The TV in Your Pocket: Development of Liquid-Crystal Materials For The New Millennium

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. M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201300903
Liquid Crystals

The TV in Your Pocket: Development of Liquid-Crystal

Materials for the New Millennium
Matthias Bremer,* Peer Kirsch,* Melanie Klasen-Memmer, and Kazuaki Tarumi

Keywords: In memory of Rudolf Eidenschink

computational chemistry ·
fluorine chemistry · liquid crystals ·
materials science · nematics

8880  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8880 – 8896
Liquid Crystals Chemie

New liquid crystals with very low viscosity, good mesophase From the Contents
behavior, and high reliability are necessary to achieve the break-
1. Introduction 8881
through from flat computer monitors to large displays for television.
Fluorine plays a decisive role not only because of the polarity it 2. Liquid-Crystal Materials for
induces in organic molecules but also because of its low polarizability AMD Applications 8882
and weak propensity for ion solvation. In addition, subtle stereoelec-
tronic effects in fluorine-containing liquid crystals influence material 3. Difluoroether-Based Liquid
Crystals for IPS/FFS Technology 8883
properties and allow these to be tuned to some extent to achieve the
desired outcome. Some fairly sophisticated chemistry is required that is 4. Fluorinated Indane Derivatives
normally ruled out in the specialty chemicals industry because of cost. for Vertical Alignment 8885
The television display market is now entering a phase of saturation.
5. Tetrahydropyran-Based Liquid
The broad availability of the internet has led to an ever increasing
Crystals 8888
tendency for mobile products. Tablet PCs and smartphones require
touch-panel functionality and low power consumption. New LCD 6. Hypervalent Sulfur Fluorides as
modes with high-performance liquid crystals and additional compo- Super-Polar Terminal Groups 8890
nents, such as polymerizable materials, can be used in such products.
7. Reliability 8892

8. Polymer-Stabilized LC Modes 8893

1. Introduction
9. Conclusions and Outlook 8894
Over the last decade every aspect of our daily lives has
become saturated with electronic devices, most of them with
a display as the user interface. The vast majority of these
displays in flat-screen TV sets, PC monitors, notebooks, tablet a computer monitor and leave everything else constant.
PCs, as well as in smartphones are based on liquid-crystal Televisions need much higher contrast, better viewing angle
display (LCD) technology. With the advent of high-resolu- dependence of the contrast, and—a new and characteristic
tion, full-color displays using active matrix driving (AM- requirement for TV—the ability to show moving pictures
LCDs) in the late 1980s, the material requirements for liquid without blurring effects. In the early 2000s, the goal was finally
crystals changed dramatically. While for many years simple achieved with liquid crystals of even lower viscosity, excellent
twisted nematic (TN)[1] and super-twisted nematic (STN)[2] voltage holding properties, and stability at both low and high
displays used materials containing cyano and ester groups to temperatures. Modified LC modes such as vertical alignment
generate the necessary polarity, these appeared to be (VA) provided the intrinsically better contrast and excellent
unsuitable for AM applications because of the so-called viewing angles.
reliability problems of such compounds.[3] It was assumed that At the beginning of the second decade of the new
impurities in the liquid crystal were responsible, and accord- millennium, we have now witnessed a saturation of the
ingly much effort was expended to purify the various organic LCD-TV market. These days, TVs are really big, really thin,
compounds comprising the liquid-crystal mixture and the provide very good contrast and wide viewing angles, and have
mixture itself. However, the problems could not be solved become very affordable. What will be the next display product
that way. Only new materials, which did not contain cyano consumers will really want to buy? For a number of years 3D
and ester groups but contained fluorinated functional groups TVs with or without glasses have been available, but have not
instead, were able to fulfill the new “reliability” requirements. really caught on yet. At the time of writing this Review, more
As a result of the high resolution and the active matrix driving and more ultrahigh-resolution TVs are available to the
scheme, the voltage-holding behavior of the individual picture consumer, but there is no commercial content available to
elements was now much more stringent. A voltage drop speak of—neither by TV providers nor on storage media
during the picture refresh cycle results immediately in visible similar to DVDs or Blu-Ray. Even simple stylistic elements
lower contrast and thus poor picture quality. Therefore, the such as narrow bezels for TVs can also have an impact on the
1990s were dominated by the introduction of new fluorinated requirements for new LC materials.
liquid crystals,[4] which aimed at both a better voltage holding
behavior as well as lower viscosities to achieve faster switch-
ing times for moving pictures. In a matter of only a few years,
this development led to the complete replacement of clumsy [*] Dr. M. Bremer, Prof. Dr. P. Kirsch, Dr. M. Klasen-Memmer,
Dr. K. Tarumi
cathode ray tube (CRT) computer monitors with sleek LC
Merck KGaA, Liquid Crystal R&D
displays in offices and homes throughout the world. Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 Darmstadt (Germany)
The next target was television. To build a large flat-screen E-mail:
television set, it is not sufficient to simply increase the size of

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8880 – 8896  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8881
Angewandte M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

Finally, large displays based on organic light-emitting 2. Liquid-Crystal Materials for AMD Applications
diode (OLED) instead of LCD technology have been
developed repeatedly as prototypes and have been The polar liquid crystals used for passive matrix (PM)
announced as commercial products. All commercial products display applications, such as 1 or 2, exhibit positive dielectric
are currently delayed, and will undoubtedly bear hefty price anisotropy (De = ejje ? ), that is, the molecular dipole vector
tags if they finally do make it to the market. is oriented with the long molecular axis, and the parallel
Liquid crystals are uniquely characterized by their aniso- dielectric constant is larger than the perpendicular one
tropy of physical properties, such as the refractive index or the (Scheme 1).
dielectric constant, while being fluids of relatively low
viscosity. Today, all LCDs use the nematic phase, where LC
molecules have a long-range orientational order compared
with molecular dimensions. The liquid crystal is inserted
between two glass plates, where alignment layers on both
interior surfaces of the LC cell define the orientation order of
the LC molecules. A light source behind the cell together with
a polarizer generates linearly polarized light that enters the
Scheme 1. Examples of liquid crystals commonly used in LCDs.
cell. Voltages can be applied through transparent electrodes,
and, caused by the dielectric properties of the liquid crystal,
the optical characteristics can be changed so that transmission This was also true for the first fluorinated LCs used in
through a polarizer at the other side of the cell can be active matrix displays. The molecular dipole moment of 3 is
controlled. The cell thickness itself needs to be adjusted oriented with the long molecular axis, and, in an electric field,
according to the optical anisotropy (Dn) of the LC material, the rodlike molecules will align parallel to the field. The
and colors are created by RGB color filters in front of each opposite behavior is found for materials such as 4, where the
subpixel. In other words, the passage of white light through dipole moment is perpendicular to the long axis. Here, the
color filters can be electronically modified, thereby generat- perpendicular dielectric constant is larger than the parallel
ing a picture that is made up of a matrix of many individual one and the dielectric anisotropy is negative.[5]
small elements, the so-called pixels. The first broadly employed LCD technology was the
twisted nematic (TN) mode involving materials with positive
dielectric anisotropy. The orientation of LC molecules is

Matthias Bremer studied chemistry at the Melanie Klasen-Memmer studied Chemistry

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and at the Technical University Kaiserslautern,
earned a PhD in 1989 with Paul von Ragu Germany, where she also obtained her PhD
Schleyer. After postdoctoral research at the with Hans-Georg Kuball in 1996. In 1998
University of California at Berkeley with she joined Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, Ger-
Andrew Streitwieser he joined Merck KGaA many and is currently heading a group in
in Darmstadt. Currently, he heads a research the Physical Liquid Crystals research depart-
group synthesizing liquid crystals for device ment. She has published several research
applications. He has served on the Editorial papers and patents on liquid crystal materi-
Boards of “Advanced Functional Materials” als for display applications.
and “New Journal of Chemistry”, and is
a board member of the German Liquid
Crystal Society. Since 2009 he has taught
a course on “Functional Organic and Soft Materials” at the Justus-Liebig-
University Giessen.

