G8sciencee SG
G8sciencee SG
G8sciencee SG
Grade 8
A S t u d e n t a n d Fa m i l y G u i d e
Copyright © 2005, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited
without express written permission from Texas Education Agency.
Cover photo credits: Top Left © Gabe Palmer/CORBIS; Top Right © Jim Cummins/CORBIS;
Bottom Left © Gabe Palmer/CORBIS; Bottom Right © H. Benser/zefa/CORBIS.
A Letter from the Director of Student Assessment
Lisa Chandler
Director of Student Assessment
Texas Education Agency
Science Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Objective 1: The Nature of Science
Skill Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Practice Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Objective 2: Living Systems and the Environment
Skill Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Practice Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Objective 3: The Structures and Properties of Matter
Skill Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Practice Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Practice Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Objective 5: Earth and Space Systems
Skill Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Practice Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Cluster 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Cluster 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Science Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Science Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
What is the TAKS Grade 8 Science Study ● Objective 1: The Nature of Science
Guide? ● Objective 2: Living Systems and the
The TAKS Grade 8 Science Study Guide is a
● Objective 3: The Structures and Properties
booklet that has been provided to help improve
of Matter
students’ understanding of the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Grades 6 ● Objective 4: Motion, Forces, and Energy
through 8. These are the skills and concepts ● Objective 5: Earth and Space Systems
tested on the Grade 8 science TAKS test. The
study guide provides explanations, examples, For each objective there is a review and a set of
and opportunities for students to practice their practice questions. Start by reading the review
skill at answering science questions. of each objective. After you read the review,
you can test your knowledge of the objective
The TAKS Grade 8 Science Study Guide is by trying the practice questions.
designed to strengthen skills that will affect
performance on the TAKS test. It is a highly
recommended resource for students who have Will this study guide tell me everything I
had difficulty with any portion of the Grade 8 need to know about science?
science TAKS test. However, any science
student can benefit from using the study guide No, but it’s a great place to get more
as a review and reinforcement of skills and information about the five TAKS objectives.
knowledge already mastered. This study guide explains many, but not all, of
the basic science ideas that you should know
All eighth-grade students in Texas will take a and understand. You can also add to your
science test. Most students will take science knowledge and skills using:
the test on paper, using a printed booklet.
However, some students may also be tested ● Science books from your school or a library
using an online version of the test; this ● Notes from your science classes
decision is made by the local school districts.
This study guide contains information useful to ● Science tests, quizzes, and activity sheets
all science students, regardless of which type of ● Laboratory reports and notes from field
test they may end up taking. investigations
● Internet exploration on specific topics of
How is the Science Study Guide interest
organized? ● Online resources provided on the Texas
Education Agency website:
In middle school there are five objectives tested
on the science TAKS test. The Grade 8 Science
Study Guide is therefore organized into five
● Visits to museums, parks, and zoos Griddable questions ask you to measure
something or to use math to solve a science
● Investigations using everyday materials and
problem. You will see an example of a
objects found in nature
griddable question on page 9.
Let’s look at an example of a griddable How will I know whether I answer the
practice questions correctly?
Example question: The answers to the practice questions are in an
In an experiment, ten sunflower seeds were answer key at the back of the study guide
placed in moist soil in each of four identical starting on page 139. For most questions, the
pots. Each pot was kept in the same answer key explains why each answer choice is
environment for five days. The results in the correct or incorrect. After you answer the
data table below show the number of seeds that practice questions, you can check your answers
sprouted and grew. to see how you did. If you chose the wrong
answer to a question, carefully read the answer
explanation to find out why your answer is
Seed Sprouting incorrect. Then read the explanation for the
correct answer.
Trial # Sprouted
1 7 If you still do not understand the correct
answer, ask a friend, family member, or teacher
2 3 for help. Even if you choose the correct answer,
it is still a good idea to read the answer
3 8 explanation for the correct answer. It may help
4 4 you better understand why the answer is
correct or why another answer you thought
might be correct really is not correct.
On your answer sheet, grid in the total number
of seeds that sprouted in this experiment. Is there anything else in the Science
Fill in the correct answer on the blank grid
Study Guide?
below. Yes! A formula chart is provided on page 12 of
this study guide. It is identical to the formula
chart that is provided to you when you take the
0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade 8 science TAKS test. You will need the
1 1 1 1 1 1 formula chart to answer some of the practice
2 2 2 2 2 2 questions. Although you don’t have to
3 3 3 3 3 3
memorize the formulas and conversions, you
4 4 4 4 4 4
do need to know how to use them to solve
5 5 5 5 5 5
science problems. Remember, knowing which
6 6 6 6 6 6
formula to use is just as important as knowing
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
how to use it. You’ll learn more about formulas,
9 9 9 9 9 9
constants, and conversions in the review for
Objectives 3 and 4. The formula chart also
contains a 20-centimeter ruler.
The correct answer to this example question
can be found in the answer key section of the
study guide on page 139.
A periodic table of the elements is provided on Many of the review pages contain clipboards.
page 11. An identical periodic table is provided The clipboards contain tips, helpful
when you take the Grade 8 science TAKS test. information, important facts, and interesting
You will need information from the periodic details.
table to answer some of the practice questions.
You will learn more about the periodic table in
the review for Objective 3.
In addition to the materials on pages 11 and 12, a Remember! Did You Know?
tear-out copy of the formula chart and periodic table
is provided at the back of the study guide.
Middle School Science
39.098 40.08 44.956 47.88 50.942 51.996 54.938 55.847 58.933 58.69 63.546 65.39 69.72 72.61 74.922 78.96 79.904 83.80
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85.468 87.62 88.906 91.224 92.906 95.94 (98) 101.07 102.906 106.42 107.868 112.41 114.82 118.71 121.763 127.60 126.904 131.29
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
132.905 137.33 138.906 178.49 180.948 183.84 186.207 190.23 192.22 195.08 196.967 200.59 204.383 207.2 208.980 (209) (210) (222)
Cesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Mass numbers in parentheses are those of
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt the most stable or most common isotope.
(223) 226.025 227.028 (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266) (269)
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Lanthanide Series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
140.12 140.908 144.24 (145) 150.36 151.97 157.25 158.925 162.50 164.930 167.26 168.934 173.04 174.967
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Actinide Series Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
232.038 231.036 238.029 237.048 (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (262)
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
Middle School Science
Texas Assessment
of Knowledge and Skills Grade 8
Work = force × distance W = Fd
distance d
Speed = s=
time t
Force = mass × acceleration F = ma
Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity Weight = mg
mass m
Density = D=
volume v
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8
speed of light = 3 × 10 8 m
1 cm 3 = 1 mL
study guide.
Things I Need to Know
Objective 1
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science.
We do? How?
When we ask questions about our world, we are thinking like
scientists. Let’s say that you are in gym class and are about to run a
400-meter race. What question might you ask?
Can I run the 400 meters and have someone time me?
That will work. You just made a plan to answer your question. What
do you think the answer will be?
Objective 1
Well, I know I can run 100 meters in 12 seconds. But I would have to run Remember!
at a little slower pace to go 400 meters.
A hypothesis is stated so
Great job! You used data to make your hypothesis. That’s thinking like that it can be tested by
a scientist. After you run the 400 meters, you can check to see whether observation or investigation.
your hypothesis was correct.
O.K., so I’ve made a hypothesis about the 400 meters. Am I ready to run?
Yes, and we need to measure your time. Let’s say you run and it takes
you 72 seconds. Now you have some data.
Monday 72 73 72 72
Tuesday 71 73 72 72
Wednesday 73 72 70 72
Thursday 70 71 72 71
Friday 73 71 71 72
Objective 1
Wait! Can I show you the poster our lab group made that shows some of
the important safety rules?
Sure, let’s see it.
That’s a great list of important safety rules. I’m sure your teacher will
tell you about special safety issues related to the specific experiments
you do. And you should also be familiar with the safety symbols used
in the lab.
Objective 1
When I walk home on sunny days, it seems like I feel warmer when I wear My Notes
black clothes than when I wear white clothes. Can we do an experiment to
find out whether black clothes really gain more heat?
Sure! So let’s put our experimental problem in the form of a question
that can easily be tested. How about stating it like this: Will a black
T-shirt gain more heat in sunlight than a white T-shirt will?
Next you will need to make a hypothesis. What prediction can you
make about what will happen in your experiment?
Since I seem to feel warmer when I wear black clothes, I predict that the
black T-shirt will gain more heat. Does that sound good?
That sounds reasonable. Now we need to plan an experiment to test
the hypothesis. First we need to decide what equipment to use.
Obviously, we need two T-shirts—one black and one white. And we need a
thermometer or temperature probe to measure temperature. Let’s see.
Have I forgotten anything?
You want the shirts to be identical except for color. Also, you need
something to measure the length of time the shirts are in the sun.
But what if something else makes one T-shirt gain more heat than the
other? For example, what if one T-shirt gets more sunlight than the other?
You’re really thinking like a scientist now! We need to make sure that
Objective 1
My Notes all the other possible variables are the same for both T-shirts. The other
variables are called controlled variables (constants), because we want to
keep them the same (controlled) for both T-shirts.
We can start by folding the T-shirts into squares the same size and
putting them in the sun side by side. This way they will have equal
areas exposed to the sunlight. They will also need to be in as close to
the same environment as possible.
I think we also need to make sure the T-shirts are in the sun for the same
amount of time. Are we going to control the time?
Yes, you’re right. We can shade both shirts until we are ready to start
the experiment. Then we can take temperature readings of both shirts
at the start and after 15 minutes and after 30 minutes.
Objective 1
O.K., now I’ll make a data table for our temperature measurements. Once My Notes
I’ve done that, are we ready to start the experiment?
Yes, let’s do it. You can read the temperatures, and I’ll record them in
the data table.
Here’s what the data table looks like after the experiment is finished:
Black 32 35 37
White 32 33 35
Let’s see. We are comparing the two T-shirts at equal times. How about a
bar graph?
Yes, a bar graph would help us see the temperature difference between
the two colors very easily. Bar graphs compare two variables that do not
affect each other, such as the T-shirt colors. The bars for the two
variables being compared are placed side by side at points along the
x-axis. The scale for the values is placed on the y-axis.
Different types of graphs
are used to show different
relationships between data.
• Pie graphs show
• Line graphs show
continuous change.
• Bar graphs compare two
measured variables.
Objective 1
My Notes
T-Shirt Temperature (°C)
35 White T-Shirt
34 Black T-Shirt
0 15 30
Wow! The graph does make it easier to see the results. What now?
Now that we have results, we can reach a conclusion. Remember, the
data may or may not support the hypothesis you made. Was your
hypothesis supported by the data?
Yes, the temperature of the black T-shirt was greater. But what if somebody
doesn’t agree with the data or my conclusion?
That’s a very important question. A scientific conclusion doesn’t
become accepted until more investigation is done. Experiments are
usually repeated, or the data are checked with other research. This is
called verifying scientific data.
