Lab Manual
Lab Manual
Lab Manual
As in any other science subject, practicals have an important role in Biology too. The
purpose of teaching biology is not only to acquaint the learner with biological terms, facts,
concepts and principles but also to prepare him/her to understand these concepts by doing
exercises relating to them. Self experience not only eliminates doubts and misbeliefs in
one’s mind but also generates an interest in the subject. The present practical course thus
considers practical work as an integral part of the biology curriculum at Senior Secondary
Biology Practical Biology Practical
4. What you should know : It highlights the concepts and background knowledge
relating to the experiment, which should be known to you in order to perform the
experiment in a meaningful manner.
5. Materials required: Listed various materials, apparatus etc. required to carry out
Notes the exercise.
6. How to proceed : It includes the steps to perform an experiment in a sequential
7. Precautions : The precautions to be taken in carrying out the exercise are listed
here. Any specific precaution wherever necessary is listed at the relevant step of the
8. Observation and Documentation : A detailed format of observations, step by step
and their recording is given in observation and documentation. An effort has been
made to adopt a self-interactive method of recording these observations.
9. Diagrams, wherever necessary, are given in each exercise and it is advisable that the
students should compare the diagrams with the actual one as seen in the slide/
specimen etc.
10. For the teacher : The teacher will help you to perform an experiment.
6. Complete the worksheet for each experiment. You will find that the worksheet is
based on your observations and also on the theoretical knowledge which you have
studied in the study material.
7. Reference of the books has been given wherever necessary. After doing the practicals
you may go back and study the book once again for better understanding. Notes
8. Keep your record book neat and clean as it is an important material for practical
examination. Three marks are allocated for keeping proper records of practicals.
9. Do not forget to carry your manual with you when you go for the practical work.
Once again the steps involved in performing a practical are listed below in the chart
to help you do the practicals.
(i) The students should be well aware of the exercise they are going to perform in
the laboratory.
(ii) The instruments, glassware and any other equipment should be kept clean at its
proper place before and after its use.
(iii) The microscope and other delicate instruments should be handled gently and
properly and should be atleast 5 inches from the edge of the table to avoid its
knocking off accidently.
(iv) Do not throw any broken glassware in the sink. It should be thrown in the dust
(v) Whenever working with the sharp instrument as blade/scalpel etc, be careful not
to cut or puncture your skin.
(vi) Do not inhale, never taste or apply stain or any chemical as it may harm.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 1
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(iii) Scalpel
Works like a knife, used to cut
out thin slices and peel.
(iv) Fine scissors Notes
Used for cutting.
(vii) Spatula
Used to pick up solid chemicals.
(i) A dropper
Used for (i) putting a drop of liquid on the
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(iv) Petridish
Is a shallow dish often with a cover.
Used for soaking specimen for the
purpose of preservation, staining etc.
Also used to keep a medium on which
bacteria or small organisms may be
(v) Beaker
Available in various sizes like 100 ml and 250
ml etc.
Used for preparing and storing chemicals and
performing experiments.
(vi) Flask
A bottle with a narrow neck used in the laboratory
for performing experiments (keeping solution, for
heating solution etc).
(vii) Funnel
Available in various sizes i.e. in different
diameter of the mouth of the funnel.
Used during filtration of solutions.
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(viii) Pipette
A slender graduated glass tube for measuring
and transferring known volume of liquid.
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
acquire the skill of removing thin outer layers from plant material;
prepare a temporary stained mount without trapping air bubbles;
learn to handle and use the microscope such that its light is adjusted and material
focussed to clarity;
observe a typical plant cell and tally with your theoretical knowledge about the cell
and its components;
distinguish between some components of a plant cell such as the cell wall, cytoplasm,
nucleus and vacuole.
Materials Required
(i) Onion bulbs (ii) Paper towelling/ Blotting paper
(iii) Dropper (iv) Glycerine.
(v) Saffranine solution (for staining)
(iii) Bend the outer (convex) surface of the fleshy Fig. 2.1.1
scale towards you with your right hand to break
it. (Fig. 2.1.2)
(v) Gently pull the broken end. You will find that
from other half of the scale held in your left
hand, a thin transparent layer of epidermis is
peeling off easily (See Fig. 2.1.4).
Fig. 2.1.3
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(i) When you are able to see the epidermal cells clearly in your peel, remove the slide
from the microscope.
(ii) Drain off water and then add a very small drop of Saffranine to the peel on the Notes
slide and leave the material in the stain for about two minutes.
(iii) See the stained material under the microscope to check staining. It should neither
be too dark nor to light. If it is light, leave in the stain for some more time.
(iv) Pick up the stained material from the slide, wash it and place it in a drop of glycerine
on a fresh slide.
(v) Hold the coverslip with your left hand at 45° (as shown in the diagram) on the slide
in such a way that the lower edge of the coverslip touches the glycerine. Now using
the needle, gradually lower the coverslip so that no air bubble gets trapped in the
material. Excess glycerine should be removed with the help of a blotting paper.
The slide is now ready for further observation (fill up observation 2).
(vi) Observe under the microscope and compare the diagram provided (Fig. 2.1.7)
with the slide as seen under the microscope.
1. Do not leave the peel too long in air, otherwise it will dry and show air bubbles in
2. The peel should be mounted in the centre of the slide.
3. Always use a brush (not a needle) to transfer the peel from petridish to the slide
or from one slide to another. Otherwise, the peel will tear off.
4. Avoid the entry of any air-bubbles in the mount.
5. Use clean slides and cover slips for mounting.
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Observation 1
Under low power of the microscope
(i) What can you see ? (long rows of rectangular cells in the unstained onion peel)
(ii) Which structures of the cell can you see ? Do you see the cell wall, the nucleus
and a large vacuole contained in the cytoplasm?
Observation 2
After staining the onion peel
(i) Do you see large number of cells in the peel or only one? What is the general
shape of these cells (rectangular, circular, triangular, polygonal etc)?
(v) What is the position of the cytoplasm in the cell? (central or peripheral)
(vi) What is the shape of the nucleus? (spherical, oval, irregular etc.)
(vii) Sketch the onion peel cell as seen under the microscope. Label the parts such as
the cell wall, cytoplasm, vacuole and the nucleus.
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Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 2
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
acquire the skill of taking out human cheek cells;
learn to prepare a uniform smear;
observe the special features of squamous epithelium.
Materials Required
(i) Slides (ii) Coverslips (iii) Filter-papers
(iv) Needles (v) Methylene blue (vi) Brush
(vii) Tooth pick.
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(iv) Tilt the slide to let the extra stain drain off. wash gently with water.
(v) Put a coverslip gently over the material with the help of a needle avoiding entry
of any air bubbles.
(vi) Press it gently with a needle to make the cells Notes
under the coverslip uniform.
(vii) Soak away extra stain by placing the slide
within a folded filter paper, taking care not to
move the coverslip.
(viii) Observe under a microscope and find out the
structural details of cheek cells and answer
the questions given in observation 1.
Fig. 2.2.1 Cheek cells
1. Scrape the inner surface of the cheek gently to avoid any damage or bleeding.
3. While removing the extra stain, make sure you do not move the coverslip and the
material under it.
Observation 1
Cheek cells under the microscope :
(i) Draw a few cells in your record book as you see them.
(ii) What is the shape of cheek cells?
(iii) What is the location of nucleus in a cheek cell?
(iv) List the differences between the cells you see in this exercise (cheek cells) and
the cells you saw in onion peel with respect to the following :
(a) Presence or absence of cell wall :
(b) Presence or absence of large vacuole:
(c) Difference in shape :
(v) Is there any cell wall in the cheek cells?
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(vi) Cheek cells are epithelial cells. What is the name of this kind of epithelium?
Notes Please ensure that the student
1. does not get hurt while removing the cheek cells.
2. is able to identify the differences between a plant cell (onion peel) and an animal cell
(human cheek cells).
