E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During THE Pandemic
E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During THE Pandemic
E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During THE Pandemic
Covid-19 is a very big concern for the Indonesian people. Many losses incurred
from this pandemic have an impact on the Indonesian economy. After experiencing a rapid
increase in cases, the government made a policy in overcoming the covid-19 pandemic,
with the enactment of the PSBB listed in Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020. With the
PSBB, all activities that are usually carried out were forced to stop.
Apart from providing knowledge, lecturers also practice their expertise, and one
way is through community service activities (PKM). Based on this, a community service
project with an entrepreneurial focus was planned. This issue was raised because it is
considered very relevant to current conditions, especially for the younger generation. This
activity is intended to be a tool that helps teach teenagers about how to start their own
business. It is hoped that this activity can provide information and experience to teenagers
in entrepreneurship, so as to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship.
All activities in the industrial and office sectors were temporarily forced to stop
operating. In addition, the education sector, public services, all places of worship, shopping
Website : http://jurnal.dokicti.org/index.php/bersama/index
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Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
centers, restaurants and tourist attractions also experienced the same thing. This social or
physical distancing has led to an overall decline in economic activity. Many employees are
laid off and various companies are even threatened with bankruptcy. If this pandemic lasts
for a long time, it is likely that the number will continue to grow.(Joeliaty et al., 2023).
Indonesia currently has a population of around 200 million people, and as that
number increases, so does the need for jobs, shelter, food, and education. Hundreds of
millions, if not millions of people look for jobs every year. They try to apply for jobs in
organizations that they believe match their qualifications. Few people think about creating
jobs. They want to work as laborers, clerks, employees, or even just sell their labor for
nothing in the hope of getting paid As a result of this, many other aspects are affected,
including casual workers, MSME players, restaurant businesses and other businesses that
involve many people. This impact will automatically affect the decline in people's
purchasing power. The solution to this problem is that information and communication
technology becomes a bridge for all parties to continue to survive in various conditions.
The adaptation and implementation of information and communication technology in the
economic sector is inevitable.(Emiliani et al., 2021).
The application of Information and Communication Technology is not only
monopolized by certain circles or upper-class entrepreneurs, but has become a necessity
for all circles today. (Wijoyo & Widiyanti, 2020). However, it is an obstacle for business
people who have not been able to adapt and implement information and communication
technology in their business. Technical and other obstacles are a challenge for every
business actor at every level to survive in pandemic conditions. Financial reports on the
condition of the capital market and financial services industry can improve the socio-
economic and cultural aspects of society and help regulate financial instruments. (Lidyah
et al., 2020; Maliah & Panorama, 2022; Mismiwati, 2020; Muhammad Syarifati &
Panorama, 2022; Panorama et al., 2022)..
An entrepreneur's ability to make decisions that will increase the capacity of his
business in the future will determine how successful he is in business. The process of
getting permission from group members to carry out various desired actions to achieve
group goals is known as decision-making. Financial records clearly show how the financial
sector has evolved. Moreover, business ethics play a major role in financing all productive
activities that help people get out of economic poverty. (Amalin et al., 2023; Azwari et al.,
2023; Bayumi & Diem, 2023; Mismiwati et al., 2022; Pratama Porwokerto et al., 2023).
Pengusaha saat ini dapat mengembangkan bisnis mereka dengan menggunakan teknologi
Entrepreneurs today can grow their businesses by using e-commerce information
technology, as it allows them to showcase their products or services to a wide audience
without being restricted by physical location. This is due to the fact that websites serve as
a source of information that can be accessed from any location in the world, provided an
internet connection is available. Children can be taught sound financial roles and practices
to help them take an active role in managing their own resources and to lessen their lack of
knowledge of financial literacy, which can lead to unintended consequences (Antasari et
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
50 Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
al., 2022; Barkah, 2014; Barkah et al., 2022, 2023; Huzaimah et al., 2023; Huzaimah &
Aziz, 2018; Rusdi & Tjahjono, 2023).
State Islamic University (UIN) Raden Fatah Palembang carries out the duties of Tri
Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which includes education and teaching activities, research and
community service. The Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business as part of UIN Raden
Fatah Palembang has a study program-based community service program that is entitled to
be implemented by each study program. In this program, the Islamic banking study
program carried out community service with the theme "E-Business Based
Entrepreneurship Training During the Pandemic" which was held at the Palembang
Merdeka Post Office Hall on Jalan Merdeka Palembang on January 26, 2022.(Syariah,
This research will use a qualitative and quantitative approach to the effectiveness of
E-Business-based entrepreneurship training during the pandemic which will be held at the
Merdeka Post Office Hall Palembang, on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. This research will
use a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest group design, by providing material
to participants who take part in the training, then providing questionnaires to participants
regarding entrepreneurial knowledge before and after providing material. The population
of this research is Palembang City MSMEs with 21 participants as well as respondents.
