What Is The Definition of Online Learning
What Is The Definition of Online Learning
What Is The Definition of Online Learning
Distance and online learning have been embraced by universities in America and across the
Western World. Distance and online learning have opened up education at all levels, especially
for people who may not be able to attend a college. Online learning now plays a significant part in
the curriculum of many schools and universities.
Online learning is the modern equivalent of distance learning, which began in the 19th
century in both the United States and Europe.The earliest instance of distance learning was
a correspondence shorthand course that the Englishman Isaac Pitman devised. Instead of
accessing learning materials online, students received them through the mail. Distance
education was a means of widening educational access to those who for various reasons
were unable to attend college. Other distance education opportunities arose with the advent
of radio and television in the 1920s and 1940s.The growth of computer and Internet
technology from the 1980s onward led to what we now call online learning.
According to the American Association of University Professors, distance eduction is
education where students and teachers are geographically separated, and teaching and
materials are delivered by modern technological means. In online learning, technological
media, including video, audio and digital communications, are used as tools to help facilitate
a student's learning.
Online learning has two major benefits. As mentioned, this type of education opens up
opportunities for those people who, for one reason or another, cannot attend a college or
university. Online courses make learning to a degree level and beyond available to a much
wider population. Slow learners especially can benefit because they can take study at their
own pace.
Read more: What Is the Definition of Online Learning? | eHow.com
While online learning has significant benefits, a significant benefit of higher education has
been social interaction. At colleges and universities, young people can learn how to live with
others who are not members of their family, making higher education a significant rite of
passage. This is not nearly as possible with online learning. Online learning can also lead to
less contact between faculty and students, resulting in fewer opportunities for healthy debate
and interaction