Reading 6
Reading 6
Reading 6
Frequency-Domain Analysis
Since we can now represent signals in terms of a Fourier series (for periodic
signals) or a Fourier transform (for aperiodic signals), we seek a way to
We have a
describe a system in terms of frequency. That is, we seek a model of a linear, description of
signals in the
time-invariant system governed by continuous-time differential equations that frequency domain -
we need one for
expresses its behaviour with respect to frequency, rather than time. The systems
concept of a signal’s spectrum and a system’s frequency response will be seen
to be of fundamental importance in the frequency-domain characterisation of a
A sinusoid is just a
x(t ) = e jφ e jω 0t + e − jφ e − jω 0t
sum of two complex
conjugate counter-
rotating phasors 2 2
= Xe jω 0t + X *e − jω 0t
Where X is the phasor representing x(t ) . Inserting this into Eq. (4.1) gives:
( )
y(t ) = h(τ ) Xe jω0 (t −τ ) + X *e − jω0 (t −τ ) dτ
∞ ∞
= h(τ )e − jω0τ Xe jω0t dτ + h(τ )e jω0τ X *e − jω0t dτ
−∞ −∞
−∞ −∞
This rather unwieldy expression can be simplified. First of all, if we take the
Fourier transform of the impulse response, we get:
The Fourier
H (ω ) = h(t )e − jωt dt
transform of the (4.5)
impulse response
appears in our −∞
H (− ω ) = H * (ω ) (4.7)
Y * = H * (ω0 ) X * = H (− ω0 ) X * (4.9)
y(t ) = A H (ω ) cos(ω t + φ + ∠H (ω
0 0 0 )) (4.11) phase of the input
sinusoid change –
according to the
Fourier transform of
the impulse
Hence the response resulting from the sinusoidal input x(t ) = A cos(ω 0 t + φ ) is response
also a sinusoid with the same frequency ω 0 , but with the amplitude scaled by
There are two ways to get H ( f ) . We can find the system impulse response
Two ways to find the
h(t ) and take the Fourier transform, or we can find it directly from the frequency response
differential equation describing the system.
For the simple RC circuit below, find the response to an arbitrary sinusoid,
assuming no stored energy in the system (zero initial conditions). This is
termed the steady-state response, since the input is assumed to be valid for all
Finding the frequency
response of a simple
Vi C Vo
Figure 4.1
dvo (t ) 1 1 (4.13)
+ vo (t ) = vi (t )
dt RC RC
which is obtained by KVL. Since the input is a sinusoid, which is really just a
sum of conjugate complex exponentials, we know from Eq. (4.6) that the
output is Vo = H (ω 0 ) Ae j (ω0t +φ ) if the input is Vi = Ae j (ω0t +φ ) . Note that Vi and
Vo are complex numbers, and if the factor e jω0t were suppressed they would be
[ ]
H (ω 0 )Ae j (ω0t +φ ) +
[ ]
H (ω 0 )Ae j (ω0t +φ ) =
Ae j (ω0t +φ ) ] (4.14)
1 1 (4.15)
jω 0 H (ω 0 ) Ae j (ω0t +φ ) + H (ω 0 ) Ae j (ω0t +φ ) = Ae j (ω0t +φ )
1 1
jω 0 H (ω 0 ) + H (ω 0 ) =
and therefore:
1 RC (4.17)
H (ω 0 ) =
jω 0 + 1 RC
This is the frequency response for the simple RC circuit. As a check, we know
that the impulse response is:
Using your standard transforms, show that the frequency response is the
Fourier transform of the impulse response.
∠H (ω ) = − tan −1 (ωRC )
Phase response of a
lowpass RC circuit
1 2
0 ω0 2ω 0 ω
0 ω0 2ω 0 ω
-45 º
-90 º
H (ω )
Figure 4.2
termed the cutoff frequency. The bandwidth of the filter is also equal to ω 0 .
For periodic inputs, we can express the input signal by a complex exponential
Fourier series:
It follows from the previous section that the output response resulting from the
complex exponential input X n e jnω0t is equal to H (nω 0 )X n e jnω0t . By linearity,
∞ (4.23)
y (t ) = H (nω )X
n = −∞
0 n e jnω o t
Since the right-hand side is a complex exponential Fourier series, the output
y (t ) must be periodic, with fundamental frequency equal to that of the input,
ie. the output has the same period as the input.
It can be seen that the only thing we need to determine is new Fourier series The frequency
response simply
coefficients, given by: multiplies the input
Fourier series
Yn = H (nω 0 )X n
coefficients to
(4.24) produce the output
Fourier series
Yn = H (nω 0 ) X n (4.25)
Don’t forget – the
frequency response is
just a frequency and the output phase spectrum is:
dependent complex
These relationships describe how the system “processes” the various complex
exponential components comprising the periodic input signal. In particular, Eq.
