Ratios of Plasma and Platelets To Red Blood Cells in Surgical Patients With Acute Intraoperative Hemorrhage
Ratios of Plasma and Platelets To Red Blood Cells in Surgical Patients With Acute Intraoperative Hemorrhage
Ratios of Plasma and Platelets To Red Blood Cells in Surgical Patients With Acute Intraoperative Hemorrhage
BACKGROUND: The relationships between the ratios of transfused allogeneic blood products
and clinical outcomes in patients with acute intraoperative hemorrhage are poorly defined.
METHODS: To better define these ratios, we undertook a single-center, observational cohort
study of all surgical patients (≥18 years) who received rapid transfusion defined by a critical
administration threshold of 3 or more units of red blood cells (RBCs) intraoperatively within 1
hour between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2015. Multivariable regression analyses were
used to assess relationships between ratios of plasma to RBCs and platelets to RBCs at 3, 12,
and 24 hours and clinical outcomes. The primary outcome was hospital mortality, with second-
ary outcomes of intensive care unit and hospital-free days.
RESULTS: The study included 2385 patients, of whom 14.9% had a plasma-to-RBC ratio of
1.0+, and 47.6% had a platelet-to-RBC ratio of 1.0+. Higher plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-
RBC ratios were observed for patients who underwent cardiac, transplant, and vascular surgery
and in patients with greater derangements in hemostatic laboratory values. Ratios did not
differ by patient age or severity of illness. Higher ratios were not associated with improved
clinical outcomes. Mortality differed by platelet-to-RBC but not plasma-to-RBC ratio, with the
highest mortality observed with a platelet-to-RBC ratio of 0.1–0.9 at 24 hours (odds ratio, 3.34
[1.62–6.88]) versus no platelets (P = .001). Higher plasma-to-RBC ratios were associated with
decreased hospital-free days, although differences in clinical outcomes were not significant
after exclusion of patients receiving only RBCs without component therapies.
CONCLUSIONS: Transfusion ratios in surgical patients with critical intraoperative hemor-
rhage were largely related to surgical and hemostatic features rather than baseline patient
characteristics. Higher ratios were not associated with improved outcomes. (Anesth Analg
• Question: In patients with acute intraoperative hemorrhage requiring administration of 3 or
more units of allogeneic red blood cells (RBCs) within 1 hour, are the ratios of transfused
component therapies associated with clinical outcomes?
• Findings: Transfusion ratios of plasma and platelets to RBCs were largely related to surgical
and laboratory hemostatic features rather than baseline patient characteristics, and higher
transfusion ratios were not associated with improved clinical outcomes.
• Meaning: Resuscitation strategies based on high ratios of plasma and platelets to RBCs may
not be broadly applicable to all patients with acute intraoperative hemorrhage.
ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists; CAT = critical administration threshold; CI = confi-
dence interval; ICU = intensive care unit; INR = international normalized ratio; IQR = interquartile
range; IRB = institutional review board; LMW = low-molecular-weight; MBT = massive blood transfu-
sion; PCCs = prothrombin complex concentrates; RBCs = red blood cells; STROBE = Strengthening
the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
From the *Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Advancing Translational Science (NCATS). Its contents are solely the respon-
†Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, and ‡Division of sibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. the NIH.
Accepted for publication November 26, 2019. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Funding: This study was made possible by funding from the Mayo Clinic Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine and the Critical appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
Care Integrated Multidisciplinary Practice, Rochester, MN. In addition, this this article on the journal’s website (www.anesthesia-analgesia.org).
study was supported by an NIH R01 grant (HL121232) to D.J.K. and by CTSA Reprints will not be available from the authors.
Grant Number KL2 TR002379 to Dr Warner from the National Center for
Address correspondence to Matthew A. Warner, MD, Department of Anesthe-
Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society siology and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester,
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004609 MN 55905. Address e-mail to warner.matthew@mayo.edu.