Peer Kirsch received his PhD from the Kazuaki Tarumi studied physics at Waseda
University of Heidelberg with Heinz A. University in Japan and received an MSc in
Staab. After postdoctoral research at the 1976. After a scholarship (DAAD) he
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research worked as a research assistant at the Univer-
(RIKEN) in Saitama, Japan, with Tomoya sity of Bremen, Germany (1981—1987),
Ogawa he joined the Liquid Crystal Division where he received a PhD in theoretical
of Merck KGaA, in 1995, and held various physics in 1985 with Helmut Schwegler.
positions in R&D and business development From 1987 to 1990, he was an assistant
in both Germany and Japan. He completed professor in the Department of Physics at
his habilitation in 2001 at the University of Gunma University in Japan. He joined
Bremen, and is visiting professor at the Merck KGaA in Germany in 1991 and
University of Freiburg. His scientific inter- works in the Physical Liquid Crystal Research
ests—besides liquid crystals—lie in the areas department. Since 1998 he has been Senior
of fluorine chemistry and organic and molec- Director of the physics department.
ular electronics.

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

twisted 908 through the liquid crystalline bulk layer. TN was rotational viscosity g1 should be as low as possible to allow
used in pocket calculators, wrist watches, and later note PCs fast switching, and the birefringence Dn has to be adjusted to
and monitors. However, TN is outdated because of its poor fit the precise display configuration, in particular the cell gap.
contrast ratio and strong viewing angle dependency. Great A suitable set of properties cannot be achieved with
improvement of the viewing angle was achieved with in-plane a single material; instead a mixture of typically 10–15
switching (IPS)[6] or fringe field switching (FFS) modes.[7] compounds has to be optimized to fulfill the requirements
Another decisive advantage of these modes is their lack of of the LCD manufacturers. In current premium LCD TVs,
optical response towards variations in the layer thickness, VA technology has assumed the leading role, followed by the
caused, for example, by mechanical pressure. This renders IPS/FFS mode. Less-expensive TV models also employ
IPS/FFS LCDs particularly well-suited for touch panels, conventional TN displays.
which have become a key component of smartphones and
tablet PCs. Interdigitated electrodes are located at only one
side of the cell and generate an in-plane electric field. The LC 3. Difluoroether-Based Liquid Crystals for IPS/FFS
molecules align with the field and rotate in-plane, thus leading Technology
to a better viewing angle. However, LC molecules just above
the electrodes do not rotate in-plane, but tilt out of it, thereby Initially, the use of fluorine substitution in liquid crystals
giving rise to somewhat deteriorated optical appearance. was limited mainly to aromatic moieties and to short,
Therefore, a so-called black matrix is used to cover these fluoroaliphatic polar terminal groups. As a part of a systematic
regions, at the price of lower aperture ratio in IPS/FFS panels. program exploring the full range of structural possibilities,
This drawback can be overcome by a wider distance between several fluoroaliphatic “bridge” elements between nemato-
the interdigital electrodes. Since the total available voltage is genic rings—in particular CF2O[12] and CF2CF2[13] bridges—
limited due to power consumption, this should be compen- were investigated towards the end of the 1990s. The targeted
sated by higher dielectric anisotropy of the LC materials. property profile was a combination of high dielectric aniso-
Thus, the most important task in the development of LC tropy (De), low rotational viscosity (g1), good solubility, and
materials is to identify novel LC materials with a favorable a broad nematic phase range.
combination of high dielectric anisotropy (De), low rotational As a consequence of the inconvenient synthetic access,[14]
viscosity (g1), good solubility, and a broad nematic phase only a very limited set of liquid crystals containing the CF2O
range. substructure was synthesized and characterized initially,
Dielectrically negative materials were first considered for which yielded no interesting candidates for further study.
the so-called electrically controlled birefringence (ECB) Starting from around 1999, several new synthetic routes were
mode,[8] where the high sensitivity of transmission–voltage developed, thereby enabling access to gram-scale quantities
curves to the wavelength of the light can allow control over of liquid crystals with the difluorooxymethylene moiety at all
the generation of color. Thus, it is in principle possible to relevant positions of the mesogenic core structure, and
obtain colors by applying the corresponding voltage. Practical allowing a systematic evaluation of the substance class for
difficulties, especially with the surface orientation of the the first time (Scheme 2).[15] However, these synthetic proto-
liquid crystals together with the poor voltage holding proper- cols often require expensive chromatographic purification
ties of the materials available at the time, seriously hindered procedures.
the development of this technology. However, in the mid- The breakthrough synthetic approach to difluoroether-
1990s, careful optimization[3] of the material parameters led to based liquid crystals on an industrial scale at an economically
mixtures that could be employed in the first multidomain feasible cost employs the oxidative fluorodesulfuration of
vertical alignment (MVA) displays[9] made by Fujitsu in dithianylium salts.[16] The dithianylium salts can be either
Japan. MVA solved the alignment problem of ECB, and the isolated or they are generated in situ by the protonation of
multidomain structure led to good dependence on the viewing a suitable ketenedithioketal.[17] The reversibility of the pro-
angle. Desktop monitors based on MVA became commer- tonation step permits the exclusive formation of the desired,
cially available in the late 1990s. MVA was further developed thermodynamically preferred, 1,4-trans-disubstituted cyclo-
and refined at Sharp[10] (advanced superview, ASV) and hexane derivatives (Scheme 3).
Samsung[11] (patterned vertical alignment, PVA). More It was quickly shown that the CF2O moiety imparts unique
recently, photoalignment and in-cell polymer-based align- and highly attractive physical properties to materials when it
ment techniques have been developed for dielectrically is incorporated between the cyclic subunits of the mesogenic
negative materials (see Section 8.1.), and are now on their core structure. Depending on its exact location, insertion of
way to supersede the older alignment methods. The main the difluoroether bridge often results in a dramatic increase in
advantages of all VA modes are their enhanced black state, the clearing temperature, extension of the nematic phase
which give high contrast and better viewing angle depend- range, and—at the same time—a significant reduction in the
ence, and their fast response time. The former point in rotational viscosity (Table 1). The last point is particularly
particular turned out to be decisive for the technological remarkable, since until then it had been an established design
breakthrough of LCD televisions. rule that elongation of the mesogenic core structure by
For display applications, the absolute value of the insertion of a bridging unit always results in an increase in the
dielectric anisotropy De should be large to decrease the rotational viscosity.
operating voltage towards lower power consumption. The

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Angewandte M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

Table 1: The physical property profiles of analogues of 21 with various

fluorine contents in the bridge structure.[18]