Objective 1
Here, I have a cookie package in my backpack. The label on the back gives My Notes
information about the cookies. What does the label tell us?
Oatmeal Cookies
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 28 g
(about 3 cookies)
Calories: 128
Protein: 2g
Fat: 5g
Carbohydrate: 19 g
Fiber: 1g
Sugar: 7g
The label names the product and shows how much product is in one
serving (serving size). The energy (in Calories) and mass (in grams) of
each nutrient in one serving is also shown.
We’ve looked at data in tables, graphs, and on labels. What’s another way
that we can gain information to help us understand the things and events
that we observe?
Observations may lead us to discover patterns in the natural world.
From these patterns we can form models. A model is a description or
representation of something that cannot be directly observed. What’s a
natural pattern you can think of that might be modeled?
Objective 1
A wave is a disturbance
that transfers energy from Rope Model Water Wave
one place to another.
movement of rope
movement of water
Direction of
Direction of
Parts of a Wave
Amplitude Using this model, we can show what will happen to the wave if we add
more energy. To do this, we swing the rope up and down with more
energy. This makes the rope travel higher. We can see from the model
that water waves will get higher if the wind blows harder.
Wavelength Trough
That’s pretty neat! Do models work for everything?
No. Models help us, but they also have limitations. For example, the
rope model above does not tell us how a water wave will act when it
reaches the shore. When a wave reaches shallow water, its shape
changes. This causes a wave to “break,” or fall forward. We can’t easily
model this using a rope. Models must be examined and tested before
we can know how well they represent real-world situations.
So with good data and accurate models we can make predictions about our
Yes, that’s an important part of science. Data and models often show
trends or patterns that allow us to predict events. From a trend or
pattern, we can make a reasonable guess about data we haven’t
measured yet.
Objective 1
For example, let’s look back at our T-shirt experiment. In our My Notes
experiment the black T-shirt’s temperature increased 5°C and the white
T-shirt’s temperature increased 3°C in 30 minutes.
Objective 1
Question 1 Question 2
Topographic Map
Contour interval: 20 meters
Scale: 1 cm = 1 km
A River
B Hill
C Plain
D Lake
The closed terrarium shown above models a
plant growing in an ecosystem. The plant
cannot survive in the terrarium over a long
period of time. Which of the following most
limits the growth of the plant?
Objective 1
Question 3 Question 4
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 100 200 30
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 g
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 g
The student shown above is digging to collect a The diagram above shows a close-up view of a
soil sample. Which of the following is the least triple-beam balance that is being used to
important safety practice for this activity? measure the mass of a rock. What is the mass of
the rock in grams according to the diagram?
A Wearing goggles Record and bubble in your answer to the tenths
place below.
B Wearing close-toed shoes
C Knowing where the shovel is kept
D Removing jewelry
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
Objective 1
Question 5
© Bettmann/CORBIS
The planet Jupiter has dark-colored bands and large spots in its outer atmosphere that constantly
change. Which of the following tools would be most useful in observing Jupiter’s bands and spots from
A Telescope
B Microscope
C Hand lens
D Computer probe
Objective 1
Question 6
Sample 1 Sample 1
View A View B
The two images above are views of the same sample of salt grains under a microscope. Which action
would most likely cause the difference in the size of the individual salt grains as seen in the two
Objective 1
Question 7 Question 8
A microscope would be the best tool for
gathering data in which of the following
Objective 1
Question 9
Eyedropper Scissors Slides Thermometer Forceps
Which of the following sets of equipment would be most useful when examining a sample of pond
water with a microscope?
Question 10
When compared to a leaf that is 32 mm long, how much longer is the leaf shown above?
A 3 mm
B 10 mm
C 42 mm
D 74 mm
Objective 2
The student will demonstrate an understanding of living systems and environment.
Single-celled Multicellular
organism organism
(magnified view)
Objective 2
Cell wall
Do all plant and animal cells look like the ones shown above?
No. These two cells just give us an idea of the basic structure of cells.
Plant and animal cells actually have many different shapes and sizes,
depending on their function.
Objective 2
My Notes I don’t quite understand the difference between tissues, organs, and organ
systems. Can you give me an example?
Sure! Let’s look at the respiratory system. Here’s a diagram of the
human respiratory system.
Remember! Trachea
The human body includes Lungs
other systems such as the
circulatory, digestive, Organs Air sacs Tissue
excretory, muscular,
nervous, reproductive,
and skeletal systems.
When you breathe, cells in your lungs help move oxygen into your
bloodstream. Many of these cells together form an air sac, which is a
kind of lung tissue. These and other tissues together form a lung,
which is an organ. The mouth, nose, and trachea are other organs that
work together with the lungs to help you breathe. These are some of
the organs that make up the respiratory system. The respiratory system
is just one of many organ systems in the whole human organism.
So cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, organs make up organ
systems, and organ systems make up an organism?
You’ve got it! Here’s a diagram to help you remember the levels of
organization within your body.
Levels of Organization
Organ systems
Objective 2
O.K., I get it. The human body is one big organism with lots of smaller My Notes
systems that function together, right?
That’s exactly right.
Dry skin droplet
Closed Open
sweat sweat
gland gland
Objective 2
O.K., I get that genes control traits. But how are genes passed from
parents to offspring?
During reproduction, the parents’ genes in the sex cells (egg and sperm)
will create the new organism. This is called sexual reproduction. In
sexual reproduction, both parents pass the genes for traits on to their
offspring. Half the genes for these traits come from the male parent,
and half come from the female parent. Sexual reproduction therefore
results in genetic diversity due to the large number of gene
combinations that may occur.
Objective 2
My Notes
Before Fertilization After Fertilization
in nucleus
Genes are located
on chromosomes
That’s interesting. I thought all the parents’ traits were passed down to the
offspring. How do genes combine to produce different traits?
Each parent has genes that occur in pairs and, due to the production of
the special sex cells, only one of the alleles of a gene pair will be in
each sex cell. Alleles are forms of the same gene. So the offspring
receive one allele of a gene from the mother and one from the father. Remember!
They often occur in two forms called dominant and recessive. If a Genetic traits can be passed
dominant allele of a gene is present, the dominant trait will appear in an from parents to offspring. A
organism. A capital letter is used to show a dominant allele. In order genetic trait that provides a
for a recessive trait to be expressed, both alleles of the gene must be survival advantage is called
recessive. A lowercase letter is used to show a recessive allele. an adaptation.
Purple White
flowers flowers
PP or Pp pp
Objective 2
My Notes So what happens when a purple pea plant is crossed with a white pea
Let’s say a purple-flowered male with one dominant and one recessive
allele (Pp) is crossed with a white-flowered female with two recessive
alleles (pp). To show the combinations of alleles that can occur, we can
use a Punnett square. A Punnett square is a table showing all the
possible combinations of the alleles for a trait that can occur in
offspring from a genetic cross.
Did You Know?
p Pp pp
p Pp pp
O.K., the Punnett square shows four combinations. Does that tell us there
will be only four offspring?
No. Each box in the square represents one possible combination of
alleles. An offspring has an equal chance of getting any one of these
combinations. Since there are four combinations, there is a 25% chance
that an offspring will end up with the allele combination given in a
particular box. At the same time, there might be any number of
offspring, each with the same chance of having one of the four possible
combinations of alleles.
What do the allele combinations “Pp” and “pp” from the Punnett square
tell us?
Two out of every four (50%) of the offspring are likely to have purple
flowers because they have one dominant allele (Pp). Two out of every
four offspring (50%) are likely to have white flowers because they have
two recessive alleles (pp). Actual offspring do not always occur exactly
in these ratios because of random chance in the combining of genes.
Objective 2
Organ Systems
Objective 2
My Notes All organisms interact with their environment. For example, minnows,
frogs, lily pads, and dragonflies might live together in a pond
community. They are each affected by the other organisms and by
nonliving things, like sunlight, water, and air. Each part of the
community has its own function, but together they form the entire
pond ecosystem.
Pond Ecosystem
Biotic parts of an Frog Dragonfly
ecosystem are the living
organisms. Abiotic parts
can be either nonliving
materials or environmental
Lily pad
You said all the pond organisms are affected by one another. How are they
They are connected by the energy that flows through the pond
community. Both plants and animals require energy. This flow begins
with the plants using energy from the sun and continues through all
the organisms in an ecosystem.
Plants change radiant energy from the sun into chemical energy
through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, carbon
dioxide and water are converted into sugar and oxygen. The process of
photosynthesis is shown in the equation below:
(sunlight energy)
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
carbon water sugar oxygen
dioxide (chemical energy)
Objective 2
ergy erg
En (Primary and y
secondary consumer)
Objective 2
My Notes Aren’t there special names for animals to describe what materials they eat?
Yes. Animals are also classified according to whether they eat plants,
animals, or both. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.
Animals that eat only other animals are called carnivores. Animals that
eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.
What happens to the dead plants and animals?
Organisms that make their
own food are called
Organisms called decomposers feed on dead plants and animals. This
producers, and those that releases the chemical energy and nutrients in the dead plants and
depend on other organisms animals back into the environment. Bacteria and fungi are common
for food are called decomposers. Decomposers play an important role in recycling
consumers. Organisms that nutrients and energy.
feed on dead plants and
animals are called Grassland Food Chain
Chemical Chemical
Energy Energy
Carbon Chemical
dioxide Chemical Energy Chemical
and Energy Energy
and fungi
Objective 2
grassland food web is shown in the following diagram. Note the My Notes
direction of energy flow from sun to grass to mouse to coyote.
Arrows in a food chain or
food web point in the
direction that energy is
Coyote being passed.
Red-tailed hawk
So what about the “balance of nature”? How does that work in a food web?
Let’s take a closer look at the grassland food web. Can you find a food
chain that links a producer and a secondary consumer?
Well, the grama grass is a producer, the deer mouse eats the grass, and
the coyote eats the deer mouse, right?
Correct. You’re getting the hang of this now. O.K., let’s suppose that a
rancher plants more grama grass. The new grass will grow and
reproduce grass seeds. The deer mice will have more seeds to eat, so
their population will increase. What effect could more mice have on
the coyotes?
Objective 2
However, the great blue herons that eat the minnows might benefit
from this sudden increase in available food, and their population might
increase. When the minnow population is reduced too low, the herons
can fly to other areas where there are more minnows.
Objective 2
But gradually, the conditions on the island change. As the first plants
take root, they trap blowing sand, building the island higher. This
creates areas where plants that are not adapted to constant waves can
now grow.
Woody plants
Saw grass
So the first plant types create a place for the second plant types to grow?
Exactly. This pattern continues, until the island may have a variety of
plants and animals. These changes may happen quickly, or they may
continue slowly for a very long time. Often an environment such as the
island reaches a stage where the plants and animals remain stable for a
long time.
Objective 2
Question 11 Question 13
When a goat eats grass, what form of energy
passes directly from the grass to the goat?
