Evaluation Meta WHH - Inception Report Final (14 06 2017)

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Inception Report

to Welthungerhilfe

Meta-Evaluation and -Analysis of

Project Evaluations

Andrea Queiroz de Souza,

MA Organizational Development
MSc. Agricultural Extension

Independent Consultant

Bielefeld, 19.05.2017
Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Purpose 3
1.3 Evaluation subject / scope 4
1.4 Feedback on the Terms of Reference 5
2. Methodology 5
2.1 Methodological concept 5
2.2 Methods 6
2.2.1 Desk review / text analysis 6
2.2.2 Content analysis 7
2.2.3 Mail survey 7
2.2.4 Interviews 7
2.2.5 Learning event 8
2.3 Methodological limitations 8
3 The work plan 9
4 Roles and responsibilities 9
Annex 1: Evaluation Matrix 11
Annex 2: Assessment Checklist Evaluation Report Quality 22
Annex 3: Individual Checklist Evaluation Report Quality 28
Annex 4: Questionnaire for Mail Survey 30

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
With the Welthungerhilfe decentralisation process, Country Offices (COs) are
strengthened and empowered to improve programme quality and intensify relations
with national stakeholders and donors on the ground.
Consequently, M&E responsibilities were shifted from Welthungerhilfe Head Office to
the COs. This resulted into an increasing number of project evaluations being
commissioned and managed directly by the COs. Head Office Monitoring, Evaluation,
Learning and Accountability Team (MELA) is to focus on the commissioning and
management of strategic evaluations to respond to information needs for decisions
making mainly for the Executive Director Programmes and the Board of Directors.
However, during a transitional phase (2015-2017), MELA continues to commission
project evaluations in exceptional cases.
With the ongoing decentralisation of the project evaluation processes, the roles and
responsibilities for the staff responsible for evaluation at Head Office (HO) level has
changed. Staff is inter alia supposed to develop standards for evaluations, to provide
supporting material and advisory services related to evaluations to COs and projects
and to monitor the quality of evaluations. This is to make sure that Welthungerhilfe
evaluations adhere to international standards for quality evaluations.
In 2016, Welthungerhilfe conducted a total of 30 project evaluations. Out of these 30,
22 were commissioned and managed by the COs (decentralised evaluations), while 8
were commissioned and managed by the MELA HO team (centralised evaluations).
Meta-evaluations, i.e. evaluations of the project evaluations, are carried out by
Welthungerhilfe since 2015 to gain insights into the quality of evaluation reports and to
identify re-occurring patterns in findings and recommendation. International evaluation
standards encourage meta-evaluations as an integrated element of a quality
evaluation system.

1.2 Purpose
The overall objective of this meta-evaluation and -analysis is to provide a learning
opportunity for the MELA team and MELA focal points in the COs to improve the
Welthungerhilfe evaluation system, instruments and practices.
There are several specific objectives of the evaluation and analysis:
 To provide structured external feedback on the quality of evaluation reports as
well as the quality of the evaluation process.
 To contribute to improving advisory services and information offered by the
MELA headquarters team to the MELA focal points and other project staff
involved in the commissioning and managing of evaluations.
 To provide information on good practices in evaluation that will help MELA focal
points to improve their evaluation practices.

 To document re-occurring evaluation findings and recommendations from
evaluation reports in order to facilitate organisational learning and strategic
decision making.
 To reflect on opportunities and limitations of meta-evaluations and -analyses as
part of the Welthungerhilfe evaluation system. This will enable MELA to rethink
the existing evaluation system and its instruments with regard to the extent it
serves the information and learning needs of the organisation.

1.3 Evaluation subject / scope

The meta-evaluation and -analysis includes all 30 project evaluation reports approved
in 2016.
Out of these 30 evaluations, 22 were decentralised and 8 were centralised evaluations.
The meta-evaluation and -analysis seeks to answer the evaluation questions as stated
in the Terms of Reference, covering four major areas of interest to Welthungerhilfe:
 Evaluation standard “Accuracy”1: This looks at the quality of the evaluation
reports. The accuracy standards are intended to ensure that an evaluation
produces and conveys valid and comprehensible information and results on the
respective evaluation object and the evaluation questions. In this context,
scientific criteria of quality are of particular importance.
 Evaluation standards “Utility”, “Feasibility” and “Fairness”: These
standards reflect the process quality of the evaluation. In how far have
evaluations been able to ensure that they served the information needs of the
intended users (utility)? To what extent have evaluations been realistic, prudent,
diplomatic and efficient (feasibility)? Have evaluations been conducted in a
legally and ethically acceptable way and with due regard for the welfare of those
involved in the evaluation, as well as those affected by its results(fairness)?
 Patterns of re-occurring findings and recommendations: This is to identify
patterns of re-occurring findings and recommendations that could be relevant
beyond the project-context and bear learning-potential for Welthungerhilfe as
an organisation and serve as a basis for strategic decision-making
 Methodological reflection of the meta-evaluation and -analysis: This is a
reflection on the potentials and limitations of the meta-evaluation and -analysis
tool as a tool to provide valid and useful findings with regard to re-occurring
patterns of findings and evaluation and consequently on design options for
future meta-evaluations and -analyses. As in the past most meta-evaluations
tended to focus only or mainly on the quality of evaluation reports with a strong
focus on formal requirements, with limited consideration of the other evaluation
standards, this meta-evaluation and -analysis has a number of innovative
elements that will provide useful orientation for meta-evaluation as a concept.