X Y Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1

20 F F C 44 N 105.3 I 91.5 10.5 0.0668 145
21 H H C 84 N (78.5) I 65.7 8.3 0.0759 357
22 H F C 43 N 88.0 I 75.6 8.0 0.0659 300

Scheme 2. Various synthetic routes towards liquid crystals containing the CF2O
moiety: a) CF2Br2, P(NMe2)3, THF/dioxane; 0 8C to RT, 18 h (99 %); b) Br2, CH2Cl2 ;
0 8C!RT, 2 h (67 %); c) 3,4,5-trifluorophenol sodium salt, DMF; 60 8C, 8 h (34 %); Scheme 4. Synthesis of 22: a) Ph3PCH2SPh+Cl , KOtBu, THF; 10 8C
d) 1. H2, 5 % Pd-C, THF; 2. multiple crystallizations from n-pentane (3 %); e) Law- (48 %); b) 3,4,5-trifluorophenol, cat. CF3SO3H, CH2Cl2 ; 0 8C, 1 h (crude
esson’s reagent, toluene; reflux, 3 days (52 %); f) DAST, CH2Cl2 ; RT, 4 h (49 %); product used without further purification); c) 1. NEt3·3HF; 70 8C,
g) 1. nBuLi, THF; 78 8C, 1 h; 2. CF2Br2 ; 70 8C!RT, 1 h (65 %); h) 3,4,5-trifluoro- 5 min; 2. DBH; 70 8C!RT (37 %). DBH = 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethyl-
phenol sodium salt, DMEU; 100 8C, 6 h (29 %). Lawesson’s reagent = 2,4-bis(4- hydantoin.
methoxyphenyl)-1,3,2,4-dithiadiphosphetane-2,4-dithione, DAST = diethylaminosul-
fur trifluoride), DMEU = 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone. What are the reasons behind these unexpected
“bridge” effects? To confirm whether the effect is related
to the presence of fluorine, the non- (21) and mono-
fluorinated (22) analogues of 20 were prepared (Table 1
and Scheme 4).
First of all, a comparison of the physical properties of
directly linked 3 with the nonfluorinated ether-bridged
congener 21 confirms the old design rule: the virtual
clearing point drops and the rotational viscosity
increases. However, the stepwise introduction of fluorine
into the bridge results in an increase in the clearing
temperature and an extension of the nematic phase
range. At the same time, the rotational viscosity of 21
(g1 = 357 mPa s) is reduced significantly by the introduc-
tion of even one fluorine atom (22: g1 = 300 mPa s) and
halved by difluorination (20: g1 = 145 mPa s).
Having established the role of fluorine substitution
unequivocally, the question of the mechanism was
addressed by a computational study.[19] The conforma-
tional space of simple model compounds was examined
Scheme 3. Synthesis of the liquid crystal 20: a) 1. HS(CH2)3SH, CF3SO3H, toluene/
2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1:1; azeotropic removal of water; 2. crystallization by addition starting with the working hypothesis that the fluorination
of methyl-tert-butyl ether at 0 8C (90 %); b) 3,4,5-trifluorophenol, NEt3, CH2Cl2 ; 70 8C, enhances the rigidity of the bridge and thus stabilizes the
10 min; c) 1. NEt3·3HF; 70 8C, 5 min; 2. Br2 ; 70!0 8C (84 %). d) CF3SO3H, CH2Cl2 ; aspect ratio of the nematic liquid crystal. Fluorination
0 8C (5 min) ! RT (30 min) ! 70 8C. increases the energy difference between anti and gauche
conformers of the model compound ethyl methyl ether in
favor of the anti conformer, which corresponds to an
elongated, rodlike conformation of liquid crystals such as

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

20. Transferred to the conformational sit- Table 2: Comparison of the physical properties of pure carbocyclic, highly polar liquid crystals 25 and
uation in “real” liquid crystals, the stereo- 26–28.[18]
electronic effects work in several ways: Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1
Firstly, negative hyperconjugation[20] of the
lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom
with the antibonding s* orbital of the CF C 48 I 20.6 25.2 0.1579 96
bond (nO-s*CF) increases the rotational
barrier around the central CO bond from
5.7 to 10.3 kcal mol1, and the anti–gauche
equilibrium is shifted towards the more C 120 I 72.6 14.3 0.238 127
rodlike anti conformer. Secondly, negative
hyperconjugation of the electron-rich CH
bond at the cyclohexane bridgehead posi-
C 62 N (27.6) I 36.8 19.6 0.2187 153
tion with the s* orbital of the CF bond
(sCH-s*CF) provides further conformational
stabilization of the bridge against twisting of
the cyclohexane moiety. A minor additional C 108 I 0.9 23.4 0.2091 177
stabilization comes from CC hyperconju-
gation involving the cyclohexane CC
bonds (sCC-s*CF hyperconjugation). To get
a more quantitative impression of the order of magnitude of direction of the long molecular axis, thus increasing the
these different stereoelectronic effects, the nO–s*CF interac- dielectric anisotropy.
tion provides ca. 19–20 kcal mol1 of electronic energy, sCH– In highly fluorinated materials such as 29 (the ethyl
s*CF hyperconjugation ca. 6.7 kcal mol1, whereas sCC–s*CF homologue of 25), the crystal structure is very much
hyperconjugation gives only around 3.5 kcal mol1. Crystal dominated by the complementary charge distribution
structures of CF2O-bridged liquid crystals[21] (for example, 24) between nonfluorinated and highly fluorinated aromatic
show an optimal alignment for these interactions (Figure 1). moieties (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Crystal structures (top left, for example 24) as well as

theoretical analysis both show an orbital alignment (top right) which is
optimal for a torsional rigidification of the CF2O bridge.[19]

Apart from the partially cycloaliphatic liquid crystals of

type 20, materials containing only aromatic moieties in their Figure 2. The electrostatic potential surface of 29 (top left; blue
mesogenic core (25) are critical components of commercial denotes positive, red negative partial charges) and its crystal structure
liquid-crystal mixtures. The main application areas of these (bottom). The packing is dominated by the electrostatic attraction
materials are in-plane switching (IPS) and fringe field switch- between highly fluorinated and nonfluorinated arene moieties, which
ing (FFS) LCDs for touch panels, as they have become exhibit complementary charge profiles.
ubiquitous in smartphones and tablet PCs. The aromatic
compounds, such as 25, do not show wide nematic mesophases As a consequence of their unique property profiles,
such as, for example, 20 (Table 2). difluorooxymethylene-bridged liquid crystals such as 20 or
Their decisive advantage is the combination of high 25 have become a key component in most IPS/FFS mixtures
polarity with low rotational viscosity and good solubility. for touch panels and LCD TVs, as well as in TN LCDs for
Highly polar terphenyl-based liquid crystals of the previous inexpensive TV sets, desktop PC monitors, and notebook PCs.
generation of materials often suffer from poor solubility,
which tends to get worse with increasing fluorine content. On
the other hand, aromatic fluorination is required to obtain 4. Fluorinated Indane Derivatives for Vertical
a sufficient dielectric anisotropy of the material. This Alignment
limitation of fluorination can be overcome by the solubilizing
effect of the inserted CF2O bridge. In addition, the CF2O The synthesis and properties of materials with negative
bridge contributes to the molecular dipole moment in the dielectric anisotropy, such as 4 and many more structures

