Stack Overflow - Learning Lua
Stack Overflow - Learning Lua
Stack Overflow - Learning Lua
Table of Contents
About 1
Remarks 2
Versions 2
Examples 3
Installation 3
Comments 5
Getting Started 8
variables 8
types 9
expressions 9
Defining functions 10
booleans 10
garbage-collection 10
tables 10
conditions 10
for loops 11
do blocks 11
Hello World 13
Remarks 14
Examples 14
Logical Operations 14
Checking if variables are defined 15
Conditional contexts 15
Logical Operators 16
Order of Precedence 16
Short-cut Evaluation 16
Truth tables 17
Syntax 18
Caveat 19
Chapter 3: Coroutines 20
Syntax 20
Remarks 20
Examples 20
Examples 24
Using pcall 24
Chapter 5: Functions 27
Syntax 27
Remarks 27
Examples 27
Defining a function 27
Calling a function. 28
Anonymous functions 29
Default parameters 30
Multiple results 31
Named Arguments 32
Closures 34
Syntax 36
Parameters 36
Examples 36
Weak tables 36
Syntax 37
Remarks 37
Examples 37
Table manipulation 40
Chapter 8: Iterators 42
Examples 42
Standard Iterators 42
Stateless Iterators 42
Pairs Iterator 43
Ipairs Iterator 43
Character Iterator 43
Stateful Iterators 44
Using Tables 44
Using Closures 45
Using Coroutines 45
Chapter 9: Metatables 46
Syntax 46
Parameters 46
Remarks 46
Examples 46
More metamethods 47
Indexing of tables 49
Reading 49
Writing 50
Simulating OOP 51
Introduction 53
Syntax 53
Examples 53
Syntax 56
Remarks 56
Examples 57
Lua pattern matching 57
string.find (Introduction) 59
Introducing Patterns 59
How it works 60
Introducing captures: 60
How it works 60
string argument 61
function argument 61
table argument 61
Introduction 62
Examples 62
Game loop 62
Mouse input 63
Game modes 63
Examples 65
Create a set 65
Membership Test 66
Syntax 67
Remarks 67
Examples 67
Creating tables 67
Iterating tables 68
Basic Usage 69
When? 73
Tips 74
Introduction 76
Syntax 76
Remarks 76
Examples 77
Basics 77
Advanced Usage 78
Remarks 80
Examples 80
Credits 82
You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version
from: lua
It is an unofficial and free Lua ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted
from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack
Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official Lua.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each
chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of
their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are
the property of their respective company owners.
Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor
accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to 1
Chapter 1: Getting started with Lua
Lua is minimalistic, lightweight and embeddable scripting language. It's being designed,
implemented, and maintained by a team at PUC-Rio, the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro in Brazil. The mailing list is open to get involved.
Common use-cases for Lua includes scripting video games, extending applications with plugins
and configs, wrapping some high-level business logic or just embedding into devices like TVs,
cars, etc.
Version Notes
1.0 Initial, non-public release.
1.1 First public release. Conference paper describing it.
Starting with Lua 2.1, Lua became freely available for all purposes, 1995-02-
including commercial uses. Journal paper describing it. 07
2.2 Long strings, the debug interface, better stack tracebacks
2.4 External luac compiler
2.5 Pattern matching and vararg functions.
3.0 Introduced auxlib, a library for helping writing Lua libraries 1997-07- 2
Version Notes
3.1 Anonymous functions and function closures via "upvalues".
3.2 Debug library and new table functions
4.0 Multiple states, "for" statements, API revamp.
Coroutines, metatables, full lexical scoping, tail calls, booleans move 2003-04-
to MIT license. 11
5.2 Emergency garbage collector, goto, finalizers for tables.
5.3 Basic UTF-8 support, bitwise ops, 32/64bit integers.
5.3.4 Latest version.
Installation 3
For example, on Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives it can be acquired by executing this:
There are some semi-official builds provided for Windows, MacOS and some other operating
systems hosted at SourceForge.
Source is available at the official page. Acquisition of sources and build itself should be trivial. On
Linux systems the following should be sufficient:
$ wget
$ echo "a0341bc3d1415b814cc738b2ec01ae56045d64ef ./lua-5.3.3.tar.gz" | sha1sum -c -
$ tar -xvf ./lua-5.3.3.tar.gz
$ make -C ./lua-5.3.3/ linux
In the example above we're basically downloading a source tarball from the official site, verifying
its checksum, and extracting and executing make. (Double check the checksum at the official page
Note: you must specify what build target you want. In the example, we specified linux. Other
available build targets include solaris, aix, bsd, freebsd, macosx, mingw, etc. Check out
doc/readme.html, which is included in the source, for more details. (You can also find the latest
version of the README online.)
Modules 4
• table - primitives for dealing with an essential but complex Lua type - tables
• os - basic OS operations
• utf8 - basic UTF-8 primitives (since Lua 5.3)
All of those libraries can be disabled for a specific build or loaded at run-time.
Third-party Lua libraries and infrastructure for distributing modules is sparse, but improving.
Projects like LuaRocks, Lua Toolbox, and LuaDist are improving the situation. A lot of information
and many suggestions can be found on the older Lua Wiki, but be aware that some of this
information is quite old and out of date.
Single-line comments in Lua start with -- and continue until the end of line:
This is block comment.
So, it can go on...
and on...
and on....
Block comments use the same style of delimiters as long strings; any number of equal signs can
be added between the brackets to delimit a comment:
This is also a block comment
We can include "]]" inside this comment
This is also a block comment
We can include "]=]" inside this comment
A neat trick to comment out chunks of code is to surround it with --[[ and --]]:
print'Lua is lovely'
print'Lua is lovely' 5
This way, the sequence -- in the first line starts a single-line comment, just like the last line, and
the print statement is not commented out.
Taking this a step further, two blocks of code can be setup in such a way that if the first block is
commented out the second won't be, and visa versa:
print 'Lua is love'
print 'Lua is life'
To active the second chunk while disabling the first chunk, delete the leading - on the first line:
print 'Lua is love'
print 'Lua is life'
function bottle_take(bottles_available)
return bottles_left
end 6
local bottle_count = 99
while true do
bottle_count = bottle_take(bottle_count)
$ lua bottles_of_mate.lua
You can compile the program into Lua's bytecode by executing following on Your shell:
$ luac -l bottles_of_mate.lua 7
function <./bottles.lua:3,22> (46 instructions, 184 bytes at 0x101d710)
1 param, 10 slots, 1 upvalue, 6 locals, 9 constants, 0 functions
1 [5] LOADK 1 -1 ; "%d bottles of mate on the wall."
2 [6] LOADK 2 -2 ; "Take one down, pass it around, "
3 [6] MOVE 3 1
4 [6] CONCAT 2 2 3
5 [7] LOADK 3 -3 ; "Oh noes, "
6 [7] MOVE 4 1
7 [7] CONCAT 3 3 4
8 [8] LOADK 4 -4 ; "Get some from the store, "
9 [8] MOVE 5 1
10 [8] CONCAT 4 4 5
11 [9] LOADK 5 -5 ; 0
12 [11] EQ 1 0 -5 ; - 0
13 [11] JMP 16 ; to 30
14 [12] GETGLOBAL 6 -6 ; print
15 [12] GETUPVAL 7 0 ; string
16 [12] GETTABLE 7 7 -7 ; "format"
17 [12] MOVE 8 1
18 [12] MOVE 9 0
19 [12] CALL 7 3 0
20 [12] CALL 6 0 1
21 [13] SUB 5 0 -8 ; - 1
22 [14] GETGLOBAL 6 -6 ; print
23 [14] GETUPVAL 7 0 ; string
24 [14] GETTABLE 7 7 -7 ; "format"
25 [14] MOVE 8 2
26 [14] MOVE 9 5
27 [14] CALL 7 3 0
28 [14] CALL 6 0 1
29 [14] JMP 15 ; to 45
30 [16] GETGLOBAL 6 -6 ; print
31 [16] GETUPVAL 7 0 ; string
32 [16] GETTABLE 7 7 -7 ; "format"
33 [16] MOVE 8 3
34 [16] MOVE 9 0
35 [16] CALL 7 3 0
36 [16] CALL 6 0 1
37 [17] LOADK 5 -9 ; 99
38 [18] GETGLOBAL 6 -6 ; print
39 [18] GETUPVAL 7 0 ; string
40 [18] GETTABLE 7 7 -7 ; "format"
41 [18] MOVE 8 4
42 [18] MOVE 9 5
43 [18] CALL 7 3 0
44 [18] CALL 6 0 1
45 [21] RETURN 5 2
46 [22] RETURN 0 1
Getting Started
variables 8
print(var) --> 100
print(var) --> 50
-- The global var (50) still exists
-- The local var (100) has gone out of scope and can't be accessed any longer.
