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N-DISC SEP/DISC SYL -NO3 9/14/01 9:41 AM Page 1


The Standard of the World

No. 3SI Principles of Operation PRODUCT
Disc Reference Disc Reference Disc Reference

The indented cylinder separator relies upon centrifugal force. The speed of the cylinder holds the particle in the indent, lifting it Sunflower (2520) 400/5.8
out of the mass until the indent is inverted to the point where gravity causes the particle to fall out of the indent. The particle 20-SS
dropping from the indent falls into the auger conveying trough. The angle or tilt of the catch trough can be adjusted to obtain the Wheat (Small) 275/7.4 350/9.5 100/2.8
12V5-8K-7V5.5 27A 6V5-4K-3V5.5-14A
desired “cut point” there by catching the small particles as they drop out of the indents but not permitting the longer particles to Wheat (Medium) 210/5.7 300/8.2 85/2.3
ride up the rising side of the cylinder and fall into the trough. To make adjustment on the “cut point” of the separation, a trough 8V5-6K-7V5.5-6V5.7522A-5MM 4V5-3K-3V5.5-3V5.75-11A-3MM
tilt adjustment is used which enables you to define the degree of separation that is required. A screw conveyor then discharges Wheat (Large) 150/4 225/6.1 70/1.9
10V5.5-10K-7V6 19A-8MM 5V5.5-5K-3V6-10A-4MM
the short lifted material separate from the tailed long material. The amount of product which can be length separated depends on BARLEY 220/4.8 280/6.0 90/2.0
the number of pockets coming in contact with the product. 6V5.5-10AC-8EE-3J 27B 4V6-5AC-4EE-14B
OATS 200/2.9 400/5.8
Trough Segmented Cylinder High Capacity 8R5-R5.5-9AC-2EE 20SS
Adjustment Inlet WHITE RICE 100/2.7
GRASS SEED 2200lbs/1.0 3500lbs./1.5 900lbs./.4
5V4.5-6V5-6R5-7V5.5-3V6 27MM 4R5.5-4AC-5EE-14MM

Lifting Trough
Standard Sampling Spouts Cylinder Drive
Speed Control For Liftings & Tailings Bu/HR - MT/HR, Disc/Cyl Reference
The Patented Segmented Cylinder consist of three equal segments. These segments Wheat (Small)
are joined together by three solid bars which are attached to the ends of the cylinder 2533 350 / 9.5, 15A / 6V5.5-6K-6M / 19,8.5
2533 HC 440 / 12, 15A / 6V5.5-6K-6M / 19,11,22,8.5
assembly. The folded edges of the shell segments nest over these bars and are Wheat (Medium)
clamped in place with a clamping channel which provides a secure leakproof joint. The 2533 315 / 8.5, 5MM-10A / 6V5.5-6K-6M / 22,8.5
segmented cylinder design increases clean-out capabilities and minimizes cylinder 2533HC 400 / 10.9, 5MM-10A / 6V5.5-6K-6M / 19,11,22,8.5
Wheat (Large)
removal downtime and maintenance. 2533 245 / 6.7, 8MM-7A / 6V5.5-5K-5M-2V6.5 / 22,8.5
2533HC 245/6.7, 8MM-7A / 6V5.5-5K-5M-2V6.5 / 22,11,24,8.5
2533 280 / 6.0, 15B / 4V5.5-6AC-6EE-4J / 24,13
The No. 3SI variable speed HTD drive system 2533HC 350 / 7.6, 15B / 4V5.5-6AC-6EE-4J / 24,13
consist of a spring loaded V belt sheave on the Oats
2533 200 / 2.9, 10MM-5A / 6AC-6EE-6J / 28,16
motor. The rotation speed of the cylinder may be 2533HC 250 / 3.6, 10MM-5A / 6AC-6EE-6J / 26,19,28,16
changed by the external cylinder speed adjust- Paddy Rice
ment wheel which slides the motor base changing 2533 250 / 5.0, 10MM-5A / 5R5.5-833-5J / 28,16
2533HC 300 / 6.1, 10MM-5A / 5R5.5-833-5J / 26,19,28,16
the input speed to the worm gear reducer which
Grass Seed
changes the speed of cylinder. 2533 4500LBS / 2.0, 15MM / 4V4.5 4V5 5R5 5V5.5 / 22,6.5
2533HC 5000 LBS / 2.2, 15MM / 4V4.5 4V5 5R5 5V5.5 / 22,6.5

