Massive Hemorrhage Protocol

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Massive Hemorrhage

P ro t o c o l
A Practical Approach to the Bleeding Trauma

Andrew Petrosoniak, MD, MSc, FRCPCa,*,

Katerina Pavenski, MD, FRCPCb, Luis Teodoro da Luz, MD, MSc
Jeannie Callum, MD, FRCPCd

 Damage control resuscitation  Trauma  Massive hemorrhage protocol

 When possible, conduct a team prebriefing to establish a shared mental model for man-
aging a massively hemorrhaging patient.
 Early administration of blood/blood products results in better patient outcomes for
bleeding trauma patients.
 No clinical prediction scores are 100% accurate for predicting MHP. A combination of pa-
tient factors, clinical course, and response to blood products may be preferrable.
 Regular monitoring of temperature, fibrinogen, and calcium is critical to optimize patient
 Massive hemorrhage protocol termination is critical to preserve blood products, and
criteria should be established to support this decision.


A 57-year-old female involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision is transported to

the emergency department (ED) of a large community hospital in 28 minutes. She is
brought into the resuscitation room, and the clinical team begins their assessment
and treatment following the principles of Advanced Trauma Life Support. Her vital
signs are as follows:

Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario
M5B 1W8, Canada; b Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond
Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1W8, Canada; c Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, 2075 Bay-
view Avenue, Room H1 71, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5, Canada; d Queen’s University, 88 Stuart
Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Emerg Med Clin N Am 41 (2023) 51–69
0733-8627/23/ª 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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52 Petrosoniak et al

Respiratory rate 26 breaths/min,

Blood pressure 88/50,
Heart rate 110 beats/min,
Temperature 34.5 C,
Glasgow Coma Scale is 12.
A focused assessment with sonography in trauma examination is positive for free
fluid in the right upper quadrant. There is no evidence of pneumothorax on ultrasound.
Her pelvis is stable although suspected to be fractured based on pain during the ex-
amination. She has no past medical history, takes no medications, and has no drug
allergies. At this point, the clinical team is faced with decisions related to blood prod-
uct administration, the role of the massive hemorrhage protocol (MHP), and establish-
ing definitive hemostasis.


A damage-control resuscitation strategy represents the standard for the care of the
hemorrhaging trauma patient.1 This 2-pronged approach provides early, ratio-
based, blood product administration coupled with definitive and rapid hemostasis.
Together, when combined and delivered quickly and effectively, these 2 elements pro-
vide improved patient outcomes.1
These patients frequently require the initiation of a MHP which is the systematic and
coordinated delivery of care to bleeding patients. Previously termed massive transfusion
protocols, these early protocols focused predominately on the blood and blood compo-
nent administration. Emerging evidence supports a more comprehensive approach to
caring for these patients, hence the now widely and more aptly termed MHP.
The benefits of MHPs in trauma are numerous, including:2–6
1. Decreased variability in treatment
2. Reduced blood product wastage
3. Improved interprofessional communication
4. Standardized process evaluation
5. Faster time to transfusion
Despite the clear benefits of MHPs demonstrated through multiple studies, the de-
tails related to the decision-making, the logistics, and the nuances of these protocols
remain poorly articulated to the emergency medicine (EM) clinician. As a result, our
focus will be to bridge the gap between the evidence and the real-world application
of a trauma MHP.
We will address how EM clinicians can practically deliver high-quality, evidence-
based care to the bleeding trauma patient through 7 clinically relevant questions.
These follow the 7 Ts described by the Ontario MHP group (Fig. 1).7
Triggers: When Should the Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Be Activated?
The question of when to “trigger” or activate an MHP in trauma is of the utmost impor-
tance during the early stages of a trauma resuscitation. There is a clear tension that
exists between underactivation (risking preventable exsanguination) and overactiva-
tion (resulting in unnecessary transfusion and wasted blood components).7,8 This ten-
sion must be navigated by the emergency or trauma physician during the early stages
of the resuscitation and may be complicated by early clinical uncertainty related to the
patient’s injuries.
Early administration of blood products is linked with improved outcomes among
bleeding trauma patients. A delay of 1 minute is associated with a 5% increase in
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Massive Hemorrhage Protocol 53

