Liquid-Crystalline Ordering As A Concept in Materials Science: From Semiconductors To Stimuli-Responsive Devices
Liquid-Crystalline Ordering As A Concept in Materials Science: From Semiconductors To Stimuli-Responsive Devices
Liquid-Crystalline Ordering As A Concept in Materials Science: From Semiconductors To Stimuli-Responsive Devices
liquid crystals · materials chemistry ·
self-assembly · semiconductors
8810 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
While the unique optical properties of liquid crystals (LCs) are From the Contents
already well exploited for flat-panel displays, their intrinsic ability to
1. Introduction 8811
self-organize into ordered mesophases, which are intermediate states
between crystal and liquid, gives rise to a broad variety of additional 2. Liquid-Crystalline Packing and
applications. The high degree of molecular order, the possibility for Charge Transport 8812
large scale orientation, and the structural motif of the aromatic subu-
nits recommend liquid-crystalline materials as organic semi- 3. Liquid-Crystalline Order in
Networks: Liquid-Crystalline
conductors, which are solvent-processable and can easily be deposited Elastomers 8818
on a substrate. The anisotropy of liquid crystals can further cause
a stimuli-responsive macroscopic shape change of cross-linked poly- 4. Summary and Outlook 8823
mer networks, which act as reversibly contracting artificial muscles.
After illustrating the concept of liquid-crystalline order in this Review,
emphasis will be placed on synthetic strategies for novel classes of LC
materials, and the design and fabrication of active devices.
1. Introduction
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8811
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
details about capabilities and applications of lyotropic liquid cooling to more highly ordered (low-temperature) phases.
crystals. Sharp grain boundaries, which are often found in polycrys-
Concerning thermotropic mesogens, the liquid-crystalline talline samples, are not present in a liquid-crystalline phase
order is lost in the isotropic melt owing to the thermal motion owing to the ability of the director to continuously change its
of the molecules. Upon cooling, the mesogens spontaneously orientation within the sample. Bending the director of
self-organize and adopt a long-range orientational order until a liquid-crystalline phase requires only little energy and
a well-ordered crystalline phase is formed at lower temper- defects are more easily tolerated. Thus, liquid-crystalline
atures. The mesogens may exhibit several LC phases at phases allow many packing motives that would not be
different temperatures, which are distinguishable by the compatible with a regular crystalline lattice.[14, 15] In combina-
degree of order of the mesogens (Figure 1 C). The nematic tion with the p-conjugated core of the mesogens, this
phase is the least ordered mesophase and usually found at the recommends liquid crystals as active materials for the
highest temperatures. It is marked by a long-range orienta- design of organic semiconducting devices (see Section 2.2).
tional order of the mesogens, meaning that their only Owing to the cooperative behavior of the mesogens
alignment is along one common axis. Additional positional (parallel orientation of their long axis), liquid-crystalline
order of calamitic mesogens first appears at lower temper- phases are very sensitive to external fields.[16] They interact as
atures within layered smectic phases. In this case, the long axis a collective and the effect of switching the director in an
of the mesogens aligns along the layer normal in a smectic A applied electric field is many orders of magnitude larger
phase, while they are slightly tilted to the layer normal in compared to an isotropic liquid, where only the dipole
a smectic C phase. Additional smectic phases with an moments of individual molecules interact with the electric
improved packing within the layers can exist at even lower field (Kerr effect). In combination with their optical proper-
temperatures. In comparison, discotic mesogens exhibit ties (birefringence), liquid crystals can be used to switch the
positional order by stacking into different types of columnar transmittance of polarized light (see Chapters 2 and 6 in
structures (Figure 1 C).[11] The degree of orientational order particular in Ref. [3]). This effect is exploited for the
of the mesogens is described by a dimensionless unit vector, fabrication of electro-optic displays and forms an integral
termed the director n. It is quantified as order parameter S part in todays display technology.[17]
[Equation (1)]. Compared to crystalline materials, liquid crystals are not
only more tolerant towards structural defects but can also
3 cos2 q1 ð1Þ host other non-mesogenic units. This allows the synthesis of
S¼h i
2 liquid-crystalline polymers (LCP) and elastomers (LCE),
which combine shape-anisotropic mesogens with flexible
The parameter S is obtained by averaging the angle q isotropic polymer chains. In combination with the entropy
between the molecular symmetry axis of the mesogens (long elasticity of an elastomer network, this gives rise to a stimuli-
axis for calamitic mesogens, short axis for discotics) and the responsive behavior in slightly cross-linked LCE networks
local director over all molecules in a small but macroscopic (see Section 3).