The screw trough adjustment provides extremely close settings of the separation
edge. The liftings trough can be released from the settings to allow for quick clean-
out without disturbing the settings.
Complete laboratory service is at your disposal. Carter Day’s facility enables us to test your unique
The adjustable retarder system improves separation results by controlling the product sample in laboratory or full size equipment to aid in determining the right machine for your applica-
amount of product maintained in the cylinder. The adjustable retarder can be posi- tion. We invite you to participate in tests conducted at our facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
tioned out of the product flow when it is not required.
500 73rd Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
Tel: (763) 571-1000 Fax: (763) 571-3012
N-DISC SEP/DISC SYL -NO3 9/14/01 9:41 AM Page 2


Standard of The World Two World Class length Separators

For to
The Disc Separator consist of a series of discs mounted on a horizontal shaft. The discs, each Multiple Length Separation by Size Maximize Separations in 1 Pass
with hundreds of undercut pockets, revolve through the mass of material lifting the shorter mate-
rial into a discharge trough at the front of the machine. While the disc blades convey the longer PRODUCT FLOW FEATURES DISC CYLINDER SEPARATOR COMBINATION
rejected material to the discharge at the end of the machine. This discharge has a retarder which The Disc Cylinder Separator combines the high performance capability of the Disc
controls the burden depth of product within the discs. Near the end of the machine a return con- Separators with the precision separating capability of the indented Uniflow cylinder. The
veyor carries liftings from the tail end discs back to the inlet by using raised trap doors in the Inlet Feeder spreads the product evenly to allow proportional burden combination of the No. 3SI high separating capacity and efficiency obtained from the 17”
front of the discs for further conditioning. depth and lifting edge contact. diameter, 90” long cylinder and the Disc Machine makes for high performance.

Adjustable retarder panels controls the product flow from the inlet to the The Disc Cylinder Separator separates and sizes product by length into five different
To handle the various shapes and sizes of materials, disc pockets are made in many styles and separations, all in a single continuous process.
sizes. Machines vary in the number of discs, depending on the size of pockets being used and the discharge of the machine.
The Disc Cylinder Separator can be coupled with two additional No.3SI to offer higher
capacity range required. capacity. The additional unit is run in series or parallel to the top unit.
Reclaim doors allow the capture of lifted grains for reprocessing if need-
Disc pockets are made in three basic shapes; ed. These grains are sent to the front of the machine via a conveyor.
The "V" pockets are derived from Vetch seed. It has a The "R" pockets are derived from the rice cleaning process.
round "lifting edge" and a square horizontal "leading edge" It is like a "V" pocket but the pockets have straight lifting Lifting Inspection doors allow an operator to inspect machine performance PRODUCT STREAM DESCRIPTION
and is designed to pick up and for discharge; small round edges and a curved top edge. This type of pocket is of the length grading. Product intake begins at (A) where the grain enters the disc portion of
shaped seeds or particles. designed to lift small, irregular shaped material. R3 1/2 the machine which is divided into the Splitter Section (B) and the Grader
Section(C). Liftings of the Splitter Section are delivered to the Grader
NOTE: Both the "V" and "R" pockets are made only in small sizes;
Main Product Retarder retards the product at the outlet to allow for the Section. The tailings of the Splitter Section goes to the Oat Cylinder (D)
V where the grain is divided into Large Clean (E) and Oats (F). The tailings
from 2.5 millimeters (6.3/64") to 7 millimeters (17.5/64"). The letter on correct burden depth within the cylinder and when product capacities are
of the Grader Section is Medium Clean Grain (G) and constitutes the
the "V"and "R" discs are always followed by a number; i.e. V4 1/2. low. heavy stream from the machine. The lifted portion removed from the
The number indicates the pocket width in millimeters. Grader Section is conveyed to the Seed Cylinder (H) where the product
Drop Down Door cleanout feature to allow complete cleanout of the stream is divided into Small Clean (I),Seeds and Broken Kernels (J).

