Update in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Graham Morrison
Update in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Graham Morrison
Update in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Graham Morrison
Update in inflammatory
bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a group of
conditions characterised by inflammation in the intestinal
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a common disease in
tract. Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) account for
Australia and frequently encountered in primary care. Major
the majority of these conditions. The aim of this article is to
developments in investigation and management have taken place.
review recent breakthroughs in IBD investigation and
Objective management. Several other comprehensive reviews and
This article aims to review some recent breakthroughs in IBD position statements are also available.1–4
investigation and management.
Discussion How common is IBD?
Diagnosis involves a changing combination of enhanced Inflammatory bowel disease is common and increasing in prevalence.
traditional techniques with new diagnostic tools, typically blood Recent population studies indicate it is as common in Australia and
and stool testing with improved endoscopy and new radiological New Zealand as other parts the world5,6 and prevalence is increasing
tests. Management has seen the introduction of new powerful
in Asia.7 What this means to general practice is that IBD is more
biologic therapies, greater understanding in the way we use
common than epilepsy or road traffic accidents, and as common as
older therapies, and a focus on preventing complications such
type 1 diabetes or schizophrenia. It is a major workload burden for the
as malignancy or infection. Treatment philosophy now attempts
to alter the natural history of the disease and prevent long health care system and a global economic burden.8
term complications. The importance of associated, previously The changing face of investigation
overlooked factors is being increasingly recognised. Only by
taking a long term, patient centred multidisciplinary approach A combination of noninvasive testing with endoscopy and/or
will an optimal outlook for the majority of patients with IBD be imaging is usually required and how these tests are being performed
achieved. is changing.
Noninvasive tests
Blood tests provide clues but are not specific for IBD. Many new or
not so new serological tests, such as anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae
antibody (ASCA) and atypical perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic
antibodies (p-ANCA) are being used. 9 However, they cannot
differentiate UC from CD alone and can be considered at best as
‘supportive evidence’ when the diagnosis is uncertain.
A good marker of inflammation is needed. C-reactive protein
(CRP) levels have been shown to correlate with clinical, endoscopic
and histologic disease activity and persistent elevation is associated
with a higher relapse rate and better response to infliximab. 10
However, some patients will not mount a CRP response to intestinal
956 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 38, No. 12, December 2009
inflammation11 so CRP is a useful marker if elevated, but care must be Techniques to endoscope the last frontier of the gut – the
taken in interpreting a normal value when clinical suspicion of active small intestine, have moved ahead considerably. Wireless capsule
inflammation exists. Calprotectin and lactoferrin (neutrophil derived endoscopy (WCE or ‘pillcam’), where patients swallow a capsule
proteins in the stool as a result of inflammation) are faecal markers that provides images as it passes through the small bowel, is now
that show promise as a way of excluding intestinal inflammation.9 available and experience in interpreting findings is growing. Double
balloon enteroscopy offers the possibility of complete diagnostic and
Endoscopy – keeps getting better
therapeutic access to the entire small bowel. Currently, the availability
Ileocolonoscopy and biopsy remain the gold standard for diagnosis of both these techniques is limited by high costs.
of colonic and terminal ileal disease, and will usually confirm the
Imaging – what’s in and what’s out
diagnosis. The instruments themselves have considerably improved
over recent years, both in their ease of use and ability to provide good Barium imaging of the gut is now rarely used in IBD and has been
mucosal images. The vast majority of colonoscopies now include replaced by colonoscopy. Small bowel barium studies are too
visualisation of the terminal ileum, of key diagnostic importance if insensitive and unreliable and have been replaced by enterography
IBD is suspected and monitoring patients with known IBD. Further (where contrast is swallowed) or enteroclysis (where the contrast
improvements in the quality and diagnostic ability of the endoscopic is infused via a nasogastric tube) with imaging via computerised
image have been the subject of many technological developments tomography (CT) (Figure 1, 2) 13 or magnetic resonance (MRI). 14
(Table 1). In IBD, only chromoendoscopy has entered routine practice in Enteroclysis is probably superior, but many patients do not tolerate the
surveillance for preneoplastic lesions.12 nasogastric tube.13
Figure 1. Coronal CT enteroclysis showing small bowel thickening and Figure 2. Sagittal CT enteroclysis showing inflamed distal small bowel
Crohn stricture and Crohn stricture
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theme Update in inflammatory bowel disease
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Update in inflammatory bowel disease THEME
Getting the dose right is key to optimal efficacy. Traditionally, with several serious complications in the short and long term.26 Yet, in
weight based dosing with regular checks on toxicity (neutrophil CD, it has been ‘traditional’ to use steroids as monotherapy and observe
count and liver function tests) has been used to guide dosage. the behaviour of the individual’s disease. After 2–3 relapses (treated
Measuring thiopurine metabolites (Figure 3) has enabled the with steroids) immunomodulators would be introduced, the ‘step up’
heterogeneity in the metabolism of these drugs across individuals to approach (Figure 4). The outcome of this approach was to have a high
be taken into account and has improved the fine tuning of dosage to proportion of patients dependent on, or unable to stop taking, steroids
achieve better efficacy and safety.22 at 12 months. This led to the concept of using immunomodulators
Methotrexate is now being increasingly used in patients with as ‘steroid sparing agents’. It is now known that the disease is more
IBD. Its efficacy in CD has been demonstrated.4 In UC however, the responsive to therapy early in its time course and relative resistance to
