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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

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Assessment of the bioactive capacity of extracts from Leptocarpha rivularis T

stalks using ethanol-modified supercritical CO2

Edgar Uquiche , Claudia Campos, Claudia Marillán
Department of Chemical Engineering, Center of Food Biotechnology and Bioseparations, BIOREN, Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), P.O. Box 54-D, Temuco, Chile



Keywords: Supercritical extraction from L. rivularis stalks using ethanol-modified supercritical CO2 was studied. The effects
Supercritical extraction of ethanol concentration (0.5―1.5 wt.%) and pressure (20―40 MPa) on the total extract yield (Y1, g/kg d.s.),
Leptocarpha rivularis phenolics extraction yield (Y2, mg GAE/kg d.s.), antioxidant (Y3, mmol TE/kg d.s.) and anti-inflammatory ac-
Bioactive properties tivities (Y4=IC50, mg/mL) were studied. The greatest total extract yield, phenolics extraction yield and anti-
Modifier ethanol
oxidant activity were reached at 1 wt.% and 40 MPa. Anti-inflammatory activity improved with the addition of
ethanol, being higher at 1.5 wt.%. The following results were obtained at the selected condition (1 wt.%,
40 MPa): Y1 = 34.15 g/kg d.s, Y2 = 658.44 mg GAE/kg d.s., Y3 = 0.103 mmol TE/kg d.s. and Y4 = 3.38 mg/mL.
Important bioactive compounds like caryophyllene oxide, quercetin, kaempferol and resveratrol were quantified
in the selected extract. The extract showed inhibitory capacity against α-amylase and α-glucosidase, demon-
strating important bioactive properties.

1. Introduction make infusions. Bioactive compounds present in the plant have shown
an inhibitory and cytotoxic effect on cancer cells [2]. Supercritical fluid
Leptocarpha rivularis is a medicinal plant endemic to southern Chile extraction is a technology for extraction of high quality natural com-
belonging to the Asteraceae family. L. rivularis is a Chilean medicinal pounds, and provides a more selective and efficient extraction by
plant and its application forms part of the ancestral medicine of the controlling temperature and pressure, which determine its solvent
Mapuche people (pre-Hispanic inhabitants of Chile) [1]. Nowadays it is power by regulating the density of the supercritical fluid. Carbon di-
marketed in pharmacies and alternative medicine shops as a product to oxide (CO₂) is the solvent most commonly used for supercritical

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: edgar.uquiche@ufrontera.cl (E. Uquiche).

Received 24 November 2018; Received in revised form 6 February 2019; Accepted 7 February 2019
Available online 11 February 2019
0896-8446/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

