Home Economics
Home Economics
Home Economics
Issue No.
Rev. No.
Taft Ave. Cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000 Philippines Date:
Trunkline: +63-2-5317-1768 ▲ www.pnu.edu.ph
UCM OBE Course Syllabus DC No.
the academic role of IT and LIS in the information world.
Course Number S-T.L.E 03
Course Pre-requisite NONE
Course Description This course will provide an overview of Home Economics. It will describe the different components of specialization areas, philosophy and
its role to the community, society and country’s social and economic development. It will comprise the local and global history of the said
area. It will also involve the different job opportunities or careers, family living and wise utilization and management of human and family
Program Outcomes It is expected that every graduates of BTLE program should be able to:
1. Acquire broader understanding of the Home Economics Literacy.
2. Show a broader, coherent and meaningful knowledge and skills in Technology and Livelihood Education (T.L.E.)
3. Demonstrate the standard basic and core competencies required by the K-12 Curriculum and TESDA Regulations to pass TESDA
Certification II, III, IV, TM1 and M2.
4. Demonstrate higher level literacy on communication, numeracy, critical and reflective thinking, learning skills for higher learning.
5. Manifest a deep understanding of teaching and learning theories and processes.
6. Show a deep and principled understanding of the learning process relating to historical, social, cultural and political life’s aspects.
7. Apply the specialized knowledge and skills in T.L.E. with less supervision’
8. Apply a wider range of teaching processes that includes curriculum development, teaching approaches like feed backing,
educational assessment, for possible improvement.
9. Reflect on the relationship of teaching and learning process skills concerning the nature of subject matter content, and other
factors that affect educational process to continuously improve their knowledge and skills in the teaching practice.
GAD Themes
1 Provide VMGO of Discussion of Discussion of VMGO
awareness in the Philippine Normal VMGO
University VMGO University
Show awareness -Family Code of the Sharing of Reaction Paper on Online discussion of Reaction Paper on Reaction paper
of the government Philippines. Ideas / Group the lecture that will Family Code of the the lecture that will be Rubrics
laws related to -Other family laws: discussion be shared regarding Philippines. shared regarding
child rearing and RA 7610; SOGIE, law on -Other family laws: SOGIE, law on family
4 welfare of each - SOGIE Equality Bill: family preservation RA 7610; preservation and
family members. RA 8972 and Child and Child protection - SOGIE Equality Bill: Child protection law
Protection Law –PD law. RA 8972 and Child to be submitted
603. Protection Law –PD online.
5-6 Demonstrate Providing Care and Lecture – Discussion and video Make a video Video
knowledge, skills Support to Infants Discussion presentation presentation on a demonstration
and attitude in and Toddlers, Actual student selected topic rubric
taking care of the -on their dependent Demonstration demonstration
family members. nature stage,
-Preparing the Return
bathing paraphernalia Demonstration
with enough
knowledge on its
proper use and
-Giving different
bathing style for
- proper taking of
infants vital signs.
-Basic Infant care
Procedures in bathing
Undressing of infants)
-Infant Diet
-Proper feeding the
-Types and uses of
clothes and
-Specifications and
uses of non-slip
rubber mat.
-Hand washing
-Different types and
uses of thermometer.
-Table etiquette
-signs of
7-9 Demonstrate, Providing Care and Lecture – Extension Discussion and video Create a video Narrative Report
knowledge, skills Support to Children Demonstration Activity/Field trip in presentation presentation on a with attached
and attitude in -Bathing, Dressing, NGO’s and selected topic. photos about the
taking care of the and Undressing Orphanage house (role playing) learned insights
family mem Procedures. like Hospicio De during the extension
-Procedures of San Jose activity or field trip.
feeding the children. Return
-Procedures in taking Demonstration Guide Questions:
vital signs 1. What is your
-Proper Health Care initial reaction
of Children when you
-Proper Hand reached the
Washing Procedures. orphanage
-Table Etiquette house and saw
-Personal Good the actual
Grooming situations of their
-Nutritional Needs of different
Children. beneficiaries/clie
-Effects of Foods and nts?
Drinks on the Dental 2. How do you go
Health of Children. about the feelings
-Proper Storage of or reactions
Foods according to its during the actual
kind. immersion you
-Food Preparation had with the
and Cooking. orphanage
Providing Care and beneficiaries?
Support to Elderly What life realization
and Persons with you had after you
Special Needs. observed the
-Common signs and different situations
symptoms of common of the different
illnesses. group of people in
- Principles and the orphanage?
procedures of
administration. Video presentation
-Relevant plan of rubrics
care, roles and
responsibilities of
home caregiver.
-Relevant policies,
protocols and
practices of the
certain organizations
in relation to the
services given to the
-Basic First Aid
Wise -Principles of Lecture – Conduct research Lecture – Make a Monthly Monthly Family
Management of Management Discussion on Filipino family Discussion Family budget budget expenses
Family Resources -Determining Family issues at present specifying expenses report.
Needs and Wants -Presentation related to the topic Online presentation of for water bills, electric
-Factors that of short skit by being discussed. Monthly Family bills, house rentals / Essay on the wise
Influence family group. budget expenses mortgage, food use of family
(members) values, report. expenses etc. using a resources.
attitudes and spreadsheet
behavior. application.
-Wise Use of Family
- Specifically human
resources and family
income budgeting.
-Family Decision
Making Process
Course References
- The Daily Gazette Thursday by: Catherine Beecher ( March 12,2020)
- Home Economics: Addressing Concerns of the Filipino Family by: Gabriel, Bantay, Chua, Dare, and Malicdem, (2009)
- International Journal of Home Economics: Linking the Loop: Voicing Dimensions of Home Economics
Vol.2 No.2, 2009.
- IAMURE Publisher 2012; (Castro, L.) Values Shifting Pattern Related to Family Processes and Functioning in the Select
Respondents In the 5th District of Mnila
- Stewart, T. , Certificate Management of Homes and Familie, New Edition, Kingston: Carlong (Caribbean) Publishers, (2000).
- Gill,V. and Hillyard,E.(1999) , Carribean Home Economics Books 1-3, London:Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
- Cooper, I. (1986) Consumer Education, London: Oxford University Press. 1986
Learning Resources
the family, and the community. Submitted and calculated the -contribute to the proper budgeting of family expenses
- Understand the concept of the family monthly budget report.
family and its relationship with the
community. Able to identify needs over
- Show awareness of community wants.
resources which will serve
different needs of the family. Submitted reflection papers
- Demonstrate knowledge in
making intelligent decisions
regarding providing livable,
convenient and accessible
housing or shelter for the family.
Demonstrate the ability to of wise use of
goods and services to obtain maximum
benefits of the family members.
Grading System Based on BOR Resolution No. U-3007 dated June 24, 2019, the following is the PNU Grading System of the University.
Course Requirements
- Written Tests (Quiz, Oral recitation)-------------------------------------------------20%
- Narrative Reports, Assignment --------------------------------------------------- 30 %
- Practical Tests ( Group Presentations, Demonstrations, Simulation) ------ 50%
100 %
Face to Face
Course Policies
Flexible Delivery
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