appropriate randomised controlled trials have yet to be done and therapies increases with time. This has led to ‘top down’ therapy – the
evidence for efficacy is based upon observational studies only. 23 initiation of efficacious long term strategies from a diagnosis of CD.27
Because absorption after oral dosing is highly variable, the preferred The idea is that controlling the disease process early (when it is more
route of administration is subcutaneous, usually commencing with amenable to treatment) prevents resistance to therapy and subsequent
25 mg/week, adjusted accordingly.23 escalation, complications, and the need for surgery. Such an approach
will alter the natural history of the disease and reduce the need for
New drugs – the biologic therapies
steroids (and their adverse effects). There is short term evidence that
Biologic therapies are drugs directed against specific molecules in such strategies are successful.28,29
the inflammatory pathways involved in IBD. While many are under However, more aggressive therapy introduces risk from the
development, two are available via the Pharmaceutical Benefits drugs used (especially infection and malignancy), and this must be
Scheme (PBS) for Crohn disease (Table 3). Both bind tumour necrosis considered in balance with the risk from ongoing disease activity
factor alpha (TNF) and have efficacy for luminal, perianal and
fistulising CD.4 Infliximab has efficacy in UC24 but is not funded by Figure 4. Top down versus step up strategies in IBD management
the PBS. In general, they are used for induction (to get disease under
control) and long term maintenance of moderate to severely active Biologic molecules
disease which has not responded to conventional treatment. Current
controversies in their use evolve around the need for concurrent Step up Immunomodulators Top down
immunomodulatory therapy which, on the one hand, increases the risk
of serious infection (though still uncommon), but on the other, improves
5-ASA drugs
efficacy and the likelihood of durable response. Decisions rest with
each patient’s circumstances, but most clinicians continue concurrent
What the ‘top’ of the top down approach should be is still under debate
immunomodulators for the first 6 months of therapy. but usually implies use of biological molecules from the outset. This means
starting biologics on first presentation in an attempt to change the history
Treatment philosophy and keeping it safe of the disease and ensure healing. It is not currently in widespread practice
Planning treatment for patients with IBD now looks toward long and most patients are managed by starting at the bottom of the treatment
pathway (step up) and moving to stronger therapy based on poor symptom
term outcomes not just acute care. This implies changing the natural
control and/or evidence of active disease. The main use of top down is in the
history of the disease by preventing disease progression and avoiding first presentation of acute severe disease where biologic therapy can be used
treatment complications.4,25 For example, steroid use has changed as a ‘bridge’ to maintenance therapy (usually an immunomodulator)
dramatically. Steroids are rapidly effective for inducing remission Rapid escalation of therapy to gain effective disease control should be the
in IBD, and are cheap and readily available. However, they are not strategy from the point of diagnosis
effective or recommended for maintenance therapy and are associated
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theme Update in inflammatory bowel disease
for each patient. There has been a major push to upgrade the efforts • screening for tuberculosis and hepatitis B infection before initiating
by clinicians to prevent infection in patients on immunomodulating therapy
drugs. This was prompted by poor outcomes (including death) from • checking immunisation/past infection status of relevant viruses (eg.
reactivation of serious infections, particularly tuberculosis, and varicella zoster)
opportunistic infections in patients on anti-TNF drugs.30,31 Patients • ensuring vaccination for influenza and pneumococcus, and
and health care staff must be aware of the need for prompt medical • advice regarding travel (eg. avoid travelling to areas where
attention and investigation if the suspicion of infection arises while tuberculosis is endemic if taking an anti-TNF agent).
on biologic therapy. Combination drug therapy, particularly where Emerging evidence suggests women with IBD on immunosuppression
steroids are used in moderate or high doses, carries the greatest risk have a higher risk of an abnormal Pap smear associated with
of severe infection.30 human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. 32 Vaccination should be
Given the risks of infection, vaccination and screening have offered to suitable patients and consideration given to screening
become important issues in IBD (Table 4). This includes: immunocompromised individuals with yearly Pap tests.33
Table 4. Infection prevention and screening strategies for IBD patients on immunomodulating drugs
Infection Prevention and screening strategy
Tuberculosis Screen with chest X-ray and QuantiFERON gold before therapy
Avoid travel to TB endemic areas
Active TB – anti-TNF contraindicated
Latent TB – assess need for therapy. May proceed if concomitant prophylactic TB treatment given
(seek specialist advice)
Hepatitis Check hepatitis B and C serology and immunise against hepatitis B if seronegative (some suggest all IBD
patients should be immunised)
Influenza Annual flu vaccination
Herpes zoster virus Check VZV serology before therapy and vaccinate if negative
Pneumococcus Pneumococcal vaccine every 5 years
Cytomegalovirus No action required
Herpes simplex virus No action required
Epstein-Barr virus No action required
Human papillomavirus Regular Pap smears
HPV vaccination should be offered
Note: Live attenuated vaccines should not be given to IBD patients on immunomodulator therapy. These include MMR, live typhoid vaccine, live attenuated
influenza, varicella, oral polio and bacille calmette-guerin (BCG)
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Update in inflammatory bowel disease THEME
The other feared complication of immune modulating therapy is small bowel Crohn’s disease categories with medical response and surgical pathol-
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hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL).34 Fortunately the latter is rare. Australian gastroenterologists. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007;13:1009–15.
16. James SL, Irving PM, Gearry RB, Gibson PR. Management of distal ulcerative colitis:
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22. Gearry RB, Barclay ML. Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine pharmacogenetics and
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correspondence afp@racgp.org.au
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