The research process will be carried out in several stages, namely:
1. Collecting pretest data of training participants before the training.
2. The PKM from the Sharia Banking Study Program provided material about E-
Business-based entrepreneurship and online business tips to the participants.
3. Collecting posttest data to participants after training.
4. Analyze data with t-test to measure significant differences in participants'
understanding before and after training, to assess the success rate of the training.
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
Be rsama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 51
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
52 Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
- The Where dimension explains where business activities can be carried out
- The Why dimension explains why business practitioners around the world agree to
implement e-business.
Advantages of E-business
- Efficiency
● A research shows that approximately 40% of the company's total operating
costs are earmarked for information dissemination activities to related divisions.
● By utilizing information technology, it can be seen how the company can
reduce total operational costs
● For example: how email facilities can reduce the communication costs of
sending documents.
- Effectiveness
By utilizing information technology, customers can get in touch with the company at
any time. 7 days a week 24 hours non-stop
● Reach
The company is able to expand the company's reach and space for expansion
easily (across time and space boundaries) and without requiring relatively expensive costs.
● Structure
The concept of brick-and-morter transformed into click- and-morter has
changed the behavior of companies in their business approach.
● Opportunity
There are wide opportunities for business people to innovate to create new
products or services due to the discovery of new technology from time to time.
Islamic economics places great emphasis on law enforcement and responsibility in
business transactions. (Akbar & Lidyah, n.d.; Bayumi & Diem, 2023; Hartini, n.d.;
Panorama, 2017).
- Factors that influence the development of e-business implementation
● Customer Expectations
● What consumers expect at this time is not enough to be satisfied with the good
quality of a product, but customers also expect good pre- and post-sales services.
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
Be rsama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 53
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
- Competitive Imperatives
Globalization has formed a very tight competitive arena in the business world.
Customers will easily compare the quality of products and services between companies,
this forces companies to develop the right business strategy.
● Deregulation
At the macro level, deregulation carried out by the government and other countries
(or other institutions such as WTO, APEC, AFTA, etc.) has also colored the shape of the
business world in the future, especially with the concept of free trade between countries
and industries. The internet here is considered as an arena where the concept of perfect
competition and open markets has occurred, especially products and services that can be
● Technology
E-business is the advancement of information technology dominated by the
acceleration of computer technology and telecommunications. The function of information
technology is not only essential for the development of e-business but is also the driving
force behind enabling new business models.
- Synchronous Model
A large application that will synchronize the IPO mechanism of each unit by
centralizing data and processes at a single point. Example: ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) application
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
54 Bersama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
E-business Applications
● Internal Business System:
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- DMS (Document Management System)
- HRM (Human Resource Management)
● Enterprise Communication and Collaboration:
- VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
- CMS (Content Management System)
- E-mail
- Voice mail
- Electronic commerce:
- Internet shop
- Online marketing
The structure of the website is divided into 2 main supporters, namely Domain and
Definition of domain according to Wikipedia: A domain name is a unique name
given to identify the name of a computer server such as a web server or server on a
computer network or the internet. The domain name serves to make it easier for users on
the internet when accessing the server, as well as being used to remember the name of the
server being visited without having to recognize the complicated string of numbers known
as the IP address. This domain name is also known as a unit of a website such as
"wikipedia.org". Domain names are sometimes referred to as URLs, or website addresses.
● Example: for example, the IP address of the server where our web files are stored is
actually we can just type it directly in the browser to access our website, but this is
certainly not very good for people's memories, especially the memories of website
visitors who access our website. Because everyone will certainly remember a row of
words more easily than a row of numbers. For this reason, a domain is needed to
replace the row of numbers so that it becomes a row of words that are certainly easy
to remember. for example: namadomain.com will be easier to remember than
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
Be rsama : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 55
Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
In the community service program, the Islamic banking study program conducts
community service with the theme "E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training during a
Pandemic". This is because MSME businesses have decreased due to the pandemic, as well
as several obstacles including facilities and infrastructure, capital, and lack of education
about E-Business. The design of the solution so that this problem is resolved is to provide
training to the trainees so that MSMEs can develop more and expand their market reach.
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Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)
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Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni 2023, 48-59
Aryanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Muhammadinah, Kiagus Arfan (E-Business-Based Entrepreneurship Training During The Pandemic)