extraction applications in the food industry. CO₂ is a solvent suitable for tetrahydrate, sodium hydroxide, lipoxygenase from Glycine max, α-
extraction of nonpolar organic compounds. Solubility of polar organic amylase from Bacillus licheniformis, α-glucosidase from Saccharomyces
compounds in supercritical CO₂ is low, however could improve by in- cerevisiae, TROLOX (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-car-
creasing pressure or adding a polar modifier, such as ethanol, methanol boxylic acid), DNSA (3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid), pNPG (p-Nitrophenyl β-
or water at a low concentration. Modifiers also can improve extraction D-glucopyranoside), p-Nitrophenol, 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene, car-
yield by reducing solute/solid matrix interactions, facilitating the re- yophyllene oxide, gallic acid, catechin, naringenin, quercetin, resvera-
moval of solutes [3]. trol, maltose monohydrate from potato were procured from Sigma-
Studies on supercritical extraction using L. rivularis leaves were Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Starch soluble for analysis (potato starch,
carried out by Uquiche and Martínez [4] and Uquiche and Garcés [5]. solubility in water at 90 °C: 50 g/L) was acquired from Scharlau Chemie
Nowadays, the preparation of infusions of the plant is done with the S.A. (Barcelona, Spain). Phosphate buffer pH 7 was obtained from
mixture of stalks and leaves (90:10). There are no previous studies on Winkler Ltda. (Santiago, Chile).
supercritical extraction using stalks. A review on supercritical extrac- The L. rivularis stalks used as substrate were provided by Los Esteros
tion of polyphenols from plant substrates indicates a range of pressures Company (La Union, Chile) (39°52′S, 73°14′W). The material was dried
used between 10―50 MPa, and temperature range between 318―348 K in an oven (Memmert UF110, Schwabach, Germany) at 50 °C for 10 h.
(45―75 °C) [6]. In current work were selected pressures between 20 Substrate was placed in a freezer (–60 °C) for 2 days and stalks were
and 40 MPa because this range covers a large part of the pressure ground in a Moulinex chopper (model AD5661AR, Moulinex, Ecully,
conditions used in different studies. Likewise 60 °C was chosen as an France). Substrate was screened through a series of sieves using a Ro-
intermediate value in the temperature range reported in studies in the Tap testing sieve shaker (model RX-29-10, W.S. Tyler, Mentor, OH,
review. In the case of the modifier, to obtain a balanced three-level USA). Average particle diameter (dp) was calculated using standard
design, was used 0.5–1.0 - 1.5% by weight. method S319.3 [10].
Studies have been reported on the use of ethanol as a modifier in
supercritical CO2 extraction from medicinal plants. Daukšas et al. [7] 2.2. Supercritical extraction
informed that extract recovery increased with 1 wt.% of ethanol,
compared to extraction without modifier. However, extract recovery Supercritical extraction was carried out in a Spe-ed SFE unit
decreased when ethanol was increased to 2 wt.%. Michielin et al. [3] (Applied Separations, Allentown, PA) loading 12 g of substrate (feed) in
observed a decrease in extraction yield when an excess of ethanol as a 50 cm3 extraction vessel (14 mm inner diameter). The substrate had a
modifier was used in supercritical CO2 extraction from Cordia verbe- moisture content of 7.53 ± 0.55 g/100 g dry substrate, determined
nacea. They pointed out that the decrease in extraction yield was be- gravimetrically by drying in an air-convection oven (Memmert model
cause the addition of ethanol in 8 wt.% decreased the interactions be- UM-400, WTB Binder, Tuttlingen, Germany) set at 102 °C to a constant
tween solute and CO2. Thus, increase of modifier concentration does final weight (10 h) [11]. Dry substrate (d.s.) is the substrate loaded into
not necessarily mean a more efficient extract recovery. the extractor vessel discounting its moisture. Depending on the ex-
Lipoxygenase is an enzyme involved in the regulation of in- traction conditions (20―40 MPa, at 60 °C), between 3.7 and 4.6 L NPT
flammatory responses by biosynthesis of leukotrienes and lipoxins, per min of CO2 (Linde Chile S.A.) was used as solvent (superficial ve-
important mediators in inflammation. Leukotrienes have been related locity, 1 mm/s). The static 15-min extraction period was followed by a
to inflammatory diseases including cancer [8]. Phenolic compounds dynamic extraction period, which varied between 44 and 54 min in
exert an anti-inflammatory effect by lipoxygenase inhibition, through order to obtain a total solvent consumption of 30 kg CO2/kg d.s. In
their actions at the enzyme active site, and by chelating iron or redu- supercritical extractions involving the use of modifier, ethanol was
cing it to its ferrous form [9]. Phenolic compounds are known for their pumped into the CO2 feed line at a flow rate between 0.04 and 0.11 mL/
antioxidant properties. Free radicals can cause damage to molecules min so as to achieve three levels of modifier concentration (0.5, 1.0 and
such as DNA and proteins, resulting in pathologies associated with in- 1.5 wt.%) by using an HPLC pump (Knauer, model K-501, Berlin, Ger-
flammatory disorders, causing cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular many) (flow accuracy < 1%, at 1 mL/min, 12 MPa). The extracts were
diseases. Thus, between the production of free radicals and inflamma- collected during extraction in pre-weighed glass vials (60 cm3 capa-
tion exist a close relationship. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a disease city). The extracts were subjected to a gentle stream of nitrogen (Linde
caused by deficiency in the action and/or secretion of insulin, causing Chile S.A.) to evaporate the ethanol. Extraction yield (Y1) was ex-
the accumulation of glucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia). α-amylase pressed as grams of extract per kilogram of dry substrate (g/kg d.s.).
hydrolyzes the α-1,4 glycosidic linkages of complex carbohydrates (e.g.
starch); while α-glucosidase catalyzes the final step of carbohydrate 2.3. Analysis of extracts
hydrolysis, releasing glucose. Thus inhibition of α-amylase and α-glu-
cosidase activity may potentially offer a means of regulating blood 2.3.1. Total phenolics extraction yield
glucose levels. The aim of our work was to evaluate the effect of Total phenolics content was determined according to Folin-
modifier (ethanol) concentration and extraction pressure on the total Ciocalteu’s method [12] with minor modifications as described pre-
extract yield, total phenolics extraction yield, antioxidant activity and viously [4]. Extract solution (5 mg/mL) was prepared by dissolving
anti-inflammatory activity of extract from L. rivularis stalks. 10 mg of extract in 2 mL of ethanol. Quantification was done using a
calibration curve constructed with gallic acid solution and expressed as
2. Materials and methods milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per gram of extract (Cph, mg
GAE/g). Total phenolics extraction yield (Y2, mg GAE/kg d.s.) was
2.1. Materials calculated as Y1×Cph.

