Manhunt: Predator or Pariah? Litvin's Novel Personality Test

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9:24 PM

Manhunt: Predator or Pariah? Litvin’s Novel Personality Test

by Jenna Powell by Ricky Moss, student body press

The usually raucous environment of the Afterlife Night City University’s own Dr. Jasha Litvin believes
became even more chaotic this evening as MPs for he may have a new method of categorizing and
Militech entered the bar in search of one Sergeant Neal determining personality. Unlike most modern day
Griffith. Sergeant Griffith, known as “Griff” among his personality tests, Dr. Litvin does not use any of Jung’s
subordinates, has been accused of possession of child typologies. Instead, he has created his own. As with all
pornography. Although frowned upon in Night City, psychological research, Dr. Litvin must prove that his
all variations of pornography are considered legal. new test is reliable and valid, which is why the Gopnik
Possession of child porn is illegal under NUSA law, and School of Psychology is offering up to 1,000 ebs per
as Militech has been nationalized by the NUSA, its staff participant to take Litvin’s new personality test.
are subject to its laws.
Link: Novel Indicator of Personality Harmony (NIPH)
Witnesses claim that as MPs approached Sergeant
Griffith about the alleged charges, Griffith became The Haunted Ellipse
by Jack “Buck” Rover
agitated. It didn’t take long for things to escalate to
violence, beginning with a fist fight and ending with A barge was spotted off the coast of Night City shortly
shots fired and Griffith missing. At least four are before sunset. It appeared to be listing heavily on its
wounded, and two are dead after the altercation. port side, likely drifting in circles. The size and shape
indicated this ship was likely a cargo vessel from before
As a manhunt for Griffith is underway in Night City, the Fourth Corporate War, however, the ship was not
Militech officials had this to say: “Sergeant Griffith has even at half capacity. One witness claims that it looked
proven that he cannot follow simple federal mandates, like shipping containers had probably fallen off the side
and therefore is a liability. He has access and knowledge of the vessel as it continued to list.
to secure files, and is a danger to the NUSA and Night
City if the wrong people get access to what he knows. This is not the first time this cargo ship has been
We are asking anyone who might know anything to spotted in the last few months. It is odd that the ship
contact Militech Intelligence Support with any leads.” keeps coming back. Many theories abound about why
the unknown vessel keeps making an appearance.
Militech has deployed AVs and transports in an effort One such theory suggests that the ocean currents are
to find Griffith, but the response from city officials has shifting due to anthropogenic catastrophes such as
been lack luster. A spokesperson for the NCPD explained climate change, nuclear detonations, and space born
that “under city law, Sergeant Griffith has not broken debris. Another suggests that a Biotechnica experiment
any laws, therefore, this is an internal matter within released into the Pacific caused damage to the drifting
Militech. The city will not waste resources to enforce boat which caused it to list.
the antiquated laws of the NUSA.” He added: “It is not
the business of Night City or her people how one man The most likely scenario, however, is that as the
gets his rocks off.” currents brought debris from the war into the Pacific
Gyre. A mine then detonated against the ship, which
This story is still developing, but it’s expected this event put it on its current trajectory.
will spark debate over sexual preference laws again.
Link: A Circle of Sunken Treasures
Link: Wanted: Neal Griffith — Militech Liability Link: The Growing North Pacific Gyre