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containing an ortho-difluorophenyl ring, were first

published in 1989. Based on studies by Gilman and
Bebb[22] as well as Wittig and Fuhrman,[23] the
“directed ortho-metalation” (DOM) chemistry
later developed by the Snieckus research group[24]
was key to a series of patent applications and
scientific papers.[25] Since then, many attempts have
been made by several research groups to improve
the materials, for example, increasing the polarity
by the introduction of more oxygen substituents
next to the fluorine atoms[26] or with heterocyclic
rings such as pyridine,[26] pyridazine,[27] and, more
recently, tetrahydropyran.[28] Another approach is
the introduction of axial polar substituents in
cyclohexane rings, highly fluorinated lateral sub-
stituents on the aryl rings, or the replacement of the Scheme 6. The synthesis of tri- and tetrafluoroindanes 31 (L = H or F): a) 1. LDA,
aliphatic rings by aromatic rings to give oligophen- THF; 70 8C; 2. aldehyde 34 (75 %); b) cat. [(o-Tol3P)2PdCl2], NEt3, MeCN; reflux
yls, and, of course, combinations of these strat- (65 %); c) HSCH2CH2SH, BF3·OEt2, CH2Cl2 ; 15 8C!RT (80 %); d) DBH,
egies.[4] Instead of the benzene moiety, fluorinated HF .pyridine, CH2Cl2 ; 65 8C (85 %); e) 1. DBU, CH2Cl2 ; RT; 2. H2, 5 % Pd-C (80 %).
naphthalenes[29] have also been used as polar ring DBU = 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene., LDA = lithium diisopropylamide.
elements for VA-type liquid crystals.
Another, perhaps more subtle idea to increase the polarity fluorine and bromine substituents at the 1,3-positions of an
of structures such as 4, is to freeze the rotation around the aromatic ring. The lithiated intermediate 33 was then treated
carbon–oxygen bond by incorporating the oxygen atom into with an a,b-unsaturated aldehyde 34 to form an allylic alcohol
a five-membered ring (30; Scheme 5). Dihydrobenzofurans 35. The cyclization step proceeds through an intramolecular
Heck reaction, with the allylic double bond attacking the
bromine atom to form indanone 37. This was then expected to
be converted directly into the desired germinal difluoroin-
dane 31. Unfortunately, the rest of the synthesis turned out to
be much more difficult than anticipated, as a direct con-
version of 37 into 31 was not feasible: When a variety of
established fluorination methods was used,[32] the reaction
either did not proceed or—when forcing conditions and more
reactive reagents were employed—black tars were obtained
Scheme 5. Design of polar, dielectrically negative liquid crystals using
conformational restriction (X = H or F). and no product could be isolated. It was, therefore, necessary
to follow an indirect approach by an oxidative desulfuriza-
30 and the corresponding benzofurans were synthesized, but tion/fluorination sequence.[33] Again, no clean reaction of 38
their overall properties were a disappointment. The initial to 31 was obtained, but significant amounts of bromine-
goal, namely to increase the polarity, was achieved, but at the containing side products 39 were formed, and additional
expense of other important properties such as the clearing elimination and hydrogenation steps were necessary. The
temperatures and the viscosity. The latter are determined by unsaturated aldehydes 34 used in the 1,2-addition must be
condensed-phase phenomena and cannot be easily predicted aliphatic, since the aromatic variants give hetero-Diels–Alder
by semirational arguments based on chemical intuition. dimers even at room temperature. The fluorinated indanes
With hindsight, the substitution pattern in the dihydro- could be further functionalized at the aromatic ring by ortho-
benzofuran materials 30 was less than ideal: the substituent R’ metalation. In the end, instead of the short three-step
in the saturated five-membered ring points out of the plane of synthesis originally envisioned, a rather cumbersome six-
the ring system and probably causes the low clearing points step sequence had to be followed (Scheme 6).
and high viscosities. The situation is different with the planar The first fluorinated indane made was 41, which contains
benzofurans, but here the polarity is not enhanced over that of only one aromatic fluorine atom (Table 3). The compound as
the open-chain system. The reason is the incorporation of the such is not a liquid crystal: It melts at 100.0 8C to an isotropic
density from the lone pair of electrons of the oxygen atom liquid. This is in fact not uncommon for materials used in
into the aromatic p system, thereby leading to a reduction of commercial LC mixtures. Of interest for practical applications
the dipole moment. Turning the (hetero)indane system of 30 is the effectiveness of the new material when it is dissolved in
around and replacing the ring oxygen atom by a gem- a nematic liquid-crystalline matrix, the so-called host. This
difluoromethyl group can solve both of these problems (31; influence is easy to check by measuring the effect of the
Scheme 5). dissolved compound at a defined concentration on the
The synthesis of trifluoro- and tetrafluoroindanes[31] physical properties of the host liquid-crystal mixture. Data
(Scheme 6) was considered straightforward: The regiochem- for the single compound can then be estimated by extrap-
istry was controlled by an ortho-metalation step between the olation to a concentration of 100 %.[18]

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

Table 3: Properties of fluorinated indanes compared to 40.[18] (Scheme 7). The synthesis is anal-
Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1 ogous to the standard route shown
in Scheme 6; only the a,b-unsatu-
rated aldehyde contains the tetra-
C 60 I 15.1 5.4 0.106 112
hydropyranyl ring, and it was syn-
thesized as a racemic mixture in
C 100 I 18.1 6.7 0.086 136 seven steps from the corresponding
d-lactones (Scheme 8).
Two different homologues of 48
C 85 I 49.4 8.6 0.085 142 were synthesized (48 a: R = C4H9,
48 b: R = C5H11), each one in
13 steps, and in both cases the
C 90 I 48.7 9.9 0.084 221 more polar diastereomer was the
only isolated product (Table 4).[34]
Compared to 50, the dielectric
C 102 I 78.3 6.9 0.089 157 anisotropy values De of the new
compounds 48 a and 48 b were
twice as high! The calculated
C 104 I 112.6 10.5 0.094 284 De value for 48 a is 12.1 at the
AM1 level of theory. This com-
pares to a calculated value of 6.5
C 72 I 38.1 2.3 0.085 141 for carbocyclic 50. In general, the
calculations on the fluorinated
indanes yield De values which are
C 129 I 40.0 13.5 0.091 514 too low when compared to experi-
ment. Going to higher levels of
theory does not improve the pre-
dictions. However, the calculations
The polarity of 41 increases to De = 6.7, compared to
5.4 for the reference material 40. At the same time, the
clearing point is raised by more than 30 8C to 18.1 8C, but the
rotational viscosity increases only slightly. Rotational viscos-
ities usually show a correlation with the clearing temper-
atures, which are in turn related to the length of the calamitic Scheme 7. Possible diastereomers 48 and 49 of difluoroindane-based
molecule. Increasing the polarity without sacrificing the liquid crystals containing an additional tetrahydropyran (THP) moiety.
clearing point or viscosity is a rather uncommon but very
attractive change in the properties.
Introducing a fourth fluorine atom yields 42, and the
phenomena discussed for 41 are repeated: The polarity and
clearing points increase, but the viscosity remains essentially
the same. An additional methyl substituent increases the
polarity again, but now at the expense of the clearing point
and viscosity. The birefringence of the new indanes is slightly
Scheme 8. Synthesis of the tetrahydropyran-containing tetrafluoroin-
lower than that of 40.
dane 48: a) DIBAL, toluene (85 %); b) MsCl, NEt3, cat. DMAP (70 %);
In general, substituents at the 6-position of the indane c) 1. BH3·THF; 2. PCC (60 %); d) 1. MeOCH = PPh3/THF; 2. aq HCl;
system appear to increase the clearing point. With a methyl 3. cat. NaOH, MeOH; 4. MeOCH = PPh3, THF; 5. aq HCl; 6. H2C=
group in 44, the clearing temperature rises to 78 8C, and with NMe2Cl, CH2Cl2, NEt3 ; RT (50 %). DMAP = 4-dimethylaminopyridine,
the ethoxy group in 45 up to 113 8C. A fifth fluorine atom in 46 DIBAL = diisobutylaluminum hydride, MsCl = methylsulfonyl chloride,
deteriorates the properties as expected: The polarity drops to PCC = pyridinium chlorochromate.
De = 2.3, which is too low to make such a material attractive.
On the other hand, a record polarity of De = 13.5 is achieved are for isolated molecules in the gas phase. Intermolecular
in 47, but now the rotational viscosity is also quite high. interactions must play an important role in the condensed
Another way to further increase the polarity is the liquid-crystalline phase. An indication of this is found in the
introduction of a tetrahydropyranyl (THP) ring instead of crystal structure of 43. The molecules are oriented with the
the simple cyclohexane. This complicates matters somewhat dipole moments aligned in parallel. However, the presence of
as the presence of a third stereocenter in the molecule ring an inversion center in the space group (P1̄) leads to an overall
now opens the possibility of the formation of diastereomers. macroscopic dipole moment of zero. In the less strictly
One of those diastereomers, 48, should exhibit increased ordered nematic phase and in an electric field, this association
polarity, while the other one, 49, should be of lower polarity might lead to the observed enhanced dielectric anisotropy.