Ethanol and methanol both analytical grade were procured from 2.3.2. Antioxidant activity
J.T. Baker (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA). DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhy- Antioxidant activity was measured by DPPH radical scavenging
drazyl) was purchased from Calbiochem Co. (San Diego, CA, USA). assay based on the standard calibration curve, according to Brand-
Acetonitrile, methanol and water, all grade for chromatography Williams [13] with minor modifications [4]. Extract solution (10 mg/
(LiChrosolv Reag. Ph Eur) and DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and formic mL) was prepared by dissolving 50 mg of extract in 5 mL of ethanol.
acid were obtained from Merck KGaA (Darmstadt, Germany). Iron (II) Antioxidant activity was expressed as mmol TROLOX equivalent (TE)
sulfate heptahydrate and iron (III) chloride anhydrous were purchased per kilogram of dried substrate (Y3, mmol TE/kg d.s.). Additionally,
from ACROS Organics (Morris, NJ, USA). Potassium sodium tartrate antioxidant activity was measured by Ferric-Reducing Antioxidant

E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

Power (FRAP) assay according to Benzie and Strain [14]. Extract so- mg maltosesample ⎤
lution (10 mg/mL) was prepared by dissolving 50 mg of extract in 5 mL % Inhibition = ⎡1 − × 100
⎢ mg maltosecontrol ⎥ (1)
⎣ ⎦
of ethanol. A standard calibration curve was constructed using aqueous
solutions of FeSO4·7H2O at different concentrations. The FRAP value
was calculated and expressed as mmol Fe+2 equivalents per kilogram of 2.3.7. Inhibition of α-glucosidase
dried substrate (mmol Fe+2/kg d.s.) based on the standard calibration The inhibition of α-glucosidase was determined according to
curve. Muccilli et al. [19] with some modifications. Extract solutions in DMSO
at different concentrations were prepared (1.0―3 mg/mL). A 3 mM
2.3.3. Anti-inflammatory activity solution of pNPG was prepared as substrate. The enzyme solution was
Anti-inflammatory activity was measured by lipoxygenase inhibi- prepared at a concentration of 1 U/mL in phosphate buffer. For the
tion assay according to Ahmed et al. [15], with some modifications [4]. inhibition test 50 μL of extract solution was mixed in a test tube with
Anti-inflammatory activity (Y4) was expressed as IC50 value (mg/mL), 125 μL of pNPG and 1250 μL of phosphate buffer, and incubated for
which represents the extract concentration sufficient to obtain 50% 10 min at 37 °C. To start the reaction, 50 μL of the enzyme solution was
inhibition of maximum capacity for lipoxygenase activity. added and incubated for 20 min at 37 °C. Then the reaction was stopped
by adding 4000 μL of 0.1 M solution of Na2CO3. A blank solution was
2.3.4. Individual quantification of flavonoids prepared by replacing 50 μL of the enzyme solution with 50 μL phos-
Quantification of catechin, quercetin and resveratrol was carried phate buffer. A control assay representing 100% of the enzymatic re-
out according to Kim [16], using a HPLC–DAD 1260 infinity system action was performed by replacing the 50 μL of the extract solution with
(Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), equipped with a qua- 50 μL DMSO. The activity of α-glucosidase was determined by mea-
ternary pump. Stock solution of samples were prepared at the con- suring the p-nitrophenol released from the hydrolysis of pNPG at
centration of 10 mg/mL in methanol. Chromatographic separations 400 nm in the spectrophotometer. The inhibition (%) was calculated
were performed on an column Agilent Zorbax rapid resolution high- with the following Eq. (2):
definition (RRHD) SB-C18 (2.1 mm i.d. × 100 mm, 1.8 μm, catalog
number: 858758-902). The column temperature was 30 °C, the flow Asample − Ablank ⎞ ⎤
Inhibition (%) = ⎡1 − ⎛ ⎜ ⎟ × 100
rate was 0.3 mL/min and injection volume was 20 μL. Mobile phase A ⎢ ⎝ Acontrol ⎠⎥ (2)
⎣ ⎦
(water with 0.1% formic acid) and B (acetonitrile with 0.1% formic
acid) were used for gradient elution.
The gradient elution program was used as follows: 0% B (0 min), 5% 2.4. Experimental design
(0―3.5 min), 15% (3.5―7.1 min), 40% (7.1―25 min), 40%
(25―26 min), 100% (26―27 min), 100% (27―29 min), and 0% A two-level full factorial design [22] with four replicates in the
(29―35 min). central point was used to evaluate the effects of the independent vari-
Flavonoids were identified by comparing their retention times with ables coded modifier concentration (X1) and coded pressure (X2) on the
those of standards. Solution of standards were prepared at the con- total extract yield (Y1, g/kg d.s.), total phenolics extraction yield (Y2,
centration of 0.1 mg/mL in methanol. Quantification was carried out by mg GAE/kg d.s.), antioxidant (Y3, mmol TE/kg d.s.) and anti-in-
the internal standard method [17] using naringenin. The HPLC-DAD flammatory (Y4=IC50, mg/mL) activities. A second-order model (Eq.
was controlled using the Agilent ChemStation Software. (3)) was used to describe the response variable as a function of coded
modifier concentration (X1) and coded pressure (X2), where A0 is a
2.3.5. Individual quantification of terpenes constant; A1 and A2 are linear coefficients; A12 is a cross-product
coefficient; and A12 and A22 are quadratic coefficients. Coefficients of the
Quantification of caryophyllene oxide was carried out according to
second-order model were estimated using Design-Expert Software,
Uquiche and Martínez [4] using a GC-FID 6850 (Agilent Technologies,
version 6.0.1 (Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA). Goodness of fit of
Santa Clara, CA, USA) with a flame ionization detector equipped with a
the second-order model was evaluated by analysis of variance. Statis-
HP-5 capillary column (0.25 mm i.d. × 30 m, 0.25 μm, catalog number:
tical significance was based on the total error criteria with a confidence
19091S-433). Internal standard method [17] was used for quantifica-
level of 95%.
tion with 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene as the internal standard. The GC-
FID was controlled using the Agilent ChemStation Software. Y = A0 + A1 X1 + A2 X2 + A12 X1 X2 + A12 X12 + A22 X22 (3)