The German Evaluation Association DeGEval has defined four evaluation standards: Accuracy, Utility,
Feasibility and Fairness. For all four standards, there is a subset of criteria detailing and describing the criteria.
1.4 Feedback on the Terms of Reference
The ToR provide clear objectives for the meta-evaluation and -analysis. Overall, the
evaluation questions provide a sound basis for designing the evaluation process.
However, some evaluation questions cannot be answered with the available
information and with the limited resources of the evaluation. The evaluation matrix (see
annex 1) therefore gives some suggestions for adapting the ToR. As the ToR do not
address the question of gender in the evaluation, the evaluator suggests adding this
aspect to the analysis.
The objectives and questions cover a wide range of topics. This will require a broad
investigation approach and means that not all topics can be explored in great detail.
However, it will be possible to provide information on all topics and deliver all
deliverables stated.

2. Methodology
In the following, the proposed methodology is outlined, following the logical chain of
the evaluation process. After introducing the general underlying methodological
concept for the meta-evaluation and -analysis, the methods and major activities to be
used during the inception, exploratory and synthesis phases are presented.
An evaluation matrix detailing the methods to be used for answering the evaluation
questions is attached (see annex 1).
At the end of the meta-evaluation and -analysis, the evaluator will provide
Welthungerhilfe with all raw data that is not related to individuals (e.g. the matrix with
all recommendations grouped by thematic areas). This will enable Welthungerhilfe to
carry out further analyses on topics of specific interests which will not be covered in
the framework of this meta-evaluation and -analysis.

2.1 Methodological concept

Participation: The methodological concept follows a participatory approach, involving
the relevant stakeholders as much as possible into all stages of the evaluation process
(within the given timeframe and with the given resources).
Frequent feedback loops during all stages of the evaluation (briefing meeting, feedback
on inception report, feedback on draft evaluation report, debriefing meeting, learning
event meeting) provide many opportunities for active participation for the MELA team,
the MELA focal points and other interested stakeholders.
By creating a space for the joint work on documents in O365, MELA focal points can
join the discussion on the inception report, the tools developed for data collection,
comment the draft final report, give suggestions for recommendations, etc. This also
contributes to increasing the transparency of the evaluation process.
Triangulation: Combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods as
a basis for the evaluation (methodological triangulation) allows making use of the
comparative strengths of both forms of inquiry, while compensating for the respective
weaknesses. By using different sources of information, the triangulation of sources is
applied, i.e. that the views of all major stakeholders will be included into the evaluation

2.2 Methods
In phase 1 (inception) of the meta-evaluation and -analysis, the evaluator prepared for
the assignment by reviewing the existing documents, clarifying the ToR and discussing
different options for designing the process during a briefing meeting with the MELA HO
evaluation officers, and by elaborating the inception report that presents the approach
and methodology for the meta-evaluation and -analysis in more detail.
Phase 2 will focus on data collection and exploration. During this phase, the major data
collection tools – desk review / text analysis, content analysis, interviews, mail survey
- will be implemented.
In phase 3 (synthesis phase), the evaluator will triangulate and analyse the results of
the different assessments and bring them together in a comprehensive evaluation
report. The report presents findings, conclusions and recommendations. It contains as
an annex a management response. A feedback loop is foreseen until the final version
is accepted by Welthungerhilfe. The synthesis phase will also be used to prepare the
additional deliverables. “Good Evaluation Practices” will document good evaluation
practice examples from the 30 evaluation reports as an orientation for MELA focal
points. “Scenarios for a Meta-Evaluation/-Analysis” will present findings and
recommendations directed to the question of how meta-evaluations and -analysis
could complement the Welthungerhilfe evaluation system.
Phase 4 addresses the dissemination of results and the learning the meta-evaluation
and -analysis can provide for the organisation. It includes a debriefing meeting with
MELA HO staff and a learning event for Welthungerhilfe HO staff.
The major methods used are presented in more detail in the following sub-chapters.

2.2.1 Desk review / text analysis

The main tool for analysing the quality of evaluation reports is a desk review, using text
analysis. The evaluator has developed a checklist for the assessment of the quality of
evaluation reports (see annexes 2 and 3) based on the evaluation standard “accuracy”
of the DeGEval. All other DeGEval evaluation standards cannot be assessed by
analysing the reports, but need other tools for assessment. The checklist has been
adapted to the specific requirements of Welthungerhilfe and of the ToR for the meta-
evaluation and -analysis. It was compared with other existing checklists, the checklist
used by Welthungerhilfe in the past and the quality criteria Welthungerhilfe
communicates through its evaluation ToR and documents on M&E within the
The checklist was pretested and adapted by the evaluator and a monitoring and
evaluation advisor of the MELA HO team before applying it to all reports. It defines
criteria for the analysis with a scoring system for four major criteria areas: formal overall
quality, presentation of the methodology, assessment of the DAC evaluation criteria
and the quality of conclusions and recommendations. The scoring system is explained
in detail in the assessment sheet to allow for comparability and traceability. For every
report, an individual assessment sheet is filled in. The summary of all sheets allows for
an overall quantitative assessment of reporting quality.
The assessment will include all 30 evaluation reports approved in 2016.
As a second element, the desk review will include an analysis of already existing data
with regard to the evaluation questions. E.g., MELA has already used a survey for
assessing the quality of the evaluation process and the utility of the evaluation for the
centralised evaluations. A survey among MELA focal points has already provided
useful information on the support needs with regard to advisory services from
headquarters. The results of these surveys will be included in the meta-evaluation and
-analysis assessment.

2.2.2 Content analysis

For identifying patterns of re-occurring findings and recommendations that could be
relevant beyond the project-context and bear learning-potential for Welthungerhilfe,
the major method used is Mayring’s content analysis. This method is characterised by
three basic steps: All statements (in this case all conclusions and recommendations)
are listed and grouped along defined topics. In a next step, the statements are
generalised and in a third step summarised and reduced to common statements on
the topic. All recommendations of the 30 evaluations will be processed with Mayring’s
content analysis.

