Sewer Slime (1HD+1, AC 8, Filth Lash x2 (d4)

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Sewer Encounters (5) Small nasty river of gross shit.

50% chance for

Roll d20 – If party stays near surface use d10, a sewer slime to be in the pool, ready to jump at
medium level d6+10, lowest level d4+16 adventurers. Each time you get a slime, roll 50%
chance for another slime or not.
(1) Blockage of a tunnel. Full of waste and other
indescribable matter, the smell is offer. The Sewer Slime (1HD+1, AC 8, Filth Lash x2 (d4)
blockage can be dug through (it is mostly soft) 10% chance on any attack to infect victim with
with shovels and time. If the party decides to dig, fetid diease,which they come down with over a
roll on wandering monster table. few days. Save vs disease to avoid)

(2) Graffiti on a wall, illuminated by a grating to (6) You see four Layabouts along a wall, begging
the street above. If at dawn, the sun lines up and for money in this, apparently, high traffic area. If
illuminates a few letters on the wall that is the you give money to only one, they'll wait until you
secret password for (4). walk off for the other three to gang up on the one
and take it. If you give money to none of them
(3) Young man in a pure white robe trapped on a they will attack.
small platform surrounded by filth and muck. He
begs the party to carry him out or find a way out Layabouts (1HD, AC 10, shivs (d4), have good
without getting dirty. He is effeminate and prissy, nightvision, can crawl up walls and contort to
but truthfully he worships a God of Cleanliness small spaces, hurt by sunlight. Clerics of any sun
and each speck of dirt that touches him stains his or light-based God can also turn them)
immortal soul.
If money is given to all of them or if pressed, the
If carried out and helped, the boy will be very Layabouts will admit to being cursed; by fleeing
grateful and bless the party with +1 for saves into the sewers they had been changed and forced
against sickness caused by the filth of the sewers. to stay down here for crimes they try to escape
from on the surface.
(4) Dry part of the ancient sewer, small staircase
leads to an iron door with a tiny sliding peephole. (7) Rust monsters. They are dead. Bloodsoaked,
If the door is knocked upon it will open and a resting man nearby looks up at party with a nod.
password will be requested- without it the party “You're Welcome.” He has a strange facial tattoo
will not be let inside. and can be sensed with 'sense magic'. He doesn't
understand or elaborate if questioned.
If the password is found and the party can enter
they will find the sewer saloon. It's a tavern filled In truth, this man has been magically enchanted.
with all sorts of moderately peaceful monsters, Upon his death, all nearby dead creatures will
human criminals on the run and even stranger return to life. This includes characters, but
beings. Strict no fighting unless-for-gambling rule knowing this secret will be extremely difficult. He
enforced by an ogre bouncer. Serves a special cannot be revived; his soul is shredded forever by
brew of ale that gives +1 to saves against slimes the tattoo the moment he dies.
and oozes. The food, drinks, and rooms are good.
(8) Wooden platform leading across a open pit or
This great service and atmosphere is all promised, slowly flowing part of the sewer system. 25%
but the party cannot just tell the password to chance for a party member to fall down through a
anyone willy nilly and must promise to keep the weak spot in the wood, roll once for each party
place a secret. member. Only 10% chance for smaller party
The barkeeper has a magical mace painted with members, 50% for bigger. Party members who fall
bright colors called Shiner, deals double damage will end up in (9) or (5).
against beings with darkvision.
(9) Huge watery pool. Collection pit for the sewer (12) Tunnel Judgment. 8 Foot tall man holding two
or a giant semi-clogged drain. Easy to get out of, huge containers, one in each hand, judges anyone
but smells horrible. Something is swimming in the he sees. Has milk-white eyes and can see into the
water (its Goblin Crocs), but they aren't aggressive past, but only for events that happened in the
unless molested. sewers. Can make incredibly deductions based on
appearance and sewer actions alone though; up to
Goblin Croc (2HD, AC 11, bite d6; special attack and including party member's social background
to drag; roll attack at -2, if it hits anyway the party and upbringing. Only mildly insane.
member is dragged beneath the water and tries to
drown them while their friends take bites) For good parties, 75% chance of the right-hand
