EBP in Nursing
EBP in Nursing
EBP in Nursing
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Suzanne C. Beyea, RN, PhD, FAAN
Mary Jo Slattery, RN, MS
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
About the authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: A Guide to Successful Implementation ©2006 HCPro, Inc. iii
C o n te n t s
Learning objectives
Evidence-based practice
During the 1980s, the term “evidence-based medicine” emerged to describe the approach that used
scientific evidence to determine the best practice. Later, the term shifted to become “evidence-based
practice” as clinicians other than physicians recognized the importance of scientific evidence in clinical
decision-making. Various definitions of evidence-based practice (EBP) have emerged in the literature,
but the most commonly used definition is, “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the cur-
rent best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” (Sackett, Rosenberg,
Gray, Hayes, & Richardson, 1996).
Subsequently, experts began to talk about evidence-based healthcare as a process by which research
evidence is used in making decisions about a specific population or group of patients. Evidence-based
practice and evidence-based healthcare assume that evidence is used in the context of a particular
patient’s preferences and desires, the clinical situation, and the expertise of the clinician. They also
expect that healthcare professionals can read, critique, and synthesize research findings and interpret
existing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
Nurses ask numerous questions when looking to integrate evidence-based practice into their
clinical environment:
This book examines EBP and demonstrates its relevance to professional nursing practice and high-
quality patient care.
More recently, research utilization efforts in nursing have been replaced by evidence-based practice,
which will be described in further detail later in this chapter.
A commonly accepted view is that quality improvement activities in healthcare are not intended to
generate scientific knowledge but rather to serve as management tools to improve the processes and
outcomes within a specific healthcare organization or setting. More recently, experts have focused on
improving care by examining and working within clinical microsystems or the specific places where
patients, families, and care teams meet (Nelson, et al., 2002). To improve and maintain quality, safe-
ty, and efficiency, clinical teams must blend analysis, change, and measurement into their efforts to
redesign care within these clinical microsystems.
Quality improvement initiatives generally address clinical problems or issues, examine clinical
processes, and use specific indicators to help evaluate clinical performance. Data are collected and
analyzed to help understand both the process and the related outcomes. The findings help contribute
to efforts to achieve and maintain continuous improvement through ongoing monitoring and
improvement activities.
For example, a hospital might be interested in improving its smoking cessation education for hospi-
talized patients, so it may convene a multidisciplinary team to address the issue. The team may
decide to measure the hospital’s performance using the percentage of discharge summaries that indi-
cate that a smoker received instruction about smoking cessation. The team might implement an edu-
cational program and an electronic discharge summary that prompts clinicians to indicate whether
the patient is a smoker and, if so, whether he or she received smoking cessation advice. They would
monitor the rate of compliance and modify the interventions until compliance with the requirement
to provide smoking cessation advice is greater than 95%.
For example, in most quality improvement activities, the participants generally are the patients with-
in a specific clinical microsystem. In research efforts, the investigator recruits human subjects using
approaches that will ensure a representative sample of the population. In many improvement activi-
ties, the intervention may change as it is evaluated, whereas in a research study the treatment or
intervention remains the same.
Furthermore, in most quality improvement initiatives, the healthcare team is trying to solve a prob-
lem in a particular setting instead of trying to generalize the results of the study to other settings
and populations. Although it might be helpful to learn about the activities and experience of other
improvement teams, their findings may not apply to or be appropriate in other settings or patient
populations. The intent of research, however, is to develop new knowledge that can be generalized to
other similar populations and clinical settings.
Despite the differences between research and quality improvement projects, however, one must con-
sider the protection of human subjects in both. To ensure that you adequately protect the rights of
patients or subjects, always ask an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review the research proposal
or quality improvement project before implementing the study and beginning data collection.
Also note that, whether the effort is research or quality improvement, one goal may be to dissemi-
nate the results of the project in a published paper or oral report. For any dissemination project,
address adequate human subject protection and adherence with the Health Information Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) guidelines before beginning the improvement project or
research study. Individuals involved in either quality improvement or research projects should seek
advice from their organization’s IRB, privacy officer, and risk management department to ensure that
data are managed in a manner consistent with any pertinent federal or state regulations and organi-
zational policies and procedures.
