Attributes and Structure of An Effective Board of Directors: A Theoretical Investigation
Attributes and Structure of An Effective Board of Directors: A Theoretical Investigation
Attributes and Structure of An Effective Board of Directors: A Theoretical Investigation
Corporate boards worldwide have come under increasing scrutiny due to growing
social protest and concerns about the performance and governance of
corporations (Ingley and Van der Walt, 2001; Hendry and Kiel, 2004; Kumar and
Zattoni, 2014). In their editorial piece, Kumar and Zattoni (2014) emphasize that
the role and effectiveness of the board of directors has been, and will continue to
be, at the centre of corporate governance research. In this study, we develop and
analyze, through Bayesian logic, a theoretical framework comprised of four key
attributes of the board of directors: independence from top management,
competency in performing board duties, activeness/diligence in carrying out board
ADI MASLI ( is an Associate Professor and E&Y CARAT Fellow at the School of
Business, University of Kansas. MATTHEW G. SHERWOOD ( is an
Assistant Professor at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts—Amherst.
RAJENDRA P. SRIVASTAVA ( is the Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting and
Information Systems, School of Business, University of Kansas. The authors would like to thank Mike
Ettredge, Theresa Libby, Ted Mock, John Roberts, workshop participants at Deakin University,
University of Queensland, University of Sydney, and Wichita State University, and attendees of the
2013 American Accounting Association Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section meeting, the
2013 International Conference on Corporate Governance, co-sponsored by the University of Essex and
Sri Venkateswara University, and the 2014 EY Center for Auditing Research and Technology
Research Conference for their helpful comments on a previous version of the paper. Professors
Srivastava and Masli acknowledge research support from the EY CARAT at The University of Kansas.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
In too many instances, by going along with questionable practices and relying on
management and auditor representations, the Enron Board failed to provide the
prudent oversight and checks and balances that its fiduciary obligations required and
a company like Enron needed. By failing to provide sufficient oversight and restraint
to stop management excess, the Enron Board contributed to the company’s collapse
and bears a share of the responsibility for it.
Less than a year later WorldCom Inc., which like Enron went bankrupt following
a significant financial statement fraud, issued a report regarding its board of
directors (WorldCom, Incorporated, 2003). The report identifies numerous
characteristic similarities between the WorldCom and Enron boards. While
ultimately concluding the board was unaware of the fraud, the report notes
significant deficiencies in its role of direction and cultural supervision of the
company. The reports conclude that while appearing to satisfy the checklist
mentality, the board failed to have the necessary energy, leadership, or courage.
These board failures either contributed to (i.e., Enron’s board), or failed to
impede (i.e., WorldCom’s board), two of the largest frauds and subsequent
bankruptcies in the history of American industry and played a prominent role in the
passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. While the above discussion presents only two
In this case, inactivity does not relate to the number of meetings per se, rather it implies an
unwillingness to take proactive action on behalf of the stakeholders. In effect the board members
were willing to turn a blind eye to the firm’s true state of affairs.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
examples of the potentially severe consequences of poor board behaviour, there are
numerous others.2 It is clear a connection exists between the characteristics of the
board of directors and the potential for extremely negative outcomes.
It is widely recognized that corporate governance arrangements, in which the
board of directors plays a primary role, substantially influence corporate decisions
and shareholder wealth (e.g., Core et al., 1999; Cyert et al., 2002; Klein, 2002; Deutsch
and Ross, 2003; Larcker et al., 2007; Bebchuk et al., 2009; Fisman et al., 2013).3
Hendry and Kiel (2004) suggest that boards play an important role in corporate
strategy, noting that the old perspective in which boards were seen as ‘rubber stamps’
has been overtaken by an ‘active’ perspective in which boards are viewed more as
independent thinkers shaping the strategic direction of their organizations.
Additionally, Ingley and Van der Walt (2001) suggest that boards have been under
pressure to develop a broader mindset and new skills to deal with the uncertainty of
higher-level issues such as direction giving and strategy implementation.
Prior research indicates that when properly designed and implemented by an
effective board of directors, corporate governance can be an assurance mechanism
that restores stakeholders’ trust in corporations (Hilb, 2012). However, prior recent
literature also calls into question the degree to which researchers are developing
and testing theory regarding the role of corporate governance and the board of
directors. In particular, Brown et al. (2011) voice this concern in their review of
corporate governance indices, such as the board of directors. A similar sentiment is
expressed by Larcker et al. (2007), who also raise concerns regarding the lack of
well-developed theory surrounding the complex and multi-dimensional nature of
various aspects of corporate governance. Further, Van den Berge and Levrau
(2004) observe that ‘traditional’ academic research has focused on only a limited
number of quantifiable board characteristics, while practitioners attach greater
importance to ‘soft’ elements, which are nearly absent in the academic literature.
Van den Berge and Levrau (2004) consequently highlight the need for a better
understanding of all elements that determine board effectiveness. Leblanc and
Schwartz (2007) also lament the fact that while ‘board process’ has been identified
as a critical factor for corporate governance research, gaining access to corporate
boardrooms is extremely difficult, if not virtually impossible, for most researchers.