2.2.3 Mail survey

A mail survey will be conducted among the Head of Projects of all projects evaluated
in 2016 and among the Country Directors and MELA focal points in those countries in
which evaluations were conducted in 2016. The focus of the mail survey is on the
quality of the evaluation process and the three evaluation standards “utility, fairness
and feasibility”, which cannot be explored through the desk study. It is expected that
the survey will provide quantitative as well as qualitative data on these topics. (See
annex 4 for the questionnaire).

2.2.4 Interviews
The more quantitative methods described above will be complemented by interviews
with selected relevant stakeholders (e.g. MELA team, MELA focal points, Country
Directors, Board of Directors / Executive Director, evaluators). Interviews are
particularly relevant for providing insights on the quality of the evaluation process and
on learning through evaluations at different levels. They will also be a major source
for the methodological reflection on the meta-evaluation and -analysis as part of the
Welthungerhilfe system. As stakeholder groups are very diverse, as well as the topics
they can respond to, the different questionnaires for guiding the semi-structured
interviews will be drafted during the evaluation process for each stakeholder group.

2.2.5 Learning event
To make sure that the results of the meta-evaluation and -analysis are used for
organisational learning, a learning event at Welthungerhilfe HO will be conducted. The
first part of the learning event will consist of a presentation and discussion of results.
The second part will be designed using elements of the Open Space Method. Open
Space is a creative method for working with larger groups. Participants will decide by
themselves which topics they want to continue discussing in small working groups.

2.3 Methodological limitations

There are several methodological limitations to the meta-evaluation and -analysis.
Text analysis is always subject to a certain degree of subjectivity. Having two people
assess each report could reduce this aspect, but resources will not allow for this
procedure. However, the evaluator tries to minimise subjectivity by defining
comparable and traceable judgement criteria with clear indicators and by discussing
the details for the different criteria with the MELA HO team.
The analysis of reports allows findings on the quality of the report, but is of limited value
with regard to the quality of the evaluation itself. It is likely, that some evaluators have
e.g. assessed a certain topic or have reflected on the limitations of the methods used,
but have failed to document it. To assess this, one would have to go far beyond text
It will also not be possible to compare the results of the meta-evaluation and -analysis
with the results of meta-evaluations of previous years, because the assessment criteria
used are different. Anyway, even using the same quality assessment checklist would
not render comparable results, because in previous years the criteria for assessing
evaluations as “good” or “poor” were not documented in a way to allow for replication.
With a very broad spectrum to be covered in a limited timeframe, it will not be possible
to explore all topics in-depth. The cross-checking of findings through triangulation will
also be limited. It will not be possible to include all stakeholder groups and to include
stakeholders’ groups to the same extent. Opinions of some stakeholder groups will
feature more prominently than others.
The assessment of recommendation patterns might be limited by the wide variety of
different projects. If recommendations turn out to be very specific with regard to the
sector the project works in, the number of projects in each sector might be too low to
identify recommendation patterns.
The evaluator will reflect on the limitations and to what extent they limit the viability of
findings in the final evaluation report.

3 The work plan
After the approval of the inception report, the evaluator will continue to implement the

Activity Time (calendar week)

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Preparation and reviewing of docum.

Briefing with MELA

Development of methodology and tools,

inception report

Desk review

Selected interviews

Documentation of good practices

Methodological reflection, scenario


Draft report

Debriefing with MELA

Conduct learning event

Final report and learning event


The following deadlines and meeting dates are agreed on:

 Submission of draft report: 28 of June
 Debriefing meeting: 3 of July
 Learning event: 6 of July (with a second option on 10 of July)
 Submission of final report and all other deliverables: 14 of July

4 Roles and responsibilities

The evaluator will be responsible for the timely delivery and the good quality of the
deliverables. She will conduct the data collection and analysis and prepare the
debriefing and the content part of the learning event.
Welthungerhilfe will be responsible for:

 Providing the contact details for the persons to be contacted during the
 Providing timely feedback on the deliverables
 Informing the stakeholders about the meta-evaluation and invite them to
participate in the survey, the interviews and the learning event
 Preparing the technical requirements and the facilitation materials for the
learning event

Annex 1: Evaluation Matrix

(based on the Welthungerhilfe ToR of April 2017)

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
a. Reporting quality
Accuracy 1.) To what extent are the FoO: report structure / table of contents: Text analysis Evaluation reports
evaluation reports logically - Background / objectives before findings Use of assessment
structured with clarity and - Findings before conclusions checklist
coherence (e.g. background and - Conclusions before recommendations
objectives are presented before
findings and findings are
presented before conclusions and
Accuracy 2.) To what extent is the executive FoO: report executive summary Text analysis Evaluation reports
summary a stand-alone-section - There is an executive summary Use of assessment
that presents the main information - The executive summary is a stand-alone checklist
of the evaluation? section
- The executive summary contains the
main information of the evaluation
Accuracy 3.) Is there a balance of questions This question should be removed from the
in the ToR that allow for an overall ToR, because the vast majority of evaluation
assessment of the project reports does not include the specific ToR of
according to the OECD/DAC the assignment in the annex. So with the
criteria and the assessment of available data, it is not possible to answer
project-relevant, the question
specific questions?
Accuracy 4.) To what extent do the ToR This question should be removed from the
focus on the assessment of ToR, because the vast majority of evaluation
(unintended) outcomes and reports does not include the specific ToR of
impacts? the assignment in the annex. So with the
available data, it is not possible to answer
Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
the question. One could change it to “To
what extent does the report focus on the
assessment of (unintended) outcomes and
impacts”? And then include it under the
effectiveness questions (EQ 8)
Accuracy 5.) Are the log frames, result This question allows two interpretations: Text analysis Evaluation reports
chains or other documentations of FoO: Discussion of the theory of change / Use of assessment
the theory of change (incl. results chain / logframe / indicators in terms of checklist
indicators) used as a reference quality assessment of the results logic
document for the assessment of Or
outcomes and impact? FoO: Effectiveness (and possibly impact) are
assessed with a clear reference to the logframe
and the indicators.
Both interpretations will be evaluated
Accuracy 6.) To what extent do the FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
evaluation reports represent a As the question is rather general, it will be Use of assessment
transparent description of the answered through the answers to the specific checklist
methodology applied to the sub-questions.
evaluation that clearly explains The overall answer will be given by adding /
how the evaluation was specifically summarising the answers to the sub-questions
designed to address the evaluation
criteria, yield answers to the
evaluation questions and achieve
evaluation purposes?
Accuracy 6a.) The report describes the data FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
collection methods and analysis, - The report describes the data collection Use of assessment
the rationale for selecting them methods checklist
- The report describes why the respective
data collection methods have been
chosen for the evaluation
- It is plausible that the data collection
methods have been chosen taking into

