Bending 1
Bending 1
Bending 1
If forces act on a piece of material in such a way that tend to induce
compressive stresses over one part of a cross section of the piece and tensile
stresses over the remaining part, the piece is said to be in bending. The
common illustration of bending action is a beam acted on by transverse loads.
Bending can also be caused by moments or couples such as may result, for
example from eccentric loads parallel to the longitudinal axis of a piece.
Chapter (7) Static bending
The variations in total transverse shear and in bending moment along a beam
commonly represented by shear and moment diagrams, which are illustrated
for several cases of loading as shown in Fig. 7-2. It should be noted that
symmetrical two-point loading given a condition of pure bending (constant
moment) over the central portion of the span (see Fig. 7-2c).
W/2 W/2
(a) (b) (c)
In a cross section of a beam, the line along which the bending stresses are
zero is called the neutral axis. The surface containing the neutral axis of
consecutive sections is the neutral surface. On the compressive side of the
beam the fibers of the beam shorten, and on the tensile side they stretch, thus
the beam bends or deflects in a direction normal to the neutral surface,
becoming concave on the compressive side, Figure 7-3.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Above the proportional limit, bending stresses do not vary linearly across the
section because stress is not proportional to strain. Illustrations of common
cases of this are shown in Fig. 7-4.
In Fig. 7-4a the solid line shows the stress variation in a homogeneous beam
of symmetrical section for a material that has the same stress-strain variation
in both tension and compression. The equivalent linear stress distribution that
would yield the same moment is shown by the dotted line. The maximum
value of the fictitious straight-line fiber stresses; the modulus of rupture is
seen to be greater than the true maximum stresses.
If the material does not have the same stress-strain in tension and
compression, the neutral axis must shift toward the stiffer side of the beam in
order to maintain equality of the resultants of the tensile and compressive
forces, as shown in Fig. 7-4b.
(a) (b)
c c
t Neutral
Axis t
Chapter (7) Static bending
1- Transverse sections of the beam which are plane before bending will
remain plane during bending.
2- From condition of symmetry during bending transverse sections will be
perpendicular to circular arcs having a common center of curvature.
3- The radius of curvature of the beam during bending is large compared with
transverse dimensions.
4- Longitudinal elements of the beam are subjected only to simple tension or
compression and there is no lateral stress (pure bending moment).
5- Young’s modulus for the beam material has the same value in tension and
Between these two extremes, there is a plane remains neutral and unchanged
in length. That means that the direct stress varies through the depth from
compression in the upper fibers to tension in the lower passing through
a point in between where the stress is zero. The Plane, which has no stress, is
termed “neutral plane”; the line of intersection of the neutral plane and any
cross section of the beam is known as the “neutral axis”.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Consider the small element taken from a beam subjected to a pure bending
moment, see Fig. (7-5). The beam cross section has a vertical axis of
symmetry. The neutral axis exists somewhere at a distance y1 from the bottom
fibers and y2 from the top fibers. Before applying the load all distance 1-3, m-
n, and 2-4 are equal. When the load is applied, all fibers under the neutral
plane are tensile and lengthen. Only the length of the fiber nn (neutral axis)
remains unchanged.
Consider now a small area da lies on a plane S-T at a distance y from the
neutral plane (see Fig. 5). This plane will rotate when subjected to loads about
a point C called the “center of curvature”.
To calculate the deformation in plane S-T, draw from n fine parallel to the
side of the element 1-2 to intersect plane S-T in the point q. The deformation
of plane S-T will be equal to the arc qT which equals (yd) while the original
length Sq equals mn = Rd
Deformation qT = yd
Original length = Sq = mn = Rd
Chapter (7) Static bending
(Ey / R )da 0
E / R yda 0
yda represent the static moment of the cross section. Since E&R are not
zero, the statically moment must be equal to zero which only occurs about the
neutral axis.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Secondly, the summation of the moments about the centroid of the section
(M =0) gives.
M da.y (2)
Substituting equation (1) in equation (2)
Ey 2
M da
E 2
M y da (3)
y da Represent the second moment of area of the section. Equation (3)
tends to
EI x
l M
R EI x
Where 1/R is termed the curvature of the neutral axis and EI is termed the
flexural rigidity of the section.
Now equation (1) and (4) will be gathered to give the flexure formula
l M
R EI x Ey
R Ix y
Chapter (7) Static bending
Where Zx equals Ix/y and is called elastic modulus of the section. The
magnitude of the normal stress can then be calculated if the bending
moment at the section and the cross section dimension are determined.
One can see that the normal stress has extreme values as the distance y has
extreme values, meaning that the stresses will be maximum at the external
fibers of the section. Positive values of y give tensile stresses while negative
values give compressive stresses.
The stress at proportional limit, yield strength and modulus of rupture may be
determined to establish appropriate load factors and allowable bending
stresses for use in design. The modulus of rupture also may be used simply as
a criterion of quality in control tests.
Because the loads required to cause failure may be relatively small and easily
applied, bending tests can often be made with simple and inexpensive
apparatus. Because the deflections in bending tests are many times the
elongation in tension tests, a reasonable determination of stiffness or
resilience can be made with less sensitive and less expensive instruments than
are required in a tension test. Thus the bending test is often used as a control
test for brittle materials, notably cast iron and concrete. It is less suited for
determining the ultimate strength of ductile materials.