num = 20 -- a number
num = 20.001 -- still a number
str = "zaldrizes buzdari iksos daor" -- a string
tab = {1, 2, 3} -- a table (these have their own category)
bool = true -- a boolean value
bool = false -- the only other boolean value
print(type(num)) --> 'number'
print(type(str)) --> 'string'
print(type(bool)) --> 'boolean'
type(type(num)) --> 'string'
print(foo) -- This prints nil since there's nothing stored in the variable 'foo'.
foo = 20
print(foo) -- Now this prints 20 since we've assigned 'foo' a value of 20.
a = 3
b = a + 20 a = 2 print(b, a) -- hard to read, can also be written as
b = a + 20; a = 2; print(a, b) -- easier to read, ; are optional though
true and true --> returns true
true and 20 --> 20
false and 20 --> false
false or 20 --> 20 9
true or 20 --> true
tab or {}
--> returns tab if it is defined
--> returns {} if tab is undefined
-- This is useful when we don't know if a variable exists
tab = tab or {} -- tab stays unchanged if it exists; tab becomes {} if it was previously nil.
Defining functions
function name(parameter)
return parameter
print(name(20)) --> 20
-- see function category for more information
name = function(parameter) return parameter end -- Same as above
Only false and nil evaluate as false, everything else, including 0 and the empty string evaluate as
These are the basics, but there's a section about tables with more information.
if (condition) then 10
-- do something
elseif (other_condition) then
-- do something else
-- do something
for loops
There are two types of for loop in Lua: a numeric for loop and a generic for loop.
The third expression in a numeric for loop is the step by which the loop will increment. This
makes it easy to do reverse loops:
for a=10, 1, -1 do
print(a) --> 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, etc.
for a=1, 10 do
print(a) --> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
Also note that the loop variable is local to the for loop. It will not exist after the loop is over.
• Generic for loops work through all values that an iterator function returns:
Lua provides several built in iterators (e.g., pairs, ipairs), and users can define their own
custom iterators as well to use with generic for loops.
do blocks
local a = 10
print(a) --> 10
local a = 20
print(a) --> 20 11
print(a) --> 10
Sometimes Lua doesn't behave the way one would think after reading the documentation. Some
of these cases are:
-- wrong:
print (tostring( table.insert({}, 20) ))
-- throws error because nothing ~= nil
local _tmp = table.insert({}, 20) -- after this _tmp contains nil
print(tostring(_tmp)) -- prints "nil" because suddenly nothing == nil
This may also lead to errors when using third party code. If, for example, the documentation of
some function states "returns donuts if lucky, nil otherwise", the implementation might looks
somewhat like this
function func(lucky)
if lucky then
return "donuts"
this implementation might seem reasonable at first; it returns donuts when it has to, and when you
type result = func(false) result will contain the value nil. 12
However, if one were to write print(tostring(func(false))) lua would throw an error that looks
somewhat like this one stdin:1: bad argument #1 to 'tostring' (value expected)
Why is that? tostring clearly gets an argument, even though it's nil. Wrong. func returns nothing
at all, so tostring(func(false)) is the same as tostring() and NOT the same as tostring(nil).
Errors saying "value expected" are a strong indication that this might be the source of the problem.
Hello World
print("Hello World!")
How it works? It's simple! Lua executes print() function and uses "Hello World" string as
argument. 13
Chapter 2: Booleans in Lua
Booleans, truth, and falsity are straightforward in Lua. To review:
1. There is a boolean type with exactly two values: true and false.
2. In a conditional context (if, elseif, while, until), a boolean is not required. Any expression
can be used.
3. In a conditional context, false and nil count as false, and everything else counts as true.
4. Although 3 already implies this: if you're coming from other languages, remember that 0 and
the empty string count as true in conditional contexts in Lua.
The boolean type
There are only two values in lua that evaluate to false: nil and false, while everything else,
including the numerical 0 evaluate to true.
Logical Operations
Logical operators in lua don't necessarily return boolean values:
and will return the second value if the first value evaluates to true;
This makes it possible to simulate the ternary operator, just like in other languages: 14
local var = false and 20 or 30 --> returns 30
local var = true and 20 or 30 --> returns 20
-- in C: false ? 20 : 30
print(debug and "there has been an error") -- prints "false" line if debug is false
debug and print("there has been an error") -- does nothing if debug is false
-- as you can see, the second way is preferable, because it does not output
-- anything if the condition is not met, but it is still possible.
-- also, note that the second expression returns false if debug is false,
-- and whatever print() returns if debug is true (in this case, print returns nil)
The only case where this does not apply is when a variable stores the value false, in which case it
technically exists but still evaluates to false. Because of this, it is a bad design to create functions
which return false and nil depending on the state or input. We can still check however whether
we have a nil or a false:
if nil == nil then print("A nil is present") else print("A nil is not present") end
if false == nil then print("A nil is present") else print("A nil is not present") end
-- The output of these calls are:
-- A nil is present!
-- A nil is not present
Conditional contexts
Conditional contexts in Lua (if, elseif, while, until) do not require a boolean. Like many
languages, any Lua value can appear in a condition. The rules for evaluation are simple:
if 1 then
print("Numbers work.")
end 15
if 0 then
print("Even 0 is true")
Logical Operators
In Lua, booleans can be manipulated through logical operators. These operators include not, and,
and or.
Order of Precedence
The order of precedence is similar to the math operators unary -, * and +:
• not
• then and
• then or
Short-cut Evaluation
The operators and and or might only be evaluated using the first operand, provided the second is
function a()
print("a() was called")
return true
function b()
print("b() was called") 16
return false
print(a() or b())
--> a() was called
--> true
-- nothing else
print(b() and a())
--> b() was called
--> false
-- nothing else
print(a() and b())
--> a() was called
--> b() was called
--> false
function a()
print("a() was called")
return false
function b()
print("b() was called")
return true
function c()
print("c() was called")
return 7
Also, due to the nature of the x and a or b structure, a will never be returned if it evaluates to false,
this conditional will then always return b no matter what x is.
Truth tables
Logical operators in Lua don't "return" boolean, but one of their arguments. Using nil for false and 17
numbers for true, here's how they behave.
As you can see, Lua will always return the first value that makes the check fail or succeed. Here's
the truth tables showing that.
x | y || and x | y || or
------------------ ------------------
false|false|| x false|false|| y
false|true || x false|true || y
true |false|| y true |false|| x
true |true || y true |true || x
For those who need it, here's two function representing these logical operators.
In lua, the logical operators and and or returns one of the operands as the result instead of a
boolean result. As a consequence, this mechanism can be exploited to emulate the behavior of
the ternary operator despite lua not having a 'real' ternary operator in the language.
condition and truthy_expr or falsey_expr 18
local drink = (fruit == "apple") and "apple juice" or "water"
There are situations where this mechanism doesn't have the desired behavior. Consider this case
In a 'real' ternary operator, the expected value of var is false. In lua, however, the and evaluation
'falls through' because the second operand is falsey. As a result var ends up with should not
happen instead.