Personality Harmony NCU Gopnik NET Architecture
As the screamsheet says, Dr. Jasha Litvin believes Floor Program
he has developed a more useful and accurate File (DV 6)
personality test that he calls the Novel Indicator of 1 NIPH test
Personality Harmony or NIPH. He and the Gopnik
School of Psychology within NCU are offering 1,000 ebs 2 Password (DV 8)
for any person willing to take part in the study.
3 Black ICE (Cyclops)
Player Information Control Node (DV 10)
4 (Lights, Ventilation, Doors)
Dr. Litvin is looking to prove that his novel
File (DV 10)
personality test is both valid and reliable. To do this, 5 NIPH Participant Results
he must administer the test to a large sample before
presenting the test to the APA and EFPA. The test is
administered in a private setting at Night City University. • All participants’ agents have access to floor 1 of
The participant’s agent will be given access to a secure the NET while they are taking the test, however,
network within NCU. The only thing accessible to the file is deleted from the agents as soon as it is
the participants will be the NIPH, however, the NET submitted. The file can be potentially saved by
architecture is more vast than just the file. a netrunner who gains access to the file during
Once the participants have completed the test, their ‘run.
they will be able to submit it. The file will be removed • On floor 3, a netrunner will encounter a Black
from their agent, 500 eb will be loaded into their ICE the university is currently still developing,
personal account, and access to this specific NET will be called a Cyclops. The stats for this Black ICE is
revoked. Upon leaving the room, participants are asked located on page 4.
to return in 3 weeks to complete the NIPH again and • The 4th floor’s control node is where the
receive the other half of the 500 eb. The results of the Daemon, an Imp, lies in wait. Once a netrunner
test will not be disclosed to participants until after the breaches the 1st floor, the Daemon will access
completion of the second administration of the test. the control node on the 4th floor. The first thing
The NIPH is only 10 questions, with 7 options the Daemon will do is lock the door followed
for each question ranging from “Strongly Agree” to quickly by shutting off the lights. On its next
“Strongly Disagree.” There are no wrong answers, and turn, the Daemon will access the ventilation
unlike currently accepted personality tests, neutral is an system, pumping Blue Dust (pg. 4) into the room.
acceptable option. The test also asks that participants Then moving to the 3rd floor to help attack the
fill out their age, gender, and lifestyles. Although a netrunner.
contact address is not necessary, it is encouraged in • The 5th floor contains a file with all the
the event that the study’s researchers cannot reach a participants’ results. It is essentially a file with
participant via their agent. the names of each participant, the label of
See page 5 for the NIPH test. “conforming” or “non-conforming” next to their
names, and a recommendation of a follow-up
NCU Internal NET (i.e. “Immediate Termination,” “Reeducation,”
or “No Action Required.”
An access point is located within each private
room where the test can be taken. However, the access
point is only powered when administering the NIPH NET Combat
test. While a participant’s agent has access to the NET, Name REZ Interface Actions Number
a netrunner may attempt to navigate the whole net.
Note: This network is protected by a Daemon. Imp 15 3 2 14

Gamemaster Information They will wait until their target is within a Combat
Zone or at their residence, making the attack look like
The Novel Indicator of Personality Harmony an accident or a mugging gone wrong. The corporate
(NIPH) appears harmless on the surface with scenario client isn’t taking any chances with this level of a
based questions, however, the study has intentionally nonconformity. They will send 2 Corporate Goons per
targeted a population that is in need of money, viewing participant.
1,000 eb as a substantial amount. This means college Any other level will be readdressed during the
students, scavvers, boosters, edgerunners, and anyone participant’s second visit in 3 weeks. Only participants
not working for a corporation. The intention of the who require no action or close monitoring will be
NIPH is not to identify a person’s personality, but to released at this time, being paid the other 500 eb.
indicate a person’s level of conformity. Participants requiring reeducation or termination will
Key investors of Night City University have be dealt with in the private room. 2 Corporate Goons
already green lit Dr. Litvin’s conformity test, and are per participant will be involved in that combat as well.
now implementing the first test of identifying non-
conformists in Night City. Basically, what that means Corporate Goon
is that if a person does not score a value of 0 or
INT Ref Dex Tech Cool
neutral on the NIPH then they are identified as non-
conformists, and may be targeted for reeducation, or 2 6 8 2 4
worse, termination. Will Move Body Emp
The scoring method for the NIPH results can be 2 4 4 3
done quickly and easily with “Strongly Agree” marks Equipment
being counted as +3, “Strongly Disagree” marks counted Very Heavy Pistol - 50 rounds 4d6
as -3, and neutral marks being counted as zero. Follow Kevlar Armor - Head / Body 7 SP / 7SP
the table to determine the results of the players who Smoke Grenade - obscure 10x10 m area - 2 grenades
Agent, homing Tracer, Lock Picking Set
participate as well as the action required against them.
NIPH Test Results Biomonitor
Cybereyes - Low Light/Infrared/UV
Positive Negative Neural Link - Kerenzikov - +2 to Initiative
Range Range Skills
Conforming Athletics 9, brawling 9, Conceal/Reveal Object 4,
5 to 0 0 to -5
No action concentration 4, conversation 5, Education 4, Endurance
Non-Conforming 6, evasion 7, First Aid 4, handgun 12, Human Perception
10 to 6 -6 to -10 5, Interrogation 6, Language (Native) 4, Perception 6,
Monitor Closely
Persuasion 6, resist torture/drugs 4, stealth 7
15 to 11 -11 to -15
Reeducation Required HP 20 1/2 10 Save 4
20 to 16 -16 to -20 Corporate Goon Tactics
The Corporate Goons won’t waste any time once
< 20 > -20 an opportunity arises. They will attack necessary
Immediate Termination
participants no matter who is around, accepting
collateral casualties to help sell the story of an
Depending on participants’ results, Dr. Litvin will accident or mugging gone wrong.
send the required action on to his client corporation. They will attack quickly with one Goon throwing a
This could be Militech, Network 54, Continental Brands, smoke grenade and the other shooting the target
or whatever corporation may desire a conforming mass. through the smoke. The Goons will try to stay at
If a participant received an action of “Immediate optimum range, staying obscured by the smoke.
Termination” or a “Termination” with no address listed, If one Corporate Goon dies and the other has a
the corporate client will act immediately, sending out critical wound or is seriously wounded, they will
goons to deal with the non-conforming participants. attempt to flee.