(4.25) determines if the system will pass or attenuate a given component of the
input. Eq. (4.26) determines the phase shift the system will give to a particular
component of the input.
Aperiodic Inputs
If we can do finite
sinusoids, we can do Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of the time domain input/output
infinitesimal sinusoids
too! relationship of an LTI system:
Start with the
convolution integral
again y(t ) = h(t ) ∗ x(t ) (4.27)
we get:
Y( f ) = [h(t ) ∗ x(t )]e − jωt dt
and transform to the (4.28)
frequency domain
−∞ −∞
−∞ −∞
−∞ −∞
which is:
Convolution in the
Y ( f ) = H ( f )X ( f ) (4.33) time-domain is
multiplication in the
Eq. (4.33) is the frequency-domain representation of the system given by The output spectrum
is obtained by
Eq. (4.27). It says that the spectrum of the output signal is equal to the product multiplying the input
spectrum by the
of the frequency response and the spectrum of the input signal. frequency response
Note that the frequency domain description applies to all inputs that can be
Fourier transformed, including sinusoids if we allow impulses in the spectrum.
Periodic inputs are then a special case of Eq. (4.33).
By similar arguments together with the duality property of the Fourier Convolution in the
frequency-domain is
transform, it can be shown that convolution in the frequency-domain is multiplication in the
equivalent to multiplication in the time-domain.
Ideal Filters
A first look at
Now that we have a feel for the frequency-domain description and behaviour
frequency-domain of a system, we will briefly examine a very important application of electronic
descriptions - filters
circuits – that of frequency selection, or filtering. Here we will examine ideal
filters – the topic of real filter design is rather involved.
Ideal filters pass sinusoids within a given frequency range, and reject
(completely attenuate) all other sinusoids. An example of an ideal lowpass
filter is shown below:
|H| Cutoff
Vi Vo
Pass Stop filter
0 ω0 ω
Figure 4.3
Filter types Other basic types of filters are highpass, bandpass and bandstop. All have
similar definitions as given in Figure 4.3. Frequencies that are passed are said
to be in the passband, while those that are rejected lie in the stopband. The
point where passband and stopband meet is called ω 0 , the cutoff frequency.
f (4.36)
H ( f ) = Krect
Sampling is one of the most important operations we can perform on a signal.
Sampling is one of
Samples can be quantized and then operated upon digitally (digital signal the most important
processing). Once processed, the samples are turned back into a continuous- things we can do to
a continuous-time
time waveform. (eg. CD, mobile phone!) Here we demonstrate how, if certain signal – because we
can then process it
parameters are right, a sampled signal can be reconstructed from its samples digitally
almost perfectly.
An ideal sampler
multiplies a signal
g (t ) g (t ) p (t ) = gs ( t ) by a uniform train of
p (t )
Figure 4.4
Let g( t ) be a time domain signal. If we multiply it by δ (t − kT )
k =−∞
s we get an
∞ (4.49)
g s (t ) = g(t )⋅ δ ( t − kTs )
k =−∞
An ideal sampler
produces a train of
impulses - each g (t ) g s (t )
impulse is weighted B B
sampled signal
by the original signal g (t )
-2 /B -1 /B 0 1/B 2/B t -2 /B -1 /B 0 1/B 2/B t
p (t )
-2Ts - Ts 0 Ts 2Ts t
Figure 4.5
∞ (4.50)
Gs ( f ) = G ( f ) ∗ f s δ ( f − nf )
n = −∞
= fs G( f − nf )
n = −∞
P (f )
-2 fs - fs 0 fs 2 fs f
Figure 4.6
Thus the Fourier transform of the sampled waveform is a scaled replica of the
original, periodically repeated along the frequency axis. Spacing between
∞ (4.51)
F [Gs ( f )] = g (t ) ∗ Ts
δ (t − kT ) s
k = −∞
Thus, sampling in the frequency domain results in periodicy in the time Sampling in one
domain implies
domain. We already know this! We know a periodic time domain signal can be periodicy in the
synthesised from sinusoids with frequencies nf 0 , ie. has a transform consisting other
of impulses at frequencies nf 0 .
We now see the general pattern: Sampling in one domain implies periodicy in
the other.
If a sampled signal g s (t ) is applied to an ideal lowpass filter of bandwidth B,
the only component of the spectrum Gs ( f ) that is passed is just the original
spectrum G ( f ) .
We recover the
original spectrum by
lowpass filtering
gs (t ) g( t )
Figure 4.7
Hence the output of the filter is equal to g (t ) , which shows that the original
signal can be completely and exactly reconstructed from the sampled
waveform g s (t ) .
