EPSON RC+ 7.5.0 Release Notes
EPSON RC+ 7.5.0 Release Notes
EPSON RC+ 7.5.0 Release Notes
Thank you for using EPSON RC+ 7.5.0. This document contains the latest information
for this release. Please read before using this software.
DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 2
GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................... 2
WHAT’S NEW IN VERSION 7.5.0 ................................................................................ 2
WHAT’S FIXED IN VERSION 7.5.0 ............................................................................. 3
WHAT'S NEW FOR RC+ 7.5.0 API ............................................................................... 4
I/O ADDITIONAL METHODS .............................................................................................. 4
ROBOT STATISTICS METHODS.......................................................................................... 4
PART FEEDING METHODS ................................................................................................ 4
MAINTENANCE METHODS ................................................................................................ 5
CONNECTION ................................................................................................................... 5
FIELDBUS ......................................................................................................................... 5
FORCE GUIDE................................................................................................................... 5
CONTROLLER AND ROBOT INFORMATION ........................................................................ 5
ROBOT POINTS ADDITIONAL METHODS ........................................................................... 5
ADDITIONAL EVENTS ....................................................................................................... 5
VISION GUIDE ................................................................................................................ 5
CAMERA & LENS SELECTION TOOL ................................................................................. 5
PARAMETER TUNING TOOL.............................................................................................. 6
All RC+ manuals are in PDF format and are installed on the PC hard disk. These
manuals are accessible from the EPSON RC+ 7.0 environment Help menu.
Getting Started
Read the Getting Started chapter in the EPSON RC+ 7.0 User's Guide. This chapter
will refer you to the RC700 Controller manual Installation chapter. This contains
information for initial connections and start up.
GUI Builder
5. Added new controls for GUI Builder: ProgressBar, StatusBar, TrackBar. See the
GUI Builder manual for details.
6. Added several new methods to the API, including support for reading task
information, connection information, and more controller information. See the
section What's New for RC+ 7.5.0 API in this document.
7. Added support for CCLink version 2 controller board.
Vision Guide
Note: For Compact Vision, CV2-A firmware version or greater must be installed
to use the following new features.
9. Added support for Arc search windows for Correlation, Blob, Geometric, OCR.
11. Added ThresholdMethod for Blob, Contour, ImageOp Binarize which supports
LocalAdaptive thresholding. See the Vision Guide Properties and Reference
manual for details.
12. Added support for don’t care pixels for the DefectFinder and Polar tool.
14. Added ability to use transparency for painting don't care pixels in ShowModel.
15. Added new SaveTeachImage property for vision tools with models. This allows
the image used during teach to be saved to a file.
16. Added ability to copy / export statistics data to a CSV format file.
17. Added ability to copy / export object results data to a CSV format file.
18. Added ability to enable or disable an object from the object right click menu on
the Vision Guide window.
3. Fixed a problem for ModelWinType. If the value was changed and the model
was taught, then after the project is re-opened, the model is shown as not being
4. Fixed MemInW for API. The wrong value was being returned if it was greater
than 255. Controller firmware or greater is needed.
5. Fixed GetPoint method for point attributes. The JxFlag (J1Flag, J2Flag, etc.)
attribute values were not correct.
GUI Builder
7. Fixed copy / paste for some control properties. After paste, some properties
were not being updated.
8. Fixed a problem where sometimes when selecting a form or control in the form
tree, the property grid was not showing the properties for the selected form or
9. Fixed a problem for using the same names for controls on different forms.
10. Fixed a problem where when controls are overlapped, the overlap order was not
restored correctly after re-opening the project.
Maintenance Methods
Connect now supports connection name
Force Guide
Additional Events
Vision Guide
Camera & Lens Selection Tool
A camera and lens selection tool is provided in the EpsonRC70\Tools folder after
installation. A PDF file with instructions is provided in the folder.