Fig. 1. The 7 Ts of massive hemorrhage protocol

odds of death.9 Some precise and reliable tactics are needed for clinicians to make an
informed, evidence-based decision particularly under stress and high cognitive load.
Historically, most MHP activation criteria are evaluated in the context of the tradi-
tional definition of massive transfusion such as 10 units of red blood cells (RBCs) in
24 hours.10 This definition is challenging as it has little clinical relevance during the
early stages of resuscitation (Fig. 2).
None of these scores are perfectly 100% sensitive and specific, but they do provide
guidance in the decision-making process for MHP activation (Table 1).17 The recently
developed RABT score likely offers the greatest utility by combining the shock index
(SI), components of the ABC score, and the addition of pelvic fracture.15
Many patients with hypotension or hypoperfusion, however, will stabilize following 1
to 2 units of RBCs, and only a subset will require additional blood products.18 In most
cases, our preferred approach to MHP activation is a 2-tiered process whereby the
clinician calls for and administers up to 3 units of uncross-matched RBCs (Fig. 3).
Should this critical administration threshold be surpassed (or predicted to be), then
MHP is activated.16,18
In our opinion, there are some circumstances under which MHP activation can be
considered even before any blood products are administered:
1. The clinician predicts 3 units of blood products will be required based on the
injury mechanism and initial available clinical information16 (eg, profound prehospi-
tal hypotension [systolic blood pressure <60 mm Hg], prehospital traumatic cardiac
arrest, hemodynamic instability, and transmediastinal gunshot wound).
2. Institutions whereby the only way to acquire immediate blood products is through
MHP activation.
3. The patient is receiving blood products via EMS or at the transferring facility and
has ongoing hemodynamic instability.
Finally, based on our collective experience, we consider several high-risk conditions
or circumstances that lower our threshold for MHP activation. While evidence is
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54 Petrosoniak et al

Fig. 2. Patient A who receives 2 units in the emergency department (ED) and 10 units 4 hours
later during a trauma laparotomy while considered a “massive transfusion” (MT) by the
traditional definition has a more delayed resuscitation trajectory. In contrast, patient B
who requires 4 red blood cells (RBCs) and 3 fresh frozen plasma within 60 minutes of ED
arrival before stabilizing, while not meeting the typical MT threshold, benefits more from
immediate blood products, and hence early massive hemorrhage protocol (MHP) activation.
Patients with similar trajectories to patient B are those who the ED clinician wishes to
quickly identify for MHP activation.

lacking to provide specific recommendations in such circumstances, we have repeat-

edly observed rapid clinical deterioration and suggest that the presence of 1 or more
of these components lower the threshold to activate the MHP:19–21
1. Anticoagulation
2. Prehospital hypotension or shock index 1.0
3. Geriatric population (typically >65 years).

Team: How Can Team Performance During a Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Be

Leveraged to Optimize Patient Outcomes?
An MHP is a specialized, complex yet highly effective strategy to rapidly deliver blood
components and coordinate patient care in the setting of traumatic hemorrhage. This
protocolized delivery of interventions requires a multidisciplinary (and often ad hoc)
team to function seamlessly in a time-sensitive manner. Mini-teams form at the
bedside, in the transfusion department, hematology laboratory, and in the transporta-
tion of blood products. MHP performance is critical to patient outcomes.
A high-performing team during an MHP is akin to the pit crew in Formula 1.22 Each
individual or mini-team functions semi-autonomously in their defined roles, yet
together they strive toward a common goal. For a Formula 1 pit crew, the goal is to
prepare the car to head back on the track as fast as possible. During an MHP, the
goal is to deliver the necessary blood components and other care interventions as effi-
ciently as possible. To achieve these goals, there are several aspects that lead to a
successful MHP team performance:23–26
1. Prebriefing and debriefing for each MHP to establish a shared mental model and
promote future improvement by tracking quality metrics over time.
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Table 1
Massive hemorrhage protocol prediction tools, components, and sensitivity/specificity for massive transfusion (>10U/24 h)

