Barber Colman Power R Con
Barber Colman Power R Con
Barber Colman Power R Con
DYN2-94025-004 DYN2-94026-004
DYN2-94025-004 Pow-R-Con with Keypad/Display Panel mounted in cover
DYN2-94026-004 Pow-R-Con without Keypad/Display Panel
DYNK-55100-001 Keypad/Display Panel only
DYNA-29900-001 Pow-R-Con with Keypad/Display Panel for remote mounting
Barber-Colman DYNA Products
P.O. Box 2940 Tel: (815) 637-3000
1354 Clifford Avenue Fax:(815) 877-0150
Loves Park, IL 61132 DYNA 265-4
2.8 ISOCHRONOUS LOAD SHARING ............................................................................................... 9
2.8.1 LOAD SHARING CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................. 9
2.8.2 DROOP CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 9
2.9 LOAD RAMPING ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.9.1 BLEND MODE CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................. 9
2.9.2 COMMAND MODE CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................... 9
2.10 DEAD BUS CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................... 10
TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEERING ILS ................................................................................................................ 32 SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 32 FILES .................................................................................................................................... 33 COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 33 FACTORY CALIBRATION ..................................................................................................... 33
FIGURE 4 ................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.2 FRONT-END SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................... 36
4.4 4 TO 20 MA CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................ 36
4.4.1 KEYPAD/DISPLAY PANEL ..................................................................................................... 36
4.4.2 FRONT-END SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................... 36
4.5 AUTO SYNCHRONIZING ........................................................................................................... 37
4.5.1 FREQUENCY CALIBRATION .................................................................................................. 37
4.5.2 PHASE CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................ 37
5.4.1 AUTO-SYNCHRONIZING ........................................................................................................ 40 AUTOMATIC .......................................................................................................................... 40 SYNCH HOLD ....................................................................................................................... 41
5.4.2 ISOCHRONOUS LOAD SHARING (ILS) ................................................................................. 42 DROOP ................................................................................................................................. 42 LOAD PULSE ........................................................................................................................ 43 LOAD SHARING ................................................................................................................... 43
5.4.3 LOAD RAMPING OPERATION ................................................................................................ 44 BLEND MODE ...................................................................................................................... 44 COMMAND ........................................................................................................................... 45
5.4.4 DEAD BUS ............................................................................................................................... 46
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................... 47
1.1 GENERAL mounted. RS-485 terminals are provided for connect-
ing to a PC for monitoring, adjusting, and setup.
The Barber-Colman Pow-R-Conä provides integrated,
multi-function control and monitoring of single or mul- CAUTION
tiple generator units. The following features are avail- DO NOT connect the keypad/display panel and the
able with a Pow-R-Con module interfaced to an engine/ front end softward simultaneously. Doing so will re-
generator: sult in damage to the product.
This unit comes equipped with the ability to retain the synchroni-
zation adjustments, similar to Version 2, or discard them, similar
to Version 3.
Input Voltage: 3-phase, 50/60 Hz, 120-480 VAC ± 15% CAUTION
Input Current: 3-phase, 5A at Max. gen. load Excessive line lengths can result in line losses that will ef-
fect operation of Pow-R-Con unit.
Burden: 1.25 VA per phase at 5.0 A
Load Sharing: ± 0.5% Accuracy All terminal locations, numbers, and labels can be found on Fig-
ure 2-1 or marked on the side of the Pow-R-Con unit.
Output Full Load: 1.5-5.0 VDC (Paralleling Lines)
Operating Temperature: 2.5 REQUIREMENT FOR UL LISTING
DYN2 94025-004 -20 to 55° C (-4 to 131° F)
DYN2 94026-004 -20 to 70° C (-4 to 158° F)
For UL listing this device requires a 3 amp type 3AG or
Shipping/Storage Temperature: -40 to 85° C equivalent fuse to be wired into the battery + supply termi-
2.2 MOUNTING Kit p/n DYNK--10419 is available from manufacture. The kit
includes a fuse, fuse holder and installation drawing.
2.2.1 Pow-R-Con
(4) 7/32 thru holes are provided for mounting the Pow-R-Con. 2.6 BASIC CONNECTIONS
See Figure 2-1 for dimensional information.
2.2.2 Remote Keypad/Display Panel This equipment uses lethal voltages. Before installing and/
or servicing unit, disconnect and secure all voltage sources.
1. Select a mounting location that gives the display a minimum
Failure to do so may result is personal injury and/or equip-
of 2.0 inches (50.8 mm) of back clearance.
ment damage.
2. Cut 5.400±.020 by 5.400±.020 inches (136.00±.51 mm)
square in panel. 2.6.1 Generator Voltage Connections
3. Insert display through cabinet and slide retainer bracket over
Connect the generator voltage lines to the Generator Voltage
studs on back of display.
Inputs, Terminals 1, 2 and 3. If a PT (Voltage) transformer is
4. Secure bracket with nuts provided using a 7/16 nut driver or being used, the wires should be routed from the PT transformer
socket. to the terminals.
Terminal blocks will accept a maximum of 16 Awg. The wire 2.6.3 CT Common
used for Input/output wiring must be twisted and shielded, with a
minimum of (5) twists per foot. Connect the generator common (ground) line to the CT Com-
mon, Terminal 7.
2.6.4 Battery
Battery Positive Terminal to Terminal 23 and Battery Negative
Terminal to Terminal 24.
2.6.5 Remote Keypad/Display Panel Breaker Trip Relay Output, Terminals 19 and 20 to generator ci
rcuit breaker.
Breaker Close Relay Output, Terminals 21 and 22 to generator
DO NOT connect the keypad/display panel and the front end
circuit breaker.
softward simultaneously. Doing so will result in damage to
the product. Breaker Aux input terminal 40 and common terminal 39 connect
to the main breakers auxiliary contacts. When the breaker closes
When located within 10 feet of the main controller, connect Pow-
Pow-R-Con control mode changes to Isochronous Load Shar-
R-Con, Terminal 23 to Keypad/Display panel, Terminal 1 and
Pow-R-Con, Terminal 24 to Keypad/Display panel, Terminal 2.
An optional remote potentiometer (5K) may be connected to the
For larger distances, a local 16-30 volt DC power source is re-
Remote Speed Set, Terminals 30, 31 and 32 to manually adjust
quired. DC Power Source Positive Terminal to Keypad/Display
the engine speed/frequency.
panel, Terminal 1 and DC Power Source Negative Terminal to
Keypad/Display panel, Terminal 2. Parallel Line Input/Output, Terminals 36 and 37 to additional Pow-
R-Con units.
The display can be mounted up to 4000 ft. away from the main
controller when using proper wiring (Battery +/- twisted, RS-485 2.8.2 Droop Connections
Droop Input, Terminal 35 connected to the Parallel Line, Termi-
2.7 AUTO-SYNCHRONIZING nal 37 to enable the Droop function.
2.8 ISOCHRONOUS LOAD SHARING Load Generator Enable Input, Terminal 41 connected to the Com-
mon, Terminal 45 or to the PLC.
2.8.1 Load Sharing Connections Unload Generator Enable Input, Terminal 43 connected to the
Common, Terminal 45 or to the PLC.
Forward Power On Relay Output, Terminals 10 and 11 to down-
stream engine/generator control. Breaker Trip Enable Input, Terminal 44 connected to Common,
Terminal 42 to enable Breaker Trip Relay Output, Terminal 19
Forward Power Off Relay Output, Terminals 12 and 13 to down-
and 20.
stream engine/generator control.
Reverse Power On Relay Output, Terminals 14 and 15 to en- Optional: Remote Power Set Potentiometer Input, Terminals
gine/generator control. 25, 26 and 27 to remote potentiometer (5K) to manually adjust
power level.
Dead Bus Enable Input, Terminal 51 connected to the Common,
Terminal 52 to enable the Dead bus Mode.
CCW 25
External Power Set Remote (external) power level setti ng capabi li ty for power level i n
Pwr Set 26
Potenti ometer Input command mode. Wi re to 5K external potenti ometer.
CW 27
Governor Speed Set Output Gov Spd Set 28 Generator governor's speed setti ng. Wi re to generator's governor.
D i gi tal i nput to select blend mode for load rampi ng functi on. Jumper to
Blend Mode Enable Input Blend Mode 46
common or wi re to PLC .
D i gi tal i nput to select command mode for load rampi ng functi on. If
C ommand Mode Enable nei ther command nor blend i nputs are selected then load rampi ng
C ommand Mode 48
Input functi on i s i nacti ve, and Pow-R-C on operates i n normal load shari ng
mode. Jumper to common or wi re to PLC .
RS-485 Interface or Remote RS-485 A 49 RS-485 i nterface for cabi net door mounti ng of di splay uni t or remote
Keypad/D i splay Panel RS-485 B 50 PC connecti on.