Two possible workarounds to this problem, refactor this expression so the middle operand isn't
falsey. eg. 19
Chapter 3: Coroutines
• coroutine.create(function) returns a coroutine (type(coroutine) == 'thread') containing the
• coroutine.resume(co, ...) resume, or start the coroutine. Any additional arguments given to
resume are returned from the coroutine.yield() that previously paused the coroutine. If the
coroutine had not been started the additional arguments become the arguments of the
• coroutine.yield(...) yields the currently running coroutine. Execution picks back up after the
call to coroutine.resume() that started that coroutine. Any arguments given to yield are
returned from the corresponding coroutine.resume() that started the coroutine.
○ "dead" : the function in the coroutine has reached it's end and the coroutine cannot be
resumed anymore
○ "running" : the coroutine has been resumed and is running
○ "normal" : the coroutine has resumed another coroutine
○ "suspended" : the coroutine has yielded, and is waiting to be resumed
• coroutine.wrap(function) returns a function that when called resumes the coroutine that
would have been created by coroutine.create(function).
The coroutine system has been implemented in lua to emulate multithreading existing in other
languages. It works by switching at extremely high speed between different functions so that the
human user think they are executed at the same time.
Create and use a coroutine
All functions to interact with coroutines are avaliable in the coroutine table. A new coroutine is
created by using the coroutine.create function with a single argument: a function with the code to
be executed:
thread1 = coroutine.create(function()
print(thread1) 20
-->> thread: 6b028b8c
A coroutine object returns value of type thread, representing a new coroutine. When a new
coroutine is created, its initial state is suspended:
-->> suspended
To resume or start a coroutine, the function coroutine.resume is used, the first argument given is
the thread object:
-->> honk
Now the coroutine executes the code and terminates, changing its state to dead, wich cannot be
-->> dead
Coroutines can suspend its execution and resume it later thanks to the coroutine.yield function:
thread2 = coroutine.create(function()
for n = 1, 5 do
print("honk "..n)
As you can see, coroutine.yield() is present inside the for loop, now when we resume the
coroutine, it will execute the code until it reachs a coroutine.yield:
-->> honk 1
-->> honk 2
After finishing the loop, the thread status becomes dead and cannot be resumed. Coroutines also
allows the exchange between data:
thread3 = coroutine.create(function(complement)
print("honk "..complement)
print("honk again "..complement)
coroutine.resume(thread3, "stackoverflow")
-->> honk stackoverflow
If the coroutine is executed again with no extra arguments, the complement will still the argument
from the first resume, in this case "stackoverflow": 21
-->> honk again stackoverflow
Finally, when a coroutine ends, any values returned by its function go to the corresponding
thread4 = coroutine.create(function(a, b)
local c = a+b
return c
coroutine.resume(thread4, 1, 2)
-->> true, 3
Coroutines are used in this function to pass values back to a calling thread from deep within a
recursive call.
-- slices a generator 'c' taking every 'step'th output from the generator
-- starting at the 'start'th output to the 'stop'th output
function slice(c, start, step, stop)
local _
return coroutine.wrap(function()
for i = 1, start-1 do
_ = c()
for i = start, stop do
if (i - start) % step == 0 then
coroutine.yield(c()) 22
_ = c()
local alphabet = {}
for c = string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do
alphabet[#alphabet+1] = string.char(c)
-- only yields combinations 100 through 102
-- requires evaluating the first 100 combinations, but not the next 5311633
local s = slice(Combinations(alphabet, 10), 100, 1, 102)
for i in s do
--> abcdefghpr
--> abcdefghps
--> abcdefghpt
Coroutines can be used for piping constructs as described in Programming In Lua. The author of
PiL, Roberto Ierusalimschy, has also published a paper on using coroutines to implement more
advanced and general flow control mechanics like continuations. 23
Chapter 4: Error Handling
Using pcall
pcall stands for "protected call". It is used to add error handling to functions. pcall works similar as
try-catch in other languages. The advantage of pcall is that the whole execution of the script is
not being interrupted if errors occur in functions called with pcall. If an error inside a function
called with pcall occurs an error is thrown and the rest of the code continues execution.
pcall( f , arg1,···)
Return Values:
1. status (boolean)
2. return value of the function or error message if an error occurred inside the function block.
pcall may be used for various cases, however a common one is to catch errors from the function
which has been given to your function. For instance, lets say we have this function:
When the given function errors on run 3, the error message will be clear to the user that it is not
coming from your function, but from the function which was given to our function. Also, with this in
mind a fancy BSoD can be made notifying the user. However, that is up to the application which
implements this function, as an API most likely won't be doing that.
function square(a) 24
return a * "a" --This will stop the execution of the code and throws an error, because of
the attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
print ("Hello World") -- This is not being executed because the script was interrupted due
to the error
function square(a)
return a * "a"
print ("Status: ", status) -- will print "false" because an error was thrown.
print ("Return Value: ", retval) -- will print "input:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on a
string value"
print ("Hello World") -- Prints "Hello World"
function square(a)
return a * a
print ("Status: ", status) -- will print "true" because no errors were thrown
print ("Return Value: ", retval) -- will print "100"
print ("Hello World") -- Prints "Hello World"
function foo(tab)
return tab.a
end -- Script execution errors out w/ a stacktrace when tab is not a table
function foo(tab)
if type(tab) ~= "table" then
error("Argument 1 is not a table!", 2)
return tab.a
end -- This gives us more information, but script will still error out
If we don't want a function to crash a program even in case of an error, it is standard in lua to do
the following: 25
function foo(tab)
if type(tab) ~= "table" then return nil, "Argument 1 is not a table!" end
return tab.a
end -- This never crashes the program, but simply returns nil and an error message
Now we have a function that behaves like that, we can do things like this:
And if we DO want the program to crash if something goes wrong, we can still do this:
Fortunately we don't even have to write all that every time; lua has a function that does exactly this
result = assert(foo(20)) 26
Chapter 5: Functions
• funcname = function(paramA, paramB, ...) body; return exprlist end -- a simple function
• function funcname(paramA, paramB, ...) body; return exprlist end -- shorthand for above
• local funcname = function(paramA, paramB, ...) body; return exprlist end -- a lambda
• local funcname; funcname = function(paramA, paramB, ...) body; return exprlist end --
lambda that can do recursive calls
• local function funcname(paramA, paramB, ...) body; return exprlist end -- shorthand for
• funcname(paramA, paramB, ...) -- call a function
• local var = var or "Default" -- a default parameter
• return nil, "error messages" -- standard way to abort with an error
Functions are usually set with function a(b,c) ... end and rarely with setting a variable to an
anonymous function (a = function(a,b) ... end). The opposite is true when passing functions as
parameters, anonymous functions are mostly used, and normal functions aren't used as often.
Defining a function
function add(a, b)
return a + b
-- creates a function called add, which returns the sum of it's two arguments
Let's look at the syntax. First, we see a function keyword. Well, that's pretty descriptive. Next we
see the add identifier; the name. We then see the arguments (a, b) these can be anything, and
they are local. Only inside the function body can we access them. Let's skip to the end, we see...
well, the end! And all that's in between is the function body; the code that's ran when it is called.
The return keyword is what makes the function actually give some useful output. Without it, the
function returns nothing, which is equivalent to returning nil. This can of course be useful for things
that interact with IO, for example:
function printHello(name)
print("Hello, " .. name .. "!");
Functions can also return values conditionally, meaning that a function has the choice of returning 27
nothing (nil) or a value. This is demonstrated in the following example.
function add(a, b)
if (a + b <= 100) then
return a + b -- Returns a value
print("This function doesn't return values over 100!") -- Returns nil
It is also possible for a function to return multiple values seperated by commas, as shown:
function doOperations(a, b)
return a+b, a-b, a*b
local function add(a, b) return a+b end
print(add(1,2)) --> prints 3
print(add(2, 2)) --> exits with error, because 'add' is not defined here
Calling a function.