Score/Tool Components Sensitivity Specificity

ABC score11–14 (2 predicts MT) 1. Heart rate (HR) > 120 47%–90% 67%–90%
2. Systolic blood pressure (sBP) < 90 mm Hg
3. Focused abdominal sonography in trauma (FAST) positive
4. Penetrating trauma
Shock Index14,15 (1.0 predicts MT) HR/sBP 68% 81%
Shock Index  1.0

RABT score15 (2 predicts MT) 1. 78% 91%

2. Pelvic fracture
3. FAST positive
4. Penetrating trauma
Resuscitation intensity (RI)16 Total number of products in first 30 min of arrival (eg, 1U RBC, 1U FFP, 1L 80%a 37%a
crystalloid, 500 cc colloid). Typical threshold is 4 (RI4)

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol

Critical administration threshold16 3U RBC during 1-h period within 24 h after arrival 90%a 26%a
Narrow pulse pressure Systolic arterial pressure - diastolic arterial pressure < 30 mm Hg 52.8% 82.7%

Abbreviation: ABC, assessment of blood consumption; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; MT, massive transfusion; RABT, revised assessment of bleeding and transfusion.
Predicting 24-h mortality.

56 Petrosoniak et al

Fig. 3. Two-tiered approach to massive hemorrhage protocol (MHP) activation using the
critical administration threshold.

2. Regular practice through case-based education or preferably simulation-based

3. Focus on evidence-based communication techniques including closed-loop
communication, standardized lexicon of MHP terms, role clarity, and regular
situation-assessment updates.

Testing: What Lab Tests Are Needed Initially and Throughout the Process?
Throughout an MHP, laboratory tests are necessary to monitor the adequacy of treat-
ment and evolving complications. High-quality clinical studies are scarce, and there is
considerable real-life heterogeneity about which tests are ordered, at what intervals,
and how the results impact further management. It remains uncertain whether
point-of-care viscoelastic testing such as thromboelastography (TEG) and rotational
thromboelastometry (ROTEM) can effectively guide resuscitation of bleeding patients
in trauma.27 Recognizing these limitations, our group recently developed best-
practice recommendations on laboratory testing during MHP.7 These are summarized
 Prioritize the collection of samples for ABO/typing and compatibility testing.
 Laboratory testing should include complete blood count, coagulation testing
(INR, activated partial thromboplastin time [aPTT], and fibrinogen), electrolytes,
calcium (preferably, ionized), arterial or venous blood gas, and lactate.
 TEG or ROTEM represent an alternative for managing coagulopathy; however,
these tests lack a clear benefit while increasing the frequency of transfusion.27
 A prespecified sequence of sample acquisition eliminates the risk of tube antico-
agulant/additive cross-contamination (Fig. 4).
 Hourly laboratory testing until the termination of the protocol.
 Required tubes should be assembled into bundles, along with prechecked req-
uisitions, labeled, and attached to the MHP cooler.
 Prioritized results that may have a direct impact on clinical care (eg, hemoglobin,
 Aim for a lab turn-around-time of 20 minutes for all tests.
 Direct communication of laboratory results to clinicians is essential (ie, passive
communication such as uploading to a hospital information system, faxing, or
emailing is not acceptable during MHP).
 Consider MHP phone attached to the first MHP cooler with a direct line for clini-
cians to the laboratory.
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Massive Hemorrhage Protocol 57

Fig. 4. Massive hemorrhage protocol blood draw tool including sequence of sample acqui-
sition (credit ORBCoN).

