DLP Lesson 2 - Astronomical Phenomena
DLP Lesson 2 - Astronomical Phenomena
DLP Lesson 2 - Astronomical Phenomena
Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao del Sur
Bagumbayan, Malalag, Davao del Sur
I. Objective
A. Identify the different models of astronomical phenomena (Copernican, Ptolemaic and
B. Illustrate the different models astronomical phenomena (Copernican, Ptolemaic and
C. Compare and contrast the different models astronomical phenomena (Copernican,
Ptolemaic and Tychonic)
III. Procedures
A. Review
Class, what is our topic last meeting?
B. Motivation
1. A videoclip will be presented and the students will sing the song “History Song: Nicolaus
2. What is the song all about?
3. What are the other models of astronomical phenomena that the people have believe before
based from the previous discussion?
C. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
1. The teacher will divide the class into 6 groups.
2. The group will choose their leader (L), note taker (N), presenter/s (P)
3. The topics will be given in draw lot.
4. The teachers will distribute the material for the activity.
5. The students will be given 20 minutes to illustrate and give brief discussion of their
respective topics.
NOTE: one (1) model will be assigned to 2 groups
b. Analysis
The group will present their output to the class.
Guide Questions:
1. Described the different models of astronomical phenomena (Copernican, Ptolemaic,
2. Who proposed these models?
3. How does each astronomical model differ from each other?
4. Which model is generally accepted in these modern times?
c. Abstraction
Ptolemaic model – The Earth is at the center of the universe and everything in the
universe revolves around the Earth.
Copernican model – The Sun is at the center of the universe and majority of the bodies
in the universe revolves around the Sun.
Tychonic model – The Earth is at the center of the universe. The sun revolves around
the Earth and all the other planets revolve around the Sun.
Ptolemaic/Geocentric Model
The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) was among the first scholars to
put forward an Earth-centered model of the Solar System.
His model positioned the moon, sun, planets and the stars on a series of circles that
moved around the earth.
According to Ptolemy’s model, the planets moved on small circles that in turn moved
on larger circles.
2.2 Tychonic Model
It is essentially a geocentric model; the Earth is at the center of the universe.
The Sun and Moon and the stars revolve around the Earth, and the other five
planets revolve around the Sun.
Can you now compare and contrast the three models of astronomical
d. Application
Which of the three models of astronomical phenomena is accepted and used at present? Why ?
IV. Evaluation
Draw the three alternative models of the Universe. Have it sketched in the coupon bonds with
appropriate label. (If time does not permit, these may be assigned as project.)
V. Assignment
Research about Galileo’s astronomical discoveries and observations (lunar craters, phases of
Venus, moons of Jupiter, sun spots, supernovas, the apparently identical size of stars as seen
through the naked eye and telescope observations)
Prepared by:
Gladys A. Sarael
Teacher II