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 2
After performing this exercise, you should be able to :
acquire the skill of taking out the epidermal peel from a leaf;
prepare a stained mount of leaf peel without trapping air bubbles;
observe the special features of the leaf epidermis and compare it with that of onion
Materials Required
(i) Slide (ii) Filter paper (iii) Brush
(iv) Coverslip (v) Needles (vi) Water
(vii) Lily leaf/any other leaf from which a peel can be obtained easily
Biology Practical Biology Practical
1. Do not let the peel dry up.
2. Mount the peel in the centre of the slide.
3. Use a brush to transfer the peel.
4. There should be no air bubbles.
5. Slides and coverslips should be very clean.
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Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 2
Xylem and phloem are complex tissues present in plants. They constitute the vascular
bundles in leaf, stem and root. Xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and
fibres. Phloem consists of phloem tubes (sieve-tubes), companion cells, parenchyma and
After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
identify xylem and phloem under a microscope;
locate and differentiate between xylem and phloem.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Materials Required
(i) Cucurbita stem (ii) Sharp blade/razor
(iii) Slides (iv) Thin brush
(v) Water (vi) Cover slip
(vii) Glycerine (viii) Saffranine stain
(ix) Compound microscope
1. Thin uniform section should be cut.
2. A good section is cut in a straight, transverse or longitudinal plane and should not
be oblique.
3. Observe under the microscope before it dries up.
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Exercise 2
Muscle fibres are cells which are responsible for motility of an animal or that of the parts
of its body. Limb muscles have muscle cells which are called striped or striated muscles
and these are under voluntary control. You will study their structure by making a slide
from the leg of a cockroach. Unstriated muscle cells are involuntary and found in muscles
of various internal organs such as those of the digestive system.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
acquire the skill to handle live cockroach and remove its legs;
acquire the skill of making a stained preparation of striated muscle fibres;
identify, draw and label striated muscle fibres;
Materials Required
(i) Cockroach (live) (Try to collect one yourself).
(ii) Glass slides (iii) Cover slips (iv) Forceps
(v) Needles (vi) Brush (vii) Watch glass
(viii) Methylene blue (ix) Glycerine (x) Compound Microscope
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(vii) Using a forceps pull a few fibres from the stained muscle and place these fibres
in another watch glass.
(ix) Blot out excess stain surrounding the tissue with the help of a filter paper.
(xi) Add a drop of glycerine on the slide and gently put the coverslip. Avoid air bubbles.
Mount the material in the centre of the slide.
(xii) After putting the coverslip press it gently with the back of a needle or pencil to
spread out the glycerine and the muscle fibrs under the coverslip.
(xiii) Examine the slide under the microscope and note the following points. (Fill up
observation 1)
– The muscle fibres (muscle cells) show alternate light and dark bands or
striations and hence the name striated muscles.
Sometimes in your slide you may come across striated (striped) silvery shining
cylindrical structure. They are not striated muscle fibres. They are tracheal tubes
and can be distinguished from muscle fibres by (a) their broader diameter and (b)
absence of nucleus.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
1. Use clean slides and coverslips.
2. Use adequate amount of stain.
3. Do not let the slide dry.
4. Manipulate such that the material is neither too darkly stained nor very lightly stained.
(i) In which kind of muscle fibre do you see light and dark bands? Striated or
(ii) Are these fibres uninucleate or multinucleate?
(iii) What is the shape of the muscle fibres?
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 3
After performing this exercise, you should be able to :
identify the root, stem and leaf in their modified form in plants other than what you
will be observing in this exercise.
differentiate or identify these modified structures on the basis of their primary
Material Required
(i) Fresh or museum specimens
(ii) Models of specimens
(iii) Photographs or pictures of specimens of carrot, radish, beet, ginger, potato,
zamikand, onion, grass, Eichhoria, strawberry, lemon and grape twigs, pea leaf,
Opuntia, pitcher plant, Australian acacia
Biology Practical Biology Practical
A. Modifications of Roots
a. Radish
1. The tap root is swollen in the middle and tapers
towards apex and base
2. It is known as fusiform root and it stores excess
b. Beet
1. It is swollen at the upper part almost becoming
spherical and abruptly tapering at the lower point.
2. It is known as napiform root.
3. It is a storage root and a source of sugar.
c. Carrot
1. It is broad at the base and tapers gradually towards
the apex.
2. This is known as conical root.
3. Function is storage of food.
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d. Banyan Tree
1. Roots are produced from main stem
branches for mechanical support.
2. These roots grow downwards and Notes
penetrate the soil and act as supporting
3. These roots are known as prop root.
e. Sugarcane
1. From the lower portions of the main stem large
number of strong roots are produced to provide
2. These roots are known as stilt roots.
f. Rhizophora
1. These plants grow in marshy places.
2. Large number of conical structures, which are roots,
grow vertically upwards.
3. These roots being aerial perform the function of
respiration and are known as pneumatophores or
breathing roots.
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B. Modification of Stems :
Stems get modified in various ways
These modified sturctures help the plant to survive during unfavourable seasons by
storing food, help in vegetative multiplication of the plant and provide mechanical
support and protection.
They can be studied by grouping them into underground, subaerial and aerial.
a. Ginger
1. It has an irregularly branched
prostrate structure.
2. There are nodes, internodes, buds
and scale leaves.
3. It is known as rhizome.
b. Zamikand
1. It is a condensed form of rhizome growing
more or less in vertical direction and known as
2. Axillary buds and scale leaves are present.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
c. Potato
1. The smooth brown, swollen structure is known as
2. There are a number of axillary buds known as eyes Notes
located on one side of the tuber.
3. The axillary buds give rise to new plants.
1. The bases of the bulb as it is termed has a
convex, compressed stem which produces
cluster of firbrous roots at its base.
2. There are many scale leaves which are fleshy
and store food.
3. Buds are present in the axil of scale leaves.
4. The complete shoot is modified.
a. Strawberry
1. Branches originates from the base of the stem
which grows obliquely known as stolon.
2. You have studied potato which is actually a
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a. Grape-vine
1. From the axil of leaves arise tendrils which are
wiry, coiled structures.
2. Tendrils help the climber in clinging to support.
c. Opuntia
1. Green, flat, thick branches have unlimited
2. Leaves are modified into spines.
3. The modified structure is known as phylloclade.
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d. Asparagus
1. There are branches of limited growth
which become green and that like a
2. These are called cladodes.
C. Modification of Leaf
Although the main function of leaf is to synthesize food for the plant, in some plants they
get modified to perform functions of support and protection for the plant.
a. Pea
1. Leaves (a portion) are modified into slender,
wiry, closely coiled structures called tendrils.
2. These are climbing organs for the plant.
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b. Opuntia
1. Leaves are modified into sharp, pointed, spines
for defensive purpose.
2. These spines also help for reducing trans-
c. Australian acacia
1. The petiole becomes flat, green leaf like called
1. It helps in photosynthesis.
d. Pitcher plant
1. Leaf is modified into a pitcher and the leaf tip
into a lid to trap insects.
2. It is an insectivorous plant.
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Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 4
Stem and root are made up of different types of tissues. These tissues form different layers
in the composition of stem and root. This exercise is intended to study the structural details
(anatomical details) of these tissues.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
identify the sections of dicot and monocot stem;
identify the sections of dicot and monocot root;
identify location of various layers in the above, formed by different tissues;
differentiate anatomically between the various sections of stem and root.
Materials Required
(i) Compound microscope (iii) Dissecting microscope
(ii) Permanent slides of dicot and monocot stems
(iv) Permanent slides of dicot and monocot roots.
(iv) Select a part of the slide as viewed under the microscope and draw a labelled
1. Stem
(A) T.S. of Dicot Stem
From the permanent slide of the T.S. of dicot stem (sunflower plant), try to locate the
following tissues (Fig. 4.1)
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Fig. 4.2 T.S. of monocot stem
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Do you notice a large difference between the section of maize (monocot) stem and that
of dicot stem?
3. A mass of thin walled parenchyma tissue known as ground tissue below the
5. Have you observed four distinct vessels stained red and arranged in the form of letter
‘Y’. Two large ones are metaxylem and two smaller inner ones are protoxylem.