A weighted train of
impulses turns back
into the original
signal after lowpass B g s (t ) g( t ) B
-2 /B -1 /B 0 1 /B 2 /B t -2 /B -1 /B 0 1 /B 2 /B t
Figure 4.8
-2B -B 0 B 2B f
H( f ) 1/ fs
-2 B -B 0 B 2B f
Figure 4.9
There are some limitations to perfect reconstruction though. One is that time-
We can’t sample
and reconstruct limited signals are not bandlimited (eg. rect function). Any time-limited signal
perfectly, but we can
get close! therefore cannot be perfectly reconstructed, since there is no sample rate high
enough to ensure repeats of the original spectrum do not overlap. However,
many signals are essentially bandlimited, which means spectral components
higher than, say B, do not make a significant contribution to either the shape or
energy of the signal.
We saw that sampling in one domain implies periodicy in the other. If the
We have to ensure
function being made periodic has an extent that is smaller than the period, there no spectral overlap
when sampling
will be no resulting overlap and hence it will be possible to recover the
continuous (unsampled) function by windowing out just one period from the
domain displaying periodicy.
f s > 2B
- fs - B 0 B fs f
Figure 4.10
How to avoid
To summarise – we can avoid aliasing by either:
1. Selecting a sample rate higher than twice the bandwidth of the signal
(equivalent to saying that the foldover frequency is greater than the
bandwidth of the signal); or
2. By bandlimiting (using a filter) the signal so that its bandwidth is less than
half the sample rate.
0 t -B 0 B f
s(t ) S(f )
1 fs
0 Ts t -f s 0 fs f
g s (t ) Gs ( f )
0 t -f s -B 0 B fs f
h (t ) H( f ) 1
1 fs
0 Ts t - f s /2 0 f s /2 f
g r (t ) Gr ( f )
0 t -B 0 B f
Figure 4.11
Another practical and very important application of Fourier analysis is when
we consider an operation called modulation.
AM transmission, the signal x(t ) and the carrier cos(ω c t ) are simply
Double side-band –
suppressed carrier
(DSB-SC) Signal multiplier
x( t ) y ( t ) = x ( t ) cos(2π f c t ) = modulated signal
cos(2π f c t )
Figure 4.12
The local oscillator in Figure 4.12 is a device that produces the sinusoidal
signal cos(ω c t ) . The multiplier is implemented with a non-linear device, and is
X ( f ) ∗ δ ( f − f0 ) = X ( f − f0 ) (4.53)
The spectrum of the modulated signal is a replica of the signal spectrum but
“shifted up” in frequency. If the signal has a bandwidth equal to B then the
modulated signal spectrum has an upper sideband from f c to f c + B and a
-2 -1 0 1 2 t modulated signal -2 -1 1 2 t
cos(2π f c t )
-2 -1 0 1 2 t
Figure 4.13
- fc 0 fc f
Figure 4.14
Modulation lets us The higher frequency range of the modulated signal makes it possible to
share the spectrum,
and achieves achieve good propagation in transmission through a cable or the atmosphere. It
practical also allows the “spectrum” to be shared by independent users – eg. radio, TV,
mobile phone etc.
The reconstruction of x(t ) from x(t )cos(ω c t ) is called demodulation. There are
many ways to demodulate a signal, here we will consider one common method
called synchronous or coherent demodulation.
demodulation of a
x ( t ) cos(2π f c t ) x ( t ) cos2(2π f c t ) lowpass
x (t ) DSB-SC signal
cos(2π f c t )
Figure 4.15
The first stage of the demodulation process involves applying the modulated Coherent
waveform x(t )cos(ω c t ) to a multiplier. The other signal applied to the demodulation
requires a carrier at
the receiver that is
multiplier is a local oscillator which is assumed to be synchronized with the synchronized with
carrier signal cos(ω c t ) , ie. there is no phase shift between the carrier and the the transmitter
[X ( f − f c ) + X ( f + f c )]∗ 1 [δ ( f − f c ) + δ ( f + f c )]
2 2
1 1
= X ( f ) + [ X ( f − 2 f c ) + X ( f + 2 f c )]
2 4
x(t ) can be “extracted” from the output of the multiplier by lowpass filtering
with a cutoff frequency of B Hz and a gain of 2.