2.3.6. Inhibition of α-amylase

The inhibition of α-amylase was carried out according to Rahali 3. Results and discussion
et al. [18] with some modifications. Extract solution was prepared in
DMSO at different concentrations (2―20 mg/mL). For the color re- 3.1. Substrate
agent, 20 mL of 96 mM solution of DNSA was mixed with a solution of
sodium potassium tartrate (12 g of potassium sodium tartrate dissolved Dried and milled stalks had a moisture content of 7.53 ± 0.55/
in 8 mL of 2 M sodium hydroxide), and was brought to a total volume of 100 g d.s. Average particle diameter (dp) was 0.95 mm and was con-
40 mL with deionized water. Extract solution (200 μL) was mixed with sidered suitable for supercritical fluid extraction in packed beds. If
400 μL of starch solution (1% w/v in phosphate buffer) and incubated particles are too small, they may cause CO2 channelling through the
for 3 min at 37 °C. Then was added 200 μL of enzyme solution (2 U/mL packed bed, reducing extraction efficiency.
in phosphate buffer) and incubated for another 3 min at 37 °C. DNSA
solution (400 μL) was added and the solution was heated at 95 °C for 3.2. Experimental results and statistical analysis
15 min, and followed by cooling to ˜20 °C and addition of 3600 μL of
deionized water. The absorbance at 540 nm was measured in the Table 1 shows results of extraction yield (Y1) from L. rivularis stalks
spectrophotometer. Maltose was quantified using a calibration curve. A using supercritical CO2 as a function of modifier concentration and
blank was prepared by replacing 200 μL of enzyme solution with 200 μL extraction pressure. The highest extraction yield was 4.3-fold more than
of phosphate buffer. A control that represents 100% of the enzymatic the lowest yield. The highest value for total phenolics extraction yield
reaction was prepared by replacing 200 μL of extract solution with (Y2) was 5.1-fold more than the lowest value. For the antioxidant ac-
200 mL of DMSO solution. The inhibition (%) was calculated with the tivity (Y3, mmol TE/kg d.s.) and anti-inflammatory activity (Y4, mg/
following Eq. (1): mL) the differences were 4.4-fold and 2.3-fold respectively. Table 2

E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

Table 1
Total extract yield (Y1, g/kg d.s.), total phenolics extraction yield (Y2, mg GAE/kg d.s.), antioxidant activity (Y3, mmol TE/kg d.s.), anti-inflammatory activity (Y4,
mg/mL) and extraction rate parameter (k1, min−1) as a function of modifier concentration (C, wt.%) and pressure conditions (P, MPa).
C P X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 k1 RMSD
wt.% MPa (―) (―) g/kg d.s. mg GAE/kg d.s. mmol TE/kg d.s. mg/mL min−1

0.5 20 ―1 ―1 6.29 ± 1.33 72.89 ± 15.03 0.0224 ± 0.0034 2.50 ± 0.01 0.154 0.04969
1.5 20 1 ―1 5.69 ± 0.42 79.75 ± 5.68 0.0130 ± 0.0015 1.72 ± 0.16 0.150 0.02742
0.5 40 ―1 1 21.86 ± 1.80 202.77 ± 17.30 0.0576 ± 0.0001 3.90 ± 0.12 0.163 0.03866
1.5 40 1 1 19.11 ± 1.73 148.70 ± 13.78 0.0450 ± 0.0093 2.90 ± 0.11 0.199 0.03440
1.0 30 0 0 22.70 ± 0.95 352.68 ± 1.68 0.0474 ± 0.0017 3.17 ± 0.27 0.231 0.05439
1.0 30 0 0 24.46 ± 1.13 371.37 ± 1.36 0.0572 ± 0.0049 3.27 ± 0.08 0.216 0.10466
1.0 30 0 0 22.61 ± 1.04 346.54 ± 2.51 0.0536 ± 0.0005 2.87 ± 0.17 0.203 0.02681
1.0 30 0 0 22.35 ± 0.71 352.81 ± 2.07 0.0567 ± 0.0090 3.31 ± 0.04 0.220 0.04561