• Reduce the time interval between when a provider writes an antibiotic order to when the
patient receives the first dose
• Evaluate the effectiveness of a targeted ergonomic program to prevent injuries in nursing personnel
• Optimize the prevention and treatment of anemia during coronary artery bypass surgery
• Improve the care of patients with Type II diabetes using shared medical appointments
• Improve and maintain adherence with core best practices in the intensive care unit
• Assess the effectiveness of using a fall-risk assessment in decreasing the number and severity of
patient falls
The above example related to falls could also be an evidence-based practice or research project. If
after searching the nursing literature you found another fall-risk assessment tool and you changed
practice in your organization, the information you collected could contribute to an evidence-based
project. You also might find multiple best practices or nursing interventions related to falls preven-
tion. You can use this information to formulate a research question and conduct a nursing research
study within your organization to see which interventions provide the best outcomes in your specific
patient population.
Multidisciplinary efforts
Within clinical settings, many such opportunities exist for both nursing and multidisciplinary
improvement efforts. Improvement activities for nursing can be as simple as reducing time in giving
verbal report or improving compliance with documentation requirements. Multidisciplinary collabo-
rative efforts may address complex health issues, such as the care of acute myocardial infarction
patients or individuals with community-acquired pneumonia.
These initiatives are becoming more important in acute care hospitals as the national focus on public
reporting increases. Such efforts help consumers compare the quality of care that various hospitals
provide. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS); various organizations that represent
hospitals, doctors, and employers; accrediting organizations; other federal agencies; and the public
have combined efforts to develop Hospital Compare (www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov) and, thus, have
made key clinical outcome measures available to the public. In this way, the public can monitor per-
formance indicators to related common medical conditions and certain evidence-based interventions
that are consistent with achieving the best patient outcomes.
Collaboration within multidisciplinary teams creates opportunities to address clinical problems and
issues using various perspectives and expertise. Nurses play key roles in such efforts and often benefit
from the synergy that can be realized by working with others interested in or concerned about the
problem. For example, if an organization determines that patients are experiencing elevated blood
sugars and not achieving good glucose control, a decision might be made to address this issue. Nurses
alone can’t solve this problem and need the support of physicians, dieticians, pharmacists, and per-
haps other specialists. Bringing together a team of nurses, physicians, and other clinicians concerned
about diabetic care provides opportunities for all members of the team to solve problems creatively.
The group can work together while measuring their progress against pre-determined objectives.
• In quantitative studies, researchers use objective, quantifiable data (such as blood pressure or
pulse rate) or use a survey instrument to measure knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, or experiences
• Qualitative researchers use methods such as interviews or narrative analyses to help under-
stand a particular phenomenon
Regardless of the method they use, researchers must adhere to certain approaches to ensure both the
quality and the accuracy of the data and related analyses. The intent of each approach is to answer
questions and develop knowledge using the scientific method.
• Randomized clinical trial examining best practice for orthopedic-pin site care
• Efficacy of examination gloves for simple dressing changes
• Reliability of methods used to determine nasogastric tube placement
• The effects of relaxation and guided imagery on preoperative anxiety
• Quality of life in patients with chronic pain
• The relationship of a preoperative teaching program for joint replacement surgery and
patient outcomes
The scientific method involves collecting observable, measurable, and verifiable data in a prescribed
manner so as to describe, explain, or predict outcomes. For example, one might collect data to
describe the effects of massage on blood pressure, explain decreased needs for sedation, or predict
lower levels of anxiety.
Research methods demand that the collected data remain objective and not be influenced by the
researcher’s hypotheses, beliefs, or values. In the massage example, the researcher could easily bias
the results by administering the massages or collecting the data. Using certain approaches to subject
recruitment, performing faulty data collection, and not controlling for other confounding variables
also can bias research findings. Therefore, when developing a study proposal, the researcher must
develop a plan that minimizes these risks and supports the development of reliable information
and results.