D i gi tal i nput to enable bri dge i ntegrater for governor speed set. D o not
Bri dge Integrator Enable
Bri dge Int 51 enable i n auto-synch and command modes. Jumper to common or
wi re to PLC .
Batt + 1 Wi re to 18-28 VD C power source (from Termi nal 23 of Pow-R-C on uni t).
Batt - 2 Wi re to 18-28 VD C power source (from Termi nal 24 of Pow-R-C on uni t).
Shi eld 3 C onnect to shi eldi ng termi nati on termi nals (B/T Termi nals 24/25 or 37/38)
Note: Termi nal No. 1 i s the termi nal nearest the si de edge.
3.1 GENERAL reference voltage. If the governor supplies the reference volt-
age switch (1) is set to off and switch (2) is set to on. If the
User settings are entered through the Keypad/Display Panel on governor does not supply the references switch 1) is set to on
the controller or from a laptop through the RS-485 interface and and R174 can be adjusted so the Pow-R-Con uses a lower
front-end software. internal reference. The governor reference (terminal 29) on the
Pow-R-Con must be connected to the reference terminal on
Dip switches are provided for selecting the type of governor. the governor.
Governor SWITC H POSITIONS -004 Interconnecti on
Barber-C olman 1 0 0 1 0
C ummi ns EFC 1 0 0 1 0
C ummi ns QST 0 0 1 1 0
C ummi ns QSK 0 0 1 1 0
D eutz EMR 0 0 1 1 0
GAC 0 0 1 0 1
Hei nzmann 1 1 0 0 1
Scani a D EC -2 0 0 1 0 1
MTU D D EC 0 0 1 1 0
MTU MD EC 0 1 1 1 0
Woodward 8290 1 1 1 1 0
Woodward 2301A 0 1 1 1 0
to match the requirements of the governor. In this case, the CAUTION
gain of the Governor Speed Set Signal is being adjusted. Other- ALWAYS practice safe static procedures when working in
wise, the switch should be in the OFF position and the fixed gain or around the PC board assembly. Failure to do so may
of the Governor Speed Set Signal will be used. result in damage to static-sensitive parts.
Switch (4)-Governors that increase speed with a positive volt-
age change are called forward acting. For forward acting gover- 3.3 KEYPAD/DISPLAY PANEL
nors the switch should be in the ON position and Switch (5)
should be OFF. CAUTION
DO NOT connect the keypad/display panel and the front end
Swith (5)-Governors that decrease speed with a positive volt- softward simultaneously. Doing so will result in damage to
age change are called reverse acting. For reverse acting gover- the product.
nors the switch should be in the ON position and Switch (4)
should be OFF. If you have a unit with a keypad/display panel, complete the fol-
lowing procedure. If you do not have a unit with a keypad/dis-
Note: If both switch (4) and switch (5) are in the ON position, no play panel, go to Section 3.4 for PC Front-end Software Setup.
damage will occur. However, the system will not operate
properly. Refer to Section 5.2 for instructions on how to access each of
the menus listed in this section.
The dip switches are located under the cover. The cover can be
removed by removing (4) hex nuts (Figure 2-1). Pow-R-Con units 3.3.1 Power-up
with an integral display will have wires connected to the back-
side of the cover/display. For support of the cover with display, Each time power is applied to the Pow-R-Con and the display
attach the top (2) holes in the cover to the bottom (2) baseplate panel, the following information will be displayed and verified
(cover) studs. during Pow-R-Con initialization:
S e t u p S y s t e m
G e n P o w e r 1 KW 0-2500 1
B u s F r e q 6 0 H z 50, 60 60
P T R a t i o 1 1-600 1
C T R a t i o A 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
C T R a t i o B 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
C T R a t i o C 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
P r o g r a m L / s s e t u p
P a r a l l V o l t 3 . 0 0 0 V 0-2500 1
P T R a t i o 1 1-600 1
C T R a t i o A 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
C T R a t i o B 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
C T R a t i o C 1 . 0 1.0-999.9 1.0
G e n P o w e r 1 KW 0-2500 1
D B L e v e l 1 0 V A C 0 - 30 10
S y n c h H o l d O n On, Off On
3.3.3 Program Load Share Set-up This parameter is used to scale the generator output volt-
age for display and to calculate generator power output.
For Keypad/Display Panel Load Sharing menu structure and
default values refer to Table 3.3. · Current Transformer Ratio - ratio of the line current to the
stepped down current. The output current of the generator
Several values that were used in System Set-up, Section 3.3.2 can be 100s or 1000s of amps which cannot be taken di-
can be reused here: rectly to the Pow-R-Con. The current transformer is used to
reduce the actual input current. The CT ratio is used to make
· Potential (Voltage) Transformer Ratio
the appropriate scaling of this current. This parameter is
· Current Transformer Ratio A used to scale the generator output current for display and to
calculate generator power output. The resulting current to
· Current Transformer Ratio B the unit should be a maximum of 5 A at rated generator
· Current Transformer Ratio C power output.
· Synch Hold The Pow-R-Con adjusts the speed of the gover-
nor during the syncing process. The voltage on the setpoint
can be held or let go (back to starting point) at the time the
breaker closes. If the bus frequency is stable the sync hold can
imporve load sharing accuracy after the breaker closes. If sync
hold is enabled, the unit will hold the speed offset required to
synchronize when the unit is synchronized. If not enabled, after
the engine is synchornized the speed offset required to syn-
chronize will be removed.
P r o g r a m L / s r e l a y s
P w r O N L v l 6 0 % 20-120 60
P w r O F F L v l 3 0 % 10-100 30
R e v P w r L v l 2 0 % 0-40 20
F p w r O N D e l 1 0 S E C 0-300 10
F p w r O N D e l 1 0 S E C 0-300 10
3.3.4 Program Load Share Relay will be closed causing the generator to go off line. The unit
calculates the reverse power level using the Generator Power
For Keypad/Display Panel Load Sharing menu structure and de- entered previously and compare it to the power measured
fault values refer to Table 3-4. through the voltage and current lines. The Reverse Power
On Relay Output contact is closed at this level after an inter-
In L/s Relay, the following parameters will be entered:
nally calculated period of time has elapsed.
· Forward Preset Power Level On is a programmable gen-
· Forward Power On Time length of time that the generator
erator power output level, that is a percentage of rated power,
needs to exceed the Forward Preset Power Level On be-
used to bring a downstream generator on-line. The unit will
fore the Forward Power On Relay Output contact will be
calculate the power level using the Generator Power en-
tered previously and compare it to the power calculated
through the voltage and current lines. The Forward Power · Forward Power Off Time - length of time that the generator
On Relay Output contact is closed at this level after the For- needs to fall below the Forward Preset Power Level Off be-
ward Power On Time has elapsed. fore the Forward Power Off Relay Output contact will be
· Forward Preset Power Level Off - is a programmable power
generation level, that is a percentage of rated power, used
to take a downstream generator off-line. The unit will calcu-
late the power level using the Generator Power entered pre-
viously and compare it to the power calculated through the
voltage and current lines. The Forward Power Off Relay Out-
put contact is closed at this level after the Forward Power
Off Time has elapsed.
· Reverse Preset Power Level is a programmable power
absorption level, that is a percentage of full generator power,
used to take a generator off line when current flows into a
generator (reverse power). At the set reverse power level of
the generator the Reverse Power On Relay Output contact
P r o g r a m S y n c h
P h a s O v e r 1 5 % 1-100 15
P h a s P r o p 3 5 % 1-100 35
P h a s I n t g 3 0 % 1-100 30
F r e q O v e r 2 8 % 1-100 28
F r e q P r o p 5 0 % 1-100 50
F r e q I n t g 7 5 % 1-100 75
P h a s e Ma t c h 1 0 D E G +/- 2-20 10
3.3.5 Program Synch · Frequency Overall Gain acts as a sensitivity adjust for the
frequency control terms. The higher the gain, the more ag-
For Keypad/Display Panel Synchronizing Mode menu structure gressive the correction.
and default values refer to Table 3-5. The default values en-
tered at the factory for the Synchronizing parameters are safe · Frequency Proportional Gain will produce a corrective ac-
values that will synchronize the generator to the bus. The po- tion based on the magnitude of the frequency difference.
tential drawback to using the default values may be the time This is essentially an amplifier. The higher the gain, the more
needed to achieve synchronization versus the time required by aggressive the correction.
the application to get a generator on-line. · Frequency Integral Gain The drawback of using only pro-
portional control is it will introduce a steady state error pro-
Auto Synchronizer performance may be checked and improved.