Goblin crocs are ugly, lumpy looking crocodiles container. For evil parties, only 25% chance. For
with squarish faces and ugly yellow teeth. They neutral, exactly 50%. The party's alignments
are smaller and weaker then normal crocodiles and should be factored together to get their general
seem to use swarm tactics; hence the name. alignment drift, with neutral but good or evil
leading modifying 50% figure + or -10%
Deep in the water lies a secret underwater tunnel. respectively.
50% chance it dead ends, or it leads out of the
sewer to a random place where the sewers empty The right container contains a mist that smells of
outside. Either result; silver skull is found fresh air and the top of a mountain. The party
somewhere in the tunnel. The skull is made of members get that damn sewer stench out of their
pure silver and grants a free casting on any known nose and are immune to the gas at (14). The left
divination spell, but is tarnished after use lowering container for those judged unworthy Contains a
its value somewhat. Sewer Slime. The Judge himself has stats as
Layabout but containers (d4), +1 AC, and 4HD.
(10) Woman lost in the sewer. She has a few
copper and silver coins, and will offer them for (13) Sewer Goblins. All of them use scavenged
safe passage to surface. Any party member who is weapons and armor, but have surprisingly good
a local or knowledgeable will have a 25% chance hygiene for living here, the females have long,
to know she is the daughter of a local crime boss, brushed and cleaned air. Roll d6
who is renowned for disappearing for days at a 1. 4 Females currently scavenging for items
time when she's mad at her father. in a pile of muck. They will take out their
knives, but will run at the first sign of
If party refuses or she sees any monsters; she will aggression to get their warriors.
quickly offer triple the original promised reward 2. 2 warriors, guarding a post. Tell party not
for safe return. to get too close or try and past.
3. Lone Goblin trying to tame a Goblin
(11) Four skeletal mourners are down here, Crocodile. He's too busy focusing on the
pantomiming weeping and sobbing and carrying a croc then to notice the party come in.
casket. If interrupted they will hit the party for two 4. Goblin tying a rope to a high spot to create
rounds of combat only as a warning, but will a shortcut to the upper levels of the sewer.
return to the coffin afterwards unless the party 50% chance to fall right onto the party,
kills one of them or opens the casket, in which who could catch him if they wanted.
case they will fight to the death. 5. Wizard Goblin levitating a piece of shit
with magic, seemingly pleased with
The coffin itself does not have a body but does himself. Will launch it the party.
have a small gemstone, scroll of Control 6. Goblins moving to a new lair, the whole
Skeletons, and a prayer book with diary entrees tribe together with all their possessions.
written in the margins. Will chase away adventurers.
(14) Huge purple oysters are growing on the sides (16) 2d4 Rat cultists. They have transformed this
of this wet passage, seemingly open now because small area of the sewer into a church and base of
of low water level. If the Oysters are passed or operations. They wear mouse-like masks make of
touched, they will crack and release a bright purple driftwood and each of them has a mouse that sits
gas. When this gas is inhaled it causes sever upon their shoulder or lives in their pocket as a
hallucinations in humanoids and makes them see familiar. They can speak to the rat and ask it to do
things, party included unless they make a save. things for them, but if killed they will immediately
scream out in pain as a part of their soul is
This gas quickly spreads upwards through the rendered. The cultists are armed with knives. (stats
sewer and makes the upper levels far more as Bandits, but with d4 knives)
dangerous. The goblins will mostly kill each other
but the gas also will effect all human NPCs above; Rat cultists will not allow anyone into their
(3), (7), and (10) all become violent and psychotic territory without a good reason or unless they will
once the gas is released. The tavern will remain convert. To their religion. Their church also lies on
normal but will have a howling madman at the a crossroads between here and the deepest parts of
gates, demanding to be let in and screaming the the sewer (17-20; roll d4 if exploring there).
password over and over. He will attack anyone Converting to their religion involves getting a rat
who comes close (stats as Bandit). bound with your soul as a companion.