Alphabetically designated pockets that do not have a number following; i.e. "A", "MM" or machine.
"J" are always square faced or rectangular. Generally these square faced pockets have two
basic functions. One is to rapidly lift out the shorter particles to reduce the mass in the AC DISC CYLINDER SEPARATOR
machine and to increase capacity. The second is to provide a dividing or splitting separation MACHINE APPLICATION EXAMPLES
where each fraction produced is to be resized in separate operations. SPLIT & SOLID DISCS
DISC MACHINE APPLICATIONS EXAMPLES Incoming product comprised of wheat, oats and weed seeds are fed into the”splitter section” of discs found in the center of
STANDARD APPLICATION WHEAT APPLICATION WHEAT APPLICATION Carter Day has been manufacturing the original cast disc since 1881. the machine. The “splitter section” having large square pockets typically 10A’s and 5MM’s, pocket size responsive to the type
1. The short product fits into the rotating disc Wheat containing on average 2-4% weed seeds Wheat containing on average 2-4% weed seeds which The disc offers extremely long life and wear resistance (approximately of wheat being processed, to lift 40-60% of the product flow consisting of medium wheat, small wheat and weed seeds. This
pocket and is lifted out of the longer product. Just which are shorter than the wheat are fed into the are shorter than the wheat and 2-4% oats which are 4 million bushels of wheat). We offer both a solid and split disc. The lifted material is dropped into a conveyor. The “splitter discs” are fitted with left hand conveyor blades which convey the large
machine. As the weed seeds and wheat are con- longer than the wheat are fed into the machine. As the wheat with 5% oats to a spouted No.22 Indent cylinder which length grades the wheat from the oats. The lifted medium
after top dead center of rotation, shorter product is split disc dramatically reduces disc replacement downtime.
centrifugally thrown out of the pocket – much like veyed through the machine the weed seeds are lifted weed seeds,oats and wheat are conveyed through the wheat, small wheat and weed seeds of the “splitter section” are screw conveyed to the center of the machine and discharged
product is discharged out of bucket elevator cups. by a series of pockets found on the discs. In this machine the weed seeds are lifted by a series of pockets into the “grader section” containing 8V’s an 10R’s, pocket size responsive to the type of weed seeds and small wheat to be
case we use a V type disc ranging in depth and size found on the first 10 discs. In this case we use a V type removed. The medium wheat is right conveyed to the end of the machine and discharged while the lifted weed seeds (5%)
2. Shorter product is always lifted by disc pockets disc ranging in depth and size of pocket responsive to
of pocket responsive to the weed seeds. The lifted and small wheat are screw conveyed to a No. 8.5 Indent cylinder to length grade the weed seeds from the small wheat.
and longer product is always rejected and over-tailed. the weed seeds. The lifted weed seeds are discharged
weed seeds are discharged into a liftings trough at
3. There must be at least 1/16" difference in length the front of the machine. Near the end of the into a liftings trough at the right front of the machine. The
machine trap doors in the lifting trough can be remaining 15 discs are arranged to lift the remaining
of products to perform good separations.
opened or closed to collect small wheat . The trap wheat from the oats using a MM. The wheat is dis- Incoming product comprised of barley, oats and weed seeds are fed into the”splitter section” of discs found in the center of
4. When the disc pocket liftings represent 25% (or doors cover a return conveyor which allows repro- charged at the left front of the machine while the oats are The drive package is comprised of a shaft mounted gear reducer drive run the machine. The “splitter section” having large square pockets typically 5B’s and 10MM’s, pocket size responsive to the type
less) of the input volume, eg. seeds out of wheat, the cessing of the small wheat if the disc begin to lift too discharged at the outlet of the machine. Near the end of by twin belts. of barley being processed, to lift 40-60% of the product flow consisting of medium barley, small barley and weed seeds. This
disc pockets are usually furnished in progressively aggressively near the discharge of the machine. the machine trap doors in the lifting trough can be lifted material is dropped into a conveyor. The “splitter discs” are fitted with left hand conveyor blades which convey the large
larger size from the feed end to the discharge end. In The main wheat flow is generated by conveyor opened or closed to allow the reprocessing of wheat if barley with 5% oats to a spouted No.24 Indent cylinder which length grades the barley from the oats. The lifted medium bar-
this way, the smallest particles are lifted out of the blades mounted on the discs and regulated by indi- needed. ley, small barley and weed seeds of the “splitter section” are screw conveyed to the center of the machine and discharged
mass first, with progressively larger liftings being vidual retarders between the discs. The overall flow The main wheat flow is generated by conveyor blades into the “grader section” containing 10V’s an 5R’s, pocket size responsive to the type of weed seeds and small barley to be
removed as the product passes through the machine. of wheat is controlled by a main adjustable retarder at mounted on the discs and regulated by individual removed. The medium barley is right conveyed to the end of the machine and discharged while the lifted weed seeds (5%)
the discharge of the machine. retarders between the discs. The overall flow of wheat is and small barley are screw conveyed to a No. 13 Indent cylinder to length grade the weed seeds from the small barley.
controlled by a main adjustable retarder at the discharge
of the machine.


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