volume. For an isotropic liquid, the random distribution of
angles q yields an order parameter of S = 0. On the other
hand, S = 1 for a perfectly aligned crystalline state. Typical 2. Liquid-Crystalline Packing and Charge Transport
values from 0.3 to 0.8 are found for calamitic nematic and
smectic phases.[12] 2.1. Semiconductivity in Liquid Crystals
The possibility for a smooth transition between a crystal-
line and an isotropic phase in a stepwise fashion[1, 3, 13] In general, electronic devices, such as solar cells (photo-
establishes liquid crystals for a variety of applications that voltaics), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and field-effect
require well-ordered packing over large distances. That is transistors (FETs) rely on the transport of electrical charges
because the director can be aligned macroscopically in the between two electrodes. Inorganic semiconductors, such as
mobile, but less-ordered high-temperature phase (for exam- crystalline silicon with rather high charge carrier mobility m,
ple nematic) and the local order can be added during slow are thus widely used as the charge carrier component. The
8812 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
processing of crystalline silicon is however expensive, and it is Furthermore, the type of charge carriers is indicated.[18, 24] The
difficult to prepare flexible electronic components from the first method gives information useful for synthetic chemists
hard material. “Softer” semiconductive organic materials are interested in an ideal transfer between single molecules, but
attractive for the production of flexible and cheaper devices, a comparison between values gained from these two different
as they are soluble in organic solvents and can easily be methods should be avoided.
deposited on a substrate. Unfortunately the charge carrier Liquid-crystalline ordering (Figure 3) offers the possibil-
mobility of crystalline inorganic material like silicon cannot ity to easily orient organic semiconducting molecules[25] and
be matched by organic semiconductors, where the charges are to prepare monodomain samples.[1, 3] LC phases possess
localized in molecular orbitals of the individual mole- a higher degree of order than the isotropic melt (amorphous
cules.[18–22] order). It is however lower compared to the perfectly regular
When discussing charge carrier mobility in organic and most dense crystal. Thus p-conjugated molecules with
materials, it is essential to recognize that it is not an intrinsic liquid-crystalline phases are attractive to improve the charge
property of organic molecules. It is a material property and carrier mobility. In this context discotics were investigated
requires hopping of charges between the molecules. For this most thoroughly.
a sufficient interaction of different p–electron systems (p–p
stacking) at the local scale is necessary to allow charge
transport between neighboring molecules. With typical stack-
ing distances of several Angstroms, this intermolecular
hopping process of charges occurs many times before reach-
ing the opposing electrodes, which have a distance of 100 nm
(minimum) to several mm. While closely packed crystalline
samples facilitate local charge hopping between organic
molecules, grain boundaries in polycrystalline samples
strongly affect the charge carrier mobility on a macroscopic
scale (Figure 2). In contrast, amorphous films from organic
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8813
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
(Figure 3 B). Here the mesogens have a fixed position on top rotational symmetry, range from “simple” triazine to more
of each other. However, the lack of mobility makes them complex structures like phthalocyanine (Pc). The most
more prone to defects. Their higher density and viscosity also common procedure for attaching the alkyl side-chains (gen-
makes them more difficult to handle in a casting process. To erally six or more) are nucleophilic or electrophilic substitu-
counterbalance these features, the orientation step can be tion reactions at the aromatic core, with the linking groups
done in the less-viscous nematic discotic phase at higher often being esters, ethers, amides, or alkynes. As a detailed
temperatures. A more ordered mesophase necessary for good listing of all accomplishments in tailoring discotic LCs is
semiconductivity can then simply be achieved by lowering the beyond the scope of this review, we will restrict ourselves to
temperature of the device. a concise summary of state of the art applications of DLCs in
Flexible aliphatic chains provide the mobility necessary electronic devices.
for the discotic phase, but they act at the same time as
insulating layer around the stacked columns of aromatic
cores, considerably hampering any charge transport between 2.2. LCs as the Active Component in Opto-electronic Devices
molecules in neighboring columns and promoting an aniso-
tropic electric conductivity.[31] The distance between neigh- It has roughly been 15 years since the first electronic
boring columns ranges between 20–40 (Figure 3 C). The devices containing discotic liquid crystals were presented.
formation of a columnar assembly can thus be seen as a nano- Potential applications range from photovoltaic cells and light
segregation between the conjugated cores and flexible emitting diodes to field effect transistors,[37] and the following
insulating side-chains.[26] As the charge has to move over is a short summary of the results gained to date. Photovoltaic
macroscopic distances (> 100 nm), which is well above the cells and field effect transistors require high charge carrier
length of an individual undisturbed column, the side-chains mobilities for operation, and discotics in particular have been
become important for macroscopic charge transport as investigated for this purpose. OLED devices on the other
determined by time of flight (TOF) measurements. An hand do not need high charge carrier mobility for operation
increasing length of the side-chains reduces both the packing and can also be made from amorphous semiconducting LC
order among the discotic cores (for example by a transition polymers with low charge carrier mobilities.