If a party member is knocked unconscious who is The rat cultists, if fought, have at 1d4 holy guards
suffering from the gas or they drink/are forced to with shortswords and medium armor (2 HD, d6,
drink and extremely strong alcohol, they get an +2 to hit and AC) and 1 or 2 Clerics.
extra save against it each time to end the effect.
Otherwise it may take up to 1d6 days for it to wear Clerics carry silver incense burners (and expensive
off. The Judge at (12) can make people immune. incense), the pile of offerings to a rat-faced god
equal 30 silver but has inflicts a curse to the
The meat inside the oysters however is delicious person who takes it (the curse makes rats
and a delicacy. Sold at market each oyster's meat aggressive and want to bite the character whenever
will make about 1 GP each. they lay down or try to sleep). Finally their leader,
a wererat (can transform into 4 HD Wererat
(15) Giant lumpy purple toad. Currently monster) carries a golden-leaf tome detailing the
swallowing a struggling goblin that was drying to religion of rat worship.
domesticate it. It also has a couple of brand-marks
on its skin. The creature is not overly aggressive (17) Deepest part of the sewer leads into the
but hates goblins now and anyone humanoid who underdark and cavernous places beneath the world.
is short, possibly confusing them. Runoff tunnel into pure blackness. Roll on your
favorite underworld encounter table, or just roll
Lumpy Purple Toad (HD 2, AC 12, bite d6; regular encounters.
Doesn't have a tongue anymore (goblins cut it off)
but instead spits gobs of sticky goo that stick party On the floor here is a map to the whole sewer,
members to walls or the ground, making them scrawled in a Drow-like text. The drawn map is
unable to move and meaning the toad makes no still useful even if you can't read the captions.
attack rolls to hit them when stuck. Shows the locations of all static encounters. (4),
(8), (9), (14) and Rat Cultists at (16).
Within the frog's belly is a short copper rod used
for branding by the goblins (worth full price as (18) Roll on rival adventuring table. One of them
copper coin, pure copper) and the frog's skin is an has been pinned under fallen debris and they will
alchemical reagent of middling value. be weakened.
(19) Small maze like subsection of the sewer. Wandering Monsters Table
Appears to be the sewer for a noble's mansion at Roll 1d4 on highest level, 1d6 on other levels.
one point the floor it littered with ancient
treasures. Silverwear, copper braclets and bands, [1] Fetch. (stats as Bandit but takes 50% less
golden earrings, tapestries only barely stained by damage from physical attacks). Servant of the
the musk. The area is guarded by Mush, 50% spirits of the subterranean world, fae in nature
chance for a rival adventuring party to be here though appears as an unassuming human. Attacks
instead, demanding anyone else leave since they anyone who casts spells or uses magic items,
got here first. otherwise will ignore party.