n patients with acute blood loss secondary to trau- The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational
matic injury, rapid administration of allogeneic Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines were
blood products including plasma, platelets, and red used in the design, analysis, presentation, and inter-
blood cells (RBCs) as part of a balanced resuscitation pretation of study results.11
strategy has generally been associated with improved We included patients ≥18 years with acute intra-
clinical outcomes.1–3 Consequently, most major medi- operative hemorrhage between January 1, 2011 and
cal institutions have developed and implemented December 31, 2015, which was defined as a transfu-
transfusion protocols designed to deliver these blood sion episode meeting or exceeding the critical admin-
products in relatively fixed and high ratios, with many istration threshold (CAT, ie, transfusion of 3 or more
centers using a single “massive transfusion” protocol units of allogeneic RBCs within 1 hour).12 CAT was
for all patients with rapid acute blood loss based on a developed to identify patients with rapid, acute blood
resuscitation strategy of 1:1:1 (plasma to platelets to loss requiring large-volume transfusion. CAT has the
RBCs).4,5 Compared with patients randomly assigned distinct advantage over more arbitrary definitions of
to a 1:1:2 strategy, patients receiving 1:1:1 ratio-based massive transfusion (eg, 10 or more units of RBCs over
resuscitation seemed to have earlier hemostasis and 24 hours) in that it greatly reduces the potential for
less death by exsanguination in the first 24 hours after survivor bias, given that some patients die before they
major trauma, although there were no significant dif- are able to receive 10 or more units of RBCs. In addi-
ferences in the primary outcomes of 24-hour or 30-day tion, CAT positivity allows for earlier identification of
mortality.6 patients with critical transfusion requirements and is
Despite the widespread adoption of ratio-based highly predictive of mortality in trauma patients.12–14
resuscitation strategies for all patients with major Patients were excluded if they denied use of their
hemorrhage, the safety and efficacy of such strate- medical records for observational research, were pre-
gies for patients with rapid, nontraumatic blood viously included in the study (ie, only the first surgi-
loss remain unclear. Although large-volume transfu- cal encounter meeting CAT positivity was included
sions usually occur in surgical patients, few studies for any given patient), had CAT positivity preced-
have directly assessed the clinical outcomes for these ing hospital admission (eg, a CAT-positive event in
patients on the basis of plasma-to-RBC or platelet- an outpatient procedure center followed by eventual
to-RBC ratios.7–10 Furthermore, to our knowledge, hospital admission), or had an American Society of
no study has directly assessed time variations for Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status score of VI
transfusion ratios during resuscitation from nontrau- (ie, brain death, awaiting organ harvest). All surgical
matic injury. Notably, some plausible reasons exist for patients were included, including patients undergo-
why optimal transfusion approaches differ between ing trauma surgery; however, trauma resuscitations
patients with traumatic and nontraumatic injuries, occurring before surgical intervention were not within
including differences in age, baseline health, func- the scope of this investigation.
tional capacity, laboratory profiles, and clinical con- CAT positivity at the study institution could occur
text. Importantly, adults with traumatic injuries are independently of activation of the formal massive
typically young with few baseline medical comorbid blood transfusion (MBT) protocol because all intraop-
conditions.1–3,6 As such, a heterogeneous cohort of sur- erative transfusion orders are issued emergently from
gical patients with a higher burden of comorbid dis- the blood bank. Thus, blood units may be available at
ease may be less likely to tolerate or benefit from high the bedside at the same rate regardless of MBT or non-
resuscitation ratios than a trauma population. MBT ordering, and it is common practice for anesthe-
The goal of this study was to assess the relation- siologists to order desired blood components outside
ships between plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC of MBT activation. Nevertheless, a formal MBT pro-
ratios and clinical outcomes for surgical patients. tocol was implemented at the study institution in
We hypothesized that, after careful adjustment for 2006 that may be activated both inside and outside
confounding variables, higher plasma-to-RBC and the operative environment through direct commu-
platelet-to-RBC ratios would not be associated with nication with the blood bank by phone or in person.
improvements in clinical outcomes. During the study period, this protocol entailed the
emergent release of 6 units of RBCs, 6 units of plasma,
METHODS and 1 unit of apheresis platelets, which is approxi-
This single-institution, historical observational cohort mately equivalent to a 6-pack of whole-blood–derived
study was approved by the Mayo Clinic institutional pooled platelets. Some or all of these products would
review board (IRB; Rochester, MN), and the require- then be administered at the discretion of the order-
ment for written informed consent was waived by the ing team. This protocol was consistent throughout the
IRB for those who had previously provided authori- hospital, regardless of medical or surgical service line.
zation for medical record use in observational studies. All transfusion decisions were made at the discretion
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EE Original Clinical Research Report
of the ordering team as informed by the unique clini- interquartile range (IQR) for continuous variables.
cal scenario, including hemodynamic stability, ongo- Unadjusted between-group comparisons based on
ing blood loss, and laboratory abnormalities. plasma-to-RBC or platelet-to-RBC ratios were per-
The study cohort was selected by identifying all formed using χ2 and Fisher exact tests for categorical
adult patients meeting intraoperative CAT positiv- variables and Kruskal-Wallis tests for continuous vari-
ity utilizing the Transfusion DataMart, an institu- ables. A formal power analysis was deferred because
tional data warehouse that contains comprehensive the incidence (and outcomes) of massive transfusion
information about each unit of transfused allogeneic according to CAT positivity has not been defined out-
blood, including the exact date, time, and location of side of traumatic settings.