Tranexamic Acid: What Is the Role of Tranexamic Acid in a Massive Hemorrhage

Tranexamic acid (TXA) has been shown in definitive trials to prevent bleeding-related
mortality in cases of traumatic injury,28,29 traumatic brain injury,30,31 and postpartum
hemorrhage.32 It is most effective in reducing mortality rates if given within 60 minutes
of injury or onset of hemorrhage.28,29,33 An adult total dose of 2 to 3 g appears suffi-
cient29 and can be given as a single infusion to minimize complexity of care30 or as
2 intravenous pushes.34,35 In traumatic injury, prehospital administration of TXA is su-
perior to delaying treatment till hospital arrival,29,30 has been proven to be logistically
possible, is safe, and should be a goal for prehospital transport teams.
In the future, once high-quality bioavailability studies have been performed, intra-
muscular administration is likely to be an alternative route of administration for patients
where intravenous access cannot be secured.36 In contrast to all other patient groups,
TXA is of no benefit in patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage and increases the risk
of thromboembolic complications (in the high doses used in the trial [4 g]).37 TXA
cannot be withheld or its dose cannot be personalized based on currently available
laboratory testing, including viscoelastic testing, due to its poor sensitivity.38 Investi-
gators have put forward analyses from nonrandomized studies suggesting the need
to withhold TXA for patients with “fibrinolytic shutdown” (abnormal hypofibrinolysis)
due to concerns regarding an increased risk of thromboembolic complications39;
however, this concern has not been confirmed in other retrospective studies and re-
mains a theoretic concern.40,41 TXA improves the coagulopathy seen in severely
injured trauma patients,35 for example, when employed before arriving at the hospital,
it abrogates trauma-induced coagulopathy.42 The cost of treatment is minimal
(approximately $20 USD per patient), and hence, it is highly cost-effective.43 The
risk of adverse events from a single dose is low, with only an elevated risk of seizures
being identified from the randomized trials.30 Systematic reviews find no increased
risk of arterial or venous thromboembolism,44 with the exception of patients with
gastrointestinal hemorrhage receiving high doses (4 g).37

Temperature: How Should the Patient’s Temperature Be Managed During the

Massive Hemorrhage Protocol?
Monitoring and managing temperature is essential for every MHP. In a hypothermic
patient, an increase in core temperature of 1 C is associated with a 10% reduction
in RBC transfusion.45 In addition, hypothermia is an independent predictor of mortality
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58 Petrosoniak et al

in trauma and causes increased blood loss and higher transfusion requirements.45,46
Furthermore, the administration of blood components stored at temperatures be-
tween 2 C and 6 C can worsen hypothermia if the patient is massively transfused.47
In this section, we will provide practical recommendations on how to manage temper-
ature in actively bleeding trauma patients focusing on:
1. How to accurately monitor temperature,
2. What techniques to use to maintain or increase temperature, and
3. Practical tips to apply these techniques.

How to monitor the patient’s temperature?

The thermal resistor of an intravascular pulmonary catheter is the gold standard for
temperature monitoring. However, given the need for specific technical skills for
placement and potential complications associated with its use, these catheters are
not recommended as a standard tool.48,49 The use of esophageal, rectal, or bladder
thermometer is the technique recommended.49–52 The selected modality should be
informed by the clinical situation and local resources. Thermometers that are accurate
at temperatures less than 34 C are recommended to measure the core temperature
given the concern for hypothermia during massive hemorrhage resuscitation.53 Pe-
ripheral thermometers (axillary, oral, tympanic membrane, or temporal artery) are
less accurate with a margin of error of 2 C, especially at extremes of temperature.50,51
Based on the best available evidence, we recommend the following:
 The use of a tympanic membrane thermometer until a central monitor is in
 Initial temperature measurement within 15 minutes of patient arrival or protocol
 Continuous temperature measurement during active rewarming56 (if not
possible, then at least every 30 minutes).