x(t )cos 2 (2πf c t ) = x(t ) (1 + cos(4πf c t ))
2 (4.56)
Therefore, it is easy to see that lowpass filtering, with a gain of 2, will produce
x(t ) . An example of demodulation in the time-domain is given below:
Demodulation in the
x ( t ) cos (2π f c t )
x ( t ) cos(2 π f c t )
-2 -1 0 1 2 t x( t )
1 1
x (t )
-2 -1 0 1 2 t filter -2 -1 0 1 2 t
cos(2π f c t )
-2 -1 0 1 2 t
Figure 4.16
Demodulation in the
Y(f )=
1 1/2
[X ( f − f c ) + X ( f − f c )] 1/4 1/4
Y (f )
-2 f c 0 2 fc f
X (f )
x (t ) 1
- fc 0 fc f
-2 -1 0 1 2 f
[δ ( f − f c ) + δ ( f + f c )] H( f ) 2
1/2 Local
-2 -1 0 1 2 f
- fc 0 fc f
Figure 4.17
Time-Domain Frequency-Domain
modulation and
g (t ) Modulation G( f ) demodulation
C A process in both the
time-domain and
0 t -B 0 B f
l (t ) L( f )
1 1/2
Tc t
-f c 0 fc f
gm(t ) Gm( f )
C A /2
0 -f c -B -f c +B f c -B f c +B f
-f c 0 fc
L( f )
l (t )
0 -f c 0 fc
Tc t f
Gm( f )
g i( t ) A /2
A /4 A /4
0 t -2 f c -f c -B B fc 2 fc f
H( f )
h (t )
2 2
0 T0 t - f0 0 f0 f
gd( t ) Gd( f )
t -B 0 B f
Figure 4.18
The quick way to It is usually easier to find the Fourier transform of a single period than
determine Fourier
performing the integration needed to find Fourier series coefficients (because
series coefficients
all the standard Fourier properties can be used). This method allows the
Fourier series coefficients to be determined directly from the Fourier
transform, provided the period is known. Don’t forget, only periodic functions
have Fourier series representation.
0 T1 t
Figure 4.19
Convolved with a
uniform impulse
Figure 4.20
∞ (4.57)
g p ( t ) = g1 ( t )∗ δ (t − kT0 )
k =−∞
Figure 4.21
[ ]
F g p (t ) = F [g1 (t )]⋅ F δ (t − kT0 )
k =−∞ (4.58)
= G1 ( f ) ⋅ f 0 δ ( f − nf )
n = −∞
Fourier series
Gn = f 0 G1 ( nf 0 )
(4.59) coefficients from the
Fourier transform of
one period
f1 2f1 f
0 f 0 2f 0 f
Gp( f )
f 0 T1
-8 f0 -6 f0 6 f0 8 f0
-12 f0 -10 f0 -4 f0 -2 f0 0 2 f0 4 f0 10 f0 12 f0 f
Figure 4.22
According to Eq. (4.59), the Fourier series coefficients are just the weights of
the impulses in the spectrum of the periodic function. To get the nth Fourier
series coefficient, use the weight of the impulse located at nf 0 .
Remember that This is in perfect agreement with the concept of a continuous spectrum. Each
pairs of impulses in
a spectrum frequency has an infinitesimal amplitude sinusoid associated with it. If an
represent a sinusoid
in the time-domain impulse exists at a certain frequency, then there is a finite amplitude sinusoid at
that frequency.
Windowing in the time domain is equivalent to multiplying the original signal Windowing defined
g( t ) by a function which is non-zero over the window interval and zero
elsewhere. So the Fourier transform of the windowed signal is the original
signal convolved with the Fourier transform of the window.
Find the Fourier transform of sin( 2πt ) when it is viewed through a rectangular
window from 0 to 1 second:
A rectangular
window applied to a
0 1 t
Figure 4.23
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 f
-1 0 1 f
G( f )
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 f
Figure 4.24
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 f
-1 0 1 f
G( f )
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 f
Figure 4.25
Obviously, the longer the window, the more accurate the spectrum becomes.
Find the Fourier transform of sinc( t ) when it is viewed through a window from
-2 to 2 seconds:
Viewing a sinc
function through a
rectangular window g (t )
-2 -1 0 1 2 t
Figure 4.26
We have:
g w (t ) =sinc(t )rect( t 4)
Ripples in the
spectrum caused by
a rectangular
1 window
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 f
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 f
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 f
Figure 4.27
Suppose we want to find the Fourier series coefficients of g( t ) =cos( 2πt ) . Note
period = 1 s.
Step 1
Step 2
g= 1[ 0 −1 0]
Step 3
Find G =fft(g) = 0 [ 2 0 ]
2 .
Find the Fourier series coefficients of a 50% duty cycle square wave.
Step 1
In this case the spectrum is ∞ so we can never choose f s high enough. There
is always some error. Suppose we choose 8 points of one cycle.
Step 2
g= 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 1]
Note: if samples occur on transitions, input half way point.