from a rectangular to a less-ordered hexagonal columnar
mesophase) and charge hopping between the columns at the 2.2.1 Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)
same time.[32] This enhances the lifetime of the charge carriers
owing to suppressed recombination[33] but it also strongly The working principle of an organic light-emitting diode
reduces charge transport in one dimension (DLCs; molecular (OLED) is light generation by electrical excitation. Electron
wires). This readily illustrates the key problem of DLCs: any and hole are injected into the LUMO of the acceptor and
discontinuity in a column disrupts the charge motion. There- HOMO of the donor, respectively, and transported by an
fore one has to carefully choose from a variety of discotics for applied electric field. Attracted by Coulomb forces, electron
use as semiconductors, as the combination of aromatic core, and hole combine to form an exciton, which produces
anchoring side-chains, and LC ordering determines the luminescence upon relaxation. In a multilayer device, the
electronic properties of the discotics.[34] electron and hole transporting layers are sandwiched between
There have been several seminal reviews on the molecular a metal cathode and a transparent indium tin oxide (ITO)
engineering of discotic liquid crystals and their structure– anode. In between these layers is the emitter material, the
property relationship.[25, 30, 35, 36] Figure 4 illustrates some exem- energy levels of which are matched to trap electrons and
plary aromatic cores, which form the basis for the design of holes. Similarly to photovoltaic cells, the discotics must adopt
DLCs. The aromatic cores, often with three-, four-, or sixfold a face-on alignment for the best possible charge transport
between the electrodes.
Only a handful of discotic systems have been reported for
the preparation of OLEDs.[38] Most of the work has been
carried out with nematic semiconducting polymers such as
certain polyphenylenvinylidene derivatives (PPVs), which
form nematic phases owing to their rod-like polymer struc-
ture.[39] These systems are known to produce polarized
emission parallel to the conjugated polymer chain if the
liquid-crystalline phase is macroscopically oriented. This is
especially attractive considering that liquid crystal displays
(LCDs) nowadays often work with an LED backlight and
require polarized light for their operation.
8814 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
subsequent charge collection of electron and hole at the This effect is attributed to a low overall surface roughness
electrode, is much more pronounced than in organic materi- achieved by the top-surface capping structure of the PDMS
als. In the latter, electron and hole are stronger bound to each stamp, which also increases vertical stratification of the two
other because of the lower dielectric constant of the material blended semiconductors in the film.[45] Varying the length of
and the lower charge carrier mobility keeps them close the side-chains also influences the resulting morphology,
together for a longer time; both effects favor a recombination. ranging from a layered structure for short side-chains to an
Compared to crystalline photovoltaic materials, however, increasingly disordered structure with longer side-chains.[46] A
solution-processable organic materials enable the production photovoltaic cell made by vacuum deposition of a perylene
of thin and flexible solar cells, often in a more cost-effective layer on top of a discotic triphenylene ether showed external
manner. quantum efficiencies of only 3 %. The relatively low EQE is
An efficient separation of charges and transport to the attributed to a non-columnar assembly of the discotic
corresponding electrode requires materials with high charge triphenylene ether and the small internal interphase owing
carrier mobility. Thus liquid-crystalline materials and espe- to lack of a bulk heterojunction.[47] Further studies of the
cially discotics become interesting. Charge separation can be structure-performance relationship showed that the insulat-
enhanced by blending electron- and hole-transporting mate- ing character of longer substituents reduces the efficiency of
rials in a bulk heterojunction (Figure 5). After absorption of electron–hole separation, while short side-chains increase the
crystallinity and the performance of the photo-
voltaic device.[48, 49] The performance is additionally
enhanced when the columns stack perpendicular to
the surface in a so-called face-on or homeotropic
alignment.[49] The combination of alignment of the
discotics and morphology of acceptor and donor
plays a crucial part in the preparation of the
photovoltaic cells. Recently the successful prepa-
ration of columnar donor and acceptor discotics in
a homeotropic alignment in a bilayer-geometry was
reported.[50] The organic heterojunction made of
two oriented columnar discotics was accessible by
judiciously designing the LCs with specific proper-
Figure 5. Inner working of an organic photovoltaic cell. Left: After photoexcitation, ties. However, no active PVC device was made
an efficient charge separation of electron and hole occurs if the changes in energy from this proof-of-principle heterojunction.
of ground state and first excited state have the same sign. Right: After photo- Roughly 10 years after the first discotic based
excitation at the interface of the two materials, each material must provide PVC was presented, the full capability of this class
a continuous path for the transport of separated charges to the electrodes. of materials has not yet been fully exploited. The
Reprinted from Ref. [40] with permission of AAAS.
results so far demonstrate their inherent potential
and encourage further research, whether it con-
photons at the interface of the two materials, the blend ratio cerns the relationship between chemical structure and
must be optimized for a sufficient charge percolation. Bottle- electronic properties, their capability as electron acceptors
necks and cul-de-sacs in the conducting pathways to the and donors, or the fabrication processes for building the
electrodes increase the risk of charge-trapping and recombi- photovoltaic cells.[51]
[40, 41]
nation of electrons and holes in the active material.