Techniques to maintain or increase a patient’s temperature

Prevention of heat loss is important as rewarming hypothermic patients is challenging.
Multiple methods should be applied to prevent hypothermia and rewarm the patient,
including passive external warming, active external rewarming, and active internal
Passive rewarming methods such as removing wet clothing, increasing room tem-
perature, and applying warm blankets should be used to avoid heat loss. However, in
isolation, none of these methods are effective to manage significant hypothermia.
Forced-air warmer devices should be used as one of the active external rewarming
methods covering a larger area, to be more effective.57 They are easy and safe to use,
decrease heat loss, provide heat to the body, and should be continued in the operating
room.57 Resistive heating devices can increase thermal comfort and maintain the core
temperature when physical and logistical challenges limit other methods, such as in
prehospital setting and intrahospital transport.58,59
Routine use of intravenous fluid warmers should be adopted to avoid worsening of
hypothermia due to resuscitation with cold fluids. They should deliver components at
normothermia at both low and high flow rates. The temperature should be set ideally at
41.5 C to effectively avoid hypothermia58; however, not higher than 43 C to avoid the
risk of hemolysis and air embolism.60
Intubated patients have a higher risk of heat loss from the airway.61 Heat and mois-
ture exchange filters should be used to reduce evaporative heat loss from the airway of
these patients.
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Massive Hemorrhage Protocol 59

Finally, for patients with temperatures below 32 C who have impaired thermogen-
esis, the previous cited interventions will possibly be insufficient to raise the core tem-
perature. In these scenarios, clinicians should refer to local guidelines to treat severe
hypothermia and investigate other causes aside from massive hemorrhage or

Practical tips to apply passive and active rewarming techniques

1. Using shears, as soon as it is safe, remove wet clothing, linens, dressings, and dry
the patient thoroughly.62
2. Cover the patient with warm blankets
3. The patient’s head should also be covered with a warm towel to avoid additional
heat loss.62,63
4. Forced-air warmer blankets should be in direct contact with the patient, with the
perforated side facing the patient, and be secured to avoid it from blowing off
the patient as it inflates.

Targets: Once the Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Is Activated, What Resuscitation

Targets Should Be Used?
Since bleeding trauma patients may be coagulopathic on arrival and laboratory tests
take time, the recommended approach to the transfusion therapy during MHP is ratio-
based and is associated with decreased mortality, and faster time to transfusion was
associated with better outcomes.64 The PROPPR trial demonstrated no difference be-
tween approaches using 1:1:1 and 1:1:2 ratios.65 The commonly used and guideline-
recommended ratio is 1:1:2 (1 adult dose of platelets (pool of 4 or 1 apheresis unit), 4
units of plasma for every 2 units of RBCs.66 Fig. 5 illustrates a prototypical option for
configuring MHP packs or coolers. Ratio-based resuscitation may, however, result in
inadequate management of coagulopathy, and periodic coagulation tests or visco-
elastic assays during MHP is imperative.67 These tests may allow for a more precise
assessment of coagulopathy and enable provision of targeted and personalized he-
mostatic treatment. The evidence on laboratory targets of transfusion is sparse,
with no high-quality clinical trials. Once hemorrhage control is achieved, we recom-
mend to switch to laboratory-based resuscitation.

Fig. 5. Example of massive hemorrhage protocol cooler packs composition. (credit ORBCoN).
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60 Petrosoniak et al

Thresholds to transfuse red blood cells

RBC transfusion optimizes the oxygen-carrying capacity and provides volume to
bleeding patients. In general, numeric thresholds for RBC transfusion are not relevant
in the early phases of trauma resuscitation. Rather, we follow the more commonly uti-
lized approach of RBCs when volume is required following the ratios described above.

Thresholds to transfuse platelets

During massive bleeding, platelets usually fall to critical levels only after substantial
blood loss and hours of resuscitation (Fig. 6). In contrast to the ratio-based approach
described above, it may be reasonable to delay platelet transfusion until levels are
available. If so, then platelets are transfused when the level is <100  109/L in patients
with intracranial/spinal hemorrhage and less than 50  109/L for all other bleeding pa-
tients. These thresholds are based on a study from 1972, which demonstrated nearly
normal bleeding time at a platelet count of greater than 100  109/L and a steep pro-
longation in bleeding time as platelets fell below 50  109/L.68 These thresholds were
widely adopted, and there are no recent high-quality clinical studies to update these
recommendations. We recommend platelet transfusion when the level falls below
50  109/L rather than following a ratio-based approach for platelets.7
Platelet count is only able to assess for quantitative deficiency of platelets. In injured
patients, platelet dysfunction may result from injury itself, the use of antiplatelet
agents, or congenital defects. If platelet dysfunction is suspected, platelet transfusion
may be indicated even in the presence of an adequate platelet count.69 We strongly
recommend consultation with hematology/transfusion medicine regarding an optimal
platelet transfusion strategy for complex patients. Viscoelastic assays have an