A Heat
B Light
C Electrical
D Chemical Grass Rabbit
Objective 2
Question 14 Question 15
Grass ➔ Rabbits ➔ Wolves
A TT × tt
C tt × tt
D Tt × tt
Objective 2
Question 16 Question 17
Fungi Tree
stump What is the original source of energy for all the
Shrub organisms in the food chain shown above?
A Soil particles
B Carbon dioxide
C Sunlight
D Oxygen
A produce oxygen
B provide food for carnivores
C break down dead organisms
D convert sunlight to food energy
Objective 2
Question 18
In the food web shown above, which organism’s food supply would be least affected by a spray that
kills large numbers of aphids?
A Tomatoes
B Lacewings
C Lady beetles
D Spiders
Objective 2
Question 19
Which natural event would be most likely to
cause succession in a grassy field?
Objective 2
Question 20
Several orchards in different regions were planted with apple trees produced from a single parent
tree. The table above shows data gathered at the three apple orchards. Which characteristic in the
table above is most likely inherited and not affected by the environment?
Objective 3
The student will demonstrate an understanding of
the structures and properties of matter.
Ice cubes
Objective 3
If we let the ice melt into liquid water, the shape of the water in the My Notes
two containers will be different. Liquids have a definite volume, but not
a definite shape. Their shape changes to match the shape of their
Liquid water
Gases have no definite shape. Their shape changes to match the shape
of their container. Gases also have no definite volume. Their volume
can change so that they completely fill their container.
Objective 3
My Notes You said gas is made of particles. What are these particles?
The tiny particles that compose most forms of matter are called atoms.
An atom is the simplest unit of an element. An element is a substance
that contains only one kind of atom. There are over 100 known
3 Atomic number
Li Symbol
Objective 3
My Notes
Lithium (Li) Atom Model
(+, positive charge)
Electron cloud
(0, no charge)
Nucleus Electron Remember!
(–, negative charge)
To find atomic mass, add
(Note: Particle sizes and the number of protons and
distances are not to scale.) neutrons in an atom.
So the atomic number always tells us how many protons are in an atom of
that element?
Correct. It tells us something else too. Since atoms have a neutral
charge, the number of protons tells us how many negatively charged
particles must also be present in an atom to make it neutral. Which
particle carries a negative charge?
Objective 3
My Notes Let’s summarize what we’ve learned about the basic parts of the atom in
the table below.
Wow! That’s pretty amazing. What other information can I get from the
periodic table?
The periodic table of the elements is the result of many observations of
elements and their properties. Scientists all over the world have studied
the physical and chemical properties of the known elements. Elements
with similar properties were placed in the same group in the periodic
Objective 3
The nonmetals are located on the upper right side of the periodic table. My Notes
At room temperature some of the nonmetal elements are solids that
crack or break easily. Others are gases at room temperature. Nonmetals
at room temperature typically are not shiny and do not conduct heat or
electricity very well.
Did You Know?
Along the line separating the metals and nonmetals is a third group of
elements known as metalloids. Metalloids have some properties of Dmitri Mendeleev overcame
metals and some properties of nonmetals. his own illness and family
tragedies and created the
first periodic table of
You mentioned that metals are good conductors of heat and nonmetals are elements in 1869.
not. How do we know that?
Have you ever touched the door of a car on a hot afternoon? The metal
door can get so hot that it hurts your skin. But once you open the car
door and touch the cloth seat, you notice that the cloth isn’t nearly as
hot as the metal.
Sun’s rays
car roof
Sun’s rays
car seat
Not all substances heat up at the same rate. Some substances get hot
very quickly when exposed to heat. Other substances do not rise in
temperature very quickly when exposed to the same amount of heat.
This is what keeps the car’s cloth seat cooler than the metal door. This
is caused by each substance’s different ability to absorb and conduct
Objective 3
My Notes Wait, isn’t that backward? If something stays cooler, how can its specific
heat be higher?
Specific heat can be confusing because it is a measure of thermal
energy, not temperature. Specific heat can be viewed as the resistance of
a substance to a change in temperature. So a higher specific heat means
that more energy is required to change that substance’s temperature.
Wow! Water has a really high specific heat. Does that affect the conditions
on Earth?
It sure does. Oceans cover about two-thirds of Earth’s surface. Water’s
characteristic of retaining heat is important to our climate. It means
that our climate stays much more stable than it would if there were less
water on Earth.
Objective 3
Iron and copper gain heat very quickly. Are they metals? My Notes
Yes! Look back at the periodic table. Remember the line that separates
the metals and nonmetals? Find iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) on the
periodic table. They are both located to the left of this line, indicating
that they are metals.
Didn’t you say that elements in the same group also share common
Yes, elements in the same group of the periodic table often share many
of the same physical properties. For example, copper (Cu), silver (Ag), Remember!
and gold (Au) are three of the best conductors of electricity out of all
Elements in the same group
the elements. Notice that they are all found in Group 11 of the periodic
(vertical column) of the
table. periodic table of the
elements have similar
Elements within a group or family also share chemical properties. For physical and chemical
example, the elements in Group 17 are called halogens, which means properties.
“salt-formers.” When they react chemically with other elements, the
product is often a type of salt. An example of this is when sodium (Na)
reacts with the Group 17 element chlorine (Cl). The product of this
reaction is sodium chloride (NaCl), or the table salt we put on food.
The elements in each group have certain common properties that make
them different from the elements in the other groups. We’ll talk more
about physical and chemical properties later.
O.K., I think I understand atoms and elements now. But what are
Molecules are formed when two or more atoms chemically join, or bond
together. With over 100 elements there are millions of possible
Objective 3
My Notes Samples of matter that are made up of all the same atom or all the same
molecule are called pure substances. For example, pure gold is made up
only of atoms of the element gold (Au).
Atoms of Gold
Water Molecule
Objective 3
Sugar molecules
Water molecules
If the solid particles in a mixture are different sizes, we can separate the
mixture using a filter. For example, suppose we mix gravel and sand
together. We could then separate them by pouring the sand-gravel
mixture through a certain kind of screen. The sand would fall through
the screen, but the gravel would collect on top of the screen.
O.K., there are over 100 elements and millions of different compounds and
mixtures. This is getting wild! If there are so many different kinds of
matter, how can we tell the difference between them?
That’s a good question. When we examine a substance, we are
interested in its properties. A property is something about a substance
that can help to define it. Let’s look at water, for example.
Objective 3
My Notes There are two main types of properties that help us classify substances.
Physical properties can be observed without changing the substance
into a different substance. There are many different physical properties
we might observe. The properties of water listed in the box are all
physical properties.
Objective 3
Objective 3
My Notes What does it mean when there is more than one symbol in a substance,
such as the Ag and the S in silver sulfide?
Compounds are represented by a formula that uses symbols for all the
elements present in the compound. A formula for a compound shows
the number and types of atoms in one molecule of the compound. In
addition to the element symbols, numbers called subscripts are used.
Subscripts tell us how many atoms of each element are in a molecule
and are written to the right and slightly lower than the element
The diagram below explains the formula for one water molecule.
Number of Number of
hydrogen atoms oxygen atoms
(subscript) (no subscript means
only one atom)
O.K., the formulas make sense to me. Now I want to see how the equation
was written. Can you show me?
Sure. We start by writing the formulas for silver, hydrogen sulfide,
silver sulfide, and hydrogen gas.
Silver: Ag
Hydrogen gas: H2
Next we write the formulas for the original substances. The substances
that exist before a reaction takes place are called reactants. The
reactants are separated by a plus sign (+). In this case, silver and
hydrogen sulfide are the reactants. An arrow comes next to show us
that a chemical change has occurred.
Objective 3
I see that there is a number 2 in front of silver (Ag) in the equation written
earlier. What does this number 2 represent?
In this case the number 2 tells us that there are two atoms of silver
(Ag) present on the reactant side of this equation. These numbers
(called coefficients) are put in front of reactants or products to tell us
how many atoms or molecules occur on each side of a reaction. When
there is no number written in front of a reactant or product, we
understand that number to be 1 (one). So, in this equation, there are
two atoms of silver and one molecule of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on the
reactant side of the equation and one molecule of silver sulfide (Ag2S) Remember!
and one molecule of hydrogen gas (H2) on the product side of the A balanced chemical
equation. equation has the same
number of atoms of each
2Ag + H2S ➞ Ag2S + H2 element on both sides of the
reaction arrow. This shows
that all the atoms in the
Now we can count the number of atoms on each side of the equation. reactants are found in the
There must be the same quantity of each type of atom on each side of a products.
reaction. In chemical reactions matter is neither created nor destroyed,
so the same types and quantity of atoms must be in the reactants and
in the products of the reaction.
Objective 3
Question 21 Question 22
Which lab procedure described below would
provide information about the chemical Model of Methane Molecule
properties of a clear liquid substance?
A five elements
B two elements
C two compounds
D one atom
Objective 3
Question 23
Which statement below best describes the process shown in the equation above?
Objective 3
Question 24
1 200 21 69
2 200 20 66
3 200 22 62
4 200 20 64
Four liquids are heated on the same hot plate at the same temperature setting for ten minutes. The
temperature change of each sample is recorded in the table above. Which sample has the greatest
specific heat?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Objective 3
Question 25
Data Table
Solid # Observations
1 Some of the solid dissolves.
No temperature change.
All of the solid dissolves and gas bubbles out of the clear liquid.
2 Temperature decreases slightly.
3 All the solid dissolves and mixture is clear.
No temperature change.
4 None of the solid dissolves.
No temperature change.
Based on these observations, which solid most likely reacted chemically when mixed with vinegar?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Objective 3
Question 26
According to the periodic table, which of the following models best represents an atom of the element
carbon (C)?
A Electron
B Electron
C Electron
Objective 3
Question 27 Question 29
If an atom has an atomic mass of 101 and an Based on the periodic table, which of the
atomic number of 44, how many neutrons would following elements has properties most like
it have? neon’s?
A 44 A Hydrogen (H)
B 57 B Fluorine (F)
C 101 C Krypton (Kr)
D 145 D Sodium (Na)
Question 28
Question 30
A teacher mixes two clear liquids in a beaker.
White solid particles form in the beaker and
settle to the bottom. If a chemical change took C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
place in the beaker, which of the following best
describes the white solid particles?
During cell respiration, sugar (C6H12O6) reacts
A An atom not present in the original liquids to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
Which of the following best explains what
B An element not present in the original
happens during cell respiration?
C A solid dissolved in one of the two original A Single atoms are formed into different
liquids elements.
D A substance with different properties than B Atoms are rearranged into different
the original liquids compounds.
C A molecule is broken down into its pure
D Two elements are formed into one
Objective 4
The student will demonstrate an understanding of motion, forces, and energy.
I think I know what energy means. We get most of our energy on Earth from
the sun, right?
That’s right. Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. Light
from the sun is one form of energy. Sunlight is a product of a nuclear
fusion reaction inside the sun. This process releases a tremendous
amount of energy. Some of this energy reaches Earth in the form we
call sunlight.