blood product order, issue, and transfusion; specific Missing data for multivariable regression model-
blood product characteristics (type, volume, and pro- ing were handled using multiple imputation with 25
cessing); features regarding the ordering provider; independent, imputed data sets. Missing variables
and pretransfusion and posttransfusion laboratory included estimated blood loss (19.4%), pretransfu-
features (eg, hemoglobin, platelet count, international sion INR (18.8%), surgery length (1.4%), pretrans-
normalized ratio [INR]). Perioperative characteris- fusion platelet count (1.2%), ASA physical status
tics for the surgical cohort were obtained from the score (0.9%), and pretransfusion hemoglobin (0.3%).
Perioperative DataMart, another institutional data- Missing data were assumed to be random, although
base that contains comprehensive information (eg, patients with missing data were younger (median,
demographic, surgical, anesthetic, laboratory, vital 61.3 vs 64.5 years), more likely to be women (46.5%
signs, medication characteristics) regarding patient vs 39.6%), more likely to have undergone solid organ
care in any of the institution’s acute care environ- transplant surgery (19.7% vs 4.5%), and less likely to
ments (ie, preoperative holding area, operating have received heparin (8.0% vs 15.4%), warfarin (8.2%
room or procedural suites, postanesthesia care unit, vs 22.1%), or aspirin (30.6% vs 46.9%) than patients
intensive care unit [ICU], or progressive care units). without missing data.
Additional demographic features not available in After examining the distribution of transfused
the Perioperative DataMart were extracted from the products (plasma, platelets, and RBCs) but before per-
Advanced Cohort Explorer, an institutional resource forming any inferential statistical analyses, plasma-to-
that provides a near real-time feed of the institution’s RBC ratios were divided into 4 quartiles designed to
electronic health records and that allows for struc- maximize group size and to encompass the most com-
tured and unstructured (eg, free text) search queries monly utilized transfusion ratios in protocol-based
of both outpatient and inpatient environments. Each resuscitation of 1:1 and 1:2. These quartile ratios were
of these resources has been extensively validated with 0 (no plasma), 0.1–0.4 (ratio <1:2), 0.5–0.9 (ratio >1:2
continuous monitoring of data quality similar to that but <1:1), and 1.0+ (ratio ≥1:1). Platelet-to-RBC ratios
of other institutional data sources.15,16 were similarly divided into 4 quartiles, which were
Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics designed to maximize group size and to include the
were extracted for all patients and included age, sex, commonly used ratio of 1:1. These ratios included 0
ASA physical status score, Charlson Comorbidity (no platelets), 0.1–0.9 (ratio <1:1), 1.0–2.0 (ratio >1:1
Index score, medical history, pretransfusion laboratory but ≤2:1), and 2.1+ (ratio >2:1).
values (hemoglobin, platelet count, and INR), surgery The primary outcome of interest was all-cause hos-
type, surgery length, surgical urgency (emergent ver- pital mortality, with secondary outcomes of ICU-free
sus elective), estimated blood loss, and perioperative days and hospital-free days. Free days were calcu-
administration of antiplatelet, antithrombotic, anti- lated by taking 28 minus the ICU or hospital length
fibrinolytic, and hemostatic therapies. Transfusions of stay in days, with patients dying before day 28 or
were extracted for plasma, platelets, RBCs, cryopre- those with lengths of stay >28 days receiving a score
cipitate, and cell-salvaged blood for intraoperative use of 0. Free days were chosen as an outcome measure
and for the complete hospitalization. Because transfu- over simple length-of-stay measurements, given that
sion ratios change throughout resuscitation, plasma- free days appropriately adjust for death before hospi-
to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios were calculated at 3, tal discharge as a negative outcome and also attenuate
12, and 24 hours after the start of a CAT-positive event. the potential impact of outliers due to truncation at
Patients meeting both CAT positivity and traditionally day 28. In contrast to length-of-stay measurements, a
defined massive transfusion positivity (ie, 10 or more greater number of free days implies a superior out-
units of RBCs within 24 hours) were also identified. come. ICU-free days were only calculated for patients
with postoperative ICU admission.