summarizes the statistical indicators obtained from the ANOVA applied

to the models selected (Eqs. (4)–(7)), with significant coefficients only
(p ≤ 0.05). Models were significant at p < 0.001 and were considered
adequate given the high coefficient of determination (R2 > 0.95 and
adjusted-R2 > 0.92), the high signal-to-noise ratio (> 4) and low
coefficient of variation (< 10). The plot between predicted and ex-
perimental values showed good correlation for all responses (data not
shown), with significant correlation coefficients (r > 0.90, p < 0.01).
Analysis of variance was used to find significance for the selected
second-order model coefficients. A large regression coefficient and
small p-value would indicate a more significant effect on the response
For total extract yield (Y1), the quadratic coefficient of modifier
concentration ( A12 = ―9.793) had the largest effect, followed by the
linear term of pressure (A2= +7.248). For phenolic extraction yield
(Y2) the quadratic coefficient of modifier concentration ( A12 =
―229.824) was the factor with the largest effect, followed by the linear
coefficient of pressure (A2= +49.709). Quadratic coefficient of
modifier concentration ( A12 = ―0.01955) had the largest effect on Fig. 1. Surface plot of total extract yield (Y1, g/kg dry substrate) as a function
antioxidant activity, followed by the linear coefficient of pressure (A2= of modifier concentration (C, wt.%) and pressure (P, MPa).
+0.01682) and modifier concentration (A2= ―0.00549). For anti-in-
flammatory activity (Y3), the linear coefficient of pressure (A2= Y3 = 0.05406 − 0.00549X1 + 0.01682X2 − 0.01955X12 (6)
+0.648) was the most significant effect, followed by linear (A1=
―0.445) and quadratic ( A12 = ―0.401) coefficients of modifier con- Y4 = 3.155 − 0.445X1 + 0.648X2 − 0.401X12 (7)
centration. For variables Y1 and Y2 there was no significant effect of the
linear term of modifier concentration (p = 0.1671 and p = 0.2567, re-
spectively) but these coefficients were not removed in order to maintain 3.3. Total extract yield
model hierarchy. For all responses, there was no significant effect of the
interaction coefficient. Thus the second-order models established a Fig. 1 shows that total extract yield increased with rising pressure at
statistically significant relationship between response variables with the every modifier concentration value. Y1 increased from 15.78 to
modifier concentration (C) and pressure (P). To better visualize the 30.28 g/kg d.s. (˜2-fold) when P changes from 20 to 40 MPa (C = 1 wt
effect of C and P on response variables in the experimental region, %), which exemplified the positive linear effect of pressure
surface response graphs were generated using the following models, (p = 0.0001). This is due to the fact that increasing extraction pressure
at constant temperature thereby decreases intermolecular distance be-
Y1 = 23.03 − 0.838X1 + 7.248X2 − 9.793X12 (4)
tween CO2 molecules and increases CO2 density. Higher density in-
creases interactions between CO2 and organic molecules [20]. In the
Y2 = 355.85 − 11.80X1 + 49.71X2 − 229.82X12 (5)
literature, the positive effect of pressure on extraction yield from

Table 2
Analysis of variance of regression coefficients and statistical appropriateness indicators of the second-order models selected.
Regression coefficients Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value

A1 −0.838 0.1671 −11.801 0.2567 −0.00549 0.0397 −0.445 0.0076

A2 +7.248 0.0001 +49.709 0.0051 +0.01682 0.0008 +0.648 0.0019
A12 −9.793 0.0002 −229.824 < 0.0001 −0.01955 0.0016 −0.401 0.0338
F 136.67 0.0002 121.41 0.0002 50.34 0.0012 29.1056 0.0035
R2 0.990 0.989 0.974 0.956
adjusted-R2 0.983 0.981 0.955 0.923
Signal-to-noise ratio 25.45 23.079 17.268 17.284
CV 5.48 7.409 8.252 6.05