Mush (5 HD, 15 AC, corrosive spew x2 (d4), [2] Goblin seekers. (Two Goblins). Armed with
jagged maw d8, regenerates d4 hit points if it darts and knives. Are not a challenge on their own
absorbs a nearby pool or pile of filth) The Mush is but will alert a War party [6] to any adventurers
a creature that appears half solid and half liquid. down here if not killed first.
It's got animal features like a maw, legs, and scaled
body that seems to fade in and out of the goop it [3] Mush Wraith. Spirit of a person killed by
has connected to it. It is somehow a mixture of Mush, though party would not know that. (stats as
both. It tends to attack the cleanest party member Bandit but +1 AC and regenerates 1 HP if it
first, or the one that is dealing the most damage to embraces filth or pools of filth)
it. The mush is surrounded by a cloud of stinking,
choking fumes that is impossible to avoid. [4] Layabout Mugger. 1d4+1 appearing. (stats as
Everyone who breathes it will contract a moderate Layabout, but d6 mace). Wants gold more then
to severe disease in 1d6 days. Killing the Mush is violence.
a feat and worth 1d6x100 bonus experience.
[5] Oyster Crazies. 1d3 appearing. (stats as
(20) Four Goblin leaders standing around a pile of Bandits, but d8 greataxe and immunity to mental
treasure. As per goblin tradition; they split the magic. Gets +1 to hit and damage when below half
treasure by simply putting it together and taking HP) Insane people addicted to Oyster gases. They
what they want, but if they are greedy the other 3 carry several rocks with the purple Oysters
goblins beat them up. As such each slowly picks growing on them.
away at the pile until it has been split about evenly.
The Goblins are focused on their task but will [6] Goblin Warband (3d6+1 Goblins). Party may
attack intruders. The goblins are all big (2 HD surrender and taken back to their camp instead of
each). Two goblins are spellcasters, one is a crack being killed if they can't take them on. Goblins fall
shot with his War Crossbow (d8, +2 to hit) and one asleep at guard duty all the time, but the camp
of them can whistle to summon his pet, a itself has even more goblins.
domesticated purple toad. (Stats as Lumpy Purple
Toad, but +1 HD and +1 damage on bite) Rival Adventurer Table
Roll when prompted or as an alternative to
Their pile of treasure includes; wandering monsters; adventurers will not be
• 3d6 Silver pieces immediately hostile but will claim any perceived
• 1d10 Gold pieces sources of treasure. Roll d4
• 2d4 Pearls or lesser gemstones
• 1d4 diamonds [1] Hazmea's Party. Hazmea is the leader, a
• Lady's broach, worth 2 GP necromancer of middling power. The others don't
like her very much and may be convinced to
• 1d4+1 Random Potions
betray her.
• Mush Call (magical item that summons Hazmea (3 HD Necromancer. Summons skeletons
Mush, but does not control him) for fighting at 1 a round, but they fall apart after)
Juntur the warrior. +2 to hit, AC, and damage. [3] Senior adventurers. All of them are old and
Axe-wielding Mercenary. Most disrespectful to gray, delving into dungeons to get money for their
Hazmea and to women in general. children and grandchildren, since they don't
Metax Murutian (thief). Skilled with shortswords believe they'll live much longer anyway.
and shields though a scoundrel. Uses smoke Utam the fighter. +1 HD. Full soldier's gear from a
bombs and bolas to get an upper hand. past war. Cynical and pragmatic, but has a soft
Gob the goblin. Goblin thief/specialist. Their spot for children. Leader of the group.
guide to the tunnels, 50% chance to be planning on Tulian Chaser (fighter) Used to be a runner and
betraying them to the goblins down here. standard bearer for an army and won't shut up
Harold the Invisible Zombie (stats as zombie). about it. Most of his speed is gone, but may do two
Not actually invisible, just 80% transparent. He attacks or actions a round once per day.
will attack anyone Hazmea says and snacks on Patricia (magic user) Helpful witch who mostly
corpses. Will follow the first person to kill Hazmeaonly knew and used hedge magic and potions her
from then on. adult life. Still getting used to these destructive
combat spells and she generally doesn't like them.
[2] Twice born fanatics. These people have visions Melii the Saint (cleric) Moderately famous
of a past life where they all knew each other. They wisewoman of a local religion. Hides the fact that
are a religious order now believing themselves to her cleric powers and divination has been fading in
be divine or demigods that reincarnate, but believe the last few years, still spry though.
other people are inferior or only live once. They
have since taken on symbolic names and are eager [4] Retainer's Crew. Loose moral mercenaries
to become more powerful. made up of several beast races. If they are not
Revisionist (magic user) Defacto leader. Writes welcomed in this area then they are in hiding, else
down dreams and visions in multiple diaries, one they are adventuring and doing dirty work for
for each party member. Carefully edits any nobles and the rich.
discrepancies between past life stories. Has a Galvin Retainer (cleric) Ruthless but religious.
unique spell Remember (level 3 Illusion) that traps Believes in a God that essentially stresses morality
a victim in a memory for 1d4+1 rounds. Save for as secondary to civilizing the more primitive races
effect to only last one round. and peoples, outspoken racist to all but his party.
Defender (fighter) +1 HD and +2 AC. Use a big Chopper (Fighter) Gnoll that has had ALL of his
shield that he can point at anyone, granting +1 AC fur shaved off so he can go around in the sewers
against their attacks only. Fights with d6 spear or with less difficulty. Looks absolutely ghoulish and
arming sword. Can block attacks for his fellows, EXTREMELY angry about it. +2 to damage, but
taking the damage instead of them. -1 AC when charging in.
Ravager (fighter) Dervish that has +2 AC towards Bluesnout (Fighter) Orc with a pronounced nose
whoever he is attacking with his duel swords. and gold nosering. Fights with falchion and hide
Somewhat suicidal, since he believes he will just shield. Carries several useful supplies like ropes
reincarnate anyway. Loves Widow passionately. and torches. Doesn't say much. Known Rapist.
Widow (cleric) Cleric that worships herself and her Meser & Easer (Thieves) Goblin twins. They are
fellows. Still somehow has cleric powers. She has seemingly separate individuals and argue
a Cleric spell named Obliterate Memory that constantly but are magically linked in some way.
makes target forget the events of the entire day; They can see out of each other's eyes; but if one
stunning them for 1 round and making them lose dies the other will die too.
-1d6x10 experience points. Orthius (Magic user) Satyr from a far away place,
Devotress (cleric/druid) Nature focused of the believes most of his party to be below him in
group, speaks to trees and stones to see if they status. Can cast druidic spells along with regular
know anything of their past lives. Uses Magic magic user spells and can speak to goats. Has 1d4
Stone and a sling. Secretly believes herself to be goats with him carrying most of their party's stuff,
the god among the group, but has no proof. who are surprisingly at home in a rocky sewer.

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