Fig. 6. Kaplan-Meier curves for severely injured trauma patients from emergency depart-
ment arrival to reaching critical levels of routine coagulation parameters and criteria for
massive transfusion (MT) ( 10U RBCs). Fibrinogen decreases before platelets, INR, activated
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and need for MT. (With permission from author).81
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Massive Hemorrhage Protocol 61

advantage to assess for the presence of platelet dysfunction.70 Evidence on how to

use their results to guide transfusion therapy is being analyzed. If using ROTEM,
reduced EXTEM A10 or MCF (35 mm or below) may signal the need for a platelet trans-
fusion. To correct MCF, in addition to platelets, fibrinogen supplementation may be
Thresholds to transfuse plasma (or prothrombin complex concentrate)
About 25% of severely injured patients are coagulopathic on admission to ED.72 More-
over, conventional coagulation tests such as INR are inaccurate to diagnose acute
coagulopathy of trauma. More sensitive tests include viscoelastic testing and
thrombin generation assays; however, these are not widely available.
It is reasonable to consider plasma transfusion for an INR 1.8 as it may not be
possible to decrease the INR to <1.8 despite large volumes of plasma transfusion.73,74
Moreover, at INR <1.8, there remain sufficient quantities of clotting factors to effect he-
mostasis. In the absence of ready availability of plasma, a prothrombin complex
concentrate (PCC) may be used.75,76 The PCC, as compared to plasma, is associated
with reduced mortality in bleeding trauma patients and reduced blood loss in bleeding
cardiac surgery patients.76,77
In some patients, abnormal coagulation tests may also signal the presence of anti-
coagulant medications or a congenital bleeding disorder. Discussion of these topics is
outside the scope of this article. A summary of common drugs that may impair hemo-
stasis and their antidotes is provided in Table 2.
Thresholds to transfuse fibrinogen concentrate
Fibrinogen is the first factor to reach critically low levels during massive bleeding.81
Fibrinogen levels less than 1.5 g/L are associated with increased mortality in massively
bleeding trauma patients.82 Guidelines typically recommend to replace fibrinogen at
levels 1.5 g/L.66,83 If using rTEG, then a functional fibrinogen (FF)-TEG maximum
amplitude less than 20 mm may inform the need for fibrinogen replacement. If using
ROTEM, the FIBTEM clot amplitude at 5 min (CA5) may assist with this decision.71
Evidence-based thresholds have not been established.
Termination: What Factors Should Guide the Clinical Team to Stop the Massive
Hemorrhage Protocol?
Similar to the decision to activate the MHP, it is important to have standardized criteria
for “stepping down” the protocol. In contrast to the prolific literature on when to acti-
vate the MHP, there is very little science to guide the termination of the MHP. Prema-
ture termination of the MHP could lead to delays in transfusion, laboratory testing, and
transportation. In addition, premature termination can lead to a need to “reactivate”
the MHP and to reassemble all team member and leads to confusion within the labo-
ratory as to whether to recommence with pack 1 of blood or continue on from the last
pack issued. Similarly, delayed termination can lead to unnecessary transfusions, loss
of valuable blood products, continued preparation of blood products by the laboratory
staff, and delayed transfusions for other patients within the hospital.
Based on our experience and the best available evidence,84 it is suggested to
consider protocol termination when any of the following occurs:
1. There is definitive hemorrhage control (or a substantial deceleration in blood loss).
2. The patient’s hemodynamics and coagulation profile are improving.
3. Inotropes can be reduced or stopped.
At a system level, a protocolized, proactive call from the transfusion laboratory to
the clinical team should be integrated into the process if there has been no request
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62 Petrosoniak et al