E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

herbaceous matrices has been extensively reported. Fig. 1 shows non- parameter related to extraction rate at the very beginning of the process
linear effect (p = 0.0002) of modifier concentration on total extract (min−1); k2, the parameter related to maximum extraction yield
yield, regardless of pressure. At 40 MPa, Y1 increased when C increased (min−1); q, amount of extract (g/kg d.s.); q0, maximum amount ex-
from 0.5 to 1 wt.% (from 21.3 to 30.3 g/kg d.s.) and then it decreased tracted (g/kg d.s.); and t, time (min). Parameters k1 and k2 were ob-
until 19.7 g/kg d.s. when C changed to 1.5 wt.%. de Campos et al. [21] tained by adjusting experimental extraction data to the kinetic model
have pointed out that the increase in ethanol concentration can affect for each extraction condition. The difference between values observed
extraction yield by: (a) the saturation of CO2 with ethanol, which re- experimentally (Yexp) and values predicted by the kinetic model (Ypred)
sults in the formation of two phases, reducing the solvent capacity of were established by root mean square deviation (RMSD) (Eq. (9)).
the CO2-ethanol mixture; (b) the formation of hydrogen bonds between q k1 t
the hydrogen from one molecule with oxygen from another molecule =
q0 1 + k2 t (8)
(ethanol–ethanol hydrogen bonding). The formation of ethanol–ethanol
hydrogen bonding reduces the availability of ethanol to interact with n
∑i (Yexp − Ypred )2
solute molecules; and therefore less solute molecules are solubilized, RMSD =
thereby decreasing the extraction yield [21,22]. Addition of ethanol as n (9)
a modifier affects the temperature (Tc) and pressure (Pc) critical for Initial extraction rate parameter (k1) ranged between 0.150 and
CO2. Aidil et al. [23] reported the corresponding critical values for a 0.231 min−1 (Table 1). Value of k1 increased with pressure at a con-
concentration of 5 wt.% of ethanol in CO2 as Tc = 42.5 °C and stant temperature; and increased and decreased with the concentration
Pc = 7.32 MPa. In the current work, temperature was at 60 °C and of modifier, similar to behaviour of Y1. In fact, there was a positive
pressure over 20 MPa, so that our working conditions were in the su- correlation between Y1 and k1 (r = 0.804; p ≤ 0.05). This positive
percritical region for ethanol-modified CO2. Thus, the decrease in total correlation may be because the initial extraction rate depends on the
extract yield may be due to the prevalent formation of ethanol–ethanol solute solubility in supercritical CO2. This condition does not necessa-
hydrogen bonding. rily indicate that equilibrium was attained. Therefore, the differences
The increase and decrease of extraction yield with the modifier observed in the total extract yield are mainly explained by the effects of
addition in supercritical extraction from herbaceous matrices has been extraction conditions on the solvation power of CO2 and consequently
reported in the literature. Daukšas et al. [7] studied supercritical ex- on the initial extraction rate.
traction from sage (Salvia officinalis L.) with ethanol-modified CO2 at
100 °C and 35 MPa. Extraction yield increases with 1 wt.% of modifier; 3.4. Total phenolics extraction yield
but decreases with an increase to 2 wt.%. Biscaia and Ferreira [24] used
ethanol-modified CO2 (2―7 wt.%) to extract propolis at 40 °C and Fig. 3 shows an increase in total phenolics extraction yield with
15 MPa. Higher recovery of extract was achieved with 5 wt.% modifier. pressure increase (p = 0.0051), at every modifier concentration. To
Similar behavior was informed by Kamali et al. [25] in supercritical exemplify, Y2 increased from 88.12 to 187.54 mg GAE/kg d.s and from
extraction from Biebersteinia multifida DC using ethanol-modified CO2. 64.52 to 163.93 mg GAE/kg d.s through increase from 20 to 40 MPa, at
Therefore, an increase and subsequent decrease of total extract yield 0.5 and 1.5 wt.%, respectively. Fig. 3 shows significant quadratic effect
with an increase of modifier concentration, has been observed. (p < 0.0001) of modifier concentration on phenolic extraction yield
To illustrate the effect of modifier concentration and pressure on (Y2) regardless of pressure, increasing and decreasing with the increase
extraction kinetics, cumulative extraction curves were constructed at of modifier concentration. To exemplify, at 40 MPa, Y2 increased from
the extraction conditions studied (Fig. 2). The curves show the constant 187.54 to 405.56 mg GAE/kg d.s. by increase from 0.5 to 1 wt.% of
extraction rate (CER) period, where the extraction mechanism is con- modifier. Then it decreased until 163.93 mg GAE/kg d.s. when 1.5 wt.%
trolled by solubility and the diffusion-controlled rate (DCR) period, was used. As has been argued before, the decrease in the phenolic ex-
where the extraction mechanism is controlled by diffusion [20,26]. traction yield at 1.5% may be due to the prevalence of the ethanol-
Differences between extraction curves in the CER period were observed. ethanol interaction, reducing the availability of ethanol to interact with
Cumulative extraction curves were modeled using Peleg’s model (Eq. the solute molecules [21,22]. Machado et al. [28] studied conditions to
(8)) [27] and the following kinetic parameters were estimated: k1 is the extract phenolic compounds from propolis using supercritical CO2
modified with 1 and 2 wt.% of ethanol at 50 °C and 25 MPa. Addition of

Fig. 2. Effect of modifier concentration (wt.%) and pressure (MPa) on cumu-

lative extraction yield (Y1, g/kg d.s.) versus specific solvent consumption (kg
CO2/kg dry substrate) using supercritical CO2 at 60 °C: 0.5 wt.% ― 40 MPa Fig. 3. Surface plot of total phenolics extraction yield (Y2, mg GAE/kg dry
(square), 1.5 wt.% ― 40 MPa (circle), 0.5 wt.% ― 20 MPa (cross), 1.5 wt.% ― substrate) as a function of pressure (P, MPa) and modifier concentration (C, wt
20 MPa (diamond) and 1.0 wt.% ― 30 MPa (triangle). %).