portional to the magnitude of the original difference. The
Refer to Auto Synchronizing Calibration, Section 4.5 for instruc-
steady state frequency error is corrected using the integral
gain term. the speed of the corrective action is changed by
In Synch, the following parameters will be entered: the frequency integral gain and the magnitude of the pro-
portional frequency error. If an error remains constant, the
· Phase Overall Gain acts as a sensitivity adjust for the control response will continue to increase over time. A larger
phase control terms. The higher the gain, the more ag- gain value will increase the rate of change. This type of con-
gressive the correction by all the phase PID terms. trol will eliminate steady state error. However, it will intro-
· Phase Proportional Gain will produce a corrective action duce system instability.
based on the magnitude of the phase difference. This is · Voltage Match Window range of the difference between
essentially an amplifier. The higher the gain, the more ag- bus voltage and generator voltage that the synchronizer will
gressive the correction. allow to exist at the time the Pow-R-Con initiates the clos-
· Phase Integral Gain The drawback of using only propor- ing of the Breaker Close Relay Output.
tional control is it will introduce a steady state error propor- · Frequency Match Window range of the difference between
tional to the magnitude of the original difference. The steady bus frequency and generator frequency that the synchro-
state phase error is corrected using the integral term. The nizer will allow to exist at the time of the Pow-R-Con ini-
speed of the corrective action is changed by the phase in- tiates the closing of the Breaker Close Relay Output.
tegral gain and the magnituded of the proportional phase
error. If an error remains, the control will continue to adjust. · Phase Match Window range of the difference between
A larger gain value will increase the rate of change. This bus phase and generator phase that the synchronizer will
type of control will eliminate steady state error, but set too allow to exist at the Pow-R-Con initiates the closing of the
high it will introduce system instability. Breaker Close Relay Output.
P r o g r a m C o mm a n d
P w r I n p u t P o t Key, Pot P ot
P w r L O L i m i t 1 0 % 1-100 10
P w r H I L i m i t 8 0 % 1-120 80
P w r S e t L v l 5 0 % 1-120 50
T r i p L e v e l 1 5 % 1-120 15
R a m p U p 2 0 S E C 0-300 20
R a mp D o wn 2 0 S E C 0-300 20
3.3.6 Program Command ously. Once the generator output is below this level, the
breaker will open provided the Break Trip Enable Input is
For Keypad/Display Panel Command Mode menu structure and energized.
default values refer to Table 3-6.
· Ramp Up Time length of time it will take for the generator
In Command Mode, the following parameters will be used: output to ramp from Power Low Limit to Power Set Level.
The time starts when Load Generator Enable Input is ener-
· Power Set Select enables the use of an external potenti-
ometer set the generator power output rather than use the
keypad or PC software to set the power level. · Ramp Down Time length of time it will take for the genera-
tor output to ramp from Power Set Level to Power Low Limit.
· Power Low Limit - generator power output level that is a
The time starts when a signal is provided to the Unload
percentage of rated power output that the user wants to bring
Generator Enable Input.
the generator on-line and hold until a ramping signal is pro-
vided to the Load Generator Enable Input. The unit will cal-
culate the power level using the Generator Power entered
previously. The forward power off relay output contact is
closed at this level.
· Power High Limit is the generator power output level as a
percentage of the generator power rating that the generator
will produce when the Pow-R-Con is commanded to ramp
to high limit. The unit will calculate the power level using the
Generator Power entered previously.
· Power Set Level generator power output level that is a
percentage of rated power output that the user wants to
achieve after the ramping signal has been provided to the
Load Generator Enable Input. The unit will calculate the
power level using the Generator Power. This value is used
when the Power Set Select is Key Board.
· Trip Level maximum generator power output level that is a
percentage of rated power output that the user wants to open
the breaker after the ramping signal has been provided to
the Unload Generator Enable Input. The unit will calculate
the power level using the Generator Power entered previ-
P r o g r a m B l e n d
P w r L O L i m i t 1 0 % 1-100 10
T r i p L e v e l 5 0 % 1-120 50
R a m p U p 2 0 S E C 0-300 20
R a mp D o wn 2 0 S E C 0-300 20
Note: The output of the converter connects to terminals 49 (RS- 7. Use windows explorer to select the file 94025062 in
485 A), and 50 (RS-485 B). directory c:\bcpc by right clicking on the file and
create a shortcut.
8. Move the short cut to the desktop if desired.
3.4.2 PC Front End Softwarde Set-up 9. Right click on the shortcut and select Properties in
the popup menu. In the properties window select
Install of Pow-R-Con front-end software on Windows 98 second Program then select Advanced. In the Advanced
edition. Program Settings select Prevent MS-DOS based
Note: an Internet connection is required to download the latest programs from detecting Windows.
version of software from 10. Click on the OK in the Advanced Program Settings
then click on the OK in the Shortcut Properties.
1. Use the browser of your choice to navigate to the 11. Run the program by double clicking the icon created
DYNA Products home page at the web address above. above.
2. Select software which will display a list of download-
able software.
3. Select Pow-R-Con Software DYN2-94025-004 - The first screen to appear should be the Copyrights Screen which
XXX94025.exe by clicking on XXX94025.exe. The is a rectangular data block within a woven outline pattern show-
current version is 0.62b, which give a file name of ing:
06294025.exe. As new versions are released the
Barber Colman Controller Communications
version number will be incremented. Always download
Copyright 1993 ©
the latest version.
Barber Colman
4. Download the software to a directory of your choice.
All Rights Reserved
For this example the directory used is c:\bcpc.
5. Use windows explorer to double click on file 06294025 The second screen to appear is the LOG IN screen. The cursor
in directory c:\bcpc. A DOS window will appear and will be in the NAME field, type BCC and press the ENTER key.
the program will self-extract into several files. The cursor will jump to the PASSWORD field. Type OEM and
6. Close the DOS window by clicking on the X in the press the ENTER key. As you type, the password wil be dis-
upper let corner of the DOS window. played as astericks.
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ Initial setup Monitor and adjustments ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ Engineering System Files cOmm factory Calibration eXit ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
¦¦ ¦¦¦
Once the password has been entered, the third screen will ap- Opening any of these sub-menus can be done by using the ar-
pear with: row keys or the mouse to highlight the word and pressing EN-
TER. Typing the capitalized letter (hot key) of the file name also
Checking Communications with 94025 at 4800
accesses the menu.
baud.(baud rate may be different)
Note: If a red error screen appears, indicating noise or failure in To complete the set-up procedure:
communications, recheck input power to the Pow-R-Con, 1. Open the Engineering screen, figure 3-9.
RS-485, and laptop interface connections.
2. In the Engineering screen, open the Setup screen, figure 3-
If the setup information has not been set into the Pow-R-Con for 10.
the specific generator being used, the following message will
The information listed on the Setup screen must be entered in
order for the Pow-R-Con to operate. (The factory calibration uses
This unit is not setup properly. Before running the engine, select this information to measure and determine operating param-
the Setup sub-menu from the Engineering menu and perform eters.) Information is set by using the arrow keys or the mouse
the setup of the Pow-R-Con. Please press any key to continue. to highlight the parameter being inserted. For those functions
Note: If the PT ratio and the CT ratio are both 1 the above which do not automatically enter the new value, one must hit the
message will appear. The factory defaults for the PT and ENTER key to install the proper data prior to changing the screen
CT ratio are both 1. by hitting ESC. The values shown in the Setup screen are de-
fault values.
Once the communications check has been completed, the Main
Menu, figure 3-8, will appear:
+----------------------------- Engineering Menu ------------------------------+¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ Auto sync menu ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ VFP match menu ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ Setup set power Monitor setpoints ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ ILS menu view power monitor setupoints ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ measured RMS ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ Overall state ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ relay Control ¦¦
¦ ¦¦
¦ Part Number : 0x93 28489-0 ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
Ver 0.60b rom A.55
· Bridge Integrator enable or disable the hardware integra- Dead Bus enable or disable the ability of the Pow-R-Con
tor portion of the governor speed set PID control scheme to bring a generator on-line during a bus power outage if
for load control. Integral control will eliminate steady state voltage is lower than a user-defined voltage level. This func-
errors from the control system. Once enabled in software tion requires the use of an input signal for activation. When
this function requires the use of an input signal for activa- enabled, auto-synchronizing is bypassed and the breaker
tion. This function should only be used during Blend track- is closed when sync enable is energized.
ing and ILS standby modes. Do not use this in auto-synch
or command modes. In a two Pow-R-Con system only one Range: On, Off Default: Off
of two systems should have the integration enabled.
Escape from Setup when completed to return to the main menu.