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Table 4: Properties of THP-containing tetrafluoroindanes.[18] Thus, the first racemic, THP-based

Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1 liquid crystals became available for charac-
terization.[41] Two examples of the synthetic
methods used are shown in Schemes 9 and
C 70 I 8.6 15.8 0.081 326 10. Nowadays, THP derivatives are an
important component of liquid-crystal mix-
tures used in touch panels for smartphones
C 79 I 20.5 15.6 0.086 360 and table PCs.[42]
The polarity (De) of the THP derivatives
lies between their cyclohexane and the
dioxane analogues (Table 5). A major
C 74 N (64) I 60.3 7.8 0.077 116
advantage of the THP-based liquid crystals
is their high solubility. Integration of a THP
subunit renders even highly polar five-ring
structures sufficiently soluble in typical
These results suggest that intermolecular interactions among
fluorinated compounds influence the properties of the con-
densed phase in ways not yet fully understood and exploited
(Figure 3).

Scheme 9. Synthesis of tetrahydropyran derivative 64 by the d-valero-

lactone route: a) 1. Methyl acrylate, Et2NSiMe3, CH3CN; reflux, 18 h;
2. HOAc, H2O; reflux, 18 h (68 %; crude product used for subsequent
step); b) NaBH4, 2-propanol; RT, 18 h (87 %); c) 1. cat. p-TsOH,
toluene; reflux with azeotropic water removal; 2. distillation (61 %);
d) 1,4-dibromobenzene, nBuLi, Et2O; 50 8C (2 h) ! 10 8C (crude
product used for subsequent reaction); e) 1. BF3·OEt2, Me3SiH,
CH2Cl2 ; 70 8C (2 h) ! 10 8C (44 %); 2. AlCl3 (0.2 equiv), CH2Cl2 ;
Figure 3. The crystal packing of 43 in the solid state shows regions of 20 8C, 30 min (95 %); f) 1. nBuLi, THF; 70 8C (2 h); then B(OMe)3 ;
parallel molecular alignment.[31] 70 8C (2 h) ! 10 8C; 2 N HCl (75 %, crystallized from n-hexane);
2. 30 % H2O2, H2O, HOAc, THF; RT, 6 h (89 %); g) H2, 5 % Pd-C,
xylene; 5 bar, 120 8C (75 %); h) 1. 1-bromo-3,4,5-trifluorobenzene,
2-PrMgCl, THF; RT, 1 h; then 63; RT, 1 h; 2. MeSO2Cl, NEt3, CH2Cl2 ;
5. Tetrahydropyran-Based Liquid Crystals 0 8C!RT, 18 h (45 %); 3. H2, 5 % Pd-C, THF; 1 bar, RT (60 %).
TsOH = p-toluenesulfonic acid.
Liquid crystals containing a tetrahydropyran (THP)
subunit have been a synthetic target since the early 1990s.[35]
THP is an interesting building block because it has an intrinsic
dipole moment, which can be utilized to increase the polarity
of dielectrically positive as well as negative materials (see, for
example, 50). Moreover, since the 2,6-disubstituted THP unit
is chiral, the racemic mixture—which is in fact a eutectic—can
be expected to induce a significantly higher solubility to the
resulting liquid crystal than, for example, the frequently used
1,3-dioxane subunit.[36] The first synthetic sources for THP
came from the chiral pool (e.g., carbohydrates) and resulted
in enantiopure chiral liquid crystals, which are normally only
used as additives[37] but not for mainstream applications. Later
Scheme 10. Synthesis of the liquid crystal 68 by the ring opening of
on, several alternative synthetic approaches were devel-
oxetane 65 as a key step: a) tBuOAc, LDA, THF; 78 8C, 25 min; then
oped,[38–40] thus facilitating the access to racemic THP 65, BF3·OEt2 ; 78 8C (1 h), then RT (27 %); b) CF3COOH, CH2Cl2 ; RT,
derivatives in general. 18 h (81 %); c) 1. LiPhF3, Et2O; 70 8C (2 h), then RT (85 % crude);
2. BF3·OEt2, Me3SiH, CH2Cl2 ; 70 8C (2 h) !10 8C (54 %).

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

Table 5: Comparison of various THP-based liquid crystals (64, 68) with drop compared to the analogous compounds where THP and
their purely carbocyclic (3) and their 1,3-dioxane analogues (69, 70). the polar group X (typically CF3 or CF2O-aryl) are separated
Materials 71–74 demonstrate the influence of the position of the THP by a cyclohexane unit. For example, in the pairs 71/72 and 73/
unit within the mesogenic core structure.[18]
74 with their electronegative CF2OR or CF3 moieties, 72 and
74 have significantly less-pronounced mesogenic character-
istics. This effect had thus far not been noticed in liquid
crystals. Presumably, it is a stereoelectronic conformation
effect, which is related to the anomeric effect well-known in
carbohydrates:[43] The overlap of the axial oxygen lone pair of
electrons with the antibonding (s*) orbital of the neighboring
CX bond stabilizes the axial arrangement of the substituent
X with increasing electronegativity of X. The thus stabilized
axial-axial conformation results in a “kink” in the liquid-
crystal molecule, thereby rendering it less “rodlike”, that is,
decreasing its length/breadth ratio (Scheme 11).
X Y Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1
Although the racemic THP derivatives are mainly of
3 CH2 CH2 C 66 N 94.1 I 74.3 9.7 0.0750 160 interest for application in LCDs, enantiomerically pure
64 CH2 O C 74 I 32.4 15.0 0.0744 136 samples were also prepared to evaluate their potential as
69 O O C 91 I 16.0 21.8 0.0760 226
68 CH2 O C 57 N (52.2) I 63.6 12.7 0.0778 –
70 O O C 74 N (51.2) I 63.2 17.0 0.0680 201
71 - - C 35 N 66.3 I 58.1 14.0 0.0654 158
72 - - C 58 N (39.8) I 41.5 12.4 0.0751 –
73 - - C? 7 SB 15 I 77.8 10.5 0.0483 76
74 - - C 59 I 57.6 8.8 0.0606 –