Dr. Litvin will notably never be present for the
tests. Participants may assume this is because he is Possible Follow-Ups
observing and is attempting to maintain a level of
objectivity. In a sense, this is true, but not in a physical • A Netrunner may make a Deduction check of 9
sense the players may think. Dr. Litvin is actually an or better and realize that for the files to transfer
alias created by a Transcendental Sentience AI. Dr. to the Old NET, then there must be an access
Jasha Litvin doesn’t actually exist. point somewhere on campus. Finding this access
While Dr. Litvin can be found on Night City point could prove lucrative by either selling that
University’s Data Term page, a Cryptography check of information to NetWatch or to some other crazy
13 or greater or a Deduction check of 17 or greater will Netrunner.
reveal that images of Dr. Litvin are heavily manipulated • After recognizing that the image of Dr. Jasha
and modernized variations of Hermann Rorschach. Any Litvin is a manipulated fake, skimming through
attempts to contact Dr. Litvin will result in a text reply some of the other staff on the NCU Data Term
some days later as he appears to be very busy. page might reveal a few more faked staff photos.
So long as a player succeeds a Cryptography
Conclusion check of 15 or greater, that is. Linus Hahn’s
image has been manipulated from an old image
Should a participant bring the truth behind the of one Fritz Haber. Olene King’s image has been
NIPH test to the attention of the NCPD, they will raid the manipulated more extensively, appearing to be
School of Psychology. Or the participants may attempt based on a painting of Ada Lovelace.
to raid the school themselves. Mysteriously, everything • It seems the school of Psychology isn’t the only
will be missing. Evidence of the NIPH tests, results, and department on campus performing experiments.
any equipment are all gone, as if it never happened. The School of Chemistry is studying the effects
The access node in each private room has been of a new chemical compounded (Blue Dust), and
wiped clean. A Netrunner may find a virus in the last they’re offering 1,500 eb up front for volunteers.
floor using a Pathfinder action, DV 10. Success reveals This study is dangerous. The School of Computer
the virus transferred all files to the Old Net then erased Science is asking Netrunners to face off against
them. their latest Black ICE program, a Cyclops. They’re
It seems that there’s nothing more to do than take offering only 500 eb to participants.
the credits given and hope this is the end of it.


Blue Dust take an Action on your Turn if you failed.

Cost per Dose: 50 eb Secondary Effect (DV15)
Primary Effect • If the user wasn’t addicted to Blue Glass (the parent
• Lasts 1 Hour drug of Blue Dust), they are now.
• For the duration of the primary effect, you will • See the addiction effects of Blue Glass on page 228
need to make a Resist Torture/Drugs check of 12 of the Core Rulebook
every 15 minutes to avoid experiencing blinding, • The user also loses all memory from up to 12 hours
debilitating hallucinations. You lose your ability to prior to exposure to Blue Dust.

Name Class PER SPD ATK DEF REZ Effect Cost

Does 2d6 damage direct to an Enemy
Netrunner’s brain. The Netrunner is forcible and
Anti-Personnel unsafely Jacked Out of their current Netrun. 500eb
Cyclops Black ICE
2 2 6 3 20
They suffer the effect of all Rezzed enemy Black (Expensive)
ICE they’ve encountered in the Architecture as
they leave, not including the Cyclops.

Novel Indicator of Personality Harmony
Dr. Jasha Litvin

Answer every question, marking the bubble you most identify with, ranging from strongly agree to strongly
disagree. There are no wrong answers.

1. You see an old woman getting mugged on the 6. You witness a crime. It is your duty immediately
street and jump to her rescue. report that crime to the proper authorities.

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

2. Good and evil exist, and if you’re looking, you 7. If you can pull yourself up by your boot straps,
can see it everywhere. you can have anything in this world.

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

3. You control what happens to you and the 8. One day, I will become rich, powerful, and well
environment around you. known. My name will be known.

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

4. You spot a mistake in your coworker’s work. 9. Your best friend comes to you with a problem.
No need to report it when you can fix it here and now. Whatever it is, you’ll help them with it.

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

5. Good things happen to good people and bad 10. You are known by everyone around you as
things happen to bad people. someone who is dependable.

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

Name: Date:

Address: Lifestyle:


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