Step 3
You should read Appendix A – The Fast Fourier Transform, and look at the
example MATLAB® code in the “FFT - Quick Reference Guide” for more
complicated and useful examples of setting up and using the FFT.
• Sinusoidal inputs to linear time-invariant systems yield sinusoidal outputs.
The output sinusoid is related to the input sinusoid by a complex-valued
function known as the frequency response, H ( f ) .
• The output of an LTI system due to any input signal is obtained most easily
by considering the spectrum: Y ( f ) = H ( f )X ( f ) . This expresses the
important property: convolution in the time-domain is equivalent to
multiplication in the frequency-domain.
• Filters are devices best thought about in the frequency-domain. They are
frequency selective devices, changing both the magnitude and phase of
frequency components of an input signal to produce an output signal.
Haykin, S.: Communication Systems, John-Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
Quick Check
Encircle the correct answer, cross out the wrong answers. [one or none correct]
The convolution of x( t ) and y( t ) is given by:
∞ ∞ ∞
(a) x(τ ) y( t − τ ) dτ (b) x ( τ ) y ( τ − t ) dτ (c) X ( λ )Y ( f − λ )dλ
−∞ −∞ −∞
Vi Vo The Fourier transform
Vi Ideal Vo of the impulse response
0 0 t
t Filter
of the filter resembles:
(a) f
(b) t (c) f
The Fourier transform of one period of a periodic waveform is G(f). The
Fourier series coefficients, Gn , are given by:
x(t) y(t) The peak value of the
convolution is:
t t
f (b) g( at ) ⇔
G( f ) (c) ag( t ) ⇔ aG( f )
(a) g( at ) ⇔ G
a a
Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. x 5. x
Write an expression for the time domain representation of the voltage signal
with double sided spectrum given below:
X( f )
2 30° 2 -30°
-1000 1000 f
Use the integration and time shift rules to express the Fourier transform of the
pulse below as a sum of exponentials.
-1 0 2 4 t
Sketch the convolution of the two functions shown below.
x(t) y(t)
-1 0 4 t 0 0.5 t
Calculate the magnitude and phase of the 4 kHz component in the spectrum of
the periodic pulse train shown below. The pulse repetition rate is 1 kHz.
0.4 0.6
0 0.1 0.5 0.9 1 t (ms)
By relating the triangular pulse shown below to the convolution of a pair of
identical rectangular pulses, deduce the Fourier transform of the triangular
−τ 0 τ t
The pulse x( t ) = 2 Bsinc( 2 Bt ) rect( Bt 8) has ripples in the amplitude spectrum.
A signal is to be sampled with an ideal sampler operating at 8000 samples per
second. Assuming an ideal low pass antialiasing filter, how can the sampled
signal be reconstituted in its original form, and under what conditions?
A train of impulses in one domain implies what in the other?
The following table gives information about the Fourier series of a periodic
waveform, g( t ) , which has a period of 50 ms.
Table 1
Harmonic # Amplitude Phase (º)
0 1
1 3 -30
2 1 -30
3 1 -60
4 0.5 -90
(a) Give the frequencies of the fundamental and the 2nd harmonic. What is
the signal power, assuming that g( t ) is measured across 50 Ω ?
(b) Express the third harmonic as a pair of counter rotating phasors. What is
the value of the third harmonic at t = 20 ms ?
(c) The periodic waveform is passed through a filter with transfer function
H ( f ) as shown below.
|H( f )|
H( f )
Draw up a table in the same form as Table 1 of the Fourier series of the
output waveform. Is there a DC component in the output of the
A signal, bandlimited to 1 kHz, is sampled by multiplying it with a rectangular
pulse train with repetition rate 4 kHz and pulse width 50 μs. Can the original
signal be recovered without distortion, and if so, how?
Sketch the Fourier transform of the waveform g( t ) = (1 + cos( 2πt ) ) sin( 20πt ) .
A scheme used in stereophonic FM broadcasting is shown below:
cos(2π f c t )
The input to the left channel (L) is a 1 kHz sinusoid, the input to the right
channel (R) is a 2 kHz sinusoid. Draw the spectrum of the signal at points A, B
and C if f c = 38 kHz .
Draw a block diagram of a scheme that could be used to recover the left (L)
and right (R) signals of the system shown in Question 12 if it uses the signal at
C as the input.
A signal is to be analysed to identify the relative amplitudes of components
which are known to exist at 9 kHz and 9.25 kHz. To do the analysis a digital
storage oscilloscope takes a record of length 2 ms and then computes the
Fourier series. The 18th harmonic thus computed can be non-zero even when
no 9 kHz component is present in the input signal. Explain.