In 2001, Mllen and co-workers presented the first 2.2.3 Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs)
photovoltaic cell made from a blend of the discotic liquid
crystal hexabenzocoronene HBC-PhC12 and a perylene dye A transistor device consists of a semiconductor and three
by a simple solution-processing technique.[42] Exploiting the terminals, which are called source, gate, and drain. Depending
self-organization of the two components, they formed verti- on the type of semiconductor used in FETs, either electrons or
cally micro-segregated p-systems with a high interfacial area holes are conducted between source and drain. This drain-to-
between the two components. Near 490 nm, the external source current flow is controlled by an applied voltage
quantum efficiencies (EQE) were more than 34 %, which is between source and drain terminal and allows transistors to
a remarkable value for an organic photovoltaic cell.[42, 43] An amplify and switch electronic signals. The applied gate voltage
interpenetrating network between hole-accepting (here modulates the channel conductivity by either increasing or
HBC-PhC12) and electron-accepting (perylene dye) semi- decreasing the channel size. Columnar DLCs acting as
conductors is crucial for the preparation of highly efficient anisotropic charge carriers along the channel can be used as
photovoltaic devices.[44] For example, the morphology can be long as they stack parallel to the surface in a planar or edge-on
controlled and the photovoltaic response improved by alignment.
annealing HBC/perylene films while in contact with a flat This uniaxial alignment of the discotics HBC-PhC12 and
PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) stamp. These devices exhibit HBC-C8,2 was achieved by meso-epitaxial solution growth on
an external quantum efficiency of 29.5 % at 460 nm, which is oriented PTFE layers. The supramolecularly ordered colum-
an increase by a factor of two to compared to as-spun films. nar stacks showed field-effect mobilities of up to
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8815
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
103 cm2 V1 s1 and high on–off ratios of more than 104.[52] of the structure-property relationship of the liquid crystals
Highly ordered thin layers of HBC-C12 were obtained by can further improve their electronic properties, as demon-
employing a zone-casting process (Figure 6 B). The corre- strated by an OFET device made of solution-processable
sponding OFETs demonstrated charge carrier mobilities an ovalene diimide derivatives. Electron mobilities of
order of magnitude larger than previously reported for 1.0 cm2 V1 s1 in nitrogen atmosphere and 0.51 cm2 V1 s1
under oxygen are reported.[61] The ability to tailor compo-
nents with specific properties and to easily process them in
solution makes them a promising alternative to classic
inorganic semiconductor materials.
8816 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
gives graphene, which yields high charge carrier mobilities for an optimal hopping process. For photovoltaic applications,
within the sheets.[70] Aggregation and loss of the LC phase of blends from donor and acceptor materials are needed. Liquid-
reduced GO can be prevented by the addition of surfac- crystalline donor–acceptor structures can be obtained by
tants.[71] These emergent results give a good example of the coating the anisotropic inorganic nanoparticle (the acceptor
possibilities, when combining the concept of liquid crystal material) with organic polymer chains (the donor material).[74]
ordering with systems, which do not contain liquid-crystalline Furthermore, these sterically stabilized nanoparticles can be
mesogens in the classical sense, whether it be graphene oxide processed in solution. In analogy to classical liquid-crystalline
or inorganic nanoparticles, as described in the following mesogens, which are only several magnitudes bigger in size,
chapter. the anisotropic inorganic core induces the overall orientation,
while the flexible polymer chains prevent aggregation and
promote the solubility.[75–77]
2.4. Liquid-Crystalline Behavior in Anisotropic Inorganic Blends of nanoparticles and conductive polymers (no
Nanoparticles chemical linkage, no LC order) have been used in hybrid
photovoltaic cells, where the inorganic particles consist of
Generally speaking, shape-anisotropic nanoparticles can CdSe,[78] TiO2,[79] and CdTe[80] amongst other materials.
be seen as oversized mesogens. Densely packed and with Aligning the nanoparticles along a common direction in
enough mobility to reorient, they can form liquid-crystalline a polymer matrix to form a heterojunction improves the
phases.[8, 9, 72] A key process step is to disperse a large enough power conversion compared to bilayer structured solar cells.
concentration of these particles in a suitable solvent, despite This effect is due to a larger donor–acceptor interface and
the need of the particles to minimize their large surface-area minimized charge carrier pathways. The orientation of the
to volume ratio by agglomeration. This can be carried out by nanoparticles could for example be achieved by growth of
ionic or steric stabilization methods known from colloid nanorods directly on the ITO anode by an anodized
science. In fact, LC phases from ionically stabilized inorganic aluminum oxide (AAO) template[81] or by an electrodeposi-
nanorods have been known since the 1920s.[73] Liquid- tion process.[80] Exploiting the self-assembly properties of
crystalline phases from anisotropic nanoparticles allow the a liquid-crystalline phase offers another pathway for generat-
combination of the high conductivity of inorganic rod-like ing aligned semiconducting nanoparticles in a donor matrix.