Statistical Analyses The relationships between clinical outcomes and
Data were descriptively summarized using frequency plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios at 3, 12, and
and percent for categorical variables and medians and 24 hours after the initiation of a CAT-positive episode
were analyzed using multivariable regression models Digital Content, Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/
adjusted for potentially confounding variables, includ- AA/C988). The basic demographic and clinical
ing age, sex, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, ASA characteristics for the study cohort were stratified
physical status score, emergency surgery, surgery type, by plasma-to-RBC (Table 1) and platelet-to-RBC
surgery duration, estimated blood loss, pre-CAT–pos- (Table 2) ratios. Most patients were men (57.7%),
itive laboratory values (hemoglobin, platelet count, with median (IQR) ASA physical status scores of III
INR), antiplatelet therapy (aspirin or clopidogrel within (III–IV). Approximately 33.1% of patients underwent
7 days), anticoagulant therapy (low-molecular-weight cardiac surgery, followed by general surgery (14.1%),
[LMW] heparin within 24 hours, factor Xa inhibitors solid organ transplantation (10.5%), and vascular
within 3 days, direct thrombin inhibitors within 5 days, surgery (7.9%). Most patients had large-volume
heparin infusion within 24 hours, warfarin within 5 intraoperative blood loss, as evidenced by median
days), hemostatic agent use (prothrombin complex con- (IQR) RBC volumes of 5 (4–9) units and estimated
centrates [PCCs], vitamin K, and intravenous antifibrino- blood loss of 1.9 (1.0–3.3) L. Those receiving any
lytic agents, including tranexamic acid or aminocaproic plasma or platelets received higher total intraopera-
acid), and intraoperative volumes of crystalloids, non- tive fluid volumes and had greater estimated blood
blood colloids, cell-salvaged blood, plasma, platelets, loss than those not receiving any plasma or platelets,
and allogeneic RBCs. Continuous variables were mod- but intraoperative RBC and crystalloid and colloid
eled as continuous data, dichotomous as binary, and cat- volumes did not increase uniformly with higher
egorical (surgery type) as categorical variables. Patients plasma-to-RBC or platelet-to-RBC ratios. The great-
who died before 3, 12, and 24 hours were not included est RBC volumes were for patients with plasma-to-
in 3/12/24-hour models. For analyses of plasma-to-RBC RBC ratios between 0.5 and 0.9 and platelet-to-RBC
ratios, the platelet-to-RBC ratio at the appropriate time ratios between 0.1 and 0.9. Men had higher trans-
interval was also included as an adjustment variable fusion ratios of both plasma to RBCs and platelets
and vice versa for analyses of platelet-to-RBC ratio. Of to RBCs than women. Patients undergoing cardiac,
note, a 3-factor PCC was used during the study period transplant, and vascular surgery tended to have
(Bebulin; Shire Plc, Lexington, MA). higher plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios,
The primary outcome of mortality was modeled while patients who underwent general, orthopedic,
using logistic regression. We summarized the concor- and urologic surgery had lower ratios. Laboratory
dance statistic. The secondary outcomes of ICU- and abnormalities (ie, platelet count, INR) increased with
hospital-free days were modeled using linear regres- higher transfusion ratios. Antifibrinolytic therapy
sion. Regression assumptions were assessed by plot- was used in 34.6% of cases, and PCCs were admin-
ting the residuals against predicted values, and there istered in approximately 2.9% of cases. Patients with
was little evidence of violations. To determine if any higher plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios
potential association was consistent across a priori were more likely to receive these adjunct hemostatic
designated subsets, we performed an interaction therapies. There were no significant differences
analysis on groups undergoing cardiac surgery, non- in transfusion ratios on the basis of patient age or
cardiac surgery, liver transplant surgery, and trauma Charlson Comorbidity Index score.
surgery, and for those meeting massive transfusion by
the traditional definition of 10 or more units of RBCs Plasma-to-RBC Ratio and Clinical Outcomes
within 24 hours. Additional sensitivity analyses were Many patients received RBCs without plasma ther-
performed excluding patients who did not receive any apy (35.6%), with median (IQR) RBC totals of 4 (3–5)
plasma or platelet component therapies in the first 24 units. Only 14.9% of patients had a plasma-to-RBC
hours. As a post hoc analysis, we assessed a plasma-to- ratio of 1.0+. Of those receiving plasma, the most
RBC by platelet-to-RBC interaction term on outcomes. common plasma-to-RBC ratio interval was 0.5–0.9
We also examined the possibility of a platelet-to-RBC (46.5%, 714/1536), followed by 0.1–0.4 (30.4%,
interaction with antiplatelet agent use (aspirin or clop- 467/1536) and 1.0+ (23.1%, 355/1536). Unadjusted
idogrel) with outcomes as a post hoc analysis. mortality rates by plasma-to-RBC ratio are presented
Statistical significance was determined using a in Figure 1. In multivariable analyses, hospital mor-
2-tailed Bonferroni-corrected P value <.0167 based on tality did not differ significantly by plasma-to-RBC
outcome analysis at 3 different time points (α, .05/3 ratio at 3, 12, or 24 hours (Table 3). Concordance
tests). All analyses were performed using SAS version statistics of multivariable plasma-to-RBC mod-
9.4 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). els for mortality at 3, 12, and 24 hours were 0.84,
0.83, and 0.83, respectively. Unadjusted outcomes
RESULTS of hospital- and ICU-free days are displayed in
A total of 2385 patients met the criteria for CAT posi- Figure 2 and Supplemental Digital Content, Figure
tivity and were included in the study (Supplemental 2, http://links.lww.com/AA/C988, respectively.
