Now, Try Some Big Leap.: Keep Going
Now, Try Some Big Leap.: Keep Going
Now, Try Some Big Leap.: Keep Going
RLE Activity 2: Care Plan Critical Thinking Activities: Alterations in Normal Labor
Keep going.
Case Scenario
Sharry, a 16-years old primigravida at 43 weeks of gestation with a height of 5’3 enters
the hospital. She stated that her LMP was July 14, 2020 so her EDD would be April 20, 2021.
Upon performing IE you noticed a ruptured membrane and the bag of water breaks at 6cm cervix
dilation. Her labor is being stimulated with oxytocin administered IV. Her contractions have been
increasing in intensity with a frequency of every 2 to 2 ½ minutes and a duration of 80 to 85
seconds. She is currently in supine position with a 30-degree elevation of her head.
After performing Internal Examinaton, the cervix dilated at 9cm. On observation of the
monitor tracing, you note that during the last 2 contractions the FHR decreased after the contraction
peaked and did not return to baseline until about 10 seconds into the rest period. A slight decrease
in variability and baseline rate was observed.
She stated that “Napansin ko na napapadalas ang paghilab ng tiyan ko at nararamdaman kong
malapit na lumabas ang baby ko.”
Vital signs taken as follows: BP: 90/70 mmHg T: 37°C HR: 105 bpm RR: 21 bpm FHR: 86 bpm
Cervix: 9cm dilated, Fetal presentation: cephalic presentation (complete flexion),
a. Identify the pattern described and the possible factors responsible for it.
Progressing Contractions. Contractions that are lasting longer and getting closer together
are considered to be progressing. Over the course of labor, contractions get longer, stronger
and closer together.
✓ Contractions have been increasing in intensity with a frequency of every 2 to 2 ½
minutes and a duration of 80 to 85 seconds.
✓ During the last 2 contractions the FHR decreased after the contraction peaked and
did not return to baseline until about 10 seconds into the rest period.
✓ A slight decrease in variability and baseline rate was observed.
Possible Factors
▪ Oxytocin administration IV
The induction or continuance of labor with oxytocin should be avoided when the following
conditions or situations are present: evidence of fetal distress, fetal prematurity, abnormal fetal
position (including unengaged head), placenta previa, uterine prolapse, vasa previa, cephalopelvic
disproportion, cervical cancer, grand multiparity, previous surgery of the uterus or cervix
(including 2 or more cesarean deliveries), active genital herpes infection, or in any condition
presenting as an obstetric emergency requiring surgical intervention. Use of oxytocin in any of
these settings can aggravate the condition or cause unnecessary fetal or maternal distress.
If the contractions last longer than 60 seconds, slow or stop the oxytocin. If the contractions
consistently occur more often than every 2 minutes, slow or stop the oxytocin. If the patient
experiences uterine tetany (continuous contractions), stop the oxytocin.
b. Describe the actions you would take. State the rationale for each action.
▪ Stop the oxytocin infusion and administer a bolus of at least 500 mL of the primary nonadditive
▪ Keep the woman in a side-lying position to prevent aorto-caval compression and increase
placental blood flow.
▪ Consider oxygen administration at 10 L/min via nonrebreather facemask until FHR pattern
▪ Notify the provider; anticipate order for terbutaline (Brethine), a smooth muscle relaxant, 0.25
mg subcutaneously, if no improvement with other interventions.
▪ Oxytocin may be restarted when the tachysystole resolves and the FHR pattern returns to
normal. The oxytocin should be restarted at no more than half the previous rate if it has been
turned off for less than 20 to 30 minutes. If more than 30 to 40 minutes have elapsed, it should
be restarted at the initial dose.
Observe the Mother’s Response
▪ The uterus must be assessed for excessive UA that may reduce fetal oxygenation and contribute
to uterine rupture.
▪ If the oxytocin must be discontinued, the medical decision about resuming is individualized.
▪ The woman's blood pressure and pulse rate are taken every 30 minutes or with each oxytocin
dose increase to identify changes from her baseline. Her temperature is assessed every 2 hours,
unless ruptured, and then it is assessed hourly to identify infection.