semiconductors (for example TiO2, ZnO) and the orientabil- The synthetic route to these hybrid systems is presented in
ity of liquid crystals. From the viewpoint of opto-electronics Figure 7.
and charge migration (see Section 2.1), the large nanoparti- Controlled radical polymerization allows the design of
cles 1) allow the charge to travel a long way within the block copolymers comprised of a short chelating anchor block
nanoparticle at high speed; 2) minimize the hopping steps (for example with catechol groups) and a block providing
necessary for macroscopic charge migration due to their large solubility in different solvents. These block copolymers can be
size; and 3) maximize the inter-particle interaction necessary blended with the nanoparticles in a grafting-to fashion.[82] If
Figure 7. The synthesis of a block copolymer suitable for coating an inorganic nanorod and subsequent LC self-organization of these nanorods
owing to their intrinsic anisotropy and polymer chain-mediated mobility. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [75].
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8817
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
8818 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
mesogens influences the chain anisotropy[98] and consequently It is however more common to covalently cross-link the
the shape-changing properties. Using flexible alkyl chains as LC polymer chains. A large variety of synthetic methods have
spacers, the mesogens can be attached in a side-on or end-on been developed over the past 20 years, the main difference
manner to the polymer chain (Figure 8 B) and are generally being that polymerization and cross-linking are either con-
classified as side-chain polymers. Side-on systems promote an ducted simultaneously or consecutively.
orientation of the polymer chain along the director, while two Simultaneous polymerization and cross-linking allows
conflicting forces affect the conformation of an end-on a conventional bifunctional LMW cross-linker to be used.
polymer. For these comb-like polymers, the anisotropy of The cross-linker can either be mesogenic[109] or non-meso-
the liquid crystal moieties acts along the director field while it genic,[110, 111] as the liquid-crystalline phase is relatively stable
simultaneously forces the polymer backbone in a plane towards non-mesogenic impurities. Alternatively, a more
perpendicular to it. Thus either prolate or oblate conforma- stable enantiotropic mesophase can be achieved with a meso-
tions (neutron scattering measurements)[99] have been de- genic cross-linkable polymer, the multi-functionality of which
scribed for rather similar polymers. As result of this competi- provides for a rapid polymerization and cross-linking.[112]
tion, end-on polymers show a weaker chain anisotropy[96] Side-chain elastomers could be realized with polymerizable
compared to side-on polymers and therefore the correspond- groups such as acrylates[110] and methacrylates[113] attached to
ing elastomer exhibit weaker contractions upon the isotropic the mesogen. A main-chain elastomer was accomplished by
phase transition.[100] thiol–ene coupling.[114, 115]
Considering that laterally attached mesogens with short If cross-linking is carried out in a consecutive step, the
spacers induce a stronger anisotropy of the polymer chain, polymer precursor is synthesized from mesogenic units and
polymers with mesogens directly integrated into their back- contains either cross-linkable groups or functional groups,
bone should show the strongest anisotropy. This has indeed which may further react with a cross-linkable LMW compo-
been found for so-called main-chain polymers.[96, 101] Main- nent. Polymer precursors with incorporated cross-linkable
chain LCEs strongly contract on losing their liquid-crystalline groups are advantageous for in-bulk preparations of LC
order in the isotropic phase with reported relative length elastomers as no additional component is needed for cross-
changes of up to 500 %.[102] linking. The photoreactive group benzophenone, for example,
can already be linked to mesogenic units before polymeri-
zation and afterwards cross-link upon irradiation with UV
3.2. Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers light.[116] Furthermore, cross-linkable groups (such as acrylate,
vinyl) can be introduced in a consecutive polymer function-
Highly cross-linked networks of LC polymer chains alization and easily be cross-linked in a second step by
(thermosets) permanently lock-in the liquid-crystalline thermal or photochemical initiation.[117, 118] LC polymer chains
order of the mesogens. Here the mesogens lack the flexibility containing hydroxy groups can be converted with bis(isocya-
to rearrange upon the transition to the disordered isotropic nate)s to yield an elastomer network.[119, 120] Elastomers from
phase and the LC order is preserved up to the decomposition azide-terminated telechelic side-group LC polymers could be
temperature of the network.[103] These dense and highly realized by click chemistry, by cross-linking the LC polymer
ordered systems are useless for any actuator application, but with a LMW triacetylene species.[121]
exhibit unique optical properties which makes them useful as All of the systems described so far are assembled from
retarder foils for LC displays, wherein they further improve classical carbon-based organic molecules, whether in a step-
the color contrast or the viewing angle.[104] For efficient wise fashion or in a one-pot reaction. A different synthetic
actuation it is essential to increase the flexibility of the route is based on polymers with a polysiloxane backbone. An
mesogens to enable the phase transition with the associated LC polymer is obtained by platinum-catalyzed addition of the
loss of order. This can be achieved in slightly cross-linked vinyl-substituted mesogenic units to the SiH bond of
LCE samples with elastic moduli of several megapascals a siloxane precursor polymer.[122] The ease to choose from
(MPa),[105] which is typical for rubbery materials. Thereby, a variety of mesogens makes this a modular system, where LC
cross-linking can be accomplished in two ways: either by the polymers with different compositions and architectures are
formation of covalent bonds or by physical cross-linking accessible. Cross-linking can easily be accomplished either
between the polymer chains. during functionalization of the polymer backbone using
Supramolecular architectures of LC actuators and sensors divinylic cross-linkers[94] or in a consecutive step.[123] It was
can be realized with hydrogen-bonding mesogens.[106] A good this method developed and improved by Finkelmann and co-
example was recently provided by the Ikeda group. A free- workers, which put actuating LCEs into practice and made it
standing film of a LC elastomer could be realized by mixing relatively easy to produce macroscopic actuating LCE films.