E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

3.5. Antioxidant activity

Fig. 4 shows that antioxidant activity increased with rising pressure

regardless of modifier concentration value. Y3 increases from 0.0232 to
0.0568 mg TE/kg d.s. (˜2.4-fold) at C = 0.5 wt.% and from 0.0122 to
0.0458 mg TE/kg d.s. (˜3.8-fold) at C = 1.5 wt.%, when P changes from
20 to 40 MPa, demonstrating the linear effect of pressure (p = 0.0008).
Fig. 4 shows significant non-linear effect (p = 0.0016) of modifier
concentration on antioxidant activity, regardless of pressure. To ex-
emplify, at 40 MPa, Y3 increased when C increased from 0.5 to 1 wt.%
(from 0.0568 to 0.0709 g/kg d.s.) and then it decreased until 0.0458 g/
kg d.s. when C changed to 1.5 wt.%. The effect of the modifier addition
and the pressure on Y3 followed a behavior similar to the extraction of
phenolic compounds. In fact, Y2 and Y3 correlated positively (p < 0.1).
Phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant and anti-in-
flammatory properties [30]. Phenolic compounds exert their anti-
oxidant activity by neutralizing free radicals or by chelating metal ions
Fig. 4. Surface plot of antioxidant activity (Y3, mmol TE/kg dry substrate) as a [31]. In this study, the behavior of the antioxidant activity with the
function of pressure (P, MPa) and modifier concentration (C, wt.%). variables modifier concentration and pressure, can be explained by the
phenolic compounds extracted. A positive correlation has been in-
formed between antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds, in-
dicating that these compounds are mostly responsible antioxidant ca-
pacity [32,33].

3.6. Anti-inflammatory activity

Fig. 5 shows that Y4 (IC50 values) increased with increasing pressure

regardless of modifier concentration value, demonstrating the linear
effect of pressure (p = 0.0019). The IC50 value represents the extract
concentration required to inhibit the activity of lipoxygenase by 50%.
Therefore, the anti-inflammatory activity of the extract is higher at low
IC50 values. This means that the anti-inflammatory activity decreased
with the increase in pressure. Lipoxygenase are oxidative enzymes in-
volved in inflammatory disorders [8]. Phenolic compounds inhibit li-
poxygenase, by chelating or reducing its non-heme iron atom in their
active site [9]. Zhang et al. [33] and Talhouk et al. [34] point out that
phenolic compounds can act as anti-inflammatory agents. A positive
correlation between anti-inflammatory activity and total polyphenols
Fig. 5. Surface plot of anti-inflammatory activity (Y4, mg/mL) as a function of
has been reported [35]. However in this study, the extraction of phe-
modifier concentration (C, wt.%) and pressure (P, MPa). nolic compounds did not explain the behavior of the anti-inflammatory
activity. A plausible explanation would be that in a low pressure range,
the process could co-extract compounds with higher anti-inflammatory
Table 3
activity than phenolic compounds. For instance, compounds such as
Characteristics of extract from L. rivularis stalks obtained with ethanol-modified
terpenoids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity [36].
CO2 at 1 wt.% and 40 MPa (60 °C).
Regarding the effect of the modifier, Fig. 5 shows that Y4 decreased
Characteristics Experimental from 2.63 to 1.66 mg/mL and from 3.93 to 2.96 mg/mL, when C
changed from 0.7 to 1.5 wt.% at 20 and 40 MPa, respectively. This
Total extract yield (g/kg d.s.) 34.15 ± 0.89
Total phenolics extraction yield (mg GAE/kg d.s.) 658.44 ± 10.85 means that the anti-inflammatory activity improved with increasing
TEAC (mmol TE/kg d.s.) 0.103 ± 0.003 modifier concentration, in the upper range, which correspond to the
FRAP (mmol Fe+2/kg d.s.) 16.69 ± 0.52 significant linear effect (p = 0.0019). While, in the lower range of C
Characteristics of extract (0―0.7 wt.%), the quadratic effect becomes important, observing a
Total phenolics content (mg GAE/g) 19.28 ± 0.19 plateau.
FRAP (μmol Fe+2/g) 488.57 ± 2.45 In the upper range of C (0.7―1.5 wt.%), anti-inflammatory activity
TEAC (mmol TE/kg) 3.018 ± 0.162
Lipoxygenase inhibition assay (IC50, mg/mL) 3.38
continued to improve (decreased Y4); this contrasts with the decreased
phenolic extraction yield, suggesting that in this region the anti-in-
Bioactive compounds
flammatory properties may be given by other constituents of the ex-
Caryophyllene oxide (mg/g) 7.28
Catechin (mg/100 g) 32.46 tract. Ashraf-Khorassani et al. [37] pointed out that the addition of
Quercetin (mg/100 g) 16.40 small amounts of modifier can enhance the efficiency of trace metal
Resveratrol (mg/100 g) 36.59 extraction. In this respect, Ravipati et al. [38] reported that the anti-
inflammatory activity of extracts from some Chinese medicinal plants
correlated well with the trace metal contents, pointing to metals such as
ethanol significantly improved extraction of phenolic compounds, with Zn, Mg and Se. Alam et al. [39] pointed out that metal complexes such
1 wt.% ethanol being significantly better than 2 wt.% or without as Cu and Zn showed excellent anti-inflammatory activity. Thus one
modifier. Similar behavior for supercritical extraction of phenolic possible explanation for the increase in anti-inflammatory activity may
compounds from Citrus depressa Hayata using etanol-modified CO2, was be the presence of a higher concentration of trace metals in the upper
informed [29]. range of C. This hypothesis deserves further exploration in future