Chemical energy is held in
What happens to sunlight energy once it reaches Earth?
the bonds between the Quite a few things may happen to it. Let’s first discuss how energy from
atoms in molecules. When sunlight enters ecosystems.
molecules undergo a
chemical change, they may
release the energy held in
Remember our discussion of photosynthesis? Plants use energy from
their chemical bonds in sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into sugar during
another form, such as heat, photosynthesis. So some of the energy in sunlight is converted to the
light, or electricity. energy in the bonds of the sugar molecules. This is one way light
energy is converted to chemical energy.
Objective 4
My Notes
energy Carbon
Well, I just plug it in and get electricity from the wall outlet, don’t I?
Yes, that’s one way for the CD player to get energy. Plugging it in allows
electrical energy to flow from the outlet to the CD player. A flow of
electrons (current) through a conductor produces electrical energy.
What causes electrons to flow in the conductors inside the wall outlet?
Objective 4
My Notes Power lines carry electricity to my house. But where does the electrical
energy in the power lines come from?
Electrical power can be generated in several ways. For example, coal
or natural gas may be burned to generate electricity. The energy
transformations used in generating electrical power from burning coal
are shown below.
During energy Coal-Fired Power Plant
transformations, energy is
often released as light,
heat, or sound. Although
energy can change into
different forms, it is never 2. Steam line 3. Turbine Electrical
lost. This is known as the Coal power lines
law or principle of supply
conservation of energy.
Conveyor River or
belt 1. Boiler reservoir
Condenser Cooling water
What ways of generating electrical power are there besides burning fuels?
The water flowing through a dam in a river can be used to move
turbines to generate electricity. Wind generators use the energy of
moving wind to operate a generator that produces electricity. Nuclear
power plants convert atomic energy into heat. This heat boils water to
form steam and then follows the same energy transformations as in a
coal power plant. The electrical energy generated in all these ways can
then be sent through power lines to houses and other buildings.
Objective 4
Wow! There are a lot of ways to generate electricity. Am I still using energy My Notes
if I just run my CD player on batteries?
Yes, you are still using energy. Batteries store chemical compounds that
react when they are used to power the CD player. This produces a flow
of electrons in the circuits of the CD player. Chemical energy in the
batteries is converted to electrical energy in the CD player. There are
even more energy transformations that occur in the CD player to
produce the actual music that you hear.
Did You Know?
The CD laser reads digital
information in the form of
many ones and zeros
CD spinning encoded on the disc. These
inside player ones and zeros form a
pattern that stores
information such as music.
Batteries Wire
O.K., but how does the CD player produce the music from the CD?
The CD player uses a laser to convert the digital information on the
CD’s surface into electrical energy. This energy is carried to the
headphones. There is a material inside the headphones that vibrates in
response to the electrical energy. What kind of energy do vibrating
objects transmit?
Objective 4
Sound waves
I’ve also heard my teacher talk a lot about potential and kinetic energy.
Remember! What are these forms of energy?
All energy is either potential
Besides the types of energy we have already discussed, energy can also
or kinetic. Energy can be
classified by its source be classified as kinetic energy or potential energy. Kinetic energy is the
(heat, chemical, electrical, energy an object has due to its motion. Potential energy is stored
etc.) and its type (potential energy due to an object’s position.
or kinetic).
So whenever an object moves, it has kinetic energy?
That’s right. Two things affect the amount of kinetic energy in a moving
object: speed and mass. Speed is important because the faster an object
moves, the greater its kinetic energy. We’ll talk about mass later.
Objective 4
How do we know that a faster object has more kinetic energy? My Notes
Let’s look at an example. Imagine you are at bat in a softball game. The
pitcher throws a high pitch slowly toward home plate, but instead of
passing over home plate, the ball hits you. How does it feel?
Well, it might hurt a little, but not much. Why does it matter how it feels to
get hit by the softball?
Follow me a little further. Now imagine you are at bat in another
softball game. This time the pitcher hurls a lightning-fast pitch straight
toward you, and again the ball hits you. Now how does it feel?
Slow pitch
8 m/s
Fast pitch
32 m/s
Ouch! All right, I get your point. The faster ball will hit with a lot more
force. What else besides speed affects the kinetic energy of an object?
The kinetic energy of objects is also related to the mass of the object.
An object with more mass has more kinetic energy than an object with
less mass if both objects are traveling at the same speed.
Objective 4
That’s a trick question! But I know the answer. They will hit the ground at
the same time.
Good answer! So they both travel at the same speed. Which one has a
greater mass?
The large rock, of course. But how do we know it has more kinetic energy?
Well, imagine that you hold the pebble and the rock out in front of you
at the same height. You drop both of them into identical pans filled to
the top with water. Which object will create a bigger splash when the
pebble and rock land in the water?
Pans filled
with water
The large rock will make a bigger splash. So more mass means more force,
which creates a bigger splash, right?
Right. Since the larger rock lands with more force than the pebble, we
know that it has more kinetic energy.
O.K., I see. Both speed and mass affect the kinetic energy of an object,
Yes, that’s right.
Objective 4
You said potential energy is stored energy or energy due to position. How My Notes
does position give an object energy?
Think of a roller coaster at an amusement park. Have you ever noticed
how the highest peak on the roller coaster is always the first one?
pe i c
) gy
wn ner
ed en
d e
s er
s ti c PEAK
up g
) y
gy tia
en pot b)
er en
ins l cli
Ga phil
potential energy
Does the roller coaster lose potential energy when it starts going downhill?
Yes. But remember that the faster an object moves, the more kinetic
energy it has. So as the roller coaster picks up speed going downhill, it
gains kinetic energy. The roller coaster’s speed and kinetic energy will
be greatest at the bottom of the downhill run. This is also where the
roller coaster’s potential energy will be lowest.
As the roller coaster starts its climb to the next peak, it will slow down
and lose kinetic energy. But as it gets higher, it gains potential energy
again. This cycle repeats several times during the roller coaster ride.
Objective 4
My Notes O.K., I think I understand. Gravity is the force behind the roller coaster’s
potential energy. So is there potential energy in anything that can be moved
by a force like gravity?
Yes. A force is a pushing or pulling action that may change motion.
Forces may move objects or transfer energy between objects. Water at
the top of a waterfall has potential energy to be pulled down to the sea
by the force of gravity. There are many other examples of potential
energy in the world around us.
Arm Arm
extended flexed
Other systems in your body also use force. For example, during
breathing, muscles contract (use force) to move air in and out of the
lungs. The heart also contracts (uses force) to pump blood through the
blood vessels, carrying oxygen to the muscles.
Fish exert force to swim by pushing against the water. Force is used to
move materials in and out of cells. Force and motion can be found
working together throughout the living world.
Objective 4
Now imagine that another person joins one team. That team now pulls
with more force than the other team. The net force has now changed in
favor of the team with more people. Both teams are pulling, but one
team’s force is greater than the other’s.
When the forces acting on an object are not equal, we say they are
unbalanced. The greater force will cause an object to move in the
direction of its push or pull. In the game of tug-of-war, the rope will
move toward the side of the team that pulls with the most force.
O.K., let’s say I’m pushing my skateboard. How much force would it take to
do that?
That’s a good question. The answer depends on two things. First, we
have to know how much mass you and your skateboard have together.
Objective 4
Total mass = 52 kg
0 5 10 15
Objective 4
0 0
5 7
10 12
15 15
(Skateboard has
20 15 stopped moving.)
Objective 4
My Notes Looking at the graph, I can see that my speed changed several times.
0 5 10 15 20
That’s right. Let’s look closely at your graph. Notice the section where
the line is flat (horizontal). I’ve circled that part in the graph above. On
a distance-time graph, an object is not moving if the line is flat.
So, from 15 to 20 seconds I was stopped. But it looks like I started out
really fast.
Yes, you did. Look at the line segment circled below from 0 to
5 seconds. The graphed line is steepest in this section. On a distance-
time graph like this, the faster an object is moving, the steeper (more
vertical) the line will be. From the graph we can see that you started
out moving pretty fast, but then you slowed down and stopped after
15 seconds.
0 5 10 15 20
Objective 4
Time = 1 sec
Speed = 2 m/s
So let’s say I go from 0 m/s at the start to moving 2 m/s one second after I
push off down the sidewalk. What is my acceleration?
Your change in speed is 2 m/s, and the time it took you to change
speed is one second. So 2 m/s ÷ 1 s = 2 m/s 2.
Objective 4
The units of kilograms (kg)
for mass, meters (m) for Forward Air resistance
distance, and seconds (s) force of and friction of
for time can be combined push sidewalk
into one unit called the
newton (N).
1 N = 1 kg • m/s 2.
Objective 4
I’m wondering why we would ever need to know how much force we use to
do something.
Well, for one thing, it could help us make the work we do easier.
Objective 4
Distance and force combine to produce work. So, to lift your heavy
rock without applying more force, you can increase the distance over
which you apply the force.
O.K., so how does the distance one arm moves reduce the input force I
need to lift the rock?
Let’s say that you use a lever to lift the rock the same distance that a
strong person could lift it by hand. The work done in each case is the
same since the same rock is being moved the same distance. However,
the distance one arm moves under your applied force is much greater
than the distance the other arm moves to lift the rock. So your work is
being done over a longer distance. The force you apply to lift the rock
with the lever is less than the force required to lift the rock without a
Objective 4
My Notes
Distance Start position of lever
of input
force = 90 cm or
ar Distance rock
Output is lifted = 20 cm
Did You Know?
Are there simple machines besides levers that help us do work? Simple machines include the
pulley, the wedge, the lever,
Yes, there are several simple machines. Another example of a simple the inclined plane, and the
machine is the pulley. Pulleys use wheels and rope to move a load. wheel and axle.
When a rope passes over a wheel, it changes the direction of effort
(pull) needed to move the load.
Pulley wheel
Pu Input force = 50 N
Weight = 50 N
This pulley system has one wheel, so it changes the direction of pull
one time. The input force is the same as the weight using this pulley.
Objective 4
Question 31
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
A 45 km/h
B 50 km/h
C 54 km/h
D 60 km/h
Objective 4
Question 32
Heavy box
Concrete block
The girl in the picture above is using a lever to lift a heavy box. Using the lever makes the girl’s
task easier by —
Objective 4
Question 33 Question 34
Mass = 1.0 kg
A 0.05 N
B 0.5 N
Which activity supplies the force that maintains
blood pressure in the human circulatory C 5N
D 50 N
A Blood passing through the lungs
B Blood flowing out to the capillaries
C The kidneys filtering waste from blood
D The heart pumping blood through vessels
Objective 4
Question 35
Flight of Baseball
2 4
At which point along the baseball’s flight path is its potential energy greatest?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Objective 4
Question 36
Pulley wheel
Rope tied Load
to hitch lifted
In the diagram shown above, which of the following does the pulley system change?
Objective 4
Question 37 Question 38
A ball with a mass of 5 kg is accelerating at When charcoal burns completely, it starts out as
2 m/s 2 while being thrown. About how much a solid and changes to gases and ash. Which of
force was used to throw the ball? the following energy transformations occurs
when charcoal is burned?