While prior literature lacks theory on the collective intra-workings of the board
of directors, it does provide insight into the attributes that influence board
performance. These attributes include independence from management,
possessing the competency to perform key board duties, and maintaining an
Other financial frauds include, but are not limited to Olympus, Parmalat, Satyam, and Madoff,
which have resulted in hundreds of billions of dollars in losses to the global economy (Brickey, 2003;
Anand, 2009). In addition, we have recently witnessed a global financial crisis, which resulted in
trillions of dollars in losses to society and threatened the very existence of the financial markets,
financial institutions, and, in some instances, national governments (Claessens et al., 2010;
Helleiner, 2011).
Corporate governance involves a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board,
its shareholders, and other stakeholders (OECD, Principles of Corporate Governance, revised
May 2004).
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
appropriate level of activity (or diligence) in carrying out its duties (e.g., NACD,
1996; Carcello et al., 2002, Deutsch and Ross, 2003; Cohen et al., 2012; Cicero
et al., 2013). Academics (e.g., Finkelstein and Mooney, 2003; Huse, 2005; Roberts
et al., 2005) also suggest that characteristics pertaining to the inner-workings of the
board, as well as directors’ behavioural disposition and professional relationships
with one another influence board effectiveness.4
Following prior studies (e.g., Stewart and Kinney, 2013; Srivastava et al., 2012;
Srivastava et al., 2009), we use Bayesian logic to assess our theoretical model of
board effectiveness. The theoretical framework is comprised of the four primary
attributes noted in the preceding paragraph. Prior research examines these board
attributes primarily from an ex post point of view (e.g., Cicero et al., 2013;
Boone et al., 2007; Knyazeva et al., 2013). Moreover, the effects of these
attributes on corporate performance have been empirically investigated only by
considering one or two attributes at a time and thus it is difficult to draw
conclusions about whether the presence or absence of the other attributes at the
same time strengthens or weakens the effectiveness of the board. Prior research
also lacks an ex ante theoretical discussion regarding how the interrelationships
among these attributes influence each other and the overall effectiveness of the
In addition, some rating agencies such as Corporate Library (see Van den Berghe
and Levrau, 2004 for details) assume a linear relationship between board attributes
when assessing board effectiveness. Each board attribute is sub-divided into a
number of sub-attributes, and each sub-attribute is scored based on if it is present.
The overall attribute score is then obtained by summing the sub-attribute scores per
attribute. The linear (i.e., ‘or’) relationship implies that one can substitute one
attribute for another. However, when one tries to interpret the linear relationship,
the attribution substation approach appears illogical. For example, consider the
following situation where all board members are independent, regularly meet with
the CEO and CFO to discuss the company’s strategies, and have the appropriate
behavioural characteristics, but are incompetent in their ability to carry out their
board duties. A linear relationship could identify this as an effective board if the
attribute level among the three present attributes is great enough to substitute for
the missing fourth attribute. In fact, however, the board is unable to be truly
effective, as it lacks the inherent ability it needs. As a result, we only consider the
‘and’ relationship among the key board attributes in our analytical model.
Through the use of our Bayesian model, we demonstrate that the board is most
effective if—and only if—the directors are independent, competent, active, and
display appropriate behavioural attributes. While this result is far from surprising,
we also extend the use of inferential statistics to identify the probable impact on
board effectiveness when any combination of these attributes is diminished or
absent from the board. Thus making this the first paper, to our knowledge, to
Roberts et al. (2005) observe that research on corporate governance and boards of directors lacks
understanding of the behavioural processes within boards and has not fully considered such factors
in evaluating board effectiveness.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
essential for researchers, when assessing the effectiveness of the board’s function,
to implement the ‘and’ relationship, not the ‘or’ relationship among the board
attributes of interest.
While the primary support for our choice of attributes comes from the finance
and accounting literature, due to the diverse nature of the subject, we intentionally
exclude any discipline-specific focus from the paper. The mathematical methods
we employ and the conclusions we draw are equally applicable to all fields of
study. Further given the influence of board effectiveness on corporate outcomes is
of importance to all stakeholders, our study should be relevant beyond the
academic realm. Regulators, auditors, executives, investors, and even current
board members should benefit from both the framework we present and the
conclusions from our Bayesian analysis. Using the interrelationships of four core
attributes, we provide a unique manner in which all stakeholders can evaluate
potential board effectiveness.
The principles of agency theory imply that agents (i.e., management) may be
reluctant to impose strict and binding mechanisms of corporate governance that
limit the agents’ ability to act in their best interest (Ross, 1973; Eisenhardt, 1989).
As a result, there arises a need for stakeholders to have an entity on the inside to
play a role in governing and monitoring the firm’s actions on the stakeholder’s
behalf, that is, the board of directors (Baysinger and Butler, 1985; Hillman and
Dalziel, 2003; Fisman et al., 2014; Kuhner and Pelger, 2015). Prior research
establishes that boards face a dual set of responsibilities that can, and do, compete
with one another to serve as the board’s primary area of focus. In particular,
companies elect a board to provide operating guidance to the firm’s management
team and/or serve as a monitoring mechanism over firm management (e.g., Cyert
et al., 2002; Boone et al., 2007; Dontoh et al., 2013; Baldenius et al., 2014; Fisman
et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2014).
The board of director attributes we describe and employ throughout this paper
are relevant to boards focusing on either monitoring management or providing
guidance to management. Boards do not treat these two objectives as mutually
exclusive (Kim et al., 2014), nor is there a ‘one-size fits all’ model applicable to all
boards (Wintoki, 2007; Coles et al., 2008). As a result, there is clearly overlap in the
characteristics of importance to both the monitoring and the guidance functions.