Table 2
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications and antidotes

Drug Antidote Dosage

Warfarin PCC INR 1.5 to 2.9–1000 IU
IV Vitamin K INR 3.0 to 5.0–2000 IU
INR > 5.0–3000 IU
INR unknown – 2000 IU
PLUS vitamin K 10 mg IV
Dabigatran (Pradaxa) Idarucizumab (Praxbind) 5 g IV
Repeat at 24 h if PTT up and
ongoing bleeding risk
All Xa inhibitors (eg, PCC (Note: andexanet not 2000 IU
apixaban [Eliquis], widely available) Repeat at 1 h if ongoing
edoxaban [Savaysa], hemorrhage
rivaroxaban [Xarelto])a
Low molecular weight Contact hematology/ N/A
heparin (eg, dalteparin, transfusion medicine for
enoxaparin, danaparoid, advice
ASA Nothingb N/A
Clopidogrel Nothingb N/A
Consider platelet
transfusion if ongoing
bleeding and other
coagulopathies have
been corrected
Ticagrelor Nothingb (Note: N/A
bentracimab not yet

Abbreviation: ASA, Acetylsalicylic acid; DOAC, direct acting oral anticoagulants; ICH, intracranial
hemorrhage; N/A, not applicable.
Reversal of DOACs is to be considered for a period of 24 h following the last dose.
Clinical studies failed to confirm a benefit of platelet transfusions for ASA/Clopidogrel-treated
patients with gastrointestinal bleeding and spontaneous ICH and raised concern regarding harm
(use platelet transfusions with caution).78–80

for blood within 60 minutes to reaffirm the need to continue the MHP. Failure to termi-
nate the protocol is a common failure point.85 The MHP almost always commences
with formula-based transfusion support and then transitions to laboratory-guided
transfusion resuscitation. It remains unknown whether institutions utilizing bedside
viscoelastic testing have better clinical outcomes.27 Some MHPs are designed to
be terminated at this transition to lab-based resuscitation; however, we believe that
the 2 transitions may not align temporally. Hence, it is acceptable to start lab-
guided resuscitation before terminating the MHP. The hospital MHP needs to have
a termination protocol to ensure prompt return of blood products, return of the
MHP phone or other equipment, safe handover to the intensive care team, and end
of protocol blood work. Unnecessary transfusions can occur if this handoff is not
structured (ie, failing to communicate that 4 units of RBC were transfused after the
last hemoglobin of 6.4 g/dL, leading to additional unnecessary units before a hemoglo-
bin repeat).
An easy, practical, and high-yield tactic to continually improve MHP performance is
the integration of a team debrief or huddle to the MHP protocol termination, including a
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Massive Hemorrhage Protocol 63

process of reporting processes that did not go as planned to ensure continuous qual-
ity improvement. Finally, to objectively and systematically optimize the MHP, we
recommend tracking key process quality indicators including, but not limited to, the
1. Proportion of patients receiving TXA within 1 hour of protocol activation.
2. Proportion of patients in whom RBC transfusion is initiated within 15 minutes of
protocol activation.
3. Proportion of patients without any blood component wastage.

Case Resolution: Integration of Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Principles