Chapter (7) Static bending
For wire and sheet metals, the bending test is sometimes used as an arbitrary
measure of relative flexibility. For ductile materials in the form of rods, such
as reinforcement bars for concrete, a cold bend test is used to determine
whether or not the rod can be bent sharply without cracking and serves as an
acceptance test for this form of ductility.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7-6. The two common bending test arrangements
The selection of the teat arrangement depends on the material, the specimen
dimensions and the particular test specification being followed. The four
point bending test is generally preferred, since it provides a constant moment
over a substantial length of the span. The shear stress in this portion of the
beam is zero. For this reason, failures occur outside the inner loading points
should be discounted.
Chapter (7) Static bending
On the other hand, the bending moment in the three point bending various
along the length of the beam and has a maximum directly under the central
load point. Now there are also shear stresses present everywhere in the beam,
so that if failure does not occur right under the load point, the value of the
maximum moment is uncertain. Although it is also necessary to assume that
the effects of shear can simply be ignored, this test is easier to carry out,
particularly on small specimens.
b) Shape of cross-section
Circular, squared, or rectangular cross sections may be used.
c) Size
Although specimen dimensions for bending tests vary greatly, depending on
the material and the type of information being sough, the beam dimensions
must be so proportioned that it dose not fail by lateral buckling or shear
failure before the ultimate flexural strength is reached.
In order to avoid shear failure, the span must not be too short with respect to
the depth. Values of L= 6d to L=12d, where L = length and d = depth are
generally used. The actual value depends on the material, the shape of beam
and the type of loading. A value of L< 15b, where b = width, usually
safeguards against lateral buckling.
7.5.2 Apparatus
The principle requirements of the supporting and loading blocks for beam
tests are as follows.
1- They should be of such shape that they permit the use of a definite and
known length of span.
Chapter (7) Static bending
2- The areas of contact with the material under test should be such that
unduly high stress concentrations (which may cause localized crushing
around the bearing areas) do not occur.
3- There should be provision for some longitudinal adjustment of the position
of the supports so that longitudinal restraint will not be developed as
loading regresses.
4- There should be provision for some lateral rotational adjustment to
accommodate beams having a slight twist from end to end so that torsion
stresses will not be induced.
5- The arrangement of parts should be stable under load.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Chapter (7) Static bending
In any case the assembly of specimen and supports must be properly aligned
and centered in the machine. Deflectometers and strain gages, like the other
components, should be checked for proper operation over the required range
and must be located carefully.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Mp is the bending moment at proportional limit (Mp = PpL/4 for the case of
beam subjected to central load, Pp = load at proportional limit, and L =
length of the beam).
Y is the distance from the neutral axis to an extreme fiber.
I is the second moment of inertia of cross sectional area.
7.6.2 Stiffness
The stiffness of a material may be determined from a bending test in which
the load and deflections are observed. Young’s modulus “E” is used as
a measurement of material stiffness in the elastic stage, as the value of E
increases; the stiff will be the material. E can be computed from the equation:
E constant
48 I Δ
Where, P/ is the slope of straight line portion of the load deflection curve in
the elastic stage.
Chapter (7) Static bending
Chapter (7) Static bending
Chapter (7) Static bending
2- Cantilever loading tests tends to give slightly higher results than central
loading on a simple span.
3- Third point loading on a simple span, invariably gives results somewhat
less than central loading (roughly 10 to 25%). These relations probably
hold, at least in principle, for other brittle materials give the most
concordant results.
Chapter (7) Static bending
elasticity of cast iron, although the difference is not over about 10% for
length diameter ratios ranging 10 to 30.
The shape of the cross section of a beam may appreciably affect the resistance
of the beam. Tests of cast iron beams having a variety of shapes but of about
the same cross sectional area show that in general the modulus of rupture and
the modulus of elasticity are lower for beams having a relatively large
proportion of the cross sectional area situated near the extreme fibers. This is
the case with I- section, although the breaking loads are considerably greater
for such section (see Fig. 7-10). Tests of both cast iron and concrete indicate
lower strength for beams of large cross sectional dimensions.
Bend tests are sometimes made to check the ductility for particular types of
service or to detect loss of ductility under certain types of treatment. Thus,
cold bend tests, which are made by bending a metal at ordinary temperatures,
may serve to detect too high a carbon or phosphorous content or improper
Chapter (7) Static bending
rolling conditions in steel. Cold bend tests are required in the specifications
for some steel, particularly these in the form of rod and plate, such as bars for
concrete reinforcement. Figure 7-10 shows suitable device to bend a bar into
a U-shape.
The specified angle of bend and size of pin around which the piece is to be
bent without cracking depends on the grade of metal and the type of service
for which it is to be used. Samples of metal bars or plates are cold bend
around a pin such that the sides of the sample are parallel. The diameter of
pin may be specified as follows:
Chapter (7) Static bending
Sometimes the specimen is nicked with a cold chisel clamped in, a vise, and
bent with a hammer. In more carefully made tests, the nick or groove may be
made by a hacksaw or in a milling machine, and after a slight bend is started
with hammer, it is completed by axial loading in a testing machine.