Use MATLAB® to determine the output of a simple RC lowpass filter
subjected to a square wave input given by:
x(t ) = rect(t − 2n)
n = −∞
An examination of a filter’s frequency response is useful in several respects. It
can help us determine things such as the bandwidth of the filter, how steep the
magnitude roll off is as well as its phase response. These parameters allow
engineers to determine the suitability of the filter in particular scenarios.
Despite all this, remember that the time- and frequency-domain are
inextricably related – we can’t alter the characteristics of one without affecting
the other. This will be demonstrated for a second-order system later.
H (s ) =
s+ p (5A.2)
The sinusoidal steady state corresponds to s = jω . Therefore, Eq. (5A.2) is, for
the sinusoidal steady state:
K (5A.3)
H (ω ) =
jω + p
H (ω ) = H (ω ) e j∠H (ω ) (5A.4a)
H (ω ) = H (ω ) ∠H (ω )
in terms of (5A.4b)
magnitude and
If the logarithm (base 10) of the magnitude is multiplied by 20, then we have
the gain of the transfer function in decibels (dB):
The magnitude of
the transfer function
in dB
H (ω ) dB = 20 log H (ω ) dB (5A.5)
1 (5A.6)
H (ω ) =
1 + jω ω 0
1 (5A.7)
H (ω ) =
1 + (ω ω 0 )
∠H (ω ) = − tan −1
Magnitude Responses
A magnitude response is the magnitude of the transfer function for a sinusoidal
steady-state input, plotted against the frequency of the input. Magnitude The magnitude
response is the
responses can be classified according to their particular properties. To look at magnitude of the
these properties, we will use linear magnitude versus linear frequency plots. transfer function in
the sinusoidal
For the simple first-order RC circuit that you are so familiar with, the steady state
magnitude function given by Eq. (5A.7) has three frequencies of special
interest corresponding to these values of H (ω ) :
H (0 ) = 1
H (ω 0 ) = ≈ 0.707
H (∞ ) → 0 (5A.9)
A simple lowpass
1 2
Vi C Vo
0 ω0 2ω 0 ω
Figure 5A.1
An idealisation of the response in Figure 5A.1, known as a brick wall, and the
circuit that produces it are shown below:
An ideal lowpass
|T| Cutoff
Vi Vo
Pass Stop filter
0 ω0 ω
Figure 5A.2
For the ideal filter, the output voltage remains fixed in amplitude until a critical
frequency is reached, called the cutoff frequency, ω 0 . At that frequency, and
for all higher frequencies, the output is zero. The range of frequencies with
Pass and stop output is called the passband; the range with no output is called the stopband.
bands defined
The obvious classification of the filter is a lowpass filter.
If the positions of the resistor and capacitor in the circuit of Figure 5A.1 are
interchanged, then the resulting circuit is:
Vi R Vo
Figure 5A.3
H (s ) =
s + 1 RC (5A.10)
jω ω 0
H (ω ) =
1 + jω ω 0 (5A.11)
The magnitude function of this equation, at the three frequencies given in Eq.
(5A.9), is:
H (0 ) = 0
H (ω 0 ) = ≈ 0.707
H (∞ ) → 1 (5A.12)
A simple highpass
1 2
Vi R Vo
0 ω0 2ω 0 3ω 0 ω
Figure 5A.4
This filter is classified as a highpass filter. The ideal brick wall highpass filter
is shown below:
An ideal highpass
|T| Cutoff
Vi Vo
Stop Pass filter
0 ω0 ω
Figure 5A.5
Phase Responses
Like magnitude responses, phase responses are only meaningful when we look Phase response is
at sinusoidal steady-state signals. A transfer function for a sinusoidal input is: obtained in the
sinusoidal steady
Y Y ∠θ
H (ω ) = = = H ∠θ
X X ∠0 (5A.13)
jω + z
H (ω ) = K
jω + p (5A.14)
We use the sign of this phase angle to classify systems. Those giving positive Lead and lag circuits
θ are known as lead systems, those giving negative θ as lag systems. defined
θ = − tan −1
ω0 (5A.16)
Lagging phase
response for a
simple lowpass filter 0 ω0 2ω 0 ω
θ -45 º
-90 º
Figure 5A.6
For the circuit in Figure 5A.5, show that the phase is given by:
θ = 90°− tan −1
ω0 (5A.17)
The phase response has the same shape as Figure 5A.6 but is shifted upward
by 90° :
Leading phase
response for a
simple highpass
filter 90 º
θ 45 º
0 ω0 2ω 0 ω
Figure 5A.7
The angle θ is positive for all ω , and so the circuit is a lead circuit.