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
account the framework conditions (e.g.
resources for the evaluation, answering
the specific evaluation questions,
characteristics of the project or the target
Accuracy 6b.) The report describes the data FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
sources, the rationale for their - The report describes the data sources Use of assessment
selection, and their limitations - The report describes the rationale for the checklist
selection of the data sources
It is recommended to rather assess if the
limitations of the chosen methods are discussed
(not the limitations of the sources)
Accuracy 6c.) The report includes a FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
discussion on how the mix of data - A triangulation of methods is applied Use of assessment
sources was used to obtain a (using different methods to obtain checklist
diversity of perspectives, ensure findings)
data accuracy and overcome data - A triangulation of data is applied (using
limits different sources, including the views of
different stakeholders)

Accuracy 6d.) The report describes the FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
sampling frame, rationale for - The report describes the sample frame Use of assessment
selection, mechanics of selection, - The report describes the rationale for checklist
numbers of selected potential selecting the sample
subjects, and limitations of the - The report describes the numbers of the
sample selected sample
- The report describes the limitations of
the sample
Accuracy 6e.) The report presents evidence This question is rather vague. To Text analysis Evaluation reports
that adequate measures were complement the sub-questions on evaluation Use of assessment
taken to ensure data quality, methodology, the evaluator proposes to use checklist
including evidence supporting the another question:

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
reliability and validity of data The report explains in how far existing data
collection tools (e.g. interview (e.g. from baselines, partners, the monitoring
protocols, observation tools, etc.) system) was included into the assessment
Accuracy 7) To what extent do the FoO: Methodology Text analysis Evaluation reports
evaluation reports give a complete - The report explains how the evaluation Use of assessment
description of stakeholder’s design addressed the participation of checklist
participation process in the stakeholders in the evaluation process
evaluation, including the rationale - The evaluation report states at least one
for selecting the particular level reason for the level of participation
and activities for participation? selected
Accuracy 8.) To what extent do findings FoO Findings / DAC Evaluation criteria: Text analysis Evaluation reports
respond directly to the evaluation This question is too broad and very difficult Use of assessment
criteria and questions detailed in to operationalise. The evaluator proposes to checklist
the objectives section of the report specify the question much more, also in
and are based on evidence order to be able to cover the different
derived from data collection and evaluation criteria which form a core part of
analysis methods described in the the assessment:
methodology section of the report? Relevance:
Specifically… - In the relevance chapter, the report
discusses to what extent the activities
and outputs of the programme are
consistent with the overall goal
It would be good to have a second and third
criterion on relevance, but the explanations
of what should be covered under relevance
are too different in the template explanation
of centralised and decentralised evaluations
to come up with a strong second criterion
that could be valid for both


Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
- The evaluation report presents
findings on the extent to which
objectives are being achieved / have
been achieved
- The evaluation report refers to the
logframe indicators to assess the
effectiveness of the project or does
he/she explain, why the indicators
were not used
- The report explains which factors
influenced the achievement or non-
achievement of the objectives?

- The report allocates at least for one
example costs to outputs
- The report discusses if outputs or
activities could have been
implemented with less resources
- The report discusses the advantages
and disadvantages of different
options for the use of resources or
explains why different options cannot
be considered

- The report reflects on the existence of
evidence for impact
- The report assesses the plausibility of
the project contributing to long-term

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
- The report reflects on unintended
(positive or negative) outcomes

- The report reflects on the existence
and quality of exit strategies to
increase sustainability
- The report reflects on the likely
challenges for sustainability
- The report reflects on the likely
degree of sustainability for at least
two activities / outputs / outcomes
Accuracy 9.)To what extent do conclusions FoO: Quality of Triad Findings – Conclusions – Text analysis Evaluation reports
present reasonable judgements Recommendations Use of assessment
based on findings and - The report differentiates between checklist
substantiated by evidence, and findings/analysis, conclusions and
provide insights pertinent to the recommendations
purpose of the evaluation? - The report bases at least 80% of its
conclusions on findings
- At least two of the conclusions relate to
the objectives of the evaluation as stated
in the chapter on the evaluation purpose
Accuracy / 10.) To what extent do FoO: Recommendations Text analysis Evaluation reports
Utility recommendations clearly identify - The report states recommendations, i.e. Use of assessment CD, MELA focal
the target group for each it does provide advice on what should be checklist points, HoP
recommendation; clearly state done to improve project performance / Mail survey
priorities; are actionable and the achievement of objectives Interviews
reflect an understanding of the - There is a clear link of recommendations
commissioning organization and to findings / conclusions
potential constraints to follow-up? - The recommendations are targeted at
different actors