Functions are only useful if we can call them. To call a function the following syntax is used:
print("Hello, World!")
We're calling the print function. Using the argument "Hello, World". As is obvious, this will print
Hello, World to the output stream. The returned value is accessible, just like any other variable
would be.
local a = 10
local b = 60
local c = add(a, b)
print(c) 28
Functions expecting a table or a string can be called with a neat syntactic sugar: parentheses
surrounding the call can be omitted.
print"Hello, world!"
for k, v in pairs{"Hello, world!"} do print(k, v) end
Anonymous functions
As you can see, the function is not assigned to any name like print or add. To create an
anonymous function, all you have to do is omit the name. These functions can also take
function double(x)
return x * 2
double = function(x)
return x * 2
However, the above function is not anonymous as the function is directly assigned to a variable!
half = function(x)
return x / 2
end 29
So, now we have two variables, half and double, both containing a function as a value. What if we
wanted to create a function that would feed the number 4 into two given functions, and compute
the sum of both results?
We'll want to call this function like sumOfTwoFunctions(double, half, 4). This will feed the double
function, the half function, and the integer 4 into our own function.
The above sumOfTwoFunctions function shows how functions can be passed around within
arguments, and accessed by another name.
Default parameters
function sayHello(name)
print("Hello, " .. name .. "!")
That function is a simple function, and it works well. But what would happen if we just called
That's not exactly great. There are two ways of fixing this:
function sayHello(name)
if not (type(name) == "string") then
return nil, "argument #1: expected string, got " .. type(name)
end -- Bail out if there's no name.
-- in lua it is a convention to return nil followed by an error message on error
function sayHello(name)
name = name or "Jack" -- Jack is the default,
-- but if the parameter name is given,
-- name will be used instead
print("Hello, " .. name .. "!")
end 30
The idiom name = name or "Jack" works because or in Lua short circuits. If the item on the left side
of an or is anything other than nil or false, then the right side is never evaluated. On the other
hand, if sayHello is called with no parameter, then name will be nil, and so the string "Jack" will be
assigned to name. (Note that this idiom, therefore, will not work if the boolean false is a reasonable
value for the parameter in question.)
Multiple results
For example:
function triple(x)
return x, x, x
When calling a function, to save these values, you must use the following syntax:
local a, b, c = triple(5)
Which will result in a = b = c = 5 in this case. It is also possible to ignore returned values by using
the throwaway variable _ in the desired place in a list of variables:
local a, _, c = triple(5)
In this case, the second returned value will be ignored. It's also possible to ignore return values by
not assigning them to any variable:
local a = triple(5)
Variable a will be assigned the first return value and the remaining two will be discarded.
When a variable amount of results are returned by a function, one can store them all in a table, by
executing the function inside it:
This way, one can iterate over the results table to see what the function returned.
local t = {}
table.insert(t, string.gsub(" hi", "^%s*(.*)$", "%1")) --> bad argument #2 to 'insert'
(number expected, got string)
This happens because string.gsub returns 2 values: the given string, with occurrences of the 31
pattern replaced, and the total number of matches that occurred.
To solve this, either use an intermediate variable or put () around the call, like so:
This grabs only the first result of the call, and ignores the rest.
Variadic Arguments
Named Arguments
function C(tab)
if not tab.age then return nil, "age not defined" end
tab.hobby = tab.hobby or "nothing"
-- print stuff
-- example:
local john ="John", 20, "golf") -- some sort of constructor
john.address = "some place" -- modify the object
john:do_something("information") -- call some function of the object
C(john) -- this works because objects are *usually* implemented as tables 32
function foo(tab)
--> returns nil if tab has no field bar, which is acceptable
--> returns 'attempt to index a number value' if tab is, for example, 3
--> which is unacceptable
function kungfoo(tab)
if type(tab) ~= "table" then
return nil, "take your useless " .. type(tab) .." somewhere else!"
print(kungfoo(20)) --> prints 'nil, take your useless number somewhere else!'
if kungfoo(20) then print "good" else print "bad" end --> prints bad
now we can call the function with whatever parameter we want, and it won't crash the program.
So, what if we have a function that does something with an instance of a specific class? This is
difficult, because classes and objects are usually tables, so the type function will return 'table'.
return setmetatable({}, meta)
-- this is just a very basic implementation of an object class in lua
object =
fake = {} 33
Class.is_instance(nil) --> also returns false, doesn't crash either
local tab = {1, 2, 3}
function closure()
for key, value in ipairs(tab) do
print(key, "I can still see you")
--> 1 I can still see you
--> 2 I can still see you
--> 3 I can still see you
--> 1 I can still see you
--> 2 I can still see you
--> 3 I can still see you
-- the function can still see tab
function new_adder(number)
return function(input)
return input + number
add_3 = new_adder(3)
print(add_3(2)) --> prints 5
local tab = {}
local counter = 0
for c in str:gmatch"." do
tab[string.byte(c)] = counter
counter = counter + 1
return function(str)
local result = "" 34
result = result .. (
string.char( ((a<<2)+(b>>4))%256 ) ..
string.char( ((b<<4)+(c>>2))%256 ) ..
string.char( ((c<<6)+d)%256 )
return result
end 35
Chapter 6: Garbage collector and weak tables
1. collectgarbage(gcrule [, gcdata]) -- collect garbage using gcrule
2. setmetatable(tab, {__mode = weakmode}) -- set weak mode of tab to weakmode
parameter details
Type of weak table: "k" (only weak keys), "v" (only weak values), "vk" (weak
keys and values)
Weak tables
t1, t2, t3, t4 = nil, nil, nil, nil -- No more "strong" references to t3 and t4
print(#maintab, #weaktab) --> 2 4 36
Chapter 7: Introduction to Lua C API
• lua_State *L = lua_open(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.0
• lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.1+
• int luaL_dofile(lua_State *L, const char *filename); // Run a lua script with the given filename
using the specified lua_State
• void luaL_openlibs(lua_State *L); // Load all standard libraries into the specified lua_State
• void lua_close(lua_State *L); // Close VM state and release any resources inside
• void lua_call(lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); // Call the luavalue at index -(nargs + 1)
Lua as well provides a proper C API to it's Virtual Machine. In contrary to VM itself, C API interface
is stack based. So, most of the functions intended to be used with data is either adding some stuff
on-top of virtual stack, or removing from it. Also, all the API calls must be used carefully within
stack and it's limitations.
In general, anything available on Lua language can be done using it's C API. Also, there is some
addition functionality like direct access to internal registry, change behavior of standard memory
allocator or garbage collector.
You can compile provided Lua C API examples by executing following on Your terminal:
Creating Lua Virtual Machine
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
int main(void)
5.1 37
/* For older version of Lua use lua_open instead */
lua_State *L = lua_open();
/* do stuff with Lua VM. In this case just load and execute a file: */
luaL_dofile(L, "some_input_file.lua");
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lualib.h>
int main(void)
lua_State *lvm_hnd = lua_open();
NOTE: 38
Bare in mind, that lua_call() pops the function and it's arguments from the stack leaving only the
Demonstrate how to embed a lua interpreter in C code, expose a C-defined function to Lua script,
evaluate a Lua script, call a C-defined function from Lua, and call a Lua-defined function from C
(the host).
In this example, we want the mood to be set by a Lua script. Here is mood.lua:
Notice, mood() is not called in the script. It is just defined for the host application to call. Also notice
that the script calls a function called hostgetversion() that is not defined in the script.