ω n2
H (ω ) =
ω n2 − ω 2 + j 2ζω nω (5A.18)
ω n2 The magnitude
H ( jω ) = response of a
(ω ) + (2ζω ω )
lowpass second
−ω 2
2 2 (5A.19) order transfer
n n function
ωn −ω
2 (5A.20) function
Typical magnitude
and phase ω r = ω n 1-2ζ 2
responses of a
lowpass second |H| 1
order transfer 2ζ
function 1
-40 dB / decade
0 ωn ω
All ζ
θ , degrees
-180º asymptote
for all ζ
0 1 ω
Figure 5A.8
H (0) = 1, H (ω n ) = 1 2ζ , H (∞ ) → 0 (5A.21)
and for large ω , the magnitude decreases at a rate of -40 dB per decade, which
is sometimes described as two-pole rolloff.
s + 2ζω n s + ω n2
order transfer
(5A.23) function
the poles are located on a circle of radius ω n and at an angle with respect to
the negative real axis of ψ = cos −1 (ζ ) . These complex conjugate pole locations
are shown below:
p ωn
p* - ωn
Figure 5A.9
In terms of the poles shown in Figure 5A.9, the transfer function is:
ω n2
Lowpass second
H (s ) =
order transfer
(s − p )(s − p ∗ )
function using pole
(5A.24) factors
Polar representation
of the pole factors jω − p = m1∠φ 1 and jω − p∗ = m2 ∠φ 2 (5A.25)
Magnitude function
H (ω ) =
written using the
polar representation
of the pole factors m1m2 (5A.26)
Phase function
written using the
polar representation
of the pole factors
θ = −(φ 1 + φ 2 ) (5A.27)
Determining the
magnitude and jω jω jω
phase response
m1 jω 2
from the s plane
p p jω n p
m1 φ1 φ1
jω 1
σ σ σ
m2 m2 m2
φ2 φ2 φ2
p* p* p*
ω1 ωn ω2
0 ω
|H| 1
-90 º
-180 º
0 ω1 ωn ω2 ω
Figure 5A.10
and one above ω n . From this construction we can see that the short length of
m1 near the frequency ω n is the reason why the magnitude function reaches a
peak near ω n . These plots are useful in visualising the frequency response of
the circuit.
Bode Plots
Bode* plots are plots of the magnitude function H (ω ) dB = 20 log H (ω ) and the
We normally don’t deal with equations when drawing Bode plots – we rely on
our knowledge of the asymptotic approximations for the handful of factors that
go to make up a transfer function.
Dr. Hendrik Bode grew up in Urbana, Illinois, USA, where his name is pronounced boh-dee.
Purists insist on the original Dutch boh-dah. No one uses bohd.
Magnitude Phase
Function Asymptote Linear Approximation
H , dB ∠H , °
0 -90
-20 -180
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
1 0 -90
(s ω n ) -20 -180
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
1 0 -90
(s ω n + 1) -20 -180
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
0 -90
s 2
2 + s + 1 -20
ωn ωn
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
0.01ω n 0.1ω n ωn 10ω n 100ω n
A band
enhancement filter
|H|, dB 20 dB
0 dB
10 10
ω rad/s (log scale)
Figure 5A.11
Decomposing a
Bode plot into first-
order factors |H|, dB 20 dB
0 dB
10 ω rad/s (log scale)
2 3 4 5
10 10 10
|H|, dB
1 4
2 3
Figure 5A.12
Those marked 1 and 4 represent zero factors, while those marked 2 and 3 are
pole factors. The pole-zero plot corresponding to these factors is shown below:
4 3 2 1
Figure 5A.13
H (ω ) =
(1 + jω 10 )(1 + jω 10 )
2 5
(1 + jω 10 )(1 + jω 10 )
3 4
H (s ) =
(s + 10 )(s + 10 )
2 5 The transfer function
(s + 10 )(s + 10 )
corresponding to the
3 4 Bode plot
A realisation of the
-2 -3 -5 -4
10 10 10 10
1 1 1 1
Figure 5A.14
Magnitude scaling is 1
required to get
realistic element
Cnew = Cold and Rnew = km Rold
km (5A.31)
Since the capacitors are to have the value 10 nF, this means k m = 108 . The
element values that result are shown below and the design is complete:
A realistic
implementation of
the specifications 1 MΩ 100 kΩ 1 kΩ 10 kΩ
10 nF 10 nF 10 nF 10 nF
Figure 5A.15
In this simple example, the response only required placement of the poles and
zeros on the real axis. However, complex pole-pair placement is not unusual in
design problems.
