Evaluation Quality Assessment Template

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Evaluation Quality Assessment Template

Organizational unit: Evaluation Office - UNFPA Year of report: 2008-2015

Title of evaluation report: Evaluation of UNFPA Support to Adolescents and Youth

Overall quality of report: Good Date of assessment: 12/19/2016

Overall comments: This report is very clearly written, with a great use of graphics and tables to communicate information. The
methodology is also well-conceptualized, particularly the selection of country case studies and the use of
numerous typical and atypical sources of data including a country office survey and e-Roundtable with youth
stakeholders. However, the report has two areas for improvement. First, data is often cited from internal
documents that are not included as part of the report (i.e., country case studies prepared for the evaluation
vs. the original data sources used in the case studies), or in generalities (i.e., “UNFPA interviews” vs.
information about the interviewee’s position), which prevents the reader from assessing its quality. Second,
the evaluators include both a chapter on “main findings and analysis” that focuses primarily on outputs of
UNFPA programming rather than cause-and-effect links, and a chapter on the reconstructed theory of
change, which analyses cause-and-effect links from UNFPA programming to outputs but does not include
any empirical evidence. These could have been better integrated in a way that used evidence to document
the cause-and-effect links that are discussed in the reconstructed theory of change.

Assessment Levels
weak, does not meet
Very strong, above average, satisfactory, with some weaknesses, Unsatis- minimal quality
Good: Fair:
good: best practice respectable still acceptable factory: standards
Insert assessment level followed by main comments. (use ‘shading’ function
Quality Assessment Criteria
to give cells corresponding colour)

1. Structure and Clarity of Reporting Assessment Level: Good

To ensure the report is comprehensive and user-friendly Comment:

 Is the report easy to read and understand (i.e. written in an
accessible non-technical language appropriate for the intended The report is very well organized and is very easy to read. The use of
audience)? graphics (e.g., in the executive summary p17) and tables (e.g., Table 1
on the integration of cross-cutting issues in various steps in the
 Is the report focused and to the point (e.g. not too lengthy)?
evaluation process) is generally very effective. In a few cases however
 Is the report structured in a logical way? Is there a clear
figures could be better integrated with the text as they are not always
distinction made between analysis/findings, conclusions,
referenced or given captions or legends (ex. the figure on the
recommendations and lessons learned (where applicable)?
evaluation components on p30). The length of the report is
 Do the annexes contain – at a minimum – the ToRs; a
consistent with other UNFPA evaluation reports (100-200 pages).
bibliography, a list of interviewees, the evaluation matrix and
methodological tools used (e.g. interview guides; focus group The report’s structure is logical, with fairly standard organization and
notes, outline of surveys)? clearly organized sub-sections. However, there is a section on the
Executive summary “ex-post theory of change” inserted between the findings and
 Is an executive summary included in the report, written as a conclusions. This section would be more effective if it were better
stand-alone section and presenting the main results of the integrated with the empirical section, because as it is currently
evaluation? presented it the assertions about the causal relationships in the
 Is there a clear structure of the executive summary, (i.e. i) theory of change are not explicitly supported by any empirical
Purpose, including intended audience(s); ii) Objectives and brief findings.
description of intervention; iii) Methodology; iv) Main The annexes contain the required sections.
conclusions; v) Recommendations)?
 Is the executive summary reasonably concise (e.g. with a The executive summary (pp15-25) is clear and includes subsections
maximum length of 5-10 pages)? describing the purpose and audience of the evaluation, intervention,
methodology, conclusions and recommendations. It is concise. The
executive summary does not include the evaluation questions or
criteria, however, which limits its ability to function as a stand-alone
2. Design and Methodology Assessment Level: Good

To ensure that the evaluation is put within its context Comment:

 Does the evaluation describe whether the evaluation is for
accountability and/or learning purposes? The evaluation describes clearly the objectives of the evaluation: to
 Does the evaluation describe the target audience for the assess how frameworks have guided interventions, and to facilitate
evaluation? learning to inform further interventions (p16). The target audience for
 Is the development and institutional context of the the evaluation is specified clearly as “UNFPA staff at all levels, UNFPA
evaluation clearly described? public and private sector implementing partners, civil society
 Does the evaluation report describe the reconstruction of organisations, policy makers and donors as well as the end
the intervention logic and/or theory of change? beneficiaries of UNFPA support” (p16) and discussed in detail
 Does the evaluation explain any constraints and/or general throughout the report. A discussion of global context of adolescents
limitations? and youth is included (p30), with effort made to place the evaluation
in this development and institutional context providing relevant
To ensure a rigorous design and methodology demographic data/trends (p42), definitions (p34), and reference to
 Is the evaluation approach and framework clearly described? institutional/organizational responses (e.g. International Conference
Does it establish the evaluation questions, assumptions, on Population and Development, p34). Limitations and associated
indicators, data sources and methods for data collection? mitigation strategies are discussed, with a focus on limitations of the
 Were the methods chosen appropriate for addressing the data collection activities of the evaluation (Table 8, p29).
evaluation questions? Are the tools for data collection
The report references the reconstruction of the intervention
described and justified?
logic/theory of change for UNFPA supports to adolescents and youth
 Is the methods for analysis clearly described?
based on reviewed UNFPA documents together with the report’s
 Are methodological limitations acknowledged and their
findings; however, a full discussion of the theory of
impact on the evaluation described? (Does it discuss how any
change/intervention logic is included in Volume 2 (not Volume 1) of
bias has been overcome?)
the report series (p18). For example, the report indicated that “[t]he
 Is the sampling strategy described? Does the design include quality and completeness of documentation provided at global and
validation techniques? regional level varied”; in response, the evaluation conducted a
 Is there evidence of involvement of stakeholders in the “thorough review ... to assess the documentation available...[and]
evaluation design? (Is there a comprehensive/credible
Additional literature was sought external to UNFPA to provide
stakeholder map?)
 Does the methodology enable the collection and analysis of alternative sources of information where data gaps exist or external
disaggregated data? validation was required” (p29-30).
 Is the design and methodology appropriate for assessing the
The evaluation highlights several limitations and the steps that the
cross-cutting issues (equity and vulnerability, gender equality
evaluators took to minimize them (pp37-8).
and human rights)?
The evaluation framework is clearly described. The evaluation
questions are outlined in the methodology section (p31). The
methodology for data collection and analysis is clearly described and is
rigorous. The evaluation uses multiple methods to collect data,
ranging from standard methods like stakeholder mapping and
document review, to a country office survey and e-roundtable on
facebook with youth. Much of the collected data is disaggregated. The
methods for analysing the data are also described in detail and

The countries selected for case studies were sampled to provide

variation in the region and the UNFPA country quadrant classification
system (pp33-4), as well as data availability and other criteria.

The evaluators did a stakeholder mapping, and consulted internal and

external stakeholders (pg37).
3. Reliability of Data Assessment Level: Good

To ensure quality of data and robust data collection processes Comment:

 Did the evaluation triangulate all data collected?
 Did the evaluation clearly identify and make use of qualitative The evaluation leverages both quantitative and qualitative data at
and quantitative data sources? appropriate points. There is evidence of triangulation in that the
 Did the evaluation make explicit any possible issues (bias, evaluators cite multiple different sources of information (often,
data gaps etc.) in primary and secondary data sources and if reports and interviews with UNFPA staff) for the same piece of data.
relevant, explained what was done to minimize such issues? Qualitative (e.g. financial data) and qualitative (e.g. e-Roundtable
I.e. did the evaluation make explicit possible limitations of responses) were used as appropriate and identified correctly
the data collected? throughout the report.
 Is there evidence that data has been collected with a
sensitivity to issues of discrimination and other ethical The evaluators note the limitations of their data sources, particularly
considerations? gaps in coverage, and cross-check data to mitigate this bias (pg38).
 Is there adequate gender disaggregation of data? And if this
has not been possible, is it explained? Data is disaggregated by gender where possible.
 Does the evaluation make explicit the level of involvement of
different stakeholders in the different phases of the The evaluation is explicit in when and how it involved stakeholders.
evaluation process? However, more detail could be provided regarding the level of
involvement for stakeholders across the phases of the evaluation
process (p18)
4. Analysis and Findings Assessment Level: Good

To ensure sound analysis Comment:

 Is information analysed and interpreted systematically and
logically? The interpretation of data/information gathered is analysed in a
 Are the interpretations based on carefully described systematic and logical manner, delineated by sub-sections and
assumptions? annotated with definitions and figures when necessary. Assumptions
 Is the analysis presented against the evaluation questions? are clearly defined throughout, with analysis presented against the
 Is the analysis transparent about the sources and quality of evaluation questions.
 Are possible cause and effect links between an intervention The report often remains at a level of generality that makes it difficult
and its end results explained? to assess the sources and quality of the data. For example, while the
 Where possible, is the analysis disaggregated to show report includes copious citations, many of the citations are to internal
different outcomes between different target groups? documents that are not included as part of the evaluation report or
 Are unintended results identified? annexes or merely cite the type of data rather than the actual source.
 Is the analysis presented against contextual factors? For example, on pg54 the evaluators cite the following as sources for
 Does the analysis include reflection of the views of different
a shift in UNFPA policy: “Country case studies: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt,
stakeholders (reflecting diverse interests)? E.g. how were
possible divergent opinions treated in the analysis? Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger.
 Does the analysis elaborate on cross-cutting issues such as Regional reviews: APRO, ESARO, LACRO. Interviews: UNFPA staff.”
equity and vulnerability, gender equality and human rights? These citations do not actually permit a reader to assess the quality of
this evidence. The evaluators should consider including the country
To ensure credible findings and regional case studies in the annexes if they want to cite them this
 Can evidence be traced through the analysis into findings? way, and instead of citing the broad category of “UNFPA interviews,”
E.g. are the findings substantiated by evidence? should cite specific types of interviewees by position and/or office.
 Do findings follow logically from the analysis? When examples are provided (ex. short discussions of the case
 Is the analysis of cross-cutting issues integrated in the studies of Kyrgyzstan and Nicaragua on pp59) it greatly improves the
quality of the evidence.

The report identifies possible cause and effect links between the
intervention and end results: e.g. the evaluation notes ‘Good
Practices’ that influenced results, such as the case of Lao People’s
Democratic Republic in which a study on barriers to youth friendly
health services informed evidence-based planning which improved
service provision (p49, External alignment between A&Y
programming, national priorities and A&Y needs). The evaluation is in
some sections overly focused on outputs rather than outcomes. For
example, evaluation question #3 asks to what extent UNFPA has
contributed to an increase in the availability of sexual and
reproductive health education and services (pg70). The second sub-
section header claims that “strengthened national capacities
contributed to increasing availability and use of integrated
reproductive health services for adolescents and youth” (pg74).
However, most of the information presented in this section is about
UNFPA programming, rather than the effects of that programming
with the exception of a quick mention of the Lao PDR program’s
effects on young people’s access (pp77-8).

When outcomes are discussed, the findings and analysis section

generally does not include a rigorous discussion of cause-and-effect
links. For example, on pp89-90, the effects of UNFPA’s advocacy and
technical assistance on national legislation are discussed, and the
evaluators mention that in Senegal 5,470 communities have
abandoned FGM, but the links from UNFPA programs to those
changes are not described. Contextual factors are mentioned in a
number of cases in the results section.

In the section titled “ex-post theory of change,” there is a thorough

discussion of contextual factors and cause-and-effect links but it is not
well-connected to the underlying data and analysis.

There is little discussion of unintended results.

The analysis reflects the views of a number of different stakeholders,
including UNFPA staff, independent reports, youth, and partners in

The findings do flow from the evidence, except in the case of

discussions of effectiveness for the reasons outlined above.

Cross-cutting issues were also presented clearly within the analysis of

findings including Human rights (p52), gender responsiveness (p53),
cultural sensitivity (p58), marginalized and vulnerable groups (Figure
16).Analysis of cross-cutting issues like equity, gender, and human
rights is well-integrated into the findings.
5. Conclusions Assessment Level: Good

To assess the validity of conclusions Comment:

 Are conclusions credible and clearly related to the findings?
 Are the conclusions demonstrating an appropriate level of Conclusions are organized clearly by ‘cluster’: conclusions on the
analytical abstraction? strategic positioning of UNFPA support to adolescent and youth;
 Are conclusions conveying the evaluators’ unbiased conclusions on program areas for UNFPA support to increase quality,
judgement of the intervention? effectiveness, and sustainability; conclusions on use of data for
evidence-based programming and learning (p124). However, this
could be made easier. The evaluators list the evaluation questions and
criteria below each conclusion (i.e., EQ 1.2, EQ 7.1, and EQ 7.2 under
conclusion 1) but these numbers seem to refer to assumptions in the
evaluation matrix (i.e., A1.2, A7.1, and A7.2 on pp4-17 of the

The conclusions demonstrate the appropriate level of abstraction.

