OB - NCP (Episiotomy)
OB - NCP (Episiotomy)
OB - NCP (Episiotomy)
Subjective Cues: Ng Dx: General Independent: After 8 hours of
objective: 1. Determine 1. These factors nursing
Acute pain related to To relieve pain and influence of influence the interventions, goal
Objective Cues: episiotomy prevention of the culture beliefs on way people met. The patient
Patient is resting spread of infection. client view health was able to:
on bed, with no participation in issues and Verbalized
complains. But Specific regiment. management. pain as
rated pain scale Inference/ Background: objective: 2. Encourage 2. To keep the relieved,
5/10. Within 8 hours of perineum perineum area and rated
An episiotomy is a cut nursing hygiene such as clean and 2/10.
(incision) through the area intervention the changing sanitary lower the risk
between your vaginal patient will be able pads and proper for infections.
opening and your anus. to: perineum care.
This area is called the Report pain is 3. Provide ice packs 3. To provide
perineum. This procedure is relieved or to help with pain immediate
done to make your vaginal controlled. and decrease medical
opening larger for childbirth. swelling intervention
Some possible 4. Encourage 4. To promote
complications of an patient to do sitz fast healing
episiotomy may include: bath 10-20 mins, and relieve
-Bleeding 2-3 times a day, from soreness
-Tearing into the rectal for fast healing 5.
tissues and anal sphincter and lessen 6. To aware the
muscle which controls the soreness. patient about
passing of stool 5. Refer to the resistance
-Swelling physician any of bacteria to
-Infection abnormalities drugs.
-Collection of blood in the observed.
perineal tissues 6. Educate patient
a. Importanc
Reference: e of taking
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/he medication
alth/treatment-tests-and- especially
7. Refer to 7. To provide
physician any immediate
abnormalities medical
observed. intervention
8. Prescribed
Dependent: medication will
8. Administer help for the
medication fast wound
prescribed by the healing
physician. process and
recovery of the
9. Taking
Collaborative: medication at
9. Instruct the family the right time
to remind the and dose will
patient about promote fast
taking his recovery and
medication at the will prevent the
right dosage and resistance of
time. bacteria.
Reference: Doenges, M., Moorho
Doenges, M., Moorhous use, MF., Murr A., (N
e, MF., Murr A., (NAND ANDA 14TH Edition, 2
A 14TH Edition, 2016) 016)
Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. Carpenito-Moyet, L.
(2006). Handbook of nu J. (2006). Handbook
rsing diagnosis. Lippinc of nursing diagnosis.
ott Williams & Wilkins. Lippincott Williams &
Gotter, A. (2019).
Treating Pain with Heat Gotter, A. (2019).
and Cold. Treating Pain with
https://www.healthline.c Heat and Cold.
om/health/chronic- https://www.healthlin
pain/treating-pain-with- e.com/health/chronic-
heat-and- pain/treating-pain-
cold#_noHeaderPrefixe with-heat-and-
dContent cold#_noHeaderPrefi
c.org/health- https://www.saintluke
library/taking-sitz-bath skc.org/health-