Thus, the same basic characteristics are of significant importance regardless of the
board’s primary focus (Coles et al., 2008; Cicero et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2014).
Prior research (e.g., Cotter and Silvester, 2003; Gompers et al., 2003; Deutsch,
2005; Brown et al., 2011; Roberts, 2012) suggests that efficacy of the board of
directors can be influenced by certain characteristics, including independence (I) of
the board members from management, competence (C) or expertise of the board
members (e.g., knowledge about business processes within the firm, particular fields
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
(accounting, law, etc.), industry expertise, etc.), active (A) board members (i.e., the
members frequently meet with the CEO and CFO to monitor their activities and
provide advice, are diligent in attending board meetings and being active in those
meetings), and appropriate behavioural attributes (B) by directors to act cohesively
and constructively. We discuss each of these four attributes in turn.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
provide better assurance over the quality of the financial statements by having at
least four meetings a year (Anderson et al., 2004).
The vast majority of academic empirical work measures board activity and
diligence by the number of board meetings, finding associations between such
measure and economic outcomes. For example, Vafeas (1999) finds that share
price declines are followed by higher meeting frequencies and years with an
abnormally high meeting frequency are followed by improvements in operating
performance. MacAvoy and Millstein (1999) find boards that frequently meet help
companies produce higher rates of return for their shareholders, as measured by
earnings in excess of the cost of capital and net of the industry average.
Furthermore, Anderson et al. (2004) find evidence suggesting that audit committee
activity is quite important to creditors. Specifically, their findings reveal that firms
with more audit committee meetings are associated with a significantly lower cost
of debt financing.
A stream of research also associates board meeting frequency with better
monitoring effectiveness. For example, Carcello et al. (2002) find that diligent
boards promote shareholder interests by purchasing higher-quality audit
services differentially. In addition, Xie et al. (2003) show that board and audit
committee meeting frequencies are associated with reduced levels of earnings
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
are more likely to protect shareholder interests and purchase differentially higher-
quality audit services.6
Regulatory provisions and prior academic work also associate competence with
expertise or knowledge held by directors. For example, the SEC acknowledges the
importance of financial expertise on the audit committee and requires companies
to disclose whether they have at least one ‘audit committee financial expert’
serving on their audit committee. In this case, such an expert has characteristics
that are particularly relevant to the functions of the audit committee, such as a
thorough understanding of the audit committee’s oversight role, expertise in
accounting matters as well as understanding of financial statements, and the ability
to ask the right questions to determine whether the company’s financial
statements are complete and accurate (SEC, 2003).7
Studies have shown value from having directors with specific expertise. Kroll et al.
(2008) show that boards comprised of directors that are vigilant as well as having
appropriate knowledge gained through experience are better monitors and more
useful advisors to top managers. DeFond et al. (2005) find a positive market reaction
to the appointment of accounting financial experts assigned to audit committees,
suggesting that the market supports accounting-based financial skills to improve the
audit committee’s ability to ensure high-quality financial reporting. Other works also
show the positive effects of having financial and legal experts on the audit committee
on internal controls and financial reporting quality (e.g., Carcello et al., 2002;
Krishnan, 2005; Krishnan and Visvanathan, 2008; Krishnan et al., 2011).
More recently, Kim et al. (2014) suggest that a director’s tenure with the firm is
positively associated with the director’s competency to advise and monitor firm
performance. More specifically, they contend that ‘longer director tenures reflect
more board and committee meetings attended, likely increased committee
assignments, greater experience with the firm’s strategies and policies, and greater
within-firm deal-level experience’ (Kim et al., 2014, p. 111). Consistent with their
hypotheses, they find outside director tenure to be associated with better firm
acquisition/investment policy advising performance, lower CEO rent extraction,
and higher operating performance measures.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
broadly defined as the ability of the board to act as a cohesive unit, allow for
constructive suggestions among its members, work well together as a team, and
foster a positive intra-working relationship among team members (Forbes and
Milliken, 1999; Finkelstein and Mooney, 2003; Roberts, 2012). Using in-depth
interviews with company directors, Roberts et al. (2005) examine the behaviours
and relationships of non-executive directors to evaluate board effectiveness. The
authors suggest that while board structure, composition, and independence each
play an important role, it is ultimately the actions and conduct of individual board
members that determine board effectiveness. Specifically, they suggest that a
variety of behaviours—challenging, questioning, probing, discussing, testing,
informing, debating, and exploring—are crucial for directors to be effective.
Forbes and Milliken (1999) integrate research on workgroup effectiveness with
research on the board of directors. They identify group cohesiveness (agreement
on the common goals of the board) along with the degree to which task-oriented
disagreement (constructive criticism of another’s idea) is permissible among board
members, as necessary elements in assessing board effectiveness. Furthermore,
Finkelstein and Mooney (2003) identify five interrelated board behavioural
processes that can make boards more effective. These are engage in constructive
conflict, avoid destructive conflict, work together as a team, know the appropriate
level of strategic involvement, and address decisions comprehensively.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Furthermore, directors are often wary of conducting improprieties that could result
in predicaments with regulatory authorities (i.e., SEC, IRS, etc.). Section 305 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, for example, states that the SEC may issue an order to
prohibit any person from acting as a director of an issuer if the SEC has found that
such person’s conduct ‘demonstrates unfitness’ to serve as a director of any such
issuer (Marden and Edwards, 2005).