6. Observe the thin walled small cells towards outside which form the phloem.
Observation 1
T.S. of dicot stem
(i) How many layers are there in the epidermis? Draw few cells of epidermis as seen
under the microscope.
(ii) Is there any outgrowth or structure visible on the epidermis. If yes what are these
(iii) What is pericycle? See in your slide and draw it.
(iv) Can you locate the vascular bundle. Draw a few xylem and phloem cells as you
see them in a vascular bundle.
Observation 2
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(ii) Can you make out any difference in the position of vascular bundle in monocot
and dicot stem?
(iii) Are the vascular bundles separated from one another by the intervening ground
Notes tissue? Yes/No .......................
(iv) What is the differece between the hypodermis that you have seen in sunflower stem
(dicot stem) and the hypodermis that you are seeing here in the maize stem
(monocot stem)?
................................. .................................
................................. .................................
................................. .................................
Observation 3
Differences between Dicot and Monocot Stem
Structures Dicot stem Monocot stem
1. Epidermis ................................. .................................
2. Hypodermis ................................. .................................
3. Cortex ................................. .................................
4. Endodermis ................................. .................................
5. Pericycle ................................. .................................
6. General cortex ................................. .................................
7. Medullary rays ................................. .................................
8. Vascular bundles ................................. .................................
9. Pith ................................. .................................
2. Root
(iv) Do you find that inner cylinder is also surrounded by two definite layers of cells?
Name the two layers from the diagram.
(v) Semi-circular patch of thin walled cells with blue stain constitute phloem.
(vi) This alternates with group of thick walled cells which have taken up red stain.
(vii) Both these structures constitute vascular bundle.
Note : In Root, the xylem and phloem are in separate bundles and are at
different radii.
(viii) Do you observe that protoxylem is placed towards pericycle and the metaxylem
towards centre. It is one of the characteristic points to identify root. It is known
as exarch condition.
(ix) Do you find any projections coming out from the epiblema? These are called root
(xi) Count the number of vascular bundles present. You will note that they are in the
numbers of 2 to 6.
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(ii) Do you observe the difference in the number of vascular bundles? If yes, what
is their approximate number?
(iii) Do you see the large pith? Yes/No
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(iv) Tabulate the difference between dicot root and monocot root.
Observation 1
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Observation 2
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Exercise 5
Every tissue has a special structure suited to its function. In this exercise you will study
the histological features of some of the major tissues and organs of mammals.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to :
identify and differentiate between various kinds of mammalian tissues and organs
based on their shape, size and structural details;
differentiate between different types of blood cells.
Material required
(i) Compound microscope
(ii) Dissection microscope
(iii) Permanent slides of tissue or organ namely
(a) Cartilage (b) Bone (c) Blood
(d) Mammalian testis and (e) Ovary
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Biology Practical Biology Practical
– Try to locate the central canal, bone lamellae and lacunae (spaces that conained bone
cells) arranged in concentric rings.
– Lying in the bone lamellae are empty lacunae (spaces) which in natural condition
contain bone cells (osteocytes). Some fine canals (canaliculi) radiate out from these
lacunae. (Fill up observation 2) Notes
You may not see the osteocytes within the lacunae as they get removed while
processing the bone for slide preparation.
– (If the section passes obliquely or longitudinally, you will not find the Haversian
systems so perfectly and the central canals may become oblong or even longitudinal).
– Do you find any circular, oval compartments? These are seminiferous tubules.
– Can you see some material filling the space between the tubules? This is connective
tissue matrix.
– Record the shape of the semini-ferous tubule.
– Locate the germinal epithelium which is first layer of cells lining each seminiferous
tubule. It is interrupted in between by vertical row of cells which proceed from the
surface towards the interior of the tubule.
– Inner to the germinal epithelium lie, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and
– Can you also see in the centre of the tubules the cluster of spermatozoa in seminiferous
fluid. Observe their tail ends which are clustered together towards the centre.
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– Between the seminiferous tubules are interlobular spaces containing Leydig cells. Can
you locate them?
– Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of testis.
(iii) Observe the multilayered (graffian follicle) and the ruptured follicle which forms
corpus luteum. (Fill up observation 4).
5. To study human blood smear and identify the different types of blood cells.
Examine the slide of human blood
smear under the microscope, first under
low power and then under high power.
Look for various types of blood cells.
Record your observations and draw
RBCs and WBCs.
You should be able to see a fewer number of stained larger cells (larger than RBC)
irregular in shape, with a nucleus of various shapes. (Fig. 5.5). These are white blood
cells (WBCs).
Observation 1
Cartilage under high power of the microscope :
(i) What is the shape of the cartilage cells?
(square, hexagonal, spherical, or hemispherical)
(ii) Does each cell lie in a cavity? If so, what is the name of this cavity?
(iii) Is the nucleus of the cells oblong, oval or round?
(iv) Note that most cells are in groups. Are they mostly in groups of two’s, three’s
or four’s?
(v) What is the term for the ground substance in which the cell clusters lie?
(vi) Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of cartilage.
Observation 2
Bone under high power of the microscope :
(i)) Draw at least three adjacent Haversian systems as you see them and label the parts.
(ii) Mention any two differences between bone and cartilage.
(a) Arrangement of cells : in lamellae or single or in clusters?
(b) Central canal : present or absent
(iii) Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of bone.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Observation 3
Mammalian testis under low power of microscope :
(i) Are there prominently large tubules of uniform size and shape?
Notes .........................................................................................................................
(ii) What are these tubules called?
(iii) Is there any space between tubules or are they tightly arranged? What is this space
called? What can you see in the space?
(iv) Name the structures present in the interior of each seminiferous tubule?
(v) How does a spermatozoon look, as you see it in the slide? Draw it as you see
Observation 4
Mammalian ovary under low power of microscope :
(i) Can you see several follicles? Are they similar with respect to size and structure?
(iii) Draw a diagram of a portion of your slide showing a primary follicle and the
Graafian follicte.
(iv) Can you see the corpus luteum? Label it in the diagram.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Observation 5
Human blood cells under low power of Microscope
(i) (a) Draw ten RBCs as you see them in the slide.
................................................................................................................. Notes
(b) Draw two or three different types of white blood cells and label them.
(ii) What are the different types of WBCs present in human blood? Name them.
(iii) List any two differences between RBC and WBC.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 6
Flowering plants are classified on the basis of the structure and arrangement of floral parts
on and around the receptacle or thalamus (the swollen end part of the flower stalk) in
concentric whorls.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
identify different parts of the flower;
recognise main features of the flowers of petunia and china rose;
explain the structure of any type of flower.
Materials Required
(i) Flowers of china rose/hollyhock and petunia
(ii) Dissecting microscope
A. Floral Parts
Main points to be noted in these two (or in any other) flowers as follows :
(a) The size and nature of flower whether the flowers are large and showy or
(b) The origin of flower whether they are borne on the flowering twig singly/in clusters
or serially along the twig etc. (i.e. the kind of inflorescence).
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(i) Main axis does not terminate in a flower-Recemose
(ii) Main axis terminates in a flower-cymose
Size of the stalk whether the flowers have a long stalk (pedicellate) or they have Notes
no stalk (sessile).
Floral parts
Each flower has to be observed starting from outermost whorl (calyx/sepals) or
epicalyx and to proceed to the inward whorls (corolla, stamens, pistils, etc.)
(c) Androecium:
– The number of stamens, whether fused or free.
– Each stamen has an anther attaches to a long filament.
– Whether the filaments are free or attached to the corolla.
– It is the male part of the flower and has pollen grains in the anther.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Fig. 6.1 Flowering twig, parts of flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose)
B. Symmetry
symmetrical, can be cut along more than one plane into two similar halves.
Bilaterally symmetrical can be cut into two similar halves along one plane.
C. Aestivation
The arrangement of sepals and petals in a floral bud with respect to the members of the
same whorl.
(i) Take the flower and observe the different floral parts by using hand lens/ dissecting
microscope, needles and forceps.