Range: On, Off Default: Off
3.4.3 Engineering Relay Control · Reverse Preset Power Level power absorption level that
is a percentage of full generator power rating that user will
For Relay Control Menu structure refer to figure 3-11. allow the generator to absorb before the Reverse Power On
Relay Output contact will be closed. The unit will calculate
In the Relay Control Menu, the following parameters will be en-
the power level using the Generator Power entered previ-
ously. The Reverse Power On Relay Output contact is closed
· Forward Preset Power Level On generator power output at this level after an internally calculated period of time has
level that is a percentage of rated power output that the user elapsed.
wants to bring a downstream generator on-line. The unit will
calculate the power level using the Generator Power en- Range: 0-40 Default: 20
tered previously. The Forward Power On Relay Output con- · Forward Power On Time length of time that the generator
tact is closed at this level after the Forward Power On Time needs to exceed the Forward Preset Power Level On be-
has elapsed. fore the Forward Power On Relay Output contact will be
Range: 20-120 Default: 60
· Forward Preset Power Level Off - power generation level Range: 0-300 Default: 10
that is a percentage of rated power output that user wants to · Forward Power Off Time - length of time that the generator
take a downstream generator off-line. The unit will calculate needs to fall below the Forward Preset Power Level Off be-
the power level using the Generator Power entered previ- fore the Forward Power Off Relay Output contact will be
ously. The Forward Power Off Relay Output contact is closed closed.
at this level after the Forward Power Off Time has elapsed.
Range: 0-300 Default: 10
Range: 10-100 Default: 30
+------------------------- Engineering Auto Sync Menu -------------------------+
¦ ¦
¦ FrqPID_OGain : 28 % ¦
¦ PhsPID_PGain : 35 % FrqPID_PGain : 50 % ¦
¦ ¦
¦ PhsPID_PPGain : 0 % FrqPID_PPGain : 0 % ¦
¦ ¦
¦ PhsPID_IGain : 30 % FrqPID_IGain : 75 % ¦
¦ PhsPID_DGain : 0 % FrqPID_DGain : 0 % ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ PhsPID_O_Gain : 15 % ¦
¦ ¦
¦ bus frequency : 0.000Hz ¦
¦ gen frequency : 0.000Hz ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ phase error : 0.008Deg hz ena Pha PID : 0.50 Hz ¦
¦ ¦
¦ control mode : system standby brk close output : Open ¦
3.4.4 Engineering Auto Synch magnitude of the original difference. On the upside, propor-
tional control will not cause a system instability.
For Front-end Softward Synchronizing Mode menu structure re-
fer to figure 3-12. The default values entered at the factory for Range: 0-100 Default: 35
the Synchronizing parameters are safe values that will synchro-
· Phase Integral Gain will initiate a corrective action that is
nize the generator to the bus. The potential drawback to using
changed at a rate proportional to the phase error. If an error
the default values may be the time needed to achieve synchro-
remains constant, the control response will continue to in-
nization versus the time required by the application to get a gen-
crease over time. A larger gain value will increase the rate
erator on-line.
of change. This type of control will eliminate steady state
Auto Synchronizer performance may be checked and improved. error. However, it will introduce system instability.
Refer to Auto Synchronizing Calibration, Section 4.5 for instruc-
Range: 0-100 Default: 30
· Frequency Overall Gain acts as a sensitivity adjust for
In the Auto Synch Menu, the following parameters can be other frequency control parameters. The higher the gain,
changed: the more aggressive the correction. This parameter will not
· Phase Overall Gain acts as a sensitivity adjust for other initiate a corrective action, it is a scaling factor.
phase control parameters. The higher the gain, the more
Range: 0-100 Default: 28
aggressive the correction.
· Frequency Proportional Gain will produce a corrective ac-
Range: 0-100 Default: 15 tion based on the magnitude of the frequency difference.
· Phase Proportional Gain will produce a corrective action This is essentially an amplifier. The higher the gain, the more
based on the magnitude of the phase difference. This is aggressive the correction. The drawback of proportional
essentially an amplifier. The higher the gain, the more ag- control is it will introduce a steady state error proportional to
gressive the correction. The drawback of proportional con- the magnitude of the original difference. On the upside, pro-
trol is it will introduce a steady state error proportional to the portional control will not cause a system instability.
Range: 0-100 Default: 50
· Frequency Integral Gain will initiate a corrective action that
is changed at a rate proportional to the frequency error. If an
error remains constant, the control response will continue
to increase over time. A larger gain value will increase the
rate of change. This type of control will eliminate steady state
error. However, it will introduce system instability.
3.4.5 Engineering VFP (Voltage Frequency · Frequency Match Window range of the difference between
Phase) Match bus frequency and generator frequency that the synchro-
nizer will require along with voltage match and phase match
For Front-end Software VFP Match menu structure refer to fig- before closing the Breaker Close Relay Output contact.
ure 3-13.
Range: ±0.1-±25.0 Default:: 0.12
In the VFP Match menu, the following parameters can be
· Phase Match Window range of the difference between
bus phase and generator phase that the synchronizer will
· Dead Bus V Max maximum voltage level that is allowable require along with frequency match and phase match be-
across the Bus Voltage Input terminals that will allow the fore closing the Breaker Close Relay Output contact.
unit to close to the bus. Some residual bus voltage often
exists due to noise in the lines. Range: ±2-±20 Default:: 10.000
3.4.6 Additional Engineering Screens · Bus Frequency oscillation speed of the alternating power.
This value is used for frequency matching during auto-syn-
The Front-end Software has additional screens which can be chronization.
used to assess the function of the Pow-R-Con unit.
Range: 50, 60 Default: 60 Initial Setup
· Potential (Voltage) Transformer Ratio - ratio of the in-line to
The Pow-R-Con setup can be accessed through the engineer- out-line voltage of the step down transformer. If no trans-
ing menu as previously described. It can also be accessed former is used, the ratio entered is (1). This parameter is
through the main menu and the Initial Setup menu option, figure used to scale the generator output voltage to calculate gen-
3-14. This menu has additional parameters that can be accessed. erator power output.
· Generator Power - 100% power rating of the generator be- · Current Transformer Ratio A - ratio of the line-to-line cur-
ing controlled by the Pow-R-Con unit. This parameter is used rent of the step down transformer. This parameter is used
to calculate many of the generator output load setpoints that to scale the generator output current to calculate generator
are entered as percentages. poweroutput. The resulting current to the unit should be a
maximum of 5 A at rated generator power output.
Range: 0-2500 Default: 1
Range: 1.0-999.9 Default: 1.0
· System Voltage voltage level being fed into the Pow-R-
· Current Transformer Ratio B - ratio of the line-to-line cur-
Con unit, after (downstream) of the potential transformer (if
rent of the step down transformer. This parameter is used
used). This value is used for voltage matching during auto-
to scale the generator output current to calculate generator
synchronization. Select 120 for100v to 160v range; select
power output. The resulting current to the unit should be a
240 for 160v to 320v range; select 480 for 320v to 600v
maximum of 5 A at rated generator power output.
Range: 1.0-999.9 Default: 1.0
Range: 120, 240, 480 Default: 480
· Current Transformer Ratio C - ratio of the line-to-line cur- · Power Set Select enables the use of an external potenti-
rent of the step down transformer. This parameter is used ometer to set the generator power output rather than use
to scale the generator output current to calculate generator the keyboard or PC software to set the power level.
power output. The resulting current to the unit should be a
maximum of 5 A at rated generator power output. Range: Pot , key Default: pot
Range: 1.0-999.9 Default: 1.0 · Power Set Level generator power output level that is a
· Full Load Bridge Voltage total voltage range that the paral- percentage of rated power output that the user wants to
achieve after the ramping signal has been provided to the
leling lines will use to compute proportional load share. A
Load Generator Enable Input. The unit will calculate the
higher voltage will cause a more rapid system response to
power level using the Generator Power entered previously
load sharing but will also result in a less stable system. A
and match it to the power calculated through the voltage
lower voltage will result in lower resolution requiring larger
and current lines. This value is used in the absence of the
variations in loads before a system correction will occur.
Power Set Select.
Range: 0-5.000 Default: 3.000
Range: 0-120 Default: 50
· Phase Match Window range of the difference between
bus phase and generator phase that the synchronizer will
require along with frequency match and phase match be-
fore closing the Breaker Close Relay Output contact.
POW-R-CON MONITOR AND ANDJUSTMENTS FIGURE 3-15 Monitor and Adjustments and match it to the power calculated through the voltage
and current lines. This value is used as initial load level,
The Monitor and Adjustments screen, figure 3-15 allows the user when Key Pad is used to set Command Mode, High Load
to view the settings as well as the real time status of various Level, instead of Power Set Potentiometer.
operating parameters.