Conducting nursing research is not as simple as saying, “I want to do research.” To conduct a scien-
tific investigation, the researcher must have adequate training and resources. Developing and imple-
menting a well-designed study with adequate control requires extensive knowledge of research
methods and processes. Therefore, nurses interested in conducting research may work with an experi-
enced researcher or develop their own skills by taking statistics and research methods courses and
by being mentored by someone with research skills. One approach that staff nurses can take to get
involved in research is to learn about and get involved in efforts related to evidence-based nursing
practice. Working with others who have expertise in evidence-based practice serves as a helpful intro-
duction into the processes of critiquing, analyzing, and evaluating published research, which is a
necessary step in any research activity.
Nurses serve instrumental roles in ensuring and providing evidence-based practice. They must contin-
ually ask the questions, “What is the evidence for this intervention?” or “How do we provide best
practice?” and “Are these the highest achievable outcomes for the patient, family, and nurse?” Nurses
are also well positioned to work with other members of the healthcare team to identify clinical prob-
lems and use existing evidence to improve practice. Numerous opportunities exist for nurses to ques-
tion current nursing practices and use evidence to make care more effective.
For example, a recently published evidence-based project describes the potential benefits of discon-
tinuing the routine practice of listening to the bowel sounds of patients who have undergone elective
abdominal surgery. The authors reviewed the literature and conducted an assessment of current
practice, and they subsequently developed and evaluated a new practice guideline. These authors
reported that clinical parameters such as the return of flatus and first postoperative bowel movement
were more helpful than bowel sounds in determining the return of gastrointestinal mobility after
abdominal surgery. The authors found that this evidence-based project resulted in saving nursing
time without having negative patient outcomes (Madsen et al., 2005).
Nurses throughout the country also have been involved in multidisciplinary efforts to reduce the
number and severity of falls and pressure ulcers/injuries. Such projects can help save money and
improve care processes and outcomes. By implementing existing evidence-based guidelines related to
falls and pressure ulcers/injuries, care has improved, and the number and severity of negative out-
comes have decreased. Other examples of evidence-based healthcare efforts include projects to
increase compliance with requirements for screenings for cancer and improving glucose control.
For example, when clinical questions arise, should one look to a nursing textbook for the answers?
Remember that books are not published every year, and new information may not be included in the
edition you have. Also, when using textbooks, consider whether you have the most current edition.
There are also issues to consider when asking colleagues for advice—specifically, be mindful that their
responses may be based on their personal experiences, their observations, what they learned in school,
what was reviewed during nursing orientation, or myths and traditions learned in clinical practice.
A recent study provided evidence that most nurses provide care in accordance with what they
learned in nursing school and rarely used journal articles, research reports, and hospital libraries
for reference (Pravikoff, Tanner, & Pierce, 2005). That finding, combined with the fact that the aver-
age nurse is more than 40 years of age, makes it apparent that many nurses’ knowledge is probably
outdated. Practice based on such knowledge does not translate into quality patient care or health
outcomes. Evidence-based practice provides a critical strategy to ensure that care is up to date and
that it reflects the latest research evidence.
• Policies and procedures are current and include the latest research, thus supporting
• Integration of EBP into nursing practice is essential for high-quality patient care and achieve-
ment of ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® (MRP) designation
Often, nurses feel that they are using “evidence” to guide practice, but their sources of evidence are
not research-based. In a study conducted by Thompson, et al., (2003), nurses reported that the most
helpful knowledge source was experience or advice from colleagues or patients. Of concern were
reports that up-to-date electronic resources that included evidence-based materials were not useful to
nurses in clinical practice. This barrier contributes to significant gaps in clinicians applying research
findings to practice and dissemination of innovations. The failure to use evidence results in care that
is of lower quality, less effective, and more expensive (Berwick, 2003).
Evidence-based practice can be easier for nurses to use if they refer to already-developed evidence-
based or clinical practice guidelines. Numerous expert groups have already undertaken systematic
efforts to develop guidelines to help both healthcare providers and patients make informed decisions
about care interventions. Guideline developers use a systematic approach to critique the existing
research, rate the strength of the evidence, and establish practice guidelines. The overall goal of these
types of efforts focuses on guiding practice and minimizing the variability in care.
For example in 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Guideline for Hand
Hygiene in Health-Care Settings, which provides healthcare workers with a review of data regarding
hand-washing and hand antisepsis in healthcare environments. Furthermore, it makes recommenda-
tions to improve hand-hygiene practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to
both patients and healthcare personnel. See Chapter 3 for further discussion of accessing clinical
practice guidelines.