(ii) Note down the main features as described.
(iii) Remove the sepals one by one. Draw one of them, or the entire calyx if fused,
in your notebook.
(iv) Remove the petals. If all are similar, draw one of them otherwise each one of them
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(ii) Petunia
Observe the different parts of flower carefully (Fill up observation 2)
Observation 1
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5. Stamens (Androecium)
(i) Position (whether attached to corolla or not)
Notes (ii) Number .....................................................................................................
(iii) Free/Fused ................................................................................................
(iv) Are the anthers free/united ........................................................................
(v) Does the staminal tube protrude out of the flower?
(vi) Is the anther one-lobed or four lobed?
6. Carpels (Gynoecium)
(i) Position of ovary on the thalamus (superior/Inferior)
(ii) Style : Is it exposed or enclosd in a tube?
(iii) Stigma : Is it branched?
(iv) If so, how many branches?
(v) Take T.S. of ovary and examine and draw the diagram as you see in the
section under a dissecting microscope.
(vi) How many chambers are there in the ovary?
(vii) How many ovules are there inside each chamber?
(B) Petunia
1. Draw the flower of Petunia.
2. Pedicellate/sessile
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3. Sepal (Calyx)
(i) Number : ..................................................................................................
(ii) Free/Fused : ..............................................................................................
(iii) Colour : .................................................................................................... Notes
(iv) Do the sepals face each other (valvate) or do they overlap (twisted)?
(v) Draw one sepal.
4. Petals (Corolla)
(i) Number .....................................................................................................
(ii) Colour .......................................................................................................
(iii) Free/fused .................................................................................................
(iv) Valvate or twisted? ...................................................................................
(v) Draw one corolla.
5. Stamens (Androecium)
(i) Number .....................................................................................................
(ii) Position (whether attached to corolla or not) ............................................
(iii) Free/united ................................................................................................
(iv) How many lobes in each anther : .............................................................
(v) Draw a stamen indicating the filament, connective and anther lobe.
7. Carpels (Gynoecium)
(i) Position of ovary on the thalamus (Superior/inferior)
(ii) Is the style protruding out?
(iii) Is the style longer than the stamens?
(iv) What is the type of placentation?
...................... (Observe T.S. of ovary under a dissection microscope)
(v) How many chambers are there in the ovary?
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Biology Practical Biology Practical
Invertebrates Vertebrates
Sponge Dogfish
Earthworm Rohu
Butterfly Toad
Apple Snail Wall lizard
Starfish Pigeon
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Exercise 7
The animal world is a group of large variety of animals which can be subgrouped on
the basis of differences in their specific body forms and morphological features. The study
of the animal specimen helps us in understanding relationship with other animals belonging
to its own subgroup and to the others.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
identify the given animal specimens;
identify even those animals which are closely similar to the ones prescribed;
point out the important features of the specimens, especially those that form the basis
of their classification;
assign the organisms to their systematic position, i.e. Phylum, Sub-phylum (if any),
and Class;
list the general distinguishing features of the specimens;
mention any specific feature/s (if present) of the specimen as different from others
of the same class.
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5. The manner in which scientific names are written, i.e. genus name to start with capital,
species name to start with small letter, and the entire name to be underlined when
written or to be in italics when printed.
Materials Required
(i) Museum specimens mentained for study.
(ii) Dry or stuffed specimens for study.
If specimens are not available then the study may be conducted with.
(iii) Models of specimens, photographs/pictures.
(i) Observe the specimens. Locate the characteristics required for classifying them,
for example, the kind of body covering (hairs, feathers, scales, etc), the appendages
- their number, arrangement and other structural characteristics.
(ii) Note down these observations in your record book.
(iii) Make labelled diagrams of the specimens provided.
1. Do not take out the specimens from the jars. Do not tilt the jars.
2. Handle the stuffed specimens and the models carefully.
3. Do not write or move-your pen/pencil on the specimens or on their labels.
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Main characterstics
1. ..............................................
2. ..............................................
3. ..............................................
We shall broadly group the specimens under invertebrates (1-5) and vertebrates (6-11)
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1. Sponge
Find out the type of sponges you have in your
(a) Is it a Bath sponge or Notes
(b) Colony of Leucosolenia or
(c) Dried sponge of Scypha or any other
Take help of your teacher and find out the Fig. 7.1 Sponge
name of the sponge you have been given
for observation and study.
Observe the specimen for the following details:
(Fill up observation 1)
– Porous body.
– No mouth, but numerous pores (ostia) all over the body.
– One large opening (osculum) at the top.
– Spongy body strengthened by a skeleton of elastic spongin fibres.
2. Earthworm
A terrestrial animal commonly found in moist soil. Observe
the specimen for the following details : (Fill up observation
– Cylindrical body with tapering ends.
– Body is segmented.
– Head is not distinct, mouth is terminal.
– A thick band called clitellum present towards the
anterior half of the body.
– Few setae present on the ventral side of each
segment. They help in locomotion.
– Sexes not separate.
– Use a hand lens to observe the setae. Also try to
observe if any pores are present on the body. Fig. 7.2 Earthwarm
3. Butterfly
The specimens provided are usually dried ones and mounted on pins. A butterfly has:
– Two pairs of wings.
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It is a mollusc.
If ever you get a spare specimen break open the shell and
look for the animal contained inside. (You may sometimes
find only the empty shells)
– unsegmented body.
Fig. 7.4 Apple snail
– Body is soft and encosed a calcareous shell.
5. Starfish
Starfish is an Echinoderm. It is an unsegmented marine
animal, showing radial symmetry. It has a spiny body surface.
It moves by tube feet. Head is absent.
Observe the animal carefully and fill up observation 5.
Fig. 7.5 Starfish
Observation 1
A. Outward appearance of sponge
(i) Looking at it what do you think-is it unicellular or multicellular?
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B. Finer structure
Look at the surface of the main body.
(v) Do you find pores? ...................................................................................
(These pores are called ostia, and serve as the entrances for water into the
You may also find a large hole osculum. It is for exit of water from the body.
If the specimen is a dried one, you may not see the pores. The dried material
is the skeleton made of spongin fibres.
C. Classification
Why are sponges placed in phylum Porifera? Give one reason.
Can you assign the particular specimen given to you to its class - Calcarea,
Hexactinellida, or Demospongiae?
Observation 2
Earthworm (Pheretima)
A. External features
(i) Is the animal (a) long and dorso-ventrally flattened or (b) cylindrical and
(ii) What is the colour of the animal?
(iii) What is the shape of the animal?
(iv) Is the body even or segmented?
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(v) How does the clitellum differ from the skin over the rest of the body?
(vi) What is the shape of the part of organ present at the upper (anterior) end?
Notes .........................................................................................................................
(vii) Where is the mouth present?
(viii) Look for the anal aperture. Where is it present?
(ix) Do you observe any setae? On which surface are they present, dorsal or ventral
or on both?
B. Classification
(i) Why does the earthworm belong to the phylum Annelida? Give one reason?
(ii) In which class will you place Pheretima in Polychaeta, Oligochaeta or Hirudinea?
Observation 3
Butterfly (Danaus)
A. External Features
(i) Is the animal bilaterally symmetrical or radially symmetrical?
(ii) Into how many parts or regions is the body divisible?
Name the regions .............................................................................................
(iii) How many pairs of eyes do you see? (Use a hand lens)
(iv) Are these simple eyes or compound eyes?
(v) How many pairs of antennae do you see?
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B. Classification
(i) Why is butterfly classified as an Arthropod? Give one character.
Notes (ii) Give two characters that justify that butterfly is an insect.
(1) .................................................................................................................
(2) .................................................................................................................
Observation 4
A. External Features
(i) Is the body of the animal enclosed in a shell?
(ii) Is the shell made up of one piece (univalve) or of two pieces (bivalve)?
(iii) Is the shell plain or spirally coiled?
(iv) Locate the position of the opening of the shell. Is it open or closed?