Range: 0-120 Default: 50
· Power Low Limit - generator power output level that is a
percentage of rated power output that the user wants to bring · Breaker Trip Level maximum generator power output level
the generator on-line and hold until a ramping signal is pro- that is a percentage of rated power output that the user wants
vided to the Load Generator Enable Input. The unit will cal- to open the breaker after the ramping signal has been pro-
culate the power level using the Generator Power entered vided to the Unload Generator Enable Input. The unit will
previously and match it to the power calculated through the calculate the power level using the Generator Power en-
voltage and current lines. tered previously and match it to the power calculated through
the voltage and current lines. Once the generator output is
Range: 0-100 Default: 10 below this level, the breaker will open with a signal provided
· Power High Limit is the generator power output level as a to the Breaker Trip Enable Input.
percentage of the generator power rating that the generator Range: 0-40 Default: 15
will produce when the Pow-R-Con closes. The unit will cal-
culate the power level using the Generator Power entered · Ramp Up Time length of time it will take for the generator
previously and compare it to the power calculated through output to ramp from Power Low Limit to Power Set Level.
the voltage and current lines. The time starts when a signal is provided to the Load Gen-
erator Enable Input.
Range: 0-120 Default: 80
Range: 0-300 Default: 10
· Power Set Level generator power output level that is a
percentage of rated power output that the user wants to · Ramp Down Time length of time it will take for the genera-
achieve after the ramping signal has been provided to the tor output to ramp from Power Set Level to Power Low Limit.
Load Generator Enable Input. The unit will calculate the The time starts when a signal is provided to the Unload Gen-
power level using the Generator Power entered previously erator Enable Input.
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+-------------------- File Menu --------------------+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ copy File to controller ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ copy Controller to file ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
10. Select Power Pot CW, then press Enter to calibrate. 6. Press Enter to accept
11. Read voltage across the CW power set terminals, Termi- 7. Press Escape when completed.
nals 25 and 26. 8. With full load on engine:
12. If desired voltage is present, press Enter to accept. 9. Press Enter and Inc/Dec to adjust I High Power until meter
To ensure calibration, turn the Power Pot knob fully counter- reads full load value.
clockwise and clockwise and re-verify the voltage levels. 10. Press Enter to accept.
11. Press Escape when completed.
DO NOT leave the Power Pot knob in the full CW position. 4.4.2 Front-end Software
This will cause the generator to go to maximum calibrated
power production when Command mode is activated. 1. Select Set Pow. Mon. Setpts.
2. With engine running with no load:
4.3.2 Front-end Software
3. Increase/decrease Dutycyc Low until meter reads zero.
1. Enter Calibration screen by selecting Calibration.
4. Press Enter to accept
2. Select Cal. Power Set Low.
5. With full load on engine:
3. Press Enter if new calibration or F10 if re-calibrating.
6. Increase/decrease Dutycyc High until meter reads full load
4. Turn the Power Pot knob counter-clockwise until the hard value.
stop is reached.
7. Press Enter to accept
5. Read voltage across the CCW power set terminals, Termi-
8. Press Escape when completed to get back to main menu.
nals 25 and 26.
6. If desired voltage is present, press Enter twice to accept. Step through remaining Functions/Parameters to customize Pow-
R-Con for proper application. Exit out to DOS shell when cali-
7. Enter Cal. Power Set High.
bration is complete.
8. Press Enter if new calibration or F10 if re-calibration.
9. Turn the Power Pot knob clockwise until the hard stop is 4.5 AUTO SYNCHRONIZING
10. Read voltage across the CW power set terminals, Termi- For Keypad/Display Panel Synchronizing Mode menu structure
nals 26 and 27. and default values refer to Table 3-4. The default values can be
changed by following the same principles outlined in Section
11. If desired voltage is present, Press Enter twice to accept. 3.3.1, Set-up Mode with the following change. In step (2), use
12. Press Escape to get back to the main menu. either of the SCROLL keys to access Program mode rather
than Set-up mode. Then use the SCROLL keys to select Synch.
To ensure calibration, turn the Power Pot knob fully counter- Finally, use the SCROLL keys to select the parameters that need
clockwise and clockwise and re-verify the voltage levels. to be changed.
DO NOT leave the Power Pot knob in the full CW position. This procedure MUST be performed prior to placing the Pow-
This will cause the generator to go to maximum calibrated R-Con in unsupervised control of the engine/generator.
power production when Command mode is activated.
4.4 4 TO 20 MA CALIBRATION Before proceeding, insure that engine governor installation
and calibration have been properly performed according to
4.4.1 Keypad/Display Panel manufacturers requirements.
1. Select Setup Mode. Note: The Pow-R-Con will not function unless the frequency
2. Enter Password. Press the ENT, DEC, SCROLL (left), and of the generator being brought on-line reaches a fre-
SELECT keys for the password. quency equal to the generator already on-line within ±
1.5 Hz.
3. Select Power Monitor.
4. With engine running with no load: Note: Interaction occurs between phase and frequency ele-
ments during normal operation. To eliminate this interac-
5. Press Enter and Inc/Dec to adjust I Low Power Value until tion during calibration, only one set of values is evalu-
meter reads zero. ated at a time.
Note: Prior to making any Pow-R-Con adjustments, record all 8. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe
previously set-up parameters or refer to menu structure any instability.
charts for default values for phase and frequency control 9. If the system continues to be unstable, decrease the previ-
inputs. ous input value by half the previous input value decrease
To aid in checking or improving the performance of the Auto (i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%, 25%). Otherwise increase the
Synchronizer, a Synchroscope, dual channel recorder with two previous input value by half the previous input value decrease
frequency channels, one for the bus and one for the generator, (i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%, 35%).
or an AC voltmeter from the same phase across the generator 10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 until the Frequency Proportional Gain
breaker can be used. value is set within 2%.
Prior to performing the calibration procedure, disconnect the 11. Repeat Steps 4-10 for the Frequency Integral Gain value (if
wires from the Breaker Close Relay Output, Terminal 21 and being used).
Terminal 22. This will prevent actually closing the breaker. It is 12. If system stability cannot be achieved, reduce the Frequency
recommended that a light or ohmmeter be connected to the Proportional and Frequency Integral Gain values to zero (0),
Breaker Close Relay Output to indicate when a closure signal is and set the Frequency Overall Gain value higher or lower
given. as indicated by the scenarios below:
a. If the system experiences fast oscillations, reduce the
4.5.1 Frequency Calibration Frequency Overall Gain to 25% and repeat Steps 4-11.
Note: Frequency calibration should be performed prior to phase b. If the system experiences slow oscillations, reduce the
calibration. Frequency Overall Gain to 75% and repeat Steps 4-11.
The control input parameters to be evaluated to achieve 13. Continue in this manner, adjusting the Frequency Overall
calibration are: Gain to achieve the correct sensitivity for the system.
· Frequency Overall Gain 14. Reset frequency back to as close to bus frequency as pos-
· Frequency Proportional Gain sible. If sync stability is not achievable verify frequency us-
ing the above calibration steps 1-4.
· Frequency Integral Gain
4.5.2 Phase Calibration
· Frequency Derivative Gain (front-end software only - con-
tact factory to change the default value) Note: Phase calibration should be performed after frequency
calibration. If Frequency calibration has not been com-
Use the following steps as a guide to obtain initial calibration.
pleted, refer to previous section, Frequency Calibration,
Additional adjustments may be required to optimize the opera-
Section 3.2.1.
tion of each engine/generator unit.
1. Set all phase and frequency control input parameters to zero The control input parameters to be evaluated to achieve calibra-
(0) or OFF. tion are:
2. Set the Frequency Overall Gain value to 50%. The Frequency · Phase Overall Gain
Overall Gain acts as a sensitivity adjust for the other fre-
quency control input values.
· Phase Proportional Gain
3. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe · Phase Integral Gain
any instability using a synchroscope or oscilloscope. · Phase Derivative Gain (front-end software only - contact
4. Set the Frequency Proportional Gain value to 10%. factory to change the default value)
5. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe Use the following steps as a guide to obtain initial calibration.
any instability. Additional adjustments may be required to optimize the opera-
6. Continue increasing the Frequency Proportional Gain value tion of each engine/generator unit. It may be necessary to read-
by doubling the previous input value (i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%) just the frequency parameters after performing the phase cali-
until an instability is observed when switching between Sync bration.
Disable and Sync Enable. 1. Set the Phase Overall Gain value to 50%. The Overall Gain
7. When the system becomes unstable, decrease the previ- acts as a sensitivity adjust for the other phase control input
ous input value by half the previous input value increase values.
(i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%).
2. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe 10. Repeat Steps 4-10 for the Phase Integral Gain value (if
any instability using a synchroscope or oscilloscope. being used).