We contend that safeguards greatly influence board effectiveness. Our concept of
safeguards pertains to the strength of mechanisms that regulate and oversee the
board’s conduct. The mechanisms include numerous factors, such as: the company’s
own disciplining procedures for board misconduct; extensiveness of corporate
bylaws and code of ethics; monitoring over the board by shareholders, institutional
investors, and analysts; penalties in the labour market for directors; professionalism
guidelines, board evaluations; and industry-specific and/or market-wide regulations.
Safeguards can also reflect individual director’s (and the overall board’s) proclivity
to guard against actions and decisions that can jeopardize reputational capital,
heighten litigation risk, and violate regulatory provisions or rules of conduct. We
treat this construct of safeguards as a direct control to board effectiveness because
the level of safeguards has a direct impact on each of the other four attributes
(i.e., independence, competence, activity, and behaviour attributes).
We maintain that the level of safeguards can vary from one board (or individual
director) to another. While all directors should ideally be concerned about their
reputation capital, litigation risk, and compliance with regulatory provisions, it is
likely some directors are less alarmed by such issues than others. Based on a
sample of securities class-action lawsuits from 1996 to 2010, Brochet and
Srinivasan (2013) show that only a minority of independent directors has been
named as defendants. Black et al. (2006) argue that litigation risk for directors
may be exaggerated and report that outside directors of US public companies who
fail to meet their fiduciary duties almost never face personal liability losses
because of such factors as directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
appropriate behavioural attributes (B) that allow them to act cohesively yet
constructively with other board members. As discussed in the previous section, we
consider an additional construct ‘safeguards’ for the effectiveness of the board. We
argue that the construct ‘safeguards’ is not a basic attribute of the board members;
rather it is a control mechanism governing the basic attributes of the board
members. Some examples of ‘safeguards’, such as legal liability against board
members and reputation loss of board members of companies that are involved in
fraudulent behavior, were discussed in the previous section.
The current literature on the characteristics of an effective board simply
identifies the above attributes (independence, I; competence, C; active members,
A; and behavioural attributes, B) without providing any insights into their
interrelationships. In addition, as mentioned earlier, the significance of these
attributes for board effectiveness has been established through empirical research
by considering one or two attributes at a time and thus it is difficult to draw
conclusions about whether presence or absence of the other attributes at the same
time would strengthen or weaken the board’s effectiveness. The question is how
should these factors be related to board effectiveness?
As argued in the introduction, we use the ‘and’ relationship among these attributes
that influence board effectiveness. In other words, the board will be most effective
only when all four attributes, I, C, A, and B, are present. That is, the board is most
effective if and only if the board members are independent (I), competent (C), active
(A), and the members possess appropriate behavioural characteristics (B). We
analyze various scenarios in this section after developing the probabilistic model. It is
important to point out that we employ a probability model because of the
uncertainties involved in assessing whether certain attributes are present or absent.
The ‘and’ relationship can be expressed in terms of the following set notations:
eb = i \ c \ a \ b,
where ‘eb’ represents the state that the board is effective, ‘i’ represents the state
that BOARD members are independent, ‘c’ represents the state that board
members are competent, ‘a’ represents the state that board members are active,
and ‘b’ represents the state that board members possess appropriate behavioural
characteristics. In terms of the negations of the above states, one can write the
above relationship as an ‘or’ relationship:
eb = ð i \ c \ a \ bÞ [ ði\ c \ a \ bÞ [ ði \ c\ a \ bÞ [ ði \ c \ a\ bÞ
[ ð i\ c \ a \ bÞ [ ð i \ c\ a \ bÞ [ ð i \ c \ a\ bÞ [ ði\ c\ a \ bÞ
[ ði\ c \ a\ bÞ [ ði \ c\ a\ bÞ [ ð i\ c\ a \ bÞ [ ð i\ c \ a\ bÞ
[ ð i \ c\ a\ bÞ [ ði\ c\ a\ bÞ [ ð i\ c\ a\ bÞ:
The above equation implies that the board will be ineffective (~eb) if any of the
attributes are absent. In the present discussion, we have assumed all the attributes
to be binary variables, which is rarely the case. Thus, we want to develop a
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
formula for the posterior probability that the board is effective given that we have
information regarding the degree to which each of the four attributes, I, C, A,
and B, are present.
Similar arguments are common in audit and information systems literature. For
example, the audit literature argues that an account is fairly stated if and only if all
its management assertions such as existence, completeness, valuation, rights and
obligation, and so on, are true (see AICPA’s SAS 106, 2006). In developing a
fraud risk assessment formula, Srivastava et al. (2007) have used the ‘and’
relationship among the fraud triangle factors, incentives to benefit from fraud,
attitude to commit fraud, and opportunity to commit fraud, with the commitment
of fraud by management. All three fraud factors have to be present for
management to commit fraud. Desai et al. (2010) have used similar arguments in
determining the strength of the internal audit function. They argue that the
internal audit function will be strong if and only if the internal auditors are
competent, they are objective, and their work is of high quality.