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In multivariable analyses, ratios at 12 and 24 hours Platelet-to-RBC Ratio and Clinical Outcomes
were associated with a reduced number of hospital- Many patients received RBCs without platelets (44.3%).
free days (when compared to a reference ratio of 0; Nearly half of patients (47.6%) had a platelet-to-RBC
overall P = .002), with the greatest mean (95% confi- ratio ≥1.0. Of those receiving platelets, the most com-
dence interval [CI]) decrease of 1.92 (0.89–2.95) days mon platelet-to-RBC ratio interval was 1.0–2.0 (51.8%,
observed for those with plasma-to-RBC ratios of 0.5– 689/1329), followed by 2.1+ (33.6%, 447/1329) and
0.9 at 12 hours (Table 4). There were no significant 0.1–0.9 (14.5%, 193/1329). In multivariable analyses,
associations between ICU-free days and plasma-to- the odds for mortality were increased for those receiv-
RBC ratio. ing platelets by 12 and 24 hours, with the greatest odds
observed in those with a ratio of 0.1–0.9 at 24 hours (odds between either plasma-to-RBC or platelet-to-RBC
ratio, 3.34 [95% CI, 1.62–6.88]; Table 3). Concordance sta- ratio and cardiac surgery, noncardiac surgery, liver
tistics at 3, 12, and 24 hours were 0.84, 0.84, and 0.83, transplant surgery, massive transfusion, or trauma
respectively. Platelet-to-RBC ratios were not associated surgery for the outcomes of in-hospital mortality and
with hospital- or ICU-free days after multiple compari- hospital-free days. However, for the outcome of ICU-
sons adjustment.
free days, there was a significant interaction (P = .003)
Sensitivity Interaction Analyses between trauma and plasma-to-RBC ratio at 24 hours,
In testing for interactions for all 3 outcomes at all such that patients with both trauma and a plasma-to-
3 time points, there was no significant interaction RBC ratio >1.0 had additional reductions in ICU-free
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days (Supplemental Digital Content, Table 1, http:// blood product ratios were observed for men, emer-
links.lww.com/AA/C988). When patients who gency surgery, and cardiac, transplant, and vascu-
received no plasma or platelets were excluded, there lar surgery. Antifibrinolytic therapy use increased in
were no significant associations between plasma-to- accordance with plasma- and platelet-to-RBC ratios.
RBC or platelet-to-RBC ratio and the outcomes of hos- There were no clear relationships between transfusion
pital-free days, ICU-free days, or hospital mortality ratios and patient age or baseline severity of illness,
(Supplemental Digital Content, Table 2, http://links. although patients with higher transfusion ratios had
lww.com/AA/C988). A cross-tabulation of plasma- more deranged hemostatic laboratory values. Higher
to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios is provided in ratios were not associated with improved clinical
Supplemental Digital Content, Table 3, http://links. outcomes, even after careful adjustment for severity
lww.com/AA/C988. There was no significant evi- of illness and important clinical and demographic
dence of an interaction between plasma-to-RBC and features.