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
- The recommendations are SMART (i.e.
address specific actors, prioritised,
- The number of recommendations is
adequate (not to broad and not to
detailed, adequate number to be
specified with MELA before using the
assessment checklist)
If recommendations are
- Feasible
- Reflect an understanding of the
commissioning organization and its
potential constraints to follow-up
Will be explored through mail survey and
Fairness 11.) To what extent do the reports Should be removed as this is impossible to Mail survey HoP, to a lesser
generally document the impartial judge from the reports. It could, however be Interviews degree CD and
and unbiased position of the rephrased and put under the process quality MELA focal points
evaluator? as:
Are the evaluated perceiving the evaluators
as impartial and unbiased?
Accuracy 12a.) Do the reports comply with FoO: Overall reporting quality / completeness Text analysis Evaluation reports
the Welthungerhilfe reporting As the assessment checklist has been Use of assessment
requirements as laid down in the developed to a high extent along the standard checklist
(standard) ToRs? ToR, the answer to this question will be through
adding the results of the specific questions
Classification of excellent / good / rather
satisfying, etc. reports will have to be
discussed with MELA
Process 12b.) Do the existing FoO: MELA support quality and requirements See b10 See b10
quality / Welthungerhilfe formats, templates This sub-question is almost identical with
Feasilbility and materials suffice to ensure b10 under process quality. Remove here and

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
good quality evaluation reports? add “What should be included in the future?”
What should be included in the to b10.
Accuracy 13.) Are there major differences FoO: Comparison of centralised and Text analysis Evaluation reports
with regard to the reporting quality decentralised evaluations Use of assessment
between project evaluations checklist
commissioned by the MELA team Data comparison
and Country Offices? between centralised
and decentralised
Accuracy 14.) What are the main influencing FoO: factors influencing reporting quality Mail Survey All stakeholders
factors on the reporting quality of It will not be possible to explore this question Interviews
evaluation reports? based on empirical evidence, as many factors
that could potentially influence the quality of
reports (e.g. experience and technical expertise
of evaluators, resources dedicated to the
evaluation) cannot be collected in the framework
of the meta-evaluation.
Therefore, the focus will be on exploring
opinions / impressions of stakeholders
b.) Process quality (Utility,
feasibility, fairness)
Fairness 1.)To what extent were obligations FoO: Clarity of division of tasks and Mail Survey MELA, HoP? Or
of the formal parties to the responsibilities Interviews CD? (clarify)
evaluations (what is to be done,
how, by whom, when) agreed to in
writing, so that these parties are
obliged to adhere to all conditions
of the agreement or to renegotiate
Utility 2.) Did the evaluations ensure that FoO: Involvement of different stakeholders in the Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
interests of the persons or groups preparation of the evaluation and its design Interviews

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
involved in or affected by the
evaluation were identified, so that
their interests can be clarified and
taken into consideration when
designing the evaluation?
Utility 3.) To what extent did the FoO: Results orientation of the evaluation Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
evaluations ensure that the Interviews
evaluation is guided by both the
clarified purposes of the evaluation
and the information needs of its
intended users?
Utility 4.) To what extent were the FoO: Competences of evaluators (technically Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
person(s) conducting an and methodologically) Interviews
evaluation trustworthy as well as
methodologically and
professionally competent, so that
the evaluation findings achieve
maximum credibility and
Utility 5.) To what extent were the FoO: Timing of the evaluation (too late to take Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
evaluations initiated and into account for strategic decisions or design of Interviews
completed in a timely fashion, so successor project, too early to measure what
that its findings can inform pending needed to me measured)
decision and improvement
Feasibility 6.) Is the time dedicated to the FoO: Efficiency (enough time to carry out a Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
evaluations sufficient for the thorough and professional evaluation, adequate Interviews
evaluand? cost / benefit relation)
Utility 7.) To what extent were the FoO: Acceptance of evaluation findings / Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
evaluations planned, conducted willingness to utilize findings Interviews
and reported in ways that
encouraged the acceptance and

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
ultimately utilization of the
evaluation findings?
Fairness 8.) Did all stakeholders, to the FoO: Transparency / Dissemination of Mail Survey MELA, HoP, CD
extent possible, have access to evaluation results Interviews
the evaluation findings?
9.) Are there major differences FoO: Comparison of centralised and Data comparison MELA, HoP, CD
with regard to the process quality decentralised evaluations between centralised
between project evaluations and decentralised
commissioned by the MELA team evaluations
and Country Offices? (summary of results
from mail survey
and interviews)
10.) Do the existing FoO: Quality / completeness / utility of Mail Survey All stakeholders
Welthungerhilfe formats, supporting material and advisory services Interviews
templates, materials and advisory Here, complete: What should be included in
services suffice to ensure good the future?
quality evaluation processes?
11.) What are the main influencing FoO: factors influencing process quality Mail Survey All stakeholders
factors on the quality of the It will not be possible to explore this question Interviews
evaluation process? based on empirical evidence, as many factors
that could potentially influence the quality of the
process (extent to which all stakeholders had
access to findings, timeliness for decision
making) cannot be collected in the framework of
the meta-evaluation.
Therefore, the focus will be on exploring
opinions / impressions of stakeholders
c.) Meta-Analysis: Patterns of
re-occurring findings and
12.) Which patterns of re-occurring FoO: Contents of recommendation, strategic Text analysis Evaluation reports
findings and recommendations learning / decision-making interests

Key areas Evaluation questions and sub- Assessment criteria / fields of observation Methods of data Sources of
questions (FoO) collection and information
could be relevant beyond the Content analysis
project-context and thus bear a (by Mayring
learning potential for method)
Welthungerhilfe as an organisation
and can serve as a basis for a
(strategic) decision making?
d.) Methodological Reflection:
Meta-Evaluation /-Analysis as
part of the Welthungerhilfe
evaluation system
13.) Can the meta-evaluation FoO: Résumé, suggestions / recommendations Reflection of meta- Evaluator, MELA
(conceptualized as is; with the for future meta-evaluations evaluation process HQ
current reporting quality and Critical discussion / reflection on the process and results
quantity) generate reliable data on and the results, potentials and limitations
trends and patterns that allow for
organisational learning and
(strategic) decision-making? If no,
which preconditions would be
needed to allow for data on trends
and patterns?