liquid-crystal mixtures. This opens the way to new classes of

super-polar liquid crystals as they find their use in newer
display applications such as the blue-phase LCD (Table 6). Scheme 11. The influence of the anomeric effect on the conformational
equilibrium of liquid-crystalline tetrahydropyran derivatives: In the
Table 5 also shows another effect which comes into the
cyclohexane-based system 80 the bis-equatorial conformer is energeti-
play if a THP unit and an electronegative polar group are cally preferred by 4.5 kcal mol1, for the THP system 81 only by
direct neighbors: in these cases all indicators of anisotropy 2.7 kcal mol1 (calculated on the MP2/6-311 + G(2d,p)//B3LYP/6-
(occurrence of mesophases, TNI, De, Dn) show a significant 31G(d) + ZPE level of theory).[44]

Table 6: Examples of super-polar liquid crystals with four or five rings and containing a THP moiety.[18]
Mesophase sequence TNI De Dn g1

C 83 N (83.0) I 56.4 35.6 0.1316 457

C 74 SC (67) N 144.8 I 87.7 66.6 0.1568 1016

C 98 N 193.0 I 134.7 37.1 0.1544 1225

Tg 14 C 96 N 240.6 I 167.3 70.3 0.1827 –

C 127 SA 212 N 251.1 I 212.4 35.6 0.1353 –

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8880 – 8896  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8889
Angewandte M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

Table 7: The physical properties of racemic and enantiopure liquid pentafluorosulfanyl arenes became commercially available by
crystal 24 in comparison with typical chiral dopants.[45][a] a direct fluorination process,[48] and in 2008, a further
improved process was developed by using chlorine in
combination with a fluoride source for the oxidation step
(Scheme 12).[49]

Scheme 12. Synthesis of pentafluorosulfanyl arenes: a) 1. AgF2, CFC-

113; 80 8C, copper autoclave; 2. 120 8C (16 %); b) 10 % F2-N2, CH3CN;
No. Mesophase sequence[a] [a]D20 HTP 7.6!4.5 8C, 24 h (41 %); c) Cl2, KF, CH3CN; 0 8C, 3 h (88 %);
d) ZnF2 ; 120 8C, 2 h (89 %). CFC-113 = 1,1,2,-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-
rac-24 C 39 N 75.3 I – –
d-24 C 41 N* 73.3 I + 4.5 + 0.8
l-24 C 42 N* 74.3 I 4.9 0.8 Another route towards aromatic as well as aliphatic SF5
82 C 19 SB 45 N* 72 I – 13.6
derivatives is based on the radical addition of SF5Cl or SF5Br
83 C 161 I – 85.1
to olefins.[50] However, the SF5Cl and SF5Br reagents have
[a] The optical rotations are cited in 8, and the helical twisting power never been commercially available on a large scale.
(HTP) in mm1; C = crystalline, N = nematic, N* = chiral nematic
Chemically, the SF5 group is highly stable and comparable
(cholesteric), I = isotropic. The HTP was measured in the nematic host
mixtures MLC-6012 (82) and MLC-6260 (24, 83).
to the trifluoromethyl group. This has been demonstrated in
the 1960s by Sheppard and co-workers, and similar synthetic
methodology was applied in 1999 for the synthesis of the first
chiral dopants. However, d- and l-24 showed a surprisingly liquid crystals containing a pentafluorosulfanyl group.[51] In
low helical twisting power (HTP), which is far below the 2006, several non-aromatic materials with an SF5 substituent
performance of commonly used chiral dopants (Table 7). were also reported (Scheme 13).[50f]

6. Hypervalent Sulfur Fluorides as Super-Polar

Terminal Groups

The reduction of production cost has become a major

technology driver in the strongly competitive environment of
a saturating market for LCD TVs. Another driving force is
the demand for ever-faster response times to improve the
picture quality as well as to enable 3D TV with a rate of Scheme 13. Synthesis of the first liquid crystals (88) containing an SF5
48 frames per second. For both of these seemingly unrelated terminal group (top). Cycloaliphatic liquid-crystalline SF5 derivatives
demands, LCDs based on the so-called blue phase[46] are (90) are also accessible by using SF5Br as the pentafluorosulfanylation
currently considered as an attractive solution (see Sec- reagent (bottom): a) 1. H2, 5 % Pd-C, THF; 1 bar, RT (100 %); 2. aq
HBr, NaNO2 ; 5 8C; 3. CuBr; RT!80 8C (46 %); b) 4-(4-propylcyclo-
tion 8.2).
hexyl)benzeneboronic acid, cat. [Pd(PPh3)4], toluene, 2 N NaOH; RT,
The blue phase can be switched very quickly (< 1 ms) and, 2 days (23 %); c) SF5Br, BEt3 (0.15 equiv), n-heptane; 40!20 8C,
because of its optical isotropy, it does not require an 2 h (85 %). d) KOH powder, n-heptane; 35 8C, 18 h (74 %).
expensive alignment layer. The liquid-crystal mixture needs
to have an extremely high De value in combination with
a good voltage holding ratio (VHR). One promising strategy As expected, SF5-based liquid crystals show a higher
towards this goal is the use of fluorinated, super-polar dielectric anisotropy than their CF3 analogues. As a conse-
terminal groups. Ideally, the dipole moment of such a group quence of the weak interaction of the pentafluorosulfanyl
should exceed that of the trifluoromethyl group. One group with ionic impurities in the LCD, the materials show an
candidate to address this rather extreme technical require- excellent voltage holding ratio. However, presumably
ment is the l6-pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) group. Although this because of its steric bulk, the SF5 group induces very high
functional group has been known since the early 1960s,[47] the rotational viscosity (g1) in the liquid crystal (Table 8).
rather inconvenient synthetic access impeded further exper- Since the main advantage of the pentafluorosulfanyl
imental study for the subsequent 40 years. Compared to the group is its polarity, several approaches were taken to further
trifluoromethyl group, the pentafluorosulfanyl group is more increase the dielectric anisotropy (De) of the SF5-based liquid
polar (the dipole moment m of pentafluorosulfanylbenzene is crystals. Different mixture concepts might become applicable
3.44 D, compared to 2.60 D for trifluoromethylbenzene), but for even more polar materials, thus rendering the high
is sterically more demanding and more lipophilic. In 1996, g1 value of the SF5 derivatives less critical. The conventional