platelet-to-RBC ratios with outcomes. Similarly, there To our knowledge, this study provides the most
was no interaction between antiplatelet therapy use comprehensive assessment to date of transfusion ratios
and platelet-to-RBC ratio with outcomes. outside of trauma settings. Findings consistent with
ours have been reported in several recent observa-
DISCUSSION tional studies. In a study of approximately 600 surgical
In this study of plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC and critically ill patients receiving massive transfusion
ratios in a diverse cohort of surgical patients with clin- for nontraumatic indications, higher plasma-to-RBC
ically significant intraoperative hemorrhage, higher and platelet-to-RBC ratios were not associated with
Table 3. Associations Between Plasma-to-RBC Ratio, Platelet-to-RBC Ratio, and Hospital Mortality Using
Multivariable Logistic Regressiona
3h 12 h 24 h
Ratio No. Death (%) Odds Ratio (95% CI) Pb No. Death (%) Odds Ratio (95% CI) Pb No. Death (%) Odds Ratio (95% CI) Pb
Plasma:RBC .33 .14 .35
0 1135 70 (6.2) 1.00 (ref) 855 33 (3.9) 1.00 (ref) 837 31 (3.7) 1.00 (ref)
0.1–0.4 318 42 (13.2) 1.55 (0.95–2.55) .08 422 31 (7.3) 1.06 (0.58–1.92) .85 449 33 (7.3) 1.03 (0.56–1.87) .93
0.5–0.9 554 64 (11.6) 1.10 (0.69–1.76) .68 676 90 (13.3) 1.70 (0.99–2.92) .05 695 83 (11.9) 1.48 (0.85–2.59) .17
1.0+ 359 51 (14.2) 1.25 (0.71–2.22) .44 390 50 (12.8) 1.44 (0.75–2.76) .27 351 46 (13.1) 1.52 (0.78–2.94) .22
Platelet:RBC .61 .009 .004
0 1350 87 (6.4) 1.00 (ref) 1069 39 (3.6) 1.00 (ref) 1032 32 (3.1) 1.00 (ref)
0.1–0.9 133 22 (16.5) 1.49 (0.73–3.04) .27 174 24 (13.8) 3.07 (1.56–6.08) .001 181 21 (11.6) 3.34 (1.62–6.88) .001
1.0–2.0 570 73 (12.8) 1.28 (0.83–1.97) .27 676 81 (12.0) 1.99 (1.19–3.33) .008 675 80 (11.9) 2.33 (1.35–4.00) .002
2.1+ 313 45 (14.4) 1.26 (0.71–2.24) .44 424 60 (14.2) 1.85 (0.99–3.47) .06 444 60 (13.5) 2.18 (1.14–4.17) .02
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; RBC, red blood cell.
The model included age, sex, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status score, emergency surgery, surgery type,
surgery duration, estimated blood loss, laboratory values before critical administration threshold positive (hemoglobin, platelet count, international normalized
ratio), antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel), anticoagulants (low-molecular-weight heparin, factor Xa inhibitors, direct thrombin inhibitors, heparin infusion,
warfarin), hemostatic agents (prothrombin complex concentrates, vitamin K, antifibrinolytics), platelet-to-RBC ratio (for plasma:RBC analyses), plasma-to-RBC ratio
(for platelet:RBC analyses), and intraoperative volumes of crystalloids, colloids, cell-salvaged blood, plasma, platelets, and RBCs.
The first P value represents the overall relationship, with subsequent P values representing individual comparisons with the reference group (ie, plasma:RBC or
platelet:RBC ratio of 0).
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Table 4. Associations Between Plasma-to-RBC Ratio, Platelet-to-RBC Ratio, and Hospital- and ICU-Free Days
Within 28 d Using Multivariable Linear Regressiona
3h 12 h 24 h
Median Mean Estimate Median Mean Estimate Mean Estimate
Outcome No. (IQR) (95% CI) Pb No. (IQR) (95% CI) Pb No. Median (IQR) (95% CI) Pb
Plasma:RBC .17 .002 .002
0 1135 20 (12–23) 0 (ref) 855 21 (15–23) 0 (ref) 837 21 (16–23) 0 (ref)
0.1–0.4 318 17 (3–21) −1 (−2 to −0.1) .03 422 18 (6–21) −2 (−3 to −0.4) .006 449 17 (6–21) −2 (−3 to −1) .002
0.5–0.9 554 16 (1–21) −0.6 (−2 to 0.4) .22 676 15 (0–20) −2 (−3 to −0.9) <.001 695 15 (0–20) −2 (−3 to −1) <.001
1.0+ 359 14 (0–19) −0.7 (−2 to 0.6) .28 390 15 (0–19) −1 (−3 to 0.2) .09 351 15 (0–20) −1.3 (−2.6 to 0.1) .06
Platelet:RBC .22 .04 .03
0 1350 20 (12–23) 0 (ref) 1069 21 (14–23) 0 (ref) 1032 21 (15–23) 0 (ref)
0.1–0.9 133 17 (0.4–21) 0.4 (−1 to 2) .62 174 16 (0.3–21) −1 (−2 to 0.5) .18 181 17 (5–21) −1 (−3 to 0.3) .13
1.0–2.0 570 16 (2–21) −0.5 (−1 to 0.5) .35 676 16 (1–20) −1 (−2 to −0.4) .005 675 16 (0.1–20) −1 (−2 to −0.4) .007
2.1+ 313 13 (0–19) −1.3 (−3 to 0) .06 424 14 (0–19) −2 (−3 to −0.1) .03 444 14 (0–19) −2 (−3 to −0.5) .007
ICU-free days