Despite these barriers, nurses are engaging in EBP and making a difference in patient outcomes.
Furthermore, barriers can be overcome through organizational efforts focused on integrating
research in practice and using strategies such as journal clubs, nursing grand rounds, and having
research articles available for review (Fink, Thompson, & Bonnes, 2005). Case studies presented in
Chapter 8 showcase the integration of EBP into everyday nursing practice.
Is your organization ready for the challenge? Are you ready for the challenge? Do the supports and
resources exist in your environment? To be successful with evidence-based practice, one needs to be
willing to challenge one’s own assumptions and be willing to work with others to improve care
processes and patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice takes resources, work, time, and effort, but
the outcomes make them worthwhile. Every patient deserves care that is based on the best scientific
knowledge and that ensures high-quality, cost-effective care.
Practice exercises
1. Log on to the Cochrane Collaboration Web site at www.cochrane.org. Find the topic
list and read some reviews. Did you find information on this site useful to your practice
setting? Why or why not?
2. Develop a list of the resources you need to participate in evidence-based practice. Identify
resources that exist in your organization. Consider ways of accessing resources that do
not currently exist in your clinical setting. Create an action plan for getting involved in
evidence-based practice, and include a time frame and economic resources. Identify
potential collaborators for your efforts related to evidence-based practice.
3. Visit www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov and compare the performance of hospitals in your
town/city, region, or state. Ask your colleagues whether they know about public reporting.
Find out more about what your organization is doing to address acute myocardial infarc-
tion care, heart failure care, and pneumonia care. Learn more about multidisciplinary
evidence-based projects in your organization.
4. Do a Web search on “evidence-based nursing.” Review various Web resources to identify
the most helpful Web sites. Visit a medical or public library and learn more about
evidence-based resources that patients might access to inform themselves about their
health condition or related interventions.
Berwick, D. M. (2003). Disseminating innovations in health care. The Journal of the American
Medical Association, 289 (15), 1969–1975.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care
Settings. Retrieved January 3, 2006, from www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5116a1.htm.
Clifford, C., & Murray, S. (2001). Pre- and post-test evaluation of a project to facilitate research
development in practice in a hospital setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36 (5), 685–695.
Fink, R., Thompson, C. J., & Bonnes, D. (2005). Overcoming barriers and promoting the use of
research in practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 35 (3), 121–129.
Funk, S. G., Champagne, M.T., Wiese, R.A., & Tornquist, E.M. (1991). Barriers to using research
findings in practice: the clinician’s perspective. Applied Nursing Research, 4 (2), 90–95.
Madsen, D., Sebolt, T., Cullen, L., Folkedahl, B., Mueller, T., Richardson, C., et al. (2005). Listening
to bowel sounds: An evidence-based practice project. American Journal of Nursing, 105 (12), 40–49.
Nelson, E. C., Batalden, P.B., Huber, T.P., Mohr, J.R., Godfrey, M.M., Headrick, L.A., et al. (2002).
Microsystems in health care: Part 1. Learning from high-performing front-line clinical units. The
Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement, 28 (9), 472–493.
Newhouse, R., Dearholt, S., Poe, S., Pugh, L.C., & White, K.M. (2005). Evidence-based practice: a
practical approach to implementation. Journal of Nursing Administration, 35 (1), 35–40.
Pravikoff, D. S., Tanner, A.B., & Pierce, S.T. (2005). Readiness of U. S. nurses for evidence-based
practice. American Journal of Nursing, 105 (9), 40–51.
Sackett, D. L., Rosenberg, W.M.C., Gray, M.J.A., Hayes, R.B., & Richardson W.S. (1996). Evidence-
based medicine: What it is and what it isn’t. British Medical Journal, 312, 71–72.
Thompson, C., McCaughan, D., Cullum, N., Sheldon, T.A., Munhall, A., & Thompson, D.R. (2001).
Research information in nurses’ clinical decision-making: What is useful. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 36 (3), 376–388.
Further Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2001.) The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct,
Critique, and Utilization. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2003.) Nursing Research: Principles and Methods.
(7th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2003). Study Guide to Accompany Nursing
Research: Principles and Methods. (7th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
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