a hydrogen-bond donating LC polymer with a low-molecular
weight (LMW) cross-linker, which acts as hydrogen-bond
acceptor.[107] Additionally incorporated azobenzenes allowed 3.3. Preparation of LCEs and Their Use as Active Devices
isothermal switching with UV light. In another example of
physical cross-linking, ionic interactions were used to create While the contraction or expansion of a film is a macro-
a weakly cross-linked polymer network by performing an scopic process, it results from the microscopic reorientation of
oxidation-reduction reaction on an redox-active LC copoly- the mesogens and the attached polymer chains. Although
mer.[108] liquid crystals self-assemble in the nematic or smectic phase,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8819
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
the director does not align uniformly throughout the sample. a magnetic field.[118, 128] This feature allowed Keller and co-
Without an external directing force, polydomains form, with workers to create actuating LCE micropillars by a soft-
the director being randomly distributed in the elastomer molding process in a magnetic field (Figure 10 B).[115, 129]
network. When, however, such an external force is applied The director orientation can also be influenced by spatial
during cross-linking, the mesogens and thus the polymer confinement. Yang et al. used a softlithographic method to
chains align along one preferred direction and form a mono- prepare a LCE film with a columnar topography. As the
domain sample. In the latter case, the loss of orientation in the diameter of the columns is below the characteristic uniform
isotropic phase results in a directed macroscopic shape domain size, the elastomer film adopts a monodomain con-
change of the sample (Figure 9). formation inside the columns.[130] Similarly, nanoporous
anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) templates provide one-
dimensional confinement and were used as molds to synthe-
size wired-shaped nano-LCEs.[131] Such patterned nano- and
microstructures created by soft- and photolithography[132] can
be used as stimuli-responsive surfaces for micromechanical
The flow field within microfluidic tubing can also induce
a preferred orientation in LC droplets. These droplets are
prepared at the end of a needle within a T junction and then
subjected to shear flow in a thin capillary. The imposed
orientation of the mesogens is then permanently fixed by UV-
initiated cross-linking. LCE particles with varying shapes are
accessible at different flow rates.[133, 134] A microfluidic double-
Figure 9. The microscopic loss of order upon the nematic–isotropic
emulsion process can be utilized to create core–shell particles,
phase transition, resulting in a reversible macroscopic shape-change of which consist of LCE shells filled with an isotropic liquid core.
the slightly cross-linked elastomer. When the elastomer shell is punctured with a thin capillary,
the liquid core is reversibly ejected owing to the deformation
of the shell at the phase-transition temperature into the
Fine-tuning the above-described hydrosilylation synthesis, isotropic phase. This process is fully reversible, which allows
liquid single-crystal elastomers (LSCE), highly ordered LC the core–shell particles to be used as micropumps (Fig-
networks, could be obtained via a two-step cross-linking ure 10 C).[135]
procedure.[94] Polysiloxane and a judicious mixture of meso- Along with the sample geometries of films described so
gens and cross-linker carrying vinyl as well as methacroyl far, namely patterned surfaces and particles, it is also possible
groups are converted into a weakly cross-linked film. This film to create highly ordered LCE fibers (Figure 10 D). By simply
is firm enough to be mechanically stretched. This stretching drawing fibers from a reacting melt of a side-chain polymer
force provides for a uniform orientation of the polymer and cross-linker with tweezers, the LC polymer spontaneously
chains. In a second step, unreacted methacryloyl groups are orients along the fiber axis (d 300 mm).[120] The above-
further converted to yield a fully functional monodomain mentioned microfluidic procedure is also applicable for the
actuator. A film made with this technique could be incorpo- preparation of fibers if the visocity of the solution is high
rated into a microfluidic chip to act as a flow-regulating valve, enough to prevent direct decomposition of the liquid jet into
expanding normal to the director upon the phase transition droplets. This method could be applied to a cross-linkable
and thus sealing the microfluidic channel (Figure 10 A).[124] main-chain polymer. The fibers created by this wet-spinning
The procedure of mechanical stretching cannot however process were of a regular thickness between 20–50 mm,
be adopted to processing reactive LMW mesogens or for the depending on the chosen flow rates, and could lift a weight
fabrication of micro- and nanoscopic samples. The fabrication three orders of magnitude higher than their own mass.[136]
of small samples with different geometries is of particular Even thinner fibers of only several micrometers in diameter
interest for future applications of LCEs as active components are accessible by electrospinning.[137] However, the resulting
in microscopic devices.[125] For LMW mesogens, surface forces fleece-like sample, consisting of a chaotic cluster of fibers on
are commonly exploited to induce a uniform orientation of top of each other, makes it difficult to extract single fibers for
the director. The interaction between surface and mesogens a characterization of their individual properties.