A 4N
A Chemical to heat
B 5N
B Electrical to light
C 10 N
C Light to chemical
D 20 N
D Mechanical to electrical
Objective 5
The student will demonstrate an understanding of Earth and space systems.
Something must have moved between the sun and the moon, right?
Correct. A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth blocks sunlight from
reaching the moon. This puts the moon in Earth’s shadow. The model
below shows the positions of the sun, Earth, and moon during a lunar
Lunar Eclipse
What happens when the moon moves between the sun and Earth?
When the moon is aligned so that its shadow falls on Earth’s surface,
the sun’s light is blocked from reaching part of Earth. This kind of
eclipse is called a solar eclipse because it is the sun that is being
blocked from our view.
Objective 5
Since the moon is much closer to Earth than the sun is, the moon’s My Notes
shadow is cast over only a small portion of Earth’s sunlit side. For this
reason, a solar eclipse is not observed over the entire surface of Earth.
The diagram below shows the positions of the sun, Earth, and moon
during a solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse
moon Moon’s orbit
around Earth
New N
Sun Day Night
S moon
Earth’s orbit
around sun First-quarter
Objective 5
My Notes Why does the moon’s appearance change from day to day? Sometimes it’s
round like a disc, and other times it’s a half circle or shaped like the tip of
a fingernail.
The moon doesn’t orbit Earth quite as fast as Earth rotates on its axis.
The time of moonrise and moonset occurs later by almost an hour each
day. This causes the moon’s position in our sky to change each day. The
sun’s rays strike the moon from a slightly different angle each day.
These regular changes in the moon’s appearance are called moon phases.
There are four main phases of the moon.
Full New
moon Night Day moon Sunlight
As the moon revolves around Earth, Earth revolves around the sun, right?
That’s right. It takes just a little over 365 days (one Earth year) for
Earth to revolve around the sun.
Objective 5
I remember hearing that Earth’s tilt while it orbits the sun is the reason we My Notes
have seasons. Is that correct?
It sure is. Have you ever noticed that the sun travels lower across the
sky in winter than in summer? This is because Earth is tilted on its axis
at a 23.5° angle.
Northern Northern
Hemisphere’s Hemisphere’s
N summer winter N
Southern Southern
Hemisphere’s Hemisphere’s
winter summer
During winter part of Earth tilts away from the sun. This causes the
sun’s rays to strike that part of Earth at a lower angle than in the
To demonstrate this, use a flashlight shining on a piece of graph paper. Seasons on Earth are
Shine the light directly over (at a 90° angle) the graph paper. Then tilt determined by the tilt of
the light source (at ~20° angle) so that the same amount of light is Earth’s axis, not by Earth’s
spread out over a greater area of the graph paper. distance from the sun.
Flashlight Flashlight
Objective 5
My Notes Days are shorter and nights are longer during winter. The shortest day
of winter is called the winter solstice. The winter solstice occurs in
December for the Northern Hemisphere and in June for the Southern
Hemisphere. Each hemisphere receives less sunlight and therefore less
heat energy during winter. This is why temperatures are colder during
What else do scientists know about other planets in our solar system?
The planets in our solar system follow regular orbits around the sun.
Did You Know? Some planets are made of rock. Others are made mostly of frozen
chemicals that would be gases at the temperatures we have on Earth.
Alaska is often called the The planets vary in size and temperature. Some planets have many
“land of the midnight sun.”
In the northern parts of
moons, while others have only a few or none at all. The table below
Alaska in the summer, the displays some basic physical data for eight known planets in our solar
sun never sets below the system.
horizon. This happens
because northern Alaska is
above the Arctic Circle.
Average Distance Average
Primary Diameter
Planet from the Sun Temperature
Composition (x 1,000 km)
(x 1,000,000 km) (°C)
Mercury Rock 57.90 5.49 167
Venus Rock 108.2 12.1 464
Earth Rock 149.6 12.8 15
Mars Rock 228.0 6.80 –65
Jupiter Gas 778.0 143 –110
Saturn Gas 1,427 121 –140
Uranus Gas 2,869 51.2 –195
Neptune Gas 4,497 49.5 –200
Objective 5
Comet Halley
Objective 5
My Notes Asteroids are rocky and usually follow regular orbits around the sun.
One area between Mars and Jupiter contains a large number of
asteroids orbiting the sun. This area is called the asteroid belt.
Asteroid Gaspra
What kinds of objects exist beyond our solar system?
There are actually quite a few different kinds of objects. The most
easily observed objects are stars, nebulae, and galaxies.
Did You Know? O.K., I know that our sun is a star, but what are nebulae?
Nebula is the singular form Nebulae are huge clouds of dust and gas. Some scientists think that our
of the word nebulae.
solar system was formed from a nebula.
I’ve heard that our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. What is a
Yes, our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. Galaxies are
groups of millions or billions of stars. Our Milky Way galaxy, for
example, has over 100 billion stars and would take 100,000 years to
travel across at the speed of light! And remember that light travels
extremely fast—almost 300,000,000 meters per second.
Objective 5
That’s too huge to even imagine! How close is the nearest star to us,
besides our sun?
The nearest star is Proxima Centauri. Traveling at the speed of light, it Remember!
would take about 4 years and 3 months to reach Proxima Centauri The speed of light is
from Earth. Or, to put it another way, it is about 280,000 times farther 3 x 108 m/s. That is a 3
away from Earth than our sun. with eight zeros, or
300,000,000 meters per
How many other galaxies are there besides the Milky Way?
Scientists think that there are billions of galaxies in the universe. Most
of these are too far away to see, so we can only estimate the actual
Objective 5
My Notes Space systems are amazing! O.K., I’d like to come back to Earth now. What
about some of those Earth systems you mentioned earlier?
Earth systems can be found as deep as the inner layers of Earth and as
far out as the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere. Earth systems are all
driven by energy, and many of these systems occur in cycles. Energy for
Earth’s rock cycle comes from heat energy in Earth’s core. Energy for
Earth’s water and nutrient cycles comes mainly from the sun’s radiant
heat and light energy.
Ash cloud
Volcanic Plateau
eruption Eroded
Forward Inactive hills
in Time volcano Plateau
Lava Lava
buried by
sediment River
I get it. We’re watching what really took thousands of years happen in just
a few seconds. What else would we see?
Let’s fast-forward our video a million years. Now we see that the
mountains, hills, and plateaus have changed. Some of the exposed rock
is worn away before our eyes by wind and water. This process of rock
breaking down into smaller pieces is called weathering.
Objective 5
In our time-lapse video, soil seems to flow like water. Weathered My Notes
particles of rock are transported by gravity, living organisms, water,
glaciers, and wind. This movement of particles from one location to
another is called erosion.
O.K., pause the video for a second. Soil doesn’t really move like water.
What is actually happening to the eroded particles?
Good question. Eroded particles settle wherever they are transported by
wind or water as sediment. This process is called deposition. Many of
the soil particles that were eroded from higher areas settled in valleys
and plains. The soil in these areas became deeper. From our viewpoint,
it just appeared as though soil was flowing into these lower areas.
Suppose our video could also show the activity beneath oceans and
lakes. We would see layers of mud, sand, and other materials steadily
build up on the ocean and lake floors. These particles were washed by
runoff into bodies of water and slowly settled there over time.
I know cycles have to come back around to where they started. So how do
deposited particles like soil and the ocean floor become rock again?
Good point. Chemical reactions and the pressure of many layers
deposited with time gradually change sediment into rock again.
Sediment that gets transformed into solid rock is called sedimentary
The lower levels of buried rock were also pushed deeper into Earth’s
crust. Here this rock came under great pressure and heat. These
stresses caused the properties of this rock to change. Rock that has
been transformed by intense heat and pressure is called metamorphic
Igneous Metamorphic
rocks rocks
Weathering Weathering
Weathering Sedimentary
products rocks
Erosion Chemical
Transport reactions
Deposition and pressure
Objective 5
My Notes Our time-lapse video showed lots of volcanic activity. What caused all these
Extreme heat and pressure deep in the ground caused rock to melt,
changing it into its liquid form, which is called magma. At cracks in
Earth’s crust, magma erupted onto Earth’s surface as lava. The lava then
cooled and hardened, forming solid rock again. Rock formed from
hardened magma or lava is called igneous rock.
There are three basic types of O.K., that explains a lot. But I’m still curious how some of the mountains,
rock. hills, and plateaus were pushed up from Earth’s crust. What caused that?
• Sedimentary rock is
hardened layers of deposited If you watched the time-lapse video closely, you may have noticed that
sediment. Earth’s crust seemed to be moving gradually in different directions. A
• Igneous rock is solidified lava theory called plate tectonics explains the movement of large sections of
or magma. Earth’s crust called tectonic plates. The force behind tectonic plate
• Metamorphic rock is rock movement is thought to be currents of magma flowing in Earth’s
transformed by heat and/or mantle.
pressure into rock with
different properties.
The tectonic plates slowly collide against one another along plate
boundaries. As a result of these collisions, sections of the plates may
break off and be pushed down, up, or to the side. This is why
mountain ranges, ocean trenches, earthquakes, and volcanic activity are
all common along plate boundaries.
ntal pla
anic pla
Oce Earthquakes
Some plates move apart, allowing magma to rise up and cool to form
new land. Earthquakes also occur around these locations. An example
is the mid-Atlantic ridge, where new seafloor and land are being
formed slowly. Some plate boundaries slide past each other, causing
earthquakes. An example is the San Andreas Fault in California.
Objective 5
My Notes
Major Tectonic Plates of Earth
Eurasian North American
Plate Philippine Plate
Arabian Plate Caribbean
Plate Juan de Fuca
Cocos Plate
African Pacific
Plate Australian–Indian Plate Nazca
Plate Plate
Antarctic Plate
We’ve looked above and below the land and at the bottom of the ocean in
our time-lapse video. What would we see if we looked along the ocean
Well, the daily tides caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and
sun would be just a blur on a time scale of thousands of years per
second! But ocean waves carry a lot of energy, and over time this
energy can move a lot of beach soil. The process of ocean waves
changing the form of the shoreline is called beach erosion. We would
see shorelines grow, shrink, and change shape in various areas over the
entire 3,000,000 years of our imaginary video.
Objective 5
My Notes
Water Cycle
by plants
(vapor to liquid)
Evaporation (water vapor)
(water vapor)
(liquid or solid)
Lake down through
soil and
Aquifer rock
The diagram of the water cycle shows that water vapor can form clouds. Do
oceans affect the climate on land?
Nice observation. There are two important ways that oceans affect the
Remember! climate on land:
Water has a very high
specific heat (1 cal/g • ° C), (1) Land heats up faster than water because land has a lower specific
so it can absorb a lot of
heat yet have a relatively
heat than water does. This causes the air over land to heat faster
small temperature increase. than the air over water. The warm air rises, starting a convection
Because of this, oceans and current that pulls air toward land from the ocean. This pattern is
lakes tend to store a lot of seen on all the continents of Earth. This keeps air over the land
heat energy. from getting too hot. It also brings moist ocean air inland.