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

Table 8: Physical properties of SF5-based liquid crystals in comparison with their (De). Replacement of the axial fluorine atom by
trifluromethyl analogues and some other materials with similar polarity.[18] a more electronegative group, such as trifluoro-
Mesophase TNI De Dn g1 methyl, was expected to increase the overall
sequence polarity dramatically. The key step of the synthesis
leading to the trans-SF4CF3 group[53] is the direct
fluorination of 4-trifluoromethylsulfanylnitroben-
C 133 I 112.2 9.5 0.0910 338
zene (100), which furnishes a mixture of cis and
trans isomers. In a subsequent step, this mixture is
isomerized to the thermodynamically preferred
C 121 I 95.5 11.6 0.0933 612
trans isomer by addition of the Lewis acid AlCl3
(Scheme 14).[54] Just like the SF5 group, trans-
SF4CF3 is hydrolytically very stable under basic
C 67 N 116.5 I 108.2 11.8 0.0800 488 and acidic conditions.
Characterization of the liquid crystal 99 indi-
cated an unexpectedly low dielectric anisotropy
De—even significantly lower than for the SF5
C 50 N 101.9 I 87.6 14.3 0.0801 – analogue 88. The crystal structure of the inter-
mediate trans-101 revealed the cause: the bulky
CF3 group pushes the equatorial fluorine atoms
“back”, thereby inducing local dipoles opposite to
C 134 I 108.6 13.0 0.1645 279
the main molecular dipole moment. This results in
a partial cancellation, thus reducing the dielectric
C 109 N (87.8) I 94.6 14.3 0.1537 634
anisotropy of trans-99. Therefore, the trans-SF4CF3
group cannot be considered a real “super-SF5”
The situation can be summarized as a single
C 86 I 47.1 21.5 0.1490 – SF5 group being the most polar of all fluorinated
functional groups, and can be truly considered
a “super-trifluoromethyl group”. However, the
ease of sterically induced deformation means that
C 103 I 49.6 21.4 0.1319 – further enhancement of the polarity by either
ortho-fluorination or axial substitution does not
necessarily result in a further increase in the
dielectric anisotropy.
C 197 N 209.7 I 182.6 10.6 0.1499 –
The difficulties in enhancing the polarity of
liquid crystals with a pentafluorosulfanyl group
also illustrate the limits of the computational
approach to increase the polarity of liquid crystals is to prediction of properties, which usually allows quite accurate
substitute the aromatic ortho positions of the polar terminal calculation of the electrooptic characteristics (De and Dn) for
group with fluorine.[52] Typically, this results in an increase in most materials.[55] For hypervalent sulfur fluorides, standard
the De value by about 8 units (e.g. 96!97). In the case of the methods tend to provide quite inaccurate bond lengths and
SF5 group, early computational studies indicated that this
effect might be even more pronounced, because the ortho-
fluorine substituents were presumed to push the “belt” of
equatorial fluorine atoms of the octahedral SF5 group forward
into the direction of the long molecular axis, thus enhancing
the group dipole moment significantly. However, ortho-
fluorinated materials failed to show the desired high De value
because of the easy deformability of the SF5 group: the
equatorial fluorine atoms were not pushed “forward” as
expected, but were pushed apart, with the ortho-fluorine atom
inserted between them and resulting in a slight “backward”
shift with a partial compensation of the group dipole moment.
A second strategy to increase the polarity of the penta-
fluorosulfanyl group is based on its octahedral geometry: Scheme 14. Synthesis of liquid crystal 99 with a trans-SF4CF3 terminal
group: a) 10 % F2-N2, CH3CN; 0 8C (50 % isomer mixture, cis/trans
whereas the four equatorial fluorine atoms mainly cancel
85:15); b) AlCl3 (0.8 equiv), CH2Cl2 ; 10 8C, 30 min (48 %); c) H2,
their local S-Feq dipole moments, the axial S-Fax dipole is Raney-Ni, THF; 1 bar (87 %); d) 1. 47 % aq HBr, NaNO2 ; 0–5 8C;
oriented fully into the direction of the long molecular axis, 2. CuBr; 85 8C (52 %); e) 4-(propyl-4-cyclohexyl)benzeneboronic acid,
thus contributing fully to the overall dielectric anisotropy cat. [Pd(PPh3)4], THF, borate buffer pH9; 85 8C, 18 h (14 %).

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Angewandte M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

valence angles, thus precluding a reliable prediction of the

molecular dipole moment.

7. Reliability
Scheme 15. Calculated sodium cation affinities (kcal mol1) and dipole
The polarity of the materials presented in the previous moments (in parentheses, Debye) for polar model compounds benzo-
sections was mainly generated by fluorine-containing sub- nitrile (104), fluorobenzene (105), trifluorobenzene (106), and trifluoro-
stituents. Other polar groups such as nitriles, esters, and even methoxybenzene (107); calculated at the B3LYP/6-311 + G(2d,p)//
B3LYP/6-31G(d) + ZPE level of theory.[44]
heterocyclic structures such as pyridines and pyrimidines are
no longer used. This is because almost all display applications
today are active matrix driven with thin-film transistors the large difference in affinities between the fluorinated
(TFTs); only this type of LCD can fulfill the requirements of materials 105–107 and the “classic” nitrile 104 is clearly
high information content in combination with good contrast visible. It is also interesting to note the absence of a correla-
and brightness. A key factor is “reliability”, which means that tion of these affinities with the molecular dipole moments of
phenomena such as image sticking, where an image “burns the organic molecules. 1,2,3-Trifluorobenzene (106) is almost
in” on the screen after being displayed for a certain time, or as polar as benzonitrile (104), but this is not reflected in
so-called mura (Japanese for “clouding”) phenomena have to a necessarily highly negative ion affinity. The fluorinated
be avoided. structures exhibit much lower ion affinities of around
One of the characteristic measurable parameters for 20 kcal mol1. Polarity alone is clearly not the reason for
reliability is the voltage holding ratio (VHR). VHR is defined this difference, it must be the polarizability of the organic
as the ratio of the voltages applied to a pixel at the end and the molecule that plays an important role.
beginning of an addressing cycle.[56] A high VHR is important, The response of an organic molecule to the presence of
since a reduction of the voltage deteriorates the contrast and a positive charge can be calculated from the so-called
gives rise to flicker. The VHR is influenced by the resistivity electrostatic potential (ESP). Here, a positive point charge
and the capacitance of the AMD cell. The capacitance is is used to scan the molecule to obtain an isosurface of the
mainly related to dielectric properties of the LC and potential at a fixed value, typically at 10 kcal mol1. Figure 4
determined by the specification for the operating voltage, shows such surfaces for some small model systems. Again, we
that is, the parameter for the improvement is the resistivity. observe a large difference for the benzonitrile molecule
Possible reasons for low resistivity are the presence of ions compared to the other model compounds. The volume of the
or contaminations within the cell that originate from the isosurface is more than three times that of the parent benzene
alignment layers, the liquid crystal itself, or they might even molecule. Fluorination decreases the ESP volume when going
be generated from interactions between the various compo- from benzene (33.6 3) to 1,2,3-trifluorobenzene (29.0 3).
nents. The reliability requirements also depend on the For these reasons, research in the “device chemicals” area
application. TVs are different from monitors because the now focuses on fluorinated liquid crystals, which combine the
light sources and resulting display temperatures are very necessary polarity with chemical stability and a small propen-
different. Moreover, the change of backlights from cold sity for the solvation of ion traces. However, as we have
cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) to light-emitting diodes already seen, not only polarity, but also mesophase properties
(LEDs) changed the requirements in terms of the reliability and viscoelastic properties of LCs are mediated in often
of the LCs since the temperature of the displays is lower and surprising ways by fluorine substituents.
the light spectrum is different with LED backlights. This The design of new materials for LCDs is complicated by
means that the reliability requirements for LCs are changing negative trade-off property relationships: Higher polarity and
frequently, and thus some materials can
only be used for certain applications.
However, from an LC material design
point of view, VHR values are not
predictable, but a drop in the VHR
indicates a current flow in the cell that
can only be explained by the solubiliza-
tion and mobilization of ion traces by the
liquid crystal. Solvation, on the other
hand, can easily be modeled through the
calculation of ion affinities, for example,
to the sodium cation, which is omnipre-
sent in trace amounts (Scheme 15).
As a consequence of the rather
modest level of theory employed, the
absolute affinity values shown in Figure 4. Electrostatic potential isosurfaces (at 10 kcal mol1) and their volumes (in 3) for
Scheme 15 might not be reliable—but model compounds.

