Aercel SP20
Aercel SP20
Aercel SP20
The Product
Aercel SP20 Is a lightweight insulating screeding
material, especially designed for deck roofing and floor
applications, requiring effective slopes for proper
drainage or just replacing expensive and complicated
thermal insulation systems. Applied on the structural
deck (below the waterproofing),
AERCEL Lightweight Concrete Admixture will form a
strong, continuous, fireproof, energy efficient and eco
friendly lightweight screed with considerable thermal
insulation properties.
There is no water retaining aggregates.
Aercel SP20 Specs: - Is similar to concrete: it behaves according to the
same-general principles of durability and resistance to
- It is composed of Portland cement cells. The pets, molds, animals, etc.
materials necessary for its manufacture are Portland - Has a low thermal expansion coefficient: generally it
cement, AERCEL Formula Lightweight Concrete requires no expansion joints.
Admixture and water. - Has excellent workability: it is easily placed and
- It is produced directly on the job site, according to screeded, requiring much less effort than concrete.
exacting proprietary standards. - Is nailable: it provides nailable substrate for those
- It fills all surface irregularities on metal or decks, is waterproofing systems requiring mechanical fixing.
easily screeded to form effective drainage slopes, and - Provides efficient thermal insulation: it forms a
provides a smooth, resistant surface. continuous insulating layer without thermally
- It is ideal for both traditional and innovative inefficient joints.
waterproofing membrane systems. - Is lightweight: only one fifth the weight of concrete.
- Is unmatched in versatility, mechanical strengths, and - Adds a safety factor to your roof: it will not
fire resistance by any other insulating material. deteriorate or absorb water in case of failure of the
waterproofing membrane.
Advantages - Is easily repaired: it can be patched easily with
Portland cement mortar.
AERCEL SP20 Lightweight Concrete agent offers - CC Technique guarantees quality results: only
exceptional versatility: licensed applicators install AERCEL Cellular concrete.
- It adapts perfectly to any roof deck or surface
geometry. Uses
- Is fire proof, will not burn, spread flame, contribute
to fuel, or emit toxic fumes: AERCEL improves deck fire AERCEL SP20 can be applied on new roofing, reroofing
rating. and remedial roofing as roof fill, thermal insulation, and
- Is strong: has excellent compressive strength as an substrate for the waterproofing system.
insulting material. AERCEL’s unmatched flexibility allows designers to
- Has a low water retaining: the mix design uses the adapt to standards as well as original architectural
same water content proportions as – concrete. solutions.
Code Description Unit Of Sale Qty Base Unit
AR101231 Aercel SP20 LWC Admixtures Drum 210 kg
Properties of cured Aercel Lightweight concrete.
5 6 7 8
Thermal expansion (in/inx10.6) C-157 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008
Loss or air during pumping C-796 Less than 4.5% (by volume)
5 floor - Sabbah Building - Memari Street - Hamra - Beirut - Lebanon.
Tel: +961 1 353 171 - Fax: +961 1 738 731 -