Figure 1 depicts an evidential diagram (Srivastava, 2011) for the problem at
hand. The main assertion that the board is effective is related to four attributes
(i.e., constructs) through the ‘and’ relationship. In general, they are known as
variables. These variables are assumed to be binary and are represented by
rounded boxes. The rectangular boxes in Figure 1 represent items of evidence
pertaining to the variables to which they are connected. We have derived a
general formula, equation (A9), in Appendix A, for the posterior probability of
the main variable being true as a function of the strength of evidence pertaining to
the main assertion and each sub-assertion expressed in terms of the likelihood
Board of Directors (BOD) is Effective (EB) BOD is Competent (C) EC : Evidence pertaining to C
{eb, ~eb} {c, ~c}
E2 EB: Direct Evidence pertaining to BOD BOD is Active (A) EA : Evidence pertaining to A
{a, ~a}
The rectangular boxes with rounded corners represent the attributes (variables), and the rectangular
boxes represent items of evidence pertaining to the variables they are connected to.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
ratio, λ, and the corresponding prior odds, O. In the case of the board, we have
five variables, the main assertion, EB, representing the effectiveness of the board
with two values {eb, ~eb}; ‘eb’ representing ‘effective board’ and ‘~eb’
representing ‘ineffective board’, and four sub-assertions with two values,
representing the presence and absence of the corresponding variable,
independence (I), competence (C), active (A), and appropriate behaviour (B).
The corresponding items of evidence are represented by E1EB, E2EB, EI, EC, EA,
and EB, and the related likelihood ratios, representing the strength of evidence,
are given by λ1EB = P(E1EB|eb)/P(E1EB|~eb), λ2EB = P(E2EB|eb)/P(E2EB|~eb),
λI = P(EI|i)/P(EI|~i), λC = P(EC|c)/P(EC|~c), λA = P(EA|a)/P(EA|~a), and λB = P
(EB|b)/P(EB|~b). The corresponding prior odds, O’s, and the related β’s are given
by: OEB = P(eb)/P(~eb), OI = P(i)/P(~i), OC = P(c)/P(~c), OA = P(a)/P(~a), and
OB = P(b)/P(~b), and βEB = λ1EBλ2EBOEB, βI = λIOI, βC = λCOC, βA = λAOA, and
βB = λBOB. Substituting these values in equation (A9) with n = 4, we obtain the
following expression for the posterior probability that the board is effective given
all the information about all the variables:
βI βC βA βB βEB
1+ i βi + i, j, i6¼j βi βj + i, j, k, i6¼j6¼k βi βj βk + βI βC βA βB β EB
This item of evidence is added to make the model more general. If such an item of evidence is not
obtained or considered then one can just replace the corresponding likelihood ratio, λ2EB, in
equation (1) by 1.0 (i.e., λ2EB = 1).
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© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Posterior Probability of BOD being Effective
0.5 2
0.3 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strength of Attributes in terms of Likelihood ratio, λ
The strength of an attribute is represented by the likelihood ratio, λ, corresponding to the attribute
where λ =1 means no knowledge of its presence and λ = 19 means 0.95 probability that the attribute is
present (Probability of attribute being present based on the evidence = λ/(1 + λ)).
1. All the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics) of the
board are present.
2. Any three of the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics)
of the board are present.
3. Any two of the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics)
of the board are present.
4. Only one of the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics)
of the board is present.
knowledge about their presence or absence, that is, there is uncertainty about
their presence or absence. Figure 2 is a graph of the posterior probability that the
board is effective as a function of the strength of evidence showing the presence
or absence of various attributes. In this figure, we do not consider the presence or
absence of safeguards (i.e., we do not have any information whether safeguards
are present or not, thus, the corresponding likelihood ratios, λ1EB = 1 and
λ2EB = 1). As we can see from the top, solid line (Line 1) in Figure 2, the posterior
probability of the board being effective is the highest when all four attributes are
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Posterior Probability of BOD being Effective
0.8 1
0.2 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strength of Attributes in terms of Likelihood Ratio (λ)
The strength of an attribute is represented by the likelihood ratio, λ, corresponding to the attribute
where λ = 1 means no knowledge of its presence, and λ = 19 means 0.95 probability that the attribute is
present (Probability of attribute being present based on the evidence = λ/(1 + λ)).
1. All the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics) of the
board are present.
2. Any three of the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics)
of the board are present with the fourth one not present with probability 0.66.
3. Any two of the four attributes (Independence, Competence, Active, and Behavioural characteristics)
of the board are present with the other two not present with probability 0.66.
present, and increases the strength of attributes (i.e., as the support for the
presence of all the attributes increases). Since the strength of evidence is
represented by the likelihood ratio, a value of λ = 9 means the corresponding
attribute is present with probability 0.90 (Posterior Probability = λ/(1 + λ) with the
prior odds = 1, that is, with no prior knowledge of the presence or absence of the
variable. The second line from the top (Line 2) in Figure 2 represents the
posterior probability of the board being effective in the presence of only three of
the four attributes. This posterior probability is much smaller than the posterior
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Posterior Probability of BOD being Effective
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strength of Safeguard in terms of Likelihood ratio, λ
The strength of Safeguards is represented by the likelihood ratio, λ, based on the evidence pertaining
to the presence of Safeguards, where λ = 1 means no knowledge of its presence and λ = 19 means 0.95
probability that effective Safeguards are present.
1. All four attributes are present with probability 0.66 each.
2. Two attributes are present with probability 0.66 and two are absent with probability 0.66.
3. One attribute is present with probability 0.66 and three are absent with probability 0.66.
4. All four attributes are absent with probability 0.66.
probability of the board being effective when all four attributes were present. The
posterior probability further decreases as additional attributes are eliminated from
consideration as demonstrated from Lines 3 and 4 in Figure 2. Thus, board
effectiveness is the highest when all four attributes are present and increases
further as the strength of these attributes increase.