B. Classification
Observation 5
A. External features
(i) Is the animal radially symmetrical or bilaterally symmetrical?
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(Echinodermata : echinos = spiny, derma = skin).
(i) Why is the starfish placed in the phylum Echinodermata? Give one reason?
(ii) In which class will you place starfish - Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea
Holothuroidea or Crinoidea? Give reason.
B. Vertebrata
Animals observed and studied upto this point were all invertebrates (without backbone).
We will now take up Vertebrates.
6. Dogfish
– Scales embedded in skin.
– Paired pectoral and pelvic fins.
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7. Rohu
– Large scales cover the body.
– Gills covered by operculum.
– Rohu is a bony fish. i.e. it has a
bony skeleton.
Observe the animal carefully and fill up
observation 7.
8. Toad (Bufo)
– Dry skin.
– Parotid glands.
– Toad has much in common
with frog, but it has some of
its own characteristics. Ear drum
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9. Wall-lizard (Hamidactyles)
– Dry scaly skin,
– Hands and feet with flat expanded digits for
clasping. Notes
– Wall lizard is the most familiar repitle.
Observe the specimen carefully and fill up
the observation 9.
Observation 6
A. External features
(i) What is the shape of the body? boat shaped/spindle shaped or any other shape.
(ii) How many distinct regions are there in the body?
(iii) Is the surface of the body smooth or covered by any distinct scales?
(iv) How many fins do you find in the trunk?
(v) Tick (√) mark those fins which you observe in the specimen.
(1) Paired pectoral fins ( ) (2) Dorsal fins ( )
(3) Paired pelvic fins ( ) (4) Ventral fins ( )
(5) Anal fin ( )
(vi) Where is the mouth located- on the front tip or on the dorsal or on the ventral
side of the head?
(vii) Does the head bear a pair of nostrils?
(viii) What are the nostrils used for in a fish?
(ix) Where are the eyes located?
Observe the gill-slits behind and slightly below the eyes.
(x) How many gill-slits do you find on each side?
(xi) Are the gill slits covered by any flap?
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(xii) Do you see a “line” extending all along from head to tail on each side?
(xiii) What is this line called?
......................................................................................................................... Notes
B. Classification
(i) Why the dogfish has been placed in Phylum Chordata? Give one suitable reason
for it.
(ii) Why is dogfish also a vertebrate?
(iii) Mention three features in this animal which shows that it lives in water?
(1) .................................................................................................................
(2) .................................................................................................................
(3) .................................................................................................................
Observation 7
A. External features
(i) Find out the shape of the body-fusiform/spindle shaped/boat shaped (mark √ on
the right answer)
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B. Classification
(i) Why is Rohu placed in the Sub phylum Vertebrata?
Give one reason
(ii) Mention three features of this animal which show that it lives in water.
1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
Observation 8
Toad (Bufo)
A. External features
(i) Name the regions into which the body is divided.
(Head, neck and trunk/head and trunk) (mark √)
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B. Classification
(i) Why has toad been included in the phylum Chordata?
Give one reason ...............................................................................................
Notes (ii) Why is it grouped in the class Amphibia?
Mention a suitable explanation. (Amphi=both; bios=life).
Observation 9
Wall lizard
A. External features
(i) In how many regions can you divide the body of a lizard. Name them.
(ii) Is the surface of the body covered by hairs/warts/horny scales?
(iii) What is the shape of the head?
(iv) How does the tympanum (ear-drum) of lizard differ from that of a toad?
(v) How many limbs are there?
(vi) How many digits does each limb have?
These limbs are called pentadactyl limbs.
(vii) Do the digits have claws? Yes or No ..............................................................
(viii) What do you observe on the ventral side of the digit?
(ix) Why does the wall lizard not fall when it creeps on the ceiling or the wall? (Co-
relate it with the structure of the digit).
(x) Why is it known as wall-lizard?
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Observation 10
A. External features
(i) What is the shape of the body?
(ii) What is the body covered with?
(iii) Do you find the same type of structures covering on the head?
Yes/No .............................................................................................................
(iv) If they are different, in what way do they?
(v) How is its beak ? (Short and pointed, short and curved).
(vi) From the shape of the beak, suggest the-type of food it feeds on.
(vii) Can you locate the nostrils? Yes/No.
(viii) Are the nostrils slit-like or oval?
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B. Classification
(i) Enumerate any three external features of pigeon that suggests aerial mode of life.
(1) .................................................................................................................
(2) .................................................................................................................
(3) .................................................................................................................
(ii) Why is the pigeon placed in phylum chordata? .
Give one reason ...............................................................................................
Birds are grouped under the class Aves. List any two characteristic features.
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Observation 11
A. External features
(i) Body is divisible into ................., .............. and tail. (Mention the regions)
1. ..................................................... 2. ..........................................................
(ii) What structures are located on the head? Tick (J) mark the ones you observe.
eyes/nostrils/tympanum/external ear (pinna).
(iii) Is the snout long or short?
(iv) How many limbs do you observe?
(v) Fore-limbs are in the form of wings.
Does the fore limb possess the skin/feathers?
Examine the folds of skin
The wing skin called patagium begins from shoulder, extends along the
upper margin of the arm to the base of the thumb, between the finger (digits)
and along the sides of the body to the hind legs. It helps in flying.
(vi) Which digits support the wings? (Second to fifth/first to fifth)
(vii) Which digits are clawed?
(viii) Which digit is free?
(ix) Are the hind limbs small/large?
(x) How many digits are there in each hind limb?
(xi) Are the digits clawed?
B. Classification
(i) Why is bat included in chordata?
Give one reason ...............................................................................................
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Handle the specimens carefully so that they are not damaged.
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Exercise 8
Growth and repair of any part of an organism takes place through mitotic division of
cells of that part. The growing tip of onion roots form an excellent material to study various
stages of mitosis.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
acquire the skill of making a root tip squash preparation;
distinguish between dividing and non-dividing cells;
identify different stages of mitotic cell division;
differentiate between different stages of mitosis.
At Anaphase
(a) Centromere splits.
(b) Each chromatid now has its own centromere and so becomes a chromosome.
Notes (c) Equal number of chromosomes move to opposite poles.
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At Telophase
(a) Two groups of chromosomes lie at two poles and nuclear membranes form
around them.
(b) Chromosomes clump together and lose their identity and once again form Notes
chromatin network.
(c) Thus two nuclei are formed in the cell containing the same number and types
of chromosome.
(d) A partition wall (cell plate) begins to form in the centre of the cell.
4. Cytokinesis
(a) Cell plate formed in the middle extends and divides the cell into two daughter
(b) Each daughter cell now contains a single nucleus.
Materials Required
(i) Onion bulb (vi) Microscope (xi) Match-stick
(ii) Needles (vii) Acetocarmine (xii) Scalpel
(iii) Brush (viii) Dilute HCl (xiii) Scissors
(iv) Slides (ix) Wide-mouthed bottle/ (xiv) 70% Alcohol.
(v) Coverslips (x) Beaker (xv) Blotting paper.
(ii) Take one medium sized onion bulb and remove its dry roots if any.
(iii) Place the onion at the mouth of the bottle so that only the base (disc) of the onion
touches the water (Fig. 8.2a).
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Fig. 8.2(a) Placing onion at the mouth of bottle Fig. 8.2(b) Growing root tips
(iv) In 3-4 days new roots will appear (Keep watching everyday).
(v) When the roots are about 2-3 cms long (Fig. 8.2b) you can start with the next
phase (2) of the exercise.
(ii) Remove the onion bulb from water. Using scissors, cut only the root tips (about
0.5 cm long from their ends from the cluster of white slender thread-like roots).
(iii) Put them in 1 : 3 Acetic Alcohol for 10 minutes. Remove from fixative and put
the cut root tips in 70% Alcohol. (This is permanent preservation for any length
of time).
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(v) Shift the material to a cavity block/watch glass. Add a few drops of acetocarnine
stain, cover it with a lid. Wait for 5-8 minutes. The root tips become deep red.