Next, we define a host application that uses 'mood.lua'. Here is the 'hostlua.c':
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
* define a function that returns version information to lua scripts
static int hostgetversion(lua_State *l)
/* Push the return values */
lua_pushnumber(l, 0);
lua_pushnumber(l, 99);
lua_pushnumber(l, 32); 39
lua_State *l = luaL_newstate();
/* load script */
luaL_dofile(l, "mood.lua");
return 0;
Even after we have compile 'hostlua.c', we are still free to modify 'mood.lua' to change the output
of our program!
Table manipulation
In order to access or alter an index on a table, you need to somehow place the table into the
Let's assume, for this examples that your table is a global variable named tbl.
As we have seen, all you have to do is to push the table into the stack, push the index and call
lua_gettable. the -2 argument means that the table is the second element from the top of the
lua_gettable triggers metamethods. If you do not want to trigger metamethods, use lua_rawget 40
instead. It uses the same arguments.
return 0;
The same drill as getting the content. You have to push the stack, push the index and then push
the value into the stack. after that, you call lua_settable. the -3 argument is the position of the table
in the stack. To avoid triggering metamethods, use lua_rawset instead of lua_settable. It uses the
same arguments.
return 0;
Now we are putting together all we learned here. I put the stack content on the comments so you
do not get lost.
We put both tables into the stack, push the index of table 1 into the stack, and get the value at
tbl1.index1. Note the -3 argument on gettable. I am looking at the first table (third from the top)
and not the second. Then we push the index of the second table, copy the tbl1.index1 to the top of
the stack and then call lua_settable, on the 4th item from the top.
For housecleaning sake, I have purged the top element, so only the two tables remains at the
stack. 41
Chapter 8: Iterators
Generic For Loop
Iterators utilize a form of the for loop known as the generic for loop.
1. An iterator function that gets called when the next value is needed. It receives both the
invariant state and control variable as parameters. Returning nil signals termination.
2. The invariant state is a value that doesn't change during the iteration. It is typically the
subject of the iterator, such as a table, string, or userdata.
3. The control variable represents an initial value for iteration.
We can write a for loop to iterate all key-value pairs in a table using the next function.
Standard Iterators
The Lua standard library provides two iterator functions that can be used with a for loop to
traverse key-value pairs within tables.
To iterate over a sequence table we can use the library function ipairs.
To iterator over all keys and values in any table we can use the library function pairs.
Stateless Iterators 42
Both pairs and ipairs represent stateless iterators. A stateless iterator uses only the generic for
loop's control variable and invariant state to compute the iteration value.
Pairs Iterator
We can implement the stateless pairs iterator using the next function.
Ipairs Iterator
We can implement the stateless ipairs iterator in two separate functions.
Character Iterator
We can create new stateless iterators by fulfilling the contract of the generic for loop. 43
-- used like pairs and ipairs
for i, c in chars 'abcde' do
print(i, c) --> 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 f, 5 e
Stateful Iterators
Stateful iterators carry some additional information about the current state of the iterator.
Using Tables
The addition state can be packed into the generic for loop's invariant state. 44
return chars_iter, t, 0
Using Closures
Additional state can be wrapped within a function closure. Since the state is fully contained in the
scope of the closure the invariant state and control variable are not needed.
Using Coroutines
Additional state can be contained within a coroutine, again the invariant state and control variable
are not needed. 45
Chapter 9: Metatables
• [[local] mt = ]getmetatable(t) --> retrieve associated metatable for 't'
• [[local] t = ]setmetatable(t, mt) --> set the metatable for 't' to 'mt' and returns 't'
Parameter Details
mt Table to use as a metatable; can have zero or more metamethod fields set.
There are some metamethods not mentioned here. For the full list and their usage, see the
corresponding entry in the lua manual.
Creation and usage of metatables
A metatable defines a set of operations which alter the behaviour of a lua object. A metatable is
just an ordinary table, which is used in a special way.
-- create an object
local point = { x = 13, y = -2 }
-- set the metatable
setmetatable(point, meta) 46
Some metamethods don't have to be functions. To most important example for this is the __index
metamethod. It can also be a table, which is then used as lookup. This is quite commonly used in
the creation of classes in lua. Here, a table (often the metatable itself) is used to hold all the
operations (methods) of the class:
local meta = {}
-- set the __index method to the metatable.
-- Note that this can't be done in the constructor!
meta.__index = meta
function create_new(name)
local self = { name = name }
setmetatable(self, meta)
return self
Objects in lua are garbage collected. Sometimes, you need to free some resource, want to print a
message or do something else when an object is destroyed (collected). For this, you can use the
__gc metamethod, which gets called with the object as argument when the object is destroyed.
You could see this metamethod as a sort of destructor.
This example shows the __gc metamethod in action. When the inner table assigned to t gets
garbage collected, it prints a message prior to being collected. Likewise for the outer table when
reaching the end of script:
local meta =
__gc = function(self)
print("destroying self: " ..
More metamethods
There are many more metamethods, some of them are arithmetic (e.g. addition, subtraction, 47
multiplication), there are bitwise operations (and, or, xor, shift), comparison (<, >) and also basic
type operations like == and # (equality and length). Lets build a class which supports many of
these operations: a call for rational arithmetic. While this is very basic, it shows the idea.
local meta = {
-- string representation
__tostring = function(self)
return string.format("%s/%s", self.num, self.den)
-- addition of two rationals
__add = function(self, rhs)
local num = self.num * rhs.den + rhs.num * self.den
local den = self.den * rhs.den
return new_rational(num, den)
-- equality
__eq = function(self, rhs)
return self.num == rhs.num and self.den == rhs.den
return self
local r1 = new_rational(1, 2)
print(r1) -- 1/2
local r2 = new_rational(1, 3)
print(r1 + r2) -- 5/6
local r3 = new_rational(1, 2)
print(r1 == r3) -- true
-- this would be the behaviour if we hadn't implemented the __eq metamethod.
-- this compares the actual tables, which are different
print(rawequal(r1, r3)) -- false
There is a metamethod called __call, which defines the bevahiour of the object upon being used
as a function, e.g. object(). This can be used to create function objects: 48
function new_counter(start)
local self = { i = start }
setmetatable(self, meta)
return self
-- create a counter
local c = new_counter(1)
print(c) --> 1
-- call -> count up
print(c) --> 2
The metamethod is called with the corresponding object, all remaining arguments are passed to
the function after that:
local meta = {
__call = function(self, ...)
print(self.prepend, ...)
Indexing of tables
Perhaps the most important use of metatables is the possibility to change the indexing of tables.
For this, there are two actions to consider: reading the content and writing the content of the table.
Note that both actions are only triggered if the corresponding key is not present in the table.
local meta = {}
-- create a testobject
local t = {} 49
-- raise an error upon reading a non-existent key
meta.__index = function(object, index)
error(string.format("the key '%s' is not present in object '%s'", index, object))
local meta = {}
-- create a testobject
local t = { }
You may now ask yourself how the actual value is written in the table. In this case, it isn't. The
problem here is that metamethods can trigger metamethods, which would result in an infinitive
loop, or more precisely, a stack overflow. So how can we solve this? The solution for this is called
raw table access.
Sometimes, you don't want to trigger metamethods, but really write or read exactly the given key,
without some clever functions wrapped around the access. For this, lua provides you with raw
table access methods: 50
--t[1] = 42
With this, we can now rewrite ower former __newindex method to actually write the value to the
Simulating OOP
Instance methods can be written by passing the object as the first argument.
function Class:saybye(phrase)
print("I am " .. self .. "\n" .. phrase)
object:saybye("c ya") --> will print "I am <table ID>
--> c ya" 51
local Class = {health = 100}
local __meta = {__index = Class} 52
Chapter 10: Object-Orientation
Lua itself offers no class system. It is, however possible to implement classes and objects as
tables with just a few tricks.