3. Set the Phase Proportional Gain value to 10%. 11. If system stability cannot be achieved, reduce the Phase
4. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe Proportional and Phase Integral Gain values to zero (0), and
any instability. set the Phase Overall Gain value higher or lower as indi-
cated by the scenarios below:
5. Continue increasing the Phase Proportional Gain value by
doubling the previous input value (i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%) until a. If the system experiences fast oscillations, reduce the
an instability is observed when switching between Sync Dis- Phase Overall Gain to 25% and repeat Steps 4-11.
able and Sync Enable. b. If the system experiences slow oscillations, reduce the
6. When the system becomes unstable, decrease the previ- Phase Overall Gain to 75% and repeat Steps 4-11.
ous input value by half the previous input value increase 12. Continue in this manner, adjusting the Phase Overall Gain
(i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%). to achieve the correct sensitivity for the system.
7. Switch between Sync Disable and Sync Enable to observe
any instability.
8. If the system continues to be unstable, decrease the previ-
ous input value by half the previous input value decrease
(i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%, 25%). Otherwise increase the
previous input value by half the previous input value decrease
(i.e., 10%, 20%, 40%, 30%, 35%).
9. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 until the Phase Proportional Gain value
is set within 2%.
5.1 GENERAL When a data entry is selected, the value is changed by pressing
the Increase or Decrease key.
The Pow-R-Con is a stand-alone panel containing the micropro-
cessor controls and field wiring terminals to connect to a gener- ENTER - Enter key
ating unit. It also contains terminals for connecting it to a net- When a desired data entry value is displayed, pressing the EN-
work of generators. The monitoring, commanding, and setup TER key will store the parameter value into non-volatile memory
functions are performed through the use of a Keypad/Display for use by the program.
Panel or the Front End Software and an external laptop com-
puter. Also, pressing ENTER during the monitor mode will stop the
display from scrolling. Pressing ENTER again causes scrolling
Prior to operating the system, Section 3.0 of this manual which to resume.
details how to set up the Pow-R-Con for the users specific ap-
plication must be completed. There are also many settings that During initial power up, the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) on the
can be changed to enhance and improve the performance of Keypad/Display Panel displays the panel revision level, then re-
the Pow-R-Con unit. For general guidelines on how to use the verts to automatically scrolling through the following measured
keypad to change settings, refer to the Section 5.2 For general phase-to-phase, phase-to-neutral, and average values:
guidelines on how to use the Front End Software to change set-
tings, refer to Section 5.3. · Phase (1-N, 1-2, 2-N, 2-3, 3-N, 3-1, and AVG)
After the Setup Procedure has been properly completed, the When the above phases are being displayed the items are dis-
engine governor must be properly calibrated. Refer to Section played for each phase (as appropriate).
4.0 of this manual which details how to calibrate the Pow-R- · Volts
In the Review, Program, or Setup modes, the Scroll key allows REVIEW (parameters cannot be edited in this mode)
forward or reverse display of the various menu selections. · Sync
SELECT - Select key · Command
Pressing the Select key places the unit in the mode or data entry · Blend
point shown on the LCD display.
· Load Share setup
INCREASE / DECREASE - Increase and Decrease keys. · Load Share relays
PROGRAM · Isochronous Load Sharing
· Sync · Load Ramping/Blending
· Command · Dead Bus
· Blend
5.4.1 Auto-Synchronizing
· Load Share setup
The Auto-Synchronizer provides the following features:
· Load share relays
· Adjustable Breaker Closing Angle Window for Phase/Fre-
SETUP quency Match
· System
· Adjustable Voltage match window
· Power pot
· Adjustable Phase and Frequency Gains for the closed loop
· Power Monitor synchronizing control
All of the Pow-R-Con entry descriptions, ranges, and default val- · LED Indication for Sync Enable, Voltage not matched, Fre-
ues are provided in the Keypad/Display Panel menu structure quency not matched, and Phase not matched
tables. Refer to Section 3.0 of this manual for more detailed
information about each menu parameter. Refer to sections 4.3.1
· Voltage Match Relay Output and Voltage Match Control
and 4.4.1 for details on Power level and Power monitor. · Selectable Synch Hold Capability
· Breaker Control
· Synchroscope indication
The Barber-Colman Pow-R-Con is factory calibrated. When sup-
plied with the required set-up information of the particular instal- The synchronizer monitors voltage, frequency and phase of the
lation, it will permit proper operation of the engine/generator. generator and the bus and provides a speed input to the gover-
nor to bring these parameters within the adjustable windows for
Note: The setup information can be pre-set in the Pow-R-Con synchronization. The synchronizer has a maximum capture range
off-site without having the engine/generator attached. of ± 2.0 generator Hz. A normally open relay contact is closed
The Pow-R-Con must be attached to the proper operat- for breaker control when the generator is synchronized. LED
ing engine/generator to test the calibration or to improve lamps are provided to indicate a voltage, frequency and phase
the operation by changing the calibration software. mismatch.
putes error and drives the error to be within the user-defined closed, the auxiliary contacts of the breaker are brought back to
windows for Breaker closure. the Pow-R-Con to confirm that the Generator is connected to
the Bus. At this time the contact closure to the synch enable
When deciding what values to use for the matching windows, should be removed. This should be done so that when the breaker
consideration must be given to the application, equipment being is opened, the Pow-R-Con unit isnt receiving a signal to syn-
controlled, and the equipment using the power. In general, if the chronize and subsequently send a signal to close the breaker.
objective is to produce power as quickly as possible, the match- This can create a potentially dangerous situation depending on
ing window values are typically set wide. This will provide quick- why the breaker was opened because the generator breaker
est synchronization time. will continue to toggle on and off, thereby momentarily recon-
necting the generator to the system. In extreme reverse power
CAUTION situations this could cause substantial damage to the engine/
Setting windows wide will cause larger inrush current to generator.
exist. Review the rating of the control breaker.
Auto Synchronizer performance may be checked and improved.
On the other hand, if power generation is not an emergency, the Refer to Auto Synchronizing Calibration, Section 4.5 for instruc-
matching window values should be tighter. The values should tions.
not be so tight that the equipment cannot achieve them. In this
case, the generator will never come on-line. So, the matching SYNCH HOLD
window values should be as tight as the equipment being con-
trolled can achieve. Synch Hold can provide improved load share balance. The
Synch Hold feature is enabled when the Synch Hold option is
As the voltage builds and reaches approximately 50% of the selected as On through the Keypad/Display panel or Front End
desired voltage, the synchronizer will compare its frequency to Software.
the bus frequency. If the difference between the frequencies is
greater than the user-defined value, the synchronizer will set a When Pow-R-Con unit goes through the auto-synchronizing pro-
voltage as a governor control signal through the Governor Speed cess, the synchronizer will set a voltage as a governor control
Set Output to adjust the engine speed which will adjust the gen- signal through the Governor Speed Set Output to adjust the en-
erator frequency. The synchronizer will continue to compare the gine speed which will adjust the generator frequency and phase.
generator frequency to the bus frequency and make any neces- When the unit is in synchronization and the breaker closes, a
sary adjustments until the frequency error is within the user- specific voltage will be present on the Governor Speed Set Out-
defined window. When this occurs, if using a unit with a keypad/ put. In Synch Hold the Pow-R-Con holds on to the voltage level
display, the FREQ NOT MATCHED LED will go off. used to synchronize, and then begins to adjust this voltage based
on load share requirements in the load share mode. Without
When the difference between the generator frequency and the Synch Hold the Pow-R-Con does not hold onto the voltage
bus frequency is approximately + 0.5 Hz, the generator phase is level used to cause synchronization.
compared to the bus phase. If the difference between the phases
is greater than the user-defined value, the synchronizer will set This feature is generally used when there is a stable bus fre-
a voltage as a governor control signal through the Governor quency. In general, utility power in the United States is very stable
Speed Set Output to adjust the engine speed which will adjust and using the Synch Hold function would be desirable, if very
the generator phase. The synchronizer will continue to compare fast synchronizing is not required.
the generator phase to the bus phase and make any necessary
adjustments until the phase error is within the user-defined win- With the Synch Hold enabled, it would be the same as having
dow. When this occurs, the PHASE NOT MATCHED LED will a Pow-R-Con, Version 2.
go off.
This feature is not used when synchronizing to an unstable bus.