Plasma:RBC .63 .36 .35
0 355 25 (19–27) 0 (ref) 241 25 (21–27) 0 (ref) 234 25.5 (21.9–26.9) 0 (ref)
0.1–0.4 133 25 (14–26) −1 (−4 to 0.8) .20 174 25 (19–27) −0.3 (−2 to 2) .75 188 24.9 (19.3–26.5) −0.4 (−2 to 2) .73
0.5–0.9 314 23 (15–26) −0.7 (−3 to 1) .43 374 23 (15–26) −2 (−3 to 0.4) .11 385 23.9 (15.3–26.0) −1 (−3 to 0.5) .16
1.0+ 250 24 (16–26) −0.8 (−3 to 1) .49 252 24 (16–26) −2 (−4 to 0.7) .17 226 23.8 (15.4–26.2) −2 (−4 to 0.4) .11
Platelet:RBC .90 .13 .14
0 454 25 (19–27) 0 (ref) 329 25 (21–27) 0 (ref) 311 25 (21−27) 0 (ref)
0.1–0.9 46 23 (0–26) −1 (−5 to 2) .50 66 23 (0–26) −3 (−6 to −0.4) .02 69 23 (11–26) −3 (−6 to −0.3) .03
1.0–2.0 348 24 (17–26) −0.4 (−2 to 1) .62 38 24 (16–26) −2 (−3 to 0.3) .10 376 24 (16–26) −1 (−3 to 0.4) .12
2.1+ 204 24 (16–26) −0.2 (−3 to 2) .84 266 24 (15–26) −1 (−4 to 1) .25 277 24 (16–26) −1 (−3 to 1) .40
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; RBC, red blood cell.
The model included age, sex, Charlson comorbidity index score, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status score, emergency surgery, surgery type,
surgery duration, estimated blood loss, laboratory values before critical administration threshold positive (hemoglobin, platelet count, international normalized
ratio), antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel), anticoagulants (low-molecular-weight heparin, factor Xa inhibitors, direct thrombin inhibitors, heparin infusion,
warfarin), hemostatic agents (prothrombin complex concentrates, vitamin K, antifibrinolytics), platelet-to-RBC ratio (for plasma:RBC analyses), plasma-to-RBC ratio
(for platelet:RBC analyses), and intraoperative volumes of crystalloids, colloids, cell-salvaged blood, plasma, platelets, and RBCs.
The first P value represents the overall relationship, with subsequent P values representing individual comparisons with the reference group (ie, plasma:RBC or
platelet:RBC ratio of 0).
improvements in 30-day mortality.7 Similarly, a study bypass time. Future investigations are warranted to
of 865 massive transfusion events, of which nearly define optimal transfusion ratios in cardiac surgery.
90% were nontraumatic, did not show any difference Apart from clinical outcomes, there are potential
in patient mortality based on plasma-to-RBC ratio.8 financial ramifications related to the use of lower
Hence, the broad application of high fixed-ratio trans- transfusion-ratio strategies. First, activity-based costs
fusion strategies, based on clinical data derived from of plasma transfusion have been estimated at approxi-
trauma patients, may not be uniformly applicable to mately $410 per unit.18 Activity-based analyses pro-
all patients with rapid intraoperative bleeding. vide a more accurate representation of the cost of a
Approximately one-third of our study cohort transfusion episode because they account for both
underwent cardiac surgery with no significant interac- direct (eg, product acquisition, laboratory testing, stor-
tion between transfusion ratios and outcomes. This is age, administration) and indirect costs (eg, discarded
in contrast to recent findings by Delaney et al,17 who products, treatment of transfusion-related complica-
noted lower mortality and improvement in organ dys- tions). Although activity-based costs for platelets have
function scores with higher ratios. Besides utilizing dif- not been published, activity-based costs are typically
ferent definitions for study inclusion (CAT positivity 3–5 times higher than acquisition costs.19 Acquisition
in our study versus transfusion totals of at least 6 units costs for an apheresis platelet unit are approximately
of RBCs or 8 units of all blood components), Delaney $500; therefore, the total activity-based costs for plate-
et al17 analyzed high versus low ratios by dichotomiz- lets could be conservatively estimated at $1500 per
ing patients above or below 1.0:1.0 (plasma to RBCs) unit. Hence, exclusion of extraneous plasma and plate-
and 0.2:1.0 (apheresis platelets to RBCs). In our study, let units from critical transfusion events could result in
ratio data were divided into 4 unique quartiles rather substantial institutional cost savings.