Objective 5
My Notes
Daytime Convection Currents
Caused by Different Heating of Ocean and Land
Land surface
warms quickly Ocean surface warms slowly
(2) Warm air holds more water vapor than cold air does. When
warm, moist air is cooled, clouds form and can produce
precipitation. This warm air can be cooled by rising into the
colder upper atmosphere, by moving over cold ocean or lake
water, or by mixing with colder air.
We see an example of warm air mixing with cold air when a frontal
boundary moves through the atmosphere. This is the edge where the
cool, dry air meets the warm, moist air. This mixing of different air
masses often causes stormy weather.
O.K., I’ve seen how water moves in cycles. Are there other important cycles
on Earth?
Yes, there are. Two other important cycles are the nitrogen cycle and
the carbon cycle. In the nitrogen cycle, the element nitrogen changes
back and forth from nitrogen gas to the nitrogen compounds used by
plants and animals. In the carbon cycle, carbon changes back and forth
from carbon dioxide gas to plant and animal carbon compounds. These
cycles provide essential nutrients to plants and animals. Without them,
there wouldn’t be any life on Earth.
Objective 5
Plants and
animals Nitrogen fixation
decomposing by lightning
Nitrogen fixation
by fungi and
Objective 5
What else besides the plants would be affected by too much nitrogen? My Notes
Overuse of fertilizer containing nitrogen can cause a buildup of
nitrogen in groundwater and surface water in a watershed. High levels
of nitrogen in a watershed can contribute to human health problems.
Too much nitrogen in runoff water may also have harmful effects on
fish, animals, and plants in lakes and rivers.
When animals eat plants and other animals, they convert these carbon
compounds into energy and various materials in their bodies. Most
compounds in animal tissues contain carbon.
Objective 5
My Notes
Carbon dioxide
Photosynthesis Sugar
I see. So how does this extra carbon dioxide affect the environment?
Higher levels of carbon dioxide cause the atmosphere to hold more
heat energy. Rising carbon dioxide levels may be the cause of warmer
temperatures measured in recent years on Earth. This is sometimes
called “the greenhouse effect.” This could affect the climate in many
places. The kinds of plants and animals able to survive in these
climates may change if the warming continues.
Objective 5
My Notes
Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle Effects
Importance to Importance to Forms in the
Plants Animals Environment
Water-soluble nitrogen
Supplies vital Supplies vital
Nitrogen compounds in soil and water;
nutrients nutrients
nitrogen gas in atmosphere
I see how human activities affect these cycles. What about when a natural
disaster occurs?
Natural disasters can have far-reaching effects on Earth systems. For
example, large meteorites striking Earth or volcanoes erupting can
cause environmental change. These events can change the amount of
sunlight and heat reaching the atmosphere, land, and water on Earth.
This can affect the amount of energy available for Earth’s cycles.
Haven’t humans also caused some species of plants and animals to become
Unfortunately, human activities have been the cause of some
extinctions. Humans affect Earth in many ways. We change the quality Did You Know?
of the air, water, and soil we use. We change ecosystems by removing Texas has lost several
plants and animals and by introducing new species, such as invasive species by extinction:
plants and pets. Invasive species do not naturally live in the ecosystem • Texas gray wolf, 1942
where they are introduced. These species sometimes compete with or • Texas red wolf, 1970
drive out native species. Native species are those that live naturally in • Phantom shiner (fish),
an ecosystem. 1975
• Texas Henslow’s sparrow,
Fire ants are an invasive species accidentally introduced to North • San Marcos gambusia
America from South America. In North America they have few (fish), 1983
predators and aggressively attack and kill many kinds of native plants
and animals. They have upset the balance of ecosystems in many
southern states.
Objective 5
My Notes Changes in habitat can make it difficult for some species to survive.
Some species are able to adapt, but others become threatened or
endangered. A few species even become extinct, lost from Earth
So humans change the quality of resources such as air, water, and soil.
How do we do that?
We’ve identified some of these changes in our discussion of Earth’s
cycles. But there are many ways humans can alter the environment.
One of the main ways we do this is by producing harmful chemical
waste materials. These harmful products cause pollution. Two common
forms of pollution include: (1) gases released into the atmosphere and
(2) chemicals that are carried by water into a watershed.
Sources of Pollution
Gases released into atmosphere
Percolation by
Objective 5
Well, obviously most resources aren’t that plentiful. That means we have to
be careful how we use our resources, right?
Exactly. Fossil fuels are a good example. The supply of underground
crude oil we use to make gasoline and diesel fuel decreases every year.
Yet we keep pumping more oil from wells. If this continues, oil and
gasoline will become so rare in the future that we won’t be able to use
them as much as we do now.
Objective 5
My Notes
© Royalty-Free/CORBIS
What will we use for energy when that happens?
We will have to find other sources of energy. Ideally, we will use
renewable or inexhaustible resources so the supply won’t run out. To
replace fossil fuels, new energy resources must be found to produce
large amounts of energy at a reasonable cost.
Objective 5
Question 39
City 1 N
City 3
Tropic of Cancer
City 4
Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle
Which of the following best explains why City 3 experiences the smallest change in day length
between summer and winter out of the four cities shown in the diagram above?
Objective 5
Question 40
October 2005
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 New 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 Full 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Which of the following best represents the appearance of the moon on October 10, 2005?
Objective 5
Question 41 Question 43
Which of the following is the primary energy Nitrogen waste washing into a pond would most
source that causes warm, moist air to rise over likely cause an increase in —
tropical oceans?
A fish reproduction
A The sun’s rays
B flooding
B Melting icebergs
C water plant growth
C Earth’s rotation
D evaporation
D Heat from Earth’s core
Question 42
Which of the following processes is occurring
when rainwater dissolves volcanic rock?
A Folding
B Deposition
C Erosion
D Faulting
Objective 5
Question 44
River valley
Which two processes contributed most to the accumulation of soil in this river valley?
Objective 5
Question 45
Prairie grass may be better at preventing erosion than wheat is because the prairie grass roots are
able to —
Objective 5
Question 46 Question 47
A forest area is cleared and replaced with a
parking lot. Over several years, water quality in
this area will likely be harmed most by —
A Seafloor spreading
B Deposition of sediment
C Tectonic plate collision
D Erosion of rock layers
Objective 5
Question 48
Global Atmospheric
Concentration of CO2
CO2 Concentration
18 0
18 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
19 0
20 0
Cluster 1
Use the information below and your knowledge of science
to answer questions 49–54.
A huge coastal live oak tree nicknamed “The Big Tree” grows in Goose Island State Park on the
Gulf Coast of Texas. It is one of the largest known trees of its species in Texas. The Big Tree has a
trunk diameter of about 11 meters, stands about 13 meters tall, and has spreading branches about
27 meters wide.
Coastal live oaks are an important part of the coastal plain ecosystem. The coastal live oak provides
food and shelter for many types of animals. Their spreading branches provide anchors for smaller
plants, and the acorns of the coastal live oak are an important food source for animals such as deer,
blue jays, raccoons, and squirrels.
Cluster 1
Question 49 Question 50
Burning wood from a live oak would most
Live Oak Flowers directly increase which form of carbon in the
carbon cycle?
Live oak acorns are produced from flowers that Answer Key: page 147
appear in spring and hang in clusters from the
branch tips. What level of organization of the
oak tree are these flowers?
A Cell
Question 51
B Organ A disease called oak wilt can kill live oak trees.
This disease is caused by a fungus that is
C Organism
spread from tree to tree by a sap beetle. Sap
D Population beetles are eaten by wrens. Which organism is
the host of the oak wilt disease?
A Fungus
B Live oak
C Sap beetle
D Wren
Cluster 1
Question 52
Raccoons Squirrels
Blue jays
What is the role of the live oak tree in the food web shown above?
A Producer
B Decomposer
C Primary consumer
D Secondary consumer
Cluster 1
Question 53 Question 54
Wood Densities
Wood type
Cypress 0.51
Ash 0.67
Maple 0.76
The table above shows the densities of dried
Coastal Live Oak
samples of common types of wood. A 750 cm 3
Gray Oak sample of dry live oak wood has a mass of 660 g.
How does the density of the live oak sample
compare to the densities of the other woods in
the table?
The coastal live oak and the gray oak are
related species that grow in the areas shown A Live oak is less dense than cypress, ash, and
on the map above. The two species grow in maple.
different regions of Texas probably because
B Live oak is more dense than cypress but less
they —
dense than ash or maple.
A have different leaf shapes C Live oak is more dense than ash and cypress
but less dense than maple.
B are eaten by different consumers
D Live oak is more dense than cypress, ash,
C are adapted to different environments
and maple.
D grow to different heights
Cluster 2
Use the information below and your knowledge of science
to answer questions 55–60.
© Frank Dutton/Toledo-Bend.us
Toledo Bend Reservoir is located on the Texas-Louisiana border. It is the largest reservoir in Texas.
At normal water level it holds 5.8 million cubic meters of water. Its surface covers 829 square
kilometers. Boating, swimming, and fishing are favorite recreational activities of visitors to the
The flow of water through the dam provides electrical power to citizens of Louisiana and Texas. A
hydroelectric power plant at the dam uses generators to produce electrical current. A diagram of a
hydroelectric generator is shown below.
Cluster 2
Question 55
Gauge Height
Source: USGS
To increase the amount of electricity generated by the power plant, more water must
flow through the turbines. The graph above shows the height of the Sabine River just downstream
from the dam from September 14 through 21, 2005. Which graph below shows the most likely
change in electrical output of the power plant from September 14 to September 21?
Power Output
Power Output
Time Time
Power Output
Power Output
Time Time
Cluster 2
Question 56 Question 57
Which energy transformation produces the
Toledo Bend Reservoir power generated by the Toledo Bend Reservoir
power plant?
A Chemical to light
Texas Louisiana B Electrical to light
C Mechanical to chemical
D Mechanical to electrical
San Augustine
W E Dam and
S plant
Sabine R.
0 16 32
Scale in kilometers
A 64 km
B 77 km
C 100 km
D 128 km
Cluster 2
Question 58
Toledo Bend Reservoir contains some channel catfish. Some of the channel catfish’s major sensory
organs are labeled on the drawing above. The location of these organs most likely helps the catfish
in which of the following activities?
A Finding food
B Circulating blood
C Floating and sinking
D Breathing underwater
Answer Key: page 149
Question 59
Sabine River
above reservoir Upper end
of reservoir Lower end
of reservoir Sabine River
below dam
The diagram above shows a side elevation view of the Sabine River and Toledo Bend Reservoir. At
which point on the diagram does water have the greatest potential energy?
Cluster 2
Question 60
Gizzard shad
Striped bass
Threadfin shad
Largemouth bass
Which of the following changes would most likely occur if some of the gizzard shad grew too large for
the largemouth bass to eat?
