Variable Power Supply: Ideal For The Small Workshop
Variable Power Supply: Ideal For The Small Workshop
Variable Power Supply: Ideal For The Small Workshop
0–24 V, 1 A or 2 A
ideal for the small workshop
The variable power supply described in A variable power supply, a soldering iron
and a multimeter form the minimum
this article is the latest in a long line of basic equipment required in a small elec-
tronics workshop. Unfortunately for
power units published in this magazine many, a commercial variable power unit
over the past fifteen years or so. is not exactly cheap, which is an excellent
reason for building one from scratch. The
Because of its wide voltage range and power source described in this article is
ideal for that purpose. It has a number of
presettable current limiting, it is ideally preset facilities, its design is straightfor-
suited to general-purpose applications in ward, and it has the facility to be con-
nected to a digital voltmeter – DVM –
a small electronics workshop. module to display the output voltage and
current. Moreover, apart from some
power field-effect transistors – FETs – it is
constructed from readily available stan-
dard components. Finally, it may be con-
structed to provide an output current of
Design by K.A. Walraven 1 A or of 2 A.
the output voltage and the output cur- C3 ... C6 = 4x 100n 2x 1000µ 0
rent with preset wanted values.
In contrast to usual power supply +U
choice intended to save energy. This
becomes clear when it is realized that R1 R3 R17 R5
the potential at the gate of the transis-
tors needs to be about 6 V higher than D6
1% D2 C1 C2
that at the source. In the present V
B D 1
design, this is effected by driving the 2
D1 100n 100µ
C 6
1N 1W 40V
gate with reference to the internal R2 IC1 4001 –V
3 R22
earth of the power unit and not with 46k4 5 E BAT85
reference to the positive output rail as 8
is usual. TLC271 R6 1%
An auxiliary voltage of +9 V for the R4
1% R23 R21
control circuits is provided by regula- F G
V P1
tor IC3. This voltage also functions as 1k
reference potential: the wanted values 1%
9V 1% 1%
for the voltage control and current
control circuits are set with P1 and P2 K
respectively. R7* R16
V O LTA G E R E G U L AT I O N (8k2)
The output voltage across capacitor C2 R8
7 220Ω
floats, that is, the positive capacitor H 4k7
D3 T2
terminal is linked to the non-regulated IC2 K
2 R11
5 L
supply voltage (++). The negative out- 4
put rail is linked to the drains of tran- I P2
R9 M K
sistors T1 and T2. 1k
TLC271 4k7 2x
The reference voltage is measured R14 BUK455 N
with reference to the negative output J
D7 R12 R13
rail, which is why the input of IC1 is
0V +9V
H6 H5 H2
+I -I
R12 R13 R14
B1 R20 R18
P2 T1 R1 P1
~ IC3
H11 H12
D2 +V -V
C6 D4
~ C1
+ -
H10 H9
C8 R15 C7
1-420089 980024-1
H4 H8 H7
tnemgeS )C(
(C) Segment
Diodes D5 and D6 protect the circuit
against too high a voltage and against
an incorrectly polarized voltage.
Resistor R15 drains away the tiny
Figure 3. Photograph
of the completed pro-
totype of the variable
power supply. The
mains transformer
dictates the height of
the enclosure.
current through R6 and any leakage of ules with an IC from the 7106 family holes in the enclosure, both above and
the FETs and so, in fact, determines the do not meet this requirement and underneath the heat sink. Considera-
minimum output voltage. these must, therefore, be given a sep- tion should be given to the use of a
Capacitors C1 and C2 improve the arate supply. small fan, because the inside of the
stability of the circuit and its perfor- There are, however, digital modules small enclosure gets very hot. Stan-
mance at sudden variations in load. that can be used with the aid of a small dard 12 V PC fans run well on 9 V (and
integral voltage converter. The specifi- are then also quieter). It is, of course,
V O LT M E T E R S A N D cation of these invariably states possible to provide a 12 V line with the
AMMETERS emphatically that they do not need an aid of an additional 7812 voltage reg-
Several potential dividers (R18–R24) are auxiliary voltage. In all other cases, it ulator.
provided on the printed-circuit board must be assumed that the module It is advisable to use a mains entry
to enable digital measuring instru- needs an auxiliary voltage. with integral fuse mounted at the back
ments to be connected. of the enclosure. This keeps the pres-
Divider R18–R20 is intended for cur- CONSTRUCTION ence of mains voltage inside the unit
rent measurement. It is in parallel with The power supply is best built on the to a minimum
source resistors R12 and R13 (I1 and I2). printed-circuit board shown in Fig- Note that DVM modules with inte-
The digital ammeter or DVM module is ure 2. gral lighting draw a current of
connected to +I and –I. Most digital Depending on the enclosure, 20–30 mA, and it is, therefore, advis-
modules have a sensitivity of 0.2 V. potentiometers P1 and P2 may be able to mount the voltage regulator on
Since the potential drop across R12 and mounted directly on the board, since a separate heat sink of about 20 K W–1.