(vi) Now take a clean slide. Place 3-4 drops of acetocarmine stain on the slide and
transfer the material from the watch glass to the stain on the slide.
(vii) Gently warm the slide and then place on a square piece of paper towel / blotting
paper. Take care that the slide is not overheated.
(viii) Squash the stained root tip and then place a coverslip over the material.
(ix) Place the slide between folded filter paper or blotting paper and blot gently without
moving the coverslip, to remove excess stain.
(x) Take a pencil and using its blunt end gently tap over the cover-slip (cells of the
root tip will spread out.
(This will crush the root-tips and the cells lying deepest which may not have picked
up the stain earlier would now do so, as they are again submerged in the stain).
(xi) If the material is soft, a few tappings will be enough for the material to be squashed
(squash means crushing to release contents).
Note : Do not crush the coverslip while tapping the material below it.
Always use glass-rod, brush, or needles, forceps etc.
for handling the material in this exercise.
Metallic contact with the stained material causes a
dark-brown precipitate in the material.
(xii) Observe the slide under the microscope first under the low power.
(xiii) Locate a specific good area on the slide and then observed under the high power.
(xiv) Move your slide gradually to observe different areas for various stages of mitosis.
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(vi) You may also see cells where the chromosomes form a cluster at extreme opposite
ends. These cells are in the Telophase stage. You may also see beginning of cell
plate formation.
(vii) You may see cells where cell plate formation is completed and cell is divided into
two daughter cells. These cells are in the Cytokinesis stage.
(viii) In case you are unable to see all the stages of mitosis in your slide try to see them,
in the preparation of other students.
Why should you cut only the tips for this exercise and
not any other region of the root?
Observation 1
(i) Name the stage at which a cell is in the non-dividing phase. Interphase/ Telophase/
or Amitosis.
(ii) (a) Look for a stage where the chromosomes are arranged in the middle of a
cell. What is this stage known as?
(b) Is there a nuclear membrane at this stage?
(iii) Can you count the number of chromosomes in the above mentioned stage?
(iv) Can you see two chromatids of each chromosome?
(v) Look for a stage where you see the chromosomes in two groups moving towards
the two opposite ends.
(a) Are they slightly away from the middle? At this stage the cell is said to be
at early Anaphase.
(b) Have they reached the opposite ends of a cell? Then it would be late
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(vii) Look for a cell with two nuclei which have a partition between them.
(viii) What is this stage of cell division called?
......................................................................................................................... Notes
(ix) In some cells the partition will be incomplete, what is this partition called?
(x) Draw the following in your record book.
1. An interphase cell
2. A cell at prophase
3. A cell at metaphase
4. A cell at anaphase
5. A cell at telophase
6. A cell showing cell plate formation (cytokinesis)
1. Use clean slides and coverslips.
2. While fixing the tissues do not leave it in acid for more than the required time.
3. Do not heat the slide. It is only to be warmed.
4. After putting coverslip over stained material, blot off excess stain.
5. Do not allow the slide to dry up.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 9
Animals and plants have evolved special features in order to live successfully in a particular
habitat. These features known as adaptive features, help the organisms to adjust to their
You will study the adaptive features in a hydrophyte (Water hyacinth), xerophyte
(Opuntia) and a parasitic animal (Tapeworm).
After completeing this exercise, you should be able to :
identify the specimen and know its habitat;
list the general features as well as the special adaptive features of these organisms;
mention the role played by the adaptive features;
identify and relate the habitat of other organisms showing similar adaptive features.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
7. Some parasitic worms have thick cuticle which protects them from the action of
digestive enzymes of the host.
Material Required
1. Fresh or preserved specimens of (a) water Hyacinth (b) Opuntia (c) preserved Notes
specimen of tapeworm and a slide of head of tapeworm (scolex)
2. Hand lens
How to proceed
1. Water Hyacinth Free floating aquatic plant :
Take a fresh or preserved specimen and
observe its parts carefully. Take special
note of the following :
(a) Roots - Its type, growth pattern
and any special feature that comes
to your notice.
(b) Stem - Its nature, length etc.
(c) Leaves - Observe the petiole, the
protective coating on the leaves
and the texture of the leaves.
Note down the special features that
help it to survive in aquatic habitat. Fig. 9.1
Record your observations.
2. Opuntia are xeric plants so observe a fresh or
preserved specimen with special attention to
(a) Root - Its type, length etc.
(b) Stem - If it is modified then the type of
modifications it shows. Observe its
colour. Does it suggest any special
function that it perform?
(c) Leaves - are present ? If not, then what
are they modified into. What is the
significance of this modification?
Fill up observation Fig. 9.2
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Observation 1
(i) Are the plants rooted or freely floating?
(ii) Is the roots system poorly developed or well developed?
(iii) Are root hairs present or absent?
(iv) Is the fibrous root system or tap root system?
(v) What is the significance of these types of roots?
(vi) What is the nature of the petiole of the leaf?
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(vii) What role do the air cavities in the stem or petiole play in life of plant in aquatic
(viii) What is the nature of special coating on the leaves? How is it useful? Notes
(ix) List the special adaptive features in water hyacinth for aquatic life
(i) ........................... (ii) ........................... (iii) ...........................
(x) Draw a labelled diagram of the specimen.
Observation 2
(i) What is the nature of the stem? Is it fleshy or dry?
(ii) Are there any leaves present? What are they reduced to ? What is the significance?
(iii) What is the term used to describe such a stem?
(iv) How have such plants reduced the loss of water?
(v) Draw a labelled diagram of specimen.
Observation 3
(i) Draw a labelled diagram showing
(a) Scolex with hooks and suckers
(b) Neck
(c) Proglottides
(ii) What is the use of the hooks and suckers in the scolex?
(a) .................................................................................................................
(b) .................................................................................................................
(iii) Comment upon the digestive system of Taenia.
(a) Does it have a well developed digestive system?
(b) How does its obtain food?
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1. Carefully handle the opuntia plant with fine spines, it is fresh specimen.
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Exercise 10(a)
Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth. It is formed by disintegration and decomposition
of rocks. Soil is a mixture of mineral particles of varying sizes and decaying organic matter
called humus. Numerous organisms live in soil and soil sustains plant life. On the nature
of soil depends the type of plants or crops that can be grown on it.
After performing the exercise, you should be able to :
acquire the skill of setting up the experiment;
identify different layers or components of the soil;
compare the physical properties of different soil samples. Fig. 10.1 Soil sample
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Material Required
(i) Paper bags for collecting soil samples (ii) Hand lens
(iii) Measuring cylinder (iv) Water
(v) Glass rod
Fig. 10(a) Different layers formed by different types of soil particles in water.
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3. What is the colour and texture of the soil sample A, B and C in the table given below
1. Soil samples should be collected in separate bag labelled and brought to the
2. The thickness of the layers formed in water should be carefully measured.
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Exercise 10(b)
Soil water is one of the most important ecological factors. Soil water is derived either
from rain or from irrigation. All the water falling on soil in an area is not retaind by it.
Most of it is lost as gravitational water, the rest of it is retained as capillary water
and hygroscopic water. The amount of water retained by the soil depends upon its
particle size.
After performing the exercise, you should be able to :
acquire the skill of weighing soil samples by using physical balance;
develop the skill to set up an apparatus to perform this exercise;
explain that water rises up in soil by capillarily;
explain why different soil samples have different water holding capacities.
Material Required
(i) Garden soil sample (ii) Small tin cans with perforated bottom
(iii) Road side soil sample (iv) Petridish
(v) Filter papers (vi) Water
(vii) Weighing balance
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Biology Practical Biology Practical
1 2 3 4 5
Soil sample Wt of the Wt of the can Wt of the can Wt of water
empty can (x) after filling after removing retained by
2. How much time did the water take to rise to the top in the two samples?
3. What was the final weight of the soils after the completion of the experiment?
Sample A ................. gm
Sample B .................. gm
Sample A .................. gm
Sample B .................. gm
5. Which of the two samples has a higher water holding capacity, sample A or sample
Sample A ..................
