Erratum: Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fı́sica
31, 4901 (2009).
[6] See [9] H. Cohen and D. Horvath, Am. J. Phys. 56, 950 (1988).