Entrepreneurship Development For Students: Abstract
Entrepreneurship Development For Students: Abstract
Entrepreneurship Development For Students: Abstract
1. Introduction
Organizing entrepreneurship and business-based education in order to prepare
independent, innovative, visionary, faithful and globally oriented Human Resources is
needed; the importance of entrepreneurship education and training in a campus
environment is expected to grow alumni as young entrepreneurs who are able to create
jobs. 1) The role of higher education institutions in integrating entrepreneurship
education into the curriculum, shaping the character of entrepreneurial independence
and implementing entrepreneurship education in the campus environment, 2) The
problem in higher education in general in realizing students who are oriented as
entrepreneurs is in determining the right entrepreneurial training and development
model for students so that they can produce young, independent and sustainable
entrepreneurs. Students have a lot of ideas and creativity in opening a business, but they
only stop at the end of the lecture, which is usually an entrepreneurship bazaar, after
graduating from their entrepreneurship course they stop opening a business.
The problem in the marketing sector is that there is no marketing network with the
business world and the industrial world. They do not have a place of business. The
purpose of the Student Entrepreneurship Development Program is to develop student
entrepreneurship in order to produce new, profitable young entrepreneurs to create jobs
and assist the government in alleviating unemployment and poverty. The solution to the
problem in determining the right entrepreneurial training and development model is to
provide entrepreneurship training to students by applying an entrepreneurial training
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 152
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-3, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
development model through a Project Based Learning approach based on contextual
business problems, applying the planned business in a real way. This model will be a
form of community-based education (fostering active student participation in education
and training) which is able to change the mindset of students to have an entrepreneurial
spirit and form new entrepreneurs who are profit-oriented and sustainable in business,
placing students to carry out apprenticeships at companies or business units. 3) Solution
to problems in the field of on-line, off-line and place of business marketing, by
providing training for business startups and marketplaces for their products and
services. For business premises, we direct us to open a business from our respective
homes, as well as providing a place of business on campus.
2. Method
a. Disseminating the Entrepreneurship Development program (PPK) to students of
the Faculty of Computer Science at Duta Bangsa University (UDB)
b. Recruitment of 20 tenants from PPK participants through selection of business plan
proposals and presentations on business plans and business activities they have
carried out. The presentation was made online because during the recruitment
process during the corona virus pandemic, 19 students were not allowed to come to
The track record of the business that has been carried out, reports on services that
have been performed and paying attention to the innovation and creativity products
produced, paying attention to the economic value and market needs of the product
or being sold make a consideration for recruiting as a tenant.
c. Providing entrepreneurship training, starting with business group mapping,
business motivation, industry visits according to business mapping, production
practices, packaging of products or services to consumers, on-line and off-line
marketing strategies as well as business management and preparation of financial
d. Creating a teaching factor or outlet in the UDB campus environment, monitoring
business nets by coming directly to the place of business to find out consumers who
come to the outlet and business continuity.
e. Evaluation of PPK activities by evaluating the number of tenants who are truly
independent and able to be released to open businesses outside campus.
3. Result
3.1 The Activities Implementation
Preliminary activities were carried out in early August 2019 by going through a
situation and problem analysis. While, for the implementation of activities for 8 months
starting in February 2020 at Duta Bangsa University, Surakarta. This activity was
attended by students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Duta Bangsa University
Surakarta through a program of socialization and tenant selection. From the selection
results obtained 20 Student Tenants.
We do PPK activities according to the implementation method with the Project
Based Learning (PBL) method. The majority of student businesses are carried out at
home using the on-line marketing method and all are done by themselves so that the
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 153
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-3, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
results are not optimal. In this entrepreneurial development program, we aim to form an
organizational structure so that work can be done together and can serve consumers
maximally. We divert the work that was originally done in our room to be done in front
of the house so that the business that is being carried out is easily recognized by the
surrounding community. From the results of student entrepreneurship development,
there are 7 group business groups and 3 independent businesses, namely:
SP computer was established in groups consisting of 3 students of class 2017
Informatics Engineering study program. Type of Business SP Computer is a PC,
laptop, printer computer service. Besides that, it also sells cellphone accessories,
headphones and electronic equipment.
b. DC COMPUTER, Computer Services with a ball pick-up system and also working in
consumer places, carried out independently, Information System students’ class of
c. IMAGINATION NOTES Creative Lounge and Coffee, web design services for
Computer and Coffee are carried out in groups from Information Systems Students
class of 2017.
d. SHIFCOMPUTER PC, laptop and smartphone computer services. Carried out in
groups from the Class 2017 Information System Students and 2018 batch.
e. MCHDESIGN, services in the field of multimedia, accepting design orders,
processing graduation photos, birthday photos etc. conducted independently,
Informatics Engineering students’ class of 2018.
f. GAMMACOM PC, laptop and printer computer services. Carried out in groups of
Informatics Engineering Students class of 2017.
g. TAJJI, Web Computer Design services are carried out in groups of Information
System Students class of 2017
h. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING, a digital marketing service that sells followers to
help newly opened businesses, the 2016 class of information system students.
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-3, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
3.2 Activities Documentation
4. Acknowledgments
The team for implementing community service activities for entrepreneurship
development programs would like to thank:
Directorate of Research and Community Service Directorate General of Research and
Development Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Deputy of
Research and Development Strengthening Ministry of Research and
Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency for 2020. (RISTEK BRIN)
which has funded this activity.
Implementing partners of Duta Bangsa University Surakarta entrepreneurship
development program that has helped carry out this activity.
Students who have helped the implementation of this PPK activity.
All parties who have helped the Student Entrepreneurship Development Program.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 155
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-3, 2020 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
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