Sample B ..................
7. How do you corelate the water holding capacity with the texture of the soil?
Did the sample with finer texture of soil show higher water holding capacity?
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1. The tins should be weighed accurately.
2. Weighing of the cans after taking out of the petridishes should be done only after
dripning of water has stopped. Notes
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Exercise 11
Materials move in and out of the cells by different cell processes. Water moves in and
out of the cells by osmosis through the cell membrane. This exercise aims at studying
the osmosis in detail.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
develop a skill to make an osmometer with some plant material such as carrot, potato;
reason out that cell membrane of the potato cells acts as semipermeable membrane.
Materials Required
(i) Potato (ii) Sugar Solution (iii) Stand
(iv) Petridish (v) Water (vi) Scalpel
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Pin Petridish
Potato Notes
1. Make a cavity carefully in the potato so that it should deep enough.
2. Initial level of water should be carefully marked.
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Exercise 12
Plants take CO2 and water to produce food in the presence of sunlight. The process
is referred to as photosynthesis. O2 is one of the end products during photosynthesis.
In the present exercise you will study the rate of photosynthesis in an aquatic plant
Hydrilla. Rate of photosynthesis will be measured by counting the number of bubbles
evolved per minute from the cut end of the plant.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
explain that different wave lengths of light affect the rate of photosynthesis;
explain that release of O2 during the day indicates that photosynthesis is taking place,
argue that it is therefore one of the reasons to suggest that during night one should
not sleep under the trees because at night there is photosynthesis and therefore, no
O2 is evolved but only CO2 is released in respiration;
explain giving one reason why during the day, one feels fresh under the tree; (that
is because of oxygen given out by the trees)
give reason why aquatic plants are best suited for such experiments.
Materials Required
(i) Water (ii) Sodium bicarbonate (iii) Glass rod (v) Hydrilla plants
(vi) Glass jar (12’’ by 5’’) or xuide-mouth bottle
(vii) Stop watch with seconds hand
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(v) Now introduce the Hydrilla plant which is tied to a rod, inside the jar filled with
The Hydrilla plant must always remain submerged in water.
(vii) Add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to the water which will provide
CO2 to the plant.
(viii) What do you observe at the cut end of stem of Hydrilla twig? You will find that
air bubbles are coming out.
(ix) Keep the set up in full sunlight and take five readings by counting the number of
bubbles per minute using a stop watch.
(x) Remove the set up in the shade and count the number of bubbles per minute using
a stop watch.
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No. of observation No of bubbles given out/minute
Notes Full Under the shade Mean
sunlight of a tree
(i) In which light the number of bubbles evolved is more?
(ii) Why is it that under the tree shade there is less number of bubbles per minute?
(iii) Name the gas which is evolved in the form of bubbles.
(iv) What is the source of the gas mentioned in item no. (iii) above
(v) Name the process involved in this experiment.
(vi) What does the rate of bubbles given out indicate?
(vii) Can we replace Hydrilla by any grass or any common plant like balsam or rose?
Yes/No ............................... and why?
1. Set up the apparatus very carefully.
2. Never permit air bubbles to enter the xylem vessels of Hydrilla. Therefore always
keep the twigs submerged in water.
3. Do not damage the plant while tying to the grass rod.
Exercise l3
All seeds have the same function i.e. to produce a new plant. For this they have an
embryo, but they also have some other parts. This exercise is intended to make you study
by yourself the detailed structure of the two common seeds gram and bean. In the dry
condition they are available throughout the year.
After performing this exercise you should be able to :
identify the different parts of the seed;
highlight the characteristics of each component of the seed;
justify the classification of the two prescribed seeds as dicotyledonous;
make a temporary mount of the embryonal axis;
identify the embryonal axis and its parts such as epicotyl and hypocotyl regions;
identify two basic patterns of germination like epigeal and hypogeal.
Material Required
(i) Seeds of gram/bean/castor (iii) Watch glass/Petridish
(ii) Dissecting microscope/hand lens (iv) Needles
(v) Ice cream cups (vi) Soil
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Observation No. 1
(i) What is the shape of the seed (somewhat conical, rounded or kidney shaped)
......................................................................................................................... Notes
Observation No. 2
(i) How many cotyledons are there?
(ii) What is the colour of the cotyledons?
Observation No. 3
(i) What is nature of the outer surface of the cotyledons? (Convex, concave or flat)
(ii) What is the shape of the inner surface of the cotyledons? (Convex, concave or
Observation No. 4
(i) How many distinct parts do you see in the embryonal axis? (One, two, three or more)
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Embryo lies dormant in the seed but when supplied with moisture and optimum
temperature, the embryo becomes active and grows and develops into a small seedling.
Notes The process by which the dormant embryo becomes active and grows out of the seed
coat and establishes itself as a seedling is called germination.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to :
develop the skill of germinating the seeds under optimum conditions;
identify the two basic patterns of germination : epigeal and hypogeal;
identify the embryonal axis and its parts such as epicotyl and hypocotyl regions.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Fig. 13.2 Seed germination of bean and gram seeds
2. What was the nature of the first leaf formed in (a) gram and (b) bean?
3. What happen to the cotyledons in the (a) gram seeds and (b) bean seeds. You may
dig out the germinating seeds to see the condition of the cotyledons.
4. Which portion of the embryonal axis grow faster epicotyl/hypocotyl in (a) and (b)?
6. What is the major difference you find in the first pair of leave in the two types of
seedlings and why?
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1. Make sure to keep the soil wet through the experiment.
2. While digging the soil to examine the condition of the cotyledons, do not damage
Notes the seeds.
2. Students may take help from the teacher to select out right kind of seeds to study
epigeal and hypogeal germination.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 14
All living beings respire whether a developing baby plant (germinating seeds) or a
developing human foetus, or a single cell. During respiration oxygen is taken in while
carbon dioxide is liberated which can be demonstrated by the present exercise.
After performing this exercise you should be able to:
develop a skill to set up an apparatus to perform this exercise;
reason out why germinating seeds and not dry seeds are selected;
explain that the rate of respiration is higher in germinating seeds than in non-
germinating ones, as the rate of growth is faster.
Materials Required
(i) Conical flask-250 ml, capacity (v) Small bottle (4 cm × 3/4 cm)
(ii) One holed rubber cork (vi) Thread
(iii) Glass-tube bent twice at right angles
(vii) KOH-pellets (caustic or potassium hydroxide)
(iv) Beaker
(viii) Gram seeds/Moong seeds/Wheat grains
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(x) Introduce one end of the bent glass tube into the conical flask through the cork.
(xi) The end of the tube must be slightly away from the seeds.
(xii) Dip the other end into a beaker of water coloured with a drop of saffranin.
(xiii) Mark the initial level of water inside the tube.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Observation 1
(i) Why do we take germinating seeds for this experiment and not the dry seeds?
......................................................................................................................... Notes
(ii) Can we take young floral buds instead of germinating seeds? Yes/No
(iii) If your answer is ‘Yes’ what precaution to be taken?
(iv) Why do we take KOH pellets inside the conical flask?
(v) Why is the other end of the tube dipped in beaker of water?
(vi) Does the level of water in the tube (a) remain same, (b) rise or (c) fall?
(vii) State a suitable reason for your answer in Q. No. (vi)
(viii) Name the process that your experiment has demonstrated.
(ix) Define or explain the process, mentioned in answer no. (viii)
(x) Can you perfom the experiment with boiled seeds? If not why not?
(i) The cork of the flask should remain air tight.
(ii) The KOH pellets should not come in contact with the germinating seeds.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Exercise 15
Enzymes are involved in major physiological processes and biochemical reactions in the
living body systems such as digestion, cellular respiration, biosynthesis etc. Salivary
amylase is present in our saliva and is an important enzyme for digestion in the mouth.
After performing this exercise, you should be able to:
reason out that
(i) enzymes are specific for specific biochemical reactions;
(ii) act best at optimum temperature and pH;
develop skill to prepare different solutions of specific concentration;
show that salivary amylase acts best on cooked starch.