• function <class>.new() return setmetatable({}, {__index=<class>}) end
Simple Object Orientation
Class = {}
local __instance = {__index=Class} -- Metatable for instances
local instance = {}
setmetatable(instance, __instance)
return instance
-- equivalent to: return setmetatable({}, __instance)
To add variables and/or methods, just add them to the class. Both can be overridden for every
Class.x = 0
Class.y = 0
return {self.x, self.y}
object =
or 53
object.x = 20
-- This adds the variable x to the object without changing the x of
-- the class or any other instance. Now that the object has an x, it
-- will override the x that is inherited from the class
-- This prints 20 as one would expect.
-- Object has no member y, therefore the metatable redirects to the
-- class table, which has y=0; therefore this prints 0
object:getPosition() -- returns {20, 0}
local Class = {}
Class.__meta = {__index=Class}
function return setmetatable({}, Class.__meta)
Assuming we want to change the behavior of a single instance object = using a
This exchanges the old metatable with the new one, therefore breaking the class inheritance
Keep in mind that table "values" are only reference; there is, in fact, only one actual table for all
the instances of an object unless the constructor is defined as in 1, so by doing this we modify the
behavior of all instances of the class.
How does this work? - We create a new metatable as in mistake #1, but instead of leaving it
empty, we create a soft copy to the original metatable. One could say the new metatable "inherits"
from the original one as if it was a class instance itself. We can now override values of the original
metatable without modifying them. 54
Changing the class:
1st (recommended): 55
Chapter 11: Pattern matching
• string.find(str, pattern [, init [, plain]]) -- Returns start and end index of match in str
• string.gmatch(str, pattern) -- Returns a function that iterates through all matches in str
• [set] represents the class which is the union of all characters in set.
Throughout some examples, the notation (<string literal>):function <string literal> is used,
which is equivalent to string.function(<string literal>, <string literal>) because all strings
have a metatable with the __index field set to the string table. 56
Lua pattern matching
Instead of using regex, the Lua string library has a special set of characters used in syntax
matches. Both can be very similar, but Lua pattern matching is more limited and has a different
syntax. For instance, the character sequence %a matches any letter, while its upper-case version
represents all non-letters characters, all characters classes (a character sequence that, as a
pattern, can match a set of items) are listed below.
%d digits (0-9)
%s space characters
%u upper-case letters
As mentioned above, any upper-case version of those classes represents the complement of the
class. For instance, %D will match any non-digit character sequence:
( ) % . + - * [ ? ^ $
The character % represents a character escape, making %? match an interrogation and %% match
the percentage symbol. You can use the % character with any other non-alphanumeric character,
therefore, if you need to escape, for instance, a quote, you must use \\ before it, which escapes
any character from a lua string. 57
A character set, represented inside square brackets ([]), allows you to create a special character
class, combining different classes and single characters:
You can get the complement of the character set by starting it with ^:
In this example, string.match will find the first occurrence that isn't b, a or r.
Patterns can be more useful with the help of repetition/optional modifiers, patterns in lua offer
these four characters:
Character Modifier
The character + represents one or more matched characters in the sequence and it will always
return the longest matched sequence:
As you can see, * is similar to +, but it accepts zero occurrences of characters and is commonly
used to match optional spaces between different patterns.
The character - is also similar to *, but instead of returning the longest matched sequence, it
matches the shortest one.
The modifier ? matches an optional character, allowing you to match, for example, a negative digit:
Lua pattern matching engine provides a few additional pattern matching items:
%n for n between 1 and 9 matches a substring equal to the n-th captured string 58
frontier pattern: matches an empty string at any position such that the next
%f[set] character
belongs to set and the previous character does not belong to set
string.find (Introduction)
The function string.find (s, substr [, init [, plain]]) returns the start and end index of a
substring if found, and nil otherwise, starting at the index init if it is provided (defaults to 1).
Introducing Patterns
("hello world"):find ".- " -- will match characters until it finds a space
--> so it will return 1, 6
All except the following characters represent themselves ^$()%.[]*+-?). Any of these characters
can be represented by a % following the character itself. 59
("helelo"):find "h.+l" -- + will match as much as it gets
--> this matches "helel"
("helelo"):find "h.-l" -- - will match as few as it can
--> this wil only match "hel"
("hello"):match "o%d*"
--> like ?, this matches the "o", because %d is optional
("hello20"):match "o%d*"
--> unlike ?, it maches as many %d as it gets, "o20"
("hello"):match "o%d"
--> wouldn't find anything, because + looks for 1 or more characters
How it works
The string.gmatch function will take an input string and a pattern. This pattern describes on what to
actually get back. This function will return a function which is actually an iterator. The result of this
iterator will match to the pattern.
Introducing captures:
This is very similair to the regular function, however it will return only the captures instead the full
match. 60
How it works
string argument
function argument
function func(str)
if str:sub(1,1):lower()=="h" then
return str
return "no_h"
("hello world"):gsub(word, func)
--> returns "hello no_h", 2
table argument
local word = "[^%s]+"
sub = {}
sub["hello"] = "g'day"
sub["world"] = "m8" 61
Chapter 12: PICO-8
The PICO-8 is a fantasy console programmed in embedded Lua. It already has good
documentation. Use this topic to demonstrate undocumented or under-documented features.
Game loop
It's entirely possible to use PICO-8 as an interactive shell, but you probably want to tap into the
game loop. In order to do that, you must create at least one of these callback functions:
• _update()
• _update60() (after v0.1.8)
• _draw()
function _draw()
print("a winner is you")
If you define _update60(), the game loop tries to run at 60fps and ignores update() (which runs at
30fps). Either update function is called before _draw(). If the system detects dropped frames, it'll
skip the draw function every other frame, so it's best to keep game logic and player input in the
update function:
function _init()
x = 63
y = 63
function _update()
local dx = 0 dy = 0
if (btn(0)) dx-=1
if (btn(1)) dx+=1
if (btn(2)) dy-=1
if (btn(3)) dy+=1
end 62
function _draw()
The _init() function is, strictly speaking, optional as commands outside of any function are run at
startup. But it's a handy way to reset the game to initial conditions without rebooting the cartridge:
if (btn(4)) _init()
Mouse input
Although it's not officially supported, you can use mouse input in your games:
function _update60()
x = stat(32)
y = stat(33)
-- left button
if (band(stat(34),1)==1) then
-- right button
if (band(stat(34),2)==2) then
-- middle button
if (band(stat(34),4)==4) then
function _init()
function _draw()
pset(x,y,7) -- white
Game modes 63
If you want a title screen or an endgame screen, consider setting up a mode switching
function _init()
mode = 1
function _update()
if (mode == 1) then
if (btnp(5)) mode = 2
elseif (mode == 2) then
if (btnp(5)) mode = 3
function _draw()
if (mode == 1) then
elseif (mode == 2) then
print("press 'x' to win")
function title()
print("press 'x' to start game")
function end_screen()
print("a winner is you")
end 64
Chapter 13: Sets
Search for an item in a list
There's no built in way to search a list for a particular item. However Programming in Lua shows
how you might build a set that can help:
Then you can put your list in the Set and test for membership:
if items["orange"] then
-- do something
Create a set
set.peach = true = true
-- alternatively
set['banana'] = true
set['strawberry'] = true 65
Remove a member from the set = nil
Using nil instead of false to remove 'apple' from the table is preferable because it will make
iterating elements simpler. nil deletes the entry from the table while setting to false changes its
Membership Test
if set.strawberry then
print "We've got strawberries"
end 66
Chapter 14: Tables
• ipairs(numeric_table) -- Lua table with numeric indices iterator
• pairs(input_table) -- generic Lua table iterator
• key, value = next(input_table, input_key) -- Lua table value selector
• table.insert(input_table, [position], value) -- insert specified value into the input table
• removed_value = table.remove(input_table, [position]) -- pop last or remove value specified
by position
Tables are the only built-in data structure available in Lua. This is either elegant simplicity or
confusing, depending on how you look at it.