Science Activity
If you have ever looked closely at the moon, you may have noticed that its surface is not smooth.
It is covered by craters such as the ones shown in the photograph above. The large crater in the
picture is about 80 kilometers across! Craters form when meteoroids collide with the surface of a
planet or moon.
Scientists have asked these questions ever since telescopes first allowed us to view the moon in
detail. It isn’t practical to experiment on the moon’s surface to see how craters form. But scientists
can use models of the moon’s surface to understand craters.
This activity lets you model craters like those on the moon. You will see how models help scientists
answer questions. You may even come up with some answers of your own!
Science Activity
90 cm
60 cm
30 cm
Tie a knot in one end of the string. Tape the knotted end of the string
to the marble.
Fill the container with sand 3 cm deep. Smooth the surface of the sand
with the index card. Place the sand-filled container outdoors.
Use the ruler to measure the width and depth of the crater made by the
marble in the sand. Record your measurements in the data table below.
Science Activity
Then smooth the sand back down to a flat surface. Repeat the marble My Notes
drop from the same height two more times. Record these data in the
table, too.
Then measure a 60 cm height above the sand surface. Drop the marble
three times from 60 cm. Record all your data in the table.
Finally measure a 90 cm height and drop the marble three times from
90 cm. Record all your data in the table.
What were the differences in the craters that formed when the marble
was dropped from different heights? Support your answer with data
from the table.
What was the purpose of dropping the marble three times at each
Science Activity
My Notes Explain what the following parts of the crater model represent:
What does this crater model tell us about the craters found on the
Science Activity
Meteoroids usually travel at speeds faster than 11 km/s. In what way is My Notes
the crater model unable to represent this accurately?
There is evidence that many more craters did exist on Earth in the past.
One reason why we cannot see many of these craters is the rock cycle.
What are two processes in the rock cycle that might erase evidence of
ancient craters on Earth’s crust?
Science Activity
My Notes Another reason Earth has fewer craters is that our atmosphere is a
barrier to meteoroids. Traveling at high speed, meteoroids melt and
vaporize from friction and other forces as they fall through Earth’s
atmosphere. Many never reach the ground at all but blaze out in a flash
of light called a meteor. But some meteoroids in Earth’s past were large
enough to make it all the way to the ground, where they made a terrific
A large meteorite impact can send millions of tons of dust and ash into
the air. The dust may take months or even years to settle out of the
atmosphere. Describe one effect that a thick layer of dust in the
atmosphere would be likely to have on each of the following:
Science Activity
Hypothesize My Notes
Look at the data you collected in the Crater Data Table. Suppose you
repeated the activity using a ball with greater mass than the marble.
Make a prediction about the result of using a ball with greater mass.
You Decide
Suppose you decide to use a golf ball. Which laboratory instrument
could you use to find out whether the golf ball has a greater mass than
the marble?
Look at the sample results on page 149 to see how your answers
Science Answer Key
Answer to example question (page 9) present in the closed terrarium system, oxygen
will gradually increase. Also, oxygen will not
The total number of seeds that sprouted is found by directly affect the plant’s ability to grow.
adding all the seeds shown in the second column of
C Incorrect. Evaporated water cannot escape the
the table (7 + 3 + 8 + 4 = 22).
closed terrarium system, so it will eventually
condense and return to the soil. The water will
Your correct answer grid would look like this:
therefore recycle in this system.
D Incorrect. The transparent bottle allows sunlight
to pass freely into the terrarium and to the plant.
0 0 0 0 0 0 Therefore there is no lack of sunlight.
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
8 8 8 8 8 8
B Incorrect. The digging tool is a sharp instrument
9 9 9 9 9 9
that might injure toes during use.
C Incorrect. The student should be aware of where
the tools for lab activities are kept.
Note: Zeros may be written and gridded in any of the
empty place values. These extra zeros will not affect D Incorrect. Using the tool while wearing jewelry
the correctness of the answer. might cause a minor injury.
6 \
6 \
6 \
6 \
6 \
C Incorrect. A plain is relatively flat. The elevation
7 \
7 \
7 \
7 \
7 \
increases too much over too short a distance for
8 \
8 \
8 \
8 \
8 \
the map to represent a plain.
9 \
9 \
9 \
9 \
9 \
Science Answer Key
distant astronomical objects such as Jupiter. It the mass of a rock sample. Glassware is used to
would provide the magnification and focus find the volume of liquids.
needed to view Jupiter’s bands and spots from
Question 8 (page 28)
B Incorrect. A microscope is designed for viewing A Correct. Onion cells are too small to be seen
very small objects in the laboratory. A large, without magnification. A microscope provides a
faraway planet such as Jupiter could not be magnified view of tiny objects such as plant cells.
viewed using a microscope.
B Incorrect. Telescopes are specially designed for
C Incorrect. A hand lens magnifies objects that are observing distant objects. Microscopes can only
within reach. Jupiter is too far away, and its be used to view nearby objects.
image would not be magnified well by a hand
C Incorrect. Magnification is not required to detect
color change.
D Incorrect. A computer probe measures data from
D Incorrect. Heat radiation can be either felt or
samples near the location of the attached
observed with special heat-sensing equipment. A
computer. A computer probe on Earth would not
microscope will not help detect heat.
be able to gather much data from a distant
planet such as Jupiter.
Question 9 (page 29)
Question 6 (page 27) A Incorrect. The slides can be used to examine
droplets of pond water under a microscope.
A Correct. The two views show the sample at
However, the forceps would not be used in
different magnifications. The objective lens
handling water samples.
determines the magnification of the view, so
switching the lens will change the size of the B Correct. The eyedropper can be used to collect a
image. water sample. Then the sample can be placed on
the slide for examination.
B Incorrect. A change in the amount of light
shining on the sample would make the sample C Incorrect. An eyedropper can be used to collect a
appear darker or lighter, not larger or smaller. water sample, but scissors would be unnecessary.
C Incorrect. Turning the fine adjustment knob D Incorrect. Scissors are not needed to examine
would change the focus of the image. This would pond water under a microscope. A thermometer
not affect the size of the objects being viewed in might be used to find the temperature of the
the sample. pond water, but it is not needed to examine pond
water under a microscope.
D Incorrect. Changing the angle of the light source
might affect the shading on the salt grains. It
would not affect the size of the objects being
viewed in the sample.
Question 10 (page 29)
B Correct. Use a ruler to measure the length of the
leaf. The correct length of the leaf is 42 mm. The
Question 7 (page 28) difference in the lengths of the leaves is found by
A Incorrect. Catching fish is not a reasonable use of
insulated gloves and a beaker. 42 mm – 32 mm = 10 mm
B Correct. Liquids should be heated in glassware
such as a beaker. Hot beakers should be handled
with insulated gloves. Objective 2
C Incorrect. Temperatures are measured with a
thermometer. No container or hand protection is Question 11 (page 44)
needed to read a thermometer.
A Incorrect. The goat may release heat energy
D Incorrect. No hand protection is required to find when digesting the grass, but it does not receive
Science Answer Key
C Incorrect. Grass supplies the goat with sugar and B Incorrect. A shortage of grass would provide less
other nutrients. These contain energy in food to the rabbits. This would likely cause the
chemical bonds, not electrical currents. rabbit population to be reduced. This would in
turn reduce the population of wolves.
D Correct. The chemical reaction during
photosynthesis converts the sun’s light energy C Incorrect. Because rabbits eat grass, an increase
into sugar. The grass stores the sugar, which is in the number of rabbits would reduce the
then eaten by the goat. The goat releases the amount of grass. This would mean a decrease,
chemical energy in these materials during not an increase, in the grass population.
digestion. D Correct. More grass would supply rabbits with
more food, increasing the rabbit population. With
more rabbits available, the wolf population would
Question 12 (page 44) increase.
Question 13 (page 44) B Incorrect. Both parents in this cross have two
dominant tall alleles (TT). In the problem, one of
A Incorrect. The rabbit gets its energy from eating the parents is short (tt).
grass. It is a primary consumer.
B Incorrect. The eagle gets its energy from eating
the rabbit. It is a secondary consumer. T TT TT
C Correct. Bacteria decompose dead plants and
animals, such as the grass, rabbit, eagle, and fox. T TT TT
D Incorrect. The fox gets its energy from eating the
C Incorrect. Both parents in this cross have two
rabbit. It is a secondary consumer.
recessive alleles (tt). They have no dominant
allele to contribute to their offspring. Therefore
their offspring will all have two recessive alleles
Science Answer Key
(tt) and be short. The Punnett square for this needed by plants to perform photosynthesis.
cross would be:
C Correct. Sunlight is the energy source that plants
use to produce sugar during photosynthesis.
t t
D Incorrect. Oxygen is used by organisms to
t tt tt convert plant sugar to energy. However, it is not
the source of energy used by plants to make
t tt tt sugar during photosynthesis.
Science Answer Key
B Correct. The color of the apples is the same at all D Incorrect. There is a single molecule, but it is
three locations, even though the environments composed of five atoms of two different elements.
are different. This trait is most likely controlled
by genes in the apple trees.
C Incorrect. The difference in average fruit size
Question 23 (page 65)
may be due to differences in rainfall, sunlight, or
A Incorrect. Iron is not broken down but is
nutrients at the three locations.
combined with oxygen to form rust.
D Incorrect. The difference in the number of days
B Correct. The equation shows two reactants (iron
from bloom to harvest may be influenced by
and oxygen) combining to form one product
differences in the climate at three locations.
C Incorrect. Rust is the product, not the reactant,
in this chemical change.
Objective 3
D Incorrect. Iron and oxygen are the reactants and
rust is the product in this chemical reaction.
Question 21 (page 64)
A Incorrect. The freezing temperature is a physical
property of matter. The solid molecules would Question 24 (page 66)
still be the same substance as the liquid
molecules, just in a different physical state. A Incorrect. Sample #1 has a temperature gain of
48°C, the highest of the four samples.
B Incorrect. The evaporation rate of a liquid is a
physical property. The substance’s molecules B Incorrect. Sample #2 has a temperature gain of
would not change even if some of it were 46°C, the second highest of the four samples.
evaporated. C Correct. Sample #3 has a temperature gain of
C Incorrect. Density is a ratio of the mass and 40°C, the lowest of the four samples. It therefore
volume of a substance. This is a physical has the highest specific heat.
property and would not describe any of the D Incorrect. Sample #4 has a temperature gain of
substance’s chemical properties. 44°C, the second lowest of the four samples.
D Correct. The formation of a gas would be
evidence of a chemical change. The gas would
have different physical properties than the liquid Question 25 (page 67)
compound. The rearrangement of atoms would
have resulted in a new substance and would thus A Incorrect. Partial dissolving is the only obvious
be a chemical change. change. Dissolving does not produce a new
substance and so is a physical change and not a
chemical change.