Voltage syncrhonization is performed in parallel with frequency An unstable bus is a power source that has a noticeable fre-
and phasae sychronization. If the difference between the volt- quency fluctuation that is measurable over reasonable amount
ages is outside the user-defined window, the synchronizer will of time. If the unit where to synchronize the generator on the
prompt a change to the generator voltage regulator by closing high side of a fluctuating bus frequency, the generator would
the contact of the Voltage Increase Relay Output or the Voltage spend most of its time in reverse power. In these situations, it is
Decrease Relay Output to adjust the generator voltage. The syn- the users responsibility to manually adjust the engine speed to
chronizer will continue to compare the generator voltage to the provide a generator frequency that would equal the nominal, or
bus voltage and prompt any necessary adjustments until the average of the bus frequency fluctuation.
voltage error is within the user-defined window. When this oc-
As a result of having Synch Hold disabled, once the breaker is
curs, the VOLT NOT MATCHED LED will go off.
closed, the voltage on the Governor Speed Set Output will re-
When the synchronizer measures that the voltage, frequency turn to the initial voltage setting prior to synchronizing.
and phase are within the user-defined windows, it closes the
Breaker Close Relay Output contacts. After the breaker has
With the Synch Hold disabled, it would be the same as having a If the parallel line voltage range was initially set to 3.0 volts, the
Pow-R-Con, Version 3. parallel line voltage for this load would be:
5.4.2 Isochronous Load Sharing (ILS) Parallel Line Volt = .625 * 3.0 = 1.875 V
Isochronous Load Sharing provides the following features: Prior to operating the system in ILS mode, the Program Load
Share Setup, Section 3.3.2 must be completed.
· Built-In Paralleling Relay
· Adjustable Forward Power On, Forward Power Off, Reverse Droop
Power Relay and LED Indication The droop feature is used to put a generator on line with an
· Forward Power On and Off Adjustable Time Delay infinite bus, generally a utility.
· Adjustable Load Pulse Sensitivity (Potentiometer) The infinite bus frequency is fixed; therefore without the parallel-
ing lines to communicate power level, the power will either over-
· Remote Adjustable Governor Speed Set (Potentiometer)
load the engine/generator or cause shutdown on reverse cur-
ILS can provide governor control in four (4) modes: rent, depending upon whether the reference speed for the en-
gine/generator is below or above the Bus frequency.
Single unit isochronous
Without additional equipment, there are not paralleling lines to
· Single unit droop connect when connecting to an infinite Bus. Droop provides a
means to be in load sharing mode with an infinite Bus.
· Parallel unit isochronous
· Parallel unit droop Refer to Droop Calibration, Section 4.2.1 and Droop To Infinite
Bus, Section, for Droop calibration instructions.
Isochronous Load Sharing is used to proportionally divide a com-
mon load between two or more engine/generator sets while main- Multiple generators can be droop pralleled to an inifinite Bus. All
taining a fixed frequency. Each Pow-R-Con compares its gen- engine/generators should be set to the same droop when con-
erator load with the load of all other units in operation using the nected to the bus. Once the engine/generators are paralleled in
paralleling lines. The parallel line voltage either decreases or droop on an infinite bus, the speed of the generator decreases
increases indicating the engines proportional share of the total as load is picked up until a balance between speed and load is
load. The voltage across the paralleling lines is proportionally achieved.
related to generator power output by: Droop is adjustable from 0 to 10% of the engine/generator speed.
Overall Load = Prop * System Load Capacity Any droop setting will result in a corresponding decrease in fre-
quency of the generator output since engine speed and frequency
Overall Load = Prop * (GPR1+GPR2+
+GPRn) are proportional. Droop is also proportional to the current load
carried by the generator to the maximum load rating of the gen-
Where GPR is Generator Power Rating erator.
Parallel Line Volt = Prop * Parallel Volt Setting Droop Speed = Eng Spd * (1 - % Droop * Load )
100 Load Rating
Individual Gen Output = Prop * GPRn
Droop Freq = Gen Freq * (1 - % Droop * Load )
For example: 100 Load Rating
(3) generators rated at 200 KW, 250 KW, and 350 KW operating For example:
in ILS mode carrying a system load of 500 KW would have the
following power output: A 100 KW generator operating at an engine speed of 5000 RPM
generates 120 VAC at 60 Hz. With a droop setting of 10% and a
500 = Prop * (200 + 250+ 350) load of 50 KW, the engine speed will droop to:
Prop = (500/800) = .625 Droop Speed = 5000 * (1 - 10 * 50 )
100 100
Individual Gen Output 1 = .625 * 200 = 125 KW
Droop Speed = 4750 RPM
Individual Gen Output 2 = .625 * 250 = 156.25 KW
Droop Freq = 60 * (1 - 10 * 50 )
Individual Gen Output 3 = .625 * 350 = 218.75 KW
100 100
Droop Freq = 57 Hz
The amount of Droop set into the engine/generator system should In a similar, but reverse fashion, as the power requirement of
be minimized. The engine/generator system should be set-up the system decreases, it falls below a level where a single gen-
so that the resulting full load droop will be divided about the erator can produce sufficient power for the system. As this oc-
desired output, half on the high side, half on the low side. curs, two conditions need to be met to signal a generator to be
taken off-line. The first condition is that the generator power
Refer to Droop Calibration, Section 4.2.1 and Droop To Primary output has fallen below a user-defined power level. The second
Generator, Section, for Droop calibration instructions. To condition is that the generator has maintained or exceeded that
activate droop remove the paralleling from terminals 36 and 37. level for a user-defined period of time. When these conditions
Then short terminal 35 to 37. are met, the Forward Power Off Relay Output contact is closed
and the Forward Power On Relay Contact is opened. When this Load Pulse occurs, if using a unit with a keypad/display, the FORWARD
PWR OFF LED will come on and the FORWARD PWR ON LED
Load Pulse feature is used to minimize the engine/generator
will go off. This same scenario can be used to take additional
speed change when a block change in load occurs. The Load
generators off-line.
Pulse feature senses generator load changes and signals the
governor to increase or decrease engine fuel to minimize the The user can use the Forward Power Off Relay Output contact
change in engine speed. closure to automatically send a signal to the downstream Pow-
R-Con Breaker Trip Enable Input either through a PLC or di-
The Load Pulse should be adjusted to provide the fastest sys-
rectly. The Breaker Trip Enable Input will close the Breaker Trip
tem response that will be stable. Generally a compromise can
Relay Output to open the downstream generators breaker. The
be found between the generator speed change and the associ-
load currently being carried by the downstream generator will be
ated response overshoot. If too much Load Pulse is used, the
instantly picked-up by the remaining generators on-line.
control response can be too abrupt and cause a sizable over-
shoot in engine speed, which in turn will again invoke the Load The Pow-R-Con measures the connected generator power. A
Pulse, potentially causing another droop in engine speed. These voltage is placed on the internal bridge and is proportional to the
oscillations are generally undesirable. maximum power rating of the generator. This power level is com-
municated between Pow-R-Cons via the paralleling lines. As
It should be noted that Load Pulse can only be optimized for one
power increases the bridge voltage is increased toward the pro-
load change condition or a small range of load change scenarios.
grammed maximum voltage. (For example 3 volt = 100% power).
Load Pulse will not provide consistent results over a large range
In load share mode all Pow-R-Con bridge voltages are tied to-
of load change conditions. In this case, the Load Pulse should
gether via the paralleling lines causing a bridge imbalance on
be used to optimize system performance for the maximum block
each of the Pow-R-Cons. The bridge imbalance in turn causes
load change scenario.
the set speed voltage to the governor to increase or decrease in
Refer to Section 4.2.2 For Load Pulse calibration instructions. order to re-balance the bridge voltage on each Pow-R-Con. An
optional remote speed potentiometer may be used to adjust the Load Sharing engine speed/frequency.
Generally, a single generator will begin by carrying the required The real and reactive power (kW/kVAR), power factor and indi-
load. As the total power requirement of the system builds, the vidual phase voltage and current magnitudes (true rms) can
generator begins to approach its maximum power production be monitored through the display. The generator rated voltage,
capability. As this occurs, two conditions need to be met to sig- current, and full load output in kW are used for scaling. A 4-20
nal a generator to be brought on-line. The first condition is that mA output is provided for external monitoring of the generator
the generator power output has exceeded a user-defined power output power.
level. The second condition is that the generator has maintained
Under some circumstances, the generator may begin to absorb
or exceeded that level for a user-defined period of time. When
power from the system. If this occurs, two conditions need to be
these conditions are met, the Forward Power On Relay Output
met to signal the user that a reverse power condition exists. The
contact is closed and the Forward Power Off Relay Output Con-
first condition is that the power absorption has exceeded a user-
tact is opened. When this occurs, if using a unit with a keypad/
defined level. The second condition is that the generator has
display, the FORWARD PWR ON LED will come on and the
maintained that output for a Pow-R-Con determined period of
FORWARD PWR OFF LED will go off. This same scenario can
time. The unit uses an inverse time algorithm to calculate the
be used to bring additional generators on-line.
reverse power time delay. When these conditions are met, the
The user can use the Forward Power On Relay Output contact Reverse Power On Relay Output contact is closed. When this
closure to automatically send a signal to the downstream gen- occurs, if using a unit with a keypad/display, the REVERSE PWR
erator control system. When the breaker for the downstream ON LED will come on.
generator is closed, the load will be immediately redistributed to
all generator.