A Lua table is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are unique and neither the key nor
the value is nil. As such, a Lua table can resemble a dictionary, hashmap or associative array
from other languages. Many structural patterns can be built with tables: stacks, queues, sets, lists,
graphs, etc. Finally, tables can be used to build classes in Lua and to create a module system.
Lua does not enforce any particular rules on how tables are used. The items contained in a table
can be a mixture of Lua types. So, for example, one table could contain strings, functions,
booleans, numbers, and even other tables as values or keys.
A Lua table with consecutive positive integer keys beginning with 1 is said to have a sequence.
The key-value pairs with positive integer keys are the elements of the sequence. Other languages
call this a 1-based array. Certain standard operations and functions only work on the sequence of
a table and some have non-deterministic behavior when applied to a table without a sequence.
Setting a value in a table to nil removes it from the table. Iterators would no longer see the related
key. When coding for a table with a sequence, it is important to avoid breaking the sequence; Only
remove the last element or use a function, like the standard table.remove, that shifts elements
down to close the gap.
Creating tables
local empty_table = {} 67
local numeric_table = {
"Eve", "Jim", "Peter"
-- numeric_table[1] is automatically "Eve", numeric_table[2] is "Jim", etc.
local conf_table = {
hostname = "localhost",
port = 22,
flags = "-Wall -Wextra"
clients = { -- nested table
"Eve", "Jim", "Peter"
The usage above is syntax sugar for what's below. The keys in this instance are of the type, string.
The above syntax was added to make tables appear as records. This record-style syntax is
paralleled by the syntax for indexing tables with string keys, as seen in 'basic usage' tutorial.
As explained in the remarks section, the record-style syntax doesn't work for every possible key.
Additionally a key can be any value of any type, and the previous examples only covered strings
and sequential numbers. In other cases you'll need to use the explicit syntax:
local unique_key = {}
local ops_table = {
[unique_key] = "I'm unique!"
["^"] = "power",
[true] = true
Iterating tables
The Lua standard library provides a pairs function which iterates over the keys and values of a
table. When iterating with pairs there is no specified order for traversal, even if the keys of the
table are numeric.
For tables using numeric keys, Lua provides an ipairs function. The ipairs function will always
iterate from table[1], table[2], etc. until the first nil value is found.
Be warned that iteration using ipairs() will not work as you might want on few occasions: 68
• input_tablehas "holes" in it. (See the section on "Avoiding gaps in tables used as arrays" for
more information.) For example:
Of course, the following also works for a table that is a proper sequence:
for i = 1, #numeric_table do
print(i, ". ", numeric_table[i])
for i = #numeric_table, 1, -1 do
print(i, ". ", numeric_table[i])
A final way to iterate over tables is to use the next selector in a generic for loop. Like pairs there is
no specified order for traversal. (The pairs method uses next internally. So using next is essentially
a more manual version of pairs. See pairs in Lua's reference manual and next in Lua's reference
manual for more details.)
Basic Usage
Basic table usage includes accessing and assigning table elements, adding table content, and
removing table content. These examples assume you know how to create tables.
Accessing Elements
One can index the sequential part of the table by using the index syntax, the argument to the index
syntax being the key of the desired key-value pair. As explained in the creation tutorial, most of the
declaration syntax is syntactic sugar for declaring key-value pairs. Sequentially included elements,
like the first five values in example_table, use increasing integer values as keys; the record syntax
uses the name of the field as a string. 69
print(example_table[2]) --> Heartburn
print(example_table["cure"]) --> Pepto Bismol
For string keys there is syntax sugar to parallel the record-style syntax for string keys in table
creation. The following two lines are equivalent.
You can access tables using keys that you haven't used before, that is not an error as it in other
languages. Doing so returns the default value nil.
Assigning Elements
You can modify existing table elements by assigning to a table using the index syntax.
Additionally, the record-style indexing syntax is available for setting values as well
example_table[2] = "Constipation"
print(example_table[2]) --> Constipation
You can also add new elements to an existing table using assignment.
Special Remark: Some strings are not supported with the record-syntax. See the remarks section
for details.
Removing Elements
As stated previously, the default value for a key with no assigned value is nil. Removing an
element from a table is as simple as resetting the value of a key back to the default value.
Table Length
Tables are simply associative arrays (see remarks), but when contiguous integer keys are used
starting from 1 the table is said to have a sequence.
local example_table = {'a', 'l', 'p', 'h', 'a', 'b', 'e', 't'}
print(#example_table) --> 8 70
You can use the length operation to easily append items to a sequence table.
example_table[#example_table+1] = 'a'
print(#example_table) --> 9
In the above example, the previous value of #example_table is 8, adding 1 gives you the next valid
integer key in the sequence, 9, so... example_table[9] = 'a'. This works for any length of table.
Special Remark: Using integer keys that aren't contiguous and starting from 1 breaks the
sequence making the table into a sparse table. The result of the length operation is undefined in
that case. See the remarks section.
Another way to add elements to a table is the table.insert() function. The insert function only
works on sequence tables. There are two ways to call the function. The first example shows the
first usage, where one specifies the index to insert the element (the second argument). This
pushes all elements from the given index to #table up one position. The second example shows
the other usage of table.insert(), where the index isn't specified and the given value is appended
to the end of the table (index #table + 1).
To parallel table.insert() for removing elements is table.remove(). Similarly it has two calling
semantics: one for removing elements at a given position, and another for removing from the end
of the sequence. When removing from the middle of a sequence, all following elements are shifted
down one index.
These two functions mutate the given table. As you might be able to tell the second method of
calling table.insert() and table.remove() provides stack semantics to tables. Leveraging that, you
can write code like the example below.
function shuffle(t)
for i = 0, #t-1 do
table.insert(t, table.remove(t, math.random(#t-i)))
It implements the Fisher-Yates Shuffle, perhaps inefficiently. It uses the table.insert() to append
the randomly extracted element onto the end of same table, and the table.remove() to randomly 71
extract an element from the remaining unshuffled portion of the table.
We're using this table as a sequence: a group of items keyed by integers. Many languages call
this an array, and so will we. But strictly speaking, there's no such thing as an array in Lua. There
are just tables, some of which are array-like, some of which are hash-like (or dictionary-like, if you
prefer), and some of which are mixed.
An important point about our pets array is that is has no gaps. The first item, pets[1], is the string
"dogs", the second item, pets[2], is the string "cats", and the last item, pets[3], is "birds". Lua's
standard library and most modules written for Lua assume 1 as the first index for sequences. A
gapless array therefore has items from 1..n without missing any numbers in the sequence. (In the
limiting case, n = 1, and the array has only one item in it.)
Lua provides the built-in function ipairs to iterate over such tables.
This would print "Item at position 1 is dogs.", "Item at position 2 is cats.", "Item at position 3 is
An array such as this second example is a sparse array. There are gaps in the sequence. This
array looks like this:
{"dogs", "cats", "birds", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "goldfish"}
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The nil values do not take up any aditional memory; internally lua only saves the values [1] =
"dogs", [2] = "cats", [3] = "birtds" and [12] = "goldfish" 72
To answer the immediate question, ipairs will stop after birds; "goldfish" at pets[12] will never be
reached unless we adjust our code. This is because ipairs iterates from 1..n-1 where n is the
position of the first nil found. Lua defines table[length-of-table + 1] to be nil. So in a proper
sequence, iteration stops when Lua tries to get, say, the fourth item in a three-item array.