Question 22 (page 64) B Correct. A temperature change and production of
a gas are evidence of a new substance being
A Incorrect. There are five atoms in the molecule, formed. This results from a chemical change.
but four of them are the same color and size, so
they must be of the same element. There are C Incorrect. Dissolving is the only obvious change.
only two elements in the methane molecule. Dissolving does not produce a new substance and
so is not a chemical change.
B Correct. There are two elements, carbon and
hydrogen, represented by the atoms in the D Incorrect. There is no evidence of any change in
methane molecule. There is one carbon atom and either substance, so no chemical change has
four hydrogen atoms in the molecule. occurred.
C Incorrect. There are two elements, but they are
bonded into a single molecule. Each unique
compound has its own unique arrangement of
Question 26 (page 68)
A Incorrect. Carbon has the atomic number 6. This
Science Answer Key
means it has six protons in its nucleus. The C Correct. Krypton is located within the same
model for this option has only four protons, family (Group 18) as neon. Therefore it has
making it a beryllium atom. physical properties most like neon’s.
B Correct. Carbon has the atomic number 6. This D Incorrect. Sodium is not located within the same
means it has six protons in its nucleus. Its family (Group 18) as neon. In fact, it is on the
atomic mass is about 12, which means it also has opposite side of the table, indicating that its
six neutrons in its nucleus. properties are probably very different from
C Incorrect. Carbon has the atomic number 6. This
means it has six protons in its nucleus. The
model for this option has seven protons, making
it a nitrogen atom.
Question 30 (page 69)
D Incorrect. Carbon has the atomic number 6. This A Incorrect. The atoms of sugar are rearranged, but
means it has six protons in its nucleus. The the original elements in sugar are still present in
model for this option has 12 protons, making it a carbon dioxide and water. There are not any new
magnesium atom. or different elements.
B Correct. The atoms in sugar are rearranged to
form molecules of the compounds carbon dioxide
Question 27 (page 69) and water.
B Correct. The atom has 44 protons, giving it an C Incorrect. The sugar molecule is broken down,
atomic number of 44. The mass of the rest of the but the products carbon dioxide and water are
nucleus is found by subtracting 44 from the total compounds, each having more than one element
atomic mass of 101 (101 − 44 = 57). This in them.
remaining mass of 57 must be made up of
D Incorrect. Sugar is a compound that is broken
57 neutrons.
down to form two different compounds, carbon
dioxide and water.
Question 28 (page 69)
A Incorrect. The atoms of any product must have Objective 4
been present in one of the original liquids.
B Incorrect. Any element present in the product Question 31 (page 88)
must have been present in one of the original
liquids. D Correct. According to the graph, the car traveled
50 km in 50 minutes. To convert minutes to
C Incorrect. A solid that forms again from a hours, multiply by 60 min/1 h. 50 km/50 min ×
solution represents a physical change. It is not a 60 min/h = 60 km/h.
product of a chemical change.
Another way to look at this problem is that the
D Correct. Chemical change produces substances line travels straight from 0 to 50 minutes. This
that have different properties than the original indicates a constant speed. Extending the
substances. straight line to 60 minutes (1 hour) will give you
the distance in kilometers per hour. The line will
pass through 60 minutes at 60 km, so the speed
Question 29 (page 69) is 60 km/h.
Science Answer Key
B Incorrect. The lever does not affect the mass of Question 36 (page 92)
the box.
C Incorrect. The work done by lifting the box a A Incorrect. The amount of work done is the same
given distance will be the same no matter what no matter what machine is used.
method is used to lift the box. B Correct. A pulley changes the direction of the
D Incorrect. The distance the box is lifted will be force used to do work.
less than the distance the girl must move her C Incorrect. A pulley does not change the amount of
end of the lever. force used.
D Incorrect. A pulley does not change the mass
Question 33 (page 90) being lifted.
Science Answer Key
D Correct. The areas on or near the equator does not necessarily involve particles of rock
experience the smallest change between summer being carried to another location.
and winter.
C Correct. The dissolving of rock is a type of
Question 40 (page 116) D Incorrect. Faulting is the movement of sections of
Earth’s crust and is not affected by the dissolving
A Incorrect. The entire visible side of the moon is of rock by rainwater.
lit during the full moon. The full moon occurred
on October 17th.
B Incorrect. Only a small portion of the visible side
Question 43 (page 117)
of the moon is lit during a crescent moon. This
A Incorrect. An effect of increased nitrogen levels is
crescent moon would have occurred a few days
rapid plant growth. Rapid plant growth might
before the new moon. October 10th was seven
interfere with fish survival and reproduction.
days after the new moon, so much more of the
visible portion of the moon would have been lit B Incorrect. Nitrogen would not affect the amount
by that date. of water in the pond, only the quality of the
C Incorrect. None of the visible side of the moon is
lit during the new moon. The new moon occurred C Correct. Nitrogen is a nutrient needed for plant
on October 3rd. growth. Increased nitrogen levels would increase
plant growth.
D Correct. About half the visible side of the moon is
lit during a quarter moon. The first quarter D Incorrect. Pond evaporation would not likely be
moon occurred midway between the new and full increased by nitrogen in the pond water. The
moons, on about October 10th. increased plant growth resulting from nitrogen
might actually slow pond water evaporation.
Science Answer Key
water would not keep soil from being removed by B Incorrect. Species extinctions would remove
wind or water erosion. animals that produce carbon dioxide. However,
there would probably be little net effect on the
D Incorrect. A slower rate of grass root growth
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
would more likely increase than decrease the loss
of soil due to erosion. C Incorrect. Wetlands are only a small part of
Earth’s total area. Wetland destruction would not
likely have the effect shown in the graph.
Question 46 (page 120) D Incorrect. Farm crops convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen. This would decrease the carbon dioxide
A Incorrect. Seafloor spreading occurs at diverging
level, not increase it.
boundaries under the ocean, not along a
converging boundary such as the one along the
South American coastline.
B Incorrect. Deposition can build up terrain, but it Cluster 1
does not cause the upward movement of large
sections of Earth’s crust required to form high Question 49 (page 123)
A Incorrect. The cell is the smallest unit of
C Correct. A continental and oceanic plate organization. Cells are very tiny and most cannot
converging at a plate boundary form mountains be seen without magnification. There are many
along a coastline. cells in one flower.
D Incorrect. Erosion is a destructive process that B Correct. Each flower is made up of several
wears away mountains. It does not create special tissues that aid in reproduction. Together
mountains. these tissues form an organ.
C Incorrect. An organism must be an individual
Question 47 (page 120) plant or animal, not merely part of a plant or
animal. The live oak flowers are part of the live
A Incorrect. The parking lot will not allow as much oak. Therefore the flowers are not an organism.
water to soak into the soil as the native forest D Incorrect. A population is a group of individuals
did. Therefore, more runoff is likely to occur from of the same species in the same place. Since
the parking lot, which will increase stream flows. these flowers are not individual organisms, they
B Incorrect. The parking lot will protect the soil cannot form a population.
from erosion, so there will be little sediment in
the runoff from the parking lot. The forest that
existed before would have been more likely to Question 50 (page 123)
lose soil because of runoff.
A Incorrect. Elemental carbon may be produced,
C Correct. Some of the cars parked in a parking lot but not in the ground.
will leak gasoline and oil. These pollutants will
be washed into the groundwater by rainwater. B Incorrect. Carbon atoms are combined to form
plant sugar during photosynthesis.
D Incorrect. A decrease in animal waste would not
decrease water quality. High levels of animal C Incorrect. Animals obtain carbon from eating
waste can contaminate groundwater. plant materials, not from burning wood.
D Correct. Burning transforms the carbon
compounds in the wood into carbon dioxide gas
Question 48 (page 121) and soot, which enter the atmosphere as smoke.
Science Answer Key
Science Answer Key
Question 58 (page 129) D Correct. If fewer gizzard shad were available, the
largemouth bass would likely eat more threadfin
A Correct. All the organs labeled are located on the shad.
outside of the catfish's body. Three of these
organs are located near the catfish’s mouth. They Science Activity
most likely help the catfish find food.
B Incorrect. Circulating blood happens inside the Science Activity: Sudden Impact!
body. These sense organs are located outside the Crashing the Crater Mystery (page 131)
C Incorrect. Organs inside the fish’s body control
Note: Your data may vary due to
floating and sinking. The sense organs are
differences in experimental conditions.
located on the outside of the body.
D Incorrect. These sense organs are not involved in
breathing. Breathing is a function of the gills, Crater Data Table
which are not sense organs. Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3 Average
Height Width Depth Width Depth Width Depth Width Depth
(cm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Question 59 (page 129) 30 33 11 37 14 36 12 35 12
60 40 15 44 16 40 16 41 16
A Correct. Potential energy is greatest at the 90 49 17 50 18 52 20 50 18
highest elevation. According to the diagram,
location W is the highest elevation. So water at
What were the differences in the craters that formed
this point would have the greatest potential
when the marble was dropped from different
heights? Support your answer with data from the
B Incorrect. Potential energy is greatest at the table.
highest elevation. Water at the upper end of the
reservoir is at a higher elevation than water at The width and depth of the craters increased as the
the lower end. height of the drop increased. The average width
increased by 6 mm at the 60 cm height and by
C Incorrect. Potential energy is greatest at the
another 9 mm at the 90 cm height. The average depth
highest elevation. Water at the lower end of the
increased by 4 mm at 60 cm and by another 2 mm at
reservoir is at a higher elevation than the water
the 90 cm height.
in the river below the dam.
What was the purpose of dropping the marble three
D Incorrect. Potential energy is greatest at the
times at each height?
highest elevation. Water in the river below the
dam is at a lower elevation than water in or Three drops produce more data. The more data that
above the reservoir. are collected, the more accurate the conclusion
usually is.
Explain what the following parts of the crater model
Question 60 (page 130) represent:
A Incorrect. If the gizzard shad grew larger, they The sand represents the surface of the moon.
would likely eat more plankton.
The marble represents an object flying through
B Incorrect. The gizzard shad growing larger would space.
not increase the amount of plankton available for
What are some weaknesses of your model?
the threadfin shad to eat.
The size and scale of the model is smaller than the
C Incorrect. Since the largemouth bass could no
actual moon. The marble is traveling slower than a
longer eat the larger gizzard shad, more gizzard
meteoroid. The sand has different properties than
shad would be available for the striped bass to
moon dust.
eat. The striped bass would likely eat more
gizzard shad. How could you improve this model?
Science Answer Key
Middle School Science
Texas Assessment
of Knowledge and Skills Grade 8
Work = force × distance W = Fd
distance d
Speed = s=
time t
Force = mass × acceleration F = ma
Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity Weight = mg
mass m
Density = D=
volume v
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8
speed of light = 3 × 10 8
1 cm 3 = 1 mL
Middle School Science
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Lanthanide Series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
140.12 140.908 144.24 (145) 150.36 151.97 157.25 158.925 162.50 164.930 167.26 168.934 173.04 174.967
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Actinide Series Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
232.038 231.036 238.029 237.048 (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (262)
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
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