than dichotomized, with a sensitivity analysis exclud-
ing patients not receiving any component therapies. Limitations
Furthermore, we adjusted for a wider array of baseline The current study has several limitations. First, the
characteristics and intraoperative variables but did data are retrospective and, thus, have the potential
not adjust for aortic cross-clamp or cardiopulmonary for residual confounding. Although we were able to
capture and adjust for a multitude of important peri- and transfusion-associated circulatory overload, or
operative factors selected a priori, it is nonetheless transfusion-associated infection.20 Future prospective
possible that outcomes for those with higher transfu- studies must be designed to look beyond simplified
sion ratios were simply a reflection of either greater outcome measures such as mortality and lengths of
surgical insults or sicker patients. In addition, we were stay, which are likely to provide an incomplete assess-
unable to distinguish blood products that arrived to ment of the downstream consequences of transfusion.
the operating room secondary to MBT activation or
by emergent release from the blood bank, and poten- CONCLUSIONS
tial differences in severity of bleeding may exist There was no evidence for improved clinical outcomes
between these 2 scenarios; however, given that CAT in a diverse cohort of surgical patients treated with
positivity requires at least 3 units of RBCs transfused increasing plasma-to-RBC and platelet-to-RBC ratios.
within 1 hour, it is certain that all patients had rapid Transfusion strategies seemed to be largely tailored on
intraoperative bleeding regardless of the manner of the basis of procedural and hemostatic characteristics
blood delivery. Similarly, microvascular bleeding and (ie, surgery type, pretransfusion laboratory features)
coagulopathy may occur in the absence of substantial rather than baseline patient features (ie, age, sever-
derangements in laboratory hemostatic tests. Notably, ity of illness). High ratios were not associated with
we did not assess the potential impact of resuscitation improved outcomes and may not be directly applica-
strategies on changes in platelet function, fibrinogen ble to all patients with rapid intraoperative bleeding.
concentrations, or the development of dilutional ane- Future studies should evaluate optimal resuscitation
mia. Furthermore, analyses were compared between strategies according to unique patient demographic
each transfusion-ratio group and a reference group and clinical characteristics, utilizing novel end points
having a platelet or plasma-to-RBC ratio of 0, which for the assessment of resuscitation adequacy. E
may have increased the probability for unmeasured
confounding and the subsequent magnification of DISCLOSURES
observed-effect sizes despite deliberate multivari- Name: Matthew A. Warner, MD.
able adjustment. To account for this, we performed a Contribution: This author helped in concept and design, data
sensitivity analysis with explicit exclusion of patients acquisition, interpretation of data, critical writing, revision of
intellectual content, and final approval of the manuscript.
receiving only RBCs. The results showed no signifi-
Name: Ryan D. Frank, MS.
cant differences in free days or mortality between Contribution: This author helped in concept and design, anal-
groups based on higher and lower transfusion ratios. ysis and interpretation of data, critical revision of intellectual
This provides further evidence against superiority content, and final approval of the manuscript.
of outcomes with the use of higher-ratio resuscita- Name: Timothy J. Weister, MSN, RN.
tion strategies for patients with critical intraoperative Contribution: This author helped in data acquisition, criti-
cal revision of intellectual content, and final approval of the
hemorrhage. manuscript.
A second limitation was the heterogeneous nature Name: Nageswar R. Madde, MS.
of the study cohort. Although this was an intentional Contribution: This author helped in data acquisition, criti-
part of the study design, it resulted in subgroup cal revision of intellectual content, and final approval of the
analyses that were underpowered for the outcome of manuscript.
Name: Ognjen Gajic, MD.
mortality. Moreover, although it is quite plausible that Contribution: This author helped in concept and design, inter-
optimal transfusion ratios may indeed differ based on pretation of data, critical revision of intellectual content, and
the surgical cohort, additional studies are clearly war- final approval of the manuscript.
ranted to study transfusion ratios in unique surgical Name: Daryl J. Kor, MD.
populations. Contribution: This author helped in concept and design, inter-
pretation of data, critical revision of intellectual content, and
Third, there are likely many clinically relevant final approval of the manuscript.
outcome measures for transfusion strategies that This manuscript was handled by: Susan Goobie, MD, FRCPC.
were not explored in this investigation (eg, myo-
cardial or cerebral ischemic events, acute kidney REFERENCES
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