may promote a planar (parallel to the surface) or homeo-
tropic (normal to the surface) alignment. A uniform director
orientation may simply be induced by microscopic scratches 3.4. Stimuli-Responsive LCEs: Not Only Temperature-Dependent
obtained by rubbing of the substrate with cloth. Planar
aligned free-standing films could be produced with polyimide- As already explained in the introduction of this Review,
coated substrates.[110, 111, 126] Surface interactions could also be the phase transition of thermotropic liquid crystals is trig-
utilized for the fabrication of nanoactuators made from gered by a change in temperature. This most-common
a main-chain polyester by a mini-emulsion process.[127] actuation was exploited for most of the LCEs presented to
The rigid core of the mesogen, consisting of benzene rings, date. Admittedly, when integrating LCEs in an active device,
generate diamagnetism, and can then be aligned with it is not advantageous to heat the whole device. Efforts have
8820 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
Figure 10. A) An LCE film acts as a flow-regulating valve inside a microfluidic chip. The fluid is allowed to flow while the LCE film is in its glassy
nematic state. When heating the LCE film above the nematic–isotropic transition temperature with a copper circuit, the film expands, thus closing
the valve and blocking the fluid flow. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [124]. B) The melt of a reactive mesogen is molded inside a PDMS
stamp and subsequently polymerized to give LCE micropillars. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [129]. Copyright 2009, American Chemical
Society. C) A microfluidic device can be used to prepare bulk and core shell particles, which elongate when heated to the isotropic phase.
Punctuated core–shell particles are able to reversibly expel their inner liquid core upon this phase transition and act as a micropump. Reprinted
with permission from Ref. [133]. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [135]. Copyright 2012, Nature Publishing Group. D) Top and middle:
Continuous fibers produced in a microfluidic device. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [136]. Copyright 2011, Royal Society of Chemistry.
Bottom: A fiber drawn from a reactive monomer melt lifts a 200 mg weight. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [120]. Copyright 2003, American
Chemical Society.
been made to induce the desired shape change by local with an electric current.[138] Similarly, the introduction of iron
heating of the LC-elastomer. Incorporating carbon black oxide particles into the elastomer allows inductive heating
allows electrothermal heating of the now conductive LCE with an applied alternating magnetic field.[139] It is also
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8821
Angewandte R. Zentel and E.-K. Fleischmann
possible to dope LCEs with carbon nanotubes (CNT). They impressive to view. For monodomain samples the bending
efficiently absorb visible and infrared light, convert it into axis is normal to the director. The Ikeda group could further
local heat, and thus induce the phase transition.[140] The develop the potential of such films, by making a polydomain
difficulty of producing a stable and homogeneous suspension LCE film and controlling its bending direction with linear
of CNTs in a liquid-crystalline matrix can be overcome by polarized light. Even though the macroscopic orientation of
using a liquid-crystalline polymer surfactant containing the director was randomly distributed over the whole film,
pyrene anchoring groups.[141] It could be shown that CNT a bending motion parallel to the direction of light polarization
concentrations below 1 % are sufficient for a pronounced was observed.[155]
actuation of an LCE sample, and that the presence
of the dispersed CNT does not significantly affect
the LC order or the internal structure of the
elastomer.[142] A nematic elastomer in the shape of
a cantilever made from such LC-CNT composites
exhibited a bending motion on local heating with
a laser diode at 660 nm.[143] By creating an elabo-
rate molding process, Camargo and co-workers
processed an LCE-CNT film to give a polydomain
sample with blister-like monodomain regions
(Figure 11). These blister-like shaped monodomain
regions contract on irradiation with red light. They
could successfully integrate these films into a dis-
play, where the localized actuation of the mono-
domain blisters turns into an active Braille alpha-
bet.[144, 145]
Liquid crystals can also be responsive to electric
fields if they possess a ferroelectric phase.[146] The
electromechanical response is due in this case to
the strong macroscopic polarization of the chiral
smectic C* phase of the elastomer.[147] For recent
summarizations of these ferroelectric liquid-crys-
talline elastomers (FLCEs), see Refs. [148, 149, Figure 11. A) A stretched LCE-CNT film is stamped between punch mold and die
150]. mold. Also visible are the monodomain blisters. Reprinted with permission from
Alternatively an isothermal phase transition Ref. [145]. Copyright IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. B) Dynamic Braille
can be induced by incorporating azo groups into dots: The LCE-CNT blister contracts upon irradiation with a light source and
the mesogenic structures, often in the form of becomes unreadable. It recovers its original shape once the light source is turned
azobenzene moieties (Figure 12).[151] The trans off. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [145]. Copyright IOP Publishing Ltd. All
rights reserved.