The conclusions highlight both strengths and weaknesses of UNFPA’s

programs and there is no evidence of bias.
6. Recommendations Assessment Level: Very good

To ensure the usefulness and clarity of recommendations Comment:

 Do recommendations flow logically from conclusions?
 Are the recommendations sufficiently clear, targeted at the Recommendations flow logically from the conclusions and are linked
intended users and operationally-feasible? to specific conclusions in the text.
 Do recommendations reflect stakeholders’ consultations
whilst remaining balanced and impartial? Recommendations flow logically from conclusions, with specific
 Is the number of recommendations manageable? reference to which conclusion a recommendation relates to (e.g.
 Are the recommendations prioritised and clearly presented Recommendation 1 connected to Conclusions 2, 3, 4, and 10) (p138).
to facilitate appropriate management response and follow up The rationale for each recommendation is presented, followed by
on each specific recommendation? ‘Action Points’ that are operationally feasible. The recommendations
are targeted with intended users defined (and specified clearly in the
‘Target Level’ comments for each recommendation). The number of
recommendations (eight) is reasonable, and they are broken down
into 34 specific “action points”. The report indicates the priority level
of each recommendation clearly

There is no evidence of bias in the recommendations, and they seem

to reflect consultation with stakeholders.
7. Gender Assessment Level: Fair

To assess the integration of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Comment:

Women (GEEW)1
 Is GEEW integrated in the evaluation scope of analysis and GEEW is included in the evaluation scope of analysis, with explicit
indicators designed in a way that ensures GEEW-related data mention of “initiatives to reach marginalized and disadvantaged
to be collected? adolescents and youth, especially girls” (p16) and specific attention
 Do evaluation criteria and evaluation questions specifically given to the “integration of cross-cutting issues such as gender equity”
address how GEEW has been integrated into design, (p17). Data collected is disaggregated by gender where appropriate,
planning, implementation of the intervention and the results to allow GEEW to be integrated into analysis. The theory of change is
not presented (rather, it is presented in Volume 2) – so it is not clear
 Have gender-responsive evaluation methodology, methods
whether GEEW gender-sensitive indicators have been included.
and tools, and data analysis techniques been selected?
 Do the evaluation findings, conclusions and However, the report does discuss ways in which gender equality is
recommendations reflect a gender analysis? integrated into the methodological approach and data collection

In the e-Roundtable, a total of 190 youth leaders were contacted,

however less than half participated. It was stated that attention was
paid to the selection process to ensure gender balance, however the
participants are only disaggregated by region, so it is unclear how
many female youth leaders were invited to participate and how many
actually participated. More efforts should be made throughout the
report to disaggregate data by gender, especially when such data is
available. For example, how many female youth leaders were available
and what were the barriers, if any, to their participation? This type of
disaggregated data would further clarify and substantiate their findings.

The findings, conclusions, and recommendations take gender into


1This assessment criteria is fully based on the UN-SWAP Scoring Tool. Each sub-criteria shall be equally weighted (in correlation with the calculation in
the tool and totalling the scores 11-12 = very good, 8-10 = good, 4-7 = Fair, 0-3=unsatisfactory).
Overall Evaluation Quality Assessment

Assessment Levels (*)

Quality assessment criteria (scoring points*) Very good Good Fair Unsatisfactory

1. Structure and clarity of reporting, including executive

summary (7)
2. Design and methodology (13) 13
3. Reliability of data (11) 11
4. Analysis and findings (40) 40
5. Conclusions (11) 11
6. Recommendations (11) 11
7. Integration of gender (7) 7

Total scoring points 11 82 7

Overall assessment level of evaluation report Good

Very good  Good  confident Fair  use with Unsatisfactory

very confident to to use caution  not confident to
use use
(*) (a) Insert scoring points associated with criteria in corresponding column (e.g. - if ‘finding and analysis’ has been assessed as ‘good’, enter 40
into ‘Good’ column. (b) Assessment level with highest ‘total scoring points’ determines ‘Overall assessment level of evaluation report’. Write
corresponding assessment level in cell (e.g. ‘Fair’). (c) Use ‘shading’ function to give cells corresponding colour.
If the overall assessment is ‘Fair’, please explain2:

 How it can be used?

 What aspects to be cautious about?

Where relevant, please explain the overall assessment Very good, Good or Unsatisfactory3:

Consideration of significant constraints4

The quality of this evaluation report has been hampered by exceptionally difficult circumstances: X yes no

If yes, please explain:

The scope of field studies was reduced as a result of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Nepal was subsequently
included as a desk study.

2 The purpose here is to clarify in what way the report can be used. This in order to assist the elaboration of a relevant Management Response and the
wider use of the evaluation findings back into programming. When a report has been assessed as Fair, it is obligatory to fill this text box in.
3 The purpose is, where relevant, to clarify for example severe unbalances in the report (for example, the report is good overall but recommendations

very weak). Is optional to fill in.

4 E.g. this should only be used in case of significant events that has severely hampering the evaluation process like natural disasters, evaluators falling

sick, unexpected significant travel restrictions, etc. More ‘normal’ limitations should be mentioned under relevant section above.

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