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Liquid Crystals Chemie

higher clearing temperatures often also lead to higher the system is not compromised. In addition, the monomer
viscosities. New compounds that break this correlation in an must not react in an uncontrolled manner to heat and UV
advantageous way are of highest interest to the materials load during panel fabrication. RMs showing good compati-
developers. A new single compound, however, is only part of bility with the LC host are the compounds RM-257 (108) and
the solution, since a suitable set of properties cannot be RM-84 (109; Scheme 16).
achieved with a single material. Instead, a mixture of up to 30
compounds has to be optimized to fulfill the LCD manufac-
tures request.

8. Polymer-Stabilized LC Modes

New display applications that combine the established

nematic or chiral nematic liquid crystals with polymers have
recently been growing in importance. Polymer-dispersed Scheme 16. Examples of RMs for PS-VA applications.
liquid crystals (PDLCs) with a polymer concentration of
about 20 wt % are often discussed for projection displays or
nondisplay LC applications such as switchable (“smart”) The development of effective RMs for the fast generation
windows.[57] Rapid development is also occurring in the lower of a tilt angle that results in faster tact times in the production
polymer concentration range because of the ability to form lines as well as specific PS-VA mixtures with high reliability
polymer networks that stabilize liquid-crystal textures and are major tasks for materials development. In addition, the
improve their electrooptical performance. Polymer stabiliza- PS-VA process parameters, for example, doses of UV light or
tion by surface modification can, in principle, be applied to addressing voltages during the PS-VA process, are very
different LC modes, but it is only used practically in multi- important for the final pretilt angle in the display. In other
domain vertical alignment LC modes. A potential new words, the development focus is very much shifted from the
application, where the polymer stabilization of the bulk is liquid crystal to the reactive monomer and the PS-VA process
essential to widen the temperature range, makes use of optimization.
polymer-stabilized blue phases (PS-BPs).[58]

8.2. Polymer-Stabilized Blue-Phase Technology (PS-BP)

8.1. Polymer-Stabilized Vertical Alignment (PS-VA)
Blue phases (BPs) have attracted much interest because
An advanced technology that solves the intrinsic prob- of their unique characteristics: According to the current
lems of the conventional VA modes (such as relatively low understanding, chiral nematic liquid crystals form helical
transmittance and strong gray scale dependency of the “double-twist cylinders” which in turn pack in an arrange-
switching-on times at high operating voltages) is the poly- ment with cubic symmetry and with a lattice constant on the
mer-sustained alignment (PSA) or polymer-stabilized VA order of the wavelength of visible light.[46] Bragg reflection
(PS-VA) technology.[59] Today, PS-VA is the dominant then gives rise to the eponymous blue color. However, mainly
commercial VA technology for TV displays. because of their narrow temperature range of only a few
Conventional VA modes have to overcome the problem Kelvin or less, these fascinating mesophases were not
that standard homeotropic alignment materials do not gen- considered suitable for display applications. In PS-BP, on
erate a uniform tilt angle. Special techniques such as the the other hand, a true volume polymerization is realized,
introduction of so-called protrusions in MVA[9] or electric which stabilizes and extends the blue-phase temperature
fringe fields, as in PVA technology,[11] have to be applied to range to over 60 K.[58]
obtain defined switching without defect formation. In PS-VA, The polymer-stabilized blue phase as a switching medium
the polymerization creates a polymer network at the substrate in an LCD offers new possibilities for the next generation
surface that generates a tilt angle. UV-curable monomers, so- display technology because of intrinsic advantages such as
called reactive mesogens (RMs), are added to the VA-LC ultrafast response times, no need for alignment layers, an
mixture in concentrations of < 1 wt %[60] and filled into the optically isotropic dark state, high contrast with almost no
display. A voltage larger than the threshold voltage is viewing angle dependency, and cell-gap independency.
subsequently applied so that the RM monomer as well as The underlying materials technology is based on specif-
the LC reorients with a slight tilt angle from a vertical ically developed LC mixtures (“hosts”) in combination with
alignment. After irradiation with UV light, the monomers are reactive mesogens, where the concentration of the RM is
polymerized and a “pretilt” angle is formed which remains typically around 10 wt %. The most important parameters for
even after removing the voltage. The rate at which the PS-BP materials are an optimized host system and efficient
polymer layer is formed and the resulting pretilt angle depend polymer stabilization. The operating voltage typically
on the structure of the UV-curable RM and the process increases with increasing RM concentration. The optimum
conditions. RMs for PS-VA must be sufficiently soluble in the is reached when the stabilization of the blue phase together
LC host so that, for example, the low-temperature stability of with the lowest possible operating voltage is achieved. For

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8880 – 8896  2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 8893
Angewandte M. Bremer, P. Kirsch et al.

this, a very good compatibility of the blue-phase host with the achieved by introducing easy to use touch screens that led
RM system—typically consisting of one monofunctional and to a boom in IPS and FFS LCD technologies that support the
one difunctional RM—has to be ensured. Both the operating touch-panel functionality. These shifts in product popularity
voltage and the phase stability can be improved significantly had to be taken into account in the development of liquid-
by using specifically designed RM systems. crystal materials. Polymer-stabilized VA is increasingly
To render an RM suitable for PS-BP, no premature replacing traditional VA, and the research focus at present
polymerization must occur under normal storage conditions is not only on new mesogenic structures, but also on suitable
or during panel fabrication and processing. The compatibility monomers for polymer formation in the display panel. For the
with the host is important, that is, the monomer must be liquid crystal itself, reliability, low viscosity, and last but not
highly soluble and chemically stable in the host. The least cost-efficient chemical production will continue to be
polymerization has to be controllable and reasonably fast major driving forces for material development in years to
for optimized production tact times. A complete polymeri- come. New display modes such as a polymer-stabilized blue-
zation is essential, that is, no residual RMs should be present phase mode could lead to extremely fast switching displays
in the host after the polymerization step so as to avoid that are relatively cheap to produce, but need a complex
subsequent uncontrolled reactions in the panel. Finally, it is materials system made up of monomeric liquid crystals,
crucial to find the lowest RM concentration that gives the polymer networks, and chiral dopants. It is the combination of
optimum stabilization, as any excess polymer adversely all these crucial components that will determine the quality of
affects the operating voltage.[61] the final display—a new challenge for liquid crystal materials
It is also necessary to maintain the blue-phase structure research for many years to come.
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