Figure 3 compares the posterior probability of the board being effective when
all four attributes are present with the posterior probability of board effectiveness
when some attributes are known to be absent. From Figure 3, we see that the
posterior probability of board effectiveness increases, in general, as the likelihood
of the presence of the attributes increases and is highest when all four attributes
are present (see Line 1 in Figure 3). In principle, the posterior probability of
board effectiveness will approach unity when all four attributes are present for
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Posterior Probability of BOD being Effective
0.6 2
0.2 4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strength of Attributes in terms of Likelihood ratio, λ
1. Strong Safeguards (λ1EB = 9, Probability of its presence = 0.9) with three attributes being present
with increasing likelihoods, and one attribute is absent with probability 0.66.
2. Strong Safeguards (λ1EB = 9, Probability of its presence = 0.9) with two attributes being present with
increasing likelihoods, and two attributes being absent with probability 0.66.
3. No Safeguards (λ1EB = 1, Probability of its presence = 0.5) with three attributes being present with
increasing likelihoods, and one attribute being absent with probability 0.66.
4. No Safeguards (λ1EB = 1, Probability of its presence = 0.5) with two attributes being present with
increasing likelihoods, and two attributes being absent with probability 0.66.
sure (i.e., when the likelihood ratios, λs, for all the attributes approach infinity).
Notice the significant decrease in the posterior probability when we have the
knowledge that one of the attributes is not present (say with probability 0.66 in
our case,that is, the corresponding likelihood ratio that the attribute is present is
0.5) compared to when we have knowledge that all four attributes are present
(compare Line 2 with Line 1 in Figure 3). The posterior probability of the board
being effective further decreases when we have evidence in support of any two of
the attributes and the other two are known to be absent, say, with probability 0.66
(Compare Line 2 with Line 3 in Figure 3). In our illustration, Line 5 represents
the worst scenario case, where two of the factors are known to be absent with
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Posterior Probability of BOD being Effective
0.3 3
0.1 4
2 5 10 15 20
probability 0.66 (the corresponding likelihood ratio being 0.5). This is a logical
result because when you know that two of the attributes are absent, board
effectiveness will be lower than for the situation where only one attribute is
known to be absent, which will be lower than for the situation when all the
attributes are present (compare Lines 1, 2, and 3 in Figure 3).
Case 3: Impacts of Safeguards on the Board Effectiveness
Here we analyze the impact of safeguards on the posterior probability of board
effectiveness. As discussed earlier, safeguard factors impact board effectiveness as a
whole, and their role is more like a control mechanism. Figure 4 illustrates the
variation of the posterior probability of board effectiveness as a function of the
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
effectiveness when all four attributes are present with moderately strong
safeguards (the corresponding likelihood ratio λ1EB = 4) and with no consideration
of safeguards. Lines 2 and 4 respectively represent the board effectiveness when
only three attributes are present and one attribute is absent with probability 0.66
with strong safeguards (the corresponding likelihood ratio λ1EB = 9) and with no
consideration of safeguards. In Figure 6 we see that Line 1 is higher than Line
2. This suggests that board effectiveness is higher for the case where all the four
attributes are present with moderately strong safeguards than for the case when
only three attributes are present with one being absent (with probability 0.66) but
with strong safeguards.
It is important to note that all four attributes must be present for a high level of
board effectiveness (compare Lines 1 and 3 with Lines 2 and 4). Moreover, board
effectiveness would further increase if safeguards were present (compare Lines
1 and 2 with Lines 3 and 4). Board effectiveness would not be as high even with
strong safeguards if one or more attributes are absent. However, in the limit, if we
consider infinitely strong safeguards then board effectiveness for the case where
one or more attributes is absent can be higher than board effectiveness where we
have all four attributes present but moderately strong safeguards. It is not easy to
think of examples of infinitely strong safeguards in the real world. One could
consider ‘execution’ as being such a safeguard to control board members’
behaviours. However, this ideal situation will never be possible in reality.10 Thus,
for realistic situations with moderately strong safeguards board effectiveness is
higher for the case where all four attributes are present than for the case where
only three or fewer attributes are present, and the others are absent even with
strong safeguards. This shows the importance of all four attributes and the
In this section, we provide a list of potential measures associated with the board of
director attributes modelled in the study (see Table 1). While the list is not
necessarily an exhaustive inventory of possible measures, it is intended to provide
guidance for future researchers investigating board of director effectiveness.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Competence 1 Directors’ knowledge about the company and its business objectives
2 Directors’ knowledge about the industry and competitive landscape
3 Tenure as director of the company
4 Tenure being member of any board of directors
5 Number of directorships held in other corporations (i.e., multiple
6 Education level and background of directors
7 Directors possessing specific expertise and knowledge
8 Director’s participation in training programs and professional
development conference
team. Often, the CEO is listed as a member of the board of directors, but lower
level executives (such as chief financial officer, chief operating officer, etc.) could
also be listed as directors. In addition, researchers can specifically focus on the
chairman of the board of directors position to investigate whether the chairman
position is held by the current CEO.
Next, researchers can investigate the proportion of the board of directors that
does not have (and has not had) any business, financial, or other dealings with the
company. For example, a director that is a former employee or business supplier
of the company is deemed to have had connections with the company. Next,
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
researchers can examine the social ties between the board of directors and the
CEO (and other executives). As Krishnan et al. (2011) illustrate, the efficacy of a
formal independent director could be undermined by social ties with the CEO.
