Vary Your Language: Percentage Fraction
Vary Your Language: Percentage Fraction
Vary Your Language: Percentage Fraction
As with any task 1, this is important. You should not keep repeating the same structures. The key language when
you write about pie charts is proportions and percentages.
However, you can also use other words and fractions. These are some examples from the model answer:
Percentage Fraction
80% four-fifths
75% three-quarters
70% seven in ten
65% two-thirds
60% three-fifths
55% more than half
50% half
45% more than two fifths
40% two-fifths
35% more than a third
30% less than a third
25% a quarter
20% a fifth
15% less than a fifth
10% one in ten
5% one in twenty
If the percentages are not exact as above, then you can use qualifiers to make sure your description remains
accurate. Here are some examples:
Percentage Qualifier
77% just over three quarters
77% approximately three quarters
49% just under a half
49% nearly a half
32% almost a third
This table presents some examples of how you can change percentages to other phrases:
proportion / number / amount /
majority / minority
75% - 85% a very large majority
65% - 75% a significant proportion
10% - 15% a minority
5% a very small number