Digital Filters
Digital filtering involves sampling, quantising and coding of the input analog
Digital filters use
signal (using an analog to digital converter, or ADC for short). Once we have analog filters
converted voltages to mere numbers, we are free to do any processing on them
that we desire. Usually, the signal’s spectrum is found using a fast Fourier
transform, or FFT. The spectrum can then be modified by scaling the
amplitudes and adjusting the phase of each sinusoid. An inverse FFT can then
be performed, and the processed numbers are converted back into analog form
(using a digital to analog converter, or DAC). In modern digital signal
processors, an operation corresponding to a fast convolution is also sometimes
employed – that is, the signal is convolved in the time-domain in real-time.
The components of
a digital filter
Analog Digital Analog
Vi ADC Signal DAC Vo
Filter Processor Filter
Figure 5A.16
The digital signal processor can be custom built digital circuitry, or it can be a
Digital filter
general purpose computer. There are many advantages of digitally processing advantages
analog signals:
1. A digital filter may be just a small part of a larger system, so it makes sense
to implement it in software rather than hardware.
9. Filter responses can be made which always have linear phase (constant
delay), regardless of the magnitude response.
Digital filter
disadvantages Some disadvantages are:
1. Processor speed limits the frequency range over which digital filters can be
used (although this limit is continuously being pushed back with ever faster
2. Analog filters (and signal conditioning) are still necessary to convert the
analog signal to digital form and back again.
• A frequency response consists of two parts – a magnitude response and a
phase response. It tells us the change in the magnitude and phase of a
sinusoid at any frequency, in the steady-state.
• Bode plots are magnitude (dB) and phase responses drawn on a semi-log
scale, enabling the easy analysis or design of high-order systems.
Kamen, E. & Heck, B.: Fundamentals of Signals and Systems using
MATLAB®, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
With respect to a reference frequency f 0 = 20 Hz , find the frequency which is
Express the following magnitude ratios in dB: (a) 1, (b) 40, (c) 0.5
Draw the approximate Bode plots (both magnitude and phase) for the transfer
functions shown.
4 1
(a) G (s ) = 10 (b) G (s ) = (c) G (s ) =
s 10s + 1
(d) G (s ) = (e) G (s ) = 5(s + 1) (f) G (s ) = 5(s − 1)
10s − 1
Note that the magnitude plots for the transfer functions (c) and (d); (e) and (f)
are the same. Why?
Prove that if G (s ) has a single pole at s = −1 τ the asymptotes of the log
magnitude response versus log frequency intersect at ω = 1 τ .
Make use of the property that the logarithm converts multiplication and
division into addition and subtraction, respectively, to draw the Bode plot for:
100(s + 1)
G (s ) =
s (0.01s + 1)
Use asymptotes for the magnitude response and a linear approximation for the
phase response.
Draw the approximate Bode (magnitude and phase) for
100s 2
G (s ) =
s 2 + 2ζω n s + ω n2
20(6.66s + 1)
(a) G (s ) =
s (0.1s + 1) (94.6s + 1)
(b) G (s ) =
4 − s + 1 .5 + s 2 )
s 2 (10 − s )
Draw the approximate Bode plots and from these graphs find G and ∠G at
(i) ω = 0.1 rads -1 , (ii) ω = 1 rads -1 , (iii) ω = 10 rads -1 , (iv) ω = 100 rads -1 .
The experimental responses of two systems are given below. Plot the Bode
diagrams and identify the transfer functions.
(a) (b)
ω G1 ∠G1 ω G2 ∠G2
(rads-1 ) (dB) (°) (rads-1 ) (dB) (°)
0.1 40 -92 0.01 -26 87
0.2 34 -95 0.02 -20 84
0.5 25 -100 0.04 -14 79
1 20 -108 0.07 -10 70
2 14 -126 0.1 -7 61
3 10 -138 0.2 -3 46
5 2 -160 0.4 -1 29
10 -9 -190 0.7 -0.3 20
20 -23 -220 1 0 17
30 -32 -235 2 0 17
40 -40 -243 4 0 25
50 -46 -248 7 -2 36
100 -64 -258 10 -3 46
20 -7 64
40 -12 76
100 -20 84
500 -34 89
1000 -40 89
Given G (s ) = K s (s + 5)
(a) Plot the closed loop frequency response of this system using unity feedback
when K = 1 . What is the –3 dB bandwidth of the system?
(b) Plot the closed loop frequency response when K is increased to K = 100 .
What is the effect on the frequency response?
The following measurements were taken for an open-loop system:
(i) ω = ω1 , G = 6 dB , ∠G = 25°
(ii) ω = ω 2 , G = −18 dB , ∠G = 127°
feedback arrangement.
An amplifier has the following frequency response. Find the transfer function.
|H(w)| dB
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
w (rad/s)
arg(H(w)) deg
0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
w (rad/s)