Krishnan et al. (2011, p. 537) define social ties as ‘non-familial, informal ties
between individuals arising from current or prior employment, education, and
other activities (such as golf clubs or charity organizations)’. While a director may
not be employed as a current executive, he or she may be affiliated with
management through family or other relationships. For example, a director that is
a cousin of the CEO is not independent from management.
While the board of directors in not required to be comprised entirely of
independent directors, there are certain committees within the board that are
expected to be completely filled by directors that are independent. For example,
the audit committee plays a crucial role in contracting with external auditors and
monitoring of the financial reporting process. The audit committee is expected to
be completely filled with independent directors. Finally, researchers can assess the
level of involvement that the CEO and other executives have in nominating and
selecting potential members of the board of directors. If a formally independent
director was handpicked by the CEO, then his or her independence may be
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© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
Corporate governance provides the structure through which the objectives of the
company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring
performance are determined (OECD, 2004). An effective corporate governance
framework necessitates strategic guidance of business activities and monitoring of
management actions, among others (OECD 2004; Hilb 2002). In which case, the
board constitutes an essential component of the corporate governance system. The
board is a trust-engendering mechanism intended to ensure that managers are
made accountable for their actions and that decisions are made to the benefit of
shareholders’ interests (Baysinger and Hoskisson, 1990; Hilb, 2012).
While a vast number of studies examine the association between characteristics of
the board and corporate outcomes, there is scant formal theoretical work underlying
the inter-relationships between attributes of an effective board (Larcker et al., 2007;
Brown et al., 2011). Given the impetus to develop a theoretical framework on board
effectiveness, we present an analytical model demonstrating that for a board to be
effective, the following four criteria must be met: (1) independence from
management; (2) competent in performing its functions and responsibilities;
(3) active in board duties; and (4) have appropriate behavioural attributes.
We identify these four attributes from professional guidance and prior academic
research that examine the efficacy of corporate boards. Our theoretical model
defines an ‘and’ relationship between a board being effective and the four
attributes of independence, competency, activity, and behavioural attributes.
Using inferential statistics, we demonstrate that one cannot replace an attribute by
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
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Posterior Probability of Main Assertion Given the Knowledge About
‘N’ Sub-Assertions in an ‘And’ Tree
We use the induction approach to develop the formula for posterior probability of
the main assertion, M, which consists of n-sub-assertions, A1... An, that are related
to the main assertion through the ‘and’ relationship, as depicted in Figure 1A. The
rounded boxes represent variables (assertion and sub-assertions), and the
rectangular boxes represent items of evidence pertaining to the variables to which
they are connected. The ‘and’ relationship implies that the main assertion is met,
that is, it is true if and only if all the sub-assertions are true. We assume these
variables to be binary in nature. An upper case letter is used to represent the
name of the variable while the lower case letter is used for its values. For
example, M represents the main assertion with ‘m’ representing the value that it is
true, that is, the assertion is met, and ‘~m’ represents the negation of the variable
M that it is not true. Figure 1A is a tree type evidential diagram, where each item
of evidence pertains to only one variable. If an item of evidence pertains to more
than one variable, then the evidential diagram becomes a network. Deriving an
analytical formula for a network evidential diagram becomes intractable.
© 2018 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney
We want to determine the posterior probability that the main assertion is true
given that we have observed all the evidence related to all the variables: EM, E1,
… En (see Figure 1A). In other words, we want to answer the question: what is
the likelihood that the main assertion is true given that we have collected and
evaluated all the evidence related to all the variables as given in Figure 1A? We
use Shenoy and Shafer’s (1990, see also Srivastava, 2011) technique to derive the
general formula. Srivastava et al. (2012) have used the Shenoy and Shafer
approach to derive a general formula for the likelihood of a particular cause to be
the reason for an effect under the situation where multiple causes are the reason
for the effect. In some sense, our problem is similar to theirs, except we want to
determine the likelihood of the presence of the effect (the main assertion) based
on the presence of all the causes (all the sub-assertions).
First, we develop the analytical formula for the posterior probability that the
main assertion, M, is true for the simple case with two sub-assertions, A1 and A2,
and then by induction we derive the formula for n sub-assertions. In general, we
also assume that we have partial knowledge about the presence of the main
assertion, M, through evidence EM.
which means that the main assertion M is not true when any one of the sub-
assertions is not true or when both of them are not true.
To derive the formula for the posterior probability that the main assertion is true
given that we have observed and evaluated all the evidence, P(m|EME1E2), we use
the Shenoy and Shafer (1990) approach of combining probability information. Under
this approach, we first identify all the probability information relevant in the problem.
Probability information on a variable (variables being M, A1, and A2) is expressed in
terms of what Bayesian literature refers to as probability potentials (Shenoy and
Shafer, 1990). The probability potentials at a variable essentially are probabilities or
conditional probabilities associated with the variable but are not necessarily
normalized, that is, they do not necessarily add to one. For example, the conditional
probabilities associated with variable M due to the evidence EM could be expressed
as potentials at M with two values, one for ‘m’ that it is present and the other for
‘~m’ that it is not present and are represented as P(EM|m)P(m) and P(EM|~m)P(~m).
