Dr. Talwar - MCQ - 11.08.2015
Dr. Talwar - MCQ - 11.08.2015
Dr. Talwar - MCQ - 11.08.2015
Fellowship Course in Homeopathic Dermatology, MUHS- 2015-16 batch
Internal Assessment Exam
Date: 11th August Time: 2.15-3.00 pm Marks-50 mar
A) Asteatotic eczema
B) Varicose eczema
C) Discoid eczema
D) Atopic eczema
A) Lichen planus
B) Atopic dermatitis
C) Psoriasis
D) Palms and soles
3) A patient gives H/O raised, red, itchy lesions on forearms & legs which
disappear after around 1 to 2 weeks. The most likely primary lesion in this case
would be -
A) Vesicle
B) Papule
A) CD 4 cells
B) CD 8 cells
C ) Both A& B
A) Vitamin B12
B) Vitamin B1
C) Vitamin B6
D) Vitamin B2
6) Diascopy is done in all except
D) Cut a ne ous TB
7) Parents of an 8 year old child come to you for the third time in past 3 years with the same complaint of
asymptomatic, off white patches on his cheeks which are exacerbated in summer. Your rational
approach to this case should be -
A) De-worm the child, prescribe calcium supplements & vitamin B complex supplements
B) Prescribe sunscreens & ask them to keep the child indoors during daytime
C) Both A & B
A) Localised lesions
C) Induration
D) T h i c k s c a l e s
A) D r u g a l l e rg y
B) Atopic dermatitis
C) Food a ll e rgy
D) Allergic rhinitis
B) Wool
C) Dus t
D) Sta phyl oc oc c us
13) Which of the following is not included in the Hanifin and Rajka Major criteria for atopic dermatitis
C) Oozing
D) I t c h
14) Kaposis Varicelliform eruption refers to
A) Varicella infection
B) Kaposis sarcoma
C) Herpes infection
15) A 65 year old obese female who is a known c/o psoriasis presents with psoriatic plaques on both
elbows & both knees since last 2 years with pain in left knee joint since last 2 months. What should be
your rational approach to this case?
A) Explain to her about osteoarthritis, teach her physiotherapy exercises & ask her to wear a knee cap
D) Ask her to loose weight & prescribe a diet for the same
A) Psoriasis
B) eborrheic dermatitis
C) Atopic dermatitis
A) Enthesitis
B) Spondylitis
C) Dactylitis
D) Encephalitis
A) Overseas travel
B) Vitamin B complex
C) Sour food
D) F r i c t i o n
19) Which of the following is not a cytokine
A) Guttate psoriasis
B) Se bops or i a si s
C) Inverse psoriasis
D) N o n e of t h e a b o ve
A) A child with an affected parent has a 50% chance of developing the disease
A) Asteatotic eczema
B) Sta s i s e c ze m a
C) Atopic eczema
D) Seborrheic eczema
23) Barrier function of skin is due to 'Brick & Mortar" structure. The brick refers to -
A) Str a t um c or ne um c el l s
B) tr at um ba s a le c el l
C) Intercellular lipid layer
D) Dermis
24) Which of the following generally does not present as a linear lesion -
26) Shingles: preceded or followed by intercostal neuralgia ,vesicles may have a bluish appearance.
A) Mezereum
B) Rhus tox
C) Ranunculus bulb
D) Tarentula cubensis
27) Large horny corns on soles of feet, very sensitive when walking, especially on stone pavements
A) Thuja
B) Nitric acid
C) Silicea
D) Ant crud
29) Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx; must scratch till parts become raw and sore
A) Bovista
B) Sulphur
C) Graphites
D) Anacardium
30) A good remedy for the agony of a felon, compelling patient to walk the floor for nights
A) Ar s e nic al b
B) Tarentula cubensis
C) Silicea
D) Sulphur
31) Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps and washes; haemorrhoids, that have been
treated with ointments
A) Psorinum
B) Graphites
C) Sulphur
D) Thuja
33) Cracks or fissures in ends of fingers, nipples, labial comminssures; of anus; between the toes.
A) Petroleum
B) Nitric acid
C) Graphites
D) Psorinum
34) Long-remaining discoloration after injuries: "black and blue" places become green.
A) Lachesis
B) Ledum pal
C) Arnica
D) Tarentula cubensis
35) Boils: small, painful with green contents, mature very slowly and heal in the same manner;
A) Syphilinum
B ) Tu b e r c u l i n u m
C) Seccor
D) Arnica Montana
36) Corns sensitive to touch, smart, burn
A) Ranunculus bulb
B) Nitric acid
C) Ant crud
D) Thuja
38) Scalp: dry, scaly or moist, fetid, suppurating eruptions oozing a sticky, offensive fluid is seen in all except
A) Graphites
B) Mezereum
C) Psorinum
D) Silicea
39) Erysipelas, from left to right; vesicular, yellow vesicles; much swelling, inflammation; burning, itching,
A) Arsenic
B) Lachesis
C) hus tox
D) Cantharis
40) Crippled, deformed, brittle nails on fingers and toes seen in all except
A) Silicea
B) Thuja
C) Ant crud
D) Graphites
41) Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates seen in all except
A) Graph
B) Hepar sulp
C) Petroleum
D) Sec cor
42) Warts, condylomata: sycotic or syphilitic; large, jagged, pedunculated; bleeding readily on washing;
A) Nit r i c a ci d
B) Ant crud
C) Ranunculus Bulb
D) Silicea
43) Warts on palms of hands
A) Thuja
B) Anacardium
C) Petroleum
D) Nit r i c a ci d
44) Intense itching of skin, but so tender is unable to scratch; > by gentle rubbing; eczema over whole
A) Sulphur
B) Psorinum
C ) C r ot o n t i g
D) Graphites
45) Feet bathed in foul-smelling sweat is seen in all except
A) Graphites
B) Silicea
C) Petroleum
D) Sulphur
A) Sulphur
B) Psorinum
C) Lachesis
D) Ledum pal
49) Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose
A) Sulphur
B ) Tu b e r c u l i n u m
C) Sec cor
D) Hepar sulp
50) The skin is very sensitive to touch, cannot bear even clothes to touch affected parts
A) Sec cor
B) Ar se ni c a l b
C) Hepar Sulp
D) Croton tig