Cambridge 1
Cambridge 1
Cambridge 1
Add 2010 Ktābā d-Ṣemḥē Barhebraeus Wright-Cook 1901, I, p. 515 1750 (2061 Deacon Isaac son of Khurī Ḥannā, Western 222 ff. 2v-204v subscripSon f. 204v.
A.G.) whose mother was Mārān
Add 2011 1. Metrical Grammar; 2. DVA; 3. Ktābā d- 1.-3. Barhebraeus Wright-Cook 1901, I, p. 518 x 1. 1736 (A.G. 1. qašīšā Rizqallah son of Ma^ai son Western 225 1. 1-33v; 2. 33v-55v; 3. ?- 1.-2. has glosses in Arabic; subscripSon f. 55v. The x
Ṣemḥē 2047) of Rizqallah 223v codex is composed by two parts, an earlier one
contains 1.and 2., a later one contains 3. f. 225v
senctences in Syriac and Arabic with grammaScal
Add 2013 1. Turāṣ memllā; 2. Syriac grammar; 3. 1. Elias of Nisibis; 2. -7.Bar Zo‛bi; 8. Wright-Cook 1901, I, p. 539 1734 (A.G. Deacon Simeon son of the priest Eastern 205 1. 2v-24v; 2. 24v-?; 3. ?- colophon f. 199r
Metrical grammar; 4. Metrical text on Yusep bar Malkon 2045 Israel, son of George, son of Israel of 180v; 4. 180v ?; 5. ?
punctuaSon; 5. Metrical text on Alqosh -181v; 6. 181v- 185r; 7.
conjucnSons; 6. TreaSse on the disSncSon 185r-189r; 8. 189r- 199r
between qnomā and kyānā; 7. On noun
and verb; 8. Metrical treaSse on
Add 2014 1. Nūhrā šarūyē ; 2. Verbal paradigm with 1. Ṭimoteos Isḥaq; 2. anon. Wright-Cook 1901, I, p. 543 18th cent. Western 72 1. 2v-56v; 2. 56v-60v Three different hands
Arabic glosses
Add 2015 DVA Hunayn ibn Isḥāq and ‛Ananīšo‛ Wright-Cook 1901, I, p. 546 x 17th cent. Eastern 67 1v-57v The text, containing omen explanaSons in
'modern Syriac', differs from Hoffmann's ediSon;
at the end of the main text, other lexicographical
notes follow
Add 2812 1. Syriac Grammar 2. DVA 3. DVA 4. 1. Išo‛ Bar Nūn 2. anon. 3. Elias of Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 635 Alqosh 1806 Mšamšānā Hormizd bar Ḥannā Eastern 133 1. 25r-25v 2. 26r-27v 3. the manuscript contains also several texts of
Universal Canon; 5. Nisibis 4. Bar Zo‛bi 5. 27v-29r; 4. 107v-108v 5. logics
Add 2819 1. Turāṣ memllā; 2. Syriac grammar; 3. 1. Elias of Nisibis; 2. -7.Bar Zo‛bi; 8. Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 667 18th cent. + Eastern 331 1. 2v-42v; 2. 42v-278v; 3. coophon f. 317v
Metrical grammar; 4. Metrical text on Yusep bar Malkon addiSons 278v-293r; 4. 293r-294;
punctuaSon; 5. Metrical text on 1884 5. 294; 6. 294?-296r; 7.
conjucnSons; 6. TreaSse on the disSncSon 296r-302v; 8. 302v-317v
between qnomā and kyānā; 7. On noun
and verb; 8. Metrical treaSse on
punctuaSon 9. paradigm of the verb bz
Dd. 10.9 DVA Eudochos of Melitene Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 991 x Church of Mar Nuhra in the village of Ban in the 1475 (A.G. Abraham Western 212 1v-203r colophon f. 203r
valley of Bisheray (Tripoli) 1787)
Mm. 4.18 Lexicon Bar Bahlul Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1034 x Convent of Mār Antonios in Qūzḥāyē of Mount 1601 Sergius of Ṣemār-Ǧebel Western 1501 pp. lexicon begins p. 2 several subscripSons pp. 299, 486, 597, 652,
Lebanon 1500; menSons Pope Clemens VII and Bernard of
Add 1857 Syriac-Malayalam-English lexicon (porSon) anon. Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1124 x before 1878 Western 24
Add 2056 GrammaScal fragments (verbal paradigms) anon. Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1198 Eastern 1
Add 2057 Lexicon (fragment) Bar ‛Ali Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1199 x 17th-18th? Western 1
Add 2070 Lexicon (fragment) Bar Bahlul Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1204 x Eastern 2
Add 2076 Ktābā d-Ṣemḥē (fragment) Barhebraeus Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1207 Western ch. iv § 3; ch. V § 5; ch. Vi sca^ered leaves
§ 2; ch vi § 5;
introducSon to ch. vii
Add 2077 Metrical Grammar (fragment) Barhebraeus Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1208 Western 8 f. 1 introducSon
Add 3174 Syriac-Arabic lexicon based on Bar ‛Ali's anon. Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1217 x 19th cent. Eastern 179 the manuscript seems to have been used for the
lexicon redacSon of the Payne-Smith Thesaurus.
Add 3745 Syriac grammar anon. Wright-Cook, II, 1901, p. 1244 17th cent.? Western 55 ff. 1r-26v the manuscript contains also other non-
grammaScal texts
Or. 1300 Metrical Grammar + DVA Barhebraeus Goodman (1939), p. 586 x 1685 (A.G. 113 commentary partly in Arabic. x
1996, A.H.
Or. 1303 CollecSon of grammaScal texts Bar Zo‛bi Goodman (1939), p. 589 Urmia 1895 (A.G. Abiqam b. Sabru Eastern 144
Or. 1311 Lexicon Bar Bahlul Goodman (1939), p. 592 x 1894 Abiqam b. Sabru Eastern 420
Or. 1342 NaSve Syriac glossary Goodman (1939), p. 599 x 1895 (A.G. Thomas bar Yoḥannan Eastern 51
Or. 1343 English-Syriac dicSonary (Urmia dialect) Goodman (1939), p. 599 x
Or. 1344 Syriac-LaSn dicSonary Goodman (1939), p. 599 x 19th cent. Eastern 239 watermark of an anchor surmounted by a flower
and underneeth a le^er F
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