The user can use the Reverse Power On Relay Output contact output at the user-defined low limit. The user will see a decrease
closure to automatically send a signal to the Pow-R-Con Breaker in the load carried by the generators already on-line equal to the
Trip Enable Input either through a PLC or directly. The Breaker low limit power output. When a signal is provided to the Load
Trip Enable Input will close the Breaker Trip Relay Output to Generator Enable Input, the Pow-R-Con will begin increasing
open the generators breaker. The load currently being carried the generator power output. This is referred to as ramping.
by the generator will be instantly picked-up by the remaining The LOAD GENERATOR LED will come on. The Load Genera-
generators on-line. tor Enable Input can be activated any number of ways, two com-
mon approaches would be with a PLC or a manual switching
When bringing generators on and off-line in ILS mode, a shock device. The Pow-R-Con will monitor the voltage level on the
to the system will be experienced due to the block load change. paralleling lines and increase the generator power output to that
Depending upon the application and the time allowed to bring level over a user-defined time interval. As the power output in-
generating units on-line, this may be necessary. If power gen- creases, the power carried by other generators decreases an
eration is not a solution to an emergency, then Blend Mode, equal amount. This soft loading will prevent the block loading
Section or Command Mode, Section or a combi- and system shock that occurs when closing the generator breaker
nation may be a better option. when operating in ILS mode.
5.4.3 Load Ramping Operation When the generator power output is equal to the level on the
paralleling lines, the internal unit paralleling lines are tied to the
The following load ramping features are available with the Pow- external system paralleling lines and normal load sharing be-
R-Con: tween the generators is resumed. The LOAD GENERATOR LED
· Individually Adjustable 5 Seconds to 5 minutes Up/Down will go off.
Electronic Ramps times
At this point, it appears as if the unit is functioning in ILS mode,
· Adjustable Low and High Power Limit but as long as the Blend Mode Enable Input is activated, the unit
is in Blend Mode. The Blend Mode Load Sharing function oper-
· Remote Adjustable Power Level (Keypad or Potentiometer) ates identically to the ILS Load Sharing function.
· Individual Load Control
Conversely, if the generator is already sharing the load and the
· Adjustable Breaker Trip Limit load has decreased enough to warrant taking the generator off-
line, the user sends a signal to the Unload Generator Enable
· LED Indication -High and Low Limit, Command Mode, Blend Input. The Unload Generator Enable Input can be activated any
Mode, Load Generator, Unload Generator, Breaker Trip number of ways, two common approaches would be with a PLC
or a manual switching device. The Pow-R-Con will disconnect
There are two modes of operation for the load ramping function:
the internal unit paralleling lines from the external system paral-
· Blend leling lines. The UNLOAD GENERATOR LED will come on. The
generator power output will start decreasing to a user-defined
· Command
low limit. The generator power output is decreased to the user-
The primary function of the load ramp is to control the generator defined low limit over a user-defined time interval. When the low
power output independent of the system load sharing voltage limit is reached, the UNLOAD GENERATOR LED will go off. As
monitored on the paralleling lines. In Blend Mode, the discon- the generator power output is decreased, the generators remain-
nect from the paralleling lines is temporary and the voltage on ing in load sharing will pick-up the load.
the lines is used to determine the generator power output. In In Blend Mode, ramping is not a function of input signal. Stated
Command Mode, the disconnect from the paralleling lines is per- another way, the ramping does not occur as long as there is a
manent and the generator power output is user-defined. signal. When a ramping signal is provided, the unit determines
an end point destination. If at any time, the signal is removed, Blend Mode
the destination still exists. The unit is seeking to reach a power
The Blend Mode is enabled when the Blend Mode Enable Input production level in a user-defined amount of time. It basically
is activated. The Blend Mode Enable input can be activated any calculates a slope from the user-defined low limit to the current
number of ways, two common approaches would be with a PLC loading level. Based upon which input was activated, the unit
or a manual switching device. If you have a keypad/display panel, knows whether the slope is positive or negative. To cancel the
the BLEND MODE LED will come on. With the Blend Mode en- ramp, the user has to activate the opposite input.
abled, the Pow-R-Con will initially not connect the internal unit
Another feature of Blend Mode is the user-defined Breaker Trip
paralleling lines to the system paralleling lines.
Level. When the user-defined breaker trip level is reached, and
After the generator has been synchronized to the bus and the a signal is provided to the Breaker Trip Enable Input, the Breaker
breaker is closed, the Pow-R-Con holds the generator power Trip Relay Output contact is closed to open the generator circuit
breaker. As usual, the Breaker Trip Enable Input can be acti-
The Command Mode is enabled when the Command Mode When the generator power output reaches the user-defined level,
Enable Input is activated. The Command Mode Enable input the LOAD GENERATOR LED will go off. The Pow-R-Con will
can be activated any number of ways, two common approaches hold the generator power output at the user-defined level until
would be with a PLC or a manual switching device. If you have a the user sends a signal to the Unload Generator Enable Input.
keypad/display panel, the COMMAND MODE LED will come on. The Unload Generator Enable Input can be activated any num-
With the Command Mode enabled, the Pow-R-Con will discon- ber of ways, two common approaches would be with a PLC or a
nect the internal unit paralleling lines from the system paralleling manual switching device. The UNLOAD GENERATOR LED will
lines. This will prevent the block loading and system shock that come on. The generator power output will start decreasing to a
occurs when closing the generator breaker when operating in user-defined low limit. The generator power output is decreased
ILS mode. to the user-defined low limit over a user-defined time interval.
When the low limit is reached, the UNLOAD GENERATOR LED
After the generator breaker is closed, the Pow-R-Con holds the will go off.
generator power output at the user-defined low limit. When a
signal is provided to the Load Generator Enable Input, the Pow- In Command Mode, ramping is not a function of input signal.
R-Con will begin increasing the generator power output. This is Stated another way, the ramping does not occur as long as there
referred to as ramping. The LOAD GENERATOR LED will come is a signal. When a ramping signal is provided, the unit has a
user-defined destination. If at any time, the signal is removed, errors that exist. Command Mode uses a steady state error to
the destination still exists. The unit is seeking to reach a power achieve a load level.
production level in a user-defined amount of time. It basically
calculates a slope from the user-defined low limit to the user- To reiterate, Command Mode does not sense a load require-
defined high level. Based upon which input was activated, the ment. Command Mode simply generates a user-defined level
unit knows whether the slope is positive or negative. To cancel of power. The user needs to know that a load exists.
the ramp, the user has to activate the opposite input.
See Figure 5-2
Another feature of Command Mode is the user-defined Breaker
Trip Level. When the user-defined breaker trip level is reached, 5.4.4 Dead Bus
and a signal is provided to the Breaker Trip Enable Input, the
The Dead Bus Mode is enabled when the Dead Bus option is
Breaker Trip Relay Output contact is closed to open the genera-
selected as On through the Keypad/Display panel or Front End
tor circuit breaker. As usual, the Breaker Trip Enable Input can
Software and the Dead Bus Enable Input is activated. The Dead
be activated any number of ways, two common approaches
Bus Enable input can be activated any number of ways, two
would be with a PLC or a manual switching device. The beauty
common approaches would be with a PLC or a manual switch-
is that it is the users choice when that signal is sent. The gen-
ing device. If you have a keypad/display panel, the DEAD BUS
erator will stay on-line at the user-specified low limit indefinitely.
LED will come on. With the Dead Bus enabled, the Pow-R-Con
If necessary, the whole blend mode process could be started
will monitor the bus voltage to determine that no voltage or fre-
over again, ramp up, hold, and ramp back down.
quency exists on the Bus. When this condition exists, the Pow-
Do not activate the Bridge Integrator during Command Mode. R-Con will by-pass Auto-Synchronizing and close the Breaker
The Bridge Integrator will not allow the Pow-R-Con to make a Close Relay Output contacts. The generator will begin to pick up
steady state adjustment to the engine speed. The Bridge Inte- the system load. At this point, the generating system can enter
grator will continuously attempt to eliminate any steady state into ILS, Blend Mode, or Command Mode.
2. On the Pow-R-Con verify the switch one is set per table 3-1
and turn R174 20 turns CCW. See Figure 4 for location of
switch one and R174.
Barber-Colman requires an independent overspeed shut
down device to prevent loss of engine control which may
cause personal injury and/or equipment damage.
- NOTE -
Barber-Colman believes that all information provided herein is
correct and reliable and reserves the right to update at any time.
Barber-Colman does not assume any responsibility for its use
unless otherwise expressly undertaken.