Annex 2: Assessment Checklist Evaluation Report Quality
(based on DeGEval standards, the Welthungerhilfe ToR of April 2017, old
Welthungerhilfe assessment checklist)

Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating

1 Overall quality Maximum points
achievable: 9

Section overall quality:

Fully fulfilled / to a great
extent: 8-9
Mainly fulfilled:
Rather unsatisfying:
1.1 The structure of the 1.1.1 The background / 1.1.1 yes: 1, no: 0
report is clear and evaluation objectives are
coherent (EQ 1) presented before the findings 1.1.2 yes: 1, no: 0
1.1.2 The findings are presented
before the conclusions 1.1.3 yes: 1, no: 0
1.1.3 The conclusions are Maximum points 3
presented before the
1.2 The executive 1.2.1 The executive summary is 1.2.1 yes: 1, no: 0
summary is a stand- comprehensible as a stand-
alone section alone document 1.2.2 a) 1
presenting the main 1.2.2 a) The executive summary
information of the presents a summary of all major b) 0,5
evaluation (EQ 2) elements of the evaluation (i.e. c) 0
description of project and 1.2.3: yes: 1, no: 0
framework conditions (1),
findings on all five DAC criteria – Maximum points: 3
relevance (1), effectiveness (1),
efficiency (1), outcomes / impact
(1), sustainability (1),
conclusions / lessons learnt (1),
major recommendations (1))
- b ) The executive summary
presents a summary of at least
five (out of the eight) of the
major elements of the evaluation
c) The executive summary
presents a summary of less than
five (out of eight) of the major
elements of the evaluation
1.2.3 The language of the
executive summary is sufficiently
adequate to allow for publishing
Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating
1.3 The length of the 1.3.1 a) The main section of the 1.3.1 yes: 1, no: 0
report is adequate to report (excluding table of
cover the major content, abbreviations and Maximum points: 1
aspects of the annexes) is between 20 to 40
evaluation and at the pages long
same time be economic OR
to read (additional) - b) The main section of the
report (excluding table of
content, abbreviations and
annexes) is shorter than 20
pages or longer than 40 pages
1.4 The report includes 1.4.1 The report discusses if / 1.4.1 yes: 1, no: 0
an assessment of how how the project addresses
the project addresses gender issues 1.4.2 yes: 1, no: 0
gender issues and how 1.4.2 The assessment of
women / men benefit effectiveness / outcomes / Maximum points 2
from project impacts includes observations
interventions on how women / men benefit
(additional) from project interventions
2 Methodology / Validity and reliability of Maximum points
information achievable: 16

Section methodology:
Fully fulfilled / to a great
extent: 15-16
Mainly fulfilled:
Rather unsatisfying:
< 11
2.1 An inception report 2.1.1 The report indicates that 2.1.1 yes: 1, no: 0
or minutes of the kick- an inception report / minutes of
off meeting replacing the kick-off meeting has Maximum points 1
the inception report documented the methodology to
outline the be applied
methodology to be
applied (additional)
2.2 The report 2.3.1 The report describes the 2.3.1 yes: 1, no: 0
describes the data data collection methods
collection methods and 2.3.2 The report describes the 2.3.2 yes: 1, no: 0
analysis, the rationale rationale for selecting the data
for selecting them (EQ collection methods selected 2.3.3 yes: 1, no: 0
6a) 2.3.3 It is plausible that the data
collection methods have been 2.3.4 yes: 1, no: 0
chosen taking into account the
framework conditions (e.g. Maximum points 4
resources for the evaluation,
answering the specific
evaluation questions,
characteristics of the project or
the target group)

Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating
2.3.4 The report describes the
limitations of the chosen
2.3 The report 2.4.1 The report describes the
describes the data data sources 2.4.1 yes: 1, no: 0
sources and the 2.4.2 The report describes the
rationale for their rationale for the selection of the 2.4.2 yes: 1, no: 0
selection (EQ 6b) data sources
Maximum points 2
2.4 The report includes 2.5.1 The report applies a 2.5.1 yes: 1, no: 0
a discussion on how triangulation of methods (using
the mix of data sources at least two different methods to 2.5.2 yes: 1, no: 0
was used to obtain a obtain findings)
diversity of 2.5.2 The report applies a Maximum points 2
perspectives, ensure triangulation of data (using at
data accuracy and least two different sources and
overcome data limits including the views of different
(EQ 6c) stakeholder groups)

2.5 The report 2.6.1 The report describes the 2.6.1 yes: 1, no: 0
describes the sampling sample frame
for the evaluation 2.6.2 The report describes the 2.6.2 yes: 1, no: 0
process (EQ 6d) rationale for selecting the
sample 2.6.3 yes: 1, no: 0
2.6.3 The report describes the 2.6.4 yes: 1, no: 0
numbers of the selected sample
2.6.4 The report describes the Maximum points 4
limitations of the sample
2.6 The report explains 2.7.1 The report explains in how 2.7.1 yes: 1, no: 0
if the evaluation has far existing data (e.g. from
avoided duplications in baselines, partners, the Maximum points: 1
data collection by monitoring system) was included
relying as far as into the assessment
possible on existing
2.7 The report explains2.8.1 The report explains how 2.8.1 yes: 1, no: 0
if the evaluation was the evaluation design addressed
designed as a the participation of stakeholders 2.8.2 yes: 1, no: 0
participatory process in the evaluation process
(EQ 7) 2.8.2 The evaluation report Maximum points 2
states at least one reason for the
level of participation selected
2 Analysis along DAC criteria (EQ 8) Maximum points
achievable: 19