Materials Required
(i) Test-tubes (vii) Starch powder
(ii) Test-tube stand (viii) Iodine
(iii) Beakers (ix) Benedicts reagent
(iv) Burner (x) Pipette
(v) Measuring cylinder. (xi) Water bath
(vi) Physical balance (xii) Thermometer
Note : Starch solution and iodine solution to be prepared one day before the experiment.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(iv) When the air bubbles form, remove the flask from the source of heat.
(ii) Chew a piece of paraffix wax, to get saliva collected in your mouth. Chewing
enhances secretion of saliva.
(iv) Filter the saliva through a thin layer of moistened cotton to collect frothless, clear
saliva in another test-tube (Fig. 15.1)
(v) Take two test-tubes A and B. Pour 1 ml. of 1% starch solution in both A and B.
Add a drop of iodine in A.
(vi) Pour 1 ml of saliva in B and add one drop of iodine solution to it.
(viii) Get a water-bath. If you do not have one, make one as given below (Fig. 15.2).
Biology Practical Biology Practical
(xv) Immediately take out 2 drops of digestion mixture and add it into the test-tube
D containing iodine. (Fig.19.3a)
Note the change in colour of the iodine and record in work-sheet.
(xvi) After 5 minutes repeat the previous step. This time use test-tube-E. (Fig. 19.3b)
Note the change in colour if any and record it in work-sheet.
(xvii) After 5 minutes again repeat the earlier step. This time use test-tube (F). (Fig.
Note the change in colour if any and record it in work-sheet.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Clue : Some chemical reaction must have taken place during this time.
(xviii) Keep all the three test-tubes (D,E and F) and compare the colours and fill up
Observation 1.
Salivary amylase of saliva acts on starch and converts it into sugar. During this chemical
action some intermediate substances like dextrins are formed. Dextrins give reddish
brown colour with iodine.
Observation 1
(i) Why do you rinse your mouth before collecting saliva in a test tube?
(ii) Did you find any change in colour in test-tube A?
If yes, what was the colour?
(iii) Did you find any change in colour in test- Tube B? Yes/No
(iv) What was the significance of keeping the digestion mixture in water-bath at a
temperature of 38°C.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Change in colour
(i) Test-tube D ...................... Why/ ......................
(ii) Test-tube E ...................... Why/ ......................
(iii) Test-tube F ...................... Why/ ......................
(Hint :- Starch may be undigested, partially digested, completely digested)
(vi) How much time has your saliva taken to convert starch into sugar?
1. Rinse your mouth before collecting saliva.
2. Prepare the solutions carefully.
3. Make sure the required temperature is maintained in the water bath.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Execise 16
(Optional Module)
The progress in genetics has been largely due to experiments with common red-eyed
fruit fly (Drosophilla) hovering over fruits. It is easily available and easily cultured. The
generation time (time to complete development is also short). It has conspicuous stages
carvae and pupa observing the eggs hatch into larvae of then into adults through pupal
stage is a delight to watch.
After preparing a culture of Drosophila, you should be able to :
prepare the culture medium;
crop this from the fruit shop;
transfer flies from one bottle to another;
identify the various stages of life history.
Materials Required
(i) Empty jam bottle or milk bottle (ii) agar (iii) yeast
(iv) sugar, (v) corn flour, (vi) propionic acid,
(vii) banana (viii) water (ix) brush
3. Add one gram of yeast, 5 grams of sugar and 7.5 grams of conflour to the above
4. Heat the mixture till it is semi solid.
5. Transfer it into the empty and clean jam bottle.
6. Add a drop of propionic acid to it. The culture bottle is ready.
7. Put on overripe banana in an empty and clean bottle. Place it at a fruit shop. Soon
red eyed fruit flies will come into the bottle.
8. Bring the bottle containing fruit flies to your place and transfer the fruit flies into the
culture bottle. Note the date and time.
9. Observe the tiny, red eyed fruit flies daily and record your observations.
10. Note the changes they undergo from egg to larva, larva to pupa and pupa to adult.
11. Draw diagrams of each stage.
12. Do not forget to write the date and time of each observation.
1. The nutrient medium should not become hard
2. Care should be taken while transferring flies
3. Close observation is needed to see the various larval stages or larval instars as they Notes
grow in size.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Execise 16(b)
After completing this project, you should be able to
know and differentiate between temporary increase due to water absorption and
permanent increase in size and number of plant organs.
develop the skill of using methods to measure length and size of roots, stems and
learn the technique of measuring number and size of leaves.
learn to draw a graph to show the growth pattern of various organs of the plant.
Material Required
(i) Discarded bulb or jam bottle (ii) money plant (iii) water
(iv) thread (v) scale (vi) graph paper, pencil
3. Measurement of length of the internodes and the size and number leaves can be
recorded every day at the same time to determine the growth pattern of money plant.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
1. Take a neat and clean empty bulb or jam bottle.
2. Fill three-fourth of it with fresh water.
3. Collect a piece of money plant with one or two leaves and grow in the bulb/bottle Notes
at a place with sufficient light.
4. Change the water twice a day.
5. Observe and record the growth
pattern of the money plant.
6. continue collecting the data for 15
7. Draw conclusions about
(i) Time taken by roots to appear
(ii) Time taken by new leaves to
(iii) Growth rate of roots
(iv) Growth rate of stem
(v) Growth rate of leaves
(vi) Draw the diagram of each
stage. Fig. 16.2 Growth pattern of money plant
8. Plot a graph to represent growth patterns of roots, stem and leaves. In such growth
curves, take time along x-axis and length about y-axis.
9. Present your record in the form of a project report.
1. Observation be recorded for the same set of organs during the experiment
2. Mark the roots, leaves and stem portion with the help of tages
Biology Practical Biology Practical
Execise 16(c)
The books are kept in the libraries in a classified manner, so that it becomes easier for
us to find a specific book when we need it. The same idea applies to systems guiding
us about living world. Plants are kept in dry conditions mounted on hard sheets fo paper,
in a classified manner in a herbarium. Preparation of a plant to be kept in a herbarium
is an important technique.
After performing the exercise, you should be able to :
Material Required
(i) A gardener’s knife (ii) a plant press blotting papers or news papers
(iii) trowel (iv) herbarium sheets
(v) tape (vi) pen
(vii) plastic bags (viii) water
(ix) tags (x) labels.
Biology Practical Biology Practical
1. Collect 10 to 15 plants of different types from various localities with the help of knife
and trowel.
2. The plants should be from at least five different groups. Notes
3. The plants should be moistened with water and kept in the plastic bags during
4. At the time of collection, the plant specimen should have all the parts such as stem,
root and leaf.
5. Name of location, from where the specimen has been collected, should be taggd
with it.
6. The collected plant should be spread evenly between the sheets of blotting paper
or newspapers.
7. Then the plant should be pressed with the help of a plant press. If the plant press
is not available, then some other heavy objects having plane surface can be used
for the purpose.
8. While pressing, care must be taken that the parts of the plant do not overlap and
the pressure is applied uniformly on the entire plant
9. The plant should be kept under some heavy weight for about three days.
10. The plant is taken out of the sheets, that is the sheets should be blotting paper or
newspapers changed for about three days. The same procedure is followed with other
plant specimens simultaneously.
11. Now, the dried specimens are mounted on the herbarium sheets/big drawing sheets
with the help of tape.
12. Only one specimen should be mounted on one herbarium sheet.
13. On each sheet the following detail should be given on the lower right hand corner.
(i) The site of collection
(ii) Date of collection
(iii) Name of the plant
(iv) Family
(v) Ecological and morphological note
(vi) Habitat
(vii) Name of the collector
14. Herbarium sheets should be preserved safely with moth balls/naphthalene balls etc.
15. These sheets should be presented in the form of a file.
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1. If a plant is too large then a 12 inch long flowering twig can be collected and identified
2. The leaves must be pressed in a manner that they do not overlap and get crinkled.
3. make sure that the plants contain flowers