This article provides a detailed review of key MHP principles using the 7T framework.
Using the case presented in the introduction of a 57-year-old female involved in a high-
speed MVC, we provide a summary for the application of the 7 Ts.
Team: Prior to arrival, the trauma team leader (TTL) conducted a prebriefing “time
out” to create a shared mental model, stablish care priorities, and assign tasks. This
includes discussion on MHP preactivation, which was not deemed necessary at this
point. Instead, the TTL requested 4 units of RBCs to be brought to the trauma bay/
ED by a dedicated team member (in case they are not readily and locally available).
Trigger: On arrival, 3 prediction tools were positive (shock index > 1.0, ABC
score 5 2, and RABT score 5 2). However, the team opted to use the critical admin-
istration threshold. They transfused 2 units of RBCs while progressing with patient
assessment. Two sources of bleeding were identified: (1) intra-abdominal (positive
focused assessment with sonography in trauma) and (2) anteroposterior compression
fracture of the pelvis on pelvic x-ray. Blood pressure did not improve (90 mm Hg) with
the 2 units transfused. The third unit was initiated, and the MHP was activated.
Tranexamic acid: During the prebriefing, the TTL requested TXA (2 g IV bolus), which
was prepared and promptly administered following patient’s admission. Importantly,
the team learned that the patient was using Rivaroxaban for chronic atrial fibrillation.
This prompted the administration of PCC (requested urgently and administered while
the patient had been taken to the CT scanner suite).
Testing: Following handover from paramedics, the circulating nurse collected blood
samples as a new intravenous access was being catheterized prioritizing ABO typing
and compatibility testing. Bed-side bundled supplies for minimal laboratory testing
were used. Laboratory tests were requested using an established order set, and a
team member transported the samples immediately to the laboratory and blood
bank. Results with critical values were communicated as they were released by the
laboratory staff via phone calls to the trauma bay and operating room (OR) where
the patient was transported to following the care provided in the trauma bay/ED. Using
a Trauma Resuscitation Checklist to guide postactivation best practices, further blood
samples were collected hourly until MHP was called off.
Targets: Following intermittent improvement of the hemodynamic status, the patient
was transferred to a hybrid OR for trauma laparotomy, angiography, and possible pel-
vic angioembolization. At this point, the patient had received the third MHP pack (12
RBCs, 6 plasmas, and 4 g of fibrinogen concentrate [for a fibrinogen level of 1.0 mg/
dL]). Platelet level was 157.000/mm3, and INR was 1.49, not requiring correction. The
anesthesiologist switched to a lab-guided strategy by the end of the procedures as the
resuscitation moved forward and the patient’s hemodynamic status and coagulopathy
improved (see Targets section for details).
Temperature: The admission temperature was 34.8 C measured by a tympanic
membrane thermometer and at each 30 minutes, subsequently. Two rapid infusers
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64 Petrosoniak et al

had been primed prior to patient arrival as part of the prebriefing checklist to infuse
blood products at 41.5 C. The patient was promptly exposed with removal of clothes
followed by placement of warmed blankets. Following primary and secondary assess-
ments, prior to OR transfer, a forced warm air device was applied. The patient was
intubated, warm blankets were placed around the head, and heat and moisture ex-
change filters were used to reduce further heat loss.
Termination: In the operating room, evacuation of 2 L of blood from the abdominal
cavity, splenectomy, liver packing, angiography with embolization, and an external
pelvic fixation were performed in a damage-control fashion. By the end of these pro-
cedures, the patient’s hemodynamic status and coagulopathy had improved consid-
erably, prompting the anesthesiologist to call off the MHP before transfer to the
intensive care unit.


A well-designed MHP is essential in the care of injured and bleeding patients. This
article proposes the application of a structured approach using the 7 Ts of MHP to
guide this complex process. A successful resuscitation requires a high-performing
team following evidence-based metrics. At an institutional level, each MHP requires
review to promote areas of success and opportunities for improvement. We believe
the 7 Ts of MHP approach is practical, feasible, and customizable across all ED
sizes and circumstances. Optimized MHP strategies will inevitably improve out-
comes for bleeding trauma patients and reduce the cognitive load for the clinical


 To assist with the decision for MHP activation, the RABT score or critical administration
threshold (>3 units/h) is useful.
 When hemorrhage is suspected in a trauma patient, 2 g of TXA should be administered
within 3 hours and ideally <1 hour from the injury.
 Upon patient arrival, temperature measurement is essential.
 After the administration of 3 units of RBCs, begin FFP administration to achieve a 2:1 ratio


A. Petrosoniak is cofounder of Advanced Performance Healthcare Design. J. Callum

has received research funding from Canadian Blood Services and Octapharma. L.T.
da Luz has received funds from Octapharma. K. Pavenski has no relevant disclosures.


The authors thank the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN) for
their support in creating the Ontario massive hemorrhage protocol toolkit.


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