Section DAC criteria

Fully fulfilled / to a great
extent: 17-19
Mainly fulfilled:
Rather unsatisfying:
Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating
< 11
3.1 The report 3.1.1 The report discusses to 3.1.1 yes: 1, no: 0
adequately assesses what extent the activities and
the relevance of the outputs of the project are 3.1.2 yes: 1, no: 0
project consistent with the overall goal
3.1.2 The report discusses to 3.1.3 yes: 1, no: 0
what extent the project
addresses a core problem of the Maximum points 3
target group
3.1.3 The report addresses to
what extent the project is in line
with relevant strategies (e.g. by
Welthungerhilfe, major
international / national
3.2 The report 3.2.1 The evaluation report 3.2.1 yes: 2, no: 0
adequately assesses presents findings on the extent
the effectiveness of the to which objectives are being 3.2.2 yes: 2, no: 0
project achieved / have been achieved
3.2.2 The evaluation report 3.2.3 yes: 2, no: 0
refers to the logframe indicators
to assess the effectiveness of Attention: Because of the
the project or does he/she high importance of
explain, why the indicators were effectiveness, all points are
not used (EQ 5) weighed with a factor of 2,
3.2.3 The report explains which therefore a “yes” counts for 2
factors influenced the points, instead of 1
achievement or non-
achievement of the objectives? Maximum points 6
3.3 The report 3.3.1 The report allocates at 2.5.2 yes: 1, no: 0
adequately assesses least for one example costs to
the efficiency of the outputs 2.5.3 yes: 1, no: 0
project 3.3.2 The report discusses if
outputs or activities could have 2.5.4 yes: 1, no: 0
been implemented with less
resources Maximum points 3
3.3.3 The report provides
plausible reasons why efficiency
is rated high / medium / low
3.4 The report 3.4.1 The report reflects on the 3.4.1 yes: 1, no: 0
adequately assesses existence of evidence for
the outcomes / impacts outcomes and impact 3.4.2 yes: 1, no: 0
of the project 3.4.2 The report assesses the
plausibility of the project 3.4.3 yes: 1, no: 0
contributing to long-term change
3.4.3 The report reflects on Maximum points 3
unintended (positive or negative)
3.5 The report 3.5.1 The report reflects on the 3.5.1 yes: 1, no: 0
adequately assesses existence and quality of exit
the sustainability of the strategies to increase 3.5.2 yes: 1, no: 0
project sustainability

Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating
3.5.2 The report reflects on the 3.5.3 yes: 1, no: 0
likely challenges for
sustainability Maximum points 3
3.5.3 The report reflects on the
likely degree of sustainability for
at least two activities / outputs /
3.6 The report bases 3.6.1 The report relates findings 3.6.1 yes: 1, no: 0
findings on evidence to evidence derived from data
collection and analysis methods
4 Quality of conclusions and recommendations Maximum points
achievable: 16

Attention: Because of the

high importance of
conclusions and
recommendations, all points
are weighed with a factor of
2, therefore a “yes” counts
for 2 points, instead of 1

Section conclusions and

Fully fulfilled / to a great
extent: 15-16
Mainly fulfilled:
Rather unsatisfying:
< 11
4.1 Conclusions are 4.1.1 The report differentiates 4.1.1 yes: 1, no: 0
based on findings (EQ between findings/analysis,
9) conclusions and 4.1.2 yes: 1, no: 0
4.1.2 The report bases at least Maximum points 2
80% of its conclusions on
4.2 Conclusions relate 4.2.1 At least two of the 4.2.1 yes: 1, no: 0
to the evaluation conclusions relate to the
purpose (EQ 9) objectives of the evaluation as Maximum points: 1
stated in the chapter on the
evaluation purpose
4.3 To what extent 4.3.1 The report states 4.3.1 yes: 1, no: 0
does the report provide recommendations, i.e. it does 4.3.2 yes: 1, no: 0
quality provide advice on what should 4.3.3 yes: 1, no: 0
recommendations? (EQ be done to improve project 4.3.4 yes: 1, no: 0
10) performance / the achievement 4.3.5 yes: 1, no: 0
of objectives (or for final
evaluations recommendations Maximum points 5
for future similar projects)

Criterion / Quality Description / Definition Grading / Rating
4.3.2 There is a clear link of
recommendations to findings /
4.3.3 The recommendations are
targeted at different actors
4.3.4 The recommendations are
SMART (i.e. address specific
actors, prioritised, realistic)
4.3.5 The number of
recommendations is adequate
(not less than 5, not more than
Total: Report Quality Maximum points
achievable: 60

Section overall quality:

Fully fulfilled / to a great
extent: 52-60
Mainly fulfilled:
Rather unsatisfying:
< 34

Annex 3: Individual Checklist Evaluation Report Quality
Criterion / Quality indicator Grading / Comments
Project Title:
Project Number:
Responsible for WHH:
2 Overall quality X of 9
1.1 The structure of the report is clear and
1.2 The executive summary is a stand-alone
section presenting the main information of the
1.3 The length of the report is adequate to cover
the major aspects of the evaluation and at the
same time be economic to read
1.4 The report includes an assessment of how the
project addresses gender issues and how women
/ men benefit from project interventions

2 Methodology / Validity and reliability of X of 16

2.1 An inception report or minutes of the kick-off
meeting replacing the inception report outline the
methodology to be applied
2.2 The report describes the data collection
methods and analysis, the rationale for selecting
2.3 The report describes the data sources and the
rationale for their selection
2.4 The report includes a discussion on how the
mix of data sources was used to obtain a diversity
of perspectives, ensure data accuracy and
overcome data limits
2.5 The report describes the sampling for the
evaluation process
2.6 The report explains if the evaluation has
avoided duplications in data collection by relying
as far as possible on existing data
2.7 The report explains if the evaluation was
designed as a participatory process