E. Uquiche, et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 147 (2019) 1–8

Table 4
Percent inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase at varying concentrations of extract obtained with ethanol-modified CO2 at 1 wt.% and 40 MPa (60 °C).
Enzyme α-amylase Enzyme α-glucosidase

Concentration Inhibition IC50 Concentration Inhibition IC50

(mg/mL) (%) mg/mL (mg/mL) (%) mg/mL

0.1 24.6 ± 1.2 15.1 ± 1.1 0.1 38.4 ± 3.4 2.7 ± 0.1
0.5 28.6 ± 1.9 0.5 46.6 ± 1.4
2 32.5 ± 2.0 0.8 48.6 ± 2.6
6 34.4 ± 1.7 1.0 53.6 ± 0.3
10 43.9 ± 2.6 1.5 72.4 ± 0.3
14 48.8 ± 2.1 3.0 78.5 ± 1.2
20 56.8 ± 4.4

studies. essential oils from Cymbopogon nardus (citronella grass) [18], Cymbo-
pogon citratus (lemongrass) [18] and Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil)
3.7. Characteristics of the selected extract [47]. Thus sesquiterpenes may have antidiabetic properties.

Supercritical extraction at 1 wt.% ethanol addition and 40 MPa was 4. Conclusions

selected because it produced higher total extract yield (30.28 g/kg d.s.),
total phenolics extraction yield (405 mg GAE/kg d.s.) and antioxidant Modifier (ethanol) concentration and extraction pressure sig-
activity (0.071 mmol TE/kg d.s.). To validate the analysis, experimental nificantly affected the total extract yield, total phenolics extraction
extractions were carried out at the selected supercritical condition. yield, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts from
Table 3 shows the characteristics of the extract obtained at the selected L. rivularis stalks. The appropriate condition to obtain supercritical ex-
condition. The second-order models showed good coefficients of de- tract from L. rivularis stalks was considered to be 1 wt.% modifier and
termination (R2≥0.92, Table 2) and were adequate for predicting re- 40 MPa, according to the higher total extract yield, total phenolics ex-
sponse variables. In addition, the antioxidant activity of the selected traction yield, and antioxidant activity. A higher modifier concentration
extract was measured by FRAP assay, obtaining 16.69 mmol Fe+2/kg does not necessarily result in an improvement in the total extract yield
d.s. FRAP represents the reducing capacity of antioxidant compounds in and total phenolics extraction yield. Higher anti-inflammatory ability of
a redox reaction, in which one reactive species is reduced at the expense the extract was obtained with higher modifier concentration. Bioactive
of the oxidation of another [14]. compounds were quantified in the selected extract, such as car-
There is no information in the literature for L. rivularis stalks. yophyllene oxide (sesquiterpene), catechin, quercetin and resveratrol
Uquiche and Martinez [4] reported antioxidant activity (0.099 mmol (flavonoids). The selected extract presented the capacity to inhibit en-
TE/kg d.s.) and anti-inflammatory activity (IC50 = 1.12 mg/mL) for zymes associated with diabetes (α-amylase and α-glucosidase), showing
extract of L. rivularis leaves obtained at 40 °C and 10 MPa. Uquiche and its potential benefits for health. This is the first report on extraction
Garcés [5] reported a total phenolic content of 1001 mg GAE/kg d.s. for from L. rivularis stalks using supercritical fluid technology.
extract of the same substrate obtained at 40 °C and 15 MPa. Although
the differences between these values and those presented in Table 3 are Author disclosure statement
clear, and are attributable to differences in substrate type, extraction
condition and solvent, the values are of the same order of magnitude The authors declare no conflict of interest.
and demonstrate important properties in L. rivularis stalk extract. To
complement the characteristics of the selected extract, a quantitative Declarations of interest
determination was made of bioactive compounds (Table 3), such as
caryophyllene oxide (7.28 mg/g), catechin (32.46 mg/100 g), quercetin None.
(16.40 mg/100 g), resveratrol (36.59 mg/100 g). For caryophyllene
oxide, the value is of similar magnitude to values reported in previous Acknowledgments
works on supercritical extraction from L. rivularis leaves, of 7.49 mg/g
[4] and 10 mg/g [4,5]. Bimakr et al. [40] reported between 8.1 and This research was funded by Chilean agency Fondecyt (project
13.5 mg/100 g of catechin in supercritical extract from spearmint 1170841).
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