configuration of the azo group stabilizes the
liquid-crystalline alignment of rod-like mesogens.
Upon irradiation with UV light at the p–p*
absorption band (ca. 360 nm), the photoisomerization from
the trans to the cis configuration of the azobenzene desta-
bilizes the mesophase. The now bent (or kink-like) molecules
act as isotropic impurities, which lower the nematic order
parameter.[152] This reduces the nematic–isotropic transition
temperature to such a degree that an isothermal isotropiza-
tion becomes possible. A macroscopic shape change of LCEs
can be induced at ambient temperatures upon irradiation.
The trans–cis isomerization can either be reversed by
irradiation with visible light (< 470 nm, equivalent to the n–
p* absorption) or by thermal activation.[153]
A problem of the azo chromophores is their high
absorption coefficient. The concentration of azo chromo-
phores (above 5 %) necessary to achieve a strong shift of the
phase transition temperature entails a high optical density at
the surface. Illumination of the sample creates a concentration
Figure 12. Azobenzene moieties switch from trans to the cis state upon
gradient of the cis isomers away from the surface, and this
irradiation with UV light. The kink-like molecules lower the order
gradient results in a bending motion of the LCE films towards parameter of the nematic phase, causing an isothermal shift to the
the light source.[111, 154] The bending motion creates little stress isotropic state. The reversibility of this process allows to specifically
and cannot be used to lift relatively heavy cargo, but it is very initiate the shape change of such an LC elastomer by UV irradiation.
8822 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827
Liquid Crystals Chemie
Irradiation of a cantilever-shaped sample causes an in- contraction on one and expansion on the other side results in
plane bending motion of the cantilever towards the light a rolling motion of the film, which propels the two pulleys
source, as long as the director is oriented along the long axis of (Figure 13 B).[159] The same concept and material could also
the cantilever. Once the director orientation is rotated with be used for mimicking the three-dimensional movements of
respect to the long axis of the sample, an out-of-plane twisting an inchworm walk and a robotic arm motion.[160]
motion can be observed owing to a shear gradient and In recent years we could observe significant progress in
contraction along the diagonal of the cantilever.[156] The the fabrication of LCEs, creating elaborate shapes that are
bending of the photoactive LCEs can further be improved by capable of performing complex motions. Particularly, the
creating splayed or twisted instead of just planar alignments possibility to manufacture micro- and nanosized LCEs allows
of the mesogens.[157] The deposition with an ink-jet printer their integration into lab-on-chip systems. These advances will
allows different LC materials to be arranged in cantilever-like fuel the transition from fundamental research to competitive
shape: one sensitive to UV light, the other to visible light. commercial applications.
Thus a cilia-like motion can be induced by addressing the
different components with their respective wavelength of
light (Figure 13 A).[109] 4. Summary and Outlook
Instead of covalently linking the azo moiety to the
elastomer, Palffy-Muhoray and co-workers created LC elas- We have presented a selection of applications offered by
tomer network with an azo-dye simply dispersed in it. When the unique properties of liquid crystals. The combination of
floating on water, the material was found to swim into the order and mobility and the presence of different phases with
darker regions, that is, away from the irradiating light source a different degree of orientation allows the preparation of
as a result of exchanging momentum between water and the samples, which combine a long range uniform director
sample upon its bending motion.[158] A light-driven plastic orientation with good local packing. This makes liquid-
motor was realized by wrapping a photoactive LCE film crystalline materials interesting as organic semiconducting
around two pulleys and illuminating the film with UV light materials. Discotic liquid crystals in particular have been
and visible light from two opposing sides. The resulting investigated in this respect owing to their self-organization
Figure 13. A) Representation and real-life image of a cantilever-like two-component LCE producing asymmetric cilia-like motion depending on the
light source. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [109]. Copyright 2009, Nature Publishing Group. B) Top: Representation of a motor laminated
with a photoresponsive LCE film. Bottom: By simultaneous irradiation with UV and visible light, the plastic motor is propelled by a bending-
unbending movement of the LCE film. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [159].
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8810 – 8827 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8823
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