3 Analysis along DAC criteria X of 19

3.1 The report adequately assesses the relevance
of the project
3.2 The report adequately assesses the
effectiveness of the project
3.3 The report adequately assesses the efficiency
of the project
3.4 The report adequately assesses the outcomes
/ impacts of the project
Criterion / Quality indicator Grading / Comments
3.5 The report adequately assesses the
sustainability of the project
3.6 The report bases findings on evidence

4 Quality of conclusions and X of 16

4.1 Conclusions are based on findings (EQ 9)
4.2 Conclusions relate to the evaluation purpose
(EQ 9)
4.3 To what extent does the report provide quality
recommendations? (EQ 10)
Total: Report Quality
X of 60

Annex 4: Questionnaire for Mail Survey

Dear Country Directors, MELA Focal Points and Heads of Project,

your project (or projects in your country) has/have been evaluated in 2016 and this is
why we would like to include you in our survey for evaluating the evaluations.
Since 2014, Welthungerhilfe is carrying out yearly meta-evaluations of all evaluation
reports. So far, the meta-evaluation was mainly a desk study, looking at the (formal)
quality of the reports. But important aspects like the utility of the evaluation process
cannot be explored by analysing a report. Maybe the report is formally perfect, but
the recommendations seem useless for project steering? Maybe you got very useful
recommendations, but the credibility of the report is low, because the evaluator has
not been able to present the methodology according to standards? If the aim is
“learning from evaluations”, then the aspect of usefulness is key.
This years’ meta-evaluation will therefore include an assessment of the quality of the
evaluation process. Please, support us by taking approximately 20-30 minutes to
answer the following questions.
If you find it difficult to answer the questions or some of the questions, because you
have not been involved in the evaluation or in some aspects of it, please, skip the
question(s) and simply state “not involved” in the space for specifications. If you have
been involved in different evaluations in 2016, you can provide an overall opinion in
the “I agree – I disagree” section, and give more specific answers on each evaluation
also in the space for specifications, for example if you feel that one evaluation has
been much more useful than another one.
As this is a mail survey, your answers are anonymous and confidential and results
will only be displayed in a general way. Please, fill in this Word document and send it
to: andreasouza@online.de
We apologize that the questionnaire is only provided in English. Time resources did
not allow to prepare questionnaires also in German, French, Spanish and
Portuguese. We trust that your English will be sufficient to understand the questions.
Of course, you can answer in a major international language you feel most
comfortable with (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese).
If you have any further comments or questions, please contact the external evaluator,
Andrea Queiroz de Souza: andreasouza@online.de

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Type of evaluation:

Final evaluation: □
Mid-term evaluation: □
Other: □ If other, please specify:

Not sure: □

Responsibility for the evaluation

Centralised evaluation (managed by MELA staff from headquarters) □

Decentralised evaluation (managed directly by country office or project itself) □
Not sure □

The usefulness and utilization of the evaluation

1.) Overall, the results of the evaluation have been relevant to the evaluation’s
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

2.) The recommendations of the evaluation have been useful for the project.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

3.) The recommendations have been feasible (e.g. reflected a good understanding
of Welthungerhilfe and its potentials and constraints to follow-up on
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

4.) Some of the recommendations could be useful beyond the project for
Welthungerhilfe as an organisation (e.g. for the strategy, for similar projects).
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

5.) Welthungerhilfe is making an effort to use recommendations from project

evaluations at other levels of the organisation.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

6.) How did you use the recommendations? (Several answers possible)

Discuss with staff and agree on action □

Discuss with Country Office and agree on action □
Fill in management response sheet □
Fill in management response sheet and documenting the implementation of the
recommendations □
Other Please specify: □
Not at all □
If not, please state the reasons

The evaluation process

1.) The evaluator(s) was /were fair / unbiased / impartial.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

2.) The evaluator(s) were technically competent for the evaluation topic.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

3.) The evaluator(s) were methodologically competent for carrying out the
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

4.) The evaluator(s) showed a good understanding of project management reality.

I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

5.) Adequate resources were dedicated to the evaluation.

I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

6.) The evaluation was carried out at the right time to fulfil its objectives.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

7.) Key stakeholders (e.g. partners, donors, target groups) were adequately involved
in preparing for the evaluation.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify (e.g. how, why not):

8.) Key stakeholders (e.g. partners, donors, target groups) were adequately involved
in the entire evaluation process.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify (e.g. how, why not):

9.) The Terms of Reference / the contract with the evaluator(s) clearly stated the
responsibilities and the obligations of all parties involved (who was to do what
and when).
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify (e.g. how, why not):

10.) The support provided by headquarters and/or the country office throughout the
evaluation process was adequate.
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify (e.g. how, why not):
11.) Welthungerhilfe formats, templates, materials and advisory services
have been helpful for promoting good quality evaluation processes?
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify (e.g. how, why not):
12.) Is there anything you would like to see included in the format,
templates, materials and advisory services in the future?

13.) What did you do to provide access to the evaluation findings for the different
stakeholders? (e.g. dissemination of report to whom, inclusion of partners in
debriefing workshop)

14.) The evaluation was conducted in a way that encouraged acceptance and
utilisation of the evaluation findings
I agree I rather agree I rather disagree I disagree

Please, give reasons for your answer / specify:

15.) In your opinion, what are the main factors influencing the quality of an

Which recommendations would you give to your colleagues who are preparing for an
evaluation of their projects? What has to be taken into account when


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