The two most common places for issues to arise with sparse arrays are (i) when trying to
determine the length of the array and (ii) when trying to iterate over the array. In particular:
• When using the # length operator since the length operator stops counting at the first nil
• When using the ipairs() function since as mentioned above it stops iterating at the first nil
• When using the table.unpack() function since this method stops unpacking at the first nil
• When using other functions that (directly or indirectly) access any of the above.
To avoid this problem, it is important to write your code so that if you expect a table to be an array,
you don't introduce gaps. Gaps can be introduced in several ways:
You might think, "But I would never do any of those things." Well, not intentionally, but here's a
concrete example of how things could go wrong. Imagine that you want to write a filter method for
Lua like Ruby's select and Perl's grep. The method will accept a test function and an array. It
iterates over the array, calling the test method on each item in turn. If the item passes, then that
item gets added to a results array which is returned at the end of the method. The following is a
buggy implementation:
return res
The problem is that when the function returns false, we skip a number in the sequence. Imagine
calling filter(isodd, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}): there will be gaps in the returned table every time
there's an even number in the array passed to filter. 73
local filter = function (fun, t)
local res = {}
for _, item in ipairs(t) do
if fun(item) then
res[#res + 1] = item
return res
1. Use standard functions: table.insert(<table>, <value>) always appends to the end of the
array. table[#table + 1] = value is a short hand for this. table.remove(<table>, <index>) will
move all following values back to fill the gap (which can also make it slow).
2. Check for nil values before inserting, avoiding things like table.pack(function_call()), which
might sneak nil values into our table.
3. Check for nil values after inserting, and if necessary filling the gap by shifting all
consecutive values.
4. If possible, use placeholder values. For example, change nil for 0 or some other placeholder
5. If leaving gaps is unavoidable, this should be propperly documented (commented).
6. Write a __len() metamethod and use the # operator.
Another alternative is to use the pairs() function and filter out the non-integer indices: 74
Read Tables online: 75
Chapter 15: Variadic Arguments
Varargs, as they are commonly known, allow functions to take an arbitrary number of arguments
without specification. All arguments given to such a function are packaged into a single structure
known as the vararg list; which is written as ... in Lua. There are basic methods for extracting the
number of given arguments and the value of those arguments using the select() function, but
more advanced usage patterns can leverage the structure to it's full utility.
• ... -- Makes the function whose arguments list in which this appears a variadic function
• select(what, ...) -- If 'what' is a number in range 1 to the number of elements in the vararg,
returns the 'what'th element to the last element in the vararg. The return will be nil if the
index is out of bounds. If 'what' is the string '#', returns the number of elements in the vararg.
The vararg list is implemented as a linked list in the PUC-Rio implementation of the language, this
means that indexes are O(n). That means that iterating over the elements in a vararg using
select(), like the example below, is an O(n^2) operation.
If you plan on iterating over the elements in a vararg list, first pack the list into a table. Table
accesses are O(1), so iterating is O(n) in total. Or, if you are so inclined, see the foldr() example
from the advanced usage section; it uses recursion to iterate over a vararg list in O(n).
The vararg is useful in that the length of the vararg respects any explicitly passed (or computed)
nils. For example.
function test(...)
return select('#', ...)
test() --> 0
test(nil, 1, nil) --> 3
This behavior conflicts with the behavior of tables however, where the length operator # does not 76
work with 'holes' (embedded nils) in sequences. Computing the length of a table with holes is
undefined and cannot be relied on. So, depending upon the values in ..., taking the length of
{...} may not result in the 'correct' answer. In Lua 5.2+ table.pack() was introduced to handle this
deficiency (there is a function in the example that implements this function in pure Lua).
Idiomatic Use
Because varargs carry around their length people use them as sequences to avoid the issue with
holes in tables. This was not their intended usage and one the reference implementation of Lua
does not optimize for. Although such usage is explored in the examples, it is generally frowned
Variadic functions are created using the ... ellipses syntax in the argument list of the function
function id(...)
If you called this function as id(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) then ... (AKA the vararg list) would contain the
values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The easiest way to pull elements from the vararg list is to simply assign variables from it.
function head3(...)
local a, b, c = ...
return a, b, c
select() can also be used to find the number of elements and extract elements from ... indirectly.
function my_print(...)
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
io.write(tostring(select(i, ...)) .. '\t')
io.write '\n'
...can be packed into a table for ease of use, by using {...}. This places all the arguments in the
sequential part of the table. 77
table.pack(...) can also be used to pack the vararg list into a table. The advantage of
table.pack(...) is that it sets the n field of the returned table to the value of select('#', ...). This
is important if your argument list may contain nils (see remarks section below).
function my_tablepack(...)
local t = {...}
t.n = select('#', ...)
return t
The vararg list may also be returned from functions. The result is multiple returns.
function all_or_none(...)
local t = table.pack(...)
for i = 1, t.n do
if not t[i] then
return -- return none
return ... -- return all
Advanced Usage
As stated in the basic examples, you can have variable bound arguments and the variable
argument list (...). You can use this fact to recursively pull apart a list as you would in other
languages (like Haskell). Below is an implementation of foldr() that takes advantage of that. Each
recursive call binds the head of the vararg list to x, and passes the rest of the list to a recursive
call. This destructures the list until there is only one argument (select('#', ...) == 0). After that,
each value is applied to the function argument f with the previously computed result.
function sum(a, b)
return a + b
foldr(sum, 1, 2, 3, 4)
--> 10
You can find other function definitions that leverage this programming style here in Issue #3
through Issue #8. 78
Lua's sole idiomatic data structure is the table. The table length operator is undefined if there are
nils located anywhere in a sequence. Unlike tables, the vararg list respects explicit nils as stated
in the basic examples and the remarks section (please read that section if you haven't yet). With
little work the vararg list can perform every operation a table can besides mutation. This makes the
vararg list a good candidate for implementing immutable tuples.
function tuple(...)
-- packages a vararg list into an easily passable value
local co = coroutine.wrap(function(...)
while true do
return co
local n = change_index(t, 3, 3)
print(t()) --> 1 2 nil 4 5
print(n()) --> 1 2 3 4 5
The main difference between what's above and tables is that tables are mutable and have pointer
semantics, where the tuple does not have those properties. Additionally, tuples can hold explicit
nils and have a never-undefined length operation. 79
Chapter 16: Writing and using modules
The basic pattern for writing a module is to fill a table with keys that are function names and values
that are the functions themselves. The module then returns this function for calling code to require
and use. (Functions are first-class values in Lua, so storing a function in a table is easy and
common.) The table can also contain any important constants in the form of, say, strings or
Writing the module
-- trim_all(string) => return string with white space trimmed on both sides
local trim_all = function (s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
-- trim_left(string) => return string with white space trimmed on left side only
local trim_left = function (s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.*)$", "%1"))
-- trim_right(string) => return string with white space trimmed on right side only
local trim_right = function (s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
An alternative approach to the one above is to create a top-level table and then store the functions
directly in it. In that idiom, our module above would look like this:
-- A conventional name for the table that will hold our functions
local M = {}
-- M.trim_all(string) => return string with white space trimmed on both sides
function M.trim_all(s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
end 80
-- M.trim_left(string) => return string with white space trimmed on left side only
function M.trim_left(s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.*)$", "%1"))
-- trim_right(string) => return string with white space trimmed on right side only
function M.trim_right(s)
return (string.gsub(s, "^(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
return M
From the point of view of the caller, there is little difference between the two styles. (One
difference worth mentioning is that the first style makes it more difficult for users to monkeypatch
the module. This is either a pro or a con, depending on your point of view. For more detail about
this, see this blog post by Enrique García Cota.)
-- The following assumes that trim module is installed or in the caller's package.path,
-- which is a built-in variable that Lua uses to determine where to look for modules.
local trim = require "trim" 81
Chapters Contributors
Garbage collector
6 greatwolf, Kamiccolo, val
and weak tables 82