R13 is 1 V when the output current is this is to be mounted behind, and in A photograph of the completed
2 A, the attenuation of R18-R19 is × 5. parallel with, the front panel on a prototype is shown in Figure 3. Note
The attenuator for voltage mea- number of spacers. The heat sink for that the operating controls on the front
surement consists of resistors R21–R24 the power transistors is mounted at panel are limited to the two poten-
(remember that the output voltage the back of the board. With luck, the tiometers, the indicator LEDs, and two
floats). Assuming the same sensitivity fixing holes of the board coincide with chassis sockets for the output.
of the module (0.2 V), the attenuation the space between two adjacent fins of
should be ×100 (20/0.2). The module is the heat sink. This would give a com- CHOICE OF OUTPUT
connected between +V and –V. pact unit and ensure that the heat sink CURRENT
Since most standard 31⁄2-digit mod- cannot be touched accidentally – it If the power unit is intended to pro-
ules can measure up to 1.999 only, the gets pretty hot! vide a current of up to 1 A only, a
maximum voltage that can be dis- The transistors are soldered to the 2×12 V, 1.25 A mains transformer can
played is 19.99 V. This difficulty may be underside of the board and screwed be used. It may then be possible to fit
overcome by the use of a module that firmly to the heat sink. It is best to do the unit in an enclosure of 8–10 cm
can measure up to 3.999, or by increas- this in reverse order: bend the terminals high. If an output current of up to 2 A
ing the attenuation to ×1000 (that is, of the transistors to the required shape, is envisaged, the current rating of the
giving R21 and R23 a value of 100 Ω). mount the board on the heat sink, transformer must be doubled, in
In the latter case, the ‘hundredths’ screw the transistors in place and then which case the enclosure needs to be
digit is no longer available. solder them carefully with the solder- 10–12 cm high.
ing iron between board and heat sink. The values of the components in
M O D U L E S U P P LY It is not necessary to isolate the Figure 1 are for the 1 A version. Some
LINES transistors; in fact, from a thermal alterations in addition to the trans-
Power for the modules may be drawn point of view, it is better not to. It is, former are necessary for the 2 A ver-
from the regulated +9 V rail (via 0 V however, essential to make sure that sion: the value of smoothing capacitors
and +9 V), but this is not always pos- the heat sink does not touch other C2 and C7 must be increased to 2200 µF,
sible. Many standard inexpensive parts and is well isolated from its sur- and the value of R7 must be halved to
modules need a separate supply. In roundings. The use of insulating wash- 8.2 kΩ to ensure that when P2 is fully
fact, the available +9 V line may be ers, provided they are of good quality, open, the output current is 2 A.
used only when the supply rails and is safer (use aluminium oxide types,
the test voltage can be equal, that is, not mica). Also, the use of heat con- TEST AND INSPECTION
the common-mode range must lie ducting paste is a must. When the construction has been com-
within the power supply range. Mod- Drill some additional ventilation pleted, switch on the mains and check
the voltage at the test points indicated tained that the output voltage is 24 V the output voltage is a minimum.
in Figure 1 with a digital voltmeter. and that an output current of 1 A or In case of the voltage module con-
Note that the values in the voltage reg- 2 A, depending on the version, can be nected to +V and –V, the meter may
ulation section based on IC1 refer to an attained. show a voltage that is not there. The
input voltage of 28 V, an output volt- Also, check that the output voltage only possible reason for this is an
age of 24 V and no load. Those in the can be reduced to nearly 0 V with P1. A apparent inequality in the ratios
current regulation section based on IC2 value of 0.2–0.3 V is acceptable, but if R22:R22 and R24:R23, which may hap-
and around the transistors refer to an the output voltage cannot be reduced pen even if resistors with a 1% toler-
input voltage of 28 V, an output volt- to below 1 V, the ratios R3:R4 and R6:R2 ance are used. The error may be erad-
age of 20 V, and a load of 1 A. are not equal. This may be remedied by icated by shunting R21 or R23 with a
The circuit does not require setting shunting R2 or R4 with a resistor of resistor of about 100 kΩ (the precise
up or calibration, but after verification about 1 MΩ (the precise value needs to value needs to be ascertained by trial
of the test voltages, it should be ascer- be ascertained by trial and error) until and error). [980024]