Evaluation Quality Assessment Template
Evaluation Quality Assessment Template
Evaluation Quality Assessment Template
Overall comments: This report is very clearly written, with a great use of graphics and tables to communicate information. The
methodology is also well-conceptualized, particularly the selection of country case studies and the use of
numerous typical and atypical sources of data including a country office survey and e-Roundtable with youth
stakeholders. However, the report has two areas for improvement. First, data is often cited from internal
documents that are not included as part of the report (i.e., country case studies prepared for the evaluation
vs. the original data sources used in the case studies), or in generalities (i.e., “UNFPA interviews” vs.
information about the interviewee’s position), which prevents the reader from assessing its quality. Second,
the evaluators include both a chapter on “main findings and analysis” that focuses primarily on outputs of
UNFPA programming rather than cause-and-effect links, and a chapter on the reconstructed theory of
change, which analyses cause-and-effect links from UNFPA programming to outputs but does not include
any empirical evidence. These could have been better integrated in a way that used evidence to document
the cause-and-effect links that are discussed in the reconstructed theory of change.
Assessment Levels
weak, does not meet
Very strong, above average, satisfactory, with some weaknesses, Unsatis- minimal quality
Good: Fair:
good: best practice respectable still acceptable factory: standards
Insert assessment level followed by main comments. (use ‘shading’ function
Quality Assessment Criteria
to give cells corresponding colour)
The report identifies possible cause and effect links between the
intervention and end results: e.g. the evaluation notes ‘Good
Practices’ that influenced results, such as the case of Lao People’s
Democratic Republic in which a study on barriers to youth friendly
health services informed evidence-based planning which improved
service provision (p49, External alignment between A&Y
programming, national priorities and A&Y needs). The evaluation is in
some sections overly focused on outputs rather than outcomes. For
example, evaluation question #3 asks to what extent UNFPA has
contributed to an increase in the availability of sexual and
reproductive health education and services (pg70). The second sub-
section header claims that “strengthened national capacities
contributed to increasing availability and use of integrated
reproductive health services for adolescents and youth” (pg74).
However, most of the information presented in this section is about
UNFPA programming, rather than the effects of that programming
with the exception of a quick mention of the Lao PDR program’s
effects on young people’s access (pp77-8).
1This assessment criteria is fully based on the UN-SWAP Scoring Tool. Each sub-criteria shall be equally weighted (in correlation with the calculation in
the tool and totalling the scores 11-12 = very good, 8-10 = good, 4-7 = Fair, 0-3=unsatisfactory).
Overall Evaluation Quality Assessment
Quality assessment criteria (scoring points*) Very good Good Fair Unsatisfactory
Where relevant, please explain the overall assessment Very good, Good or Unsatisfactory3:
The quality of this evaluation report has been hampered by exceptionally difficult circumstances: X yes no
The scope of field studies was reduced as a result of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Nepal was subsequently
included as a desk study.
2 The purpose here is to clarify in what way the report can be used. This in order to assist the elaboration of a relevant Management Response and the
wider use of the evaluation findings back into programming. When a report has been assessed as Fair, it is obligatory to fill this text box in.
3 The purpose is, where relevant, to clarify for example severe unbalances in the report (for example, the report is good overall but recommendations
sick, unexpected significant travel restrictions, etc. More ‘normal’ limitations should be mentioned under relevant section above.