In general, we use the symbol φ(.) to express the potential for the argument given in
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the parenthesis. For example, the potentials on the state space {m, ~m} of the binary
variable ‘M’ based on the conditional probabilities can be expressed as: φ(m) = P(EM|
m)P(m), and φ(~m) = P(EM|~m)P(~m). Basically, under the Shenoy and Shafer
(1990) approach, all the potentials are vacuously extended11 to the joint space of all
the variables, point-wise multiplied,12 and then marginalized13 to variables of interest
to determine the posterior probability of that particular variable. The following
discussion provides the details of combining all the potentials and finally determining
the overall potentials at M, the variable of interest.
Step 1: Identify all the probability potentials for two sub-assertions case in
Figure 1A
φ ð mÞ PðEM jmÞPðmÞ
Probability potentials at ‘M ‘due to evidence EM: =
φð mÞ PðEM j mÞPð mÞ
φða1 Þ
Probability potentials at variable A1 due to evidence E1:
φð a1 Þ
PðE1 ja1 ÞPða1 Þ
PðE1 j a1 ÞPð a1 Þ
φða2 Þ
Probability potentials at variable A2 due to evidence E2:
φð a2 Þ
PðE2 ja2 ÞPða2 Þ
PðE2 j a2 ÞPð a2 Þ
Probability potentials related to ‘and’ relationship:
2 3 2 3 2 3
φða1 a2 mÞ Pða1 a2 mÞ 1:0
6 φða1 a2 mÞ 7 6 Pða1 a2 mÞ 7 6 1:0 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 φð a1 a2 mÞ 5 = 4 Pð a1 a2 mÞ 5 = 4 1:0 5
φð a1 a2 mÞ Pð a1 a2 mÞ 1:0
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joint space {a1a1m, a1~a2~m, ~a1a1~m, ~a1~a1~m}, which happens to be the state
space of the ‘and’ relationship. As mentioned earlier, under point-wise
multiplication, each element of a potential is multiplied with the same element of
another potential. Given below is an example of the vacuous extension of the
potential at M.
2 3 2 3
φða1 a2 mÞ PðEM jmÞPðmÞ
6 φða1 a2 mÞ 7 6 PðEM j mÞPð mÞ 7
6 7 6 7 ðA1Þ
4 φð a1 a2 mÞ 5 = 4 PðEM j mÞPð mÞ 5
φð a1 a2 mÞ PðEM j mÞPð mÞ
Next, we point-wise multiply the four sets of potentials (three sets from the
three variables A1, A2, and M, and one set from the ‘and’ relationship). In other
words, we point-wise multiply the potentials defined earlier at M, A1, A2, and the
potential for the ‘and’ relationship after vacuously extending the potentials onto
the joint space of the three variables. This multiplication yields the following
2 3 2 3
Φða1 a2 mÞ PðE1 ja1 ÞPða1 ÞPðE2 j a2 ÞPða2 ÞPðEM j mÞPðmÞ
6 Φða1 a2 mÞ 7 6 PðE1 ja1 ÞPða1 ÞPðE2 j a2 ÞPð a2 ÞPðEM j mÞPð mÞ 7
6 7 6 7
4 Φð a1 a2 mÞ 5 = 4 PðE1 j a1 ÞPð a1 ÞPðE2 ja2 ÞPða2 ÞPðEM j mÞPð mÞ 5
Φð a1 a2 mÞ PðE1 j a1 ÞPð a1 ÞPðE2 j a2 ÞPð a2 ÞPðEM j mÞPð mÞ
Equation (A3) provides the overall potentials at variable M after combining all
the items of evidence including the priors. The potentials in (A3) when
normalized yield the posterior probability that M is true given all the evidence
about M, A1, and A2. To simplify the final result, we divide both the numerator
and denominator of the normalized potentials by P(E1|~a1)P(~a1)P(E2|~a2)P(~a2)
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P(EF|~m)P(~m) and define the following likelihood ratios, λ’s, and prior
odds, O’s:
λ1 = PðE1 ja1 Þ=PðE1 j a1 Þ;λ2 = PðE2 ja2 Þ=PðE2 j a2 Þ;λM = PðEM jmÞ=PðEM j mÞ,
O1 = Pða1 Þ=Pð a1 Þ,O2 = Pða2 Þ=Pð a2 Þ, Om = PðmÞ=Pð mÞ,
λ 1 O1 λ 2 O2 λ M OM
PðmjE1 E2 EM Þ = ðA6Þ
1 + λ 1 O 1 + λ 2 O2 + λ 1 O 1 λ 2 O 2 λ M O M
β1 β2 βM
PðmjE1 E2 EM Þ = ðA7Þ
1 + β 1 + β 2 + β1 β 2 β M
Equation (A7) represents the desired posterior probability that the main
assertion is true for the two sub-assertions case in terms of the likelihood ratios,
λ’s, and prior odds O’s, as given by β’s, β = λO, given that we have observed the
following evidence: E1, E2, and EM. Equation (A7) is a general expression. Next,
we extend the above formula for the situation where there are ‘n’ sub-assertions.
β1 β 2 β 3 βM
PðmjE1 E2 E3 EM Þ = ðA8Þ
1 + β 1 + β 2 + β 3 + β 1 β2 + β1 β 3 + + β 2 β 3 + β1 β 2 β 3 βM
Thus, by induction we can generalize the result for the case where we have n
sub-assertions as:
βi βM
PðmjE1 E2 …En EM Þ = ðA9Þ
n P
n P
n Q
1+ βi + βi βj + βi βj βk + … + βi βM
i=1 i, j, i6¼j i, j, k, i6¼j6¼k i=1
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