▪ The woman may need to use pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic pain management
techniques sooner than in a spontaneous labor.
▪ Recording intake and output identifies fluid retention. which may precede water intoxication.
▪ After birth, the mother is observed for postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine relaxation.
Subjective: Risk for decreased *After 8 hours of Independent: Goal met after 8
16 years old’ cardiac output related to nursing 1. Assess the patient’s1. To determine presence hours of nursing
decreased venous return interventions, client general physical of abnormality. interventions,
“Napansin ko na and as evidenced by will display FHR condition. client was able to
napapadalas ang hypotension within normal limits. display FHR within
paghilab ng tiyan ko 2. Note presence and 2. Excess fluid retention normal limits.
at nararamdaman *After 8 hours of extent of edema. Monitor
places the client at risk for
kong malapit na nursing FHR during and between circulatory changes, with Goal met after 8
lumabas ang baby ko” interventions, client contractions. possible uteroplacental hours of nursing
will maintain vital insufficiency manifested interventions,
Objective: signs appropriate for as late decelerations. client was able to
*Primigravida at 43 stage of labor, free maintain vital signs
weeks of gestation of pathological 3. Assess BP and pulse 3. Increased resistance to appropriate for
edema and excessive between contractions, as cardiac output can occur if stage of labor, free
*Contractions albuminuria. indicated. Note abnormal
intrapartal hypertension of pathological
Frequency: 2 to 2 ½ readings. develops, further elevating edema and
minutes blood pressure. excessive
Duration: 80 to 85 4. Note any hypertensive 4. Oxytocin increases
seconds responses to oxytocin cardiac circulating volume
administration. (sodium and water
BOW: breaks at 6cm absorption) and cardiac
cervix dilation output and may also
increase BP and pulse.
*Vital signs take as
follows: 5. Monitor BP and pulse 5. Analgesics relax
BP: 90/70 per protocol or smooth muscles within the
T: 37 continually if hypotension blood vessels, reducing
HR: 105 is severe after resistance to cardiac
RR: 21 administration of output and lowering BP
FHR: 86 analgesia. and pulse.
Cervix: 9cm dilated
Fetal presentation: 6. Accurately record 6. Bedrest promotes
cephalic presentation parenteral/oral intake, and increases in cardiac and
(complete flexion) output. Measure specific urine output with a
gravity if kidney function corresponding decrease in
is decreased. urine specific gravity. An
elevation of specific
gravity and/or reduction in
urine output suggests
dehydration or possibly
developing hypertension.
9. Hyperstimulation of
9. Stop the oxytocin the uterus (intrauterine
infusion and administer pressure greater than 75
bolus of at least 500 mL mm Hg) can lead to
of the primary abruptio placentae, uterine
nonadditive tetany, and possible
Infusion rupture.
Subjective: Risk for fetal Injury Patient will Independent: Goal met, patient
16 years old’ related to prolonged participate in 1. Assess FHR manually 1. Detects abnormal participated in
labor and as evidenced interventions to or electronically. Note responses, such as interventions, the
“Napansin ko na by decreased in fetal improve labor variability, periodic exaggerated variability, labor pattern
napapadalas ang heart rate. pattern and reduce changes, and baseline bradycardia, and improved and
paghilab ng tiyan ko identified risk rate. If in the free tachycardia, which may reduced the
at nararamdaman factors and also the standing birth center, be caused by stress, identified risk
kong malapit na patient will display check Fetal heart tone hypoxia, acidosis, or factors also the
lumabas ang baby ko” FHR within normal between contractions sepsis. patient display
limits , with good using a Doptone. Count normal FHR in
Objective: variability, no late for 10 min, break for 5 normal limits, with
*Primigravida at 43 decelerations noted. min, and count again for good variability,
weeks of gestation 10 min. Continue this and no late
pattern throughout the decelerations
*Contractions contraction to midway noted.
Frequency: 2 to 2 ½ between it and the
minutes following contraction.